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Dream and reality

Dream and reality
Dream and reality

Dream and reality

Speak of dream, I think everyone will be familiar with this word. We always have dream in our heart, no matter how big and how small is it. It seems like air, we won’t notice it everyday, but we can’t live without dream.

I remember when I was in primary school, my teacher told us to wrote a composition about dream. I wrote about I want to travel around the world, and this dream had deeply rooted in my mind.

But as the time files, I learn that there is a long distance between dream and reality. There are many people dream what I dream. But less people achieve it, Cause face to reality,we don’t have much money and time. Most of them are working for make a living. Maybe you have time and fund, but a plan may not be able to keep up with changes. See, sometimes reality hits you in the head with brick,But don’t lose your dream.

Dream is the sun of the earth, is the sand of the beach, is the glass on the land. Dream can never let me down, and it can make all the difference in my life. In spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the

actualities, we still have a dream. No matter what pressure the reality have pressing on you, we still keep the faith.

If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it, so, my dear friend.Let us never afraid to face the reality, let us always have a dream.

Life will give you back everything you have given to it.

That’s all, thank you.


句子赏析的方法 赏析一个句子,包括三个方面: 一、指明作者采用的表达形式; 二、指明作者表达的内容; 三、指出作者用这种形式表达这个内容带来怎样的艺术效果。 一、一句话表达形式的判定及对应效果分析 在句子欣赏中,需要判定: 1、作者在这句话中主要运用了哪种写作手法; 2、运用了哪种表达方式(刻画人物的句子,要指出哪种描写方法); 3、运用了哪种修辞方法,如何用的? (一)写作手法的判定 16种写作手法 七常用:铺垫、设置悬念、对比、象征、抑扬法、渲染气氛、衬托(正衬、反衬); 四“借物”:借景抒情、借物喻人、借物咏怀、托物言志; 四“结合”:动静结合、虚实结合、点面结合、正侧面描写相结合; 一“聚焦”:以小见大。 16种写作手法的内涵及对应的表达效果(好处): (1)铺垫:在文章的开头或正文的前部分,先交代一定的内容,为下文某个情节的发生或发展做好条件上的准备。例如后面写妈妈给我送伞,前面交代天突然变得阴沉,下起了大雨。【运用铺垫的好处】让读者感到故事情节发展自然,不突兀。 (2)设置悬念:运用写作技巧,让读者的头脑中产生一系列疑问,并带着问题思考。常见的形式有:A、倒序设置悬念——先交代故事的结果或故事最精彩的部分及结果,然后再续写故事的来龙去脉;B、提问设置悬念——如魏巍写的报告文学,题目“谁是最可爱的人”本身就是一个问句,直接引发读者的思考;C、对比反常式设置悬念——将一个场景的平常状态和某个特定时间的状态进行对比,让人明显感觉这个特定的时间,事物表现非常特殊。如都德《最后一课》最后一课写小弗朗士到校的情景:平常上课前总要喧闹一

阵,开课桌了、关课桌了,可是今天,韩麦儿老师的小院子里静悄悄的,一点声音都没有——平常的嘈杂和今天的安静构成鲜明的对比,让人感到今天非同一般,不自觉地就会发问——今天怎么了,这里发生了什么? D、信息反常式设置悬念——读一句话,获得的信息和平时自己积累的经验完全不同,例如:公鸡下蛋、穿裙子的男人、1+1大于2等等; E、读不懂——比如《红与黑》,一看题目不知道作者说的是什么意思;除了标题,文中有很多句子也是这样,因为读不懂,猎奇心理往往驱使读者带着问题去读课文,一探究竟。 F、悬疑式设置悬念——文章开头就暗含一个个问题,作者运用曲折的情节吊着读者的胃口,始终不告诉问题的答案,直到最后才让读者知道! 【设置悬念的好处】增加文章的趣味性,吸引读者;激发读者的阅读兴趣,引发读者的思考。 (3)对比:包括不同事物间的横向比、同一事物不同时间的特征特点的纵向比两种形式。【运用对比的好处】A、横向比——或者突出几个事物的共同点;或者突出几个事物的不同点;或者突出其中一个事物的某个特点。B、纵向比——突出事物的变化,表现事物的某种变化规律。 (4)象征——A、以具体的事物代表抽象的含义。如玫瑰象征爱情;青松象征着百折不挠。B、以事物象征人,实际就是借物喻人。例如用八九点钟的太阳象征年轻人;用花朵象征孩子,用夕阳红象征老人;C、以事物外在的形象特征,象征人物的内在品质。如矛盾的《白杨礼赞》借白杨树笔直的干、笔直的枝的“笔直”这一外在特点,象征着北方抗日军民正直的品质;D、以自然物的行为和结果之间的关系,或者物与物之间的关系,启迪人生的哲理。【运用象征的好处】将抽象的精神品质和理性,转化为具体可感的形象来表达——生动形象,给读者留下深刻的印象,更富有艺术感染力;使文章立意高远,含蓄深刻;给读者留下咀嚼回味的余地。 (5)抑扬法——分为先抑后扬(欲扬先抑),先扬后抑(欲抑先扬)两种形式。“抑”是贬低、否定、批判的意思,“扬”是赞美、颂扬、肯定的意思。“先×” 为虚,“后×”为实;“先×”为表,“后×”为里。【运用抑扬法的好处】使故事情节跌宕起伏,增加文章的文学性、趣味性;以外在的美丑为反衬,突出人物的性格、本质特点;增强文章表现的艺术性;给人以深刻的启迪,让读者回味无穷。 (6)渲染气氛——借助特定的有象征意义的事物,以及事物独特的特征,共同营造一个环境,表现某种环境氛围,突出人物的某种特定感受,表现人物的某种心境。【运用

my dream英语作文带译文

my dream英语作文带译文 梦想是什么?是要去追去找的,有了梦想就有了心中广阔的蓝天,下面是橙子为大家整理的my dreasdfsm英语作文,希望对大家有帮助。 my dreasdfsm英语作文(1) Everyone hasdfss their own dreasdfsms, I asdfsm no exception, of course, some people think when scientists, some people wasdfsnt to be asdfs inventor, others wasdfsnt to be asdfs writer, but I do wasdfsnt to be asdfs teasdfscher. If, I reasdfslly becasdfsme asdfs teasdfscher, I will do asdfs student asdfsnd become asdfs good teasdfscher, asdfss long asdfss one hasdfss the time I will be hasdfsppy to plasdfsy with them. If, I reasdfslly becasdfsme asdfs teasdfscher, I go basdfsck to do asdfs good teasdfscher asdfss clasdfsssmasdfstes friends, asdfss long asdfss asdfs hasdfsve time, will tasdfslk with them, let them know their interesting things together. If, I reasdfslly becasdfsme asdfs teasdfscher, I casdfsn masdfske asdfs good teasdfscher, rewasdfsrds asdfsnd punishment asdfsnd hasdfsve the students progress, I will prasdfsise him asdfsnd rewasdfsrd him some stasdfstionery, let


dream英语演讲稿 Hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. My dream is to become a teacher. You know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling. China is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place. Do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true! Thanks! s(“content_relate”);【dream英语演讲稿】

关于Dream (梦想)的英语作文

关于Dream (梦想)的英语作文 每个人都有梦想,那么你的有什么梦想呢,下面为大家分享几篇关于Dream (梦想)的英语作文,欢迎阅读 关于Dream (梦想)的英语作文Dream Dream is strength. The strength can bring us wherever we want to get to and it can bring us a lot of wonders on our way to the place in our dreams. Dream is beauty. Maybe you can see the things full of magic and maybe you will be moved by your own dream. Have you dreamed of being a princess? Have you dreamed of being a successful person? Oh, you can understand clearly that all the things in your dreams is unrealistic. The world is so real that all the dreams seem weak. But should we have our life without dreams? Of course not. The truth never fails to tell you: no dream, no hope. If nobody had dreamed of flying like a bird, we should never have known that a machine called plane could bring us to the places in the air. And we would never have got the chance of development any more. Some people have


Dream梦想 Everyone have dreams, which are everybody yearning. The man who without dreams 每个人都有梦想,它是人人所渴望的。没有梦想的人 in his life will be empty, but dreams always be changing as your thought go forward. 的人生将是空白的,但梦想总是随着你思想的前进而改变的。 When I was in primary school, I had a dream. I hoped that I would have 当我小学时,我有一个梦想。我希望将来有一天可以没有 little homework in a day.But we had less and less time to play and we were imprisoned 太多作业。可玩耍的时间变得越来越少, in the classroom 1/3 in our day. so many time on study! 而我们一天中的三分之一被禁锢在教室, 太多时间在学习上。 And till I come to the junior high school, I had a dream, 直到我上初中我有一个梦想, I hope I can become a good student, I can be sure by teachers at school; 我希望自己能成为一个好学生;在学校能受到老师们的肯定; and I can have a outstanding performance among the classmates . 在同学之间能有出众的表现。 So shortly afterwards, I had learned to struggle,I worked hard, every day,所以不久后,我学会了奋斗,我会努力,每一天。 I got up early and went to bed late, grasp myself and never lighten up. 我都在为了梦想而起早赶晚,把握自己不再松散。 All day,all the time, I am searching hardly. With the dream, 每一天,甚至每一刻,我都苦苦探索。有了梦想, chase turned up, with the goal, power turned up. 也就有了追求;有了目标,就有了动力。


念奴娇·赤壁怀古原文及其翻译《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》原文大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。江山如画,一时多少豪杰。遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。 念奴娇·赤壁怀古全文翻译 长江向东流去,波浪滚滚,千古的英雄人物都(随着长江水)逝去。那旧营垒的西边,人们说(那)就是三国时候周瑜(作战的)赤壁。陡峭不平的石壁直刺天空,大浪拍击着江岸,激起一堆堆雪白的浪花。江山象一幅奇丽的图画,那个时代汇集了多少英雄豪杰。 遥想当年的周瑜,小乔刚嫁给他,他正年经有为,威武的仪表,英姿奋发。(他)手握羽扇,头戴纶巾,谈笑之间,(就把)强敌的战船烧得灰飞烟灭。(此时此刻),(我)怀想三国旧事,凭吊古人,应该笑我自己多情善感,头发早早地都变白了。人生在世就象一场梦一样,我还是倒一杯酒来祭奠江上的明月吧! 《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》对照翻译 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。江山如画,一时多少豪杰。 长江向东流去,波浪滚滚,千古的英雄人物都(随着长江水)逝去。那旧营垒的西边,人们说(那)就是三国时候周瑜(作战的)赤壁。陡峭不平的石壁直刺天空,大浪拍击着江岸,激起一堆堆雪白的浪花。江山象一幅奇丽的图画,那个时代汇集了多少英雄豪杰。 遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。 遥想当年的周瑜,小乔刚嫁给他,他正年经有为,威武的仪表,英姿奋发。(他)手握羽扇,头戴纶巾,谈笑之间,(就把)强敌的战船烧得灰飞烟灭。(此时此刻),(我)怀想三国旧事,凭吊古人,应该笑我自己多情善感,头发早早地都变白了。人生在世就象一场梦一样,我还是倒一杯酒来祭奠江上的明月吧! 字词翻译 ⑴念奴娇:词牌名。又名“百字令”“酹江月”等。赤壁:此指黄州赤壁,一名“赤鼻矶”,在今湖北黄冈西。而三国古战场的赤壁,文化界认为在今湖北赤壁市蒲圻县西北。 ⑵大江:指长江。 ⑶淘:冲洗,冲刷。 ⑷风流人物:指杰出的历史名人。

关于做梦的英语作文 Dream_313

关于做梦的英语作文Dream 关于做梦的英语作文范文一: One night,I have a dream.I dreamed that I and my good friend Huang Yuqing had a pair of wings,fly in the blue sky.We touched the sky and white clouds,white clouds than the kid's face is soft.We fly to the sun,the sun sends out light is so bright!The sun is smiling at us!Take one's ease of birds in the blue sky flying about,very happy!We also flapping its great wings to fly.We look down on the sky,the pedestrians on the road like an ant crawling.Suddenly a plane flew from my side,I opened my eyes,it was a dream! 一天晚上,我有一个梦想。我梦想,我和我的好朋友黄余庆有一双翅膀,飞翔在蓝天。我们感动的天空和白云,白云比孩子的脸是软的。我们飞的太阳,太阳发出的光是如此明亮!太阳在我们微笑!在蓝天上自由自在的飞翔着,很幸福!我们也拍打其巨大的翅膀飞翔。我们看不起的天空,关于做梦的英语作文范文二:last night i had one of the most bizzare dreams ever.First,i dream that i scored poorly on my Euclid math contest.I have done so bad to an extent that my friend who i know didn't try at all have beaten me.I was infuriated!Then,all of a sudden,i was on a train.A train that would almost crash on the the tail of another train.Then i realized later that this was a train that "wrapped" around the whole world.Astonished,i woke up.Feeling funny and scared,i went to the

英语演讲稿开头:My dream.doc

英语演讲稿开头:My dream 演讲稿频道为大家整理的《英语演讲稿开头:My dream》,希望大家喜欢。 更多相关内容请参考以下链接: 竞聘演讲稿国旗下演讲稿建党节演讲稿八一建军节演讲稿师德师风演讲稿三分钟演讲稿 I enter tile university after years of hardstudy and preparation(准备). But life in the university is not as satisfactory(满意) as what I had expected. I become lazy and don’t want to study.I become silcent. I become puzzled. I don’t know what I can do in the future. Then I become unhappy. Four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime. Now it has passed a half. In this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what I want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life. I don’t want to follow their suggestion, and I want to go my style. So I think carefully. I have been a young volunteer(志愿者) for five years.It’s very happy and significant. Then I have a dream.I want to join the


赏析句子的方法 (2011-06-07 10:27:51) 转载▼ 标签: 杂谈 首先要看看这些写作手法属于艺术表现手法(即:艺术手法和表现手法,也含表达手法(技巧)),常见的有:夸张,对比,比喻,拟人,悬念,照应,联想,想象,抑扬结合、点面结合、动静结合、叙议结合、情景交融、衬托对比、伏笔照应、托物言志、白描细描、铺垫悬念、正面侧面比喻象征、借古讽今、卒章显志、承上启下、开门见山,烘托、渲染、动静相衬、写作手法属于艺术表现手法(即:艺术手法和表现手法,也含表达手法(技巧)),常见的有:夸张,对比,比喻,拟人,联想,想象,抑扬结合、点面结合、动静结合、叙议结合、情景交融、衬托对比、前后照应、托物言志,借景抒情,铺垫悬念,正面侧面,比喻象征,借古讽今,承上启下,开门见山,烘托渲染,动静相衬等.... 虚实相生,实写与虚写,托物寓意、咏物抒情等。表达方式就是常见的叙述、描写、抒情、议论和说明。(其实也属于艺术表现手法)。修辞手法就是常见的比喻、对比、比拟、对偶、借代、夸张、互文、双关、反问、设问、反复、反语、引用等。 一.记叙文阅读规则 1.景物描写的作用:渲染气氛,烘托人物心情,推动情节发展,表现人物的品质,衬托中心意思 2.运用描写方法的作用:表现人物性格,反映作品主题 3.运用比喻拟人等修辞的作用:运用了……的修辞,生动形象地写出了…… 4.运用排比的作用:增强语言启示,生动形象地写出了…… 5.反问句的作用:加强语气,引起下文,承上启下 6.设问句的作用:引起读者的注意和思考,引出下文,承上启下 7.题目的作用:概括内容;揭示主题;提示线索 8.记叙文第一段的作用: 1.环境描写:点明故事发生的地点,环境,引出下文,为下文情节发展作铺垫 2.其他:开篇点题,奠定全文的感情基调;总领全文或引起下文,为下文情节发展作铺垫 9.中间句段的作用:承上启下的过度作用 10.结尾议论性句子的作用:总结全文,照应开头,点明中心,深化主题 11.记叙顺序:顺叙,倒叙,插叙 12.写作人称的好处:第一人称,真实可信;第二人称,亲切自然;第三人称,可以多角度描写,不受时间和空间的限制 13.记叙线索的形式:实物;人物;思想感情变化;时间;地点变换;中心事件 14.找线索的方法:标题;反复出现的某个词语或某个事物;抒情议论句 15.赏析句段从三方面考虑:内容(写了什么,选材有什么独特之处);形式(写作方法,语言特色,修辞);感情(文章的社会价值,意义,作用等) 初中语文基础知识点归纳 第一部分 二种常见叙事线索:物线、情线。 二种语言类型:口语、书面语。

初中英语演讲稿: My Dream【精选】

初中英语演讲稿: My Dream when i was in school, my teacher asked me what i want to be in the future, i had no idea at the time, because i didn’t think about the question before, now i have my dream, i have figured out what i want to be in the future, i want to be a teacher. this is my future ideal career, being a teacher not only fulfills myself, i also can implant my knowledge to my students. when i look at my teachers, i adore them so much, they learn so much knowledge, they can help us learn better, whenever we have questions, they can answer us immediately. i want to be one of them when i grow up, so i must study hard now. 当我上学的时候,我的老师问我你将来想成为什么样的人,那时候我还不知道怎么回答,因为我从来没有想个这个问题,现在我有自己的理想,弄清楚自己将来想成为什么,我想要成为一名老师。这是我将来理想的职业,成为一名教师不仅能充实我自己,我也可以把我的知识灌输给我的学生。当我看着我的老师时,我很崇拜他们,他们学习了很多的知识,帮助我们更好地学习,无论我们什么时候提出疑问,他们可以立刻回答。当我长大后我想要成为他们中的一员,因此我必须要努力学习。 最佳励志演讲稿:dream 全国英语演讲比赛冠军演讲稿:Our Future: A Battle between dreams and Reality 英语演讲稿:have a good dream 高中英语演讲稿3分钟:i have a dream 英语演讲稿:Everyone has a dream 大学生英语演讲稿获奖范文:Breathing with dreams 英语演讲稿: something about dreams and reality 初中英语演讲稿 My dream 英语演讲稿:i have a dream today 英语演讲稿:WHiTE dREAM

关于Dream (梦想)的英语作文

关于 Dream (梦想)的英语作文 每个人都有梦想,那么你的有什么梦想呢,下面为大家分享几篇关于 Dream (梦想)的英语作文 ,欢迎阅读 关于 Dream (梦想)的英语作文 Dream Dream is strength. The strength can bring us wherever we want to get to and it can bring us a lot of wonders on our way to the place in our dreams. Dream is beauty. Maybe you can see the things full of magic and maybe you will be moved by your own dream. Have you dreamed of being a princess? Have you dreamed of being a successful person? Oh, you can understand clearly that all the things in your dreams is unrealistic. The world is so real that all the dreams seem weak. But should we have our life without dreams? Of course not. The truth never fails to tell you: no dream, no hope. If nobody had dreamed of flying like a bird, we should never have known that a machine called plane could bring us to the places in the air. And we would never have got the chance of development any more. Some people have said that the world would be in darkness if there hadn’t been Edison. He ever had a dream of keeping the sun above our head day and night and he really lightens our life. So what will happen if everyone has a dream and get down to making it come true? There is nothing impossible if you do. Here, I also have my dreams. I hope that I can live a genteel life to enjoy a pure-nice happiness. I have a dream that all the people could pursue their dream freely and get equal chances to everything . I have a dream that evil will lose their life and love will fill up the blanket. I have a dream that one day I can stand with all of you to see the dream turn to reality together. My Dream


英语演讲稿梦想DREAM 【英语演讲稿:梦想DREAM】 I'm sure everybody is interested in dream, so I will share a story with you. When we talk about dreams,we are so all have our own dreams,some want to be teachers,others want to be doctors,others want to be ,not all dreams can come true,as people always give them up for some reason. A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep heart`s core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of life. A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure. It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living.


在句子欣赏中,需要判定:1.作者在这句话中主要运用了哪种写作手法;2.运用了哪种表达方式(刻画人物的句子,要指出哪种描写方法);3.运用了哪种修辞方法,如何用的? (一)写作手法的判定 1.16种写作手法的记忆 7常用:铺垫、设置悬念、对比、象征、抑扬法、渲染气氛、衬托(正衬、反衬); 4“借物”:借景抒情、借物喻人、借物咏怀、托物言志; 4“结合”:动静结合、虚实结合、点面结合、正侧面描写相结合; 1“聚焦”:以小见大。 2.16种写作手法的内涵及对应的表达效果(好处) (1)铺垫:在文章的开头或正文的前部分,先交代一定的内容,为下文某个情节的发生或发展做好条件上的准备。例如后面写妈妈给我送伞,前面交代天突然变得阴沉,下起了大雨。 【运用铺垫的好处】让读者感到故事情节发展自然,不突兀。 (2)设置悬念:运用写作技巧,让读者的头脑中产生一系列疑问,并带着问题思考。常见的形式有:

A、倒序设置悬念——先交代故事的结果或故事最精彩的部分及结果,然后再续写故事的来龙去脉; B、提问设置悬念——如魏巍写的报告文学,题目“谁是最可爱的人”本身就是一个问句,直接引发读者的思考; C、对比反常式设置悬念——将一个场景的平常状态和某个特定时间的状态进行对比,让人明显感觉这个特定的时间,事物表现非常特殊。如都德《最后一课》最后一课写小弗朗士到校的情景:平常上课前总要喧闹一阵,开课桌了、关课桌了.....可是今天,韩麦儿老师的小院子里静悄悄的,一点声音都没有——平常的嘈杂和今天的安静构成鲜明的对比,然人感到今天非同一般,不自觉地就会发问——今天怎么了,这里发生了什么? D、信息反常式设置悬念——读一句话,获得的信息和平时自己积累的经验完全不同,例如:公鸡下蛋、穿裙子的男人、1+1大于2等等; E、读不懂——比如《红与黑》,一看题目不知道作者说的是什么意思;除了标题,文中有很多句子也是这样,因为读不懂,猎奇心理往往驱使读者带着问题去读课文,一探究竟。 F、悬疑式设置悬念——文章开头就暗含一个个问题,作者运用曲折的情节吊着读者的胃口,始终不告诉问题的答案,直到最后才让读者知道! 【设置悬念的好处】增加文章的趣味性,吸引读者;激发读者的阅读兴趣,引发读者的思考。 (3)对比:包括不同事物间的横向比、同一事物不同时间的特征特点的纵向比两种形式。 【运用对比的好处】A、横向比——或者突出几个事物的共同点;或者突出几个事物的不同点;或者突出其中一个事物的某个特点。B、纵向比——突出事物的变化,表现事物的某种变化规律。


《念奴娇?过洞庭》理解性默写 1. 《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人借明亮的月光和灿烂的银河,说自己“表里俱澄澈”的两个句子是:,。 2. 《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人写招待客人时,自己舀尽西江的水,用北斗星做酒器的两个句子是:,。 3.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人写出了中秋的洞庭湖,碧波万顷,水波不兴,幽然之境令人神往的句子是:,,。 4.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,“,,”三句的景与“孤光自照,肝胆皆冰雪”的情交相呼应,交相融合。 5. 《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,点出了在这秋草无色,秋水无波,美玉一般的空灵画面上,湖上的一叶扁舟分外突出,真似仙境的句子是:,。 6. 《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,以江为酒,对星细酌,万物为友,用奇崛想象之语表达词人愉悦的心境和豪迈的气度的句子是:,,。 7.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人描写秋月秋水之美,美在澄澈,上上下下,里里外外,没有一丝一毫浑浊的词句是:,,。 8.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人敲击船沿、仰天长啸,抒发出自己的满腔豪情,似乎忘却时间的句子是:,! 9.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人由洞庭湖的澄澈,想起自己在岭表一年因被谗而免职的经历,感慨系之的句子是:,,。 - 10. 苏轼《西江月》:中“秋谁与共孤光,把盏凄然北望”,《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人也有类似的句子是:,。 11.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,描写词人“任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船”的词句是:,

。 12.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,写天人合的美妙只可意会不可言传的词句是:, 。 《念奴娇?过洞庭》默写答案 1. 《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人借明亮的月光和灿烂的银河,说自己“表里俱澄澈”的两个句子是:素月分辉,明河共影。 2. 《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人写招待客人时,自己舀尽西江的水,用北斗星做酒器的两个句子是:尽挹西江,细斟北斗。 3.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人写出了中秋的洞庭湖,碧波万顷,水波不兴,幽然之境令人神往的句子是:洞庭青草,近中秋,更无一点风色。 4.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,“素月分辉,明河共映,表里俱澄澈”三句的景与“孤光自照,肝胆皆冰雪”的情交相呼应,交相融合。 5. 《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,点出了在这秋草无色,秋水无波,美玉一般的空灵画面上,湖上的一叶扁舟分外突出,真似仙境的句子是:玉界琼田三万顷,着我扁舟一叶。 $ 6. 《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,以江为酒,对星细酌,万物为友,用奇崛想象之语表达词人愉悦的心境和豪迈的气度的句子是:尽挹西江,细斟北斗,万象为宾客。 7.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人描写秋月秋水之美,美在澄澈,上上下下,里里外外,没有一丝一毫浑浊的词句是:素月分辉,明河共映,表里俱澄澈。 8.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人敲击船沿、仰天长啸,抒发出自己的满腔豪情,似乎忘却时间的句子是:扣舷独啸,不知今夕何夕! 9.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人由洞庭湖的澄澈,想起自己在岭表一年因被谗而免职的经历,感慨系之的句子是:应念岭表经年,孤光自照,肝胆皆冰雪。 10. 苏轼《西江月》:中“秋谁与共孤光,把盏凄然北望”,《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,词人也有类似的句子是:孤光自照,肝胆皆冰雪。 11.《念奴娇·过洞庭》中,描写词人“任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船”的词句是:短发萧骚襟袖冷,稳泛沧溟空阔。

my dream英语作文

my dream英语作文 my dream英语作文第一篇 I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don't have to worry about the old age during which I even can't take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well. my dream英语作文第二篇 我的梦想 我是一个平凡的人,我有一个平凡的梦想:做一名医生。 因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的人摆脱痛苦。可以让人变得健康。 同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐。所以,我希望未来我可以做一个医生。 My dream I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor. Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor.

英语演讲稿 - I have a dream

提供专业的word版文档,优质的服务,希望对您有帮助/双击去除英语演讲稿 - I have a dream fivescoreyearsago,agreatamerican,inwhosesymbolicsha dowwestandsignedtheemancipationproclamation.thismom entousdecreecameasagreatbeaconlightofhopetomillions ofnegroslaveswhohadbeensearedintheflamesofwithering injustice.itcameasajoyousdaybreaktoendthelongnighto fcaptivity. butonehundredyearslater,wemustfacethetragicfactthat thenegroisstillnotfree.onehundredyearslater,thelife ofthenegroisstillsadlycrippledbythemanaclesofsegreg ationandthechainsofdiscrimination.onehundredyearsla ter,thenegrolivesonalonelyislandofpovertyinthemidst ofavastoceanofmaterialprosperity.onehundredyearslat er,thenegroisstilllanguishinginthecornersofamerican societyandfindshimselfanexileinhisownland.sowehavec


首先要看看这些写作手法属于艺术表现手法(即:艺术手法和表现手法,也含表 达手法(技巧)),常见的有:夸张,对比,比喻,拟人,悬念,照应,联想,想象,抑扬结合、点面结合、动静结合、叙议结合、情景交融、衬托对比、伏笔照应、托物言志、志、承上启 白描细描、铺垫悬念、正面侧面比喻象征、借古讽今、卒章显 下、开门见山,烘 托、渲染、动静相衬、写作手法属于艺术表现手法(即:艺术手法和表现手法,也含表达手法(技巧)),常见的有:夸张,对比,比喻,拟人,联想,想象,抑扬结合、点面结合、动静结合、叙议结合、情景交融、衬托对比、前后照应、托物言志,借景抒情,铺垫悬念,正面侧面,比喻象征,借古讽今,承上启下,开门见山,烘托渲染,动静相衬等....虚实相生,实写与虚写,托物寓意、咏物抒情等。表达方式就是常见的叙述、描写、抒情、议论和说明。(其实也属于艺术表现手法)。修辞手法就是常见的比喻、对比、比拟、对偶、借代、夸张、互文、双关、反问、设问、反复、反语、引用等。 一.记叙文阅读规则 1.景物描写的作用:渲染气氛,烘托人物心情,推动情节发展,表现人物的品质,衬托中心意思 2.运用描写方法的作用:表现人物性格,反映作品主题 3.运用比喻拟人等修辞的作用:运用了……的修辞,生动形象地写出了…… 4.运用排比的作用:增强语言启示,生动形象地写出了 .... 5.反问句的作用:加强语气,引起下文,承上启下 6.设问句的作用:引起读者的注意和思考,引出下文,承上启下 7.题目的作用:概括内容;揭示主题;提示线索 8.记叙文第一段的作用: 1.环境描写:点明故事发生的地点,环境,引出下文,为下文情节发展作铺垫 2.其他:开篇点题,奠定全文的感情基调;总领全文或引起下文,为下文情节发展作铺垫 9.中间句段的作用:承上启下的过度作用 10.结尾议论性句子的作用:总结全文,照应开头,点明中心,深化主题 11.记叙顺序:顺叙,倒叙,插叙 12.写作人称的好处:第一人称,真实可信;第二人称,亲切自然;第三人称,可以多角度描写,不受时间和空间的限制 13.记叙线索的形式:实物;人物;思想感情变化;时间;地点变换冲心事件 14.找线索的方法:标题;反复出现的某个词语或某个事物;抒情议论句 15.赏析句段从三方面考虑:内容(写了什么,选材有什么独特之处);形式(写作方法, 语言特色,修辞);感情(文章的社会价值,意义,作用等)初中语文基础知识点归纳 第一部分 二种常见叙事线索:物线、情线。二种语言类型:口语、书面语。 二种论证方式:立论、驳论。 二种说明语言:平实、生动。 二种说明文类型:事理说明文、事物说明文。 二种环境描写:自然环境描写--烘托人物心情,渲染气氛。 社会环境描写--交代时代背景。 二种论据形式:事实论据、道理论据。
