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Alevel 经济试卷

Alevel 经济试卷
Alevel 经济试卷


1 What is a reason why firms making similar products sometimes locate near each other?

A competition is decreased

B there are external economies of scale

C there are internal economies of scale

D transport costs may be eliminated

2 The diagrams represent total cost curves (TC) of four firms in the short run.

Which firm has only fixed costs?

3 To achieve horizontal integration a record company producing compact discs (CDs) could merge with another firm. What would this firm most likely be doing?

A owning shops selling CDs

B producing CDs

C producing C

D players

D producing machinery used in the making of CDs

4 What is a difference between a monopoly and a perfectly competitive firm?

A A monopoly always has economies of scale and a perfectly competitive firm has diseconomies of scale.

B A monopoly always operates in the public sector and a perfectly competitive firm always operates in the private sector.

C A monopoly is a price maker and a perfectly competitive firm is a price taker.

D A monopoly seeks to maximise profits and a perfectly competitive firm seeks to maximise output.

5 An entrepreneur started a small business making candles. In the first month 1000 candles were made. The costs were

What were the average variable costs for the month?

A $1.00

B $1.80

C $1.90

D $2.00

6 Which aim of government policy is most likely to be achieved by an increase in interest rates?

A economic growth

B greater equality of income

C full employment

D price stability

7 Why might a government encourage a monopoly?

A It can have high average costs.

B It can compete against foreign firms.

C It can prevent innovation.

D It can make excessive profits.

8 Which combination of government policies is most likely to be successful at reducing unemployment?

A budgeting for a surplus and lowering interest rates

B budgeting for a deficit and raising interest rates

C budgeting for a surplus and raising interest rates

D budgeting for a deficit and lowering interest rates

9 A government wishes to raise the general standard of living in its country.

In the short run, which policy would be the most likely to achieve this aim?

A preventing the merger of two companies into a monopoly

B raising taxation to repay government debts

C reducing the rate of income tax while maintaining the services it provides

D spending more on roads in rural areas rather than in city centres

10 Sam wrote a list of how he would prefer to spend his Saturday afternoon.

Unfortunately a thunderstorm caused the cricket match and the town parade to be cancelled. Sam went to the cinema. What was the opportunity cost of going to the cinema?

A going to the cricket match

B watching the town parade

C visiting his relatives

D losing his Saturday free time

11 How does a production possibility curve show that scarcity exists?

A It shows that a rise in demand for one of the products increases its price.

B It shows that as more resources are used to produce a product, its price rises.

C It shows that at any point outside the production possibility curve an economy is wasting resources.

D It shows that there is a limit to the quantity of products that can be produced with existing resources and technology.

12 In which case is it possible to set the level of reward, before production takes place for the first factor of production but not for the second?

13 In the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, the opening ceremony will take place in the Maracana Stadium, which can seat 82000 spectators. It is expected that all tickets for the ceremony will be sold quickly, leaving many people dissatisfied. What can be concluded from this?

A Price elasticity of demand for tickets will be perfectly elastic.

B Some people will be able to resell their tickets at a higher price than they paid for them.

C The Olympic authority will make more tickets available for sale.

D This will be an example of market failure.

14 The diagrams show different conditions of demand and supply for a product.

In which diagram would market price remain unchanged if consumers’ incomes fell?

15 In 2011, a company selling milk in glass bottles replaced them with new plastic bottles. When they were introduced, the equilibrium quantity on the market fell. What could be a reason for this fall?

A Consumers preferred the new bottle because it was lighter to carry.

B Milk from the farms used to fill the bottle cost more.

C The bottle was cheaper than the existing glass bottle to produce.

D The new bottle was introduced with a successful advertising campaign.

16 Which change would make the supply of a product more price elastic?

A an increase in the number of close substitutes for the product

B an increase in the proportion of firms working at full capacity

C a reduction in the time taken to make the product

D a reduction in the time that the product can be stored

17 Developers want to increase the size of a major retail shopping area in a city. It is thought that the proposal would create hundreds of jobs, be profitable for the shops but cause major traffic congestion.

What economic concepts are involved in this statement?

A external cost and private benefit

B income distribution and inelastic demand

C private investment and a decrease in supply

D social benefit and perfect competition

18 Which will encourage domestic producers to grow more maize?

A granting subsidies to maize producers

B increasing the sales tax on maize

C removing guaranteed minimum prices for maize

D removing quotas on imported maize

19 What will be the most likely effect of a fall in interest rates on saving and borrowing?

20 When will a trade union find it easier to achieve higher wages for its members?

A when consumers demand more of the product made

B when the company has a decrease in profits

C when the cost of raw materials increases

D when unemployment increases

21 What might be a direct benefit to the individual worker of a specialised job?

A Specialisation enables a better quality product to be produced.

B Specialisation enables the firm to introduce more machinery.

C Specialisation enables the worker to become more skilled.

D Specialisation makes better use of resources.

22 The table shows the change in real incomes for a number of occupations between 1978 and


What can be concluded from the table?

A All occupations were better off in 2008 than in 1978.

B Fork-lift truck drivers earned the lowest wages in 2008.

C Doctors have earned more than lawyers since 1978.

D Professionals received higher percentage increases in income than manual workers.

23 Which function of money enables people to compare the worth of different products?

A medium of exchange

B standard for deferred payments

C store of value

D unit of account

24 Which of the following could not be a reason for imposing tariffs on imported goods?

A to encourage self sufficiency

B to lower the general price level within the economy

C to protect a growing domestic industry

D to reduce a balance of trade deficit

25 Which of the following is an export of Jamaica?

A a loan to Jamaica by the International Monetary Fund

B Jamaican holidays taken by American tourists

C dividends paid by a company in Jamaica to its American shareholders

D sales of Japanese cars in Jamaica

26 A developing country’s two major sources of income from international trade are fishing and tourism. If the country’s exchange rate depreciated, what is likely to happen?

A Imported goods would become cheaper for local people.

B The country would definitely become poorer.

C The price of fish sold as exports would become cheaper.

D Tourists to the country would be discouraged by higher prices.

27 In some developing countries a large percentage of the population is involved in subsistence farming. What can be concluded from this?

A Each family will be able to produce enough to live on.

B Production is unlikely to be capital intensive.

C Production will be efficient.

D There will be a high level of trade.

28 A country has a falling birth rate and a rising death rate while an increasing number of its working age adults (16-60 years) are seeking employment abroad.

How will this probably affect the numbers in the different age groups in the country?

29 Which would best indicate the start of an economic recession?

A falling interest rates

B fluctuating levels of employment

C negative growth of GDP

D steadily increasing price levels

30 The table shows the change in the labour force in Bangladesh between 2006 and 2009.

Which statement is most likely to be consistent with these statistics?

A Farming is the major employer in the economy.

B Male workers are more mobile than female workers.

C The absolute increase in the labour force is greater in urban areas than rural areas.

D The supply of female workers has fallen.


alevel数学试卷答案 一、填空题 1.一元二次方程的一般形式是__________. 2将方程-5x2+1=6x化为一般形式为__________. 3.将方程(x+1)2=2x化成一般形式为__________. 4.方程2x2=-8化成一般形式后,一次项系数为__________,常数项为 __________. 5.方程5(x2-x+1)=-3x+2的一般形式是__________,其二次项是 __________,一次项是__________,常数项是__________. 6.若ab≠0,则x2+x=0的常数项是__________. 7.如果方程ax2+5=(x+2)(x-1)是关于x的一元二次方程,则a__________. 8.关于x的方程(m-4)x2+(m+4)x+2m+3=0,当m__________时,是一元二次方程,当m__________时,是一元一次方程. 二、选择题 1.下列方程中,不是一元二次方程的是( ) A.2x2+7=0 B.2x2+2x+1=0 C.5x2++4=0 D.3x2+(1+x) +1=0 2.方程x2-2(3x-2)+(x+1)=0的一般形式是( ) A.x2-5x+5=0 B.x2+5x+5=0 C.x2+5x-5=0 D.x2+5=0 3.一元二次方程7x2-2x=0的二次项、一次项、常数项依次是( ) A.7x2,2x,0 B.7x2,-2x,无常数项 C.7x2,0,2x D.7x2,-2x,0 4.方程x2-=(-)x化为一般形式,它的各项系数之和可能是( ) A. B.-C. D. 5.关于x的方程(ax+b)(d-cx)=m(ac≠0)的二次项系数是ac,则常数项为( ) A.m B.-bd C.bd-m D.-(bd-m) 6.若关于x的方程a(x-1)2=2x2-2是一元二次方程,则a的值是( ) A.2 B.-2 C.0 D.不等于2 7.若x=1是方程ax2+bx+c=0的解,则( ) A.a+b+c=1 B.a-b+c=0 C.a+b+c=0 D.a-b-c=0 8.关于x2=-2的说法,正确的是( ) A.由于x2≥0,故x2不可能等于-2,因此这不是一个方程 B.x2=-2是一个方程,但它没有一次项,因此不是一元二次方程


Core Mathematics1(AS/A2)——核心数学1 1.Algebra and functions——代数和函数 2.Quadratic functions——二次函数 3.Equations and inequalities——等式和不等式 4.Sketching curves——画图(草图) 5.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何 6.Sequences and series——数列 7.Differentiation——微分 8.Integration——积分 Core Mathematics2(AS/A2)——核心数学2 1.Algebra and functions——代数和函数 2.The sine and cosine rule——正弦和余弦定理 3.Exponentials and logarithm——指数和对数 4.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何 5.The binomial expansion——二项展开式 6.Radian measure and its application——弧度制及其应用 7.Geometric sequences and series——等比数列 8.Graphs of trigonometric functions——三角函数的图形 9.Differentiation——微分 10.Trigonometric identities and simple equations——三角恒等式和简单的三角等式 11.Integration——积分 Core Mathematics3(AS/A2)——核心数学3 1.Algebra fractions——分式代数 2.Functions——函数 3.The exponential and log functions——指数函数和对数函数 4.Numerical method——数值法 5.Transforming graph of functions——函数的图形变换 6.Trigonometry——三角 7.Further trigonometric and their applications——高级三角恒等式及其应用 8.Differentiation——微分 Core Mathematics4(AS/A2)——核心数学4 1.Partial fractions——部分分式 2.Coordinate geometry in the (x,y)plane——平面坐标系中的坐标几何 3.The binomial expansion——二项展开式 4.Differentiation——微分 5.Vectors——向量 6.Integration——积分


随着这几年国际学校的持续升温,越来越多中国体制内受教育的学生开始选择就读国际学校,而每家国际学校的入学条件和课程设置都不一样。所以家长在为孩子选择学校的时候要务必仔细斟酌考量,做到理性选择学校。今天就为大家介绍一下上海国际学校的和入学条件和模拟试题。 一、领科学校入学时间 入学时间丨2019春季入学 考试时间丨2018年10月27日(周六)13:00~16:00 / 2018年11月25日(周日)建议没什么把握参加第一场,可以考两次 考试科目丨英语(13:00-14:20)、数学(14:35-15:55) 招生对象丨初三、高一在读学生(面向全国,不限户籍) 招生数量丨60人 录取要求丨招生人数少,比秋季班更难 报名方式丨登录官方网站 进入“招生咨询”之“报名登陆”,填写报名表。

二、数学模拟试题内容 数学.1 Section A 10 questions(10 marks):基本单词默写 Section B 15 questions(30 marks):解答题 Section C 1 question (6 marks):压轴题 数学 1.The Number System 2.Linear equations &Linear systems 3.Quadratic equations 4.Linear inequalities 5.Linear functions 6.Quadratic functions 7.Reciprocal functions 8.Graph transformations: translation, rotation 9.Angles in parallel lines 10. Triangles 11.Quadrilaterals 12.Similar shapes 13.Sine, cosine, tangent in an acute-angled triangle


A-level数学必学词汇汇总 数学 mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理理 axiom 定理理 theorem 计算 calculation 运算 operation 证明 prove 假设 hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题 proposition

算术 arithmetic 加 plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数 augend, summand 加数 addend 和 sum 减 minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.)被减数 minuend 减数 subtrahend 差 remainder 乘 times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数 multiplicand, faciend 乘数 multiplicator 积 product 除 divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 被除数 dividend 除数 divisor 商 quotient 等于 equals, is equal to, is equivalent to ?大于 is greater than ?小于 is lesser than ?大于等于 is equal or greater than ?小于等于 is equal or lesser than

运算符 operator 数字 digit 数 number ?自然数 natural number 整数 integer ?小数 decimal ?小数点 decimal point 分数 fraction 分?子 numerator 分?母 denominator ?比 ratio 正 positive 负 negative 零null, zero, nought, nil ?十进制 decimal system ?二进制 binary system ?十六进制 hexadecimal system 权 weight, significance 进位 carry 截尾 truncation 四舍五?入 round

a-alevel 数学简介复习课程

a-a l e v e l数学简介

第三节英国A-level数学课程 一.A-level课程优势及其介绍 英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level )简称A-Level课程,它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,就像我国的高考一样,A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。在中国开设A-Level课程旨在为中国学生提供进入国外大学的有效途径,具体目标为:培养在国内初高中成绩优秀的学生进入世界顶尖大学;培养在国内初高中成绩中等的学生进入世界一流大学;培养在国内初高中成绩一般的学生考取适合自己的大学。 这种课程要求学生学习三门或四门主科课程并参加毕业考试,考试合格者即可进入大学就读。学生的考试成绩及其所选修的A-Level课程在很大程度上决定着能否进入理想的大学和学习所选择的学位课程。英国的大多数中学开设的A-Level课程科目相当广泛,有文科、商科、经济、语言、数学、理科、计算、法律、媒体、音乐等。 该课程体系的教学大纲、课程设置及其考试分别由英国四个主要考试局Cambridge International Examinations, 简称CIE, Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations 简称OCR, Assessment and Qualifications Alliance 简称AQA 和EDEXCEL等设计并组织,其权威性得到了国际上的广泛认可。迄今为止,全球已有5000多个教育机构开设了英国高中课程,每年有数百万学生参加由这些考试局组织的统一考试。由于该课程的科学性和权威性,新加坡甚至直接将该课程考试作为大学入学的全国统一考试,香港也将该课程引进,作为大学入学的测试标准。 A- Level课程一般在中国开设数学、进阶数学(或称高等数学)、物理、计算机学、会计学、商业学、经济学等课程供学生选择。学生如果对将来所学专业有了清晰的选择,那么选课就必须谨慎,因为有的专业是具有特殊要求的,例如:将来学习医学,现在就需要学习化学和生物学。如果学生对将来留学的大学或专业有了选择。 英国国家考试局对每一个开设A- Level的高级附属中心都进行严格的教学质量控制措施。每一位教授A- Level课程的老师都经过严格的筛选和测评。同时,老师们也可以通过多种渠道得到英国国家考试局的协助和培训。为了监控分布在世界上150多个国家教育中心的教学质量,这些考试局已经在全球各地建立了完善的组织网络;通过其批准的高级附属中心,不定期地对教学质量进行检查和评定。从而保证每一个就读A- Level课程的学生能接受到高质量的教育。

a-alevel 数学简介

第三节英国A-level数学课程 一.A-level课程优势及其介绍 英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level )简称A-Level课程,它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程,就像我国的高考一样,A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。在中国开设A-Level课程旨在为中国学生提供进入国外大学的有效途径,具体目标为:培养在国内初高中成绩优秀的学生进入世界顶尖大学;培养在国内初高中成绩中等的学生进入世界一流大学;培养在国内初高中成绩一般的学生考取适合自己的大学。 这种课程要求学生学习三门或四门主科课程并参加毕业考试,考试合格者即可进入大学就读。学生的考试成绩及其所选修的A-Level课程在很大程度上决定着能否进入理想的大学和学习所选择的学位课程。英国的大多数中学开设的A-Level课程科目相当广泛,有文科、商科、经济、语言、数学、理科、计算、法律、媒体、音乐等。 该课程体系的教学大纲、课程设置及其考试分别由英国四个主要考试局Cambridge International Examinations, 简称CIE, Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations 简称OCR, Assessment and Qualifications Alliance 简称AQA 和EDEXCEL等设计并组织,其权威性得到了国际上的广泛认可。迄今为止,全球已有5000多个教育机构开设了英国高中课程,每年有数百万学生参加由这些考试局组织的统一考试。由于该课程的科学性和权威性,新加坡甚至直接将该课程考试作为大学入学的全国统一考试,香港也将该课程引进,作为大学入学的测试标准。 A- Level课程一般在中国开设数学、进阶数学(或称高等数学)、物理、计算机学、会计学、商业学、经济学等课程供学生选择。学生如果对将来所学专业有了清晰的选择,那么选课就必须谨慎,因为有的专业是具有特殊要求的,例如:将来学习医学,现在就需要学习化学和生物学。如果学生对将来留学的大学或专业有了选择。 英国国家考试局对每一个开设A- Level的高级附属中心都进行严格的教学质量控制措施。每一位教授A- Level课程的老师都经过严格的筛选和测评。同时,老师们也可以通过多种渠道得到英国国家考试局的协助和培训。为了监控分布在世界上150多个国家教育中心的教学质量,这些考试局已经在全球各地建立了完善的组织网络;通过其批准的高级附属中心,不定期地对教学质量进行检查和评定。从而保证每一个就读A- Level课程的学生能接受到高质量的教育。


Alevel高数:复数平面的三类图像 在Alevel的Further Math中,和Complex number(复数)结合的非常紧密的一个知识点就是复数在Argand Diagram(阿甘特图)中的表示。复数图形经常会和几何问题结合在一起出题,很多同学都觉得这类习题都比较抽象,但如果真正理解了复数图像的含义,其实并没有那么难。在此之前,我们先讲解一下复数平面: 复数平面: 类似于x-y坐标系,复数平面也有两条轴,但横轴为实数轴(Real Axis),纵轴为虚数轴(Imaginary Axis),每个复数都有其实数部分x和虚数部分y(x+yi),也就对应了其横坐标为x,纵坐标为y。 复数的模和角: 在复数中,一个很重要的概念是复数的模(Modulus)和角(Argument),也即是复数对应的点,到平面原点的距离r,和到平面原点连线和实数轴正半轴的夹角θ。三个最重要的复数图形,也都是由r和θ来表示的。

第一类图像:圆的图像: 表达式:|z - z1| = r 或是|z - (x1 + iy1)| = r 解释:z - z1或是z - (x1 + iy1)意为z到另外一点z1 (x1, y1) 的连线,加了绝对值符号意为距离为r,也就是说,z位于一个圆心是z1 (x1, y1),半径为r的圆上。 第二类图像:垂直平分线: 表达式:|z ? z1| = |z ? z2| 解释:z1和z2是阿甘特图中的另外两个点,表达式意为z到这两个点的距离相等,那么满足条件的所有的点,必在z1和z2两点连线的垂直平分线上。 第三类图像:射线: 表达式:arg (z ? z1) = θ 解释:arg符号代表角的意思,z- z1代表z和另外一点的连线,也就是两点连线成某一个角度,是一条以z1为出发点,和水平方向成θ角的射线。


由于在国内初高中的学习中,微积分只占了少部分的比重,导致一部分同学在学习时没有基础。又由于它的学习确实存在一定的难度,A-Level数学中的微积分内容一直以来都是同学们学习路上的“拦路虎”,所以今天给大家系统的梳理一下积分的方法。 Part.1 熟练的积分Standard function。 这里的Standard function指的就是我们在微积分学习中需要掌握的不做任何变形标准函数,比如幂函数,指对数函数,三角函数等。这部分只要同学们在微分学习时没有问题就足以应付,完全是微分过程的逆运算。 Part.2 积分标准函数的线性形式。

当积分函数的变量由x变成它的线性形式ax+b时,它的积分形式就只需将答案除以a就可以,这时也要保证积分前后表达式的一致性。 Part.3 先通过三角函数恒等式处理积分表达式,使之简化,进而利用已知方法求解。

同样的,当积分表达式中含有Improper fraction时,我们就需要利用以下方法化简表达式: Improper fraction →proper fraction →partial fraction.进而求解积分形式。 Part.4 积分Standard Patterns。 这里给大家三个形式,遇到符合的积分表达式,利用以下公式即可求解。

Part.5 换元法进行积分 当积分表达式中含有根式,分式等形式时,可以利用换元法进行积分,试题中一般会指定表达式中的某一部分作为替换的部分。在利用换元法做定积分题目时一定要注意更改相应的定积分上下限。 Part.6 分部积分 当我们遇到两部分函数相乘的形式作为被积函数,可以考虑使用分部积分的方法。注意选择合适的部分作为公式的u,另一部分即为dv/dx。换元法和分部积分法在考试中都有可能会用两次,同学们需要多加注意。


英国Alevel数学教材内容汇总大全 部门: xxx 时间: xxx 整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑

英国A-LEVEL教材汇总 Core Mathematics1

7.Geometric sequences and series——等比数列 8.Graphs of trigonometric functions——三角函数的图形 9.Differentiation——微分 Trigonometricidentities and simple equations——三角恒等式和简单的三角等式b5E2RGbCAP 11.Integration——积分 Core Mathematics3

alevel D1 2007.6真题

Turn over Instructions to Candidates Write your answers for this paper in the D1 answer book provided. In the boxes on the answer book, write your centre number, candidate number, your surname, initial(s) and signature. When a calculator is used, the answer should be given to an appropriate degree of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/fe11264859.html,plete your answers in blue or black ink or pencil.Do not return the question paper with the answer book. Information for Candidates Full marks may be obtained for answers to ALL questions. The marks for individual questions and the parts of questions are shown in round brackets: e.g. (2).There are 8 questions in this question paper. The total mark for this paper is 75. There are 12 pages in this question paper. The answer book has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated. Advice to Candidates You must ensure that your answers to parts of questions are clearly labelled. You should show sufficient working to make your methods clear to the Examiner. Answers without working may not gain full credit. Printer’s Log. No. N26122A This publication may be reproduced only in accordance with Edexcel Limited copyright policy. ?2007 Edexcel Limited. W850/R6689/57570 3/3/3/3/ *N26122A*

2014年Alevel 数学试卷解析(精排版)

EDEXCEL GCE MATHEMATICS General Instructions for Marking 1.The total number of marks for the paper is 75. 2.The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks: ?M marks: method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and attempting to apply it’, unless otherwise indicated. ?A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M) marks have been earned. ?B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks) ?Marks should not be subdivided. 3.Abbreviations These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark schemes. ?bod – benefit of doubt ?ft – follow through ?the symbol will be used for correct ft ? ?cso - correct solution only. There must be no errors in this part of the question to obtain this mark ?isw – ignore subsequent working ?awrt – answers which round to ?SC: special case ?oe – or equivalent (and appropriate) ?dep – dependent ?indep – independent ?dp decimal places ?sf significant figures ??The answer is printed on the paper ?The second mark is dependent on gaining the first mark 4.All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but manifestly absurd answers should never be awarded A marks. 5.For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question affected. 6.If a candidate makes more than one attempt at any question: ?If all but one attempt is crossed out, mark the attempt which is NOT crossed out. ?If either all attempts are crossed out or none are crossed out, mark all the attempts and score the highest single attempt. 7.Ignore wrong working or incorrect statements following a correct answer.


alevel数学试卷答案 试题一: 一、填空题 1.一元二次方程的一般形式是__________. 2将方程-5x2+1=6x化为一般形式为__________. 3.将方程(x+1)2=2x化成一般形式为__________. 4.方程2x2=-8化成一般形式后,一次项系数为__________, 常数项为__________. 5.方程5(x2-x+1)=-3x+2的一般形式是__________,其二次项是__________,一次项是__________,常数项是__________. 6.若ab≠0,则x2+x=0的常数项是__________. 7.如果方程ax2+5=(x+2)(x-1)是关于x的一元二次方程,则 a__________. 8.关于x的方程(m-4)x2+(m+4)x+2m+3=0,当m__________时,是一元二次方程,当m__________时,是一元一次方程. 二、选择题 1.下列方程中,不是一元二次方程的是( ) A.2x2+7=0 B.2x2+2x+1=0 C.5x2++4=0 D.3x2+(1+x) +1=0 2.方程x2-2(3x-2)+(x+1)=0的一般形式是( ) A.x2-5x+5=0 B.x2+5x+5=0 C.x2+5x-5=0 D.x2+5=0 3.一元二次方程7x2-2x=0的二次项、一次项、常数项依次是( )

A.7x2,2x,0 B.7x2,-2x,无常数项 C.7x2,0,2x D.7x2,-2x,0 4.方程x2-=(-)x化为一般形式,它的各项系数之和可能是( ) A. B.- C. D. 5.关于x的方程(ax+b)(d-cx)=m(ac≠0)的二次项系数是ac,则常数项为( ) A.m B.-bd C.bd-m D.-(bd-m) 6.若关于x的方程a(x-1)2=2x2-2是一元二次方程,则a的值是( ) A.2 B.-2 C.0 D.不等于2 7.若x=1是方程ax2+bx+c=0的解,则( ) A.a+b+c=1 B.a-b+c=0 C.a+b+c=0 D.a-b-c=0 8.关于x2=-2的说法,正确的是( ) A.由于x2≥0,故x2不可能等于-2,因此这不是一个方程 B.x2=-2是一个方程,但它没有一次项,因此不是一元二次方程 C.x2=-2是一个一元二次方程 D.x2=-2是一个一元二次方程,但不能解 参考答案 一、1.ax2+bx+c=0(a≠0) 2.5x2+6x-1=0 3.x2+1=0 4.0 8 5.5x2-2x+3=0 5x2 -2x 3 6.0 7.≠1 8.≠4 =4


A-level数学真题及解答 在中国开设A-Level课程旨在为中国学生提供进入国外大学的有效途径,A-Level课程证书被几乎所有英语授课的大学作为招收新生的入学标准。 一、填空题 1.一元二次方程的一般形式是__________. 2将方程-5x2+1=6x化为一般形式为__________. 3.将方程(x+1)2=2x化成一般形式为__________. 4.方程2x2=-8化成一般形式后,一次项系数为__________,常数项为__________. 5.方程5(x2-x+1)=-3x+2的一般形式是__________,其二次项是__________,一次项是__________,常数项是__________. 6.若ab≠0,则x2+x=0的常数项是__________. 7.如果方程ax2+5=(x+2)(x-1)是关于x的一元二次方程,则a__________. 8.关于x的方程(m-4)x2+(m+4)x+2m+3=0,当m__________时,是一元二次方程,当m__________时,是一元一次方程. 二、选择题 1.下列方程中,不是一元二次方程的是( ) A.2x2+7=0 B.2x2+2x+1=0 C.5x2++4=0 D.3x2+(1+x) +1=0 2.方程x2-2(3x-2)+(x+1)=0的一般形式是( ) A.x2-5x+5=0 B.x2+5x+5=0

C.x2+5x-5=0 D.x2+5=0 3.一元二次方程7x2-2x=0的二次项、一次项、常数项依次是( ) A.7x2,2x,0 B.7x2,-2x,无常数项 C.7x2,0,2x D.7x2,-2x,0 4.方程x2-=(-)x化为一般形式,它的各项系数之和可能是( ) A. B.-C. D. 5.关于x的方程(ax+b)(d-cx)=m(ac≠0)的二次项系数是ac,则常数项为( ) A.m B.-bd C.bd-m D.-(bd-m) 6.若关于x的方程a(x-1)2=2x2-2是一元二次方程,则a的值是( ) A.2 B.-2 C.0 D.不等于2 7.若x=1是方程ax2+bx+c=0的解,则( ) A.a+b+c=1 B.a-b+c=0 C.a+b+c=0 D.a-b-c=0 8.关于x2=-2的说法,正确的是( ) A.由于x2≥0,故x2不可能等于-2,因此这不是一个方程 B.x2=-2是一个方程,但它没有一次项,因此不是一元二次方程 C.x2=-2是一个一元二次方程 D.x2=-2是一个一元二次方程,但不能解 参考答案


一般词汇 数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理axiom 定理theorem 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove 假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题proposition 算术arithmetic 加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数augend, summand 加数addend 和sum 减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.) 被减数minuend 减数subtrahend 差remainder 乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数multiplicand, faciend 乘数multiplicator 积product 除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 被除数dividend 除数divisor 商quotient 等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于is greater than 小于is lesser than 大于等于is equal or greater than 小于等于is equal or lesser than 运算符operator 数字digit 数number 自然数natural number 整数integer 小数decimal 小数点decimal point 分数fraction 分子numerator 分母denominator 比ratio 正positive 负negative 零null, zero, nought, nil 十进制decimal system 二进制binary system 十六进制hexadecimal system 权weight, significance 进位carry 截尾truncation 四舍五入round 下舍入round down 上舍入round up 有效数字significant digit 无效数字insignificant digit 代数algebra 公式formula, formulae(pl.) 单项式monomial 多项式polynomial, multinomial 系数coefficient 未知数unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor 等式,方程式equation 一次方程simple equation 二次方程quadratic equation 三次方程cubic equation 四次方程quartic equation 不等式inequation 阶乘factorial 对数logarithm 指数,幂exponent 乘方power 二次方,平方square 三次方,立方cube 四次方the power of four, the fourth power n次方the power of n, the nth power


A-level数学课程简介 一、A-level简介 A-level(GeneralCertificateofEducationAdvancedLevel)是英国学生进入大学的主要测试课程,在全世界范围内被150多个国家的数千所大学认可,学制两年(AS阶段和A2阶段)。该课程最早实施于1951年,有着悠久的历史和科学成熟的体系。其科目设置非常广泛,包括英国语言与文学、数学、物理、生物、化学、历史、地理、经济、艺术与设计、音乐、现代外语、商学、会计、影视媒体、计算机和法律等多个经典或新兴学科。不设必修课,学生可在所有开设学科中任选三门以上进行学习,自由度很高。成绩实行等级制,依次为A(80%)、B(70%)、C(60%)、D(50%)、E(40%)和不及格等级U(40%以下),由AS阶段成绩和A2阶段成绩各占50%换算得到。A-level考试每年举行两次,学生可多次报考,选取最高成绩录入。目前英国境内组织A-level考试的主要机构有五个:AQA、OCR、Edexcel、WJEC和CCEA。组织境外考试规模最大的机构是由剑桥大学考试院(UCLES)负责的UniversityofCambridgeInternationalExamination,简称CIE。以下分析都将以CIE版的A-level为基础。 二、A-level数学 秉承了整个A-level课程以发展学生能力为宗旨的思想,CIE的A-level数学将其目标设立为:以增强学生自信心、提供满足感和愉快感的方式发展学生的数学知识和技能;发展对数学原理的理解并能够体会数学的逻辑性和条理性;获得一定范围的数学技能,特别是将数学知识应用到日常生活和其它学科的学习中的技能;发展逻辑地分析问题、知道何时和如何将情形用数学语言表示、鉴别和解释相关因素以及在必要的时候选择适当的数学方


alevel数学课程的难易程度和学习方法一般来说,顶级的英国大学非常喜欢学生修读传统的alevel科目,如数学、科学、语言、英语文学、历史、地理、经济学等等基础性科目,而大部分的专业要求也是指向这些基础性科目。其中,数学、进阶数学、物理、经济,这四个科目,是在alevel选课时大多数同学的选择。今天就为各位考生分享一下alevel数学的难易程度以及学习方法。 alevel数学的难易程度? 很多家长和同学都有这样一个误区,基本上都认为国外的数学知识简单,所以不用花太多精力就能取得不错的一个成绩。其实不是哦!alevel数学对于学术能力要求较高滴!实上alevel数学难度丝毫不亚于国内高考数学。 首先,alevel数学虽然在内容深度上无法与中国的数学课程相比,但是它在内容的广度上却可以甩开中国的数学课程很多!!alevel数学中有很多知识点在国内高考数学中基本都没出现过滴,比如像空间向量、微积分、微分方程、正态分布等知识点在国内都属于大学课程范围。 其次,国内所用的教材常常会出现一些非常抽象的概念和知识。而在alevel课程中,学生则会被鼓励用形象思维去理解这些概念,相对于我们国内的数学更加注重实际的一些应用。很多同学在学习这些知识点的时候,经常出现掌握不到位,公式不作推导,为了应付考试,就靠死记硬背公式的现象,导致了学习效果大打折扣!所以,亲们,面对alevel数学,切忌不可以掉以轻心哦! alevel数学学习方法? 一、从思维方式上来下功夫:

alevel数学课程的知识体系及对每个知识点的考查方式和国内是有差别的,因此一定要沿着优秀的授课教师的思路逐步适应,从思维方式上下功夫哦! 针对alevel课程对知识面要求较宽的特点,大家在学习的过程中要注意拓宽广度,尤其是在知识的运用上面加强联系,比如说给你一个生活实践的问题,让你用alevel数学去解决,不能只靠“死记硬背”哦! 随着课程的深入,alevel数学中很普遍的一个问题就是,试题中一句话中从句过多,分不清楚谁是主语。其实在数学的试题中,同学们要慢慢养成一个数学的思维模式,不要完全从英文的角度理解一道题。 二、注重专业词汇的记忆 对专业词汇不认识,会导致不能听懂外教老师上课所讲的内容,考试也不懂题目在问什么。所以大家一定要把平时做题的遇到一些关键词记录下来,每天背诵5-10个,增加自己数学术语的词汇量;除了这些专业的术语之外,还要注意一些陷阱性的词汇,例如“at most at least fewer than ”等等。 三、做题的时候要学会总结 对于数学,我们一直都感觉要用“题海战术”,其实对于alevel课程的学习,最主要的还是对做题方法的一个总结,在做题的过程中一定要关注这一点,从而达到了一个事半功倍的效果。 四、注重真题的练习 从历年的一个真题来看,考察的知识点会有很多相似的地方,同学们要珍惜每一套的真题,对每一道题都要认真研究一下,在做完题之后要总结这套题考的知识点,做题的方法。


名牌国际学校的入学考试一直以来都以难和全面而著名,这也体现了西方教育理念中的批判性和多样性。对于想要报考国际学校的学生来说,多了解一些入学测试题目是非常有必要的。小编在网络上搜索带给大家一些学校的入学测试给大家分享。 一、苏州德威国际高中 考纲 The test will comprise考试由以下部分组成: ?English Computer Based Test英语机考(CBT) ?Writing Test写作测试 ?Mathematics Test数学测试 ?Science Test科学测试 ?nterview Test面试 英语 听力30min ?根据短对话或长对话做15个单选题 ?音频长度在305-705之间 ?话题基于日常英语 ?语速相对中考较快

阅读(30min) ?基于阅读的选择题&短文填空 ?考查固定搭配和语法知识点 ?偏重于地道的表达方法 ?需领会文章的言外之意,考查综合能力 写作(30min) ?表达观点、阐述理由,150-200词 ?写作方式更灵活 ?注重原创性、结构、观点和句式多样性 ?整体更偏向语言类考试标准写作:网上购物、 阅读书籍方面话题(2018.12) 面试(8min) ?2分钟热身,6分钟话题对话 ?话题范围广 ?没有国定案,考言言能力 ?评判词汇、语法、流利度和发音 ?口语:讨论公关交通的优劣,纸质媒介和新型媒介的比较(2018.12) 数学

数学.1 Section A 10 questions(10 marks):基本单词默写Section B 15 questions(30 marks):解答题 Section C 1 question (6 marks):压轴题 数学.2 1.The Number System 2.Linear equations &Linear systems 3.Quadratic equations 4.Linear inequalities 5.Linear functions 6.Quadratic functions 7.Reciprocal functions 8.Graph transformations: translation, rotation 9.Angles in parallel lines 10. Triangles 11.Quadrilaterals 12.Similar shapes
