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时完成了工作。, 幸亏有你的帮助1. your help, we finished the work on time. 我坚信你会很快走出困境。2. the difficult situation soon. I’m sure that you can我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。3. .for too

long without ________ I think I sat_________ ________ ________ ________

作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。4. As a mountain climber, Aron

________ ________ ________ ________ risks. 我想把我在动物医院工作的计

划推迟到明年夏天。5. my plan to work in an animal hospital ________ next summer. I want to________ ________ 6. me such a cute pet dog. Thank

you 谢谢你送给我一只这么可爱的宠物狗。网络使我们在家里购物成为

可能。7. The Internet for us to buy things at home. 帮助别人使

我感到愉快。8. me feel happy. 约翰常去看望养老院里的老人并使

他们高兴起来。9. John often goes . ande’s homethe old people at the old peopl 我想把这些书捐赠给贫困山区的孩子们。10. I’d like to to the children in the poor mountain areas. these books ? 这个周末我可以和朋

友们一起去远足吗11. go hiking with my friends this weekend? 我得

整理床铺。, 每天早晨起床后12. after getting up every morning. I

have to ourselves, not others. We should 我们应该依靠自己而不是他人。13. 不要玩游戏了。那简直是浪费时间。, 汤姆14. Don’t play games, Tom. It’s__________ ___________ ___________time. have to see a doctor. ill, you you 你就得去看医生。, 如果你病了15. Don’t worry!

I can__________ ___________ ___________myself. 我能照顾自己。! 别担心16. 事实上17. In fact, I__________ ___________ ___________hard. 我不介意工作

辛苦。, 点才回家。11昨天晚上我爸爸直到18. 11 o’clock last night. home My father 很多父母试图安排孩子们的生活。19. their kids’ lives for them. Many parents try 学生在学校里有太多的功课要做。20. at school. homework The students have页)4页(共1第

托尼和所有老师们相处融洽。21. all the teachers. Tony is your bedroom first. I think you我认为你应该先打扫你的卧室。22. ? 你和你哥哥相处得怎么样23. How are you your elder brother? other children. me Don’t always

不要总拿我和别的孩子做比较。24. me last week. a postcard He他上周给我寄了张明信片。25. 直到雨停了杰克才回家。26. the rain stopped. go home Jack我继续做作业。, 喝完咖啡之

后27. my homework. After drinking a cup of coffee, I点钟

在游泳。4昨天下午Lily和28. Lucy at four o’clock yesterday afternoon. Lucy and Lily吵醒了我的姐姐。, 点响了6闹钟29. at six o’clock and woke up my sister. The alarm今天早

上我给汤姆打电话30. 但是没人接。, . I called Tom this morning, but nobody这个周末将要有一场大雨。31. There will be this weekend. 太阳出来了。, 风逐渐变弱32. and the sun rose. The wind was hear the news. We 我们很震惊。, 听到这个消息33. ? 昨天晚上发生火灾时你正在

干什么34. last night? when the fire you What, he didn’t believe it was true. 他不相信这是事实。, 起初35. 日对中国人来说很有意义。8月8年36. 2008 Chinese. great The date, August 8th, 2008 . I do not want to go on我不想再沉默下去了。37. 有个漂亮的小女孩住在这个小镇上。, 从前38.

________ __________ ________ _______, there was a beautiful girl living in this small town. 我们就一起赶快回家了。, 天一黑39.

________ __________ ________it was dark, we went home quickly together. These flowers are shrinking________ __________growing.

这些花非但不长反而萎缩了。40. 他的早期经历最终使他变成了一位黑人总统。41. a Negro president at last. himself His early experience吉姆对踢足球感兴趣。, 当他五岁的时候42.

Jim________ __________ ________playing soccer when he was five years old. 页)4页(共2第

其他人会不高兴的。, 你要是自己占有了这些食物43. these food_________ _______, others will be unhappy. If you He is

old_________ _______ ride a bike. 能骑自行车了。, 他大了44. 昨天我爸引领这个老人去了医院。45. the hospital yesterday. the old man My father We我们听见他正在谈论足球赛。46. about the soccer game. him 不要担心。我们可以把问题变为挑战。47.

challenges. problems Don’t worry. We can有个叫灰姑娘的女孩住在这里。, 从前48. a time, there was a girl named Cinderella living here. 他们骑自行车来代替开车。, 为保持健康49. driving to keep healthy. They ride bikes人们将自己的家乡变成了一座现代化城市。, 经过二十多年的艰苦奋斗之后50. a modern city. their hometown rk, the peopleAfter over 20 years’ hard wo学生们一到长城就拍照。51. the students reached the Great Wall, they took photos. 整个一家人听到这个好消息都很兴奋。52. family were excited when they heard the good news. 这对夫妇的儿子生下来时有八磅重。53. The couple’s son weighed eight pounds . 他们在建造这座桥上花了整整一年的时间。54. this bridge. the whole year They成年大熊猫比幼年大熊猫重好几倍。55. than a baby panda. An adult panda weighs many每年许多儿童死于饥饿和疾病。, 在非洲56. hunger and illness every year. In Africa, many children 种更多的竹子是帮助拯救大熊猫的一种方式。57. one way to help save pandas. more bamboo trees 一只大象的重量是一个成人重量的一百倍多。58. An elephant weighs more than________

_______ _______heavier than an adult person. Fish________

_______oxygen through their gills. 鱼用鳃吸氧气。59. ? 你已经把这个电脑游戏介绍给你的同学了吗60. your classmates? this computer game Have you in a week. The school sports meeting校运动会预期在一周以后。61. 你可以在山中欣赏大自然的美丽。62. 页)4页(共3第

in the mountains. You may enjoy the He他就急急忙忙

去了图书馆。, 放学后63. to the library after school. 我的同

桌是一个电脑游戏迷。64. computer games. My deskmate is ! The train is arriving at the station. 火车就要到站了。! 赶紧点65. knows Korean? ? 还有谁懂韩语66. 迫

不及待地用那么脏的手吃起来。, 他太饿了67. s too hungry and

can’tHe i with the dirty hands. 我们的校长预定两小

时后参加一个会议。68. at a meeting in two hours. Our head teacher大家都朝它迅速跑了过去。, 当公交车到时69. it. When the bus arrived, everyone她开始认识到第二语言是多么重

要。70. She_________ _________ ____________how important a second language is. 海伦就当了一名服务员。, 自从那时起71.

_________ _________ ____________, Helen has been a waitress.

I_________ _________ ____________that supermarket yet. 我还没去

过那家超市。72. 老师已经向我们介绍过那本新书了。73. The teacher_________ _________ the new book us. the

CD_________ _________? ? Who是谁录制的CD那盘74.

way. His spoken English________ __________ in a他的英语口语

正在迅速进步。75. 我最近去了一些历史悠久的国家。76.

I________ __________ visited some countries with long history.

I________ __________ __________Guangdong food. 我从未品尝过

粤菜。77. a funny story like this. never I以前我从来没读过这

么好笑的故事。78. 我妈妈经常鼓励我要天天锻炼。79. every day. me My mother often ! 别担心80. a child.

Don’t worry. He is他不再是个孩子了。 , he is a good man.

他是一个好人。, 说实在的81. five years. the bike I我买

这辆自行车五年了。82. the things to charity. Let’s让我们

把这些东西捐赠给慈善机构吧。83. 84. three years. in Beijing I我已经住在北京三年了。 I have never我从来没去过图书馆。85. the library. 五年了。——? 你买这个房子多长时间了——86. five years. —have you had the house? —页)4页



新目标八年级英语下册短语归纳全册Unit 1 Will people have robots? 1. in the future 在将来 2. live to (be) … years old活到……岁 3. in 100 years 一百年后 4. free time 空闲时间 5. talk about 谈论,谈及,谈到 6. high school 高中 7. computer programmer 电脑程序员 8. on a space station 太空站 9. fall/be in love with … 爱上…… 10. go skating 去滑冰 11. be able to 能,会 12. I disagree= I don’t agree我不同意 13. the World Cup 世界杯 14. keep pets养宠物 15. job interview 工作面试 16. fly…to… 乘坐…飞往… 17. come true 实现,成为现实 18. see sb. do sth./see sb doing sth 看见某人做了/正在做某事19. one’s own … 某人自己的……my own pen 20. science fiction movies 科幻影片 21. help (sb.) with sth. 帮助(某人)做某事 22. hundreds of 数百,成百上千的 23. the same as 和……相同 24. wake up 醒来;唤醒 26. try to do sth. 试图做某事,尽力做某事 27. get bored 变得厌倦 28. over and over (again) 一次又一次,再三地 29.make predictions 做预测 30.predict the future 预测未来 31.look for寻找 32.the head of ….的老板 33.make sb do sth 使某人做某事 34.be used by 被用 35.less pollution 更少的污染 36. live alone 单独居住



1. remind sb. of doing sth.. 提醒某人做某事 2. be sure to do sth.. 务必做某事 3. one of+名词复数。。。之一 4. look for 寻找 5. look after 照顾,照看 6. take care of 照顾,照看 7. stay healthy 保持健康 8. be good for health 对健康有好处 9. trek through the jungle 穿越丛林 10. consider doing 考虑做某事 11. have some fantastic sights 有一些优美的景色 12. sth. cost sb. some money 某物花费某人多少钱 13. sb. spend some money on sth. 某人花多少钱买某物 14. sb. pay some money for sth. 某人花多少钱买某物 15. It takes sb. some money on sth.某人花多少钱买某物 16. be convenient to do sth.. 做某事很便利 17. be supposed to do sth.. 被期望做某事

18. pack light clothes 给轻的衣服打包 19. in eastern China=in the east of China 在中国的东部 20. provide sb. with sth.=provide sth .for sb.为某人提供某物 21. need to be big enough for three people 需要足够大供3个人 22. sail across the Pacific 横渡太平洋 23. the answer to the question 问题的答案 24. have some work to do 有一些工作要做 25. start work as soon as possible 尽可能快的工作 26. continue doing 继续做某事 27. hope to do sth. 希望做某事 expect to do sth. 期望做某事 wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 28. be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事 29. hold on to your dream 坚持你的梦想 30. come true 实现 31. clean up the city parks 打扫城市公园 32. help homeless people 帮助无家可归的人


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did.No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。—yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。

2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱ. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: Stayed at the screen. Say: Look at the picture A. Where did Tina go on vacation? She went to mountains. Ask: What did the person do in each picture? 2. Play the recording the first time. 3. Play the recording a second time. Say: There are three conversations. The people talk about what did on vacation. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes of the picture. 4. Check the answers. IV.Pair work 1. Point out the sample conversation. Ask two Ss to read the conversation to the class. 2. Now work with a partner. Make your own conversation about the people


Unit 1 1.问题;事情matter 2.怎么了?出什么事了?What’s the matter? 3.疼痛的;酸痛的sore 4.感冒have a cold 5.胃痛;腹痛stomachache 6.胃痛have a stomachache 7.脚;足foot 8.颈;脖子neck 9.胃;腹部stomach 10.咽喉;喉咙throat 11.发烧fever 12.躺,平躺lie 13.躺下lie down 14.放松;休息rest 15.咳嗽cough 16.X射线;X光X-ray 17.牙痛toothache 18.量体温take one’s temperature 19.头痛headache 20.发烧have a fever 21.间歇;休息break

22.休息take breaks (take a break) 23.(使)疼痛;受伤hurt 24.乘客;旅客passenger 25.离开(某处);不工作;从......去掉off 26.下车get off 27.使......惊讶的;出乎......意料to one’s surprise 28.向;朝onto 29.问题;苦恼trouble 30.击;打hit 31.立即;马上right away 32.陷入;参与get into 33.(she的反身代词)她自己herself 34.绷带;用绷带包扎bandage 35.生病的;有病的sick 36.膝;膝盖knee 37.鼻出血nosebleed 38.呼吸breathe 39.晒伤的sunburned 40.(we的反身代词)我们自己ourselves 41.登山者;攀登者climber 42.习惯于......;适应于......be used to 43.危险;风险;冒险risk


新目标英语八年级下册 重点句子 Unit 1 1.Will people have robots in their homes in 20 years? 二 十年后人们家里会有机器人 吗? 2.People will live to be 200 years old. 人们将会活到 200岁. 3.I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 我去 年去了上海, 并且爱上了这 个城市. 4.I don’t like living alone. 我 不喜欢独居. 5.I’ll be able to dress more casually on the weekend. 我 在周末可以穿得更随意一些. 6.There are many famous predictions that never came true. 许多著名的预言从来没 有实现. 7.He thought that computers would never be used by most people. 他认为电脑绝 不会被大多数人使用. 8.It will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person. 对于一个机器人来 说, 和人做同样的事情将会 很困难. 9.We never know what will happen in the future. 我们 从来不会知道将来会发生什 么事情. 10.I t may take hundreds of years. 这可能会花费几百年 的时间. Unit 2 1.My clothes are out of style. 我的衣服过时了. 2.You could give him a ticket to a ball game. 你可以给他 一张球赛的门票. 3.I don’t want to surprise him. 我不想让他大吃一惊. 4.He doesn’t have any money, either. 他也没有钱. 5.You should ask your parents for some money. 你应该向 你父母亲要点钱. 6.Everyone in my class was invited except me. 除我之外, 班上的其他人都被邀请了. 7.I’m very upset and don’t know what to do. 我很沮丧, 不知道怎么办. 8.My cousin is the same age as me. 我堂姐和我年龄相仿. 9.The tired children don’t get home until 7pm. 疲惫的孩 子直到晚上七点才到家. 10.I t’s time for homework. 该 做家庭作业了. 11.They take their children from activity to activity and try to fit as much as possible into their kids’lives. 他们 让孩子参加一个又一个活动, 并试图尽可能多地把这些活 动充实到孩子们的生活中. 12.T eachers complain about teaching tired kids in the classroom. 老师们抱怨在教 室里教的都是一些疲劳的孩 子. 13.T hey are always comparing them with other children. 他 们总是把他们和其他的孩子 进行比较. 14.S he also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves then they are older. 她还说这些 孩子长大后可能会发现为自 己打算很困难. 15.C ompetition between

【新目标八年级下英语教学案例】 新目标八年级下册英语

【新目标八年级下英语教学案例】新目标八年级下册英语 新目标八年级下英语教学案例Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? (Section A) 海原三中马玉兰[设计理念]以任务为中心的任务型语言教学是目前交际教学思想中的一种新的发展形态。它倡导“在做中学,在做中用”的教育理念,将语言应用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。运用学习任务组织教学,强化了语言实践的过程,充分体现了语言的交际本质。在英语课堂上,实施任务和开展活动具有很大的挑战性,需要在实际操作中对教材进行重新整合,并要根据学生的环境和接受能力来开展行之有效的任务和活动。同时利用多媒体和网络技术,帮助解决教学难题。这样,既能为学生创设真实可视的英语学习环境,也能激发学生积极参与的欲望,引起学生的共鸣和兴趣。 [教材分析]教学内容为新目标英语八年级上册第六单元Section A 。学习内容主要体现在以下三点: 1. 学习并掌握下列单词: allow, wrong. midnight, guess, deal, 2. 能正确使用以下常用表达: What’s wrong? Look through big deal work out too much, too many, get into a fight with sb, allow sb to do sth, so that, be good at doing, find sb doing, No problem. 3. 能熟练掌握并使用下列重点句式: A: What’s wrong? B: I’m really tired because I studied until midnight last night. A: Why don’t you go to sleep earlier this evening? [学生分析]1、利用多媒体课件上英语课,学生视听感受明显,表现出极大兴趣,在欣赏和享受中学习,学习效果很明显。 2、对于我校学生以前已经接触过给人礼貌提建议的句型结构。通过对本课的学习可以系统的学习如何表达自己的麻烦和苦以及给人合理的,好的建议。掌握用正确的语言结构表达自己及他人的麻烦和苦恼并给于相应的建议。 [教学目标]1、知识目标:通过听说训练,学会谈论问题并给出相应建议, 注意连词的使用。 2、能力目标:培养学生的口头表达能力、阅读理解能力和写作能力。 3、情感文化目标:通过本课的学习,培养学生善于表达自己的问题,并乐于找到解决的办法,建立开朗健康的人格。 [教学重难点]1、Talk about problems and give advice. 正确使用本课常用表达; 听力训练。 教学方法:情景教学法; 任务型教学法。 Step 1 Lead-in T:I had a fight with my best friends yesterday.What should I do ? S:You should say “sorry ”to him . T:What other good advice can you give me ? S:You could write a letter to him. T:Now ,You can also say “Why don”t you say “sorry ”to him? And “Why don’t you write a letter to your friend? 设计目的:[1、平时师生间接触多,但学生与老师的家人接触甚少,利用学生的心理和想象空间,调动学生的学习兴趣,增进师生间的相互了解。2、了解学生对已学过的形容词比较级和最高级的掌握程度,为下一步巩固学习做好铺垫。]Step 2 Revision 1、Revise the problems that you have learnt before.: Divide the class into four groups and have a competition.See which group of the students can get as much as


Unit 1What's the matter? Language Goals Learn to talk about health problems and accidents. Give

本单元教材以“What's the matter?”为中心话题,围绕着询问及描述“身体状况”进行学习和运用几个常见的句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache./What's the matter with Ben? He has a sore back./Do you have a fever?No,I don't./What should I do? You should take your temperature./ Should I put some medicine on it? Yes,you should.等。让学生知道怎样表达身体的不适及正确地处理生活中的一些事情。在学习过程中,学生在交流中,能促进师生之间的感情。Section A 主要学习怎样表达身体的不适并给出合理性的建议。应掌握句型:What's the matter? I have a stomachache.What should I do?等。短文“Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man”介绍了一位公共汽车司机及乘客救一位老人的故事,增加了学生的阅读量。Section B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。 第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Key Points【教学重点】 The vocabulary: matter,throat,foot,stomach,toothache,headache,have a stomachache,have a cold,lie down,take one's temperature,have a fever,go to a doctor Target language: 1.What's the matter? I have a stomachache. 2.What should I do? Should I take my temperature? 3.I think you should lie down and rest. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 Use the target language above to talk about health problems and give advice. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 an English book,a tape recorder and CAI Teaching Steps【教学过程】 ★Step 1Preview and perception【预习感知】 Ask the students to read the vocabulary and target language. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子。 1.—What's the matter with her? —She has a very sore t______ now. 2.He ate too much,so he had a s______. 3.If you feel tired,you should l______ down and rest. 4.If you ______(咳嗽),drink some hot tea with honey. 5.He wants to see a dentist,because he has a ______(牙疼).


Life is a journey. --- Ms.Kuang Unit1 What’s the matter? 【重点短语】 1.have a fever 发烧 2.have a cough 咳嗽 3.have a toothache 牙疼 4.talk too much 说得太多 5.drink enough water 喝足够的水 6.have a cold 受凉;感冒 7.have a stomachache 胃疼 8.have a sore back 背疼 9.have a sore throat 喉咙痛 10. take risks 冒险 11.hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶 12.see a dentist 看牙医 13.get an X-ray 拍X 光片 14.take one’ s temperature 量体温 15.put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药 16. give up 放弃 17. sound like 听起来像 18. all weekend 整个周末 19. in the same way 以同样的方式 20. go to a doctor 看医生 21. go along 沿着……走 22. on the side of the road 在马路边 23. shout for help 大声呼救 24. without thinking twice 没有多想 25. get off 下车26. have a heart problem 有心脏病 27. to one’ s surprise 另某人惊讶的是 28. thanks to 多亏了;由于 29. in time 及时 30. make a decision 做出决定 31. get into trouble 造成麻烦 32. right away 立刻;马上 33. because of 由于 34. get out of 离开;从……出来 35. keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事 36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎 37. fall down 摔倒 38. feel sick 感到恶心 39. have a nosebleed 流鼻血 40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖 41. put her head back 把她的头向后仰 42. have problems breathing 呼吸困难 43. mountain climbing 登山运动 44. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 45. run out (of) 用完;用尽 46. so that 以便 47. so...that... 如此……以至于...… 48. be in control of 掌管;管理 49. in a difficult situation 在闲境中


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A 1 (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:anyone, anywhere, wonderful, quite a few, most, something, nothing, everyone, of course, myself, yourself 能掌握以下句型: ①—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. ②—Where did Tina to on vacation? —She went to the beach. ③—Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. 2) 能了解以下语法: —复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 —yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 3)一般过去时态的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2) 掌握本课时出现的新词汇。 2. 教学难点: 1) 复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 2) yourself, myself等反身代词的用法。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1. 看动画片来进入本课时的主题谈论上周末做了些什么事情,谈论过去发生的事情。 Ⅱ. Presentation 1. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the expressions. 2. Focus attention on the picture. Ask: What can you see? Say: Each picture shows something a person did in the past. Name each activity and ask students to repeat: Stayed at home, Went to mountains, went to New York City 6. Went to the beach, visited my uncle, visited museums, went to summer camp 3. Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures next to the name of the activity,point to the sample answer. 4. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. b 3. g 4. e 5. c 6. a 7. d III. Listening 1. Point to the picture on the screen. Say: Look at the picture A. Where did Tina go on vacation? She went to mountains. Ask: What did the person do in each picture? 2. Play the recording the first time. 3. Play the recording a second time. Say: There are three conversations. The people talk about what did on vacation. Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes of the picture. 4. Check the answers. IV.Pair work 1. Point out the sample conversation. Ask two Ss to read the conversation to the class.


1.p6 UNIT 1 3a:In ten years,I think I"ll be a reporter.I"ll live inShanghai, 十年后,我想我会成为一名记者。我将住在上海因为去年我去了上海,立即爱上了这座城市。上海真的是座优美的城市。作为一名记者,我想我会遇到很多有趣的人。我想我会和自己最好的朋友住在一套公寓里,因为我不愿意独居。我会养宠物,因为我妈妈讨厌宠物,况且公寓太小;所以我现在一个宠物也没有。十年后,我会拥有许多不同的宠物。我可能甚至养一只鹦鹉!我也许每天去溜冰和游泳。工作日里,我每天打扮精干或许会着一身西装。逢到周末,我穿得更休闲些。我想我会去香港度假,甚至有一天我会去澳大利亚游览。 1.p8 UNIT 1 3a:Do you think you will have your own robot? 你认为你将会有属于自己的机器人么? 在一些科幻电影里,未来的人们都拥有自己的机器人。这些机器人就像人类一样。他们帮助人们做家务和大多数令人感到厌烦的工作。 一些科学家相信将来会有这样的机器人。然而他们赞同者也需要花几百年的时间才能成为现实。科学家们正在试图研制看似人类且能和我们作相同工作的机器人。一些日本的公司已经制造出能走路和跳舞的机器人。这种机器人看起来非常有趣。 但是研究机器人的科学家詹姆斯怀特并不认同这类观点。他认为要让机器人向人类一样做事情是非常困难的。比如说,对一个孩子来说要醒来并知道自己身处何处是很简单的。怀特认为机器人不能做到这一点。但是其他的科学家并不赞成。他们认为在未来的25到30年间,机器人就能和人类谈话。 研究机器人的科学家们不只是在试图让机器人外观接近人类。比如说,现在已经有能在工厂工作的机器人了。这些机器人看起来就像巨大的胳膊。他们能一边又一遍重复简单的工作。人类不喜欢做这类工作而且容易对此感到厌烦。但机器人永远不会厌倦。 在未来,将到处都有更多的机器人,而人类要做的工作就更少了。新的机器人会有很多不同的形状。一些看起来像人类,其他的可能像蛇。在发生地震后,一种蛇形机器人能够帮助寻找建筑下埋着的人。这在现在看来还不可实现,但在一百年之前,电脑,太空火箭甚至电动牙刷也被视作不可能的存在的。我们永远都不能了解未来会发生什么!


八年级下册英语重点句子 1.My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies. 2.My mom will prepare some delicious food for us. 3.Please say thanks to your mom. 4.Why all the smiling faces? 5.I went to buy a ticket, but there was none left. I feel disappointed. 6.He is very popular with the poor. 7.He is cruel to the poor, so he is unpopular with the people. 8.He seems a little unhappy. 9.They are proud of their player. 10.He is pleased with the new bike. 11.Michael isn’t able to come. He has a temperature. 12.I’m sure Mr. Lee will be surprised! 13.It is a story about a young woman living in Austria. 14.The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children. 15.Maria taught the children to sing lively songs and perform short, funny plays to cheer them up. 16.The father was almost mad at first, but the smiling faces of his children pleased him and made him happy again. 17.What seems to be the problem? 18.She is very strict with herself. 19.She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. 20.Thank you for telling me. 21.I send this e-card to cheer you up. 22.You can work harder and do better next time. 23.I’m feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. 24.Why don’t you talk to someone when you feel sad? 25.She always tells me jokes and makes me laugh. 26.She seems to like me. 27.They may have unhappy feelings after some bad experiences. 28.Would you please talk about this problem and give your suggestions? 29.It’s normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us. 30.It’s all right to cry. 31.How time flies! 32.I couldn’t sleep as well as usual. 33.I was not used to everything here. 34.With the help of my teachers and classmates, I’m getting used to the life here. 35.I’m not afraid to talk with others now. 36.I live as happily as before. 37.Please give my best wishes to your parents. 38.If you don’t know how to deal with these problems, you may learn something from Jeff. 39.Jeff almost went mad when his elder brother was killed in a car accident. 40.He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends. 41.He just sat in his bedroom and didn’t talk with anybody. 42.Even though it was an accident, He was quite angry with the driver. 43.Jeff began to understand it was useless to be angry. 44.Now he still misses his brother, but he doesn’t hate the driver any longer. 45.He no longer stays in his room by himself. 46.It makes me feel nervous. I think I’m dying. 47.Calm down and listen to me. 48.I hate to go to the hospital. I’m afraid of taking bitter medicine. 49.These days I feel very bored and lonely at home. 50.I missed a lot of lessons. I’m worried about the test at the end of the month. 51.We can take turns to help you with your lessons. 52.That’s very nice of you. 53.He may ask one of our classmates to give the speech instead of you. 54.I’m afraid we have to go now. 55.We should do something to cheer him up again. 56.Illness usually makes us sad, worried and frightened. 57.Many things can affect our feelings. 58.If we can’t get along well with our schoolmates, we may feel upset and unhappy. 59.If we are always in a bad mood, it will be bad for our health. 60.She should try to smile at life. 61.Let’s give Michael a surprise. 62.I can’t get together with my family. I feel very lonely, and my eyes fill with tears. 63.It’s too noisy for me to fall asleep. 64.I have some exciting news to tell you. 65.It will take us a few days to get there by bike. 66.You two find out the cost to go by train. 67.Your task is to find out the cost by bus. 68.I’d love to go by airplane. I’ll ask the airline over the phone. 69.The train leaves at 11:45 a.m. and arrives at Taishan Railway Station at 6:44 p.m. 70.May I have your name and telephone number, please ? 71.I want to make a room reservation. 72.Glad to receive your postcard. 73.While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams. 74.Now I’m on vacation. 75.Would you like to come to China for your vacation? 76.It would be great fun. 77.I’m looking forward to meeting him. 78.Would you help me make a plan to explore Beijing? 79.Could you tell me something about the Ming Tombs? 80.On both sides of the way, there are some stone animals and stone officials. 81.It’s about two and a half hours by bike. 82.After they rode their bikes for two hours and a half, they arrived at the Ming Tombs. 83.They walked through the passage into Dingling and were surprised at the wonders. 84.While the crowd were pushing him in all directions, someone stepped on Darren’s toes. 85.He noticed his friends were both out of sight. 86.He was too frightened to know what to do. 87.Slowly he walked toward a huge rock. 88.He didn’t raise his head until someone called him. 89.As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up and down happily. 90.You’ll get used to it soon 91.I think traffic in Beijing is crazy. 92.I feel a little more confident. 93.If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. 94.Now I like riding my bike around the city more than before. 95.Cycling can help us save energy and it doesn’t cause air pollution. 96.It’s easy to park bikes. 97. A young man was riding his bicycle very fast while listening to an MP3. 98.Meters away, there was a sharp turn to left. 99.The young man didn’t slow down. 100.Suddenly a truck came from the opposite direction. 101.To avoid hitting the truck, the young man ran into the wall and hurt his arm badly. 102.The truck driver rushed to him, called the 122 hotline and took him to the hospital.
