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廉村镇后崔学校Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC Song











教学用具:Word cards, PPT, CD-ROM and headwear, etc.


Step 1、Warm up and revision


Sing songs: “Good morning, Sam” and“ How are you?”


Step 3、Learn new knowledge

1.T: Look at the 26 letters on the blackboard, let’s re ad them together!(在黑板上写Module 1,挂上字母表,让学生逐个跟读字母。注意让学生区分S与X,G与J,I 与Y的读音)

2.T:Please wear your headwear now, and let’s count from 1 to 20,Ok?(让1号到26号学生起立并出示他们的头饰从A到Z,全班看着一个个字母用英文数数。)

3.Read the alphabet in a low voice then recite in a loud voice.

Step 4、Practice

1.Play a game: looking for friends


2. 学习单词缩写

(1).T:Let’s learn some methods of letter abbreviations.

(2).T:Now let’s play a guessing game!

Step 5 Consolidation

1.Game:T:I’ll choose two st udents to come to the platform to write letters on the platform, you should read out loudly. Ready?Go!


C(G)O(Q)P(R B)N(W M)E(F)N(V)


uv WM BDP ygqp sx rn etc.

Step 6 Summary

T: Let’s sing the ABC song together,OK?(边唱歌边传回26个字母卡片。)

Step 7 Homework

1.Recite the 26 letters;

2.Try to sing the ABC song


The Alphabet字母表

A a

B b Cc D d E e F f G g

H h I i J j K k L l M m N n

O o P p Q q R r S s T t

U u V v W w X x Y y Z z


The Alphabet字母表

A a

B b Cc D d E e F f G g What’s your favorite....?

H h I i J j K k L l M m N n It’s .....

O o P p Q q R r S s T t

U u V v W w X x Y y Z z


Module1 Unit2 My favourite color is yellow.



1.学生理解、会说和认读词汇:favourite colour Here you are

2.学生理解、掌握和运用句型:What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is …以及Here you are. Thank you.


1.能运用句型My favourite colour/letter is …谈论自己最喜欢的物品,如颜色、数字、字母、歌曲、动物等。

2.能把my favourite 转化成His/Her favourite 来谈论他人最喜欢的物品。





教学重点:1.词汇:favourite colour Here you are

2.句型:What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is …以及Here you are. Thank you.

教学难点:句型:What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is …以及Here you are. Thank you. 教学用具:CD-ROM,PPT,word cards,pictures of fruit,colors,sports and toys,stickers,etc.


Step1 Warming up


T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you,today?

Ss: Fine,thank you.

2.Sing together:师生齐唱ABC song

Step 2 Presentation

T:My favourite song is the ABC song. What’s your favourite song?

教师引导学生用My favourite song is... 来回答

2.(教师指着自己的衣服)T: What colour?

T: Yes, my favourite colour is blue . What’s your favourite colour?

板书课题My favourite colour is yellow.

(拿出一只黄色的铅笔对该生说): Here you are. 并做出给予的动作,让生理解。引导学生回答Thank you.

T: Let’s look at the cartoon together.(播放第一段动画)What color is Panpan’s hat?

Ss:It’s red.

T: Yes, you are right!

Step3 Learn the text:

1.T: What’s Sam’s favorite colour? OK, Please listen to the CD and answer my question. (播放CD)

2.回答问题。What’s Sam’s favourite colour? Check answers together.

3.T:Now let’s read after the CD-ROM,please imitate the intonation and emotion.

4. T: Now please read in your group(下到班级巡视)

OK,now let’s read it together. Go!


Module1Unit2 My favourite colour is yellow.

A: What’s your favourite colour?

B: My favourite colour is...

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.


Step 1 Warm up


2.Sing a song:the ABC song

3.Point and say:What color is it? (出示不同颜色的油桶,请学生快速说出相应的颜色)Who answers quickly can get a sticker!

Step 2 Ask and answer

T:What’s your favorite color?(拿着不同的色彩卡片)

S: My favorite color is....

T: Here you are.

S:Thank you.(询问3个学生,并做此对话)

T: You all did a good job!Now everyone,please make this dialogue with your partner. I have put some color cards on your desk.Let’s do it now,go!(让学生根据桌上的颜色卡片与同桌开展对话)

T: OK, who wants to show us?(请3-4组同学起立做对话)

T: Your performance are wonderful,clap your hands!

Step 3 Practice


T: (将小组分为颜色组,歌曲组,水果组,将询问的内容扩大)Now group 1, you are fruit group, so you should use this sentence pattern: What’s your favorite fruit? My favorite fruit is apple/banana/orange/pear...(用同样的方法让其他几组小组进来开火车问答)Good,each group can get a star.

2.Learn the song:What’s your favorite color?

T: Let’s take a rest and listen to the music.(播放音乐)

Now please listen what they are singing.

Ss: Colors

T: Yes, now try to sing the song.(播放音乐)

Yes, now please turn to page 6 and read them after me.

OK, you can try to sing the song again.(让学生跟唱两遍)

It’s your turn now,are you ready? (伴奏请全班学生一起唱)

OK,now let’s have a match among groups to see which group sings the best. (选出唱最好的小组并给予奖励)

Step 4 Extension

小记者:以小组为单位,一人当小记者采访其他同学,利用“What’s your favourite colour?”问,“My favourite colour is…”来回答。

也可以利用“What’s your favourite colour/fruit?”“My favourite colour/ fruit is …”

Let the group members come to the platform and make a performance.

T: You are all wonderful! Big hands for yourselves!

Step 5 Summary

T: OK,who wants to be a little teacher here?(请一位同学上台做小老师带领全班同学读重点句子)

Step 6 Homework

1.Read or recite the text to your group member;

2.Sing the song to your parents;

3.Talk about your favorite color/fruit with your friends.


Module1Unit2 My favourite colour is yellow.

A: What’s your favourite .......?

B: My favourite ...... Is......

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.


Module 2 Unit 1 They’re monkeys.



1.初步感知词汇:small、fat、small.及语言结构:“They are + adj.”

2.复习句型“What's this?”及其回答“It's a (an)+名词单数。”



1.运用“What are they?”及其回答来描述更多的动物及特征。




1.词汇:monkeys,lion ,tiger,elephant,big

2. “What are they? They are / They're + 名词复数形式。”的语言结构。




教学用具:CD-ROM,word cards, PPT,stickers and headwear,etc.


Step1.Warm up

1. Greetings.(师生相互问候)

T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you,today?

Ss: Fine,thank you.

2.T:Let’s sing a song:Hello,hello.

Step 2 Presentation


T: Who are they?Where are they?Let’s see it together.(播放chant)

S:They are monkeys. They are in the zoo.

T: Yes, you are so clever! Have you ever been to the zoo ? In the zoo what animals can we see ? Let me show you to the zoo and see the animals . now , look at our textbook at Page6 . We'll learn Module 2 Unit 1 They're monkeys .(板书课题)

Step 3 Learn the text.


T: Who are they? Where are they?

Ss: Panpan. In the zoo.

T: Yes ,you are right .This is Panpan's family. Do you want to see their neighbors (邻居)?They are all in the zoo. Look, they are coming.


T: Can you see the animals?

S: Yes.

T: What are they? Tell me, please!


T: You're great! I think you can be a guide(出示导游卡)Do you want to get the job?

S: Yes.

T: But you should work hard! Now let's do it.

2 游戏:动物模仿秀


T:“What are they?”


2)教师表演一只大象,继续向学生提问:What is it?

Ss: It's an elephant.(教师对an予以强调。)

3)教师准备有两只不一样大小的动物卡片,利用单词卡的正反面,有图的一面示意学生说出学生说句子“They are lions/tigers...”.

T:Yes, did you find that? Panpan is fat.(做出胖的动作)Do it with me. Fat,fat,I’m fat.(边做动作边说单词)3. Good,now let’s listen again and read after the CD-ROM,OK?(read the text together,in groups)

Step 4 Practice

1.Role play.

T:Read the text in groups and if you have any questions please ask me.Then I will ask some students to do role play on the platform.(请3组同学上台表演)

Who wants to perform the animals?(可以请班级比较活泼的学生来表演动物)

Yes,please wear your headwear and do role play.

(表演结束)I am impressive today! You are so wonderful! The “animals” are so cute. Big hands for you! 2.Do Activity Book 2,3. And check answers together.

Step 5 Summary :Chant 动物园里真热闹,让我们进去瞧一瞧




Step 6 Homework

1.Read the text 3 times;

2.Say the chant to your family;

3.Try to find the characteristics of the animals we learned.


Module 2 Unit 1 They’re monkeys

What’re they ? →They’re monkeys / tigers / elephants/lions/pandas.

Fat,fat,it’s fat.


Module 2 Unit 1 They’re monkeys

What’re they ? →They’re monkeys / tigers / elephants/lions/pandas.


Module2 Unit 2 That man is short.




2.掌握语言:Th is/That … is tall/ short/ big/ small.






2.掌握语言:This man is tall. That man is short.


1.掌握语言:This monkey is small and thin. That monkey is big and fat.


教学用具:PPT,CD-ROM,word cards


Step1、warm up


T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you, today?

Ss: Fine, thank you.

2.T:Did you bring your pictures in the zoo, show us!

(请学生在小组内展示自己画的动物园的图,并相互介绍各种动物的形态。选几名同学在全班展示。) Step2、Lead in

1.T: Let’s have game:Guess who I am(猜猜我是谁)

(1)教师动作以及“I'm fat/thin/tall...”的语言结构做示范,学生模仿。


教授thin,fat,tall,short,small big几组词(出示相同动物的不同大小,胖瘦,高矮,让学生说出对应描述的词)

(3)T:Now another game:I do you say.(老师做出动作学生快速说出对应的形容词)

2.(展示踩高跷人的图片)出示本课挂图,老师指图中的人提问:“ What’s this?”学生答不出,师教授新单词“man”。

T: Is he tall?

S: Yes!(配合动作教授tall,全班读,个别表演加读)

T: What happened then? 后面发生什么事情了?


T: Yes, and he becomes.... short!(配合动作教授short,全班读,个别读)

S: ….

T: That’s right! Let’s read it together!(齐读句子)

Step3 Learn the text

1. Look,who are they?(出示小丑图片)Let’s look at what are they doing. Go!(播放动画)

T: What are they doing?


T: Yes,they are playing with their monkeys. Now listen again and pay attention to the monkeys.再看一遍,注意观看两只monkeys 的体型。

2.T: Look, the tall man’s monkey is ….(播放动画)

S: ….(此处学生可能会用中文回答)

T(出示图片):Yes, it’s small and thin.(加上动作帮助学生理解) Read after me.


S:The tiger/elephant/lion/panda is small.

T: The monkey is not only small but also very thin(出示胖瘦对比照片,It’s fat. It’s thin. Now read after me. Thin-thin-thin.-th means you should put your tongue between your lips. Like thank you.(让学生从旧单词中感知th的发音,请个别学生试读)

T: You try it. Yes! You come to the platform. Everyone look at her and imitate her.

Ss: Thin,thin,thin.

T: Yes,(出示图片请学生说It’s small and thin)用同样方法教授big.

3.T: Now let’s read the text together.(全班齐读,小组读)

Please read in groups.If you have any questions,please ask me.(教师下教室巡视)

OK,now let’s have match: Who can read it better.(小组PK)

Yu are all very good,and I think Group3 is the best becuse they read the most loudly.So a big star for you!

Step 6 Homework

1.Read the text 5 times;

2.Say the chant with your friends;

3.Describe animals to your parents.


Module 2 Unit2 That man is short

This man is tall.

That man is short.

This monkey is small and thin.

That monkey is big and fat.

Module 2 Unit2 That man is short

This man is tall.

That man is short.

This monkey is small and thin.

That monkey is big and fat.


Module 3 Unit 1 I like football.



1、掌握有关运动的单词:like, football, basketball, table tennis, morning exercises。

2、学会使用句型:I like…和I don’t like…谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动。

能力目标: 培养学生正确运用英语进行表述的能力。

情感目标: 培养学生热爱运动,激发学生学习的兴趣。

教学重点:1、单词:like, football, basketball, table tennis

2、能够正确运用句型:I like…和I don’t like…谈论喜欢和不喜欢的运动项目。

教学难点:1、单词:morning exercises


教学用具: word cards, balls, PPT, CD-ROM, stickers, forms


Step 1 Warming up.


T: Hello, boys and girls.

S: Hello, Miss Wu.

T: How are you?

S: I’m fine , thank you. And how are you?

T: I’m fine ,too. Thank you.

T:Now, let’s look at the pictures and then do the actions.

2、Do and say.

教师播放课件,出示学生玩过的运动项目。学生在老师的带领下,伴随着欢快的音乐做运动。T: The bell is ringing. It’s time for sports. (教师描述图片的意思)They’re skipping. They’re playing basketball. They’re playing jianzi. They’re playing football. They’re running. She’s the winner. They’re swimming. They’re playing table tennis. They’re doing morning exercises. He’s running. They’re playing table tennis. He’s playi ng football. do morning exercises.


T: Stand up, please. Let’s do and say. football/ football;run /run/ ;jump/jump ;Swim/swim;Skip/ Skip;

basketball /basketball;table tennis/ table tennis.

T: Are you happy?

S: Yes!

T: I’ m very happ y.

T: Today we will talk about some sports games.

T:We can talk about the sports games we like or dislike.

T: I have many balls. Which group can answer my questions. You will get a ball.

Step 2 Presentation

1、Learni word: football

T:Do you like football? I like football.


T: Look ,foot and ball. We can use your feet to kick the ball. We call it football.



Look,I have a football here. Read after me:football,football…(传球读单词)

3、Learn : like 和I like…

T:I like football.

带读“I like football”让学生微笑着读,告诉他们喜欢做一件事情的时候,心情一定是很愉快的。教师用动作表示喜欢的情感,学生跟读单词。

板书“I like…”出示图片带读like /I like,学生个人,男生,女生,全班读I like

T:Good! We can say :拿出足球让喜欢足球的学生踢一下说“I like football.”

4、Drill: I like football. (全班,小组操练)

5、Learn new word: basketball

T:I like football. I like basketball, too.



T: This is a basket. We must throw the ball into the basket. We call it basketball.




T:I like basketball very much. Do you like basketball?

S: I like basketball.

操练I like basketball.

指名四人分别上台拍篮球说句子I like basketball.


T: What’s the same? What’s the different?


8、Learn word: table tennis

T:I like smal l ball. Let’s listen, what’s this?


T: What’s this? Listen carefully.

S: table tennis

T:It’s table tennis. Do you like basketball.?I like table tennis.



教师拿出乒乓球拍击打乒乓球,边教读单词。(板书:table tennis)

教师拿出一个乒乓球,让学生一边传球,一边说单词:table tennis。

操练句子:I like table tennis.

指名上台打乒乓球:I like table tennis.




T:Do you like table tennis? I like table tennis very much. Now I want to play basketball.

11、Learn se ntence: :I don’t like…

教师拿着篮球转一转说:“Oh, it’s difficult. I don’t like basketball.”

12、Learn words: don’t like

教师带读don’t,做动作及I don’t/I don’t like.师做动作让学生跟读,个别学生表演,各大组表演,全班表演。

13、用I don’t like 造句。

T:I don’t like basketball. Can you say some sentences.

Ss:I don’t like…

14、小结:If you like, we use happy face. We say I like…… .( 出示笑脸表情)If you don’t like, we use sad face.(出示哭脸表情)




Step 5 Summary.

T: Today we learn some words about sport s. Let’s read together.

今天我们学习了四种运动的名称,还学会了用I like…和I don’t like…来表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动项目,你们都表现得非常棒。关于运动项目,除了我们今天学习的这几种,还有许多,我们将在下节课继续学习。

Step 6 Homework.

1.Read the text 5 times and prepare for a presentation next class;

2. Investigate your family members’ likes and dislikes and write them down.


Module 3 unit 1 I like football.

I like /I don't like-- football basketball table tennis morning exercises

Step 5 Extension

T: 老师对同学们说今年9月我们学校要举行运动会,学校为了响应九运会的号召,学校今天派我来调查一下你们都想参加什么项目,并统计一下人数.Please fulfill the task with learnt sentence pattern: I like.../ I don’t like.... In groups of 6. Then write down your result on the form I gave you.

Step 6 Summary

T:Who wants to be a little teacher on the platform teaching students to read the sentence?(请一位程度较好同学上台带读重点句子)

Step 7 Homework

1.Read the text 3 times and read it to your group leader;

2.Continue the investigation among your classmates;

3.Preview Module3 Unit2.


Module3 Unit1 I like football

I like.../I don’t like...


Module 3 Unit2 I don’t like riding my bikes.



(1)掌握有关运动的词汇:swimming, skipping,riding bikes

(2)知道字母Ee,Ff,Gg 的写法。

(3)巩固学过的运动词汇:football, basketball, table tennis , morning exercises.

(4)巩固学过的句型:“I like … I don’t like …”


能够使用句型“I like…/I don’t like…”来表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动。



1.掌握有关运动的词汇:swimming, skipping

2.能够正确运用句型“I like…”和“I don’t like…”


能够正确运用句型“I like…”和“I don’t like…”

教学用具:PPT,CD-ROM,stickers and rope.


Step1 Warm up


T:Good morning , boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning , Miss W u.

T: How are you today?

Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: I’m great. Thanks a lot. Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes.

2.Ask and answer教师出示运动图片,进行问答;

T:Which sport?

Ss:Football , basketball, table tennis , morning exercises.

T:Which sport do you like and d on’t like?

Ss:I like.../I don’t like...

Step 2 Lead-in:


(出示一幅swimming的图片,并做动作) 。

T:I like swimming .

Ss: I like swimming./I don’t like swimming.(学生做动作表达自己的喜恶).

(2)出示skipping, riding bikes的图片,教法同上。


Step 6 Homework

1. Read the text 5 times and imitate the intonation;

2.Tell your parents what sport you like in English.


Module3 Unit2 I don’t like riding my bikes.

I don’t like riding my bike.

I like swimming / skipping.

I don’t like skipping / riding my bike.


Module 3 Unit 2

I don’t like riding my bike.

I like swimming / skipping.

I don’t like skipping / riding my bike.


Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat?




2.能听懂、会说并能够运用重点句型:Do you like meat?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

3.能听懂并会说句型:Pass me the rice, please. Here you are.




1、学习新单词:pass, rice, please, meat, but, noodles, fish, milk

2、学习新语言结构:Do you like meat? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

教学难点:学习句式:Do you like meat? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

教具准备:PPT、word cards、paper, crayons, stickers.


Step 1 .Warming up

1. Greeting

T:Good morning,boys and girls!

Ss:Good morning, Ms wu!

T:Sit down,please.

2.Say a chant

T:Let’s say the chant: I like coffee together!(播放歌曲,全班齐唱,复习like 的用法)

Step2. Lead in.


Look ,what colour ? yellow, I like yellow. Do you like yellow?

依次引入green, blue.问几个学生。

(2)Lingling and Amy are playing a game,Let's look.

学生进入Part one的学习。播放DVD中Part one.第一次听后问what game?第二次听,说,做。

2.用meat单词卡导入,What's this? Meat .Do you like meat?

导入Module4Unit1 并板书领读课题Do you like meat?

Step 3 Learn the text

1.Learn new words

T:Lingling and Amy are hungry, they will go home for dinner. Now let's look :What do they have?


Ms Smart-rice Lingling-meat Sam-noodles Amy-meat/fish Tom-milk


操练2:火眼金睛Which word is flying?

学习5个新单词:meat, noodles, rice, fish and milk.(全班齐读,看口型,大小声操练单词)


2.Present the sentence pattern.

T:Do you like meat/ rice…?

Sa:Yes, I do./No,I don’t(将其中的两张卡片放于作肯定回答的学生处,以便操练Pass me the…,please.这个句子。)

3.listen ,point and find: Do you like---?

播放CD-ROM,听后要抽生读出Do you like--?的句子。然后利用课件对句型总结操练,并把句型编成chant:

Do you like meat? Do you like meat?

Yes ,I do. Yes ,I do.

Do you like fish ? Do you like fish ?

No , I don't. No, I don't.

4.T: Read after the CD-ROM and try to imitate the intonation and emotion.(全班读,小组读,个别带读) 板书设计“

Module 4 Unit1 Do you like meat?

Do you like…? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.


Module 4 Unit 2 Does Lingling like oranges?



1.全体学生能理解并初步运用does,orange,apple,banana,pear,doesn’t=does not

2.全体学生能运用Do you like…?Yes,I do./No,I don’t.来简单谈论自己的喜好并询问和谈论他人的喜好;部分学生能初步运用Does he/she like…?Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.




1.全体学生能听懂会说Do you like…?Yes,I do./No,I don’t.

2.全体学生能听懂Does he/she like…?Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn’t.




教学重点:1、学习新单词:banana, apple, pear, orange

2、学习句式:Does Lingling like oranges? Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.

教学难点:助动词do, does及其否定式在句子中的正确运用。

教学用具:CD-ROM, PPT, headwear, fruit, stickers and so on.

Step 1 Warming up:

1. Greeting

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, Ms Wu.

T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine,thank you!

2.Say the chant.

rice, rice, I like rice.

Meat, meat, I don’t like meat.

Fish,fish, I like fish.

Milk, milk, I don’t like milk.


Read the text of Unit1.

T: Please tell me what do Sam, Lingling, Amy and Tom like and dislike.各喜欢什么食物和不喜欢什么食物。



Module 4 Unit 2 Does Lingling like oranges?

Does Lingling like oranges? banana, apple, pear, orange

Yes,she does./ No, she doesn’t.


Module4 Unit2 Does Lingling like oranges?

apple banana pear orange Does he/she like…?

does doesn’t = does not Yes,he/she does./No,he/she does.


Module 5 Unit 1She goes to school on Mondays.



1.理解、识记词汇:goes, go to school, on, Monday, play, phone , on the phone, with, friend, at,home, at home, who, only, year.

2.会初步运用句型:He/She goes to school on Mondays. Does Tom go to school on Mondays.



1.全体学生会听说He/She goes to school on Mondays.





理解识记本课单词、短语,会听说并能运用句型:He/She goes to school on Mondays.


1.理解识记本课单词、短语,会听说并能运用句型:He/She goes to school on Mondays.

2.动词单三形式的变化:go—goes, play—plays .

教学用具:CD-ROM,PPT,word cards,stickers.


Step 1. Warm-up

1. Greetings:

T:Class begins.Stand up!

Ss:Good morning,Ms.Wu.

T:Good morning,boys and girls.How are you?

Ss:I’m fine,thank you.And how are you?

T:I’m fine,too.Thank you!


T:Now let’s say a chant together,OK?

Ss:OK!(PPT展示chant 内容)

I like coffee. I like tea.

I like cats and they like me.

I like coffee. I like tea.

I don’t like lions and they don’t like me.(chant together)

Step 2. Lead-in


T:He likes football.He is playing football(加上动作帮助学生理解)

T:Do you play football?引出并教学play ,分组读,高低音读,开火车,抽读

2.T:Do you play football on Monday/on Mondays? 引出并教学on Monday/on Mondays(Read together and in groups)

引导学生回答:Yes,I do/No,I don’t.

3.T:Do you play football on Mondays?

Sa:Yes, I do. Sb:No,I don’t.

T:Do you go to school on Mondays?

教授go to school(搭配上背书包上学动作,让学生加深记忆)

Sc:Yes, I do./No,I don’t.

T:Does he/she go to school on Mondays?

引导全班学生回答:Yes,she/he does./No,she/he doesn’t.

Pick up two students and ask them to whisper answers.

T:OK.Now only I know the answer, do you want to know?


T:Ask me with the sentence I taught you.(PPT上有呈现该句子)

Ss:Does he/she go to school on Mondays?

T:Yes,she/he does./No,she/he doesn’t.

4.(PPT上出现little Tom 照片)

T:look ,who’s that boy?引出并教学who

Does he go to school on Mondays?

Ss:No ,he doesn’t.

Step5 Summary

通过本节课的学习我们知道Ms Smart的朋友因为在美国,那里可能是周日的晚上,所以才不清楚Sam, Amy 是否在家。如果大家有兴趣了解更多中外文化的差异,可以回家上网查一查。

Step 6 Homework.

1.Read the text twice;

2.Search information about culture differences between China and foreign countries.


Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays

She goes to school on Mondays.

Sam goes to school on Mondays too.


Module 5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays.

She goes to school on Mondays.

He’s only two years old.

at home


Module5 Unit2 Does Your Mum Go to Work on Saturdays?



1 全体学生能初步运用句子:Does your mum /dad go to work on Saturdays?

2 全体学生能初步运用单词及短语: work ,go to work, 部分学生能初步运用单词及短语:Saturday ,shopping ,go shopping ,dad .




教学重点:掌握单词和句子Does she/he.?”及其回答“Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t.”

教学难点:掌握单词和句子Does she/he.?”及其回答“Yes, she /he does/No, she/he doesn’t.”

教学用具:CD-ROM, PPT, word cards, headwear, stickers.


Step1: Warm up and lead in


T:Class begins.Stand up!Good afternoon,boys and girls!

Ss:Good afternoon,Ms.Wu.

T:Nice to meet you!

Ss:Nice to meet you,too!

2.Show pictures of the cat and dog in Unit1

T: Who are they?还记得他们吗?上一单元中,我们看到小猫把小狗惹怒了,今天我们再来看看,小猫和小狗又在干什么。”

3 播放学生课本Unit 2 活动1 的录音,学生看图,理解语境:Daming和Sam在街上看到小猫和小狗在吃东西,不过这一次小猫没有向小狗问问题,而是在吃了一条鱼之后,又去和小狗抢肉吃,这让Daming和Sam感到非常惊讶。

4 T:Now I’ll play the cartoon again,please read after the CD and try to imitate the intonation.(Read together)

5 T:Who wants to do role play on the platform?(请学生两人一组分角色戴上小猫小狗头饰表演对话。) T:Great! You did a good job! Here are your stickers!

Step 2 Presentation

T: Lingling is talking with Amy? What are they talking about? Lingling在和Amy 聊天,她们在聊些什么?Oh, they are talking about Lingling’s parents’ weekend plan.原来Lingling在询问Amy她的父母在周末的活动安排。Today let’s learn the text and study to introduce and make posters about your family members’ weekend plan, OK? 现在,让我们一起来学习课文,然后制作介绍自己及家人周末活动的海报吧!

Step 3 Learn the text

1. T: (Show a picture of Amy)Who is she?

Ss:She is Amy.

T:Yes.Does Amy go to school on Mondays?

Sa:Yes,she does.

T: Does she go to school on Saturdays?

Ss: Yes,she does./No,she doesn’t.

T: No,she doesn’t. Why?(PPT出示日历,将全部周六圈起,让学生明白Saturday是周六)

Read after me.Sa-tur-day(触摸头,肩膀,腰,帮助学生正确读出单词)

Ss: Sa-tur-day, Sa-tur-day, Sa-tur-day

T:Saturday is coming,I am happy,Saturday!


T:Bad weather,I can’t go ou t to play.Saturday...


T: On Saturday/on Saturdays.

Ss:On Saturday/on Saturdays.(Read together and in groups)

2.T: Who are they?(展示Amy父母亲照片)They are Amy’s Mum and Dad.(教授Dad)Does Amy’s Mum/Dad go to work on Saturdays?Let’s listen and find out t he answer.

播放动画,请学生观看,并推测go to work 的意思。

3.T:OK,who can tell me the meaning of “go to work”?

Sb:去工作T:Yes, you are clever! Here is your sticker!Everyone,read after me:work,work,work,go to work. Ss:Work,work,work,go to work.(全班读,开火车读)


外研版小学英语《 Robots will do everything. 》教学设计 整个教学过程我采用了听、说、玩、演、唱一系列的教学活动, 具体设计为:课前复习——教授新课——巩固练习——总结并布置作 业。 Step1:课前复习 1、师生之间问候。 2、利用所学短语复习句型:“ Will you.?”,“Can you?”。 Step2:教授新课 1、导入 用多媒体课件出示机器人的图片,师问“What’s this?”, “what are they ?”。生回答,“It ’s a robot.”,“They are robots”.。从而引出今天的课题。 2、教授新知 1)、根据预习情况,师生共同学习新课。“One day,robots will do everything. What will his robot do?”You can say “They will”(使用多媒体 ) 2)、出示多媒体课件。“Talk about the pictures.you can say: He/they/She/ It will” 3)、出示问题。让学生带问题听录音。个别学生回答问题, 表现好的发帖画,以激励学生。生两人一组,一问一答,复

习本单元重点。 4)、听录音,跟读。纠正自己的发音,分角色朗读,小组 展示。 Step3巩固练习 1)练习:我理想中的机器人能干什么,It will. 2)把图片与句子连线。 以上两个练习,即检查学生的掌握情况又达到复习巩固的目的。 Step4、课堂总结并布置作业 1)、以知识树的形式出现本单元的重点内容。单词有生拼读,句子由生翻译。 布置作业 2)、自己设计一种新型物品:,例如:多功能书、 22 世纪的电视机等,把这些物品画出来,然后使用“This is .. It can .. It will ”等句型实行描述。


小学英语新标准教材四年级下册第一模块重点知识归纳 (2010-02-01 10:04:21) 转载▼ 标签: 勤勤恳恳做事2009至2010学年度下期新标准教材知识归纳2012级 教育分类:与170个宝贝儿一起向前冲 同学们,在日常生活中我们会常常被一些事情所吸引,这些事情不仅让我们的注意力高度集中同时也让我们的情绪发生着变化。我们可能会为这些事情而感动,悲伤,兴奋,焦急。可能在这个时候我们似乎也忘记了我们作为一名公民应该遵守的规则和自身的安全。所以我们经常会: 在追赶公交车的时候,不小心摔倒。 I ran for the bus. Then I fell over. 在骑自行车的时候由于自己的注意力不集中导致遇到障碍物。而从自行车上跌落下来。 I rode my bike. Then I fell off my bike. 在踢足球时,由于激动和兴奋不小心坐了“球车”摔倒在足球上。 I played football. Then I fell on the football. 在雅园的操场上和你的好朋友进行“百米冲刺”时不小心摔倒了。并划破了膝盖。 I ran for my friend. Then I fell over. I hurt my knee.

在自己的厨房里做事时头不小心撞到了那低矮的橱柜上。 I bumped my head. 在给自己的朋友会长辈削水果时,不小心用力过猛。 I cut my finger. 所以在日常生活中我们必须要时刻的注意安全,这样才能够不让我们的身心受到伤害。那在学期的第一模块儿里我们应该注意哪些安全和遵守哪些规则呢?好了,我们一起去看一看。 一:口语练习。 1.向某人介绍某样东西时。 (1) This is a factory. 这是一个工厂。 (2) These machines make crisps. 这些机器是来生产(酥脆)食物的。 (3) It washes the potatoes. 它(指这个机器)是用来洗土豆的。 (4) Look ! This machine cuts the potatoes. 看!这台机器是用来切土豆的。 (5) This machine puts the crisps in their bags. 这台机器将酥脆的(土豆片)装进零食袋里。 (6) They are dangerous 他们非常的危险(这里的他们指的是机器) 2.命令某人立即做某事时。 (1) Wear the glasses! 戴上眼镜! (2) Stop!站住,停止前进! (3) Wear the hat! 戴上帽子!(注意,这里的帽子我们一般指的是头盔和安全帽) (4) Wash your hands! 赶快去洗手! (5) Silence! 安静,别出声! 3.对某人表达感谢或者是抱歉之时。 (1) Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。


外研版三年级英语上册教案 Module 1 功能:问候和道别/自我介绍 语言:Hello. Hi. I’m…. Goodbye. Bye-bye. Good morning.How are you?I’m fine,thank you. 词汇:helIo (hi),I am (I’m),goodbye(bye-bye),Good morning,How are you?Fine, thank you,and you? Unit 1 I’m Sam 准备导入: 1.教师在走进教室时热情地向同学们打招呼说:Hello或Hi.与近处的同学握手,向远处的同学挥手。表扬那些用英语向师打招呼的同学说:Very good!Well done!或Clever boy/girl! 2.用英语告诉学生本人名字,说:I’m Mr Guo.并将名字写在黑板上。活动1:听音指图 1.打开并举起书,让学生看到练习。指着各幅图用中文问学生图中的情景(校园中Sam,Daming,Amy和Lingling在介绍他们自己;在离开学校时,他们互相道别)。问他们认为图片上的孩子来自哪里?他

们是高兴还是不高兴?每幅图上的孩子在说什么? 2.放录音或读对话。学生看书听录音。放录音时教师要举起书指着图上说相应话语的人物。再放录音,要求学生们指着相应的说话的人物。活动2:听音说话 1. 读出前两幅图的对话,要求学生跟读。 2.向学生解释老师将以故事中不同人物的身份来介绍自己。每次老师说:Hello,I’m(人物的姓名),他们要回答:Hello,(同一人物的姓名)。 举例: 老师:Hello,I’m Lingling. 学生:Hello,Lingling. 3.用Sam和Amy做更多的例子。每个名字练习多次。 4.告诉学生老师要点名让一些学生做自我介绍。老师在黑板上写出句型结构。 老师:指向一个学生 学生:Hello,I’m Mr Guo。 全班:Hello,Mr Guo。 5.向学生说明Hi和Hello是一样的。重复这一活动,用Hi代替Hello,读出剩下的对话,每句都要停顿,让学生跟读。向学生说明Goodbye 和Bye-bye是一样的。 活动3:向同学问候及道别 1.让学生们看书。告诉他们老师是A,他们是B。老师将会说:“Hello,


一年级上 Module 1 hello你好 I 我 am 是 goodbye(bye)再见 I’m=I am我是 How are you 你好 yes是 no不是 sorry 对不起 fine (身体)好的 thank 谢谢 you 你 Module 2 what 什么 is 是 what’s=what is是什么good好的 morning 早晨,上午your 你的 my我的 name名字 please 请 an 一个 bird鸟 panda熊猫 boy男孩 girl女孩 afternoon下午 Module 3 sit坐下down向下 stand起立 up向上 open打开 the 这个,那个 window窗户 door门 See you! 再见 point指,指向 to去,到,向 desk桌子 chair 椅子 Module 4 it 它 it’s=it is它是 now 现在 cat猫 dog狗 green绿 black黑 blue蓝 and和 white白色的 red红色 yellow黄色的 colour颜色 look看 orange 橙色的 Module 5 this这个 our我们的 classroom教室 school 学校 teacher老师 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴 that那个 bag 包 child 孩子 Module 6 school bag书包 pen钢笔 ruler尺子 book书 pencil铅笔 pencil case铅笔盒 eraser橡皮 crayon彩笔 Module 7 new新的 kite风筝 house房子 or 或者 not (is not) 不,不是 monkey 猴子 monster 怪物 box 盒子 help 帮助 Module 8 how many多少


外研版小学三年级英语教案范文 【篇一】 教学目标: 1、知识目标:能听, 说, 认读本课的单词, 句型”It’s +colour” 能力目标:能够听懂老师所说的表达颜色的。单词。 2、情感目标:培养学生学习英语的, 运用简单的语句对颜色问答。 教学重点: 能够运用句型It’s +colour 教学难点: 灵活运用句型It’s +colour , 识别并描述物品的颜色。 教学方法: 任务型教学法。 教具准备: 教学卡片, 单词卡。 教学过程: 一、热身复习 Greeting Sing a song “Please stand up” 二、课文导入 准备奥运五环, 然后向学生提问: What colour do you like ?引导学生说出自己喜欢的颜色, 由老师告诉他们相应的英文单词。red, green, yellow, blue, black。 3课文教学请一组学生起立, 老师指向拿奥运五环卡片的学生, 然后问这组学生 T: What colour is it ? S: Red, yellow, green, blue, black。鼓励答对的学生当小老师, 带领能够全班的学生学习表示颜色的词red, yellow, green, blue, black。一拿出Panpan的图片, 向学生介绍它并请学生使用Hello, How are you ?等语言与Panpan打招呼, 然后对学生说:今天Panpa n遇到了一个很奇怪的朋友chameleon, 那么到底奇怪在哪? 听录音 看课文猜意思, 再放录音。听完后带领学生总结变色龙换了哪些颜色?放第三遍录音时请学生跟读。 巩固练习 运用Game , 进行巩固。 拍单词, 看谁最先拍到老师描述的颜色, 请两名学生到台上, 老师说英文单词, 学生就去拍老师所说的颜色。 做游戏 找一找, 说一说, 自己身边有什么颜色? 课后作业 1、读课文15分钟 2、运用所学知识把自己喜欢的物品画下来, 涂上颜色并向家人, 朋友或同学介绍。


M1 U1 I’m Sam. 教学目标: 1.基本能听懂会说:“Hello, Hi, Goodbye, bye-bye” 2.学会运用句型“I’m…”进行自我介绍。 3.通过运用Hello, Hi, Goodbye, Bye-bye进行打招呼,并运用I’m…的句型进行自我介绍等情景让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用语言的目的。 4.培养学生初学英语的兴趣。通过大量的游戏活动让学生充分体会学习英语的乐趣所在。同时教育学生要有礼貌的与人交际,主动与他人沟通,并逐渐建立深厚友谊。 教学重点: 1.学会并运用Hello,Hi进行相互间问好打招呼。 2.引导学生使用I’m …句型进行自我介绍。 教学难点: 1.要求学生注意I’m中m的发音,不要吞音,发音要到位。 2.强调Goodbye和Bye-bye的正确发音。 教学课时:1课时 1、导入:(5分钟) (1)课前播放学生熟悉的英文儿歌Hello 或字母歌渲染课堂学习的活跃气氛。 (2)教师可以在课前收集一些常用的英文单词或缩略语如:WTO TV,CD,KFC,Best Food让学生了解一些身边的英语,同时也请同

学们说一说他们所知道的生活中的英语,这样有助于强化他们亲身经历英语的真实感受。 2、导入:(3分钟) 启发学生当他们在新学期初次见面的时候,他们是如何相互间有礼貌的打招呼问好的呢?当他们在彼此陌生的情况下,是如何相互作自我介绍,互相交流的呢?教师用语:新学期开始了,老师首先欢迎各位新同学的到来,虽然同学们都来自不同的地方,但现在我们就是一家人,那你愿意用自己最友好的方式相互问候和作自我介绍吗?3.呈现:(12分钟) (1)教师首先以自然的方式配以恰当的手势动作和不同的语调来向学生问好Hello , Hi。同时也引导学生向教师说Hello , Hi 。然后让学生相互间用Hello, Hi 练习问好。(注:教师解释并让学生了解Hello , Hi 的区别与联系。一般在正式的场合用Hello 为引起对方的注意而问好;而Hi一般是用于对自己亲密的人打招呼。操练时注意避免重复使用。 (2)教师胸前佩带英文的名字卡片进行自我介绍:Hello,I’m Cindy,借助手势让学生理解句子含义。并通过儿童喜爱的任务头饰或面具等作自我介绍,让学生更进一步感知I’m 的含义。(注:教师要注意学生I’m的发音,防止丢音现象。) (3)邀请几位同学到讲台上来,分别戴上他们喜欢的人物头饰并自我介绍说Hello I’m …然后请同学作真实的自我介绍。 (4)介绍班上要来二名新的小朋友,Sam、Amy教师用语:今天,


外研版三年级下册英语 廉村镇后崔学校Module 1 Unit 1 It’s the ABC Song

教学目标: 知识目标:学会英语歌曲及26个字母的发音。 能力目标: 1.能听说读26个英文字母。 2.能正确识别印刷体、手写体大小写字母。 情感目标:对学生进行爱国主义教育,培养学生养成良好的学习习惯。 教学重点: 1、听说读写26个英文字母。 教学难点: 1、掌握字母书写规范,正确辨认大小写及印刷体与手写体。 教学用具:Word cards, PPT, CD-ROM and headwear, etc. 教学过程: Step 1、Warm up and revision 1.Greeting Sing songs: “Good morning, Sam” and“ How are you?” 2.自由会话(D—David,让学生做小先生,以下为David与同学们的对话) Step 3、Learn new knowledge 1.T: Look at the 26 letters on the blackboard, let’s re ad them together!(在黑板上写Module 1,挂上字母表,让学生逐个跟读字母。注意让学生区分S与X,G与J,I 与Y的读音) 2.T:Please wear your headwear now, and let’s count from 1 to 20,Ok?(让1号到26号学生起立并出示他们的头饰从A到Z,全班看着一个个字母用英文数数。) 3.Read the alphabet in a low voice then recite in a loud voice. Step 4、Practice 1.Play a game: looking for friends 带大写头饰的同学走到教室前说出字母之后,带上其相对应的小写字母头饰的同学应该应声而出,可以请几组同学同时上台,看哪组的反应速度最快。 2. 学习单词缩写 (1).T:Let’s learn some methods of letter abbreviations. (2).T:Now let’s play a guessing game! Step 5 Consolidation 1.Game:T:I’ll choose two st udents to come to the platform to write letters on the platform, you should read out loudly. Ready?Go! 2.加加减减 C(G)O(Q)P(R B)N(W M)E(F)N(V) 3.快速认识字母大小写 uv WM BDP ygqp sx rn etc. Step 6 Summary T: Let’s sing the ABC song together,OK?(边唱歌边传回26个字母卡片。) Step 7 Homework


MODULE 1 Hello, I’m Sam. Hello, Sam. Hello, I’m Amy. Hello, Amy. I’m Lingling. Hi, Lingling. I’m Daming. Hi, Daming.

Goodbye, Lingling. Goodbye, Daming. Bye-bye, Amy. Bye-bye, Sam. Good morning, Sam. Good morning. How are you, Sam? I’m fine, thank you. MODULE 2

Hi, Daming. Hello, Sam. How are you,Amy? I’m fine. And how are you? I’m fine, too. Thank you. Good moring, boys and girls. I’m Ms Smart. Good moring, Ms Smart. Hello.

Hello, Ms Smart. I’m Lingling. Hello, Ming. I’m Daming. Good afternoon, I’m Mr Li. Good afternoon, Mr Li. What’s your name? I’m Sam. MODULE 3 Good moring, boys and girls.

Good moring, Ms Smart. Sit down, please. Stand up, Lingling. Point to the door. Point to the window. Point to the blackboard. Hello, bird. What’d your name? Tweet, tweet. Hello, Tweet-tweet.


外研版六年级英语教案 【篇一:最新外研版六年级上册英语教案(1)】 全册总备课 一.全册教材分析: 本学期是小学阶段最后一个学年的开始。六年级的英语学习将以语 言知识的巩固和拓展为主,引导学生进入小学学段的复习准备。所 以本教材的新单词远不如三、四、五年级多。在拓展方面,本教材 介绍了美国的一些相关知识,有纽约、旧金山等著名城市,也有感 恩节等外国节目,同时也介绍了长城、大熊猫等与中国相关的知识,让学生既放眼世界,又不忘祖国。 二.教学方法: 1.确定恰当的教学目标。我们在使用本教材时,不要要求学生一学习课文就能“自由地”说出课文的所有内容,甚至不要求学生能“自由地”朗读课文,因为教材中有很多内容只是呈现语言的语境内容,并 不要求学生能够“读”。所以我们应根据教学建议来合理地确定教学 要求,不宜要求学生掌握教材上的全部文字内容。 2.创造良好的学习氛围。 3.在课堂上尽量使用英语,适当使用汉语。 4.纠正学生的语言错误 5.利用录音带或cd-rom,有效使用现代教育技术 module 1总备课 知识与技能:全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文,并能按要求完 成语句书写。 过程与方法:对所学内容主动复习和归纳。 情感态度与价值观:乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识。 第一课时 unit 1it’s more than twenty thousand kilometers long. 【教学目标】: 知识与技能: 1. these postcards are great . 2. it’s a picture of the great wall . 3. how long is the great wall ? it’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers . 过程与方法:讲述关于某个地方或某件事物的情况。


外研社小学英语教材VS人教版小学英语教材 外研社: (一)编排特点 通过全面研读教材,我认为本册教材具有以下几方面特点 1、贴近生活,易于接受 在选材上选取了动物、运动项目、实物等话题,易于学生接受。 2、有简入难,便于理解 在学习内容上坚持有简入难的原则,如在举行学习上先安排了肯定句及其否定句型的学习又进行了一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的学习。 3、故事为主,激发兴趣 课文在呈现上一故事和对话为主,形象生动,能够激发学生的学习兴趣。 4、注重听说,培养能力 在每个模块都安排了Listen and point, listen and say , point and say 等听说部分,注重学生听说能力的培养。 5、字母教学,夯实基础 在第一个模块学完字母歌,以后的每个模块都配有单词和图片安排了两到三个字母的学习,夯实学生的基础。 (二)编写体例 本册教材共包含10个新授模块,一个复习模块。每个新授模块又包含两个单元,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二个单元呈现若干任务型练习,包括一首歌谣小诗或韵律诗。书中收录有两个单词表,第一个是学习词表,分模块按照出现顺序收录了要求学生掌握的单词;第二个是参考词表,按字母顺序收录了本书中出现的全部生词。此外,本书收录有一个课外阅读故事,供教师和学生根据教学兴趣自由选择使用,不做教学要求。课本最后还收录有26个英文字母的手写体和印刷体,要求学生区分和掌握。 (三)内容结构 本册教材在内容上,第一模块描述自己最喜欢的物品,第二模块识别并描述动物,第三模块表达自己喜欢与不喜欢的运动,第四模块,询问他人的喜好,第五模块,询问时间并表达活动安排,第六模块描述学校生活和周末活动安排,第七模块学习中西方节日及风俗,第八模块描述四季、天气和相关活动,第九模块,询问并描述拥有的物品和交通方式,第十模块,描述物体的位置。 (四)内容整合 为了更好的把握教材,对教材内容做以下整合。第1,3,4模块主要学习个人喜好这一话题。第一模块谈特别喜爱的My favourite toy is a car.第三模块谈喜欢与不喜欢I like… I don’ t like…第四模块询问别人是否喜欢Do you like…?这些句型的学习为以后学习sports day,picnic等业余爱好做准备。在第一册学习了描述物体颜色如It’s red.的基础上,本册教材第2学习描述物体特点。第二模块描述动物特点如:This monkey is small.第七模块描述季节和天气It’s hot in summer.为以后学习It’s big and light. We lived in a small house.等描述物体特点的句子做准备。第5,6,8模块学习描述活动安排,第五模块学习时间安排如, She goes to school on Mondays.第六模块学习周末活动安排I go swimming. 第九模块学习拥 有某物、交通方式,She goes to school by bus.为以后学习Go straight on!You should look,then cross the road等交通规则做准备。在第一册学习了指向Point to的基础上,本册教材第八模块学习描述物体位置如It’s on your desk.为以后学习描述城市位置做准备。 从语法方面来看,本册教材词汇量加大,出现了大量名词如:玩具交通工具类:动植物名词、食物类名词、水果类名词、衣服、四季、学科类名词,描述人或物特点的形容词、描述天气特点的形容词、动词词组。


新标准外研版小学三年级英语上册教案 Module 1 Unit 1 I’m Sam 准备导入:

1.教师在走进教室时热情地向同学们打招呼说:Hello或Hi.与近处的同学握手,向远处同学挥手。表扬用英语向师打招呼的同学说:Very good!Well done!或Clever boy/girl! 2.用英语告诉学生本人名字,说:I’m Mr Chen.并将名字写在黑板上。 活动1:听音指图 1.打开并举起书,让学生看到练习。指着各幅图用中文问学生图中的情景(校园中Sam,Daming,Amy和Lingling在介绍他们自己;在离开学校时,他们互相道别)。问他们认为图片上的孩子来自哪里?他们是高兴还是不高兴?每幅图上的孩子在说什么? 2.放录音或读对话。学生看书听录音。放录音时教师要举起书指着图上说相应话语的人物。再放录音,要求学生们指着相应的说话的人物。 活动2:听音说话 1. 读出前两幅图的对话,要求学生跟读。 2. 向学生解释老师将以故事中不同人物的身份来介绍自己。每次老师说:Hello,I’m …(人物的姓名),他们要回答:Hello,…(同一人物的姓名)。 举例: 老师:Hello, I’m Lingling. 学生:Hello, Lingling. 3.用Sam和Amy做更多的例子。每个名字练习多次。 4.告诉学生老师要点名让一些学生做自我介绍。老师在黑板上写出句型结构。 老师:指向一个学生 学生:Hello, I’m Mr Chen. 全班:Hello, Mr Chen. 5.向学生说明Hi和Hello是一样的。重复这一活动,用Hi代替Hello,读出剩下的对话,每句都要停顿,让学生跟读。向学生说明Goodbye和Bye-bye是一样的。 活动3:向同学问候及道别 1.让学生们看书。告诉他们老师是A,他们是B。老师将会说:“Hello, class.”他们必须说:“Hi, Mr Chen”。用Goodbye做同样的练习。和学生单独做练习。 举例:老师:Hi, Sam. 学生:Hello, Mr Chen. 老师:Byebye, Kim. 学生:Goodbye, Mr Chen. 2.要求学生向身边的人说“Hello”和“Goodbye”。让他们参照书中的例子。一个学生做A另一个做B。当他门说“Hello”时,必须握手,当他们说“Goodbye”时,必须互相挥手。和学生做一些例子。要求他们介绍自己,至少向班上四个同学说“Good-bye.” 补充活动1:


外研版小学英语(三年级起点)四年级英语教案 (第四册)

四年级英语教学计划 一、学生知识能力习惯态度分析 本班共有28人,其中女生15人,男生13人。他们来自不同的11个自然村。由于各种原因,他们的英语水平也不同。大部分学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣,但也有少数学生由于遇到困难,学习兴趣会随之减弱。尤其从这学期开始,对学生又提出了新的要求:培养听、说、读、写的技能。所以教师应该面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 二、教材内容分析: 本册教材——New Standard English三册是供小学四年级下学期使用的。全书共分11个模块,内含一个期末复习模块。每个模块分为两个单元。一般情况下,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二单元提供若干任务性练习,包括一首歌谣或小诗。通过歌谣或小诗,培养学生的语感和节奏感,提高发音的正确性,介绍一定的西方文化。在这一册,我们将进一步描述人、物品、动物等的基础上重点学习对动作的描述。此外,我们还要学习如何表达时间以及如何描述地点方位等内容。 三、教学目的任务 1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。 2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。 3、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。 4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 5、初步培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写整洁、规范。 6、养成响亮清晰读英语、说英语的习惯,认真模仿语音、语调,以培养语感。 7、能在完成某个任务(如涂色,小制作)的过程中学会相关的词句,并且培养动手能力。 8、能演唱已学过的英语歌曲,诵读已学过的歌谣。 三、教材重点难点 1、能按四会、三会的要求掌握所学单词。 2、能按四会要求掌握所学句型。 3、能使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。 4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 5、初步培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写整洁、规范。 四、主要措施 1、以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。 2、通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。 3、将直观教具和电教手段,多媒体课件相结合,培养学生良好的朗读习惯,打下良好的语音语调基础。 4、设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。


外研版三年级英语教案 Module 1 功能:问候和道别/自我介绍语言:Hello. Hi. I’m…. Goodbye. Bye-bye. Good morning.How are you?I’m fine,thank you.词汇:helIo (hi),I am (I’m),goodbye(bye-bye),Good morning,How are you? Fine, thank you,and you? Unit 1 I’m Sam 准备导入:1.教师在走进教室时热情地向同学们打招呼说:Hello或Hi.与近处的同学握手,向远处的同学挥手。表扬那些用英语向师打招呼的同学说:Very good!Well done!或Clever boy/girl!2.用英语告诉学生本人名字,说:I’m Mr Guo.并将名字写在黑板上。活动1:听音指图1.打开并举起书,让学生看到练习。指着各幅图用中文问学生图中的情景(校园中Sam,Daming,Amy和Lingling在介绍他们自己;在离开学校时,他们互相道别)。问他们认为图片上的孩子来自哪里?他们是高兴还是不高兴?每幅图上的孩子在说什么?2.放录音或读对话。学生看书听录音。放录音时教师要举起书指着图上说相应话语的人物。再放录音,要求学生们指着相应的说话的人物。活动2:听音说话1. 读出前两幅图的对话,要求学生跟读。2. 向学生解释老师将以故事中不同人物的身份来介绍自己。每次老师说:Hello,I’m(人物的姓名),他们要回答:Hello,(同一人物的姓名)。举例:老师: Hello,I’m Lingling.学生: Hello,Lingling.3.用Sam和Amy做更多的例子。每个名字练习多次。4.告诉学生老师要点名让一些学生做自我介绍。老师在黑板上写出句型结构。老师:指向一个学生学生: Hello,I’m Mr Guo。全班: Hello,

外研社版 小学英语 单词词汇 全集

hello 你好 am 是 I'm = I am 我是Goodbye 再见 Bye 再见 How are you? 你好么?no 不,不是 yes 是,是的 sorry 对不起 fine (身体)很好thank 谢谢 you 你 what 什么 is 是 what's = what is 是什么your 你的

name 名字 please 请 good 好的 morning 早晨,上午 Mr 先生 Ms 女士 my 我的 bird 鸟 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 afternoon 下午 panda 熊猫 sit 坐 down 向下 stand 站 up 向上 it 它 it's = it is 它是 Nice to meet you见到你真高兴

open 打开 the 这(那)个;这(那)些window 窗户 door 门 See you! 再见 point 指 to 向…… desk 书桌 chair 椅子 dog 狗 cat 猫 and 和 look 看 now 现在 this 这个 our 我们的 teacher 教师 school 学校 classroom 教室 child 小孩,儿童 that 那个 bag 包

red 红色;红色的blue 蓝色;蓝色的yellow 黄色;黄色的colour 颜色green 绿色;绿色的black 黑色;黑色的white 白色;白色的orange 橙色;橙色的brown 棕色;棕色的pink 粉色;粉色的grey 灰色;灰色的schoolbag 书包book 书 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 ruler 直尺 eraser 橡皮 pencil case 铅笔盒crayon 蜡笔monkey 猴子monster 怪物 kite 风筝 ball 球


《英语》(新标准)(三起)第一册Module 1 Unit 1 郑慧颖Purpose Knowledge aim: To learn to introduce names. Ability aim: To train them to say hello to their friends and introduce with “I’m….” Ideological aim: To improve the students’ basic English about greetings. Main points: The way of greetings : I’m …. Difficult points: To introduce happily and convincingly. Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, masks Teaching process: Step One: Greeting with students. T: Hello, my dear children. This is your first English class. I’m very happy to teach you English this term. Speaking English is a piece of cake. Please remember that. Let’s say “Hello” to each other first. Please stand up, all of you.( 教师边说边翻译,做手势示意全体起立) T: (教师边挥手边走向学生。) Hello, my dear children! S: Hello! T: Do what I do like this. ( 挥手,微笑,大声) S: ( 在教师的指导下模仿) T: It’s interesting to speak English. Sit down, please. T: (面带微笑,朝向一个小女孩) Hello! Lovely girl! S: Hello! T: Good girl! Say it like this, please! It’s easy to speak English. T: (朝向另一男孩) Hello! Cool boy! S: Hello! T: Good boy! See, it’s easy. Let’s try again. ( 再叫几名学生,师生挥手打招呼) T: Now please say “hello” to your classmates like this. Who can try? ( 叫几名学生到前面来,面向全体问好,注意表情和动作,并且要声音 洪亮) T: Then say “hello” to your neighbors and your friends. You can go out of your seat and move around the classroom. S: (学生自由活动问好) T: You did a good job! Step Two: New course T: Next I want to know your name. How do you introduce your name then? Listen! I’m Ellen. ( 说三遍) Please say hello to me. (Some excellent students can answer like the following) S1: Hello, Ellen. S2: Hello, Ellen. T: Hello! Your name, please?


外研版小学六年级英语下册(第八册)外研版小学六年级英语下册(第八册)全书共分11 个模块(Module),内含一个期末复习模块。每个模块分为两个单元(Unit)。一般情况下,第一单元呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容,第二单元提供若干任务型(Task -based)练习,包括一首歌谣或小诗。歌谣和小诗的学习,目的有三个:一是培养学生的语感和节奏感;二是提高发音的正确性;三是通过这些英语国家儿童所熟知的歌谣,介绍一定的西方文化。其中的一些不常用单词,不要求学生在歌谣之外学会使用。在本册中,我们将继续和Daming 一起了解美国,然后了解Daming 回到中国之后为小学毕业、升入中学学习做的准备。我们将全面复习以前已学习过的知识、技能、能力,对小学英语学习进行全面的巩固,为在中学进一步学习英语打好坚实的基础。课文中呈现了一些新的语法内容,但不要求老师讲解语法知识,更不要求学生掌握语法知识,而是要求学生初步学会运用这些语句。 各个单元的学习目标: Module1 1.能听懂、会说本篇对话; 2.掌握句型:What do you want to eat? I want a hamburger, please. What do you want to drink?I want a cola,please. 3.谈论点餐和就餐的情况。 4.能用英语来表达如何点餐及询问价钱。 Module 2 1.能在图片提示下识别新单词、新词组。 2.能听懂会用What are you going to do? We are going to have a picnic.这类句子询问并进行回答。 3.能熟练运用所学语言来描述图片。 4..能够听懂并运用It’s going to......,It will......表达某地即将的天气情况。 Module 3 1. 识别单词shine ,everyone ;书写单词sing , sun 2. 口头运用The sun is shining,The birds are singing 说明图片内容。 3.学习用I am looking out of the window.向别人描述所看到的景象。 Module 4


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 新标准外研版小学三年级英语上册教案 Module 1

Unit 1 I’m Sam 准备导入: 1.教师在走进教室时热情地向同学们打招呼说:Hello或Hi.与近处的同学握手,向远处的同学挥手。表扬那些用英语向师打招呼的同学说:Very good!Well done!或Clever boygirl! 2.用英语告诉学生本人名字,说:I’m Mrs Li . 并将名字写在黑板上。 活动1:听音指图 1.打开并举起书,让学生看到练习。指着各幅图用中文问学生图中的情景(校园中Sam,Daming,Amy和Lingling在介绍他们自己;在离开学校时,他们互相道别)。问他们认为图片上的孩子来自哪里?他们是高兴还是不高兴?每幅图上的孩子在说什么? 2.放录音或读对话。学生看书听录音。放录音时教师要举起书指着图上说相应话语的人物。再放录音,要求学生们指着相应的说话的人物。 活动2:听音说话 1. 读出前两幅图的对话,要求学生跟读。 2. 向学生解释老师将以故事中不同人物的身份来介绍自己。每次老师说:Hello,I’m …(人物的姓名),他们要回答:Hello,…(同一人物的姓名)。 举例: 老师:Hello, I’m Lingling. 学生:Hello, Lingling. 3.用Sam和Amy做更多的例子。每个名字练习多次。

4.告诉学生老师要点名让一些学生做自我介绍。老师在黑板上写出句型结构。 老师:指向一个学生 学生:Hello, I’m Mr Chen. 全班:Hello, Mr Chen. 5.向学生说明Hi和Hello是一样的。重复这一活动,用Hi代替Hello,读出剩下的对话,每句都要停顿,让学生跟读。向学生说明Goodbye和Bye-bye是一样的。 活动3:向同学问候及道别 1.让学生们看书。告诉他们老师是A,他们是B。老师将会说:“Hello, class.”他们必须说:“Hi, Mr Chen”。用Goodbye做同样的练习。和学生单独做练习。 举例: 老师:Hi, Sam. 学生:Hello, Mr Chen. 老师:Byebye, Kim. 学生:Goodbye, Mr Chen. 2.要求学生向身边的人说“Hello”和“Goodbye”。让他们参照书中的例子。一个学生做A另一个做B。当他门说“Hello”时,必须握手,当他们说“Goodbye”时,必须互相挥手。和学生做一些例子。要求他们介绍自己,至少向班上四个同学说“Good-bye.” 补充活动1:


小学英语语法 一、名词复数规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 二、一般现在时 一般现在时基本用法介绍 一般现在时的功能 1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue. 2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day. 3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun. 一般现在时的构成 1. be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。如: I am a boy.我是一个男孩。 2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如: We study English.我们学习英语。 当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,要在动词后加"-s"或"-es"。如:Mary likes Chinese. 一般现在时的变化 1. be动词的变化。 否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。 如:He is not a worker.他不是工人。 一般疑问句:Be +主语+其它。 如:-Are you a student? -Yes. I am. / No, I'm not. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:Where is my bike? 2.行为动词的变化。 否定句:主语+ don't( doesn't ) +动词原形(+其它)。如: I don't like bread. 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesn't构成否定句。如: He doesn't often play. 一般疑问句:Do( Does ) +主语+动词原形+其它。如: - Do you often play football? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如: - Does she go to work by bike? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。
