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A Comparative Study On the Main Branches of

Christianity and Their Features



班级: 2 班




完成日期: 2016年1月31日


Christianity as one of the three major religions, is established in Palestinian territories in the first century. In 392, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire, Christianity subsequently obtained a great development. In 1054, Orthodox Church split with Catholicism. Influenced by the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, people gradually realize the importance of human. Protestant came into being under such background. These three branches distributed in various countries and regions, which has a very important influence in politics, economics and culture. The research shall find out the distinguished features of the branches and made a comparison between them, so that Chinese and foreign friends as well as English learners could know the characteristics and differences between the main branches of Christianity, and avoid the culture misunderstanding caused by the branches.

Key words:Catholicism; orthodox church; protestant; features; comparison





I. Introduction (1)

II. Literature Review (1)

III. The Major Characters of Catholicism (3)

A. The center of Catholicism (4)

B. Catholic beliefs (4)

C. The traditional Catholic seven sacraments (5)

IV. The Main Features of Orthodox Church (6)

A. Theology (6)

B. Worship (8)

1. Church calendar (8)

2. Fasting (8)

C. Holy mysteries (9)

V. An Introduction of Protestanism (9)

A. Spread (10)

B. Theology (10)

C. Major branches (12)

VI.The Difference betweent the Three Branches (13)

A. Apostolic Succession (13)

B. Bible (13)

C. Clergy (14)

D. Holy spirit (14)

E. Marriage and divorce (14)

F. Mary (14)

G. Pope (15)

H. Purgatory (15)

I. Sacraments (15)

J. Encharist (15)

K. Saints (16)

L. Salvation (16)

M. Scripture (16)

Ⅶ. Conclusion (16)

Works Cited (18)

I. Introduction

Christianity is rooted in Judaism and founded by Jesus in the Palestinian territory in mid-century, breakaway from Judaism as an independent religion in 135. Early Christianity had been subjected to cruel persecution and repression of the Roman emperors. In 313, Emperor Constantine I issued Edict of Milan, declared common freedom with Christianity and all other religious without discrimination.

Since then Christianity became an official legitimate religion. In 393, Christianity became the state religion of Roman Empire, and gradually became the man spiritual pillar of middle European federal society. In 1054, Christianity split into the Roman Catholic and Orthodox. In the 16th century, with the rise of Western European nation-state and public class, the reformation movement broke out against rule of Pope. After these, some of the new sect, known as the Protestant,were split from the Catholic Church. Christianity is a concept of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. However, there are various differences between the branches as doctrine, festival, calendar and church style.

In the past ten years, the way of transportation and communication has changed greatly. China has become the second largest economy around the world, the average income of Chinese has increased sharply. Thus, people have more chance to communicate with foreigners who are Christians for the reason of working, studying or traveling. English learners should have the general knowledge of Christianity, which could be divided as Catholicism, Orthodox Church and Protestantism, only by this way, can they show their respects to these believers and avoid the unnecessary embarrassment caused by our misunderstanding of the branches.

The research will focus on the following three aspects: the main features of Orthodox Church and Catholicism, the history of Protestantism and the features of it, and the main differences between the three branches.

II. Literature Review

A.The Current situation of Domestic research

The researches about Christianity’s branches focus on their spread features in Chinese different provinces and regions at different time, theirs influences on Chinese

culture, mind, and behavior, Chinese attitudes to the new religions.

B.The Current situation of Foreign research

For Orthodox Church, the researches are main about it’s influence and status in Russia. Protestantism’s researches are about its history and its spread around the world. Besides, there are some comparison between Orthodox Church and Catholicism.

C.The Background of Christianity

Christianity has been greatly influenced by two cultures: One is the Hebrews, ancestor of the Jewish. Another is the Greek.

Christianity is one of the world's three major religions. Neale has put forward(1997)that “Christianity is referred to Roman Catholic (Catholicism called in China ), Orthodox (Orthodox), Protestantism (in China called Christian or Protestant) and a number of other smaller factions in.”

Wang Meixiu said that(2006) that “Christianity comes from the Jewish community in Palestinian territories around the 1st century which is the product of Jewish mass movement against domination of the Roman.”In the beginning, Christianity is just a small branch of Judaism. Early Christianity is created by the mass movement, which is religion of lower people, and participants are mostly the poor, artisans, slaves or semi-free. Different from the Mother Church's emphasis on the Old Testament, Christianity stresses the saving grace of the spiritual leader Jesus Christ. Believers would call Jesus as the Christ. The world is originally found To Magnesia church book in the 2nd century, which referred to a new religion worshiped Christ as Lord, greatly different from Judaism. Since then it spreads throughout the Mediterranean coast.

It could be find in A Brief History of Christianity(2006) that “Constantine declared Edict of Milan in Milan in 313, Christianity became the legal religion. Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century.”

In 395, under the internal contradictions and the external invasion, the Eastern Roman with Constantinople as the center splits from the Roman Empire, and Rome is still the center of West Rome. Since then the territory of the Roman Empire was divided into two, Bulgakov writes(1996) that “the Eastern Roman Empire, including Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt; the Western Roman Empire,

including Italy, Gaul, Britain, Spain and other places”. For culture, the Eastern Roman is mainly dominated by Greek, Latin is still prevailing in West Rome.With the division of Roman, Christianity began to split into the Roman Catholic and Orthodox. Pope is the center of Western Roman, who can control the monarchy and the military leaders. The Western Roman Empire comes to an end in 476 AD, and the Eastern Roman Empire lasts until 1453.

D.The Definition of Protestant

Protestant is a new Christian concept, after the 16th century Reformation, different from the old Christian forces like Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. Le Feng claims that(2004) “three major sects of Protestant mainly refer to: Lutheran, Calvinist, and Anglican, and these sects’consistent view is opposed to the pope’s control of different Church”. They declared that the Bible is the supreme principle of faith, and did not recognize that the Church has the absolute authority of explaining doctrine, emphasizing individual could directly communicate with God with a priest as mediation. Owning to the attitude of Protestants, they are called protestants.

Lewis Christopher Alan believes that(2008) “the reformation is the product of the following reasons: First, it is influenced by the Renaissance and humanism; Second, the establishment and expansion of capitalism lead to the outbreak of the reform; Third, the Development of Nationalism contributes to the outbreak of reform; Fourth, disasters fell upon the public increased their opposition to the church”.

III. The Major Characters of Catholicism

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest of all Christain churches in the world. It has about 1 billion members. Most Catholics are living in Europe, North America and South America. The main countries are Brazil with 120 millions Catholics, Mexico with 75.4 millions Catholics, Italy with 55.9 mullions of Catholics, America with 53 millions of Catholics and France with 46.45 millions of Catholics. The important festivals are Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Feast of Assumption. Pentecost is a Christian festival that takes place on the seventh Sunday after Easter and celebrates the sending of the Holy Spirit the first followers of Christ. Feast of assumption is to celebrate Virgin Mary into the heaven at the end of her earthly life. The famous church of Catholicism are Saint Peter’s Basilica, Notre Dame, Milan

Cathedral and Westminster Cathedral.

A. The Center of Catholic

Vatican city is the official seat of the catholic church,and its head,the pope,rules through a civil governor. As with any other country,this miniature country sports its own flag,coins its own coins,runs its own postal,transportation,telephone systems,and radio broadcasting station.Vatican city is all grown up. Size is not a criterion in our definition of what constitutes a country. A country need only be an independent state, with distinct territorial boundaries and its own government. As weighing in at a mere 0.17 square miles, Vatican holds the title of being the smallest country in the world.

B. Catholic beliefs

Catholicism could include the Roman Catholic Church, the various Churches of Eastern Christianity, the Old Catholic Church, Anglicanism, and at least some of the "independent Catholic Churches" and, again in this interpretation, the beliefs and practices of Catholicism include:

Direct and continuous organizational descent from the original church founded by Jesus, who, according to tradition, designated the ApostlePeter as its first leader.

Belief that Jesus Christ is Divine, a doctrine officially clarified in the First Council of Nicaea and expressed in the Nicene Creed.

Transubstantiation, the belief that the elements in the Eucharist become really, truly, the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ at consecration, resulting in the Real Presence of Christ, and that, because Christ himself is present in the sacrament, he is to be honoured in it with the worship known asEucharistic adoration.

Possession of the "threefold ordained ministry" of Bishops, Priests and Deacons.

All ministers are ordained by, and subject to, Bishops, who pass down sacramental authority by the "laying-on of hands", having themselves been ordained in a direct line of succession from the Apostles.

Belief that the Church is the vessel and deposit of the fullness of the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles from which the Scriptures were formed. This teaching is preserved in both written scripture and in unwritten tradition, neither being independent of the other.

A belief in the necessity and efficacy of sacraments.

The use of sacred images, candles, vestments and music, and often incense and water, in worship.

Veneration of Mary, the mother of Jesus as the Blessed Virgin Mary or Theotokos, and veneration of the saints.

A distinction between adoration (latria) for God, and veneration (dulia) for saints. The term hyperdulia is used for a special veneration accorded to the Virgin Mary among the saints.

The use of prayer for the dead.

The acceptance of canonizations.

Requests to the departed saints for intercessory prayers.

C. The traditional Catholic seven sacraments

Churches in the Catholic tradition administer seven sacraments or "sacred mysteries": Baptism, Confirmation or Chrismation,Eucharist, Penance, also known as Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.

Baptism -the Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the three sacraments of initiation, is also the first of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. It removes the guilt and effects of Original Sin and incorporates the baptized into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on earth.

Confirmation or Chrismation - the second of the three sacraments of initiation because, historically, it was administered immediately after the Sacrament of Baptism. Confirmation perfects our baptism and brings us the graces of the Holy Spirit that were granted to the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday.

Penance (also called Confession and Reconciliation) - the Sacrament of Confession is one of the least understood, and least utilized, sacraments in the Catholic Church. In reconciling us to God, it is a great source of grace, and Catholics are encouraged to take advantage of it often, even if they are not aware of having committed a mortal sin.

Anointing of the Sick - traditionally referred to as Extreme Unction or Last Rites, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered both to the dying and to those who are gravely ill or are about to undergo a serious operation, for the recovery of their health and for spiritual strength.

Holy Orders - The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the continuation of Christ's priesthood, which He bestowed upon His Apostles. There are three levels to this

sacrament: the episcopate, the priesthood, and the diaconate.

Holy Matrimony - is the sacrament of joining a man and a woman for mutual help and love, consecrating them for their particular mission of building up the Church and the world, and providing grace for accomplishing that mission. Western tradition sees the sacrament as conferred by the canonically expressed mutual consent of the partners in marriage; Eastern and some recent Western theologians not in communion with the see of Rome view the blessing by a priest as constituting the sacramental action.

IV. The Main Features of Orthodox Church

Orthodox Church is the second largest Christian Church in the world, with an estimated 225–300 million adherents. The Eastern Orthodox Church is one of the oldest religious institutions in the world, teaching that it is theOne, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ in his Great Commission to the apostles, and practicing what it understands to be the original faith passed down from the Apostles. Geographically, the majority of Eastern Orthodox Christians in the 21st century reside in Greece, Eastern Europe andRussia, with less numerous communities in the former Byzantine regions of the Middle East and around the Eastern Mediterranean. There are also many small but growing communities in other parts of the world, formed in part through immigration and in part through conversion and missionary activity. They celebrate Easter which is subjected to Julian Calendar, Palm Sunday which is celebrated on the previous Sunday, and Ascension Day on the first Thursday 40 days after Easter.

A. Theology

Trinity-Orthodox Christians believe in the Trinity. The Holy Trinity is three, distinct, divine persons, without overlap or modality among them, who share one divine essence - uncreated, immaterial and eternal. These three persons are typically distinguished by their relation to each other. The Father is eternal and not begotten and does not proceed from any, the Son is eternal and begotten of the Father, and the Holy Spirit is eternal and proceeds from the Father. Orthodox doctrine regarding

the Holy Trinity is summarized in the Nicene Creed.

Resurrection of Christ - The Orthodox Church understands the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus to be real historical events, as described in the gospels of the New Testament. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was in his humanity crucified, and died, descending into Hades (Sheol), the place of the dead, as all humans do. But He, alone among humans, has two natures, one human, one divine, which are indivisible and inseparable from each other through the mystery of the incarnation. Hades could not restrain the infinite God. Christ in His divine nature captured the keys of Hades and broke the bonds which had imprisoned the human souls who had been held there through their separation from God.

Neither could death contain the Son of God, the Fountain of Life, who arose from death even in his human nature. Not only this, but he opened the gates of Hades to all the righteous dead of past ages, rescuing them from their fallen human nature and restoring them to a nature of grace with God, bringing them back to life, this time in God's heavenly kingdom. And this path he opened to all who choose to follow him in time yet to come, thus saving the human race. Thus the Orthodox proclaim each year at the time of Pascha (Easter), that Christ "trampled down death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowed life."

Eschatology-Orthodox Christians believe that when a person dies the soul is temporarily separated from the body. Though it may linger for a short period on Earth, it is ultimately escorted either to paradise (Abraham's bosom) or the darkness ofHades, following the Temporary Judgment. Orthodox do not accept the doctrine of Purgatory, which is held by Roman Catholicism. The soul’s experience of either of these states is only a "foretaste"—being experienced only by the soul—until the Final Judgment, when the soul and body will be reunited.

Saints and mother of Christ-The Orthodox Church believes death and the separation of body and soul to be unnatural—a result of the Fall of Man. They also hold that the congregation of the Church comprises both the living and the dead. All persons currently in heaven are considered to besaints, whether their names are known or not. There are, however, those saints of distinction whom God has revealed as particularly good examples. When a saint is revealed and ultimately recognized by a large portion of the Church a service of official recognition is celebrated. The Christ Child from the moment of conception was both fully God and fully Man. Mary is thus called the 'Theotokos' or 'Bogoroditsa' as an affirmation of the divinity of the One to

whom she gave birth. It is also believed that her virginity was not compromised in conceiving God-incarnate, that she was not harmed and that she remained forever a virgin. Scriptural references to "brothers" of Christ are interpreted as kin, given that the word 'brother' was used in multiple ways, as was the term 'father'. Due to her unique place in salvation history, Mary is honored above all other saints and especially venerated for the great work that God accomplished through her.

Sin-when Orthodox Christians refer to Fallen Nature they are not saying that human nature has become evil in itself. Human nature is still formed in the image of God; we are still God's creation, and God has never created anything evil. But our fallen nature remains open to evil intents and actions. It is sometimes said that we are "inclined to sin"; that is, we find some sinful things attractive. It is the nature of temptation to make sinful things seem the more attractive, and it is the fallen nature of humans that seeks or succumbs to the attraction. Orthodox Christians reject the Augustinian position that the descendants of Adam and Eve are actually guilty of the original sin of their ancestors. But just as any species begets its own kind, so fallen humans beget fallen humans, and from the beginning of our existence we lie open to sinning by our own choice.

Christian Life-The Orthodox Church, in understanding itself to be the Body of Christ, and similarly in understanding the Christian life to lead to the unification in Christ of all members of his body, views the church as embracing all Christ's members, those now living on earth, and also all those through the ages who have passed on to the heavenly life. The church includes the Christian saints from all times, and also judges, prophets and righteous Jews of the first covenant, Adam and Eve, even the angels and heavenly hosts. In Orthodox services, the earthly members together with the heavenly members worship God as one community in Christ, in a union that transcends time and space and joins heaven to earth. This unity of the Church is sometimes called the communion of the saints.

B. Worship

1. Church calendar

Many church traditions, including its schedules of services, feasts, and fasts, is structured by its calendar, which provides a strictly observed intermingled set of cycles of varying lengths. The fixed annual cycle begins 1 September, and establishes the times for all annual observances that are fixed by date, such as Christmas. The

annual Paschal cycle is established relative to the varying date of Pascha each year and affects the times for such observances as Pascha itself, Great Lent, Holy Week, and the feasts of Ascension and Pentecost.

Lesser cycles also run in tandem with the annual ones. A weekly cycle of days prescribes a specific focus for each day in addition to others that may be observed. 2. Fasting

fasting means abstaining from meat and meat products, dairy (eggs and cheese) and dairy products, fish, olive oil, and wine. Wine and oil—and, less frequently, fish —are allowed on certain feast days when they happen to fall on a day of fasting; but animal products and dairy are forbidden on fast days, with the exception of "Cheese Fare" week which precedes Great Lent, during which dairy products are allowed. Wine and oil are usually also allowed on Saturdays and Sundays during periods of fast. In some Orthodox traditions, caviar is permitted on Lazarus Saturday, the Saturday before Palm Sunday, although the day is otherwise a fast day. Married couples also abstain from sexual activity on fast days so that they may devote themselves fulsomely to prayer

C.Holy mysteries

There are at least seven sacraments in the Orthodox Church. The first is baptism which is the Christian rite of initiation in the Church. Chrismation is the second sacrament which bestows upon us the Holy Spirit. Holy Communion is the sacrament of receiving the resurrected body and blood of Jesus Christ. Although all Orthodox Christians are to confess their sins daily to God privately, all are encouraged to participate in the sacrament of Confession with a priest. Marriage is a sacrament of the Church for it is Christ himself through the priest or bishop that joins the couple together. Ordination to the sacred priesthood is also a sacrament, as is Holy Oil (Unction) which the faithful are anointed with for the healing of soul and body and for the forgiveness of sins.

It is the sacraments of the Church that manifest God's saving energies in our lives.

A life without the sacraments is like a life without God. One of the Church's important functions besides preaching, teaching and caring for her children, is to make these sacraments available to her people.

V. An Introduction of Protestant

A. Spread

There are more than 900 million Protestants worldwide among approximately 2.4 billion Christians. In 2010, a total of more than 800 million included 300 million in Sub-Saharan Africa, 260 million in the Americas, 140 million in Asia-Pacific region,100 million in Europe and 2 million in Middle East-North Africa.Protestants account for nearly forty percent of Christians worldwide and more than one tenth of the total human population.

In European countries which were most profoundly influenced by the Reformation, Protestantism still remains the most practiced religion. These include the Nordic countries and the United Kingdom. In other historical Protestant strongholds such as Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Latvia, Estonia and Hungary, it remains one of the most popular religions. Although Czech Republic was the site of one of the most significant pre-reformation movements, there are only few Protestant adherents; mainly due to historical reasons like persecution of Protestants by the Catholic Habsburgs, restrictions during the Communist rule, and also the ongoing secularization. Over the last several decades, religious practice has been declining as secularization has increased. According to a 2012 study about Religiosity in the European Union in 2012 by Eurobarometer, Protestants made up 12% of the EUpopulation.

B. Theology

1. Fundamental principles

If a Christian denomination is to be considered Protestant, it must acknowledge the following three fundamental principles of Protestantism.

Scripture alone:The belief in the Bible as the highest source of authority for the church. The early churches of the Reformation believed in a critical, yet serious, reading of scripture and holding the Bible as a source of authority higher than that of church tradition. The many abuses that had occurred in the Western Church prior to the Protestant Reformation led the Reformers to reject much of its tradition, though some would maintain tradition has been maintained and reorganized in the liturgy and in the confessions of the Protestant churches of the Reformation. In the early 20th century, a less critical reading of the Bible developed in the United States, leading to a "fundamentalist" reading of Scripture. Christian fundamentalists read the Bible as the "inerrant, infallible" Word of God, as do the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox,

Anglican and Lutheran churches, but interpret it in a literalist fashion without using the historical critical method.

Justification by faith alone:the belief that believers are justified, or pardoned for sin, solely on condition of faith inChrist rather than a combination of faith and good works. For Protestants, good works are a necessary consequence rather than cause of justification.

Universal priesthood of believers:the universal priesthood of believers implies the right and duty of the Christian laity not only to read the Bible in the vernacular, but also to take part in the government and all the public affairs of the Church. It is opposed to the hierarchical system which puts the essence and authority of the Church in an exclusive priesthood, and makes ordained priests the necessary mediators between God and the people.

2. Trinity

Protestants who adhere to the Nicene Creed believe in three Persons (God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit) as one God. Others, beginning with the Polish Brethren and sustained by the Unitarians in Transylvania, England and the United States, reject the Trinity.

3. Five solae

Sola scriptura:t his idea contains the four main doctrines on the Bible: that its teaching is needed for salvation; that all the doctrine necessary for salvation comes from the Bible alone; that everything taught in the Bible is correct; and that, by the Holy Spirit overcoming sin, believers may read and understand truth from the Bible itself, though understanding is difficult, so the means used to guide individual believers to the true teaching is often mutual discussion within the church.

sola fide states that faith in Christ is sufficient alone for eternal salvation. Though argued from scripture, and hence logically consequent to sola scriptura, this is the guiding principle of the work of Luther and the later reformers. Because sola scriptura placed the Bible as the only source of teaching, sola fide epitomises the main thrust of the teaching the reformers wanted to get back to, namely the direct, close, personal connection between Christ and the believer, hence the reformers' contention that their work was Christocentric.

Solus Christus: the Protestants characterize the dogma concerning the Pope as Christ's representative head of the Church on earth, the concept of works made meritorious by Christ, and the Catholic idea of a treasury of the merits of Christ and

his saints, as a denial that Christ is theonly mediator between God and man. Catholics, on the other hand, maintained the traditional understanding of Judaism on these questions, and appealed to the universal consensus of Christian tradition.

Sola Gratia:protestants perceived Roman Catholic salvation to be dependent upon the grace of God and the merits of one's own works. The reformers posited that salvation is a gift of God (i.e., God's act of free grace), dispensed by the Holy Spirit owing to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ alone. Consequently, they argued that a sinner is not accepted by God on account of the change wrought in the believer by God's grace, and that the believer is accepted without regard for the merit of his works, for no one deserves salvation.

Soli Deo Gloria: All glory is due to God alone since salvation is accomplished solely through his will and action not only the gift of the all-sufficient atonement of Jesus on the cross but also the gift of faith in that atonement, created in the heart of the believer by theHoly Spirit. The reformers believed that human beings—even saints canonized by the Catholic Church, the popes, and the ecclesiastical hierarchy—are not worthy of the glory.

4.Christ's presence in the Eucharist

The Protestant movement began to diverge into several distinct branches in the 16th century. One of the central points of divergence was controversy over the Eucharist. Early Protestants rejected the Roman Catholic dogma of transubstantiation, which teaches that the bread and wine used in the sacrificial rite of the Mass lose their natural substance by being transformed into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ. They disagreed with one another concerning the presence of Christ and his body and blood in Holy Communion.

C. Major branches

Anglicanism comprises the Church of England and churches which are historically tied to it or hold similar beliefs, worship practices and church structures. The word Anglican originates in ecclesia anglicana, a medieval Latin phrase dating to at least 1246 that means the English Church. There is no single "Anglican Church" with universal juridical authority, since each national or regional church has full autonomy. As the name suggests, the communion is an association of churches in full communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury. The great majority of Anglicans are members of churches which are part of the international Anglican Communion,which

has 80 million adherents.

Calvinism refers to the doctrines and practices of the Reformed churches of which Calvin was an early leader. Less commonly, it can refer to the individual teaching of Calvin himself. The particulars of Calvinist theology may be stated in a number of ways. Perhaps the best known summary is contained in the five points of Calvinism, though these points identify the Calvinist view on soteriology rather than summarizing the system as a whole. Broadly speaking, Calvinism stresses the sovereignty or rule of God in all things —in salvation but also in all of life. This concept is seen clearly in the doctrines of predestination and total depravity.

Lutheranism advocates a doctrine of justification "by grace alone through faith alone on the basis of Scripture alone", the doctrine that scripture is the final authority on all matters of faith, denying the belief of the Catholic Church defined at the Council of Trentconcerning authority coming from both the Scriptures and Tradition. In addition, Lutheranism accepts the teachings of the first fourecumenical councils of the undivided Christian Church.

VI. A Comparison Between the Three Branches

A.A postolic Succession

Orthodox:this is an important part of Orthodox belief and ensures continuity with the church that Christ founded.

Protestant:with the exception of the Anglicans and some Lutherans, this idea is rejected. Rather it is important to emphasis continuity of teaching with that of the apostles, rather than a direct line of succession.

Roman Catholic:as in Orthodoxy, this is of vital importance to the church. There is also some degree of mutual recognition of the validity of Orthodox ordinations.

B. Bible

Orthodox:accept the 39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament books, but also a collection of books not found in the original Hebrew Bible.

Protestant:protestants reject the deuterocanonicals as not being inspired scripture and term them Apocrypha,

Roman Catholic:agrees with Orthodoxy as to the validity of these books.

Orthodox:Priests and Bishops must be male, but deaconesses are permitted, though the order is dormant.Priests and deacons may marry before ordination but not after. Bishops, on the other hand, must be celibate.

Protestant:the majority of Protestants do not require celibacy as a condition of election to the clergy. Many churches practice female ordination, including those within the Anglican communion, where the issue of female episcopacy is currently being discussed.

Roman Catholic:all clergy are required to be male. Priests and Bishops must also be celibate, with the exception of Eastern Rite Catholics and Anglican married clergy who subsequently convert to Catholicism. These groups are allowed to have married priests.

D. Holy Spirit

Orthodox:the third person of the Trinity, proceeding from the Father alone as in the original Nicene Creed. The Father sends the Spirit at the intercession of the Son. The Son is therefore an agent only in the procession of the Spirit.

Protestant:The Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son.

Roman Catholic:agrees with the Protestant view.

E. Marriage and Divorce

Orthodox:marriage is a mystical union between a man and a woman. Divorce is generally only allowed in cases of adultery, though there are exceptions.

Protestant:Marriage is a contract, but is not unbreakable. Divorce is discouraged, but permitted as evidence of human weakness. Some denominations permit remarriage in church.

Roman Catholic:marriage is seen as an unbreakable contract & a type of Christ and the church. Remarriage after divorce is not permitted unless there is some canonical impediment to the marriage. In this situation, an annulment may be granted.

F. Mary

Orthodox:Mary is venerated as Theotokos. By this is meant that the son she bore was God in human form. She is first amongst the saints and 'ever-virgin'.

Protestant:Mary was a holy woman who was chosen to bear the Son of God. Her perpetual virginity and intercession are denied.

Roman Catholic:the view is similar to the Orthodox church - the title 'Mother of God' being used more commonly than Theotokos. This title forms one of the 'Marian Dogmas' of the Church. The others are Mary's perpetual virginity, assumption and immaculate conception.

Orthodox:as the Bishop of Rome, he has a primacy of honour when Orthodox, not of jurisdiction. At present, his primacy is not effective as the papacy needs to be reformed in accordance with Orthodoxy. His authority is thus no greater or lesser than any of his fellow Bishops in the church.

Protestant:the Pope is the leader of the Catholic church, having no authority to speak for the church as a whole.

Roman Catholic:the Pope is the 'Vicar of Christ' i.e. the visible head of the church on earth and spiritual successor of St. Peter. He has supreme authority within Christendom.

H. Purgatory

Orthodox:an intermediate state between earth and heaven is recognized, but cleansing and purification occur in this life, not the next.

Protestant:Purgatory is rejected - Christ's death on the cross is sufficientto remove the penalty for all our sins.

Roman Catholic:a state of cleansing and preparation for heaven. Also a state where the punishment due to unremitted venial sins may be expiated.

I. Sacraments

Orthodox:there are at least seven Sacraments: Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Holy Unction, Marriage and Penance. The list is not fixed.

Protestant:generally, only two sacraments are recognized: Baptism and the Eucharist.

Roman Catholic:the number of Sacraments is fixed at seven and is the same list as that in Orthodoxy, with the exception of Chrismation, which is generally known as 'Confirmation'.

J. Eucharist

Orthodox:commonly termed the 'Mystic Supper' or 'Divine Liturgy' - This makes present Christ's sacrifice and therefore forgiveness of sins is obtained through it. It is also an encounter with the Risen Christ.

Protestant:the Eucharist, like Baptism is only a symbol of grace. The sacrificial nature of the Eucharist is also rejected.

Roman Catholic:the position is similar to the Orthodox. The Eucharist is also known as the 'Holy sacrifice of the Mass'.

K. Saints

Orthodox:a special group of holy people,who are venerated. They may act as

intercessors between God and Man and may be invoked in prayer.

Protestant:all Christians are saints, called to imitate Christ. Only Christ may mediate between God and Man.

Roman Catholic:the position is very similar to Orthodoxy. For sainthood, it is also required that at least two verifiable miracles have occurred as a result of the intercession of that person.

L. Salvation

Orthodox:salvation is "faith working through love" and should be seen as a life long process. The Ultimate aim of every Orthodox Christian is to obtain Theosis or union with God.This is done through living a holy life and seeking to draw closer to God.

Protestant:salvation is the free and unmerited gift of God to man. It is obtained by grace through faith in Christ alone. Through Christ's atoning sacrifice, we are rendered acceptable to God and judged righteous in his sight.

Roman Catholic:salvation is by grace, specifically sanctifying grace, which is given initially through Baptismal regeneration and then maintained through the Sacraments, which are 'channels of grace'.

M. Scripture

Orthodox:there is one source of divine revelation: Tradition. Scripture forms the oral part, and the writings of saints, decisions of ecumenical councils etc. are also part of it.

Protestant:Scripture alone is the only infallible guide and the final authority on matters of Christian faith and practice.

Roman Catholic:alongside Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition are to be considered sources of divine revelation. Tradition and scripture are interpreted by the magisterium or teaching authority of the church.

Ⅶ. Conclusion

The thesis studies the main character of different Christianity branches and makes a comparative study among them. The different branches are not difficult to distinguish if one is familiar with their features.

Among three branches, Catholicism has the longest history, and it is the largest religion group with more than 1 billion members. Vatican city is the official seat of the catholic church,and its head,the pope,rules through a civil governor. Most Catholics are living in Europe, North America and South America. The important festivals are


浅谈基督教与西方文明 中国语言文学类1003班 1703100311 于慧摘要:基督教两千多年前起源于罗马的巴勒斯坦省,它以耶稣基督的生平、教导、死亡与复活为根基。本文简单叙述了基督教产生的渊源、基督教的基本信仰,并浅析了基督教对西方文明的主要影响。 关键词:基督教信仰西方文明 众所周知,西方文化的形成和发展直接承继了古希腊、罗马文化传统,而其实它还受到了基督教思想的深刻影响,并且在大多数西方人眼里,基督教对于现代西方文化的影响远远超过了古典文化的影响。因此 ,要更好地了解和学习西方文明,大致了解基督教的相关知识对我们来说是很必要的。 国际上,基督教是天主教、东正教、基督新教的统称,这三个教会的信徒都称为基督徒。在三个教会中,天主教会是原始基督教会的直接延续和继承者,又称罗马公教,也就是普世大公教会。东正教是在1054年由天主教分离出来的东方教会,也称为东方正教。而新教则是16世纪宗教改革中脱离天主教而形成的各个宗派,以及从这些宗派中不断分化出来的众多宗派的总称。 基督教最初是从犹太教中发展出来的,在漫长的历史过程中,因为屡遭奴役的犹太人在现实世界中得不到幸福和安宁,于是他们就只能在宗教中去寻找安慰。在犹太教最早的经典《摩西五经》中,犹太人表述了这种基于不幸意识和罪孽意识的宗教思想。这种罪孽意识使得犹太民族把受苦受难的原因归咎于自己的祖先和族人不敬上帝、不遵行诫命和不遵守法律,从而招致上帝的惩罚。而这种罪孽意识为基督教准备了精神范围,犹太人的圣教历史是一部充满了罪孽意识的宗教思想,这种沉重的罪孽意识同时也极大地激发起犹太民族的选民意识。犹太教的圣教历史为基督教准备了一个历史背景,希腊的唯心主义哲学则为基督教提供了一套形而上学的神学思想。基督教文化的本质精神说到底就是灵魂对现实世界的超越,就是神秘的唯灵主义。这种唯灵主义最初以朴素直观的形式表现在希腊民间神秘祭的轮回转世说中,然后在毕达哥拉斯、苏格拉底和柏拉图等人的哲学中得到理论上的提炼和表述,并通过斐洛的“隐喻”神学和普罗提诺德神秘主


奥古斯丁与基督教神学的基本范式 ◎蒋鹏 [摘要]奥古斯丁是基督教神学思想史上的理论大师,他的思想奠定了基督教神学的基本格调和范式。本文从认识论范式、伦理学范式、历史神学范式三个方面对奥古斯丁的思想进行概括,清理出其思想发展的内在联系,并且指明了其思想内容对后世基督教思想家的影响。 [关键词]光照说;恶;恩典;预定论;上帝国 [作者简介]蒋鹏,男,中山大学人文学院研究生。广东广州,510275。 [中图分类号]B979.954.6[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672-3562(2008)01-0074-04 “希波的圣奥古斯丁”,被公教会尊为“伟大的导师”、“上帝的圣徒”、“教会的博士”,同时,也是宗教改革先驱路德和加尔文的重要精神导师。他把普罗提诺为代表的新柏拉图主义哲学与基督教神学共冶一炉,奠定了古今基督教神学的基本范式。公元354年,奥古斯丁出生在罗马帝国北非努米府正行省的一个名叫塔加斯特的小镇上。早年,奥古斯丁曾于迦太基学习修辞学和哲学,当地新柏拉图主义与斯多亚学派的学说甚为流行,学术氛围异常活跃。奥古斯丁首次接触到的哲学著作是西塞罗的《腾修斯》(现已佚失),该书启发了他对人生价值与意义等问题的思考,激起了他追求真理的渴望。奥古斯丁主要关注的问题是,“人为什么会作恶,恶的根源是什么?”通过研究西塞罗的哲学著作和《圣经》,奥古斯丁都没有找到令他满意的答案。由于后来接触到波斯传来的摩尼教,他认为只有摩尼教才能回答上述问题,他随即皈依了它。再后来,奥古斯丁对摩尼教善恶对立的二元论提出了质疑,并最终抛弃了摩尼教的学说,转向学院派怀疑主义的学说,然而,后者也同样让他失望。最终,他于386年皈依基督教。到430年去世以前,奥古斯丁历经多次重大神学论战,以《忏悔录》、《论三位一体》、《上帝之城》等著作成为拉丁教父思想的代表与集大成者。 认识论范式:从差等的认知到光照说 奥古斯丁的认识沦是围绕神学问题展开的,其目的是为了强化信仰。为确定人们的日常知识本身就具有确定性,奥古斯丁对当时风靡一时的学园派怀疑论进行激烈的批判。怀疑论者认为,一切知识都不可靠,感觉和理性都不能给人们提供正确的认识。对这种怀疑论基调,奥古斯丁进行了有力的攻击--只有相信自己存在的人才害怕出错,进而,他才会进行怀疑,这是无庸置疑的真理,此即有名的主体性存在的命题:“我出错,故我存在。”他进一步推论:“既然你确实存在,那么,你只有活着才能知道这一点,因此,你也确实活着,你明白这两件事是绝对真实的。”因而,人的存在,人的生命和理解是紧密联系在一起的,我存在,我活着,我理解是三件确信不疑的事情。“我”对自身所进行的各项活动都有确定的意识,因而,“我”是自明的。 奥古斯丁的思考方式,如同思想的灯塔,成为笛卡尔等人的路标。笛卡尔认为,我们现有的所有知识都是真假难辨的。为了寻找到清楚、明晰、不容怀疑的知识,以便将其作为科学的哲学的基础和出发点,我们唯一可以采取的妥当方法就是,来一次最为普遍、彻底的怀疑,将一切稍有疑问的意见、“知识”清除出去。他依次怀疑了感觉、身体以及自己最心爱的数学、几何知识。然而,当进行怀疑一切的活动时,怀疑活动本身却表明了一条确凿无疑的真理,即“我在怀疑”本身是无庸置疑的。我可以怀疑一切,但却不能怀疑“我在怀疑”。对“我在怀疑”的怀疑本身还可进行怀疑,而这恰恰证明了我在怀疑的真实,怀疑是一种思想。显然,我在怀疑、我在思想、这必然有个在怀疑这种“思想”的主体“我”’的存在。换言之,思维也同 广州社会主义学院学报 JOURNALOFGUANGZHOUINSTITUTEOFSOCIALISM2008年第1期(总第20期)No.12008(SerialNo.20) 74


13、以下不属于古典文学作品的是( )。 A、《伊利亚特》 B、《堂吉诃德》 C、《埃涅阿斯纪》 D、《俄狄浦斯王》 15、被黑格尔誉为人类有史以来“最多才最渊博的科学天才之一”的是()。 A、柏拉图 B、亚里士多德 C、苏格拉底 D、奥古斯丁 14、被誉为哲学之父的()通过对万事万物的观察明确地表达了一个极为重要的哲学观念:万物的本原是水。 A、阿那克西曼德 B、毕达哥拉斯 C、泰勒斯 D、赫拉克利特 19、西方小说《巨人传》的作者( ) A、塞万提斯 B、薄伽丘 C、福克勒斯 D、拉伯雷 20、以下关于中国传统建筑的说法错误的是:() A、中国传统建筑的分类主要包括城市、宫殿、坛庙、陵墓、民居、园林、寺塔、道观、石窟等。 填空题部分: 1、佛教在发展和传播过程中,逐渐形成了南传和北传两大系。 2、中国文化最主要的宗教为佛教和__ 道教_____,西方文化的核心宗教为___基督教____。 3、.“___关学_____”与二程的“___洛学_____”被统称为“道学”。 5、代表着中国雕塑艺术的最高水平的佛教石窟造像艺术有:云冈石窟、龙门石窟、莫高窟、和麦积山。 7、汉代的书法已成为一门自觉的艺术。汉代主要通行小篆、草书、隶书。 8、19世纪的音乐形式中,歌剧占据着十分重要的地位,主要分为德国、__法国______、__意大利_______。 9、前不见古人,__后不见来者________,念天地之悠悠,___独怆然而涕下_________。 10、西方17世纪文学的代表有巴洛克文学、_英国资产阶级革命文学______、___法国古典主义文学____。 2、基督教起源于__犹太____教,以___耶稣基督_____的来临为标志。 3、历史上的“三王”是指禹、___商汤______、__周武王_______。 5、 6 和后亚里士多德时期。 7、民歌的种类包含号子、山歌、小调。 8、浪漫主义时期,现代钢琴最终走向成熟并成为作曲家们最为钟爱的乐器,它以钢琴诗人___肖邦_____和钢琴怪杰__李斯特______的出现为标志。 9、元曲四大爱情剧王实甫、_ 关汉卿____、郑光祖_白仆_____。 10、荷马史诗_伊利亚特______以描写__阿喀琉斯_____的三次愤怒为叙事主脉,把十年的曲 折故事凝入最后51天。 3、在庄子看来,一个人能做到“无待”与“无己”,就能获得与天地精神相往来的自由与逍


聊聊宗教——基督教 经常在电影和新闻里,看到关于宗教冲突,穆斯林被袭击的,消息,甚至电影中十字军东征的题材电影,又或者关于神圣罗马皇帝的典故,不免心中总是疑惑,仿佛中国没有宗教的遗迹。便一直想弄个明白,今天有心,终于查了一堆资料,大致明白了宗教的历史。 综合之后,写下来,给大家也看看,至少了解了一部分的历史,看看地球上千万年的信仰为何物。 首先,认识世界上三大宗教:基督教、佛教、伊斯兰教。 很难理解,中国作为一个唯一续存的东方文明古国,实际上,到了现代,给世人的感觉,是世界上最不信教的国家之一。 西方人眼中,中国人很务实,比起精神信仰上的依附,人们愿意把更多的精力和时间,花在人际生活和人文追求上。 历史的眼光来看,穷人更需要宗教,原因是穷人的生活比较的苦难,在穷困和疾病,奴役和压榨的背景下,没有文化的穷人们便需要一个精神上的信仰来支撑自己的人生苦旅。而宗教发展又往往跟政治有着必然联系,政局为了更好的统治人民,往往政教合一,来愚昧大众,以实现更稳固的统治(实际上基督教一直与政局争夺领导地位)。 基督教的起源: 基督教便最早起源于公元纪年前后的罗马国犹太省,即现在的巴基斯坦,以色列地区。并且最初的教训思想是以犹太人的犹太教为基础的,在耶稣的传播和影响力下,逐渐发展壮大,并迅速传播到地中海周边地区,乃至整个欧洲,美洲。 耶稣的基督教,改变了犹太教只限于犹太人的局限性,打破一般教规的阶级之分,努力传播身边的所有种族,认为人天性有罪,而相信天主,多行善事,便能赎罪,便能得救,来世便可上天堂,否则便要下地狱。 耶稣30岁的时候开始传播基督教,宣称自己就是天主的儿子,信他的人可以得到救赎,不信的人,要下地狱。最开始,耶稣的精神并没有因为他的说教而得多太多的人们相应,而是因为耶稣的死。 当时的犹太教,对这个异类很是讨厌,对当局施压,要处死耶稣。因为新的基督教,宣扬的是人人平等,关爱,施舍。与依靠罗马帝国的犹太教贵族产生了深深的矛盾。 后来由于门徒犹大的出卖,耶稣被罗马驻犹太总督逮捕并凌辱。最后钉在十字架上死去。不过3天后,给耶稣抹香的女教徒们发现耶稣的墓中没有人,耶稣已经复活离去。 耶稣的复活,让人将信将疑,但随后的40天,耶稣多次在门徒中现身说教,声称自己的死,是为尘世间的人们赎罪,死后复生的耶稣,即将回到天主的身边,并在世界末日的时候重新回来人间,做最后的审判,跟随耶稣的人得上天堂,有罪的人下地狱。 40天后,耶稣在众人的眼前,飞升上天,成为圣子,临走时,耶稣派遣圣灵下凡,藏在每个人的心间,圣灵无影无形,保护的人们。 相比较而言,后来最为不同阶级的人所广泛接受的基督教,确实产生了一种,没有阶级区别,人人平等的引导人向善的精神产物。不过就其本质而言,又似乎有太多的狭隘性,基督教早期对非基督教的教派采取十分坚决的排斥,对异教徒的辱骂以及攻击,使得基督教的形象受到或多或少的影响,甚至基督教后来本身分裂出的多个分教,也有众多不合。


浅析基督教对近代科学诞生的促进作用 ——从基督教对中世纪后期欧洲科学的影响看 摘要宗教与科学既有冲突也有融合,二者的关系一直是科学哲学界、科学史界与宗教界热议的话题,本文尝试通过论述基督教对中世纪晚期欧洲科 学的影响,阐明基督教对近代科学诞生的促进作用。 关键字基督教欧洲中世纪晚期大学十字军东征经院哲学理性 宗教与科学的关系一直是科学哲学界、科学史界与宗教界关心与热议的话题。在全世界宗教种类繁多,基督教、佛教和伊斯兰教被称为世界三大宗教,其中又尤以基督教信徒最多,影响最广。也因此在探讨宗教与科学二者的关系时,学者们往往会将关注重点放在基督教与科学的相互影响上,并对之进行最激烈的讨论和最深层次的探究。 目前,学界关于基督教对科学的影响主要存在以下几种观点,分别是:强调基督教对科学的促进作用;强调基督教对科学的阻碍作用,认为前者对后者毫无积极作用;强调基督教对科学的作用是双重的,认为促进与阻碍两种作用兼有,要客观待之。 笔者同意第三种观点即基督教对科学有着积极与消极双重影响,不能主观的放大或缩小任何一种作用。基督教与科学既有冲突也有融合,要给与基督教客观、公正的评价。英国科学史家W·C丹皮尔在其著作《科学史及其与哲学和宗教的关系》中称中世纪为“人类由希腊思想和罗马统治的高峰降落下来,再沿着现代知识的斜坡挣扎上去所经过的一个阴谷[1]”时期。因此,可将中世纪分为前后两个时期(大致划分为前后五百年)。在本文中,笔者希望通过列举中世纪后期基督教促进科学发展的事例,对前述的第二种观点即强调基督教对科学的阻碍作用,认为前者对后者毫无积极作用进行反驳,并以此表明基督教对近代科学产生的积极作用。 中世纪(Middle Ages)的时间跨度一般指的是从公元5世纪至公元15世纪,


从奥古斯丁宗教哲学思想看永恒的现实性 摘要:现实是变化的,永恒似乎永不可能。而在奥古斯丁看来,永恒具有它本身的理想性与现实性。首先,永恒是仅属于上帝的,是时间中的无时间者,而时间则是永恒的外在形象。其次,在现实当中人们可以通过无限地接近上帝触摸到永恒,虽然说人们得以接近上帝需要靠上帝的恩典,但从奥古斯丁的陈述看来,人的自由意志仍然可以起作用。自由意志使人们远离上帝,但同时它也是人们得以再次靠近上帝的动力因。人们因为自由意志获原罪而经受尘世之苦,认识上也受尘世之物的蒙蔽而过多地去追求可变的、有限的事物而远离常在的、无限的上帝。只有重新去认识自身,不断践行上帝对爱的要求,争取重新皈依上帝的怀抱,才能再次寻得永恒。 关键词:永恒;原罪;自由意志;自爱 变化是客观存在的真理。世间万物无时无刻不在变化之中,而作为万物之灵的人类却不断在寻求变化中的永恒。现实生活讯息万变,让个体的存在时刻感受着变化带来的虚无感。个体拥有把控灵魂的能力,希望在时间流中感受永恒所带来的安全感,在奥古斯丁看来,永恒并不是一个遥不可及的虚无。 一、奥古斯丁对永恒的理想性阐释 其实永恒并不是一个新颖的话题,早在奥古斯丁之前,就有不少对永恒的研究。如早期教父就有曾将上帝的永恒设想为时间的无限延伸观点。奥古斯丁强烈反对这种看法,他认为如果用时间来衡量上帝的永恒性,那只会降低其作为永恒者的地位,而且也不足以说明上帝的神圣性。“‘永恒’在奥古斯丁那里不是指无限长地延续时间,而是指‘永远的现在’,即没有过去、将来,而只要现在。‘永远的现在’意味着没有生老病死的变化。上帝是不变的,不能设想上帝一会儿出生,一会儿又病死、老了、死了。与‘永恒’这样的存在方式相反的,是‘时间’。”[1]91所以,永恒并不能用时间来量度或者由时间来界定。“你是至高无上、永恒不变的;在你,从不会有过去的今天,而在你之中今天则悄然而逝,因为这一切都在你掌持之中,除非你把持它们,便没有古今。你的年岁终无穷尽,你的年岁永远是现在:我们和我们祖先的多少岁月已在你的今天之中过去了,过去的岁月从你的今天得到了久暂的尺度,将来的岁月也将随前规而去。你却永不变易:明天和将来的一切,昨天和过去的一切,为你是今天将做,今天已做。”[2]9可以看出,永恒是上帝的存在方式。在奥古斯丁那里,上帝并非经验实体,他仅仅是作为精神体而存在的,这样才可能具备了所有的至善品质。而永恒仅仅属于上帝的,因为他是所有东西的创造者。他不仅创造了世界,也创造了时间,时间只是永恒的形象。人们自身仅仅是在时间中经验永恒,即在川流不息的时间中之永不消逝的永恒,永恒的事物就是时间中的无时间者,而这就是上帝的永恒。我们谈论时间,多是站在经验的角度而言,而既在时间中又不表现出流变的,则称为时间中的无时间者。时间总是代表着变化,而无变化则意味着静止,而静止仅仅是解决物理问题的一个概念,它并无绝对只有相对的,事实上仍然是变化的。所以无时间者除了不表现为流变之外,它还应该是在时间之外的。只有在该物之上才能不受该物的制约。在时间之外的,只能是它的创造者———上帝。只有上帝才是永恒的,所以,时间中的无时间者称之为永恒。“时间不论如何悠久,也不过是流光的相续,不能同时伸展延留,永恒却没有过去,整个只有现在,而时间不能整个是现在,他们可以看到一切过去都被将来驱除,一切将来又随过去而过去,而一切过去和将来却出自永远的现在。”[3]在奥古斯丁看来,时间仅仅是体现永恒,过去的已经过去,将来的还没到来,而现在也可以拆分为无数的过去与将来。所有仅仅是当下这一相对静止的时间才可能称之为永恒。而永恒的时间性也仅仅就表现为当下的这个刹那。永恒仅仅是属于上帝的,而上帝则是超越了世间万物的至高存在,永恒作为上帝的其中一种属性,同样表现出了这种特质。对于受造物而言,上帝并非是经验世界中可以触摸可以靠近的,它是非经验、非实在的存在。永恒也并非是经验的、实存的,它仅仅存在于灵魂层面,也仅仅在灵魂的层面上可以体验。所以,永恒应该是灵魂层面的存在。 二、奥古斯丁对永恒的现实性阐释:时间之内的受造物如何可以接近永恒 1.受造物为何会堕落:原罪与自由意志 原罪,它出自基督教的经典———《圣经》,它是专有的,是基督教徒解释人们为什么一来到这个世上就得受难,就要寻求解救的专有术语。亚当和夏娃受了蛇的引诱而犯下所谓的原罪,最根本的意思则是指上帝所造


社会科学研究 1999?1基督教对近代四川的影响 邓卫中 一、基督教传入四川简况 19世纪中叶,西方列强用炮舰轰开了闭锁的中国大门后,迫使清政府签订了《南京条约》等一系列不平等条约。法国首先为天主教取得了在华传教权,紧接着英美等国的基督教(新教)也获得了在中国公开传教的权利。而且,基督教在华的势力,比之早来的天主教,大有后来居上之势。 据统计,自1881年至1949年间,来四川传教的接受差会津贴的基督教派有31个,自立教派有5个,自立地方教会有12个。先后入川的基督教传教士共有1808人(仅进入四川藏族聚居地区的外国传教士就有76人),在四川总共建立基督教教堂611座(其中,美英两国建立的教堂最多)。 基督教是依靠西方列强的对华不平等条约而进入中国的,然而基督教来华后能落地生根,争取信徒,并非完全依靠世俗的强权,而是依靠其教义和传播的方式在某种程度上适应了部分中国民众的精神和生活方面的需要。 1.布道 基督教的教派很多,他们进入四川后,都积极地、别出心裁地用各自的方式向中国民众宣讲福音。 如英国内地会要求传教士和中国人尽可能地“打成一片”,在生活、起居、衣着等方面尽可能地“中国化”。据成都一些老教徒回忆,在清光绪七年(1881年)前,内地会有一名自称张普善的传教士初到成都时,为了与中国民众接近,他身穿中式长袍,头戴一条假发长辫,手拿一把特大的纸扇,扇子上用汉字醒目地写有“天国近了,你们应当悔改”,背一纸牌,上写“上帝爱世人”等话。他如此打扮,并经常在大街上缓缓行走,借以引人注目,宣传福音。 四川的茶馆很多,是社会交往的场所。基督教会看中了四川的茶馆是传教的好地方,于是提出了“把福音送到茶馆”的口号。传教士们在茶馆里吹口琴,拉小提琴或手风琴,散发小册子,用半生不熟的汉语,甚至用四川话宣讲“上帝爱世人”、“灵魂可以升天”之类的教义。 传教士们还经常走家串户,他们态度亲切,巧舌如簧,有时还送一些西洋小礼品给传教的对象。这就是基督教会要求传教士“把福音送到家庭”的具体行动。 清末民初,四川社会风气不太开化,教会为了便于在妇女中争取信徒,很重视派遣女传教士来川。许多传教士都是夫妻同行的,夫妻都是传教士。英国内地会传教士克拉克的夫人就是进入四川的第一个女传教士(1878年)。以后,女差会、女布道会等都纷纷派员来。据统计,先后来川的女传教士共有1091人,占来川传教士总人数的60%。 2.办学 基督教会在传教的同时,兴办了不少学校。基督教会重视办学的一个重要原因,是要通过办学来传教,来扩大基督教在青少年中的影响。正如加拿大传教士赫斐秋所说:“我们传教士很懂得,如果要使中国人信道,就必须加强教育工作。”而且,教会办的学校将成为“选择未来的中国教会领袖的场地”。基


中国现代作家与基督教文化 【摘要】:本著以文化与文学影响的视角深入研究中国现代作家所受到基督教文化的影响,着重从中国现代作家与基督教文化的关系,客观辩证地考察他们对基督教文化的接受或抵御,努力从他们的创作中寻觅探析基督教文化对他们的深刻影响。本著选择了鲁迅、周作人、许地山、冰心、庐隐、苏雪林、张资平、郭沫若、老舍、萧乾、巴金、曹禺、徐(?)、北村、张晓风等一些具有代表性的作家及其创作作具体深入的研究分析,分别通过疏理他们与基督教文化的关系,寻觅他们创作中与基督教文化相关的蛛丝马迹,细致地探析基督教文化在他们的创作中各种表现,通过对他们作品的深入分析,研究基督教文化对他们的思想和创作的深刻影响,并努力从文学的视角研析《圣经》文本对中国现代作家的创作在艺术手法等方面的具体深刻的影响,根据不同的作家对基督教文化的不同态度和不同选择,进行恰如其分的探究,努力道出自己的见解,以期在宏观的背景中,以微观的分析研究基督教文化对中国现代作家深刻影响。该著在研究方法上,注重第一手资料,努力从对资料的疏理和分析中,在疏理中国现代作家与基督教文化的关系及其所受到的影响中,以文化学、比较文学、社会学、美学等多种研究方法进行研究,以期在中国现代文学研究中具有独特的学术价值和意义,以填补中国现代文学研究领域里的某些方面的空白。【关键词】: 【学位授予单位】:华东师范大学

【学位级别】:博士 【学位授予年份】:2000 【分类号】:I206.6;B97 【目录】:前言10-13第一章引论:“彼岸之神的幻影”13-23第一节“把中国关得很紧的大门打开”13-15第二节“我们直接去敲耶稣自己的门”15-17第三节“我们应该于一切宗教中特别反对基督教”17-19第四节“须知基督教在文学中永远占着重要位置”19-23第二章鲁迅:“自己背着因袭的重担,肩住了黑暗的闸门”23-31第一节“他的信仰是在哲学,不是在宗教”23-25第二节“犹太人钉杀耶稣的事,更应该看”25-27第三节“用无我的爱,自己牺牲于后起新人”27-31第三章周作人:“我不是基督教徒,却是崇拜基督的一个人”31-41第一节“觉得要一新中国的人心,基督教实在是很适宜的”31-34第二节“现代文学上的人道主义思想,差不多也都从基督教精神出来”34-36第三节“妇女问题的实际只有两件事,即经济的解放与性的解放”36-38第四节“中国还未曾发见了儿童”38-41第四章许地山:“宗教当使人对于社会、个人,负归善、精进的责任”41-51第一节“育于神学宗教学的熏染中”41-43第二节“只求当时底哀鸣立刻能得着同情者”43-46第三节“人性在受窘压底状态下怎样挣扎”46-48第四节“以寓言和象征启迪我们的爱、信、勇气和智慧”48-51第五章冰心:“永远在你座前作圣洁的女儿”51-58第一节“潜隐的形成了我自己的‘爱’的哲学”51-53第二节


教会教育与中国高等教育 摘要:教会教育对近现代中国产生了广泛而深远的影响。本文阐述了中世纪早期教会的起源,追溯了中国教会大学的由来,指出了教会大学对中国现代高等教育的影响,最后对教会教育进行了客观评价。关键词:教会教育;中国;高等教育 教会大学萌发于19世纪末,在20世纪初得到初步发展。教会大学从建立起就一直注重教学质量,在学生教育、师资力量以及授予学位等方面都进行了努力的探索。教会大学推动了中国现代高等教育的产生,客观上为中国现代高等教育的起步提供了一种模式,创新了中国教育课程的模式,同时也为中国现代高等教育提供了一批管理和教学人才。教会大学虽然在中国的教育历史上只存在了短暂的时间,但它的作用却是不可磨灭的。 1教会教育的定义 教会学校教育通常是指欧洲中世纪有基督教会设立和管辖的学校。主要有僧侣学校、大主教学校和教区学校。主要以培养对上帝虔诚和服从教权与政权的教士为目的。其教育内容主要是“三科”(修辞、文法、辩证法)和“四学”(算术、几何、天文、音乐),合称“七艺”。其各个科目都贯穿着神学。学校诞生在教会里,从一开始本质上具有宗教本性;由于教会自身蕴含了某种凡俗成分,故从创办开始就越来越具有世俗性。[1]

2中世纪教会的发展 把中世纪描述成这样一段历史时期,上呈罗马帝国的衰亡,下启文艺复兴的时代,中世纪则为一个过渡时代[2]。 中世纪教会教育教育,就是从宗教教育到世俗教育的漫长演进过程。具体而言,大致分为中世纪早期( 罗马军团撤出不列颠到11 世纪) 、盛期( 12、13 世纪)、后期( 14、15 世纪) 三个历史时段[3]。 中世纪英格兰教育起始于教会,教会教育得到地方统治者的襄赞。但是,地方统治者襄赞的教会教育,不是教会教育的唯一模式,甚至不是主要模式。古典晚期,基督教早期隐修团体出现,即是后世修道院的前身。公元320 年,圣帕科米乌斯( Pachomius) 制定了最早的基督教隐修团体规章。这一隐修规章突出强调,教育在隐修生活中的重要地位。当然,这种教育主要是学习《圣经》,特别是学习《旧约诗篇》和《新约》。修道院是基督教自办教育的主要载体,在隐修过程中突出教育的功能教会自办教育,是中世纪的主流。[4] 由此可见,古典末期与中世纪早期,蛮族席卷西欧,古典文化湮灭,罗马文明倾圮,修道院孤身传承文苑精华,教化隐修信众。 3修道院成为教会教育机构的原因 修道院是中世纪最典型的教会教育机构,最初只接受志在侍奉上帝、准备充当神职人员的人进行教育,以后扩大了范围,一些并不以神职为生的人也被接纳。修道院的学生一般十岁左右入学,学习期限


宗教学概论 方尔加 2011年8月30日 一.宗教的表现形式(现象) (1)亚洲 中东:伊斯兰教(什叶派、逊尼派)、基督教、犹太教(不同宗教,不同教派)车臣地区、高加索地区 印巴地区 中国新疆、西藏地区 印尼、菲律宾 东南亚 泰国(北部和南部) (2)非洲 尼日尼亚(伊斯兰教与基督教) 喀麦隆(伊斯兰教与基督教) 苏丹(伊斯兰教、基督教、非洲原始宗教) 索马里 (3)欧洲 天主教、东正教、伊斯兰教 法国、挪威、英国与北爱尔兰(亚。当斯) 总的来说,宗教问题都可以归结为经济原因、利益的分配。 参考资料:《东方瞭望周刊》2007年第17期《出身名校的佛门弟子》《东方瞭望周刊》2007年第6期《当代中国宗教信仰调查》 《中国新闻周刊》2010年第32期 我国宗教原则:自办、自养、独立自主 二.宗教学 (1)宗教学与宗教观 原始社会有唯物主义、唯心主义,但没有哲学。 宗教学与宗教观的关系类比哲学与常人的世界观 (2)“宗教学”的概念的产生 产生的前提是承认各种宗教 首先提出“宗教学”概念的是麦克斯。缪勒(英国籍德国人)论文集《宗教学概论》,标志着西方开始承认其他宗教。刚开始的研究是比较性的研究,比较历史比较功能。 比较的方法:信仰主义(信仰者的方法)、实证主义(反对形而上,形而上强调

理性主义)、客观主义即价值中立(没有绝对的中立只有相对的) (3)什么叫宗教学 揭示宗教本质的、从历史中揭示宗教发展规律的、系统化、理论化的学问。(4)宗教学研究的对象 宗教的基本构成要素(最低限度的要素;决定宗教性质的要素;决定其他非基本要素;所有宗教所共有的) 宗教发展的历史 宗教的社会功能即对以下的影响:一是上层建筑包括思想与政治两个方面,其中思想包括政治、法律、道德、艺术、哲学、宗教等方面,而政治则包括制度与机构。二是经济基础。 宗教哲学(何谓观?即大角度、根本性的角度) (5)宗教学研究的方法(马克思的方法) 不能用精神来解释精神 到经济基础中去寻找宗教产生的根源 要在社会的发展变化中研究宗教 最终把人神关系、神神关系还原成人人关系。


韩国近代社会的变迁与基督教 李正奎 [内容摘要]在韩国,基督教是作为西学被传入的,它对韩国近代的社会变迁既起到反对封建思想文化的启蒙作用,也起到对西方的科学、思想文化以及教育注入与普及的媒介作用,从中也流露出要征服异教民族的文化殖民主义本性。 关键词:韩国;近代社会;基督教 韩国是一个宗教多样化的国家。然而,在韩国的诸多宗教中,佛教、儒教(儒学)、道教、基督教[1]等主要宗教不仅都是外来宗教,而且组成韩国宗教文化主脉的主要宗教。诸如大倧教、园佛教、甑山教、天道教以及基督教等,这些都是同韩国近代的社会开化运动相联系而新创建或传入的年轻宗教。如果说根基于韩国传统文化的大倧教等新宗教的创立,表明了近代韩国人正视日益没落的社会现实,试图通过对民族传统文化的批判与改造,以寻求救国之道,走向富民强国之路的愿望,那么,基督教在韩国的传播,可以说是韩国人学习并接受西方文明的直接渠道。基督教在客观上起到了韩国近代开化进程中的催化剂作用,这种作用在现代韩国社会走向政治民主化和社会现代化的过程中表现得依然比较明显。 值得注意的是,自我国的“五·四”以后,由于中韩两国在意识形态方面的走向根本不同,在学习和接受西方文明方面所选择的内容、采取的方式也各不相同,因而宗教尤其是基督教的发展也有了很大的区别。与中国不同,韩国的现代文化特别是文化的基础理念主要是以西方基督教文化为媒介所展开的,[1]因此,了解

韩国基督教的历史与现状,对于我们比较完整而清楚地把握韩国思想文化的整体内容及其特点,具有重要的意义。 一、天主教传入韩国及对社会的影响 众所周知,基督教具有无孔不入的传教习性,然而,基督教传入韩国有其更深层的原因。自16世纪末的壬辰倭乱以后,统治朝鲜几百年的李朝封建制度开始走向没落,到了17世纪,朝鲜社会陷入了政治腐败、经济落后、思想僵化、民生受威胁的严峻境地。可是封建统治者们却置国难与民生于不顾,依旧热衷于争权夺利的党派之争,社会危机更加恶化。面对这种现实,一些有识之士不得不对传统思想进行反思与批判,寻求能够挽救社会危机和民族命运的新的思想和理念,这就是实学和西学。落后的朝鲜需要学习先进的西方文化,而这种需要恰恰成了韩国人接受基督教的最初的动机。 基督教传入韩国是壬辰倭乱时期。朝鲜使臣李晬光从我国(明朝)带回《天主实义》并以西学名义介绍给本国为起点的。尔后,1784年,朝鲜人李承熏在北京受洗礼。[2]他归国后相继为李蘖、权哲身等人举行洗礼。不久,随着信徒数量的不断增加,便逐步形成了朝鲜最初的天主教团体。然而,在李朝统治者看来,天主教思想和信仰活动是威胁儒教体制的异端邪说,是反对民族文化传统的行为。于是,就颁布“西教禁压令”,对其加以镇压和根除。纵观韩国基督教历史,天主教传入朝鲜后的前100年是殉教的历史,是韩国封建传统文化与新传入的西方文化之间正面冲突的历史。


在中国社会现代化的进程中,基督教的意义逐渐得以彰显。当然,出于不同的考虑和基于不同的认识,人们对基督教与中国现代化的关系亦有不同的理解,从而形成其价值判断的多样性和对基督教在华影响回升的迥异态度。随着中国实行经济改革和真正对外开放,在经济理论界和重新崛起的社会学思潮中,曾兴起了一股持续较久的“韦伯(Max Weber)热”。人们尤其关注其涉及“新教伦理与资本主义精神”的种种说法,以及他对东西宗教伦理与其社会结构、经济发展的比较。不少经济学家在谈及韦伯关于新教伦理等所起的“潜在的精神力量”之作用时,既表达了对历史进程的一种感触,又体现为一种在现实中国社会的呼唤和渴望。这种现象是颇值得人们玩味和深思的。人们在打开国门看世界时,忽有一种惊讶和警醒,随之便产生强烈的危机感和失落感。这种自知之明是前所未有的,因此而导致的对外在思想文化体系的客观研究和虚心学习,以及这种研习的坦诚和认真,亦是史无前例的。在借“他山之石”的此刻,中国人开始重新审视基督教及其对现代化的意义。不可否认,一些人因感到中国文化的历史积淀太厚、传统负担太重而对之失去信心和耐心,简单地认为“现代化”即“西化”,而“西化”即“基督教化”,试图以这种绝对而极端的“拿来主义”来将一切推倒重来,由此圆其“现代化”的美梦。然而,静观基督教在西方现代化过程中的作用,认识其对现代发展某些弊端的批评和否定,以及弄清基督教的“普世”意义和价值取向,则使不少中国人深感不能将“现代化”或“西化”与基督教完全等同,二者之间是有着本质不同之处。对于基督教与西方社会现代化的关系,中外学者已有诸多研究和评述,故不必在此重提或详谈。但有关基督教对中国社会现代化的意义,中国学者则议论不多,且有各种疑虑。而这一问题亦是我苦苦思索、刻意求解的关切所在,它涉及到基督教对现代中国的精神启迪和其本身在中国文化中的重新定位,其重要性不言而喻。为促进这一研究的深化及其意义的彰显,在此谈谈自己的管见浅识,与大家交流和讨论。 基督教作为一种信仰体系、价值体系和思想文化体系,对世界文明的进程有着多层次、全方位的影响,其对中国社会现代化的意义自然也是多方面的。从宗教和哲学的研究角度来看,我们侧重于基督教对此的价值层面和精神意义,而其在社会、政治、经济各层次的作用和影响只能附带来谈、不作为本题讨论的重点。这里关注的是在基督教精神、价值体系中比较独特、突出和值得弘扬的基本因素,它们能给现代中国人带来清新的感觉,和全然不同的启示,从而构成对中国社会现代化的一些独有意义。大体而言,这些意义包括以下几个方面: 一、基督教原罪观对现代中国人自我审视的反省意义 中国人在其文化传统上对人的本性或本质通常持乐观主义的态度,强调人的“性善”、“良知”、“有为”和“人定胜天”,不认为人本性有罪,因此对基督教的原罪观感到难以接受,尤其对亚当、夏娃因偷吃禁果而“失乐园”的神话诠释不以为然,形成对基督教罪之意识、罪感、认罪态度和忏悔心境的一种文化隔膜。然而,中国人这种历史悠久的向善论、进步观在其现代化进程中,在其社会发展步骤明显加快的今天,却受到严重的挑战,出现了本质性动摇。自鸦片战争以来,外国列强的“船坚炮利”曾迫使中国人痛定思痛、奋发图强,以引进西方科技、开展洋务来力图迎头赶上。但看到这种科技上之差距、实力上之劣势的同时,中国人在整体上并没有改变其反观自身的传统基调和对其国民性之乐观、自豪乃至优越的肯定见解。其对外来文化的基本态度乃“中体西用”(中学为体、西学为用)、“洋为中用”。回顾中国近现代科技发展、社会现代化的历程、洋务运动、戊戌变法、辛亥革命、“五四”运动、新民主主义革命、社会主义改造、文化革命以及当前的改革开放举措,都是从肯定、积极的意义上争取或重新恢复中国人的“自强”、“求定”、“自立于世界民族之林”。而伴随着这种政治经济运动和社会发展选择的国民心理基础,仍不离一种乐观的自我审视、以及对人格不断完善和人性正面发展的坚信不移。不过,多次政治运动唤起的激情和人们对社会改革全身心地投入,在中国今天社会转型时期却已出现与传统经历意味深长的不同转向。一些中国人已感到其激情耗尽的疲惫,更有人因机经拼搏后仍面临差距的加大而灰心失望。许多人在几度兴奋、真心参与各种具有自我奉献精神的公共事业之后,却看到当今社会中,个人主义泛滥、拜金主义流行、崇高境界消退、理想主义丧失,这一幅无情的图景。在社会腐败、人性堕落、道德沦丧、丑陋及丑恶现象和沉渣泛起、人们追求享乐和实利、沉溺于低俗之举、价值观念混乱和多元化这一严酷现实面前,许多现代中国人对基督教古老而传统的原罪观有了深刻的醒悟和体认。在这种对基督教原罪观的冷静认识中,人性自我可自觉达到“道德完美”的观念开始动摇,中国人开始对其传统的人性论和人生观加以反思和反省,尤其是对近代以来中国


奥古斯丁的政治思想 (1)时代背景:“教父学”时代----罗马帝国时代,基督教神学处于发展的第一个阶段。(在此之前属于“使徒传道”时代)。在公元2—5世纪,出现了一批基督教知识分子,他们把基督教基本信条教义化、系统化、理论化,制定了一整套基督教教义,即基督教神学,同时还从政治上对基督教地位进行理论论证。这些人被称为“博士”或“教父”,其神学理论被称为“教父学”比较著名的教父有:奥古斯丁,德尔图良、安布斯洛、杰罗姆,其中奥古斯丁是教父学的最高权威(2)政治实践: ①著作:《上帝之城》,在神学的框架下阐述了一整套政治哲学,从理论上 总结了基督教政治价值观,对中世纪人们的政治观念和教会与国家之间 的关系都产生了巨大影响。 ②个人经历:公元387年皈依基督教,391年成为希波教会的神甫,后来成 为主教; ③他的思想主要受新柏拉图主义影响,崇尚精神的价值,鄙视世俗的享乐。(3)具体观点和思想特色 综述:与以往的政治思想家不同,奥古斯丁首先是一位神学家(波利比阿首先是历史学家),关心神学问题,他的理论主要是一套神学,极力推崇信仰、贬低理性(理性主义传统的先驱是亚氏),从神学的角度研究国家,从人与上帝关系中考察人、考察国家的政治问题。 从他开始到文艺复兴时,西方政治哲学都是基督教神学的一部分,被称为“神学的婢女”。 奥古斯丁系统地阐述了基督教的国家观以及国家与教会的关系,成为了中世纪的官方信条,对中世纪政教关系产生了深刻的影响。 ①原罪救赎说 由于亚当偷食智慧果,因而使得每个人生来有罪—“原罪”,情欲败坏了人的理性本性;党人们达到道德行为当事人年龄时候,即成年之后就会继续犯罪,这是“本罪”,由于人的罪,注定受到上帝的“永罚”。一切人都带有原罪,因而惩罚是罪有应得,一切人间王国必然灾难深重,必然灭亡,只有上帝之国才是永恒的。谁能得救,需要上帝“拣选”,而上帝的挑选是任意的,并不靠个人的努力,即使是信仰基督教和实行苦修的人也不能免于惩罚。 ②恩典理论 人的主观努力没用,上帝的“拣选”人,令其信仰基督教从而得救是完全任意的,只能指望神的恩典,这就是恩典理论。奥古斯丁由此被称为“恩典博士”。 运用到现实中,他把一切社会的不平等和社会罪恶都说成是上帝对人的惩罚,所以人的反抗是徒劳的,只有服从忍受。 ③区分了所谓的“上帝之城”和“世人之城”(地上之城)--这是他政治哲 学最突出的一点。 两个城市的根本区别在于它们是以两种爱为基础:由只爱自己甚至连上帝也轻蔑的爱,造成了地上之城,选择肉欲;由只爱上帝甚至连自己也轻蔑的爱,造成了上帝之城,选择精神 两城分解源于天使的反叛,直接起因是亚当的堕落,实质上,是依据基


《西方文化概论》复习题(本部) 练习题 1、四年一届的(奥林匹亚竞技会)是全希腊最隆重的盛会。 2、(浪漫主义)主义的基本特点就是,用自由和美感来代替义务和功利,用情感的权威来代替理性的权威,用个人的立场来代替国家的立场。 3、卢梭的小说(新爱洛伊丝)是浪漫主义的典范,在这本书中,卢梭第一次把真挚炽热的情感凌驾于崇高典雅的荣誉和义务之上。 4、当“哲学之父”(泰勒斯)宣称万物是从水中产生时,他第一次以哲学的方式表达了本原的思想。 5、真正的爱琴文明主要是指(米诺斯文明),它在公元前17—前15世纪达到了鼎盛时期。 6、20世纪初期普朗克的量子论和爱因斯坦的(相对论)揭开了现代物理学革命的序幕。 7、分离主义的政治态度和自由主义的生活信念构成了希腊(城邦)社会的重要特征。 8、莫尔和闵采尔的乌托邦理想成为近代西方(共产主义)理论的思想根源。 9、公元前5世纪,(雅典)成为全希腊的政治、经济和文化的中心,成为希腊各个城邦人们敬仰和向往的圣地。 10、人文主义的精神实质就是(人性的解放),它的目的是把人们从自然欲望的满 足和感性享乐由教士阶层的偷偷摸摸的勾当转变为所有人理直气壮的行为。 11、“基督教的真正父亲”(保罗)构建了基督教的基本教义—“道成肉身”—理论的雏形。 12、基督教在哲学上对应一种(唯心主义)观点,即把精神看得比物质更加具有根本性。 13、从迈锡尼文明灭亡到希腊城邦文明诞生,中间经历了长达三个世纪的、所谓的(黑暗时 代)或者“英雄时代”。 14、(哥特式)建筑以纤巧华丽的艺术风格和怪诞夸张的浪漫气质而著称于世,它构 成了中世纪基督教文化的标志性成就。 15、(《尼西亚信经》)确立了“三位一体”和“基督神人二性联合而互不混淆”的正统教义,并且树立起教会在人间的绝对权威,成为后世基督教世界一致同意的普世宣言。16、公元前8世纪,当新兴的希腊城邦文化逐渐从“黑暗时代”的文化废墟中生长出来时, 与城邦的殖民化过程相互伴随的文化形式是(系统叙事诗)。 17、笛卡尔在根据无可怀疑的内在经验,确立了他的“(我思故我在)”的哲学第一原 理。 18、1054年在东西教会的大分裂和1071年塞尔柱突阙人对耶路撒冷的占领,而它们的结果 就是历史上柱著名的(十字军东征)。 19、(麦哲伦)船队完成了人类历史上第一次环球旅行,从而证明整个世界,至少是 南半球,在海洋上是相通的。 20、中世纪臭名昭著却又令人谈虎色变的(宗教裁判所),是基督教不宽容的暴虐态度的“杰作”。 21、(希波战争)在自由主义和分离主义的希腊土地上播下了帝国主义的种子。 22、公元前6世纪,(雅典)成为全希腊的政治、经济和文化中心。 23、从历史渊源上看,西方文化最初的发源地可以追溯到位于爱琴海南端入口处的(克里 特岛)。 24、真正的爱琴文明主要是指(米斯诺文明)。 25、希腊悲剧表现了一种庄严而神圣的主题,即(命运)主题。 26、1618—1648年的三十年战争结束后,随着人们对教义纷争和宗派冲突的兴趣日益淡薄,


第二讲太平天国的历史变奏 一、基督教传入中国的历史进程 1.17世纪高峰(明末清初) 福音运动○1(非法、民间运动) 产物:历法 科学技术(传教士传播) 2.19世纪高峰(鸦片战争后) 福音运动(合法) 产物:大学○3 西学○2涌入 3.20世纪初高峰(五四运动) 民主、科学产物:政党 4.20世纪末高峰(改革开放) 民主 产物:入世○ 4 规则 二、洪秀全与拜上帝会 1.个人人格○5 2.桂平金田——(烧煤工)杨秀清 3.平等旗帜与共产共妻(农民理想政治) 4.曾国藩——卫道旗帜(“孔、孟”学说) 5.天国政权封建性 ○1神授权 ○2等级制封王 封妻(88位) ○3政教分离天王洪秀全——教务 东王杨秀清——政务 三、历史逻辑(道理) 思考:农民在现代中国社会处于什么地位?农民在近代史的影响力变大还是变小? 注:

○1社会福音运动:十九世纪末二十世纪初基督教中的一个思潮,主张教育改变人心,从而改造社会。基督徒不仅要传播理想,还要有实践行动,积极参与社会改造活动。中国基督教教士吴耀宗、赵紫宸、吴雷川等人深受社会福音运动的影响。 ○2西学:“西学”的概念是历史的产物。它最先是指在西方产生并传播到中国的学说。现在所说的“西学”不只是指“西方人的学问”,而应该被理解为“中国人研究的西方学问”。自从“五四”之后,中国人主动地引进西方的学说,并全面、深入地研究、介绍和评价这些学说,从自然科学到社会科学和人文学科,每一个学科领域莫不如此。 ○3大学:天主教和新教都在中国建立了一大批教育机构,成立的学校、有幼稚园、小学、中学、大学及各种弱势机构、老幼院(如:盲哑学院、养老院、孤儿院等)等各种。据民国二十六年的统计:男子中学有一百间、女子中学有九十五间、男女合校的中学有五十四间。中学数计二百五十九,学生数约有五万。大学计有十三间,有:济南的齐鲁大学、福州的福建协和大学、南京的金陵女子理学院、上海的圣约翰大学、沪江大学、苏州的东吴大学、成都的华西协和大学、杭州的文江文理学院、武昌的华中大学、福州的华男女子学院、广东的领东大学、南京的金陵大学、北京的燕京大学等。(据民国二十六年的统计,上述十三所大学的学生数计有六千四百二十三人),至于教会所兴办的小学,据民国十一年(1922年)的统计:高小九百五十六所,学生三万二千八百九十九名。初小五千六百三十七所,学生十五万一千五百八十二名。出版事业方面,教会所创办的杂志刊物,在民国二十五年(1936年)时,计有中文杂志二百十一种,英文杂志二十七种,合计总数为二百三十八种。民国二十四年所出版的基督教丛书计有四千种之多,由六十九所基督教印刷厂分别承印,并有一百三十家专售基督教丛书的教会书局。[21] ○4入世 基督教的入世和佛教的出世 ――东西方文明小议 对于基督教发展历史的兴趣,最早始于电影《达芬奇密码》。而后,也读了这本小说。今年选修了西方文明史。其中,有关基督教章节学习,使我对西方文明重要组成部分的宗教信仰――基督教有了进一步了解。 浙大玉泉校区不远处,既是闻名中外的灵隐寺;距离杭州城区不远的余杭有唐朝四大名寺之一的径山寺。中国是世界上主要的佛教徒国家。不免的,会对基督教和佛教作一些比较。个人认为,基督教是入世的,而佛教是出世的。 一、从崇拜对象看。基督教是以信仰耶稣基督为救世主的宗教。基督耶稣是大约公元前6 年--约公元30年的拿撒勒木匠。他是来自下层人民的代表。在他的表哥约翰被捕后,回到加加利正式传道。他的教义和思想是天国观念,是对巴勒斯坦秩序的否定,是对统治阶层罗马势力的否定。他是号召人民斗争和反抗的革命家。而佛教佛陀乔达摩悉达多,本身出生贵族,他改变命运,争取世俗物质生活的诉求。他更的的思考是,人为什么痛苦,如何解决这种痛苦。从崇拜对象来看,基督教更倾向于“革他人命”—外化,佛教更倾向于“革自己命”—内省。外化的表现形式是要和他人接触和沟通,是要说服和被说服,是要入世得解脱;内省的表现形式是要远离世间,回归自我,修身养性,是追求出世超脱。 二、从宗教形式看。基督教的教堂多半修在城区,或者村镇里;而佛教多半修建在深山老林中。基督教要走到人们的生活中,比如教堂的牧师是兼顾了生活指导师和心理咨询师的职能,是要帮助迷失的人们找到积极的生活态度,它是入世哲学,是实用哲学。而佛教的寺庙多半发挥不了作用,首先庙宇在“远离人间烟火”,其次修行的佛教徒是修自己,是感悟自己的精
