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Part 1: 笔试部分














1. 语法篇(所考察语法难度为新概念英语二册难度。)

1.1 语法部分常考知识点

1.2 语法点掌握度自查题


1.2.1 时态篇-一般现在时

1)_________ your neighbour’s dog always _________(bark)? (HY)2)_______ Sunday evening, I usually have dinner with my parents.

A. In

B. On

C. At

D. During (HY)3)He visits his uncle on Friday and Sunday. He visits his uncle _________ a weed.

A. once

B. twice

C. two times

D. sometimes (SW)

1.2.2 时态篇-一般过去时

1)When I was young, I ________(enjoy) playing basketball. (HY)2)Jessica lost her way when she was travelling in Thailand.(改为否定句)(CZ)3)Millions of years ago, people _________(have) fire. (SW)

1.2.3 时态篇-一般将来时

1)There _________(be) a football match on TV tomorrow. (HY)2)If it is sunny tomorrow, we _________ a picnic(have). (LS)3)I _________(stay) here until he comes. (HY)

1.2.4 时态篇-现在进行时

1)What _____ John doing?

A. are

B. is

C. do

D. does (SW)2)Listen, she _________(sing) a beautiful song. (SW)

1.2.5 时态篇-过去进行时

1)What ________ you _______(do)from 6 to 8 yesterday? (LS)

1.2.6 时态篇-现在完成时

1)My parents have already been to Seaview Town.(改为否定句)(HY)2)Jerry isn’t here, he _______(go) to Beijing.(HY)3)Tom has_________(spend) 100 yuan on the book. (HE)

1.2.7 句型篇-双宾语

1)Mum, could you buy me a hamburger?(句意不变)(SB)

Mum, could you buy a hamburger _________________?


1.2.8 句型篇-反义疑问句

1)I don’t think they are good students, _____________?(HY)2)She never fails an exam, ____________? (HY)3)Let’s go to the library, ___________?(LS)

1.2.9 句型篇-感叹句

1)_________ important news it is!

A. What an

B. How

C. How an

D. What (HY)2)_________ it is to fly a kite!

A. How funny

B. How fun

C. What fun

D. What a fun (HY)

1.2.10 词法篇-冠词

1)Mum and Dad are going to see a film, ______ name of the film is Birdman.

A. the

B. /

C. a

D. an (XNM)2)_______ boy in brown is _______ university student.

A. The, a

B. A, an

C. A, /

D. The, an (SWSY)3)Jack has bought ________ used car. It is much cheaper.

A. the

B. /

C. a

D. an (CZ)

1.2.11 词法篇-数词

1)There are more than______________ people in the hall.

A. two hundred

B. two hundreds

C. hundreds of

D. two hundreds of (CZ)2)Last Sunday was his _______(forty) birthday. (HY)3)Today is the _______(sixty) b irthday of Grandma’s.(HY)

1.2.12 词法篇-介词

1)Mr. White arrived ______ a rainy day.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. until (JH)2)Don’t read______ bed. It’s bad ______ your eyes.

A. in, to

B. on, of

C. in, for

D. at, to (HY)3)There goes the bell. It’s time ______ us __________ a break.

A. to, for

B. for, for

C. for, to have

D. to, to have (SW)

1.2.13 词法篇-代词

1)My desk is smaller than________(you). (XNM)2)Peter is taller than ________ in his class.

A. any other boys

B. any other boy

C. all boys

D. the other boy (HY)

3)I’m going back to Paris with a friend of _______.

A. mine

B. my

C. me

D. I (CZ)

1.2.14 词法篇-非谓语动词

1)The man asked his friend___________(not break) her promise. (HY)

2)How about_______ (go) to the park? (LS)

3)I don’t drink coffee. But why does it takes me hours_________ sleep every night?

A. fall

B. to fall

C. falling

D. to falling (CZ)

1.2.15 词法篇-形容词副词

1)Y ou are not_________ to carry the box.

A. enough strong

B. strong enough

C. enough weak

D. weak enough (JH)

2)I often use my dictionary. It’s very _______(use).

3)He fell off his bike on his way home. ________(luck) he was not seriously injured. (CZ)4)He was very _______(care). He made a lot of mistakes in the spelling contest. (CZ)5)live happily=have a _____________ (LS)

6)His illness is ________(bad) than before. (HE)

7)I have _________(many) books of the three. (HE)

2. 音标篇(辨音)

2.1 48个国际音标一览


2.2 音标掌握度自查



[?d??nju?ri] _____________ (SB)

[?s?s?d?] _____________ (JP)


A. bad

B. bed

C. blind

D. bird (JP)


The boss will be pleased with your work. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?

A. [plist]

B. [pleizd]

C. [pli:zd]

D. [pleit] (HY)

3. 谚语俚语篇

3.1 俚语掌握度自查


1)Like father, like son. (JP)

2)The wall has ears. (JP)

3)Don’t let the cat out of bag.(JP)

3.2 常用谚语俚语一览(供参考)

1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

2. A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm. 借来的斗篷不暖身。

3. A clean hand wants no washing. 身正不怕影子斜。

4. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

5. Adversity is a good discipline. 苦难是磨练人的好机会。

6. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

7. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。

8. A good example is the best sermon. 身教胜似言教。

9. A life without a purpose is a ship without a rudder. 人生无目的,犹如船失去了舵。

10. All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。

11. A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。

12. As a man sows, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

13. Better wit than wealth. 智力胜于财富。

14. Bitter pills may have wholesome effects. 良药苦口利于病。

15. Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。

16. Children are the parents' riches. 子女是父母之财富。

17. Content is better than riches. 知足常乐。

18. Diligence is the mother of success. 勤奋是成功之母。

19. Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。

20. Downy lips make thoughtless slips. 嘴上没毛,办事不牢。

21. Every dog has his day. 凡人都有得意之日。

22. Every Jack has his Jill. 有情人终成眷属。

23. Every man has his faults. 人孰无过。

24. Experience is the best teacher. 经验是良师。

25. Experience must be bought. 若要得经验,必须化代价。

26. Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. 以牙还牙,以眼还眼。

27. Fine clothes make the man. 人要衣装。

28. Fish begins to stink at the head. 上梁不正下梁歪。

29. Habit is second nature. 习惯成自然。

30. Haste makes waste. 拔苗助长。

31. Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。

32. Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

33. Like knows like. 英雄识英雄。

34. Live and learn. 活到老,学到老。

35. Mills of God grind slowly but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

36. Misfortune is a good teacher. 不幸是良师。

37. More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。

38. New brooms sweep clean. 新官上任三把火。

39. No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。

40. Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart). 有志者事竟成。

41. One good turn deserves another. 以德报德。

42. Strike while the iron is hot. 见机行事。称热打铁。

43. The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。

4. 阅读篇

4.1 基本信息

4.2 难度参考


The kangaroo is the world’s largest living marsupial (有袋动物). It was first found on the island of southwestern Australia. The animal was given its name by Captain James Cook, a famous English tourist of the 18th century.

The kangaroo may be 7 feet tall when standing upright and the male can weigh as heavy as 200 pounds. The female (雌性) is smaller and lighter than the male. The kangaroo’s head is small, but its ears are large, and its feet are really small. The animal has strong back legs and long tail.

The kangaroo usually covers from 5 to 10 feet with each jump. The female is usually faster than the male. The mother kangaroo has a pouch (育儿袋) in its abdomen (腹部). The baby kangaroo grows up in the mother’s pouch slowly.

The kangaroo feeds on grass and other plants. It is always moving from one place to another, lying down to sleep on the ground during the night. When it’s in danger, it can use its back legs and its strong tail to protect itself.


1. Where was kangaroos first found?

A.On the island of southwestern Australia.

B.On the island of northwestern Australia

C. C. Both A and B.


2. The male kangaroo is _______ and _______ than the female kangaroo.

A. smaller and lighter

B. larger and heavier

C. larger and lighter


3. Who has a pouch in its abdomen?

A. The father kangaroo.

B. The mother kangaroo.

C. Both the father kangaroo and the mother kangaroo.


4. What do kangaroos eat?

A. grass

B. other plants

C. Both A and B


5. How can the kangaroo protect itself?

A. By using its back legs.

B. By using its strong tail.

C. Both A and B.


5. 写作篇


1)用所给单词编写短文。speak soft entrance twins (HE)2)What do you do in summer holiday? (JC)*话题作文通常为生活类作文。

Part 2: 口试部分





1. SB篇


1)The difference between Chinese education and American education.





2. PW篇




Eg: What’s your hobby?

Eg: How are you?


Eg: 熊猫吃竹叶。

A. Panda eat bamboo leaves.

B. A panda eats bamboo leaves.

C. A panda eats bamboo shoots..




3.绕口令句子2句Eg: A big black dog has a big black nose.


五、口头作文(1分钟准备时间,1分钟演讲时间)Eg: My Favorite Season


3. SW篇






1. 看纸张答题

A. 读第一段

B. 文中挖空3处,选词填空

C. 课文句子挖空,选择句子填入文中,文章共三段,挖空位置:第一句第二段,


2. 不看纸张答题(问了3-4个问题)




1. 单词,听一遍,2个单词,全部是小语种

2. 句子,听2遍,是个谚语




1. 一般现在时

2. 一般过去时

3. 一般将来时

4. 现在进行时

5. 过去进行时

6. 现在完成时

7. 双宾语

8. 反义疑问句

9. 感叹句

10. 冠词

11. 数词

12. 介词

13. 代词

14. 非谓语动词

15. 形容词副词


1.词性转换 Let's(完全形式) tooth(复数)class(复数) glad(副词)get(现在分词) wake(单三) busy(最高级)early(反义)we(形物代) they(宾格)hot(反义)warm(反义) always(近义词)north(反义)leaf(复数) wind(形容词)sunny(名词)good(最高级) real(副词)ticket(复数)ten(形容词) second(基数词)nine(序数词)twelfth(基数词) ask(反义)he(形物代) her(主格) this(复数)tomato(复数)have(单三) photo(同义词)family(复数)we(宾格) do(单三)like(同义词)sell(名词) shop(同义词)two(序数词)shop(现在分词) say(单三)parent(复数)birthday(复数) go(单三)does not(缩写)our(名物代) hard(同义词)tall(反义词)free(反义)American(名词)swim(现在分词)three(序数词) bus(复数)us(主格)Japan(形容词) old(反义词)baby(复数)drink(现在分词)climb(名词)strong(反义)small(反义) I(名物代)you(宾格)she(形物代) he(复数)two(同音词)I(同音词) knife(复数)play(现在分词)potato(复数) young(反义词)twelve(序数词)sheep(复数) up(反义词)long(反义词)fat(反义词) new(反义词)big(反义词)one(序数词) come(单三)twenty(序数词)sun (形容词)September(缩写) one(序数词) plant(名词) Andy(名词所有格) 写出下列单词的复数形式 panda kangaroo monkey zoo fish cake man woman child boy girl foot photo insect butterfly picture deer policeman potato piano 写出下列单词的现在分词形式 do go read cook see listen run make write put eat swim skate fly play drive telephone sing draw speak watch wash answer look clean come try plant have take work begin sleep jump walk roll bite climb snore leap fight play get listen pick


小升初英语单词必须掌握的词汇 1、颜色(colour): 四会: red blue yellow orange green pink black white 红色蓝色黄色橙色绿色粉红色黑色白色 三会: brown grey purple 棕色灰色紫色 2、动物(animal): 四会: cat dog monkey panda rabbit duck pig bird 猫狗猴熊猫兔子鸭子猪鸟 mouse tiger lion snake cow hen bear 老鼠老虎狮子蛇牛母鸡熊 三会: elephant dragon giraffe zebra sheep goat 大象龙长颈鹿斑马绵羊山羊 3、食物(food): 四会: rice meat fish soup cake bread hot—dog Coke tofu 米饭肉鱼汤蛋糕面包热狗可乐豆腐 juice milk water tea cheese egg sweets potato tomato 橙汁牛奶水茶奶酪鸡蛋糖果土豆西红柿三会: hamburger chicken French fries coffee noodles peanut 汉堡包鸡肉炸薯条咖啡面条花生 ice—cream biscuits chocolate 冰淇淋饼干巧克力 4、水果(fruit): 四会: apple banana pear peach orange grape 苹果香蕉梨桃橙子葡萄 三会: strawberry pineapple watermelon mango 草莓菠萝西瓜芒果 5、衣服(clothes): 四会: clothing T—shirt shirt coat hat cap sock sweater


广州小升初英语题型 单项选择 选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. She comes from the UK. She's _____English girl. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 2. My brother is ________honest boy. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 3. Kelly is the tallest _______the three. A. in B. of C. with ( ) 4. Please hand __________your homework on time. A. in B. on C. up ( ) 5. Is Kitty __________at the apple? A. look B. looks C. looking ( ) 6. Your ruler is longer than ________ A. my B. me C. mine ( ) 7. Kate's father is stronger than ________ father. A. Jean B. Jean's C. Jeans ( ) 8. My mother looks _________than before. A. thin B. beautiful C. thinner ( ) 9. English is _________subject of all. A. the interesting B. interesting C. the most interesting ( ) 10. I can see many _____________on the mountain. A. sheep B. sheet C. ships 用所给词的适当形式填空 用动词的正确形式填空。 It (1)_______(be) Sunday yesterday. I (2)._______(go) shopping with my mother. We (3)_______(buy) a lot of things. We (4)________(eat) lunch at KFC at about 12:00. After lunch, we (5)_______ (come)back home and we (6)___________ (get) home at about 2:30. My mom (7)_________(say) she was very tired, but I(8)_______(do not)feel tired because I(9)__________(have) many cute toys. I (10)_________(take) some toys to school to play with my friends tomorrow. 用动词的正确形式填空。 Tom and Mike (1) ________(be) good friends. But they (2)_____________(study) at different school. Tom (3) _________(study) at Guangzhou International School and Mike (4)____________(study) at Yuying Primary School. Tom often (5)____________ (play) with Mike. They(6) ________ (go) shopping last Saturday and (7)________ (have) a picnic on Sunday. They (8)__________ (visit) Tom's grandparents in the village next Saturday. Today is Wednesday. They usually


小升初英语各种题型汇总试卷 ㈠、找出每组单词中不同类的选项。 ( )(1)A. pencil B. pear C. ruler D.pen ( )(2)A. sad B. present C. excited D. happy ( )(3)A. shoe B. head C. hand D.arm ( )(4)A. ate B. went C. flew D. swim ( )(5)A. monkey B. tiger C. kitchen D. giraffe ( )(6)A. taller B. short C. older ( )(7)A .horse B. goose C. home ( )(8)A. try B. often C. never ( )(9)A. third B. apple C. first ( )(10)A. science B. China C. English ( )(11)A. when B. window C. where ( )(12)A. my B. eraser C. his ( )(13)A. rainy B. windy C. baby ( )(14)A .Tuesday B. December C. Friday ( )(15)A. take B. wash C. why ㈡选择单词或词组(每个用一次),将其标号填在横线上。 (1)The book is the bed. (2)Could I Mike, please? (3)Dont read . Its bad for your eyes. (4)It is a pencil.


精品文档 (时间:40分钟,满分:100分) 一、根据读音规则,找出单词中画线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项。(5分)( ) 1. A. mother B. come C. home D. son ( ) 2. A. clean B. cheap C. eat D. idea ( ) 3. A. brown B. down C. town D. know ( ) 4. A. hand B. cake C. actor D. match ( ) 5. A. their B. theme C. think D. tooth 二、根据句意及首字母提示填空。(7分) 1. He’s from C . He is Canadian. He speaks English. 2. Mr. White is my m teacher. He plays the violin well. 3. Tom’s g is his uncle’s mother. 4. Shanghai is the b city in China. 5. I like C best. It is on December 25th. 6. My father likes r newspapers. 7. T is the third day of the week. 三、根据句意,选词完成下列各题。(8分) 1. There is a computer room on the (nine, ninth) floor. 2. My sister often (do, does) the dishes at home. 3. His sister is very young. He often takes care of (she, her) on Sunday. 4. They’re talking about an (exciting, excited) film in the next room. 5. Is he flying kites (happy, happily) together with his parents now? 6. We have two (America, American) students. 7. Whose bikes are they? They are my (friends’, friend’s). 8. The girl is much (thin, thinner) than that girl. 四、选择最佳答案。(10分) ( )1. Look! It’s umbrella. It’s orange. A. a, an B. an, / C. the, an ( )2. This hat is , and is in bag. A. your, mine, my B. yours, mine, my C, you, my, mine ( )3. There a birthday party tomorrow. A. has B. is going to have C. will be ( )4. The man the black car is our science teacher. A. in B. of C. to ( )5. Today is Friday. The day before yesterday was . A. Sunday B. Thursday C. Wednesday ( )6. We have three in the house. A. boxes of potatoes B. boxes of potatos C. box of potato ( )7. Would he like something ?


小升初英语试题 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。8% ( ) 1、A.21st B.12th C.22nd D.11th ()2、A. June B. July C. August D. October ()3、A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Saturday ()4、A. collected B. planted C. tasted D. picked ()5、A. Science Festival B. Sports Festival C. Games Festival D. Food Festival ()6、A. calculator B. skateboard C. vegetable D. delicious ()7、A. hers B. his C. ours D. theirs ()8、A. take off B. get on C. put on D. get off 二、听问题,找答案6% ()1、A. Yes, we did. B. We plant trees on the farm . C. We planted trees and flowers in the garden. ()2、A. No, I wasn’t . B. I was in Liu Tao’s house. C. I had a good time. ()3、A. It was the third of June. B. It was Monday. C. It’s the third of Jane. ()4、 A.They eat a lot of delicious food and visit their relatives and friends B. They watch the moon and eat moon cakes. C. They dress up in costumes and go to parties. ()5,A. Danger B. Yes, it does C. No, it doesn’t ()6、A. Sure. B. Yes, you can C. No, you can’t 三、听录音,填写所缺单词10% 1、A:watches are they? B:They’re 2、A:What did you do last week ? B: I some pictures. 3、A:the Festival? B: It’s in 4、A:How many are there in a year? B: There’re . 5、A:What does it mean ? B: It means . 笔试部分 一、选出下列画线部分读音不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内5% ()1、A. her B. worker C. doctor D. sister ()2、A. near B. pear C. year D. dear ()3、A. food B. cook C. room D. school ()4、A. many B. get C. any D. hat ()5、A. seat B. read C. sweater D. mean 二、中英文互译15% 1、7月3日__________ 2、拔胡萝卜_______________ 3、玩得开心_________ 4、春节_______________ 5、问和答_______ 6、blow out the candles _____________ 7、dress up in costumes_________ 8、watch the dragon boat races______________ 9、visit relatives and friends_________ 10、have a chat _________ |小升初英语试题选


小升初英语考试题型分 析 公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]

小升初英语考试题型分析 小升初的真题题型包括:听力、单项选择、完形填空、阅读理解、用动词的适当形式填空、补全对话、补全句子、按要求改写句子、写作。听力:分值(10-20分) 毫无疑问,多听为上。一般而言,听力有精听、泛听和带着问题去听等方法。通常情况下,发音不准确的学生在听到标准英语的时候往往听不明白,甚至认为磁带中读错了。所以,想提高听力,可以”发音”和”多听”双管齐下。 单项选择:分值(15-20分) 很多学生在做语法题的时候通常以曚为主抄为辅。归根结底反映的就是学生的基本功不扎实。而单项选择主要考察了学生对于小学英语单词,短语,句型的综合掌握程度.一般以考察冠词the的用法;某些短语的固定搭配,例如in, on, at在时间前的用法;句型的时态用法(一般现在,一般过去,现在进行时三大部分). 完形填空:分值(10-15分) 这种题型难度很大,完形填空=单选+阅读。那么一个最基本的做题原则就是“上下文上下看,语法搭配左右看”。意思就是说,如果答案和上下文有关,那就应该上下看,很有可能第一空的答案就在文章的最后一句话中出现,反之亦然;如果是语法和固定搭配的填空,那么就要左右看。 阅读理解:分值(10-20分)

阅读理解和词汇量的大小直接挂钩,逻辑和推理分析能力对这种题型也有很大的关系。所以提高词汇量是当务之急。目前小升初阅读理解的题型大致有以下三种: 1. 四选一。就是四个选项中选择一个。 2. T/F. 判断对错题,也就是ture or false. 3. 任务型阅读。这种题目难度较大,需要学生用英文把答案写出来,而不是单纯的进行选择。这种题型需要注意的是,如果能用yes和no来回答的,就不需要再扩充答案,以免出现拼写语法等错误而失分。但是如果是用why来提问,那么回答一定要用because,而且需要用完整的句子。


2018年辽宁省沈阳市育才双语学校小升初模拟考试语文试题 一、(共13题;共26分) 1.写出带有yì的同音字。 开卷有________ 大________凛然________扬顿挫 标新立________ 得________忘形________然决然 2.甲、乙两组词语在拼读时各有其特点,请选出与甲、乙两组词语拼读特点相同的一项() 甲:申奥饥饿心爱 乙:合同先生尾巴 A.甲:切菜;乙:翻盖 B.甲:枝丫;乙:风筝 C.甲:上颚;乙:夏天 D.甲:堤岸;乙:妈妈 3.下列没有错别字的一组是() A.实事求是迫不及待舍本逐末邯郸学步 B.天崖海角闻所未闻顽强不屈负荆请罪 C.走头无路目瞪口呆司空见惯座无虚席 D.人才倍出不加思索大名鼎鼎别出心裁 4.下列词语搭配完全正确的一项是() A.提高认识价钱便宜解决疑难保卫公物 B.反映情况身体强大发扬风格灌溉稻田 C.发现问题远大理想参观演出改正错误 D.改善生活天气晴朗安排工作学习认真 5.下列与“大家都说他学习好”这句话意思不同的一句是() A.没有人不说他学习好。 B.没有人不说他学习不好。 C.他学习好似大家公认的。 D.谁不说他学习好? 6.下面几个句子中使用比喻最贴切的一句是() A.这个老单身汉像木条一样瘦削。 B.一轮满月正在荒野上庄严地徐徐升起,像一个赤红的大金盘。 C.这个姑娘的眼睛又黑又亮,像她经常戴的黑丝眼镜一样。 D.地球最外面的一层叫地壳,这是地球的表皮,好像鸡蛋的蛋壳。 7.运用修辞手法的句子有毛病的是() A.“吹面不寒杨柳风”,不错的,像母亲抚摸婴儿的手,柔柔的,软软的。 B.鸟儿将巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆的喉咙,唱出婉转的曲子,跟轻风流水应和着。


东莞市光明中学初一入学招生考试模拟试卷 语文(A)卷 (总分:110分,答题时间:70分钟) 一、根据拼音写汉字。(5分) nuókésòu méng lóng jíyùpiě hōng kǎo ()动()()书()领()( )嘴() 二、用“√”选出下面词语中加点字的正确读音。(2分) (1)新年到了,万象更.(gēng gèng)新,孩子更.(gēng gèng)加高兴了。 (2)虽然爷爷有些糊.(hùhú)涂,但是他从来不糊.(húhù)弄小孩。 三、下面的几组词,完全正确的一组是()(3分) A 莫名其妙各抒己见发愤图强载然不同 B 语重心长聚精会神专心致志安然无恙 C 惊心动魂满不在乎死得其所迫不急待

D 实是求事世外桃源别具一格腰缠万贯 四、巧选关联词。(2分) (1)只有……才能……(2)如果……就……(3)虽然……但…… (4)因为……所以……(5)无论……都……(6)既……又…… 1、我们是为人服务的,,我们有缺点,不怕别人批评指出。 2、在火星的大气中找到了水汽,含量极少。 五、我已经积累了许多成语,我能按要求填空。(4分) 1、清晨,我漫步在校园里,看到校园的景色真美啊!我不禁想起了2个描写景色优美的成语、。 2、听到“神6”载人飞船发射成功的消息,人们都沉浸在无比的喜悦中,我能用、这两个成语形容人们的心情。 六、按要求改写句子。(8分) 1、妈妈的爱是炎热的夏天清凉的风;妈妈的爱是雨中的花折伞; 。(接力学写排比句) 2、读了《桃花心木》,使我深受教育。(修改病句) 3、难道你们根据错误的信息得出错误的答案,还应该得分不成?

(陈述句) 4、每个人都说自己的家乡好。(双重否定句)。 七、默写古诗《春夜喜雨》。(6分) 朝代:作者: 八、小练笔。(10分) (一)、根据情景,完成练习(2分) 公园里,李丽拿出橘子,边向嘴里塞橘肉边把橘子皮扔到身后的草坪上。她递给肖兰兰一个,说:“你吃,可甜了!”肖兰兰皱了皱眉头,说:“你是甜了,小草可苦了!” 肖兰兰的言外之意是(2分) (二)应用文:(8分)读下面的对话,根据对话内容写一份通知。王校长:你们六年级什么时候去人民公园扫墓? 钟老师:2019年4月5日早上7点30分,也就是下个星期二。 王校长:那请你代学校教导处写一则通知。 九、课外阅读(一)(15分) 让世界看到你 12岁的少年因患眼疾成了盲人。他整天闷闷不乐,到最后,他甚


小升初英语必考题型 一、单词和语法 1、简单的词组利于:look at等在小升初英语试卷中经常出现; 2、情态动词用法如must之类是小升初英语的必考内容; 3、非谓语动词也是小升初英语的必考内容; 4、虚拟语气是小升初英语的必考内容。 二、完形填空 完形填空会全面考察孩子的英语知识体系,词汇、语法、词组搭配等。三、阅读题 一般小升初英语试卷会有四道阅读题,四篇阅读题中,最后一篇非常难,有的甚至达到了高考英语水平。但是,做阅读提有一些技巧,是可以强化的。四、英文奥数题 英文奥数题是孩子认为最难的题目,因为会出现很多孩子从来没有见过的生词,而且还要孩子有一些数学基础。一般数学成绩好的孩子,英语不咋地,那么这类题就成为了他们的难题。 五、摘要写作题 这类题型对于大多数孩子来说很简单,只要孩子了解一些基本的做题技巧,都能顺利通关。孩子在考试之前,可以学习新概念英语教材,以为小升初英语写作题是从新概念英语教材中的摘要写作部分借鉴而来的。 附口诀: 英语句子万万千,五大句型把线牵。 句型种类为动词,后接什么是关键; 系词后面接表语;vi独身无牵连; vt又可分三类,单宾双宾最常见, 还有宾语补足语;各种搭配记心间。 五种基本句型: 1.主语+系动词+表语 2.主语+不及物动词 3.主语+及物动词+宾语 4.主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 5.主语+及物动词+宾语1+宾语2 六、句型 1.So + be/助动词/情牵动词/主语。 前面陈述的肯定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用到这种倒装结构,表示"另一人(物)也如此。"前面陈述的否定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用"Neither/

沈阳小升初必备之九 育才系学校分析讲解

沈阳小升初必备之九育才系学校分析讲解 为什么沈城人民这么青睐育才学校呢? 在沈阳提到育才你会想到什么呢?是育才超高的升学率难进的门槛,还是它独特的办学模式?亦或是对育才体系下各个学校混淆分不清? 包括特班的情况,分流的情况,以及今后中考的情况是怎么样的呢?可能很多的家长也不是很了解.所以今天为大家进行一个大致的梳理,不过还是要提醒家长,育才系学校的内容比较多,而且每一年内容都一直在变化,特点也很明显,如果不投入更多的精力和时间是不容易学明白的,所以建议大家多多交流. 下面我们要从以下六点位大家进行简单的梳理 1\育才整个体系下的各个部分2\育才本部初中班型及出口情况

3育才双语初中4育才少儿版试读\分流情况 5 育才外国语出国方向6育才系VS中考系对比 首先为什么要着重介绍育才本部和双语的班型呢?因为大家众所周知,在考入或被派位到双语之后都要进行分班考试,各个班型的教学进度和教学特点都是不一样的,今后的分流数据都是不同的,所以单纯以整体宏观来判断这个学校分流平均是多少时不科学的,所以我们要根据不同班型做不同的分析解读. 我们可以按地域划分哦育才可以分成五个校区 一、北校区:育才本部也叫初中部。 二、浑南:1、本部高中、科学高中(一个校园不在同一栋楼) 2、育才外国语(私立、与育才高中不在一起但距离很近) 三、沈北:育才双语(私立) 四、抚顺:育才实验(私立) 五、大东:少儿部(原东关模范小学校址) 抛除其它,而对于沈阳小升初来说呢,大家最关心的其实是下面这四所学校 1、育才本部初中 2、育才双语 3、育才外国语 4、少儿班 对于这四所学校,怎么去区别,我就各用一句话来概括 1、少儿班:超级天才的集中地 2、育才本部:全沈阳小升初竞争最激烈的公立初中 3、育才外国语:大学想出国首选外国语 4、育才双语:除了本部,进入育才高中最近的地方


小升初英语测试笔试部分(80分) ——梁培清一.单项选择。(10分) 1.There are ________bread on the desk. A. a loaf of B. two loaves of C. two loafs of 2.He ___ the museum next weekend. A.visited B. visits C. will visit 3. --_______ are these shoes? -- They are 25 yuan. A. How much B. What C. How many 4. Vegetables ________us. A. is good to B. are good for C. is good for 5. Which is ____, an elephant or a hippo? A. big B. bigger C. biger 6. I was watching TV ____ 9: 00 ____home. A. in; at B. on; at C. at; at 7. There are many apples _____ the tree. A. on B. in C.at 8. –What will the weather be like tomorrow? -- It will be ____. There will be ____. A. cold; snow B. cold; snowy C. cold; snowing

9. You can ___ ___ policeman in front of the shop. A. ask; a B. ask; the C. asked; the 10. ___Lucy’s grandpa ___ a book yesterday? A. Does; read B. Did; readed C. Did; read 二.会话配对,把序号填在括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. How do we go there? ( ) 2. Are you Mr. Brown? ( ) 3. Can I have your e-mail address? ( ) 4. What’s the matter? ( ) 5. What’s your pen friend’s name? ( ) 6. When’s Spring Festival? ( ) 7. Hello, may I speak to Gao Shan? ( ) 8. Oh, your new dress is nice. ( ) 9. How many postcards can you see? ( ) 10. Whose wallets are they? A.I’ve got a headache. B.It’s in January or February. C.Her name is Mary. D.Thank you. E.Yes, I am. F.Sorry, wrong number. G.Yes, of course.


小升初英语考试题型分析 小升初的真题题型包括:听力、单项选择、完形填空、阅读理解、用动词的适当形式填空、补全对话、补全句子、按要求改写句子、写作。听力:分值(10-20分) 毫无疑问,多听为上。一般而言,听力有精听、泛听和带着问题去听等方法。通常情况下,发音不准确的学生在听到标准英语的时候往往听不明白,甚至认为磁带中读错了。所以,想提高听力,可以”发音”和”多听”双管齐下。 单项选择:分值(15-20分) 很多学生在做语法题的时候通常以曚为主抄为辅。归根结底反映的就是学生的基本功不扎实。而单项选择主要考察了学生对于小学英语单词,短语,句型的综合掌握程度.一般以考察冠词the的用法;某些短语的固定搭配,例如in, on, at在时间前的用法;句型的时态用法(一般现在,一般过去,现在进行时三大部分). 完形填空:分值(10-15分) 这种题型难度很大,完形填空=单选+阅读。那么一个最基本的做题原则就是“上下文上下看,语法搭配左右看”。意思就是说,如果答案和上下文有关,那就应该上下看,很有可能第一空的答案就在文章的最后一句话中出现,反之亦然;如果是语法和固定搭配的填空,那么就要左右看。 阅读理解:分值(10-20分) 阅读理解和词汇量的大小直接挂钩,逻辑和推理分析能力对这种题型

也有很大的关系。所以提高词汇量是当务之急。目前小升初阅读理解的题型大致有以下三种: 1. 四选一。就是A.B.C.D四个选项中选择一个。 2. T/F. 判断对错题,也就是ture or false. 3. 任务型阅读。这种题目难度较大,需要学生用英文把答案写出来,而不是单纯的进行选择。这种题型需要注意的是,如果能用yes和no来回答的,就不需要再扩充答案,以免出现拼写语法等错误而失分。但是如果是用why来提问,那么回答一定要用because,而且需要用完整的句子。


密封线内严禁答题 密封线内严禁答题

4、每个人都说自己的家乡好。(双重否定句)。 七、默写古诗《春夜喜雨》。(6分) 朝代:作者: 八、小练笔。(10分) (一)、根据情景,完成练习(2分) 公园里,李丽拿出橘子,边向嘴里塞橘肉边把橘子皮扔到身后的草坪上。她递给肖兰兰一个,说:“你吃,可甜了!”肖兰兰皱了皱眉头,说:“你是甜了,小草可苦了!” 肖兰兰的言外之意是(2分)(二)应用文:(8分)读下面的对话,根据对话内容写一份通知。 王校长:你们六年级什么时候去人民公园扫墓? 钟老师:2013年4月5日早上7点30分,也就是下个星期二。 九、课外阅读(一)(15分) 让世界看到你 12岁的少年因患眼疾成了盲人。他整天闷闷不乐,到最后,他甚至用绝食来抗议命运对他的不公…… 母亲开导他、劝慰他,得到的却是他声嘶力竭的咆哮:“这么美的世界,我却再也看不见……这一生,我除了在黑暗中无声无息地死去,还能做什么?我这样活着又有什么意义?”这时,寡言少语的父亲拍了拍他的肩膀,附在他耳边说了一句悄悄话。母亲没有听清楚自己丈夫对儿子说了什么,但她惊异地发现儿子的泪水戛然而止。 第二天,她发现儿子第一次摸索着走出了家门,回到了孩子们中间。他来到了波洛尼亚盲人学校,靠“点字乐谱”重新学起音乐。他学习非常勤奋,最终以优异的成绩考进了比萨大学法律系。在大学的四年里,他一边学法律,一边勤练吹拉弹唱,并在课余到一家酒吧兼职弹琴唱歌,自己挣钱交学费。 他30岁那年,幸运地成了世界著名音乐大师弗兰科·科瑞利的学生。1994

年,他应邀参加帕瓦罗蒂的个人慈善音乐会,与大师同台演唱。他在获得“圣莫雷音乐节最佳新人奖”后,各种世界级音乐奖都朝他砸来,从1995年至今,几乎所有重要场合都有他出现……现在,他是卢卡博凯里尼音乐学院的院长,同时还拥有自己的制作公司,仅他的CD《浪漫曲———民歌及咏叹调》就在全球售出了两千多万张。 创造奇迹的人名叫安德烈·波切利。2007年秋天,在他的49岁生日宴会上,波切利凑近父亲的耳朵,轻声说:“我要感谢我的父亲!你的耳语改变了我的人生———37年前是你凑在我耳边说:‘小家伙,别气馁!这个世界属于每一个人。虽然,你看不见你眼前的世界,但是,你至少可以做一件事,那就是,让这个世界看见你!’后来,我有过多少次责怨、气馁和胆怯,这句话就在我耳边回响了多少次……” 1、在文中找出下面词语的近义词。(2分) 胆小()邀请()泄气()探索() 2、“竭”按部首查字法应查“立”部,之后再查画,按音序查字法要先查,它的音节是,“声嘶力竭”这个词语中,“竭”的意思是。(2分) 3、用“﹏﹏﹏”画出和文中划横线句子相照应的句子。(2分) 4、从“声嘶力竭”“咆哮”等词可以看出少年安德烈·波切利。他的遭遇使我们想起《假如给我三天光明》的作者,请你以她的口气劝劝这位以绝食抗议命运对他不公的少年。 (4分) 5、文中说安德烈·波切利取得很多成绩,却略写了成功背后所付出的汗水,能就某一项成绩,想象他是怎样付出的。(3分) 6、读完文章,我们每个人的心灵都得到了一次洗礼,请把感受最深的写出来。(2分) 课外阅读(二)(15分) 乡下一间(简朴简陋简单)的旅店里,躺着一位客人。他正闭目(观赏倾听欣赏)楼上优美的钢琴声。琴声一会儿低沉,一会儿高亢,低的时候像珠子在盘中滚动,高的时候像雷鸣震撼着大地。 “这是谁弹的呢?”他正想着,突然,“滴嗒”一声,一滴水滴在他的脸上,他睁开眼往天花板瞧,又滴下一滴水,正好滴进他的眼里。他跳了起来,放开喉咙喊:“来人,来人呀!” “什么事,先生?” 服务员慌慌张张地跑进来。 “楼上是谁,怎么往地板上倒水?” 旅客生气地问。 服务员看着滴下的水,答道:“上面住的是当代德国的大音乐家贝多芬先


小升初英语考试题型分析 Prepared on 22 November 2020

小升初英语考试题型分析 小升初的真题题型包括:听力、单项选择、完形填空、阅读理解、用动词的适当形式填空、补全对话、补全句子、按要求改写句子、写作。听力:分值(10-20分) 毫无疑问,多听为上。一般而言,听力有精听、泛听和带着问题去听等方法。通常情况下,发音不准确的学生在听到标准英语的时候往往听不明白,甚至认为磁带中读错了。所以,想提高听力,可以”发音”和”多听”双管齐下。 单项选择:分值(15-20分) 很多学生在做语法题的时候通常以曚为主抄为辅。归根结底反映的就是学生的基本功不扎实。而单项选择主要考察了学生对于小学英语单词,短语,句型的综合掌握程度.一般以考察冠词the的用法;某些短语的固定搭配,例如in, on, at在时间前的用法;句型的时态用法(一般现在,一般过去,现在进行时三大部分). 完形填空:分值(10-15分) 这种题型难度很大,完形填空=单选+阅读。那么一个最基本的做题原则就是“上下文上下看,语法搭配左右看”。意思就是说,如果答案和上下文有关,那就应该上下看,很有可能第一空的答案就在

文章的最后一句话中出现,反之亦然;如果是语法和固定搭配的填空,那么就要左右看。 阅读理解:分值(10-20分) 阅读理解和词汇量的大小直接挂钩,逻辑和推理分析能力对这种题型也有很大的关系。所以提高词汇量是当务之急。目前小升初阅读理解的题型大致有以下三种: 2. T/F. 判断对错题,也就是ture or false. 3. 任务型阅读。这种题目难度较大,需要学生用英文把答案写出来,而不是单纯的进行选择。这种题型需要注意的是,如果能用yes和no来回答的,就不需要再扩充答案,以免出现拼写语法等错误而失分。但是如果是用why来提问,那么回答一定要用because,而且需要用完整的句子。


2010 年光明中学七年级入学考试英语试卷 (时间40分钟总分100) 姓名分数 一,根据中文和单词第一个字母提示,将句子补充完整。(10分) 1.She often d h (做家务)all day. 2.Jack wants to be a f w (工厂工人). 3.The man p u (捡起)the hare and t it b (拿回)home last Sunday. 4.Do you live f f (远离)school? 二,将下面单词的字母编号写在相应的横线上。(6分) A.farmer . B.brave C.modern D. certainly E.die F.save G,suddenly H.earth I.accident . J.pillow K.show L.finally. 名词: 形容词: 动词: 副词: 三.从所给的词中找出对应的反义词对号入座。(10分) dark clever poor sad far weak down first long good 1.strong 2,rich 3.bright 4.short 5.bad 6.close 7.happy 8.up https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0017948948.html,st 10.stupid 四.选出不同类的单词。(6分) ()1. A .healthy https://www.sodocs.net/doc/0017948948.html,fortable C.album ()2. A.footballer B.become C student ()3. A.in trouble B.keep a diary C.go on a diet ()4. A.dig B .hole C.carry ()5. A.broken B. surprised C. lose ()6. A. fly B robot C. get 五.选择适当的答案填空。(12分) ()1.Mike got to school half past seven this morning . A, in B. on C. at ()2.Her story book is thicker than A.me B.my C.mine ()3.There much water in the bottle. A.are B is C.be ()4.Mark ran than the others in the race. A .fast B.faster C.fastest


听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的短语或句子。(5分) ( )1. A. open the door B. get the ball C. on the floor D. a ping-pong ball ( )2. A. have a look B. find a book C. have a seat D. in the bag ( )3. A. Let me help you. B. How are you? C. Where are you? D. Let’s go with you. ( )4. A. Let me see. B. Come this way. C. In the pear tree. D. Jim’s family tree. ( )5. A. Can you guess? B. In the class. C. A big box. D. A small house. 二、听句子,选出与其内容相符的图片。(5分) 三、听录音连线。(5分) 1. playing soccer a. interesting 2. playing basketball b. boring 3. playing volleyball c. difficult 4. playing tennis d. full of fun 5. playing baseball e. relaxing 6. playing ping-pong f. exciting 四、听对话选择正确答案。(5分) ( )1. What color is the girl’s racket? A. Blue B. Black C. Red ( )2. What does the boy have? A. A soccer ball B. A basketball C. A volleyball ( )3. Where is the boy’s baseball? A. It’s under the desk B. It’s under the bed C. It’s in the dresser. ( )4. What do the speakers want to play? A. Tennis B. V olleyball C. Ping-pong ( )5. How many tennis rackets does Lily have? A. 7 B. 17 C. 70 五、听对话,补全其中所缺的词,每空一词。(10分) M: How many 1 are there in your 2 ? W: There are 3 , my 4 , my brother and I. M: Is your mother a 5 ? W: Yes, she is. And my father is a 6 . M: What’s your brother? W: He’s a 7 . M: Oh, look. Your 8 is over there. W: No. That’s my 9 . He’s a 10 . 笔试部分(90分) 一、将五个元音字母大小写形式正确书写到四线三格上。(5分) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二、找出发音不同的单词,把答案序号填在括号内.(5分) ( )1. A. dive B. bite C. kid D. hike ( )2. A. think B. their C. father D. this ( )3. A. cook B. rice C. cat D. picture ( )4. A. how B. yellow C. grow D. know ( )5. A. where B. their C. hair D. here 三.选择题.(15分) ( )1.How many____do you have? A.stamp B. stamps C. book D. beef ( )2.Can you play ____piano? A./ B. a C. an D. the ( )3.This is your toothbrush, that toothbrush is ____. A.I B. me C.my D.mine ( )4.He____us to play basketball yesterday. A.teach B. teaches C. teaching D. taught
