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1. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and

research, ad well as giving them an adva ntage in terms of cop ing with the challe nges of sude nt life.

2. The children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention becaause working parents do not

have time for this, but in more material way.

3. I find myself in complete agreement with them with regard to experiment for new medici ne.

4. Physical punishments damaging the health of children should be dealt with accord ing to laws

regardi ng child abuse and physical assult.

5. They are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price, and to behave as they please.


6. Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emaili ng

frie nds, it is no substitute for huma n in teract ion.

7. There are plenty of well-made TV programmes that provide viewers with

information on such diverse topics as history, scienee, medicine, foreign Ianguages and econo mics.

8. Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when compring these super salaries with those of

top surgeois or research scie ntisi, or eve n lead ing politicians who have the resp on sibility of gover ning the coun try.(直接列举)

9. In spite of all this, there are certain occasions when letter are still the number one choice. The

weddi ng in vitati on s always seem more formal and sin cere if handwritten; holidy cards with ink will often delight us more; and a carefully written love letter may intrigue or move your beloved one more easily.(排比)


10. Tale nt is what disti nguishes a pers on who has bee n trained to play a sport or in strume nt, from

those who become good players. In other words, there is more to the skill tha n a lear ned tech niq ue.

11. Overall, I th ink the ability to keep a clear perspective in life is a more esse ntial factor in achiev ing

happ in ess. By that I mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is improta nt in our lives and what is not.

(or) more percisely/ i.e./ that is to say/ or rather

12. This is a poem about death, or more precisely, dying.

13. Some poems are mnemonics, I.e. they are designed to help you remember somethi ng.

14. Some poems are mnemonics, that is to say, they are designed to help you remember somethi ng.

Using fertilisers too much may damage people ' s health. According to some research by agricultural scientists, a large proportion of common diseases troubing the elderly result from the excessive chemical residue contained in the food they con sume everyday.


1. If they could raise them to be con siderate of others and to be social, resp on sible in dividual s,

the whole com mun ity would ben efit.

2. High quality nursery schoobcould be established that would surpport familemore in terms of raising

the next generation. The government should fund this kind of pare ntal surport, because this is no Ion ger a problem for in dividual families, but for socirty as a whole.

3. As the policy would also affect the cost of public transport, it would be very un popular with every

one n ee(s to travel on the roads.

频率词:always often usually sometimes seldom rarely scarcely never

4. These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violet. The player is

usually the ‘ heroo' the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-

centered and insensitive to others.

5. A child ' s education has never been about learning information and basic skills only.

程度副词:possibly probably perhaps gen erally in gen eral by and large In some

circumstances/cases to some extent to a large ectent

6. They are gen erally more con fide nt and in depe ndent tha n childre n who stay at home with their pare nts.

7. Good musicians or artists and exceptional sports stars have probably succeeded because of both good training and n atural tale nt.

8. This is probably ture to some extent.

可能性动词:seem/appear/te nd to/... be more/less likelt to...

9. Boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and to study Ian guages, which

are ofte n thought of as traditi onal subjecs for girl s.

10. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important factor in academic study and


可能性句型:it is possible that it is likely that it is said that

11. Because it is more likely now that both pare nts work, there is little opport unity for childre n to stay

in their own home up to that age.

12. Even though it is unlikely that all workers will feel happy in their work, I think it is not un realistic to

promote job satisfacti on in any job.

13. Atte nding school from a young age is good for most childre n.

14. This relatively short working life may be some justification for the very high pay.

15. Today, education has become the most important thing for all the parents.


1. They are generally more con fide nt and in depe ndent tha n children who stay at home

with their parents and who are not used to strangers or new situations.

2. Another advantage of going to school at an early age is that children devolop faster socially.

3. I think the solution to the problem lies with the families, who need to be more aware of the future

consequences of spoiling their children.

4. Yet others think that spiritual paths, rather than either the material worlds or relati on ships with

people, are the only way to ture happ in ess.

Yet others think that spiritual paths, in stead of either the material worlds or relati on ships with people, are the only way to ture happ in ess.

Yet others think it is neither the material world nor relationships with people, but spiritual paths that are the only way to ture happ in ess.

5. My own view is that there is no one major in flue nee in a perso n ' s life. I nstead, t

traits we inherit from our parents and the situations and experiences that we

encoun ter in life are con sta ntly in teracti ng.

6. That is to say the information in such commercials is far from useful, but rather harmful.

平行结构(用好and/or, 6.5+建议掌握)

1. Young adults may end up never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to an

academic en vir onment.

2. They may think that it is better to continue in particular job, or to do something completely differe nt

from a uni versity course.

3. Satisfacti on is also in creased by a sense of resp on sibility for and loyalty to a team.

4. In conclusion, I think that Iong-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the

public to use public transport more, and on gavernments using public money to con struct and run efficie nt systems.

5. Without the n atural tale nt, con ti nu ous trai ning would be n either attractive nor productive, and

without the training, the childre n would not lear n how to exploit and develop their tale nt.


Patternl:主系表(主语+be+...的形式,即A, B为升级版)

1. A: His statement is somewhat exaggerating.

B: His astateme nt sounds somewhat exaggerati ng.

2. A: People are more and more self-centred.

B: People have become in creas in gly self-ce ntred.

3. A: The nuclear weapon is still a threat to the world.

B: The nuclear wepon remains a threat to the world.

4. A: The use of cars was constant in the 1990s.

B: the use of cars stayed con sta nt in the 1990s.

5. A: As an en ergy, the nu clear tech no logy is too expe nsive and risky.

B: As an en ergy, the nu clear tech no logy has prove n too expe nsive and risky.

Pattern 2 :主语+不及物动词(事故高发)

6. Several problems would occur due to the oversue of computers.(类似还有happe n/appear/exis)

7. In some countries, both single sex and mixed schools co-exist.

8. Opinions to this differ a lot. (differ 可替换为vary)

9. Children ' s obession with the Internet serves as another example of computer in flue nces on the

young minds.

10. If our diet lacks Vitamin A, blindness may result.

Pattern 3:主语+及物动词+宾语

11. Certain news organisations have reputations for not presenting the news objectively.

12. An in creas ing proporti on of people in moder n sociaty know how to spesk En glish.

13. The job suits neither his skills nor his personality.

14. They should not learn to live in a virtual world.

15. Some people claim that we should start using alter native en ergy sources.
