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《Join in》 Book Ⅱ unit 9 shapes





2、学生从三年级开始学习本套教材,已学过starter, join in (book 1), 掌握颜色、食物、人体器官、衣物、表情、数字、衣物……等类型的词。



本节课是《Join in》BookⅡ第九单元的第一课时。本单元课题是“游戏,游戏,游戏”,是一个综合单元,把学生在一册书里的所学的知识融入几游戏之中,而第一课时的学习一首小诗。我把教学的重点放在四个形状的单词,并增加了一些课本外的知识以活动四个单词:如介绍新朋友“Mr. shape”,发现身边的图形,数学天地……这样的教学设计让学生不单单是读课本上单词、句子,而且会灵活使用所教的知识。



能听、说、读、用四个形状: circle, square, triangle, rectangle

能熟练地讲出小诗:My prize

2、智能目标:学生能利用形状单词描述Mr. Shape(形状先生)的外貌;能描述身边的物品的形状;能用所学的单词解决简单的数学问题;






Teaching plan:《Join in》Book Ⅱunit 9 shapes

Teaching aims:

1、Understand and can say words “circle、rectangle、triangle、square”correctly.

2、Say and use the sentences“How many ……are there?”and phrases“Three blue squares.”… .

3、Help Ss design pictures by “shapes”and describe their pictures bravely.

Key points and difficult points:

1、Read and say some sentences use the new words 。

2、Design pictures by “shapes”and describe their pictures . Teaching aids:

CAI, some cards, pictures.

Teaching Process:

Step 1. Warming up Exercise:

1、(CAI)Talk about colors .

Look at the board “What color is it?”

“It’s red.”

2、T:“What color do you like ?Choose one shapes if you like their color.


Step 2. Presentation :

1、Introduce the word “shape”.

Look here. They are shapes .(板书:shapes)

1、)Teach the word “shape ”read and spell it .

2、)Have you got some shapes?Show me your shapes

3、)How many shapes have you got?

4、)Ask and answer in your pairs.

设计意图:一方面巩固本课所学的单词,并复习句型How many …can you see?另一方面为下面激发学生的创作做一个铺垫。

2、(CAI)Introduce the word“rectangle“.

Look at the board , Here is a wizard. He will get some

magic to you .

1、)Show a rectangle.(CAI)

2、)Teach the word“rectangle”. Read and spell it.

3、)Compare the word “triangle”and “rectangle”.

4、)Show me your rectangles.

5、)Show them the car。Ask and answers .

T:“How many rectangles are there?”

S:“Four rectangles”

There are two green rectangles a blue rectangle、a yellow rectangle、and a white rectangle.(count them)

3、Introduce the word “square”

魔法师变魔法“Abracadabra ”


2、)show a square.(CAI)

3、)Teach the word“square”. Read and spell it。

4、)Show me your squares.

5、)Show them the flower. Ask and answers.

T:“How many are squares are there?”

S:“Six squares .”

There is a red square、a yellow square、a white square、an orange square and two green squares.(count them。)4、Introduce the word “triangle”。

魔法师变魔法“Abracadabra ”


2、)Show a triangle. (CAI)

3、)Teach the word“triangle”. Read and spell it.

4、)Show me your triangles.

5、)Show them the tree. Ask and answers.

T:“How many are triangles are there?”

S:“Four triangles ”

There are three green triangles and a brown triangle.(count them)

5、Introduce the word “circle”

魔法师变魔法“Abracadabra ”


2、)Show a circle. (CAI)

3、)Teach the word“circle”. Read and spell it.

4、)Show me your circles.

5、)Show them the panda。Ask and answers.

T:“How many are circles are there?”

S:“Ten circles. ”

There are six black circles and four white circles.(count them)


Step3. Practice

1、Read the new words.(One by One)

2、T: Just now, we’ve learned fo ur shapes. Can you make the


Ss: Yes, we can.

T: I’d like some students to come to the Bb to make them. You make a circle and square….(同时对下面的学生说)Please take out your fingers, let’s make together.

T: 给出命令circle.

Ss: 边用手指表示“○”边说circle.

设计意图:从学生动手开始,让学生上台表演,为学生提供了一个展示自己才能的好机会,从而很自然引出Come to the blackboard,同时让下面的学生伸出手指一起来做,让所有的学生都参与到这个活动中来。既营造了轻松的学习氛围,也促进交流双方互相理解,加快交际的过程,给学生留下深刻的印象,起到了事半功倍的效果。

3、Do you find something like these shapes in your life?

设计意图:教师通过自己设计的机器人Mr. shape.让学生利用形状

单词描述Mr Shape(形状先生)的外貌;再要求学生小组合作,用所学的四种形状,组合成一个物件。如:房子、轮船、花等。完成后根据所搭物品作一些简要的介绍或提一些问题。在英语课中,做到了英语、美术、等学科的融合,激发了学生的创新欲望和成就感。学生通过动口、动手、动脑,在多种感官的刺激下,获取知识,提高能力,并在活动中得到灵活运用。

Step4. Consolidation.

1、Look at the board .Describe the shape boy.

2、Work in groups. Make a picture with your shapes.

Step5. Assessment

1、Make some other pictures and talk about them with your classmates.

2、Find and learn the other shape s in any ways.




与和合作等方式,很好地完成了教学任务。2、在真实的情景中学习,融知识性、趣味性和创作性为一体。本课的设计我从拓宽学生学习的渠道入手,通过与生活实际相联系,引导学生观察身边事物开始进行学习。在教学活动的设计中,我设计了多种直接有趣的导入方法来指导学生学习新单词和句型,学生在轻松愉快的环境下很快就学会了新知识。接着,我从学生的日常生活出发,以CAI 课件呈现教室中和生活中的实际物品为载体,综合操练运用所学的形状词汇,把单词教学中图形的转化与数学课上的图形的变化,手工课上的折纸活动相结合,将英语学科与其它学科之间相互渗透和联系,发挥了学生的想象力和和动手能力,激发了学生学习新知的热情。在巩固操练环节中,我根据中高年级学生的学习特点,让学生在做有趣的数学题时达到操练单词的目的。最后我在完成教材要求的目标下,根据实际要求进行了拓展,加入了儿童节贺卡的设计,这样不但有语言的操练,更融合了其它学科的信息,注重了教学的趣味性,提高了学生在课堂上的参与度,让学生体验到观察生活中图形有英语讨论的乐趣,并在动手绘画中感受到真实地交际所学语言的成功。3、兴趣是最好的老师。在这节课的最后,我给学生布置了这样的作业:你还想知道哪些形状单词,你是怎样知道的。课后,很多学生采取不同方式学到了好几个新词,有的通过查电子词典学到了,有的问家长,有的通过看英语电视节目学到了……学生对本节课的学习乐之不疲,将课内的学习延伸到课外。作业的布置,让学生学会从各种渠道获取知识,发挥了学生自主学习的能力,调动了学生的的积极性。4、一堂课下来,有趣的教学和游戏都很受学生的喜爱,营造了很好的英语学习氛围。但也存在着许多不足,有部分环节,如操练和任务成果展示阶段,如果能更大胆地放手让学生自主学习,相信效果会更好。


幼儿园中班英语优秀教案多篇 教师范文吧 幼儿园中班英语优秀教案3篇 Passthebunny 活动目标: .学习单词:“bunny”和句型“passthebunny”。并理解其含义。2.能基本听懂并按规则游戏。 3.愿意在集体面前表演。 活动准备: .教师身穿一个大口袋的上衣(内装各种水果模型:苹果,橘子,葡萄,梨子,香蕉,桃子菠萝,西瓜和各类汽车模型:小汽车,卡车。公共汽车,出租车) 2.鼓一个,击棒一根。 3.小兔毛绒玩具一个 4.兔子舞音乐 活动过程: 一.师生问好,以舞蹈的形式引起幼儿的兴趣 .T:Goodmorningboysandgirls. c:Goodmorningteacher.

T:Doyouwanttodance? c:yes. T:ok,let’sdance,pleaselisten. 2.T:(教师做很累的动作)oh,I’? c:yes. T: 二.学习单词“bunny” .T:Today,,whatisthis? c:小兔 T:yesbunny. Tc::Bunny,bunny(幼儿学说单词) T:Hello/Hi/children c:Hello/Hi/bunny 2.听指令做动作 T:Now,Let’splaythegame“Isayyoudo“,ok? c:yes. T:kissbunny whocantry?Touch/shakehands/embrace/kissthebunny T: T:? c:yes.

T:’shaveatry. 三、以击鼓传花的形式玩击鼓传小兔的游戏。 、介绍游戏玩法及规则。 T:(教师拍拍大口袋)’,Let’splaythegame“Passthebunny”. T:I’llbeatthedrum,andyou’? 2、引导幼儿玩游戏。 T:Now,Let’sbegin. ’sseewhohasthebunny. c;XX. T:well,XX,comehereandtakeoneout. T:whatisthis?/whatcolourisit?Doyouwanttoeat?oh,youareverygood /’goon. (鼓声起,由刚才摸的幼儿继续向下传小兔,到鼓声停)’sseewhohasthebunny…… (玩法同上,直到老师口袋中所有的东西摸完) 四、结束 T:I’msohappy!Areyouhappy? c:yes. T::It’slaternow,Let’’sgo. 2认识水果(apple、pear、orangebanana 设计意图:


牛津英语8A unit4全英文教案 作者:佚名文章来源:本站原创点击数:2483 Warm-up activities 1 Create an interest in the issue of sharing the limited natural resources. Depending on th erest of the class, choose one of the following situations: * A group of students are stranded on an island. There is not enough food available for urvive. * Astronauts are stranded in space. They do not have enough oxygen for everyone to sur 2 Make a list of people involved in the situation, a list of the resources available (e.g., f water, etc.) and a list of how long everyone is able to survive. Ss have to decide whether th together sharing what they have or they are going to occupy all the resources for their own s 3 Ss study the pictures and read the conversation first on their own, then in pairs. Ask tw students to role-play the conversation. Presentation 1 Ss complete Part A. Encourage them to do the task without any pre-teaching of keywo swers orally with the whole class. 2 Divide Ss into pairs and ask them to do the survey in Part B1 3 Encourage them to discuss in pairs why they like or do not like the animals. Ask them wn their ideas. Language points Look delicious, If you eat my food, I won?t talk to you., no one, in danger, a report on Homework 1 Learn the language points by heart. 2 一课三练P.43 3 Preview the Reading Part. Revision 1 Review key vocabulary according to the general ability of the class. Presentation (Readi 1 On the Bb, write the following list of sentences on the Bb: * Xi Wang is the name of a baby giant panda. * Baby giant panda s are very small when they were born. * They grow very quickly. * Xi Wang has to find her own food when she is 20 months old. * Hunters kill giant pandas and sell their fur. 2 Divide the class into three groups and allocate one part to each group. While students


中班英语优质课教案《shapes》 中班英语教案:shapes 活动目标: 1、通过各种游戏形式学习单词rectangle, triangle, square,体验英语活动的乐趣。 2、听懂句型:“What shape is it?” 3、听力练习:“Draw a triangle…” 活动准备:正方形,长方形,三角形的彩纸。黑板(画有由三角形,正方形,长方形组成的房子,以及一些学过的小动物等),录音机,CD 活动过程: 一、Warming-up: 1、师幼问好 2、律动Walking Walking. 二、Presentation 1、出示黑板,并提问:“What’s in the blackboard?”指导幼儿说出黑板上都有些什么。当幼儿说到house时,教师做神秘状,将房顶三角形取下来并教授单词rectangle, 并做手势。(triangle, square的教授方式同rectangle) 2、GAME:I say, You do.教师说单词,幼儿做手势。 3、用不同的声调和语调分别教读单词rectangle,triangle, square,注重幼儿发音。 4、GAME:What’s mi ing? 三、Co olidation 1、GAME:Walking, walking. 当唱到Now, Let’s stop时教师发出指令touch something triangle幼儿在活动室内找到三角形的物体触摸…or 教师出示形状并提问:“What’s shape is it?” 2、发给幼儿白纸,教师发出指令:“Draw a triangle…”,幼儿听指令画出图形。 1 / 1

幼儿园中班英语教案设计《walking walking》

教学资料参考范本 幼儿园中班英语教案设计《walking walking》 撰写人:__________________ 部门:__________________ 时间:__________________

活动名称:英语活动——Sing a game《walking walking》 活动目标: 1、复习巩固以前学习的单词。 2、教会幼儿学唱新歌,在学习的英语活动中,培养幼儿对英语活动的兴趣。 3、培养幼儿对英语的兴趣。 活动准备: 教具准备:单词卡片、英语碟片、电视机 活动过程: 一、师生问好 1、复习问候语(Goodmorning boys and girls ) 2、小朋友相互问好!(Goodmorning Miss zhong) 二、复习单词(出示单词图片) 重点复习(walk run jump hop) 教师带领幼儿进行做动作作罢并要大声念出自己做动作的单词。 walk walk walk walk

run run run run Jump jump jump jump Hop hop hop hop T:你们还记得我们把这些单词编到一首歌了,你们唱一遍给老师听,好吗? Walk Walk Walk like a penguin 1 Run Run Run like a tiger ! Junp Junp Junp like a rabbit ! Hop hop hop like a kangaroo ! T:唱的可真好听,老师还编了一首更好听的,你们会唱一首叫《两只老虎》的歌曲吗?老师来弹琴你们看看谁唱的最好听。 教师弹奏,幼儿歌唱。 你们唱的真好听,今天老师把这首歌曲的歌词改了一下,不知道你们还不会唱了?想不想学习新歌曲呢? 教师播放光碟请幼儿认真聆听。 这样英文歌好听吗?那我们一起来学唱吧!


幼儿园中班英语优秀教案《学习单词nose、mouth、eye、 ear》 活动目标: 1、培养幼儿对英语的兴趣 2、复习用英语数数及单词face,学习用英语说出五官并能正确发音 3、通过游戏促进幼儿交往能力和初步的竞争意识 活动内容:学习单词nose、 mouth、 eye、 ear 活动准备:face课件、五官卡片〈用来拼图〉、娃娃脸纸〈用来粘贴五官〉 活动过程: 一、开始部分引出主题 1、用英语问候 Hello,boys and girls Hello,Miss chen 师幼共同唱〈good morning 〉 2、复习单词 今天老师再来给小朋友变个魔术, Look,whats this? Its face师:Yes,〈教师模仿face〉:"I am a face,nice to see you"幼:"nice to see you too"师:Oh,very good 。face上都有什么呢?Who want to help me?幼:眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴……师:那我们一起来用英语数数看face上都有几个器官吧幼:One two theer ……

二、学习五官单词 师: Whats this?幼:嘴巴师:oh,this is mouth,follow me "mouth"幼儿看老师口型跟读 ,向mouth打招呼"hello mouth" 类似学习nose、eye、ear师:小朋友学的可真快,鼓励鼓励自己幼、good dood verygood. 三、游戏比赛记忆单词 师:小娃娃哭了?小朋友看发生了什么事?〈出示课件face五官消失〉原来娃娃的五官丢了,怎么办啊?幼儿积极讨论想办法。 我们都是一些有爱心的小朋友,那我们一起来帮娃娃找到五官,让她成为一个漂亮的娃娃吧。〈教师讲解游戏玩法和规则,要求幼儿到教室的每个角落找器官,找到的用英语说出名字,然后到其他小朋友那找 另外的器官,在准备的没有五官的娃娃脸纸上组合一张完整的脸。看哪组组合的最快,优胜组奖励笑脸娃娃粘贴一枚〉 四、游戏指一指结束活动 师:小朋友,小娃娃脸真漂亮,他们要回家了,先和他们说再见吧幼:goodbey师:下面老师要和小朋友做个游戏,游戏的名字叫:touch touch 教师找一名能力强的幼儿配合示范游戏〈教师用手请轻轻拍幼儿的手,一边说touch touch nose幼儿赶快用另一只手指在鼻子上,要求能够听到后,快速的指出相应的五官〉幼儿学会后可以自由找自己的好朋友玩这个游戏,教师鼓励帮助交往能力差的幼儿找到好朋友。在欢乐的touch touch游戏中结束活动。 活动自评:通过本次英语活动,幼儿基本上可以掌握所学单词,并复习到一些简单的英语口语。活动通过听、说、学、用等多种游戏形


全英文英语教案获奖 【篇一:全英文英语教案模板】 lesson plan nsefc module2 unit reading in teacher: period:period1 type:reading duration: 45minutes teaching ideology the current theory view reading as a interactive process which involves not only the printed page but also the reader’s old knowledge of the language in general, the world and the text types. in the reading process, these factors interact with each other and compensate for each other. based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. the three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading. teaching material and learning condition the analysis of teaching material the teaching material is the reading part from nsefc module2 unit. the topic of this unit is . this passage mainly introduces the passage consists of paragraphs. the first paragraph is a general introduction of the . para.2 to para.4 introduces . the last paragraph tells about . the topic is not new to the ss. but there is some new words and phases in the passage. the analysis of learning condition the students are from grade1 in senior high school. as high school students, they have achieved certain english level and they have the ability to get the basic idea of the reading. since they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air their own opinions on the topic. they are familiar with the topic of and know some. but they may not know before. moreover, their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in understanding some sentences. learning objectives 1. language skills


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园中班英语教案《shapes》(三篇) 目录: 幼儿园中班英语教案《shapes》一 幼儿园中班英语教案《where is santa》二 幼儿园中班英语教案《培养幼儿对英语的兴趣》三

幼儿园中班英语教案《shapes》一 中班英语教案:shapes 活动目标: 1、通过各种游戏形式学习单词rectangle, triangle, square,体验英语活动的乐趣。 2、听懂句型:“What shape is it?” 3、听力练习:“Draw a triangle…” 活动准备:正方形,长方形,三角形的彩纸。黑板(画有由三角形,正方形,长方形组成的房子,以及一些学过的小动物等),录音机,CD 活动过程: 一、 Warming-up: 1、师幼问好 2、律动Walking Walking. 二、 Presentation 1、出示黑板,并提问:“What’s in the blackboard?”指导幼儿说出黑板上都有些什么。当幼儿说到house时,教师做神秘状,将房顶三角形取下来并教授单词rectangle, 并做手势。(triangle, square的教授方式同rectangle) 2、 GAME:I say, You do.教师说单词,幼儿做手势。 3、 3、用不同的声调和语调分别教读单词rectangle, triangle, square,注重幼儿发音。 4、 GAME:What’s mi ing? 三、 Co olidation

1、 GAME: Walking, walking. 当唱到Now, Let’s stop时教师发出指令touch something triangle幼儿在活动室内找到三角形的物体触摸…or 教师出示形状并提问:“What’s shape is it?” 2、发给幼儿白纸,教师发出指令:“Draw a triangle…”,幼儿听指令画出图形。


幼儿园中班英语教案:Tall and Short(高和矮) 活动目标: 1. 感知tall和short,并能正确发音 2. 通过游戏激发幼儿对英语的兴趣。 3.让幼儿从中学到要看到别人的长处,自己的短处,不能自大、自满,要与人和睦相处。活动准备:自制卡片树(高、矮)若干张。小羊、小牛、长颈鹿的头饰各一个。 活动过程: (一)导入: T: Good morning, boys and girls!C: Good morning Mi Liu. T: Now, put up your hands. Let’s do a finger exercise, ok?C: Ok. One to fiveOne、one、one, lamb、lamb、lambTwo、two、two, ra it、ra it、ra it.Three、three、three, cat 、cat、catFour、four、four, duck、duck、duckFive、five、five, bird、bird、bird T: Ok. Very good! 我们刚才说了五个小动物的名字,现在又有三个小动物来加入我们了,我们高不高兴呀?C: 高兴。 T: 哦,可是呀,这三个小动物还有一点事情没有做完,我们来看看他们在做什么。引入故事《比高矮》,其中,小动物都用英语说sheep、giraffe、wolf当说到高矮时用tall和short,而且老师要做出手饰。 (二)过程: T: 刚才我们在故事里面看到小绵羊(sheep)和长颈鹿(giraffe)在吵架,小朋友猜一猜它们在吵什么?(引导幼儿根据老师手势猜出原因)C: 幼儿猜 T: 对了,他们在比谁高、高is Tall,矮is short。Follow me. Tall… short…启发幼儿要看到别的长处,知道谁都有优缺点。Ok. Let’s look at the picture there are two trees. This tree is tall . now that tree is s hort (让幼儿自己说高矮)反复练习。老师每人发两张卡片(高、矮小树)各一张。老师说tall,举高树,老师说short,举矮树。让我们找一找我们教室里有哪些



全英文幼儿园英语教案 【篇一:幼儿园英语教案】 幼儿园英语教案-好吃的水果 一、活动内容:《好吃的水果》 二、活动目的: 1、在游戏中学习英语单词,如:apple 、banana 、orange 、pear 、grape 、peach等等。 2、初步运用“i love you的句型。 三、活动准备: 准备各种水果(实物)、水果小粘贴、水果卡片、多媒体。 四、活动过程: (一):导入 1.热身活动:播放歌曲《apple i love you 》 2讨论a讨论今天(或最近)大家都吃些了什么? b讨论各自最喜欢吃的食物,水果等 3.老师拿出装有水果的袋子让小朋友们猜“老师今天给大家带来了什么?”来激发幼儿对英语活动的兴趣。打一两个水果谜语,提示小朋友老师今天带来的是水果。例如:弯弯的月牙小小的船,小小船儿两头尖。(香蕉)藤挂珍珠一串串,酸甜红紫惹人馋(葡萄) 今天我给大家带来了很多好吃的水果,表现好的小朋友可以分到哦!让我们大家一起学英语,吃水果好吗? (二):呈现

1 出示ppt,学习水果单词。 例如t:what’s this ? s:it’s an apple 。 t;very good!appleapple i love you 。 (三)练习 小朋友和老师一起念顺口溜,复习刚才学过的英语水果单词好吗 (1)例如韵律:apple apple 红苹果peach peach甜桃子pear pear 大黄梨orange orange 甜桔子banana banana黄香蕉grape grape 酸葡萄 (哎呦酸死我了) (四)玩游戏通过游戏让幼儿加强巩固对新水果的认识。 1游戏一快速说单词 “现在我们来玩个游戏,让我们看看大屏幕上闪出的是什么水果,用英语大声说出来,比赛听听谁说得既准确有好听。” (小朋友可真厉害,说得又快又好的可以得到小粘贴) 2游戏二找朋友 准备:闪卡玩法:教师将闪卡贴在幼儿身体任何部位,幼儿根据教师说的单词将闪卡碰在一起。例如教师说apple,两名幼儿则移动身体将apple,.这2张卡片面对面贴在一起。注意 事项:将卡片贴于手、脚、屁股部位,可增加游戏的趣味性。 (贴对了的小朋友,可以得到小粘贴) 3游戏三水果蹲


幼儿园中班英语教案:Unit2 I’m a painter 【活动目标】 1.通过游戏激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,培养其学习英语的积极态度。 2够较熟练地认读单词:blue,red,yellow ,初步理解句子“this is red/yellow/blue/green”. 3.培养幼儿合作学习的意识和习惯。 【活动准备】 挂图,所需的单词卡,蓝、红、黄、绿色粉笔,VCD,红黄蓝绿各色彩贴。 【活动过程】 一、热身运动(5分钟) 1.以一首英文歌曲《Roll the ball》引入学习氛围中。 2.师生打招呼问好并自由对话,营造英语氛围。 Good morning boys and girls! Good morning teacher ! How are you? I’m fine.Thank you! How old are you? I’m four years old. 二、内容呈现(5分钟) 1、导入:出示挂图让幼儿观察挂图中人物正在干什么,引导幼儿说出他们正在画画,导入单元名称:unit 2——I’m a painter(我是一个画家)。 2、单词呈现:利用彩色粉笔,介绍颜色。套用句型“this is red/yellow/green/blue”并用这四种颜色的粉笔在黑板上画一朵花。 3、认读单词卡:分别认读blue、red、yellow、green单词卡,并与黑板上颜色对应的花朵粘在一起。 三、游戏操练(10分钟) 游戏:找朋友 ⑴、教师做出指令,请一名小朋友进行游戏。如:教师说:“yellow.”幼儿轻拍黑板上粘贴的相应单词卡。 ⑵、将单词卡从黑板上取下,分别发给四个小朋友,其他小朋友唱《找朋友》歌曲,四名小朋友将单词卡与黑板上同色花朵对应粘贴,并让幼儿判别粘贴的是否正确。 四、放松游戏:(2分钟) 手指游戏:《finger》 One finger, one finger, turn, turn, turn, Turn to a pig. Oink Oink Oink Two fingers, two fingers, turn, turn, turn, Turn to a rabbit. Jump Jump Jump Three fingers, three fingers, turn, turn, turn, Turn to a cat. Miao Miao Meaw


Lesson plan NSEFC Module2 Unit Reading In Teacher: Period:Period1 Type:Reading Duration: 45minutes Teaching ideology The current theory view reading as a interactive process which involves not only the printed page but also the reader’s old knowledge of the language in general, the world and the text types. In the reading process, these factors interact with each other and compensate for each other. Based on the understanding of reading as an interactive process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading strategies. The three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading. Teaching material and learning condition The analysis of teaching material The teaching material is the reading part from NSEFC Module2 Unit. The topic of this unit is . This passage mainly introduces .The passage consists of paragraphs. The first paragraph is a general introduction of the . Para.2 to Para.4 introduces . The last paragraph tells about . The topic is not new to the Ss. But there is some new words and phases in the passage. The analysis of learning condition The students are from grade1 in senior high school. As high school students, they have achieved certain English level and they have the ability to get the basic idea of the reading. Since they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air their own opinions on the topic. They are familiar with the topic of and know some. But they may not know before. Moreover, their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in understanding some sentences. Learning objectives 1. Language skills ●At the beginning of the class, Ss can predict the content of the passage based on the title. ●Ss can scan the passage and find out the specific information such as the person related with


幼儿园英语课公开课教案《Shapes》 教学目标:听懂、理解并会说出单词“circle”、“triangle”、“square”、“rectangle”。初步学会使用句型“Let’s draw…”表达出自己的意愿。 语言点:circle triangle square rectangle Let’s draw… 教具准备:单词图片,魔术卡,各种形状的卡片若干,用形状拼成的房子一个,黑板,洪恩点即说,教学大挂图,故事动画光盘。 教学过程: (一)热身活动:歌曲《Let’s draw a circle》,请小朋友集体和教师进行表演唱。 (二)单词学习: A逐一出示图形(三角形、正方形、长方形、圆形),并用出示的图形在黑板上拼出一个房子来,教师带领幼儿一起敲房子上的门,并集体说小歌谣“knock,knock,knock”教师从门中取出紫色魔术卡三角形,教授单词“triangle”。(手指游戏:教师带领幼儿用手指做出三角形的形状,进行对三角形的单词操练。)教师拿出若干个小大不等的三角形让幼儿边说单词并分别贴于黑板上。 B再次出示紫色魔术卡三角形――变换成正方形,教授

单词“square”。(方法同) C继续敲黑板上房子的门,从门中取出黄色魔术卡三角形――变成正方形――展现圆形,并教授单词“circle”。(方法同) DKnock at the door,从门中取出紫色正方形――变成长方形,并教授单词“rectangle”。(方法同上)E根据幼儿在黑板上贴出的若干大小不等的图形,最后能拼成完整的图片(fish\ boy\ girl等) (三)卡通动画学习:播放本课故事动画一遍,之后教师提问:Teddy和Nicky分别都画了什么?和幼儿一起找到答案,导入句型环节。 (四)句型操练:教师先和小朋友一起说出句型“Let’s draw…”并用画笔在黑板上画出相应图形,最后请幼儿来边说边画。 (五)游戏:请小朋友通过学习的句型来画教师和幼儿一起完成的图片( boy\ girl\ house)来完成最后的一幅图画。 (六)歌曲环节:通过洪恩点即说和教学大挂图来带领幼儿一起复习本次课所学的知识点,最后并集体演唱歌曲《Get out your paper and pens》结束课程。


幼儿园中班英语教案【四篇】 导读:本文幼儿园中班英语教案【四篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 I Can 一、情况分析本班幼儿活泼好动,基本的英语词汇较丰富,教师将通过创设情景并演示教具,让幼儿在一种自然的表演中感受、理解动词,学习动词,愿意用动作来表现自己所知道的动词。二、活动内容在游戏的过程中复习已学过的单词并学习新单词,在活动中反复地练习,学习说“What can you do?”并能用“I can ...” 回答。三、活动目标1、在游戏活动中复习已学过的动词,愿意跟随教师一起念儿歌。2、能听懂What can you do?并能用“I ca ...” 回答。四、活动准备蝴蝶、鸭子、兔子、鱼、狗的图片及头饰五、活动过程一)warm up[热身] Follow Me :Follow me,walk stop. Follow me,jump stop. Follow me,cry stop. Follow me,laugh stop. Follow me,stand up. Follow me,sit down. 二)resection[呈现主题] 1、复习单词:fly,walk. T:Look. What can I do?(做相应的动作)I can fly(walk). Fly,fly,fly. I can fly. Walk,walk,walk. I can walk.(边说边做动作) T:Now,everybody stand up and follow me. Follow me,fly,fly,fly. I can fly.(walk)(幼儿跟随教师边说边做动作) 2、通过图片和动作表演让幼儿理解what can it do的含义。出示蝴蝶和

小学英语教案模板 全英文

Instructional Design I. Background information Content: Section A, Unit 5, JEFC Teacher: Chen Jie Description of students: 40 students in Junior/Primary/Senior 1, 15 boys and 25 girls Lesson duration: 40 minutes Time & date: 8:20—9:00am, Tuesday, 29th April, 2014 II. Teaching contents: Topic: Asking the way. New words: face, hand, …. New patterns: Could you tell me how to get to the post office? 按照听、读、说、写的内容分开写,然后要功能与话题。 III. Teaching key points and difficulties: Teaching key points: Teaching difficulties: IV. Teaching objectives: A.Knowledge objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: ……

B.Ability objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to …… C.Affects/Morality/Attitude…. Students learn to be good listeners while the others are talking. V. Teaching aids: tapes, OHP, chalk, etc. VI. Teaching Model /Method ?PPP ?Three stages ?Five-step teaching method ?Audio-lingual method, etc. ?语法课见第七单元 ?每节课选用一个 VII. The style of the lesson: ?Reading ?Reading and writing ?Reading and talking ?Listening and talking ?Listening and speaking ?Grammar ?Exercises


幼儿园中班英语教案:HappyDay 幼儿园中班英语教案:Happ9Da9 目标: 1、能与同伴愉快地游戏活动,大胆地展示自己的长处。 2、复习所学的歌曲及句型。 过程: 1、起床。 幼儿躺在各处做睡觉状,老师开始学鸡叫,并说:"Getup,3ids!"。幼儿起床后唱《Goodmorning》。 2、去幼儿园。 T:Now,let"sgotothe3indergarten!Howdid9ougetthere? S:Driveacar/Rowaboat。《Driveacar》边唱边走到座位前坐好。 3、表示对客人的欢迎。 T: He9,bo9sandgirlsloo3!Toda9thereareman9guestscomeheretosee9o uwonderfulshow!Are9ouhapp9? S:5es.I"mhapp9! T:Now,Let"singasongtowelcomethem,o3? S:O3!<> 4、户外活动。 T:It"stimetopla9.Let"sgoouttopla9together! T:Let"shaveagame!Pla9Game《Flower》

05、学习活动。 T:M9godIt"sraining!Let"sgobac3totheclassroom! Let"sgo!!! T:Thatwasclose!!Nowclassbegins! Whowantstobealittleteacher? T:5ouaresogreat!Thenextgameis"Robotgame"!Whowantstobearo bot? 6、午餐时间。 T:Ring,ring!Lunchisread9!Toda9weeathamburger.Do9ouli3eit ?But,before9oueat,9oumust~~~?(老师做洗手状) S:Washm9hands!《Wash9ourhands》 7、午睡。 T:It"sniptime! Let"sgotobed!Ta3eoff9ourshoesandputthemneatl9!Sing《niptime》(幼儿脱鞋,假装睡觉) 8、活动结束,向客人老师说再见。


最新幼儿园活动设计精品资料 最新幼儿园活动设计精品资料 1 中班英语教案:shapes 活动目标: 1、通过各种游戏形式学习单词rectangle, triangle, square ,体验英语活动的乐趣。 2、听懂句型:“What shape is it?” 3、听力练习:“Draw a triangle…” 活动准备:正方形,长方形,三角形的彩纸。黑板(画有由三角形,正方形,长方形组成的房子,以及一些学过的小动物等),录音机,CD 活动过程: 一、 Warming-up: 1、 师幼问好 2、 律动Walking Walking. 二、 Presentation 1、 出示黑板,并提问:“What’s in the blackboard?”指导幼儿说出黑板上都有些什么。当幼儿说到house 时,教师做神秘状,将房顶三角形取下来并教授单词rectangle, 并做手势。(triangle, square 的教授方式同rectangle ) 2、 GAME :I say, You do.教师说单词,幼儿做手势。 3、 3、 用不同的声调和语调分别教读单词rectangle, triangle, square ,注重幼儿发音。 4、 GAME :What’s mi ing? 三、 Co olidation 1、 GAME: Walking, walking. 当唱到Now, Let’s stop 时教师发出指令touch something triangle 幼儿在活动室内找到三角形的物体触摸…or 教师出示形状并提问:“What’s shape is it?” 2、 发给幼儿白纸,教师发出指令:“Draw a triangle…”,幼儿听指令画出图形。


幼儿园中班英语教案(精编版) 活动目标: 1、培养幼儿对英语的兴趣 2、复习用英语数数及单词face,学习用英语说出五官并能正确发音 3、通过游戏促进幼儿交往能力和初步的竞争意识 活动内容:学习单词nose、mouth、eye、ear 活动准备:face课件、五官卡片〈用来拼图〉、娃娃脸纸〈用来粘贴五官〉 活动过程: 一、开始部分引出主题 1、用英语问候 Hello,boys and girls Hello,Miss chen 师幼共同唱〈good morning 〉 2、复习单词 今天老师再来给小朋友变个魔术,Look,whats this? Its face师:Yes,〈教师模仿face〉:“I am a face,nice to see you”幼:“nice to see you too”师:Oh,very good 。face上都有什么呢?Who want to help me?幼:眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴……师:那我们一起来用英语数数看face上都有几个器官吧幼:One two theer …… 二、学习五官单词 师:Whats this?幼:嘴巴师:oh,this is mouth,follow me "mouth"幼儿看老师口型跟读,向mouth打招呼"hello mouth" 类似学习nose 、eye 、ear师:小朋友学的可真快,鼓励鼓励自己幼、good dood verygood. 三、游戏比赛记忆单词 师:小娃娃哭了?小朋友看发生了什么事?〈出示课件face五官消失〉原来娃娃的五官丢了,怎么办啊?幼儿积极讨论想办法。 我们都是一些有爱心的小朋友,那我们一起来帮娃娃找到五官,让她成为一个漂亮的娃娃吧。〈教师讲解游戏玩法和规则,要求幼儿到教室的每个角落找器官,找到的用英语说出名字,然后到其他小朋友那找另外的器官,在准备的没有五官的娃娃脸纸上组合一张完整的脸。看哪组组合的最快,优胜组奖励笑脸娃娃粘贴一枚〉 四、游戏指一指结束活动 师:小朋友,小娃娃脸真漂亮,他们要回家了,先和他们说再见吧幼:goodbey师:下面老师要和小朋友做个游戏,游戏的名字叫:touch touch 教师找一名能力强的幼儿配合示范游戏〈教师用手请轻轻拍幼儿的手,一边说touch touch nose幼儿赶快用另一只手指在鼻子上,要求能够听到后,快速的指出相应的五官〉幼儿学会后可以自由找自己的好朋友玩这个游戏,教师鼓励帮助交往能力差的幼儿找到好朋友。在欢乐的touch touch游戏中结束活动。 活动自评:通过本次英语活动,幼儿基本上可以掌握所学单词,并复习到一些简单的英语口语。活动通过听、说、学、用等多种游戏形式,使幼儿在玩中将所学知识得到巩固和使
