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Dear friends and colleagues,


We are gathered here today to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Over the past 65 years, the CPPCC, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has traversed aglorious course and achieved historic accomplishments in its efforts toward founding and developing the People’s Republic of China, exploring the path of reform, and realizing the Chinese Dream.


First of all, on behalf of the CPC Central Committee, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations on the 65th anniversary of the founding of the CPPCC. I wish to express our great respect for the democratic parties, the

All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and persons without party affiliation, as well as for the people’s organizations and people of allour ethnic groups and from all sectors of society who have been devoted to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and made outstanding contributions to the cause ofthe CPPCC. I also wish to express our sincere regards to our fellow countrymen and women in the Hong Kong and Macau administrative regions and in Taiwan, as well as to overseas Chinese.


As I address you here today, we recall all the more deeply the memories of Mao Zedong, ZhouEnlai, Deng Xiaoping, Deng Yingchao, Li Xiannian, and other CPPCC leaders of the older generations. We will always keep in mind all those who have contributed to the CPPCC’s causeand continue to carry it forward in the new era.


Dear friends and colleagues,


The first plenary session of the CPPCC was held from September 21 through 30, 1949.Representing the will of the people of all ethnic groups in China and performing the functions ofthe National People’s Congress, that session adopted the Common Program of the CPPCC – aprovisional kind of Constitution, the Organizing Law of the CPPCC, and the Organizing Law of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China. It adopted major resolutionson the capital, the national flag, the national

anthem, and the calendar system of the People’s Republic of China. In addition, the session elected the National Committee of the CPPCC and

the Central People’s Government Council of the People’s Republic of China, and proclaimed the founding the People’s Republic of China.


This session marked the historic victory of the Chinese people’s independence and liberation movement that had been underway for over 100 years, the complete formation of the organization of the patriotic united front and the widespread unity of people across thecountry, and the formal establishment of the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC. The CPPCC contributed significantly to the founding of the People’s Republic of China.


After the People’s Republic was founded, the CPPCC made historic contributions to recovering and developing the economy, consolidating the newly founded people’s government, givingimpetus to social reforms, and advancing the socialist revolution and development. After theFirst National People’s Congress was held in 1954, the CPPCC – the organ of multiparty cooperation and political consultation as well as the united front organization – continued to contribute to all aspects of development in China by playing a significant part in completing thesocialist transformation, encouraging all sectors of society to strive to fulfill the general tasksof the country, injecting new dynamism into political life in China, adjusting relations inside the united front, and increasing our country’s exchanges with other countries.


Following the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, Deng Xiaoping said, ―The tasks of the united front and of the CPPCC in the new period are to mobilize all positiveforces, strive to transform all negative forces into positive ones, and unite with all the forcesthat can be united with so that all can work in harmony to maintain and strengthen politicalstability and unity in China and make it a modern, powerful socialist country.‖ The

CPC’s second generation of central collective leadership with Deng Xiaoping at its core clearly defined the nature and tasks of the CPPCC in the new period; established the principles of long-termcoexistence, mutual oversight, sincere relations, and the sharing of both the good times andthe bad between the CPC and the democratic parties; and promoted the inclusion of the

nature and roles of the CPPCC into the Constitution.The CPC’s third generation of central collective leadership with Jiang Zemin at its core established the system of multipartycooperation and political consultation led by the CPC as a basic political system of China, made it clear in the revised Constitution that this system will continue to be implemented anddeveloped for along time to come, and further defined the nature, themes, and functions of the CPPCC.The CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as general secretary issued the Guidelines on Strengthening the Work of the CPPCC, providing the theoretical foundation, policy basis,and institutional safeguards for the development of the CPPCC in this new stage of the new century.

中共十一届三中全会以后,邓小平同志说:―新时期统一战线和人民政协的任务,就是要调动一切积极因素,努力化消极因素为积极因素,团结一切可以团结的力量,同心同德,群策群力,维护和发展安定团结的政治局面,为把我国建设成为现代化的社会主义强国而奋斗。‖以邓小平同志为核心的中国共产党第二代中央领导集体明确提出新时期人民政协的性质和任务,确立中国共产党同各民主党派长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共的方针,推动人民政协性质和作用载入宪法。以江泽民同志为核心的中国共产党第三代中央领导集体将中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度确立为中国的基本政治制度,通过修改宪法明确这一制度将长期存在和发展,进一步明确了人民政协的性质、主题、职能。以胡锦涛同志为总书记的中共中央颁发《关于加强人民政协工作的意见》等文件,为新世纪新阶段人民政协事业发展提供了理论基础、政策依据、制度保障。Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, its Central Committee has attached great importance to the work of the CPPCC, emphasizing the need to accurately understand its nature and position, give full play to its role as a main channel for deliberative democracy, and build institutions regarding political consultation, democratic oversight, and participation in

the deliberation and administration of state affairs, with the focus on the

themes of unity and democracy. The CPPCC has developed while carrying forward its fine traditions, and has kept making innovations throughout its development. It has concentrated on the central taskof economic development, served the overall interests of the country, and made new positive contributions by developing consensus, drawing together people’s energies, and making proposals on deepening reform comprehensively.


Looking back over the CPPCC’s 65 years of development makes us more

deeply aware that the CPPCC is rooted in Chinese history and culture, originates from the great struggle of the Chinese people’s revolution since the beginning of modern times, and has developed through the brilliant praxis of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is quintessentially Chinese, and constitutes an important force for making China prosperous and strong, rejuvenating theChinese nation, and bringing happiness to the people. We have every reason to believe that, just as the CPPCC has created a glorious history, it is certain to create an even more glorious future.


Dear friends and colleagues,


The CPPCC has gathered valuable experience during its 65 years of rich praxis and established important principles for carrying out its work.


It is essential that in performing its work, the CPPCC adheres to the leadership of the CPC. The leadership by the CPC is the common choice of the Chinese people, including the democratic parties, people’s organizations, ethnic groups, social strata, and people from all sectors ofsociety. It is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it provides the fundamental guarantee for the development and progress of the CPPCC. To keep developing in the right direction, the CPPCC must unwaveringly uphold the leadership of the CPC.


It is imperative that the CPPCC sticks with its nature and position in order to do its work well.The CPPCC is a united front organization, an organ of multiparty cooperation and political consultation, and an important form of people’s democracy. It reflects the distinct features of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The CPPCC should constantly make advances in allits work and programs on the basis of accurately identifying its position in accordance with the Constitution and laws of China as well as its own Charter.


It is important that the CPPCC upholds great unity and cooperation in carrying out its work.Unity and cooperation are essential to the united front and are

the major characteristics ofthe CPPCC. On the political basis of loving the People’s Republic of China, supporting theleadership of the CPC, upholding socialism, and making joint efforts to rejuvenate the Chinesenation, the CPPCC should mobilize all positive factors to the greatest possible extent, unite with everyone that can be united with, and channel their energies into a powerful force to serve the great cause.


It is essential that the CPPCC continues to promote socialist democracy in its work. The people’s democracy is the very life of socialism, and the CPPCC is an important form of people’s democracy. The CPPCC should, in light of the needs for modernizing the country’s governance system and capacity for governance, adhere to the spirit of reform and innovation; make

innovations in its own theory, institutions, and work; enrich the forms of democracy; keep channels of democracy open; organize for political parties, people’s organizations, ethnic groups, social strata, and persons from all sectors of society to deliberate on state affairs; and strive to bring about broad, effective people’s democracy.


Dear friends and colleagues,


The greater our objectives, the brighter our visions, the more formidable our mission, and the heavier our responsibility, the more necessary it is to pool together the wisdom and strength of the entirenation, achieve broad consensus, and constantly strengthen unity. I hope the CPPCC will carry on its fine traditions, further modernize its ability toperform its duties, and make new and greater contributions towards the achievement of the Two Centenary Goals and the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


First, the CPPCC needs to maintain the strengths and features of socialism with Chinese characteristics. As the saying goes,

―One pair of shoes need not be the same as another; it need only fit the

wearer’s feet. Governance need not be of only one kind; it need only benefit the people.‖ The reason socialism with Chinese characteristics is full of dynamism is that it has grown in the soil of Chinese society. The CPPCC is an institutional arrangement that suits China’s conditions and has clear Chinese characteristics.


The CPPCC needs to always uphold the adherence to and development of socialism withChinese characteristics as the principal axis around which our common intellectual and political foundation is strengthened. It needs to uphold the unity of the leadership of theCPC, the position of the people as masters of the country, and the law-based governance ofthe country; willingly incorporate the decisions and arrangements of the CPC into its work; accurately understand its nature, position, functions, and role; and remain firmly committed to the socialist path of political development with Chinese characteristics.

人民政协要始终把坚持和发展中国特色社会主义作为巩固共同思想政治基础的主轴。要坚持中国共产党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,自觉把中国共产党的决策部署贯彻到人民政协工作中去,准确把握人民政协性质、地位、职能和作用,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,风雨如磐不动摇。Second, the CPPCC needs to make suggestions on and contribute to reform and development.China is still in the primary stage of socialism and remains the world’s largest developing country, so development continues to be the key to solving all the problems thatChina faces. The central task we face is to make the best use of this important period of strategic opportunities, comprehensively deepen reform, constantly work to liberate anddevelop the productive forces, develop all undertakings in an all-round way, and make a better job of improving and safeguarding the quality of life of our people.


The CPPCC is highly representative, broadly based, and greatly inclusive. It should capitalize on these strengths in its efforts to carry out thorough studies and investigations on major issues concerning promoting development in a scientific way and comprehensively deepening reformas well as on issues of the greatest concern to the general public. It should also make suggestions and recommendations regarding reform and development. It needs to actively explain China’s major policies and principles on reform and development to the public, and guide all those people it connects with to support and take part in reform and development, to respond properly to the changes in their interests brought about by the current reform and development initiatives, and

come together to promote reform and development. The CPPCC

needs to boldly speak the truth and offer advice, report the genuine nature of situations as they emerge, bravely make both comments and criticisms, help government offices identify their deficiencies and solve their problems, and ensure the implementation of all reform and development measures.


Third, the CPPCC needs to play an important role in developing deliberative democracy. The CPPCC functions on the basis of China’s Constitution, the CPPCC Charter, and relevant statepolicies. It is guaranteed by the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, assumes the functions of deliberation, oversight, participation, and cooperation, and is an important channel for socialist deliberative democracy. 第三,坚持发挥人民政协在发展协商民主中的重要作用。人民政协以宪法、政协章程和相关政策为依据,以中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度为保障,集协商、监督、参与、合作于一体,是社会主义协商民主的重要渠道。

The CPPCC needs to play the role of an organization specializing in deliberation and put deliberative democracy into practice throughout the whole process of its performance of duties. It needs to improve the system of political consultation, democratic oversight, and participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs; work constantly tomake its deliberative democracy more institutionalized, standardized, and

procedure-based; more effectively coordinate relations, pool strengths, make suggestions and proposals to thecentral leadership, and serve the overall interests of the country. It also needs to conduct deliberations on more state affairs and diversify the forms of its deliberations; develop sound mechanisms for formulating topics for deliberation, organizing deliberations, adopting and implementing the results of deliberations, and giving feedback

to those who made suggestions;carry out more regular and more flexible deliberations on specific issues, with Party andgovernment offices, among members of CPPCC committees from the same sector of society,and on the handling of proposals; explore new ways of conducting deliberations such as online deliberations and remote deliberations; and make its deliberations more effective; and ensurethat all participants in deliberations are both able to say what they want to say and act on justgrounds, with restraint, and in accordance with the law and regulations.



Fourth, the CPPCC needs to stay committed to extensively pooling positive energy for achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The CPPCC is the broadest possible patriotic united front organization. The united front is an important instrument used by theCPC to achieve victories

in revolution, development, and reform, and it is also an important means for achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


As the saying goes,

―A building isn’t made of a single piece of timber, and an ocean isn’t

created by a single river.‖ We need to adhere to and improve the system of Multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the

CPC, improve our work mechanisms, and put up more platforms in order to create conditions for the democratic parties and persons without party affiliation to play a better role in the CPPCC. We need to fully implement the Party’s policies on ethnic groups and religions, and actively guide people of all ethnic groups to enhance their sense of identification with our great country, and to help them further identify with the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We need to encourage religious leaders and believers to play anactive role in stimulating economic and social development, and promote ethnic unity and religious harmony. We need to be firmly committed to implementing the principles of

―one country, two systems,‖ ―Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong,‖

―Macao people governing Macao,‖ and ―a high degree of autonomy‖; push forward the thorough and accurate implementation of the basic laws of Hong Kong and Macao; promote the mainland’s exchanges and cooperation with the two regions; and maintain their long-term prosperity and stability.

We need to uphold the notion that ―the people on the two sides of the Taiwan Straits are of one and the same family,‖ increase our contacts and communications with the relevant parties, organizations, social groups, and people from all backgrounds on the island of Taiwan, and promote the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. We need to increase our ties with overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese nationals who have returned to China, and relatives of overseas Chinese nationals who live in China, and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, encourage them to actively participate in and support the modernization and peaceful reunification of China, and support their efforts to promote cultural exchange between China and other countries.We need to hold high the banners ofpeace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit; follow China’s overall plan for

foreignrelations; increase our friendship with other countries’ people, political organizations, media, and think tanks; and make positive contributions to human peace and development.


Fifth, the CPPCC needs to become better able to perform its functions.The CPPCC is an important part of China’s governance system. It needs to adapt to the requirements for comprehensively deepening reform; use reformist thinking, innovative ideas, and pragmaticmeasures to become better able to perform its functions; and strive to play a more significantrole in modernizing our country’s governance system and capacity for governance.


The CPPCC needs to improve its political understanding, stay firmly committe d to its ideals andconvictions, strengthen its sense of political identity, and become better able to use scientific theories to size up situations and analyze and solve problems. It needs to improve its capacityfor research, stay problem-oriented, carry out fact-finding missions, pool collective wisdom to work out solutions, and strive to make its suggestions more targeted and more to the point. It needs to improve its ability to connect with the people, create new ways to work with them, open up more channels for people from all sectors of society to express appeals concerning matters affecting their interests, and serve as a bridge between them and the government. The CPPCC also needs to become better able to work with others, carry forward its fine traditions of seeking common ground while putting aside differences and striving for understanding and inclusiveness, implement the principles

of democratic deliberation and equalityin discussions, respect and tolerate

the existence and expression of opposing views, unite with people

through democratic practices, and with them, find more common ground and increased cooperation.

人民政协要提高政治把握能力,坚定理想信念,增进政治认同,提高运用科学理论分析判断形势、研究解决问题的能力和水平。要提高调查研究能力,坚持问题导向,深入实际摸清真实情况,集合众智提出解决办法,努力使对策建议有的放矢、切中要害。要提高联系群众能力,创新群众工作方法,畅通和拓宽各界群众的利益诉求表达渠道,发挥好桥梁纽带作用。要提高合作共事能力,发扬求同存异、体谅包容的优良传统,贯彻民主协商、平等议事的工作原则,尊重和包容不同意见的存在和表达,以民主的作风团结人,不断增进思想共识、加强合作共事。Party committees at all levels should value and support the cause of the CPPCC; incorporate its political consultation as an important part of the process of decision making; work together with the government and the CPPCC to formulate and implement the annual plan forthe work of political consultation; and submit matters for consultation as required before relevant decisions are made and implemented.We will strengthen democratic oversight of the CPPCC, and improve its mechanisms for organization and leadership, rights and interests protection, information sharing and feedback, and communication and coordination. We need to promote more intensive and pragmatic participation in the deliberation over and administration of state affairs by the CPPCC, entrust it to carry out investigation and researchon major topics, invite members of its committees to participate in the studies and discussions on major projects, and improve the mechanisms for adopting and implementing the results of their participation in the deliberation over and administration of state affairs, so that the CPPCC will play a better role in giving advice to the government. We need to pay particular attention to strengthening the leading bodies of the CPPCC, improve the mechanism forelecting members of its committees, and nominate to its committees those broadly representative and outstanding persons

who possess a strong capacity for deliberatingover state affairs, enjoy wide recognition from the people, and display both integrity andcompetence. We also need to adapt to the country’s economic and social developments and the changes in the structure of the united front, conduct in-depth studies on the thinking of and approaches toward how to make better use of the CPPCC’s inclusiveness in order tobroaden its unity, increase its inclusiveness, and expand orderly political participation by the general public. 中国共产党各级党委要重视和支持人民政协事业发展,把人民政协政治协商作为重要环节纳入决策程序,会同政府、政协制定实施协商年度工作计划,对明确规定需要协商的事项必须经协商后提交决策实施。要加强人民政协民主监督,完善民主监督的组织领导、权益保障、知情反馈、沟通协调机制。要推进人民政协参政议政更加深入务实开展,委托政协开展重大课题调研,邀请政协委员参与重大项目研究论证,完善参政议政成果采纳落实机制,更好发挥人民政协建言资政作用。要高度重视政协领导班子建设,改进委员产生机制,真正把代表性强、议政水平高、群众认可、德才兼备的优秀人士吸收到委员队伍中来。要适应经济社会发展和统一战线内部结构变化,深入研究更好发挥政协界别作用的思路和办法,扩大团结面、增强包容性,拓展有序政治参与空间。

Members of CPPCC committees play the principal role in carrying out the

CPPCC’s work. Weneed to respect and protect their democratic rights, improve mechanisms for maintaining contact with them, and create conditions conducive to their fulfillment of their duties. Members of

CPPCC committees are generally well-known figures and are the focus of muchattention, so everything they say and do is both influential and serves as an example toothers. We hope all members of CPPCC committees cherish such an honor, abide by the Constitution and laws, have the

self-motivation to put into practice core socialist values, practice

self-cultivation to further refine their sense of morality and conduct, improve theirwork style, play a leading role in their own jobs and a representative role for the people from their respective sector, accomplish their mission, and prove worthy of the great trust placed inthem.

政协委员是政协工作的主体。要尊重和保障委员民主权利,完善委员联络制度,健全委员联络机构,为委员履职尽责创造良好条件。政协委员社会知名度大、关注度高,一言一行都具有影响力和示范性。希望广大政协委员珍惜自身荣誉,恪守宪法法律,自觉践行社会主义核心价值观,锤炼道德品行,改进工作作风,切实发挥在本职工作中的带头作用、界别群众中的代表作用,不负重托,不辱使命。Dear friends and colleagues,


Socialist deliberative democracy is a unique formand a distinctive strength of China’s socialist democracy. Politically, it is an important embodiment of the Party’s mass line. It was stated at the 18th Party Congress that as China’s socialist democracy progresses, we need to improve the institutions and mechanisms for deliberative democracy and promote its broad-based, multilevel, and institutionalized development. It was stressed at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee that with a focus on the majorissues concerning economic and social development and the practical issues that affect people’s immediate interests, the Party should lead extensive deliberations throughout the whole of society and ensure that deliberations are conducted both before decisions are madeand during their implementation. These important statements and plans have shown what the way forward will be for China’s socialist deliberative democracy.


We should have a full understanding of the major assessment that socialist deliberative democracy is a unique form and a distinctive strength of China’s socialist democracy. The very purpose of the CPC’s leadership of the people in developing people’s democracy is to guarantee and support their

position as masters of the country. Guaranteeing and supportingthe position

of the people as masters of the country is not simply a slogan or a few hollow words; we must ensure its implementation in both the country’s political and social activities, and guarantee the people’s right to effectively manage state affairs, economic and cultural undertakings, and social affairs in accordance with the law.


A name is not granted by heaven; it must be earned in life. There are many diverse ways torealize democracy, so we cannot just rigidly copy any particular one. Further, we must recognize that there is no such thing as a standard model that is universally acceptable.Whether people enjoy democratic rights or not depends on whether they have the right tovote in elections, as well as whether they have the right to constantly participate in everyday political activities. Besides having the right to democratic elections, it also depends on whether they have right to democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democraticoversight. Socialist democracy requires not just a complete set of institutions and procedures, but also full participation. The position of the people as masters of the country must be givenconcrete and practical expression to through the exercise of state power by the CPC and its governance of the country, in all aspects of the work of the Party and government organizations at all levels, and through the realization and development of the people’s own interests.

―名非天造,必从其实。‖实现民主的形式是丰富多样的,不能拘泥于刻板的模式,更不能说只有一种放之四海而皆准的评判标准。人民是否享有民主权利,要看人民是否在选举时有投票的权利,也要看人民在日常政治生活中是否有持续参与的权利;要看人民有没有进行民主选举的权利,也要看人民有没有进行民主决策、民主管理、民主监督的权利。社会主义民主不仅需要完整的制度程序,而且需要完整的参与实践。人民当家作主必须具体地、现实地体现到中国共产党执政和国家治理上来,具体地、现实地体现到中国共产党和国家机关各个方面、各个层级的工作上来,具体地、现实地体现到人民对自身利益的实现和发展上来。Putting people’s democracy into practice and ensuring the people’s position as masters of thecountry, demands that we conduct extensive deliberations amongst people throughout thewhole of society while governing the country. Mao Zedong once said, ―The relations between allaspects of the state need deliberations… You are all familiar with the nature of our government– to do things through consultations with the people… we may call it a consultative gov ernment.‖ Zhou Enlai once said, ―The spirit of deliberation of the

new-democratic revolution is not in the final voting; it is mainly in the deliberations and repeated discussions that happen before a decision is made.‖


Under China’s socialist system, deliberations help when a problem crops up, and matters involving many people are discussed by all those involved; to reach consensus on the wishes and needs of the whole of society is the essence of people’s democracy. On matters that concern the people’s interests, deliberations should be held with the people; without

deliberation or with insufficient deliberation, it is difficult to handle these matters well. We should always hold deliberations when we find and address issues: the more numerous and in-depth, the better. On matters that have a bearing on the interests of people of all our ethnic groups, deliberations

will be held extensively throughout the whole of society; on matters that concern the interests of people in one specific area, deliberations will be held among the local people there; on matters that affect the interests of

certain groups of people, deliberations will be held among those groups;

and on matters that concern the interests of people at thecommunity level, deliberations will be held within the community.The process of holding extensive deliberations among the people is the process of promoting democracy and drawing on collective wisdom, the process of unifying people’s thinking and building consensus, the process of scientific and democratic decision-making, and the process of ensuring theposition of the people as masters of the country. It is only in this way that we can have solid foundations for our country’s governance and for social governance; it is only in this way that we are be able to draw together powerful strength.


In both ancient and modern times, in China and abroad, experience has shown that to guarantee and support the people’s position as masters of the country, it is paramount that people’s lawfully elected representatives participate in the management of state affairs andsocial activities, and it is equally important that the people participate in such activitiesthrough systems and methods other than election. If the people merely have the right to

vote but no right of extensive participation, in other words, if they are only awakened at election time but go into hibernation afterwards, then this kind of democracy will only be a formalistic one.


On the basis of the review of our experience with people’s democracy since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we have made it clear that in such a vast and populous socialist country, extensive deliberation under the leadership of the CPC on major issues affecting theeconomy and the people’s quality of life embodies the unity of democracy and centralism.Chinese socialist democracy takes two important forms, in one of which, the people exercise their right to vote in elections, and in the other, people from all sectors of society undertake extensive deliberations before major decisions are made. In China, these two forms do notcancel one another out, and nor are they contradictory; they are complementary. They constitute institutional features and strengths of Chinese socialist democracy.


Deliberative democracy is a unique form of Chinese socialist democracy. It springs from our nation’s long-established inclusive political culture, in which we believe that all under heaven belongs to the people and we can seek common ground while putting aside differences. Itsprings from China’s political evolution in modern times, from the long-term practical

experience built as the CPC led the people through the course of revolution, development, and reform; from the great innovations made in our political institutions by all political parties, people’s organizations, ethnic groups, and people from all social strata and different backgrounds after the founding of the People’s Republic of China; and from the continuousinnovations in China’s political system since reform and opening up. It has firm cultural, theoretical, practical, and institutional foundations.


Deliberative democracy has been integrated into the whole process of Chinese socialist democracy. The Chinese socialist system of

deliberative democracy not only upholds the leadership of the CPC, but also gives expression to the positive role of all sides; it not onlyupholds the people’s principal position in the country, but also implements the leadership system and organizational principle of democratic centralism; and it not only adheres to the principle of people’s democracy, but also promotes unity and harmony. So, the Chinese socialist system of deliberative democracy diversifies the forms and widens the channels of democracy, and gives it

new meaning.


We need to thoroughly understand the fundamental nature of socialist deliberative democracy as an important reflection of the Party’s mass line in the political sphere. The CPC comes from the people, and serves the people. This makes it essential that the People’s Republic of China, which was established by the people under the leadership of the CPC, mustclosely rely on the people in governing the country and managing society. The CPC carries out its mass line in its work, that is to say, it stays committed to doing everything for the masses and relying on them, following the principle of

―from the masses, to the masses,‖ and translating its correct proposals into people’s conscious actions. The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China stipulates that all power of the state belongs to the people, and all

state organs and employees must rely on their support, keep in close touch with them, listen totheir opinions and suggestions, accept their oversight, and work hard to serve them. Both the CPC and state organs must follow the mass line and rely heavily on the people in their exercise of state power. ——我们要深刻把握社会主义协商民主是中国共产党的群众路线在政治领域的重要体现这一基本定性。中国共产党来自人民、服务人民,这就决定了中国共产党领导人民建立的中华人民共和国必须紧紧依靠人民治国理政、管理社会。中国共产党在自己的工作中实行群众路线,坚持一切为了群众,一切依靠群众,从群众中来,到群众中去,把自己的正确主张变为群众的自觉行动。中华人民共和国宪法规定,国家的一切权力属于人民,一切国家机关和国家工作人员必须依靠人民的支持,经常保持同人民的密切联系,倾听人民的意见和建议,接受人民的监督,努力为人民服务。无论是中国共产党执政,还是国家机关施政,都必须坚持贯彻群众路线,紧紧依靠人民。

As the Chinese saying goes, ―The rise or fall of a political power depends on whether it accommodates the people’s will.‖ The future of a political party

or government ultimately restson popular support. The whole course of the development of the CPC and the People’s Republic reveals that the

progress we have made in our cause has relied on our always having maintained close ties with the people and our representing of the fundamental interests of the greatest possible majority of the people. However, if we become divorced from the people and lose their support, that cause will be doomed to failure. We must put the people’s interests first. Under no circumstances can we ever alter our standpoint of breathing the same air as and sharing a common future with the people, nor can we forget that our purpose is to serve the people wholeheartedly, nor can we discard the

view of historical materialism that the people are the real heroes.


Serving the people wholeheartedly and always representing the fundamental interests of the greatest possible majority of the people are the important preconditions and foundation for the implementation and development of deliberative democracy. It is stipulated in the Constitution of the CPC that

the CPC has no special interests of its own outside of the interestsof the working class and the greatest possible majority of the people. The CPC and the state itleads represent the fundamental interests of the greatest possible majority of the people, and all of their theories, lines, principles, policies, and work plans should come from the people and should be formulated and implemented for the people’s interests. With this as our majorpolitical premise, we have the obligation, and ability to listen extensively to comments and suggestions from all sectors of society. By extensively listening to suggestions and recommendations and accepting criticism and oversight through various forms of deliberation,we will, under the CPC’s unified leadership, be able to reach the broadest possible consensuson all decisions we make and on all our work, and in doing so, ensure that factional competition and even bitter disagreement between parties and between interest groups canbe avoided. We will be able to have all demands on matters affecting the interests of all sidesheard before decisions are made so that political forces do not remain fixed in their ownopinions or reject others with different views for the sake of their own interests. We will be ableto put

in place broad-based mechanisms for spotting and correcting errors so that decisions are not made without a clear understanding of the circumstances, or on the basis of belief inone’s own infallibility. We will be able to form mechanisms for ensuring people’s participation inadministration and governance at all levels in order to effectively overcome the problems of the people being unable to voice their opinions and finding it difficult to take an active part in the country’s political activities and social governance. We

will also be able to pool the wisdomand strength of the whole of society together to advance reform and development, effectivelyovercoming any problems with our decisions and work not being carried out for lack of consensus. This is where the unique strength of our socialist deliberative democracy lies.


Democracy is not an ornament to be used for decoration; it is to be used to solve the problems that the people want to solve. In all the activities of the Party as it exercises state power, and in all of China’s activities

related to governance, we need to respect the people’s principal position

in the country, and respect their creativity. We need to look tothem as our teachers, and ensure that increasing political wisdom and strengthening the ability to govern become deeply rooted in the people’s innovative practical efforts. We need to incorporate all constructive advice and opinions from all sides of society into the governance of the country.


As the old saying goes, ―Heaven sees as the people see; Heaven hears as the people hear.‖ The realization, protection, and development of the fundamental interests of the greatest possible majority of the people should be the starting point and ultimate goal of all our work, and in carrying out major tasks and making major decisions we must always take into account the actual situations with the people, their opinions, and the general sentiment amongst them. Wemust put the people’s interests first, bear in mind their expectations, listen sincerely to their demands, work to genuinely reflect their wishes, and show concern for their difficulties. We need to be more community-focused in our work, regularly visit communities, and stay close

to the people so that we can become empathetic to their actual conditions, ease their concerns, address their discontent, and enable them to feel that

we care about them. We must do morefor the people and bring practical benefit to them so as to spark their enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity.


We need to work hard to carry out the strategic task of promoting the

broad-based, multilevel,and institutionalized development of deliberative democracy. Looking forward, we must adhere to the principle of democratic centralism, encourage the free airing of views, gather advice from all sides, and get every member of society to think and work for a common cause so that we can achieve success in all our programs, consolidate the political situation of stability and unity, and harmonize the relations between

political parties, between ethnic groups, between religions, between social strata, and between our compatriots at home and overseas. This is what is meant by the saying, ―If you use the eyes of all those under heaven tosee, there is nothing you cannot see. If you use the ears of all those under heaven to hear, there is nothing you cannot hear. If you use the minds of all those under heaven to think, there is nothing you cannot understand.‖


Socialist deliberative democracy is not a matter of doing things for the sake of appearances; it must be carried out in a down-to-earth manner. And it must be put into practice in all respects, rather than just in a certain respect, and across the country at all levels, rather than just at acertain level. We must establish a system of socialist deliberative democracy that has reasonable procedures and is all-inclusive so as to ensure that it is carried out on the basis of proper institutions, rules and regulations, and procedures.


When we talk about deliberation, we mean real deliberation. Real deliberation requires deliberation both before and during the process of decision-making. It requires that decisions are made and work is adjusted on the basis of opinions and suggestions from all sectors. Italso requires that institutions

are in place to ensure the results of deliberations are implemented, so that our decisions and work both better reflect public will and are moresuitable to real-life conditions. We need to take advantage of every mechanism,

every channel, and every method to conduct extensive deliberations on the major issues of reform, development, and stability, and especially on the issues that have a bearing onpeople’s immediate interests. We need to both respect the wishes of the majority of the people, and at the same time take into account the reasonable demands of those who are inthe minority. We should extensively solicit opinions and pool wisdom from society,

expand consensus, and bolster cooperative strength. We need to expand

the deliberative channels for the CPC, people’s congresses, people’s governments, the CPPCC, the democratic parties, people’s organizations, community organizations, enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, and think-tanks; we need to conduct deep-reaching deliberations on political affairs, lawmaking, government administration, democracy, social issues, and community-level issues; and we need to improve deliberation through proposals, conferences, informal discussions, seminars, hearings, public notices, assessments, consulting, the Internet, and other means. Through this, we can continue to make our deliberative democracy more scientific and effective.


The key element of socialist deliberative democracy lies with the people. A great number ofdecisions and tasks affecting people’s interests happen mainly at the community level. In line with the principle of deliberation among the people and for the people, we need to redouble our efforts in developing deliberative democracy at the community level, with a focus on conducting deliberations among community members. All decisions that affect people’s immediate interests must be made on the basis of opinions fully solicited from the people, as well as deliberations conducted with them through various means, on different levels, and from different sectors. We should improve the system by which community-level organizations maintain contact with the people, strengthen deliberation on community affairs, make agood job of

two-way communication of information from the top down and the bottom up, and make sure the people manage their own affairs well in accordance with the law. We must make the exercise of power more open and standardized,

and increase transparency in the operations of the Party, the government, and the judiciary, as well as in the administration of other areas. We must ensure that the people oversee the exercise of power and that power is exercised in the daylight.


Dear friends and colleagues,


65 years ago today, in his speech at the opening ceremony of the First Plenary Session of the CPPCC, Mao Zedong said, ―Among us, there is the common feeling that our work will go down in the pages of human history. It will say: the Chinese people, encompassing one quarter of humanity, have now stood up.‖ ―From now on, our nation will belong to the community of peace-loving and freedom-loving nations of the world, and will work courageously and industriously to cultivate its own civilization and happiness, while at the same time promoting world peace and freedom.‖

At present, the Chinese nation, long having stood up, is composinga new, even more glorious chapter of our times with diligence and dedication.


There is a saying that those who keep up their efforts often achieve their goal, and those who keep on walking often reach their destination. The grand course of the CPPCC’s 65 years of development has been recorded in the annals of history, but the bright future of the Chinese nation has yet to be created, with one heart, by all of its sons and daughters. Let us be united even more closely, and hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Let us forge ahead as one, break new ground through innovation, and continue to write new chapters for the cause of the CPPCC.



在防汛防旱工作会议上 的讲话 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

在防汛防旱工作会议上的讲话 同志们: 主汛期即将来临,防汛防旱工作再一次提到重要的议事日程。昨天,市委包哲东副书记专程到我们苍南检查防汛抗旱工作情况;今天,县委、县政府又专题召开防汛防旱工作会议作进一步落实、部署,足以说明我们党委政府各级领导对当前防汛防旱工作的重视和关注。刚才,县水利局林周良局长代表县防汛防旱指挥部作了很好的工作报告,回顾了总结****年防汛防旱工作,分析了今年的防汛防旱形势,提出了下阶段的工作意见和具体部署;池方岳副县长代表县政府对做好今年的防汛防旱工作作了很好的重要讲话,希望各乡镇、各部门今后结合各自实际,认真加以贯彻执行,确保今年防汛防旱工作取得全面胜利。 各乡镇职能部门工作千头万绪,防汛防旱工作是极为重要的一项,应该说,****年各乡镇、有关部门在县委、县政府的正确领导下,坚持防汛防旱两手抓,思想统一,措施得力,经受住了百年不遇的旱灾和””特大暴雨的考验,基本实现了安全度汛,防汛抗旱工作成效显着,得到了县委、县政府的充分肯定。在此,我代表县委、县政府向长期奋斗在防汛抗灾第一线的同志们特别是水利系统的同志们在防汛防旱工作中做出的巨大努力和贡献表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢。但纵观今年的防汛防旱工作,形势依然十分严峻,刚才池县长在讲话中进行了深刻分析,为此,全县上下必须保持”如履薄冰、如临深渊”的态势,对我县水旱灾害多发的特殊县情要有足够的认识,对今年发生水旱灾害的可能性要有充分的思想准备,对我县抵御自然灾害的能力要有正确的估计,对我县乡镇、部门有关人员防汛防旱工作的思想认识要有审慎的评价。为做好今年的防汛防旱工作,在这里,我再强调四点意见。 一、要进一步落实防汛防旱责任制和责任追究制,从严从细落实各项防汛措施 做好今年的防汛防旱工作,关键在领导,领导的责任无比艰巨和重大。防汛抗旱责任制的核心,是要确保在现有防洪标准情况下不出现人为事故灾害。各级党政领导要按照”过细、过细、再过细”的要求,进一步加强领导,对本地区防汛抗旱工作负全面责任。各级党政一把手是本地区、本单位防汛抗旱工作的第一责任人,要亲自研究部署防汛抗旱的各

领导讲话-在市政协常委会议上的讲话 精品

在市政协常委会议上的讲话 各位常委、同志们: 经过大家的共同努力,市政协十二届十四次常委会议圆满完成了各项议程。会议决 定了市政协十二届二次会议的召开日期,审议通过了市政协常委会工作报告草案和提案 工作报告草案,讨论了市政府工作报告征求意见稿和“十二五”规划纲要征求意见稿。 常委们以认真负责的态度,对政府工作报告、规划纲要和政协的两个报告进行认真、热 烈的讨论,提出了许多好的意见和建议,为顺利召开市政协十二届四次会议奠定良好了 基础。 2019年是我市科学发展、创新发展、和谐发展取得新胜利的一年。中共合肥市委、合肥市人民政府团结带领全市人民,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,牢牢抓住中央实施促进 中部地区崛起战略和国内外产业、资本加速转移等历史机遇,积极有效应对国际金融危 机冲击,突出“大发展、大建设、大环境”的主题,紧紧抓住工业化、城市化两篇大文章,推动合肥经济社会持续快速健康发展,全面超额完成了“十一五”规划确定的目标 和任务,经济社会发展迈上了新台阶,跨入了新阶段。 一年来,市政协高举中国特色社会主义旗帜,在中共合肥市委的坚强领导下,团结和 带领广大政协委员,在围绕第一要务、认真履行职能,充分发挥优势,服务跨越赶超,关 注民计民生,促进社会和谐,把握两大主题,增进民主团结,加强自身建设、提高履职水 平等方面取得了新的成效,我市 人民政协事业在创新中发展、在发展中提高,呈现出锐意进取、蓬勃繁荣的生动局面。 不久前召开的市委九届十一次会议审议通过的“十二五”规划建议,为我们描绘了 今后五年合肥的宏伟蓝图和美好愿景。处于两个五年规划交替之际,如何服务好新一轮 发展大业,为合肥美好的明天再立新功,身为一名政协委员,我们深感责任在肩,义不容 辞! “十二五”是合肥厚积薄发、快速发展的战略机遇期,也是我国实现全面建设小康 社会的关键时期。2019年是我市实施十二五规划的开局之年。蓝图已经绘就,目标已经明确,新的任务召唤我们以崭新的姿态踏上新的征程。我们要以只争朝夕的精神、舍我 其谁的决心、勇往直前的魄力,在思想认识上有新突破、真突破,在思维方式上有新转变、真转变,共同开创合肥更加美好未来。要服务大局谋发 展。能识大局,方能谋划大事;有的放矢,才能事半功倍。全市各级政协组织和广大 政协委员,应以强烈的责任感和使命感,责无旁贷担当起党和人民赋予的神圣职责,从大 局的高度,从全局的视野,谋大势、议大事,集中力量就事关全市发展的重大事项履行职


公司成立十周年征文 导读: 公司成立十周年征文(一) 十年栉风沐雨,十年春华秋实。在硕果累累的今朝,海风带来了丰收的气息,海通迎来了她十年的华诞。而我,与海通的缘分已持续了六年。 原本,我只是一名大学校园里怀揣梦想的一名学生,我编织着我工程师的梦想,我和海通是素不相识的陌生人。六年前,大学毕业后的第一天,我迈进了海通的大门,在海通展开了我的梦想之花。 在海通的六年里,循循善诱的领导、对专业技术倾囊传授的师傅,让我时刻感觉海通大家庭的温暖和幸福相伴的味道,而这种幸福的温暖又成为我辛勤工作的动力。每天的工作虽平凡,却充满挑战。我一路前行,一路收获,在海通这块充满活力的土壤中,尽情绽放我工程师的梦想之花。 早晨,伴着打着瞌睡的路灯和睡眼惺忪的星星,我们开始紧张而充实的一天。晚上,伴着浓浓的夜意和散发清辉的月色,我结束一天的生活,看到海通蓬勃发展的样子,劳累也被关在门外,感觉到的就只有收获。生活是平凡而重复的,收获则是持续又常新的。 六年来,我的收获是不断的。在海通这个团结协作、诚信友爱、充满活力的大家庭里,我无时无刻不在感受着开拓创新,求真务实的企业精神;时时恪守着老老实实做人、实实在在做事的理念。铭记使命,坚持历练、痴心和执着,用精彩去演绎未来!

我和海通,一路前行,一路收获…… 公司成立十周年征文(二) 来到利德曼正好赶上了公司在评选先进个人的活动。在公平、公正的前提下,各个部门通过民主投票的方式选出了自己心目中的,确切一点说应该是工作中的先进个人。生活、工作在利德曼这个大家庭中,我最大的感受就是每个人对工作都很认真、很尽责,这是一个团结、有朝气的集体。至于某次的评选,我想被评上的只是优秀集体中的成员之一,他更多的是代表了集体的荣誉,因为我们都知道荣誉只有少数的几个,而大家都很优秀。只要我们心中明白这一点,这已经足够了。 在先进个人表彰大会上,给我印象最深的是贾先生代表公司领导的发言。其中他说到伯乐和千里马的问题,他谦虚地说:“或许我自己不是一个伯乐,但是如果你自己是一匹千里马,那么请你奔跑起来吧。”这表明公司愿意为每匹肯于碰跑起来的千里马提供平台和支持,这种尊重人才价值的文化,我相信公司一定能够做得更好。优秀是一种习惯,是平淡,简单的生活和工作中点点滴滴的好习惯表现出来的品质。通过参加这次表彰大会,我更确信了这一点,同时也让我进一步了解了公司的一种价值取向。为我在往后的工作中提供了学习的榜样和努力的方向。我想这次公司评优的意义也就在于此吧。 近一年来在公司,尤其是在研发部我确实学到了很多东西。我学到的不仅仅是知识,更重要的是学习、工作和思维的好习惯。所以我的生活常常是在感恩的状态下度过的,我感恩于公司为我们提供的


社会发展的重要政策文件,包括每年的政府工作报告、国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况报告、财政工作报告、移民工作报告,经济社会发展战略、中长期规划、重大建设项目、重要改革方案以及关系群众切身利益的重大问题,都要在决定和通过之前,按照一定程序主动提请政协进行协商。 二是完善协商方式。政府全体会、常务会议以及其他重要会议,根据议题邀请政协领导或有关专委会负责人参加。各种综合性工作会和专门工作会,以及举办的重要活动,邀请区政协领导或有关委室负责人参加。有关重要检查和调研活动,主动邀请政协和民主党派、工商联派人参加。 三是增强民主协商的计划性。根据不同时期政府工作的重点、难点和热点问题,年初主动会同政协确定协商事项,研究全年协商计划,明确协商的时间方法、内容形式、参加人员、工作步骤、目的要求等。对确定的协商事项,区政府各责任单位要高度重视,主要领导要亲自抓,要按要求认真准备协商稿,交区政府领导审定后提前送交区政协,并在协商过程中充分吸纳各方面的意见。

四是提高民主协商的实效性。对区政协书面提出的协商意见,对区政协委员提出的意见和建议,对区政协领导或专委会负责人参加的区政府有关会议和有关活动时提出的意见、建议、批评和要求,区政府及各部门都要认真对待,认真研究吸纳,切实整改工作中存在的问题和不足,不断提高服务水平和工作质量。 二、自觉接受政协的民主监督 政协民主监督是人民监督的重要组成部分,有着广泛的代表性、鲜明的党派性等特点,层次高、影响大。区政府及各部门要自觉增强民主监督意识,切实摆正位置,始终保持谦虚谨慎、不骄不躁的作风,积极支持政协履行民主监督职能,自觉接受政协的民主监督。 认真负责办理好政协提案。通过建议和批评进行监督,是政协民主监督的重要方式。区政府各部门要高度重视政协提案办理工作,主要领导要负总责,亲自过问,亲自主持办理,亲自把关答复函。要进一步建立、健全提案办理制度,确保政协提案件件有回音,事事有着落,决不敷衍塞责、不了了之。对重要的提案,要送区政府分管领导签署办结回复,确保办理质量。对于因客观原因暂时不能解决的问题,要向政协委员说明情况,取得理解。去年区政府办理政协提案件,从收集到的反馈意见看,政协委员


在公司年度工作会议上的讲话 (2014年2月 13日) 各位领导、各位同事: 大家好!转眼间,2013年又过去了,这一年,是公司在各方面不断完善、稳步发展的一年。在这一年里,我们各位员工都能融洽相处。工作上我们互相帮助、互相指点、共同探讨,愉快地开展了一项又一项的工作。 我们曾为了完成共同的目标,而一起努力过,就像展销会期间,为了能让公司取得更优越的成绩,为了提高公司的对外形象,我们曾一起加班,财务部加班结数,办公室加班签合同,而销售部则加班为客户办理定购手续。与此同时,各位经理也陪伴着我们,同大家一起加班,一起吃饭,直到我们完成工作为止。那一刻是多么的温磬。 当我们在工作上遇到困难时,总会团结一致,群策群力,解决难题。而遇到急于处理的问题时,其他同事都是不分彼此,主动地帮助做一些复英打英抄写或装钉等力所能及的工作。在我们的办事员出去办事时其他同事会帮他接听电话、接待客人、签订合同等等。我们就是在这样一个团结一致、互相帮助的氛围下完成了一项又一项的工作。 今天这个会是我们新年召开的第一次会议,会后,大家都要奔赴各自的工作岗位了,尤其是要到社旗项目部工作的同志,是要到一个新的地方开拓一片新天地,甚至好多天就要吃住在工地,更是任重道远。所以感觉今天的会议既是总结安排公司工作,又是为每一位在公司不同项目部工作的同志们出征壮行。机会挺好,借此机会,我还想和大家再讲一些题外话,多交流一些想法,这些想法都是近年来的一些所思所想,一些做人的人生感悟,实际上也就是“公司的用人观”,是公司对每位员工的要求和期待,我将好简单总结为做人的“八要八不要”,讲出来和大家共勉。 1、要谨慎检点、不要贪图私利 世界最大的软件公司——微软公司的用人标准是:对于


防汛抗旱工作会议上的讲话 同志们: 在我县即将进入汛期的关键阶段,我们组织召开全县防汛抗旱工作会议,这充分表明了xianwei、xianzhengfu和县防汛抗旱指挥部对做好今年防汛抗旱工作,维护和保障群众生命和财产安全的高度重视。刚才X同志通报了我县防汛抢险预案;X同志通报了我县今年的气象预测情况,xianzhengfu与各乡镇和有关部门签订了防汛抗旱目标责任书。 下面,我就做好今年的防汛抗旱工作再强调几点意见。 一、认清形势,充分认识做好今年我县防汛工作的重要性 防汛抗旱工作是一项常规性工作,每年各级政府都要召开专题会议,进行细化安排和部署。近年来我县认真贯彻落实上级防汛工作的部署和要求,不断加强对防汛抗旱工作的组织领导,加大排洪渠清淤力度,完善排洪渠等基础设施建设、强化汛期人员、物资落实,确保了我县安全度汛。但“年年平安”这可能让一些同志产生了麻痹大意思想和侥幸心理。特别是今年面对突如其来的疫情防控工作,各单位各部门已经连续奋战了三个多月,已经处于人困马乏的境地,这对于抓好今年的防汛工作是一个严峻的考验,希望大家顶住压力、克服困难,克服厌战情绪、麻痹心理,再接再厉做好防汛抗旱工作。水患猛于虎,如果放松了警惕和防备,水患一旦发生,就可能造成不可能挽回的损失。从当前的情况来看,我县今年的防汛工作面临的压力依然很大,形势依然非常严峻,各地区、各部门一定要提高认识、统一思想、加强研究、狠抓落实,确保安全度汛,切实维护和保障好人民群

众生命和财产安全。 二、突出重点,扎实做好我县防汛各项准备工作 今年我县防汛工作的总体要求是:立足抗大汛、防突发、克服麻痹大意思想和侥幸心理,突出“三早”(防汛工作安排早、防汛物资储备早、防汛隐患排除早),做到“四保”(确保无人员伤亡、确保国家财产不受重大损失,确保城区无大面积积水、确保城乡生活秩序正常),实现平稳安全度汛。 围绕这个总体要求和目标,我们要做到:一要做到排水设施完善及维修管理。认真抓好已建成排水渠道检查维修,确保万无一失,遇到汛情能够马上全部启动;要加快城区管道清淤,对所有收水口进行检查、清理,确保洪水能及时排除。二要做好排干渠、支渠清淤工作。从现在开始着手抓好排干渠清淤工作,并及时向xianzhengfu和主管领导报告清淤工作进展。同时,要加强日常管理,严禁居民随意向排水渠道倾倒垃圾和修建水坝,决不能因排干渠不畅而影响正常排洪。三要做到危陋住宅区和商住小区防汛工作。按照辖区负责制要求,重点对排洪设施不够完善的区域,危陋住宅区,旧平房进行检查,细致做好补救等工作,关键时刻做好人员转移,确保人民群众生命安全,绝不能让群众既受疫情恐慌,又受汛情压力。要按照“谁使用、谁负责,谁管理、谁担责”的原则,动员和组织各地区、各部门和各社区对规模商住小区进行细致排查,重点做好地下室和低矮建筑物防保工作。要加强汛期安全值班,组建防汛维修抢险队伍,确保在关键时刻能够反映迅速,抢险及时,切实解决群众困难。四要做好公共设施防汛工作。环卫部门要坚持24小时保洁制度,及时清理垃圾,防止垃圾堵塞道路收水口,同时,要做好雨后杂物、淤泥的清理清运作。林


同志们: 这次市委政协工作会议,是市委召开的一次非常重要的会议。刚才,王琼书记代表市委作了重要讲话,各级政府要紧密结合实际,认真学习领会,切实抓好落实。下面,我就积极支持政协履行职能,自觉接受民主监督,进一步加强和改进政府工作,讲三点意见。 一、全市各级政府和部门积极支持政协履行职能,有力地推动了各项工作的开展 近年来,在市委的正确领导下,全市各级政府和部门进一步提高对人民政协工作重大意义的认识,大力支持政协履行政治协商、民主监督和参政议政三大职能,不断提高科学决策水平,促进了经济转型和各项事业的发展。 一是高度重视,把支持政协履行职能纳入重要议事日程。各级政府积极支持政协履行职能,建立并坚持了同政协的工作联系和情况通报制度,及时向政协通报经济社会发展中的重大事项,保证了联系渠道的畅通。每年在全市“两会”召开之前,市政府领导同志都带队到市政协机关,就《政府工作报告》与政协领导同志及政协常委们进行协商。特别是“两会”期间委员们对《政府工作报告》和政府工作提出的意见和建议,市政府都召开常务会议进行专题研究,并责成有关副市长和部门认真落实,有力地推动了政府工作。此外,市政协召开的重要会议,市政府都能够应市政协的要求,由相关市长或部门负责同志到会,认真通报情况,虚心听取批评、意见和建议。 二是认真做好政协提案的办理工作,自觉接受政协的民主监督。各级政府把政协提案的办理工作,作为接受民主监督、改进政府工作的重要内容,作为提高决策水平的重要途径。每年“两会”结束后,市政府立即召开常务会议,专题研究部署提案的办理工作,召开全市政府系统建议提案办理工作会议,进行具体部署和落实。对市政协专门委员会、民主党派、工商联和政协委员提出的提案,按照管辖范围和业务分工,实行分级负责,归口办理。对重要提案采取政府及部门领导包案的方法进行层层落实。本届政府成立以来,共办理政协提案390件,办复率100%,办理中征求政协委员意见率100%,政协委员对办结结果满意率为93%。 三是发挥政协“智囊团”作用,促进了经济转型和社会发展。各级政府积极发挥政协组织的人才优势、智力优势和工作优势,不断加强与政协及各民主党派的工作联系和沟通,特别是就事关改革、发展、稳定及其它涉及到阜新转型与发展的重大问题,与政协进行认真协商,广泛征求政协领导同志和政协委员的意见。市政府有关职能部门还主动邀请政协对其工作进行视察、批评,自觉接受政协的民主监督。为了全面加强软环境建设,市政府在政协委员中聘请软环境建设监督员,组织开展行风评议活动,推动了我市软环境建设工作。市政府还依靠和发挥政协组织社会联系面广的优势,每年都邀请市政协委员参与对政府各部门、单位的政绩综合位次民主考评,对部门、单位进行民主评议。 四是积极创造条件,支持各级政协组织履行职能。尽管全市财政状况还比较困难,特别是有的县区财政收支比较紧张,但多数县区在解决经费、人员、办公条件等方面还是做了大量工作,给政协履行职能创造了一定的条件。特别是近年来,市政府对市政协和各民主党派、工商联的工作经费安排及办公条件的改善给予了重点倾斜。去年以来,市政府支持市政协新建了办公楼,对民主党派办公楼进行了全面维修装饰,极大地改善了办公环境。 人民政协是最广泛的爱国统一战线组织,具有广泛的代表性。近年来,全市各级人民政协,在市委的正确领导下,以高度的政治责任感和历史使命感,认真履行政治协商、民主监督和参政议政三大职能,紧紧围绕经济建设这个中心,积极建言献策,做了大量卓有成效的工作。特别是在经济转型、国有企业改革与发展、城市建设、就业和再就业工作、科技教育、软环境建设、“三农”问题、民营经济和县域经济的发展等诸多重大问题上,各级政协组织和政协委员都提出了很好的意见和建议,发挥了重要作用,促进了政府决策的民主化、科学化。


在2018年质量工作会议上的讲话 质量是一个国家或地区实力的综合反映,是关系经济社会发展的重大战略问题。下面是我给大家整理的在2018 年质量工作会议上的讲话,仅供参考。 在2018年质量工作会议上的讲话【篇一】 同志们: 这次会议的主要任务是,总结过去一年来的质量工作,表彰获得20**年度县长质量奖的单位,研究分析当前质量工作面临的形势,安排部署今后一个时期的质量工作,动员全县上下统一思想,提高认识,明确任务,振奋精神,进一步提升质量工作水平,为建设中原经济区、加快**崛起提供有支撑和保障。刚才,副县长李同国同志宣读了县政府表彰决定,对获得20**年度县长质量奖的4家单位进行了颁奖,让我们再一次向获奖单位表示热烈的祝贺!下面,我讲四点意见: 一、肯定成绩,正视问题,增强做好质量工作的责任感 近年来,尤其是去年以来,我们把质量工作作为转方式、调结构、促转型、保民生的重要战略任务来抓,进一步

健全工作机制,狠抓目标任务落实,全县质量工作取得可喜成绩。 (一)大质量工作机制初步建立。县政府建立了质量工作组织领导机构,并纳入责任目标考核体系。质监、发改、财政、工信、住建、环保、卫生、药监、农业等部门认真履行职能,不断完善政策措施,形成了紧密衔接、协调配合的工作机制和工作合力。广大企业树立质量第一的理念,严格落实质量主体责任,全社会质量意识持续提高。总体来看,政府主导、部门协作、企业主体、社会参与的质量工作机制已经建立,形成了政府重视质量、企业追求质量、社会崇尚质量、人人参与质量的浓厚氛围。 (二)政府职能作用充分显现。各级政府把维护质量安全、促进质量发展作为重要职责,不断加大工作力度,取得明显成效。一是宏观质量状况分析报告制度初见成效。县质监局定期向上级和县委、县政府报送产品质量状况分析报告,为各级党委、政府决策提供了重要依据,成为社会公众了解产品质量状况的重要窗口;二是严格生产许可等市场准入制度。认真贯彻国家产业政策,为符合发证条件的企业核发生产许可证29张,注销不符合产业政策或不能持续保证生产条件的生产许可证5张;三是政府质量奖的导向作用得到有效发挥。20**年我县评选出4个县长质量奖,并召开了表彰大会,进一步扩大了政府质量奖的影响,推动了质量兴


各位领导,同志们 根据会议安排,下面我就今年防汛防旱工作情况向大家作一部署 一、工作开展情况 去年汛期一结束,我们就将防汛防台防旱工作的重点转移到今年的备汛工作。 (一)开展防汛安全检查。区委区政府高度重视防汛工作,日,区防指下发防汛检查通知,部署全区防汛检查工作。-,各乡镇、有关部门对河道、山塘水库、堤防、小水电站、地质灾害隐患点、江心砂洲、危房、城区排涝、临水临崖公路等险工险段进行全面自查,区水利局成立工作指导组,由局四位领导带队指导乡镇开展检查。日-日,区政府组织区水利局、区住建局、区国土局、区交通运输局等区防指成员单位对乡镇自查情况进行抽查和督查。全区共检查大小工程,存在安全隐患处。对这些隐患工程我们进行分类梳理,按照“谁业主、谁负责”,“谁设障、谁清除”,“谁毁损、谁修复”的原则,区政府于日下发了《关于切实做好防汛安全隐患整改的通知》(xx区政办发[]号)文件到各乡镇和相关部门,明确责任单位,提出整改措施和整改期限。 (二)明确防汛工作职责。落实以行政首长负责制为核心的各项防汛责任制,确保各项措施落到实处。落实了水库巡查员、0名山区预警员、山塘巡查员、处地质灾害隐患点监测员、重要堤防巡查员,对相关责任人实行责任告知制度,并在日《衢州日报》和《今日xx》上,对所有责任人名单进行公布。 (三)强化防汛体系建设。基层防汛体系建设是防汛的基础性工作,需要逐年提升和完善。我区以创建全省基层防汛防台体系规范化建设样板县为契机,编制了《xx区基层防汛防台体系规范化建设实施方案》,在原已实施的基础上进行全面提升、扩面,全区个乡镇都成立防汛指挥部、设立防汛办公室,统一配置硬件设施,编制《防汛工作手册》,乡镇防汛指挥部主要职责、防汛指挥组织流程图等八项制度,统一制作上墙,防汛任务较重的行政村建立防汛工作组,明确防汛责任人,编制防汛专项预案,落实了预警设备和避灾场所。已发放防汛避灾明白卡份、防汛宣传册00本、防汛抢险知识读本00本,设置大型防汛宣传牌块,书写固定防汛宣传标语0条。 (四)提高防汛预警能力。已完成xx区山洪灾害防治项目,开展全区个山区乡镇、条重点小流域的山洪灾害调查评价,划定危险区,分析确定雨量、水位等预警指标;新建自动雨量站、自动水位站、视频监测站、改造个小型水库水情监测站,建设0个简易雨量器、0个简易水位站,完善区级山洪灾害监测预警平台、群测群防体系,项目总投资万元。进一步提高对小流域内水情、雨情、工情的监测能力,提高预警信息发布能力,扩大预警范围;进一步健全视频会商系统,强化乡镇预警能力,实现互联互通和信息共享;增强小型水库安全巡查管理工作,不断提高防治区内群众主动防灾避险意识和基层防汛组织的自防自救能力。 (五)落实防汛抢险保障。按照“政府储备为主、社会储备为辅”和“区级储备为重点”的原则,与市物资储备进行共享,科学合理地储备、调配防汛物资。目前,区防汛办通过自己储备和社会储备的办法,储备了一批麻袋、编织袋、水泵、照明设备、装运车辆、救生设备等物资。区人武部、民政、交通、住建等部门也已储备了车辆、冲锋舟、棉被等救灾物资


政协主席在市委政协工作会议上的讲话 同志们: 这次市委召开的政协工作会议,是市委贯彻落实《中共中央关于加强人民政协工作的意见》、省委和aa市委政协工作会议精神、全面部署新世纪新阶段人民政协工作的一次重要会议。刚才,书记、市长同志分别代表市委、市政府作了重要讲话,对我市政协工作给予了充分肯定,对政协今后工作提出了明确要求和明确支持,我们一定要努力工作,使政协工作不断跃上新的台阶。 几年来,市政协在市委的正确领导下,在市政府以及各方面的大力支持下,认真贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观,牢牢把握团结和民主两个主题。紧紧围绕党的中心履行政治协商、民主监督、参政议政职能,为我市经济社会更好更快的发展做出了积极贡献。 市政协坚持把“维护党委、支持政府、服务大局、心系人民、求实创新、有所作为”作为工作方针,与政府同频共振、风雨同舟,共同为党的事业而拼搏奋斗。坚持解放思想,与时俱进,用创新思维积极探索政协履行职能的新途径,拓展政协工作新领域,不断开创政协工作的新局面。坚持创建学习型政协、工作型政协、和谐型政协,切实发挥人民政协实行中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商的重要政治形式和组织形式作用。坚持把发展作为履行职能的第一要务,充分发挥政协人才荟萃、智力密集的特点和优势,围绕建

设小康社会,构建和谐社会,建设社会主义新农村等一系列重大问 题协商讨论、批评建议,反映人民群众的愿望和夙求,做好协调关系、化解矛盾、维护稳定工作。AA政协事业已经形成了市委重视、 政府支持、政协主动、部门配合、委员积极参与的良好工作格局。 这次会议的召开,为我市政协今后工作发展提高提供了强大的动力 和坚实的保障。为了贯彻好、落实好这次会议精神,我讲几点意 见。 一、自觉坚持党的领导,使政协工作始终沿着正确的政治方向前 进 胡锦涛总书记在庆祝人民政协成立55周年大会的讲话中指出:“中国共产党是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心。坚持中国共产 党的领导,是人民政协开展工作必须始终遵循的一项根本原则。” 坚持党对人民政协的领导,体现了参加政协的各党派团体和各族各 界人士的共同意志,是人民政协产生、存在和发展的根本保证,也 是中国特色社会主义民主政治的重要标志。因此,我们一定要牢牢 把握正确的政治方向,深入贯彻落实中国共产党领导的多党合作和 政治协商制度,切实搞好民主党派、人民团体和各族各界人士的团 结合作,使党的主张成为广泛的共识、统一的意志和自觉的行动。 要充分发挥政协党组在政协组织中的领导核心作用和政协组织中共 产党员的先锋模范作用,坚定不移地贯彻党的基本路线和基本纲领,扎扎实实地完成党和人民所赋予的光荣任务,使政协事业沿着党所 指引的方向发展前进。


在公司年中工作会议上的总结讲话 同志们: 公司年中工作会议在与会同志们的共同努力下,即将圆满完成各项议程,根据会议安排,现在我作大会总结。 一、会议基本情况及收获 这次会议是在公司系统干部员工同心协力,积极应对困难与挑战,各项事业继续保持良好发展势头的形势下,召开的一次重要会议。其特点主要体现在一个“实”字上,即求真务实地贯彻了上级公司年中会议精神,实事求是地总结了成绩和经验、分析了形势和不足,客观实际地提出了下半年的工作重点,鼓舞了士气,坚定了信心,激发了公司上下再接再厉、乘势而上,确保全面完成今年各项目标任务的积极性和自觉性。这次会议对于促进公司协调发展,早日实现愿景目标具有重要意义。 昨天的会上,程总作了很好的工作报告,对公司今年以来取得的成绩和存在的不足进行了客观全面地总结,深刻分析了公司面临的形势,针对实际提出了“五抓五坚持”的要求,并从七个方面对下半年的重点工作进行了安排部署。陈总的报告全面贯彻上级公司年中会议精神,对上半年工作的总结,实事求是、鼓舞人心;对面临形势的阐述,深刻透彻、客观准确;对下半年工作的部署,思路清晰、措施有力。整篇报告总揽全局、突出重点,

既有理论性和思想性,又有针对性和可操作性,既体现了求真务实、严谨扎实的作风,又有很强的开拓创新、与时俱进精神,对下半年及今后一个时期公司各项工作具有重要指导意义。今天上午,汪总对公司上半年经济活动进行了分析,提出了一系列有针对性和指导性的措施;朱总宣读了《“提升管理年”活动实施方案》,对进一步深化“提升管理年”活动进行了详细安排和全面部署;程总亲自作了关于人力资源优化工作的重要讲话,对开展人力资源优化工作的重要意义、总体思路、基本原则进行了阐述,提出了初步实施计划和措施。程总亲自对人力资源优化工作进行专题部署,充分体现了公司领导班子对此项工作的高度重视。程总的重要讲话,显示了领导班子对市场经济规律的准确把握和落实科学发展观、推动公司和员工协调发展的信心和决心,展现了对社会、对股东、对企业和对员工高度负责的态度,是推动公司改革发展的纲领性文件。今天下午,我们还套开了各单位党政主要负责人会议,对公司人力资源优化、完成全年任务和加强领导班子建设及准确定位等问题进行了进一步强调。刚才,部分企业分别结合各自实际作了表态发言。 会议期间,与会同志认真听取了程总的工作报告,联系工作实际,着眼于实现战略统领和协调发展,就如何积极推进战略管理和人力资源优化、深化“提升管理年”活动、严控成本、全面完成今年各项任务进行了认真思考和热烈讨论,对贯彻落实会议精神,进一步做好当前和今后各项工作提出了很多好的建议,充


政协委员大会发言稿 朱步升(陶村乡政协联络员) 为贯彻落实胡总书记讲话精神,树立新时期政协委员崭新形象,一定要充分发挥政协委员自身优势和特点,彰显自身价值和作用,努力使政治协商更加注重规范民主监督,更加务实有效参政议政。 一、把握正确政治方向坚持做党方针政策坚定执行者 政协工作是党全局工作重要组成部分,坚持共产党核心领导是政协开展工作必须遵循基本原则,也是政协工作健康发展的根本保证。在政治上带头执行区委各项方针、政策和重大决策部署,不含糊、不动摇、不偏向。积极发挥协调各界、汇聚力量的作用。坚定不移地支持政府依法行政做到参政不扰政、补台不拆台、帮忙不添乱,确保政协工作到位,不越位,有为不乱为。 二、服务发展大局坚持做创先争有实干模范践行者 政协工作只有把着力点放到议发展、促发展、助发展上才能真正发挥作用。全体政协委员要围绕全区大局全力助推。紧扣工作重点主动对接,抓住关键切入,顺势而为,把创先争优、创新实干作为时代最强音、发展主旋律。广大政

协委员要发扬奉献和创业精神,发挥知识和技术优势、发挥示范和带动作用,在加快发展速度上谋实干、在提升发展水平上超越自我、高人一筹;在优化发展环境上创新服务、先人一着;为推进平鲁转型发展、跨越发展贡献自己的力量。 三、倾情为民履职坚持做人民群众利益自觉维护者 建设和谐社会要把一切工作出发点和落脚点聚焦到富民惠民上来。努力提升人民群众幸福感、自豪感。政协委员要把为民谋利作为最大追求,把造福百姓作为自身价值最大体现。在开展调查研究、反映社情民意工作中要真正沉下身子、贴紧群众细致了解社会真实情况,准确反映群众关注焦点。为党委和政府全面掌握社会信息更有效地和解决问题提供翔实可靠第一手资料;在进行参政议政、献计献策工作中要以群众利益为第一考虑。积极在提案里反映民情,发言里反映民心,批评里反映民意,建议里反映民智,充分表达大多数群众意愿和要求;在开展帮民致富、为民办事工作中要时刻把群众安危冷暖挂在心上,支持并协助党委和政府把正在办的事情办好,打算办的事情办快,希望办的事情办成,促成多办和办好顺民心、安民心、得民心之事。做到言为民呼、计为民谋、事为民办、真正做到“人民政协为人民”。


政协新当选主席与委员见面的就职讲话稿 二00x年x月x日,xxx商会第三届理事会选举产生了新一届常务理事会,我有幸被选为第三届常务理事会会长。二00x年x月x日,三届二次常务理事会确定了本届商会宗旨为“求实、奉献、创新、发展”,对本届工作提出四大目标,即 (1)进一步强化商会的政企桥梁作用,巩固政企联系; (2)搞商全员素质,帮助会员做强做大; (3)提升民企商会品牌,加速发展具有代表性的会员,增强会员的社会责任感和公益心; (4)规范内部管理 为确保目标实现,制订了九项措施: (1)商会成立政务协调委员会、内务协调委员会,重点打造所辖各专委会,争取更多的政府资源及政策为会员服务。 (2)组建会员“互动担保公司”为会员企业的发展服务; (3)强化培训功能,拓展素质化培训; (4)打造商会知名品牌,通过开展丰富多彩的活动加大宣传力度;规范管理,选择有代表性的企业家入会,使本届会员总数达到300家以上; (5)组建50-100万人民币的关爱基金委员会,每年为社区组织1-2

件有影响力的公益活动; (6)第年组织2-3次国内外商务考察; (7)打造会员间互助商务平台; (8)经营商会,扩展财源; (9)每年1-2次邀请区委、区政府主要领导到会员企业考察、指导;我将认真履行会长职责,带领常务理事会运用群体的智慧、谋略和商务理念,运用创新的专委会工作方式竭诚为会员企业发展办实事,充分整合商会优质资源,增进企业与政府和社会各届的交流,带领中小会员企业不断做大做强,努力将xxx商会打造成受人尊敬的、在社会上有一定知名度的品牌商会。 首先,谢谢大家评选我为副班长。我将珍惜这个荣誉,把它看作是能为班集体多服务,多争光的宝贵机会。 以下是我的努力方向和计划,如果我做的不够好的时候,请大家随时给我提出意见或建议,我会改正和继续努力的: 1.和其他班委一起,认真负责班里的卫生,使班里一直保持整洁有序。 2.继续当好老师的小助手,做到准确无误,及时完成老师交给的任务。 3.《小木桥》是大家成长的伙伴和见证,我会继续热心地每天维护它。每天按时更新[小桥提示]和负责的版块。 4.我会尽自己的能力,多参加一些活动,多做为集体争光的事。


致敬公司成立20周年征文2000字 时光荏苒,岁月如梭,弹指一挥间,我已经从大道的一名员工变成了大道物流的忠实客户,不知不觉自己与大道已相识十年有余了。追忆往事,时光如同一部历史剧,永远铭刻在我的心头;蹉跎岁月,从常码头老总部到东西湖新总部我也算是见证了大道飞速发展的十年,是大道哺育了我,是大道让我从稚嫩走向成熟。 我是一个幸运的人 毕业之初,寻找工作四处碰壁,总是遇不到合适的,后来选择了大道,自此便爱上了他。一则是因为专业对口,二则是大道的企业文化及公司给员工温暖的关怀吸引了我。是大道这个平台,给了我工作的机会,使我在困难之时解决了温饱,同时也给予了员工公平竞争的舞台,使我能够快速的得到提升并且成长。 我是一个幸福的人 从2010年加入公司到2016年离开公司,所经历的每一个岗位,都能遇到好的领导和搭档。 第一站:万泰营业部

一个酷暑难当的午后,我步入了万泰营业部,两间门面,简单的桌椅、一群可爱的同事和客户映入我眼帘。记忆深处,那天开票高峰期,四周围满了客户,我头痛晕眩几乎都看不见门外的货物,我停的说着,都不要围着我,不要围着我我的异常引来了同事利莎的关注,她察觉到我出现了中暑的症状,迅速疏通客户到其他窗口开票,并与同事将我扶到门外阴凉处细心的照顾着我。在门外,开票的客户看到在修整的我,不仅没有怪罪我没有及时给他开票,还都关心的问候着我,告诉我解暑的方法。很幸运我遇到了你们,对于身处异乡身边没有亲人的我来说,你们像亲人般的关怀很温馨,当时的我特别地感动。 第二站:新华营业部 工作三个月之后,转正后的我根据公司安排调到了一个新开的营业部-新华营业部,遇见了我的恩师大道业务常青树雷德华师傅,大道关于他的故事很多且很感人。 他做事不仅雷厉风行,而且细致谨慎 那时候的新华营业部刚开,业绩不是太好,而且还处于手工开单阶段,为了客户查货方便,他每天下班后把我们开的单子都重新抄写一遍,字迹工整,一目了然,至今想起来都历历在目。


在单年度工作会议上的动 员讲话 文章标题:在单年度工作会议上的动员讲话 同志们: 这次会议是经**党委研究决定召开的,是年后的第一次全体职工大会。刚才,**就去年的工作情况进行了总结,并对今年的工作进行了具体安排部署。下面,我们再讲三点意见: 一、认清形势,振奋精神,切实把思想和行动统一到**党委的安排部署上来 从我场和我地区的发展情况看,目前,我们正处在一个大有可为的重要时期。客观分析我单位当前形势,可以概括为三句话:一是成绩较大。20XX年,我单位全体员工只争朝夕、奋力拼搏,圆满完成了各项工作任务,服务质量明显提高;经济状况较大改善;队伍建设进一步加强,整体工作稳步推进,我单位已成

为我场发展中不可或缺的重要组成部分。我们的工作得到了各级领导和广大群众的支持和认可,同时也为我们完成新一年目标任务奠定了良好的基础。二是优势较多。从我场的情况看,今年,场党委对后勤服务工作给予了高度重视,从我单位的实际情况看,近年来,经过不懈努力,我们走出了一条符合自身实际的发展路子,具备了加快发展的条件。这些都为我们工作的持续、健康发展创造了十分有利的条件。三是压力不小。我们的压力首先来自于场党委的期望与重托。近年来,场领导给了我单位很高的评价,这对我们来讲既是极大的鼓舞,也是无形的鞭策。同时,场党委对我单位的要求也越来越严,工作标准越来越高,我们如同逆水行舟,不进则退。我们的压力还来自于广大群众的殷切期望。我们的工作涉及到方方面面,服务质量的好坏不仅影响到我单位的整体形象,更影响到广大群众的工作和生活,群众在看着我们,在这种形势下,我们的压力明显超过以往。 分析当前形势,目的在于发扬成绩,解决问题,抓住机遇,扩大优势,化压力为动力,化不利为有利,推动我单位工作更快更好地向前发展。应当看到,今年是我单位发展进程中极为关键的一年,任务艰巨而繁重,意义重大而深远。希望同志们正确认识当前形势,


全省防汛抗旱工作会议讲话稿 近年来,全球气候复杂多变,自然灾害频现,我省极端灾害性天气也日趋增多,水旱灾害呈多发、频发、并发趋势,给人民群众生产生活造成极大影响。下面是小编给大家整理的全省防汛抗旱工作会议讲话稿,仅供参考。 全省防汛抗旱工作会议讲话稿【篇一】 同志们: 这次全省防汛工作会议的主要任务是,分析当前的防汛形势,安排部署今年的防汛工作,动员全省各级各部门全力做好各项防汛准备工作,确保安全度汛。刚才,天荷同志通报了20**年汛期气候趋势会商情况,海钦同志对我省20**年防汛工作方案作了说明,赵勇同志安排部署了20**年黄河防汛工作,曾庆祝副司令员部署了军民联防工作。李成玉省长还将作重要讲话。下面,我讲几点意见: 一、认清形势,统一思想,进一步增强做好防汛工作的责任感和紧迫感

近几年来,我省天气情况总体偏旱,但局部洪涝灾害每年都有发生。经过全省上下的共同努力,我们夺取了防汛抗洪斗争的胜利,防洪减灾效益比较显著。但我们也要清醒地认识到,当前防汛工作还存在一些突出问题和薄弱环节,防汛形势仍然不容乐观。主要表现在以下几个方面: (一)地理位置和气候条件特殊,今年仍有可能发生大洪水、大暴雨。我省地跨江、淮、黄、海四大流域,地处南北气候和山区向平原的两个过渡带,气候和地理位置特殊,年降雨量的60%集中在6-9月份的几次降雨过程,暴雨突发性大。从地形上看,西部山区是暴雨多发区,每遇暴雨,山洪直泻平原,预见期短,周旋余地小,防洪决策和实施的难度很大,常常造成大面积洪涝灾害。建国以来,全省多次发生洪涝灾害,1963、1964、1982年受灾面积均超过5000万亩;“758”大水触目惊心,1991、1996年洪涝灾害记忆犹新;20**年又发生了严重的洪涝灾害,3次暴雨洪水集中在短短的22天内,这在我省水文史上是少有的。据20**年河南省汛期气候会商的综合意见分析,今年汛期我省大部分地区降水量较20xx年偏多,豫北大市、商丘、周口、三门峡、洛阳四市及平顶山西部、开封东部比常年略偏多。由于降水时空分布不均,全省部分市、县可能出现初夏旱,盛夏降水较为集中,局部地区可能出现洪涝。


同志们: 今天,我们召开人大代表建议和政协委员提案办理工作会,主要任务是,安排部署县十届人大四次会议代表建议和县七届政协四次会议委员提案的办理工作,动员各级各部门,统一思想,提高认识,明确任务,强化责任,圆满完成办理任务,切实把今年的办理工作提高到一个新水平。刚才,同志传达了县政府办公室《关于认真做好县人大代表建议和政协委员提案办理工作的通知》,对办理工作提出了明确要求,各级各有关部门要按照文件要求,采取措施,迅速行动,切实把这项工作抓好。为确保今年的建议、提案办理任务如期保质保量完成,下面,我讲三点意见: 一、提高认识,切实增强做好建议、提案办理工作的责任感和使命感 人民代表大会制度和政治协商制度是我国的根本政治制度,认真办理人大代表建议和政协委员提案,对于保障人大代表依法行使职权和充分发挥政协委员的参政议政作用,密切党和政府与广大人民群众的联系,增强政府决策的科学化、民主化,促进政府依法行政具有十分重要的意义。首先,人大代表、政协委员代表广大人民的意愿,反映群众呼声,及时为党和政府科学决策提出意见和建议,反映了人民当家作主的本质要求。我们的政府是人民的政府,办理人大代表建议和政协委员提案是政府的法定职责,责无旁贷。其次,人大代表、政协委员分布在各条战线,工作在基层,生活在群众中,与群众接触最广泛,社会实践最具体,生活体验最深刻,建议提案的办理过程也是了解民情、倾听民声、集中民智,促进政府决策科学化、民主化的过程。其三,党的十六届五中全会作出了建设社会主义新农村的决策,抓好加快农村经济社会事业发展和农村基础设施建设方面建议提案的办理,也是加快社会主义新农村建设的必然要求。 在往年的工作中,各级各部门对建议、提案办理工作都比较重视,办结率、满意率都比较高,产生了良好的经济效益和社会效益,人大代表和政协委员对我们的工作也给予了充分肯定。这主要得益于各承办部门和单位的通力合作与(更多范文源自,原创投稿可得现金 奖励!. 欢迎您)扎实工作,得益于承办人员的尽职尽责和代表委员的密切配合。但是也存 在一些不容忽视的问题,主要表现在,部分承办单位领导重视不够,工作没有完全到位,个别单位答复质量不高;有的单位满足于具体办理时的“见面”,缺乏与代表委员平时的沟 通联络;有的在联合办理过程中相互协作不够,存在推诿、扯皮的现象等等。因此,要求 各承办单位一定要提高认识,端正态度,强化措施,以高度的政治责任感和历史使命感,认真负责,真抓实干,创新工作,确保圆满完成今年的办理任务。 二、创新方法,注重实效,不断提高办理工作质量 今年,人大代表建议和政协委员提案共有133件,其中人大代表提出的建议共有53件,政协各人民团体、民主党派成员和各级人士所提提案共有80件。内容涉及城建交通的 41件,占建议和提案总数的31%;涉及科教文卫方面的28件,占建议和提案总数的21%;涉农方面的25件,占建议和提案总数的19%;其它方面的39件,占建议和提案总数的29%。今年的人大代表建议和政协委员提案涉及面广、质量高,各单位一定要把握大局,


新当选政协主席讲话 政协XX县第八届委员会第五次会议,在大家的共同努力下,已圆满完成了各项议程。 这次会议,是在全县上下认真学习党的十七届五中全会和中央经济工作会议精神,深刻领会县委十二届五次全委会议精神的关键时刻召开的。会议期间,委员们审议通过了常委会工作报告和提案工作报告;列席了县十六届人大五次会议,听取并讨论了县政府工作报告及其它报告。大家以饱满的政治热情和高度负责的精神,畅所欲言,坦诚己见,围绕全县经济社会发展中的重大问题和政协工作,提出了许多宝贵的意见和建议。这次大会开得隆重热烈,富有成效,是一次发扬民主、增进团结的大会,是一次凝聚力量、催人奋进的大会。 这次会议,选举我担任政协主席。值此机会,我对大家的信任和支持表示衷心的感谢!信任,意味着责任;支持,饱含着期盼。我和常委会一班人,决不辜负全体委员和社会各界的期望,在新的一年,尽职尽责,勤奋工作,努力将我县人民政协事业推向一个新的发展阶段。 在开幕式上,县委书记XX同志给我们作了一个十分重要的讲话,对县政协2010年的工作给予了充分肯定,对2011年的工作提出了明确要求和殷切希望。X书记的讲话具有很重要的指导意义,我们一定要认真学习,深刻领会,

切实贯彻落实到工作中去。 2011年,是本届政协的最后一年。关于如何开展好今年的工作,常委会工作报告已提出了安排建议。年后,我们将召开常委会议,进行具体研究部署。下面,我提几点希望,供大家在今后的工作中参考。 一、坚持党的领导,始终把握坚定政治方向 1949年9月21日,第一届中国人民政治协商会议在北平召开,由此诞生了中华人民共和国,中华民族从此独立于世界民族之林,跻身于世界强国之列。六十多年来,人民政协团结各民主党派,联系最广泛的人民群众,坚定不移地维护中国共产党的执政地位。各级政协组织在中国共产党的领导下,积极参政议政、建言献策,发挥桥梁纽带作用,丰功伟绩永载史册。在新的历史时期,我们面临更加紧迫的发展经济、富国强民的任务,人民政协更应该在党的领导下,尽职尽责,努力工作。政协XX县第八届委员会四年来,紧紧围绕县委中心,服务全县工作大局,发挥了重要作用,作出了巨大贡献。新的一年,我们面临更加难得的发展机遇、人民群众更加殷切的发展渴望、县委政府更加严格的工作要求,我们更要恪尽职守,履行职责,发挥优势,努力开创工作新局面。要坚定地服从县委领导,支持政府工作,团结社会各界, 把思想统一到县委政府的决策部署上来,把力量凝
