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Unit 3 A Healthy diet


本节课内容是Unit3 A Healthy diet 中story time板块,课文主要围绕“健康饮食”




1、能在整体情境中理解story time的内容,养成预测文本、处理信息等能力。

2、能听懂、会说、会读单词,词组或句型::at a time, healthy, diet, cola, a little, a few. He has a lot of/some noodles/meat. She has a few eggs/a lettle rice.












Step 1Pre-Reading

1. Greetings.


T shows students around the RT Mart and talk about some food、meat、fish、vegetables and sweet food.

T:Did you have some milk for your breakfast?What about your breakfast?

T:I think you have a healthy diet\I think your diet is not healthy?Why do say that?\

T show Healthy Food Pyramid and talk about it.

揭题:A healthy diet

Teach: diet, a few, a little, healthy, unhealthy.

Step2 While-reading

1.Look at Mike and YangLing’s diets.

Q:What food do they both like? Ss:...

What kind of sweet food does Mike eat? Ss:...

How much sweet food does YangLing eat? Ss:...

Way: read the text quickly and answer

2.What food do they eat for three meals?

Way: a, watch and tick b, answer

3.Talk about Mike’s diet.

Q: How much bread and milk does Mike eat for breakfast?

How much meat and fish does Mike eat for breakfast?

How much rice does Mike eat for breakfast?

Way: read and under the key words.

4.T: What do you think of Mike’s diet?


What is a healthy diet?

--Healthy Food Pyramid

T: In fact, it’s according to a special form

Way: show the Say something about the Healthy Food Pyramid.

What shape is it? How many floors are these?

To keep healthy, we should have a lot of rice, noodles, bread, fruit and vegetables. Because they are a good source of carbohydrates and vitamins. They keep us healthy. We should eat some meat, fish,eggs, and milk. They can make us strong. At last, we just have a little sweet food. Because they provide calories, and they can make us fatter and fatter.

5.Give Mike some advice.

Tips: Hey, you should/can... Please eat... ...can make us....Don’t...

he have a good healthy diet? Why?

6.Talk about YangLing’s diet. Does s

Way: read and underline.

7.Listen and repeat.


8.Read freely.

a, read in parts. b, read together. c, read after one

9.Retell the text.

a, look at the blackboard and retell the text. b, finish the passage

Step3 Post-reading

1.Say something about your diet.

2.If you have an unhealthy diet, what are you going to do?

Tips: I’m going to... I should(not)... I can(not)...

3.Junk food.

To keep healthy, we should have healthy food, but no junk food.

Step4: Sum-up

Remember: Eat more healthy food. Do more exercise.

Have a healthy lifestyle. Healthy is wealthy.

Step5 Homework

1.Read the text freely.

2.Try to tell something about Mike and YangLing’s diets.

3.Say something about your diet.


Unit3 A healthy food

Breakfast Lunch and Dinner


Yang Ling



读时注重语音语调以及朗读的方法与技巧。在教学Healthy Food Pyramid时,忽略了学生已有的基础,应该给与学生更大的空间,注重学生语言的学习。While reading 的时候提出的问题太过深奥,应根据学生的接受能力,学习任务应该层



牛津词典系列 牛津辞典是英国牛津大学出版社出版的多种英语词典的统称,是英国语言词典的代表。牛津词典详细追溯了每个英语词的历史演变(对其最早的出现年代有明确的标注),释义和引证繁富,因而是英语词汇的最高权威。 牛津老大 The Oxford English Dictionary,20 Volume Set《牛津英语大辞典》【查早到1150年(的古旧词)】类似《汉语大词典》 牛津老大:最高级的牛津词典,就是The Oxford English Dictionary(20 Volume Set)简称OED,这是牛津兄弟的老大,也是英语词典界的圣经。它一共有20卷,目前国内书商动辄索价¥20000RMB。这么贵的词典谁会买呢?问得好。其实,没有任何人能够读完这本词典,它的存在更具有象征意义,象征着人类对知识无限的追求。 然而人类的这点成就这一切,在电子时代失去了骇人的体量和质感。OED的光盘版,只需要两张CD-ROM。但凡买过这套电子版的人,无不怨声载道,因为它的接口设计实在太差了。查完一个词之后,居然没有一个后退键。只能用鼠标浏览,但又不支持鼠标右键的COPY和粘贴。总之,如果花钱买来的话,大概会非常痛苦。 顺便说一句,The Oxford English Dictionary(20 Volume Set)有个缩印版,The Compact Oxford English Dictionary,内容跟OED一样,价格只要¥3200,但字体非常恐怖,是把OED四页的内容印到一页上,如果你不想写一部失乐园续集的话,最好还是打消买它的念头。 牛津老二 The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary,2 Vol.Set《牛津简编英语词典》【查早到17世纪(的古旧词)】类似《辞源》 牛津老二:The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (2 Vol. Set),可能是牛津也觉得自己浪费森林太不象话,于是出了一个简编版。不要以为看到Shorter,就真Shorter,其实,这是牛津家族中第二大的词典。两大本3888页的厚度,也够意思了。这本词典在国内由上海外语教育出版社引进第五版。网上可以找到供Mdict词典软件使用的牛津简编词典包。 牛津老三 The New Oxford Dictionary of English《新牛津英语大词典》【查现代的(百科新词)】类似《辞海》 该词典国内已经出版了,双解版名为《新牛津英汉双解大词典》(上海外语教育出版社),在网上也要卖¥315左右。如果OED和SOED侧重词源学,引经据典太多,太学术的话,那么ODE就是给人类预备的。不过这本词典的中文翻译挺讨厌,因为把每个例句都翻译了,包括:“Yes,I will.” 这样的。如果你想拥有一本英英的原版,先不要急着去亚马逊下单,下面有一个终极解决办法,金山词霸2009[牛津版]收录其双解版。 牛津老四 Concise Oxford Dictionary《牛津简明英语词典》【查现代的(英文新词)】类似《现代汉语词典》 该词典是大学级别词典(College Dictionary),中高级用用也足够了,简称COD。由外语教学与研究出版社引进。


《牛津初中英语》教学案例五年级:初二学科:英语学校:南京市第六十六中学执教:杨慧 8B Unit 4 Reading (I) Teaching aims: To read an e-mail about hosting a charity show. To improve the students’ reading skills. To make students know more about charities and what they can do for the charities. Teaching aids: Multimedia and a tape-recorder Teaching methods: 1.Imagine. 2. Listen and read. 3. Ask and answer. 4.Summarize 5.Free talk Important and difficult points: To know how to raise money for charities To learn about Ricky’s feelings before, while and after the show Emotional attitudes: By learning more about charities in China and what people do for the charities, let the students know our world is full of love. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Pre-reading 1.What is a charity?(showing this definition on the screen) It’s a system of giving money, food or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor or homeless, or any organization which is set up to provide money or help in this way. 策略:通过老师对charity这个词的最原味的英文解释,一下子把学生的思维跟本单元的话题拉近,也可以让学生从定义上初步获得一些我们可以为慈善事业做些什么的信息。 2.Revise the names of some charities in China and what these charities do.(showing them some pictures of these organizations) Project Hope helps schools and students in poor areas. Save China’s Tiger s protects tigers and other big cats in China. Spring Bud Project helps poor young girls return to school. Project Green Hope helps protect rivers and lakes in China. 3.Present some news.


牛津小学英语语法复习 一、时态 1.一般现在时 (1)表示经常发生的动作或事情,通常用“usually, often, every day, sometimes,always,never”等词。 2.现在进行时, (1)表示正在发生的动作,通常用“now,look”. (2)基本形式: be + 动词+ing eg: I am(not) doing my homework. You/We/They are(not) reading. He/She/It is(not) eating. What are you doing? Is he reading?

3. 一般过去时态 (1)表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用“last week, just now, yesterday”等词。 (2) be 动词的过去式: am/is—was are—were I/He/she/it was(not)…. You/we/they were…. 一般疑问句was, were 放在句首。 (4)动词过去式的变化: 不规则动词的变化: 原形过去式原形过去式原形过去式原形过去式sweep swept teach taught have had go went keep kept think thought do did find found sleep slept buy bought eat ate say said feel felt drink drank is/am was take took read read give gave are were mean meant put put sing sang drive drove meet met cut cut begin began speak spoke make made let let ring rang write wrote see saw fly flew run ran ride rode come came


4B U1-U8知识点整理 Tips:划横线为必背内容,加粗字体为重要知识点,★能力题选背。 Unit1 Our school subjects语法考点 1.问学科:what 问课what ; 如:What do you like? 你喜欢什么学科? 如:What do you have this term(学期)? 如:What do you have? 2. 学科类名词首字母要; 如:科学;语文 3. 评价某个学科有趣用It's ; 4. 今天早上用morning; 早上用morning; 5. 操场前面要加; 如去操场; 6. 多个学科并列时要用逗号隔开(不能用顿号),最后两个单词之间要用连接; Unit2 After school语法考点 1. 星期考点 ①星期一到星期天分别是(拼写):星期一;星期二;星期三; 星期四;星期五;星期六;星期天; ②英语中,一个星期的第一天是; 如is the first(第一) day of a week(一周). is the (第二) day of a week(一周) ③在星期几前面的介词用;; 在星期几的上午在星期后加在星期几的下午在星期后加; 如:在星期天上午 ④对星期几提问特殊疑问词用; 2. It's time for / to考点(是时候做...) It's time for. I It’s time to 3. some、any 考点 ①some在部分疑问句和否定句中要改为 ②用于征求对方意见并且希望得到肯定答复的时候,some无须改为any;总结为以下3种情况 (1)Would you like some ... ? (2)What/How about some ... ? (3)Can I have some ...? (详见U7语法考点) 4. like考点 ①like后接可数名词要用复数形式; 如:like mangoes ②like后接动词时要用动词ing形式; 如:like playing basketball Unit3 My day语法考点 1. 时间介词in, on,at 的考点 in考点 ①四季前介词用in, 如:in spring ②in还可以表示在“某段时间内”,如:在早晨in the morning 在下午in the afternoon 在晚上in the evening on考点 ①在星期几前介词用on ,如on Sunday, on Monday ②在星期几的上午/下午/晚上用:on + 星期几+ 上午/下午/晚上 如:on Saturday morning 在星期六早上 ③在晴朗的一天介词用on, 如:on a sunny day 在晴朗的一天 at考点 ①在“几点”前介词用at, 如:at seven thirty ②固定搭配:at night 在夜里 2. 两种问时间的表达法:What time is it (now)? = What’s the time? (现在)几点了? 回答统一用:It's + 几点 3. When考点 When 询问的是时间范围回答一般用at; 如:—你早上什么时候吃早饭?When do you have breakfast in the morning? —我在八点半吃早饭。I have breakfast at eight thirty. 注:含有When的疑问句回答必须用at + 时间,不能用It's + 时间 4. 中英文时间表达差异性:通常中文中的时间在前面,翻译为“我在什么时间做什么事。” 而英语中时间放在句末,且小时间在前,大时间在后,如:I get up at six thirty in the morning. 5. 时间表达法 ①整点表达法:数字+ o’clock; o’clock也可省略; ②非整点表达法:按从左到右的顺序,依次先说小时数,再说分钟数。 如:11:05 eleven five ★能力题:时间表达法: (1)分钟数< 30分钟结构:分钟数+ past(超过) + 小时数即几点超过几分 如:3:20 twenty past two (2)分钟数> 30分钟结构:分钟数+ to(差) + 小时数即几点差几分 如:1:55 two to two 6. 动词原形的考点 ①can / can’t + 动词原形能/不能做... 如:He can skate. ②want to + 动词原形想要做... 如:I want to swim. ③don’t + 动词原形不要... 如:Don’t shout. ④let’s + 动词原形让我们... 如:Let’s draw pictures.


《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》的语法性研究 文献综述 一、该选题的国内外研究现状 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》的语法性研究与分析对于词典的编纂提供了很好的向导,也对英语学习者对英语的学习带来了帮助。英语词典吸收了新的语言学理论,出现了许多新的释义方式,词典编纂者应时刻掌握使用者需求动态与认知习惯要求,编纂出更适合需求的词典。 (一)国外研究现状 早在二十世纪七十年代,Hornby A S于1978发表了“Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English-The complete Guide to Written and Spoken English ”的文章,从而对词典的研究打开了序幕,将词典的功能扩大化、细致化。 《牛津高阶》是历史悠久的字典,许多字典的标准是由它所建立,可以称为字典的大哥大。针对读者学习需求,不收古语、罕语,也不收字源。以国际音[IPA]为准,兼收英国音和美国英;英文定义简明;例句丰富;动词分及物和不及物,名词分可数和不可数。作为ESL词典的开山鼻祖,OALD确立了很多词典编写的标准,这些标准广泛的被其他出版社采用。OALD也一直把发行量第一作为广告来宣传自己。 A.P.Cowie于2002年发表的一篇论文名为“English Dictionaries for Foreign Learners: A History”也描述了英语词典对于外国学习者在学习英语的过程中所起到的作用,并且对其历史也作了详细的研究。同年,Rundel L.M. 也发表了一篇名为“Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners”的论文,他主要是针对一些进阶的学习者做的一些研究,他是用麦克米伦英语词典来作为研究对象,旨在通过对麦克米伦词典的研究来达到研究出增进人们学习英语的最佳途径以及编辑英语词典的方法等等。 (二)国内研究现状


初中英语教学案例分析 7A Unit 1 This Is Me 牛津初中英语具有这样一个主要特点:按照任务型教学来设计语言实践活动。每个单元围绕一个话题。7A第一单元的话题重点就是介绍自己和结交朋友。第一课时是Comic strip & Welcome to the unit.教学对象是初一学生,这是他们进入初中的第一节课。学生从小学三年级开始就学习英语,英语基础知识和基本技能都还可以,对英语学习兴趣也很浓厚,但由于这节课是初中英语的第一节课,因此我们的主要目标是:在初中阶段继续激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。要让老师和学生在一种轻松愉快的氛围中互相交流,让学生放松,快乐地学习英语。 [案例片段] 案例片段(1):教师轻松活泼的语言在课堂上不仅能消除初一新生的陌生感和紧张感,同时也能调动学生的学习积极性,增强学生的自信心,形成师生互动的良好教学氛围。如这一节课的设计一开始是:老师自我介绍,然后叫同学向老师提问,再请几个活泼的学生自我介绍,带动课堂气氛。我是这样介绍自己的:Hello,everyone,I’m Miss Zhu, I’m your English teacher. I like pop music very much. I like the songs of Liu Ruiying most. 学生们此时就全都面带微笑了。而后,我又叫全班同学问我问题,其中有一个问题是: How old are you? 我立刻回答:Eighteen. 此时全班同学笑出声来,我又说:Of course, That’s my mental age(心理年龄)。同学们哄堂大笑。于是我们在一个轻松幽默的师生互动过程中,开始了我们的课程教学。 案例片段(2):英语作为一门语言,在信息发达的现在,很多时候可以采用多媒体课件教学,同时辅以启发式教学。启发式教学是指教师在教学中把所有的讲解的内容与学生的思考有机的结合起来,极大地调动了学生的积极性与求知欲。如,这节课我就做了课件,制作了comic strip的插图,把Eddie与Hobo的对话以动画片的形式用多媒体放映出来,随后我又设置了一个问题:Does Eddie like the e-dog?这个问题书上没用现成答案,学生们要靠自己对这段对话的理解以及对图片的分析后,才能给出答案,这就是一个启发式的并且吸引学生的问题,激发了他们的思考。同时我们还可以通过学生们对Eddie和 Hobo初步印象,问他们:Do you like Eddie? D you like Hobo?不露痕迹地引起他们的兴趣,激发他们的思考。 [案例分析] 1.快乐的学习英语:如何带领学生快乐的学习英语是所有英语教师共同研讨的问题?快乐的学习英语提倡的是在一种和谐、融洽、愉快的课堂气氛中有效地开展教学,培养学生的学习能力,发展学生个性与创造能力的教育理念。教师应随时注意到学生的情感状态,并且应善于调动学生快乐的情感。比如,教师自己的语


?一般情况下,直接加s 如:read-reads,swim-swims ?以s,x,sh,ch,o结尾,加es 如:wash-washes,watch-watches,do-does ?以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加es 如:study-studies,fly-flies ?不规则变化如:have-has 4、一般现在时的句型转换: 肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答 They watch TV every day.They don’t watch TV every day. —Do they watch TV every day? —Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. She watches TV She doesn’t watch— Does she watch TV every day?

every https://www.sodocs.net/doc/014452360.html, every day.—Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 现在进行时 1、定义:表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的动作。句中常有now,look,listen等词。 如:I am washing clothes now. Look! Liu Tao is climbing the tree. Listen! Jane is singing in the music room. 2、构成:be动词(am/is/are)+ 动词现在分词(V-ing) 3、动词现在分词构成: ?一般是在动词原形后加ing 如:read-reading,drink-drinking,eat-eating,look-looking ?以不发音的e结尾的动词,去掉e,再加ing 如:write-writing,make-making,ride-riding,take-taking ?以重读闭音节结尾,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,要双写这个字母,再加ing 如:sit-sitting,swim-swimming,put-putting,run-running,stop-stopping,get- getting,begin-beginning,jog-jogging,forget-forgetting 4、动名词其实就是动词的现在分词,它既有名词性质(可作主语),又有动词性质(可带宾语)。 如:Asking the way My hobby is collecting stamps. He is good at skating. 5、现在进行时的句型转换: 肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答 —Is he running now? He is running now.He isn’t running now. —Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.


七年级《牛津初中英语预备课程》教学案 Unit 9 Signs 要点直击 1.Don’t play in the street. 不要在街上玩。/Look at the sign ! 看这个标志! 这两个句子叫祈使句,它表示请求、命令等。如:Open the door ,please,请把门打开。Don’ t be late for school again. 上学别再迟到了。 2.Let’s go .让我们走吧! “Let’s do sth..”是表示建议的日常用法。 如:Let’s look at the computer. 我们来看看电脑吧。 L et’s be good friends.让我们成为好朋友吧。 3.Why not ?句型 “W hy not do sth ?”是表示建议做某事,并非表示疑问。 如:Why not go swimming this afternoon ? Why not go to the supermarket? 为什么不去超市呢? 4.bring 与take bring 意为“拿来,带来”;指把某人或事物从一个地方带到说话人所在地来,强调由远而近。take 意为“拿走,带走”,指把某人或某物从说话人所在地带到另一个地方去强调由近而远。如:Don’t forget to bring your book here tomorrow.别忘了明天把你的书带来。 I want to take the newspapers home. 我想把报纸带回家。 5.情态动词must的用法 (1)表示“必须”或“应当” I must see her and thank her. 我得见见她向她道谢 We must look first when we across the road.过马路时,我们应该先看看。 (2)must not 表示禁止,相当于“不允许,不应该” You mustn’t be late for school. 你不允许上学迟到。 You mustn’t tell him about it.你一定不要把这件事告诉他。 6.on the right 在右边 7.look right 向前看 8.the right place 合适的地方 9.park 的用法 (1)park(n.)公园 We are in ABC Park. 我们在ABC公园里。 (2)park (v.) 停(车等)于 Where can we park the car?我们可以在哪里停车? She can park her bike in front of the supermarket.她可以把自行车停放在超市的前面。10.She must look up and down first.首先她得前后看看。 first(adv.)首先,最初,第一 I must finish this work first.我必须先完成这件工作。 11.情态动词can 的用法 (1)表示能力 Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗? Peter can answer the question.彼得能回答这个问题。 The boy can’t swim.这个男孩不会游泳。 (2)表示许可:can’t 表示“不准”。


Unit1 The lion and the mouse mouse复数老鼠mice 鼠标mouses big,large区别 large:常指面积或范围大,有广阔和众多的含义,其反义词是small。large比较正式。 big:常指程度,规模,容积,重量,数量大,含有庞大、笨重的意思,还可表示“伟大,重要”之意,其反义词是little,big较为口语化 wake up:up是副词,不可后接代词,代词放中间,名称中间后面都可以放。 the next day 第二天,是指某个特定时间的后一天,既可指过去,也可指将来 tomorrow是指从今天向后的一天,即明天 some day 表示将来不确定的某一天,表示将来的时间状语,因此时态用一般将来时 just then 就在那时,表示过去的时间状语,因此时态用一般过去时 from then on 从那时起,表示过去的时间状语,因此时态用一般过去时 from now on 从今往后,表示将来的时间状语,因此时态用一般将来时 副词接在动词后面speak loudly 形容词接在名词前面或be动词后面作表语the old man walk by走过路过let...go 释放放开pour...into把......倒入 in the forest 在森林里large and strong又大又壮so small and weak这么小和弱 let sb. do 让某人干某事well done 干得好get out from the net破网而出 become friends变成朋友cheer for...为...而欢呼be good at ...=do well in...擅长 in the ground在地上in the hole在洞里 look sad看起来伤心with his teeth 用他的牙齿catch(caught)...with用...捉住... have an idea有一个主意(想法)have a good(bad) idea 反义词strong 与weak(同音词week) bite过去式bit hit过去式hit unit2 good habits 宾语补足语:英语中,有些及物动词后接宾语时,还需要加一个词或短语来补充说明宾语的情况,这样的词或短语叫做宾语补足语。可以作宾语补足语的有名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式V-ed形式或V-ing形式等。He keeps his room clean and tidy 他保持房间既干净又整洁 get up early起床早go to bed late 睡觉迟finish his homework 完成他的家庭作业brush one’s teeth 刷牙run through 跑过put…in order把……整理得井井有条 come to see her 过来看她go into=enter走进many good(bad) habits 许多好(坏)的习惯 be late for...做...迟到be bad for...对...有害know……well 对……非常了解 show sb.around带领某人参观last night=yesterday evening l isten to his teachers听他老师的话 反义词late与early finish与start(begin) messy与tidy(clean) fast与slow(ly) before与after unit3 a healthy diet 可数与不可数名词的常用修饰词: 一、修饰可数名词:these, those, few, many, a good [great] many, a great [good/ large] number of,scores of, dozens of 二、修饰不可数名词:this, that, little, a bit of, much, a great deal of, a great [ large] amount of 等: 三、可以同时修饰可数不可数名词:如all, some, enough, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a (large) quantity of 等: only位置实义动词前,其它动词后


《牛津高阶英语词典》(第8版)使用心得(George Chen) 如果说辞典界有什么事情发生,而可以称得上是重大消息,OALD 推出新版绝对够资格排得上前三名。学习型辞典在市场上的主流地位,任何新旧更替,必然引起话题,元老级的OALD 新版上市,当然更加受瞩目。这些辞典的前世今生,我在过去谈学习型辞典时,已着墨许多,这里就不再多谈,有兴趣的读者不妨参考过去我谈论学习型辞典的文章,或者本文末尾,我所列的几本参考书籍。 我直接进入主题,先从印刷版的前后版比较起,距离上一版大约五年了,五年的时间酝酿一个新版,差不多是个恰当的时间。这次新版与旧版版面比较,差别不大,新字增加这必然要有的。辞典封底的文字宣称有1000 new words and meanings,新字真的不是我很在意的部分,不过还是未能免俗,稍稍看一下,底下这些都是新加入的字:biofuel, malware, blogosphere, robocall, slow food, Skype, upsell, …我又从Susie Dent 的The Language Report 这本专聊新字的书找了一些,在这本OALD8 里检验。Family 与friend 结合的framily 没有;已经炒热过不少新闻的cyberbullying (网络霸凌),也找不到。elephant in the room 收进来了,有异曲同工之妙的moose on the table 还付诸阙如,可惜。botnet 收进来了,却没有在zombie 底下加上计算机相关的新定义,又是另一个可惜之处。新字是个永远填不满的无底洞,所以新字的话题看看就好。 总页数1938,与旧本相比,多了30余页。二千页差不多是辞典容纳量的上限,再多,不易携带;再少,怕内容单薄。除了几本双解辞典之外,英文学习型辞典差不多都是这等规模。有限的纸面空间,多了新数据,势必在别的地方删除相同份量的数据。所以,印刷版末尾处看到Visual V ocabulary Builder Contents 变得充实,我们也大胆推估,其它必有别的数据被删减了。


《牛津初中英语》教学案例一年级:初一学科:英语学校:南京市第十二中学执教:潘洁Unit 4 Comic strip & welcome to the unit Teaching aims: 1. Introducing names of interesting facts and strange things. 2. Discussing something unusual and express the feeling. Teaching aids: Multimedia Teaching methods: 1.Asking and answering. 2. Listening and reading. 3. Free talk 4. Imagination. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead-in 1.Show some pictures and ask: How do you feel when you see these pictures? Look at the man, he has a long mustache. Isn't he amazing? If you meet a man like this on a bus. How do you feel? Strange And this pig, look carefully, What’s it made of? It’s made of orange peel. Isn’t it wonderful? What is he doing? He is playing a yo-yo. I think he is very clever. Isn’t it great? This dog is lazy, it is sleeping, and it is dreaming of eating. Isn’t it funny? And these babies are in the pumpkins. Aren’t they interesting? Lovely? 2.Read these words. (interesting, funny, wonderful, amazing, great, strange, lovely) 策略:精心选择六幅图片,包含生活中、自然界一些稀奇古怪的人,动物或现象。在提问过程中,有意识地用amazing, strange, wonderful, great, funny, interesting, lovely回答问题,使学生对本课的重点词汇有一个初步的了解。 通过展示六幅图片,引起学生兴趣,帮助学生初步感知本课的主题,amazing things. Step 2 Presentation Show the pictures about lighting, rocket, sneezing, elephant, goldfish, tortoise, giraffe and the tallest man, talk about each picture . 1.Who is he? Yao Ming. How tall is he? Do you know the tallest man in the world? He was from the USA, he was about 2.72 m tall. He died in 1940. What a pity!


重点语法知识 冠词: ?不定冠词: a/an 表示不确定的“某一个” a用在辅音开头的名词前 an用在元音(a、e、i、o、u )开头的名词前 an + apple 、orange、 egg、elephant、 insect 、umbrella、 old、 hour、 honest ?定冠词:the表示特定的这个或那个 the sun 定冠词the用于特指、独一无二(the sun)、形容词最高级、序数词、海洋江河山脉岛屿等专有名词(the Yangtze River)、方位词、乐器(play the piano)、时间(in the morning) ?零冠词:球类运动(play football)、时间(at night)、季节月份星期(in spring ,in September, on Monday)、 名词复数: ?一般情况,单词变复数只需加s,如book—books, friend→friends; cat→cats ?凡是以s、ss, z、x、ch、sh或o结尾的词,后面只需加es。如; bus→buses; fox→foxes;等。 ?结尾以y ,而y之前是元音字母的话,只需加s 就行了。如; toy—toys、boy—boys.如果y前是辅音,去y加ies ?以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves。例:knife→knives; life→lives; leaf→leaves。反例:roof→roofs ?以o 结尾的词,有生命加es 如;potato--- potatoes。但没有生命的加s (除个别特殊的) ?不规则变化单词 child---children tooth---teeth man…men woman…women mouse…mice foot…fe et ?单复数相同的词;fish sheep deer …… ?如果是不可数,例如液体,粉状的没有单复数形式。 如water milk jam meat flour rice power paper cloud honey sugar rice bread salt air juice pepper grass work


Teaching design――The story of Xi Wang This teaching design is made up of 6 parts, including analysis of teaching material, analysis of students, teaching objectives , teaching methods, teaching theories and procedures. Analysis of teaching material This article, the story of Xi Wang , is from the reading part of Unit 5, 8A, Fun with English. The topic, wild animals, accords with the cognitive ability and lives of students. This course requires that students read a passage about lives of giant pandas. By learning it, students can know the growing process of pandas and develop the awareness of protecting wild animals by exploring the dangers giant pandas face. Analysis of students The target students are in level 4, they have certain reading ability. Their listening and speaking ability are enhanced in a certain degree. They have learning consciousness. With regard to the condition above, I will train their reading ability further and develop their comprehensive language skills by listening, reading, speaking and writing activities. Teaching objectives Students are able to (1) get to know some basic information of Xi Wang. (2) be familiar with and identify the new words and expressions: serious, none, mainly, be born, in the beginning, take action, look like, eat bamboo, live on, face serious problems, in the wild, in danger, right away. (3)improve reading ability by training skimming and scanning. (4) raise awareness of protecting wild animals by knowing the truth that many wild animals are in danger. Teaching methods Task-based language teaching, communicative language teaching and the guided-discovery method.


江苏译林牛津小学英语单词表 (3A – 6B) Vocabulary A a a, an 一(个,件)(an 用于元音音素开头的词前) (3A1; 4A1, 3) a carton of 一(纸)盒 (4B9) a cup of 一(茶)杯 (4B7) a glass of 一(玻璃)杯 (4A9) a lot (of) 许多,大量 (5A1) a pair of 一双(条,副,,) (4A6) aah (因惊奇或出乎意料而)发出“啊”的喊叫 (5A3) about 大约;关于 (4B3; 5A9) absent 缺席 (5B2) accordion 手风琴 (3B10) address 地址 (6B7) Africa 非洲 (6B6) after 在,,以后;在,,后面 (5A7) after school 放学后 (5A7) afternoon 下午,午后 (4A7) again 又,再 (4A8) ago 以前 (6A3) ah [表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等] 啊;呀 (4A2) airport 机场 (4B6) Aladdin 阿拉丁(神话《一千零一夜》中寻获神灯并以此召唤神怪按其吩咐行事的少年) (6A2) album (用以粘贴照片、邮票等的)粘贴簿 (3B3) all 所有的;全部 (5A1, 8) all right 好;行;不错 (3A4, 4A1) along 沿着 (6B3) also 也,还 (6A6) always 总是 (6A1) America 美国 (5B9) American 美国人;美国的;美国人的 (5B 9) and 然后;加;和;[用于句首] 还 (3A1; 4A 7, 8, 6) animal 动物 (5A4) answer 回答,答复 (3B6; 6A7) ant 蚂蚁 (5B8) any 任何的;一些 (5A1) anything 什么事(物);任何事(物) (4B7) Anything else? 还要别的东西吗? (4B7) apple 苹果 (3A3; 4B4) April 四月 (6A2) arm 手臂 (5B6) art 艺术;美术 (5A9) as 作为,当做 (6A2) as , as 和,,一样 (6B1) ask 问 (6A1) at 在 (4A7) at home 在家 (5A6) at once 立刻, 马上 (5B1) at school 在学校;在上课 (5A1) at the back of 在,,后部;在,,后面 (6A7) August 八月 (6A2) aunt 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 (3B3; 5B3) Australia 澳大利亚 (5B9) Australian 澳大利亚人 (5B9) autumn 秋季 (6A5) away (离)开 (6A1) B b back 回(原处) (5A1) backache 背痛 (5B2) bad 坏的;严重的 (3A5; 5B2) bag 包;袋 (3B1) ball 球 (4B6) ball game 球类运动 (3B10) ball pen 圆珠笔 (3A5; 4A1) balloon 气球 (4A4) banana 香蕉 (3A3; 4B4) bar 块;条 (3B8) baseball 棒球运动;棒球 (3B10) basket 篮;筐 (3A9) basketball 篮球运动;篮球 (3B10; 4B7) bathroom 浴室,盥洗室 (3B7; 5A2) be 是;成为;变成 (4A8; 4B3) am (3A11) are (3A5; 4A1) aren’t = are n ot (4B3) is (3A2;4A1) isn’t = is not (4A2) be good at 善于 (6B2) be late for 迟到 (4B2) beach 海滩 (6A6) bear 熊 (4A2) beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的 (5B3) beautifully 美地 (5B4) because 因为 (4B1; 6B5) bed 床 (3A4; 3B7) bedroom 卧室,寝室 (3B7 ;5A2) bee 蜜蜂 (5B 8) before 在,,以前 (3B5; 6A5) begin 开始 (5B7) behind 在,,后面 (5A2)
