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(2)We sat on the ________ listening to the sound of waves.

(3)I was too ________ to move.

(4)They ________ him into the car.

(5)She ________ on my foot and said "sorry" to me.






【解析】【分析】 rock,岩石,dolphin,海豚,push,推,scare,惊吓,step,踩

(1)句意:海豚会玩球。根据不定冠词a可知是名词单数,根据play a ball可知此处填海豚符合玩球的语境,故填dolphin。

(2)句意:我们坐在岩石上听海浪的声音。根据定冠词the可知此处是名词,根据提示词和sat on可知是坐在岩石上,故填rock。

(3)句意:我吓得都不能动了。too+形容词或副词+to do,是固定搭配,太……而不能做某事,scare的形容词,害怕的,故填scared。

(4)句意:他们把他推进车里。push sb into,固定搭配,把某人推进,描述过去用一般过去时,push的过去式是pushed,故填pushed。

(5)句意:她踩到我的脚,然后对我说“对不起”。step on sb,固定搭配,踩到某人,根据and said可知时态是一般过去时,step的过去式是stepped,故填stepped。



(2)— ________ visit the Summer Palace this weekend?

— That's really a good idea.

(3)Beijing ________ its places of interest such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. (4)—Shall we ________ in Switzerland this winter holiday?

— Wow, that will be really nice.

(5)Tokyo is an Asian city with many huge________, so a lot of tourists go there to shop every year.

(6)I ________ stay at home because it is too hot outside.

【答案】(1)the capital of

(2)Why not

(3)is famous for

(4)try skiing

(5)department stores

(6)prefer to

【解析】【分析】be famous for因……而出名,department store 百货商店,prefer to宁愿,why not为什么不,try skiing试着滑雪,the capital of......首都

(1)句意:华盛顿特区是美国的首都。根据地理常识可知,华盛顿是美国的首都。用the capital of ,故填 the capital of 。

(2)句意:——为什么不这个周末去颐和园?——这真是个好主意。根据答语确实是个好主意,可知上句是建议的句子。空格后动词原形,要用why not,放在句首,要大写。故填Why not。

(3)句意:北京以其著名的名胜古迹而出名,如长城和颐和园。由生活常识可知北京以places of interest 名胜古迹出名,要用be famous for ,根据句意要用一般现在时。主语Beijing,第三人称单数,be 要用is。故填 is famous for 。

(4)句意:——这个寒假我们去瑞士滑雪好吗?——哇,那真是太好了。根据in Switzerland this winter holiday可知一定是去滑雪,要用try skiing,固定短语。shall后接动词原形,故填try skiing。

(5)句意:东京是一个亚洲城市,有许多大型百货商店,所以每年都有很多游客去那里购物。根据后句 a lot of tourists go there to shop every year. 可知一定去百货商店,department store,空格前有many,要用复数。故填 department stores 。

(6)句意:我宁愿呆在家里,因为外面太热了。由后句 it is too hot outside. 可知宁愿呆在家里。要用prefer to,固定短语。根据句意,要用一般现在时,主语I,要用动词原形,故填 prefer to 。



—It's 21st November.

(2)We all know that 8th March is ________ Day.

(3)—Is Mo Yan his ________ name?

—No, it isn't. That's just his pen name.

(4)Jack's uncle is a famous ________ and he is writing a new book.

(5)—Was your sister born in the morning?

—Yes, but I can't remember the ________ time.






【解析】【分析】write 写; exact 准确的;date 日期;real 真实;woman 女士。

(1)句意:——打扰了。今天几号?——现在是11月21日。由答语可知此句询问的是今天是几号,询问日期要用what's the date today,故填date。

(2)句意:我们都知道3月8日是妇女节。由8th March可知此句表示的是妇女节,Women's Day,故填Women's。

(3)句意:——莫言是他的真名吗?——不,不是。那只是他的笔名。由pen name提示,可知此句询问的是真名吗,real name,真名,故填real。

(4)句意:杰克的叔叔是一位著名的作家,他正在写一本新书。由文中的语句 he is writing a new book.可推出,他叔叔是作家,根据a,可知用单数形式,故填writer。

(5)句意:——你妹妹是早上出生的吗?——是的,但我记不清确切的时间。exact time,确切时间,故填exact。



(2)I fed ________at a farm last weekend.

(3)He ________that he would be late for school.

(4)I'm not sure________.

(5)She was so scared that she started________up and down.






【解析】【分析】 worry,担心,yet,还,jump,跳,farm,农场,sheep,绵羊

(1)句意:那个农民领着我们在农场四处看。定冠词the后是名词,根据showed us around the farm ,可知是农民 farmer ,故填 farmer 。

(2)句意:上周末我在农场喂羊了。fed是谓语其后应是名词做宾语,根据farm可知是羊,sheep,此处表示泛指,用复数,sheep的单复数形式一致,故填 sheep 。

(3)句意:他担心他会上学迟到。根据he would be ,可知时态是一般过去时,根据be late for school可知是担心,worry的过去式是worried ,故填worried。


(5)句意:她如此的害怕以至于她开始来回跳。start doing,固定搭配,开始做,jump up and down,固定搭配,来回跳,故填jumping。



(2)There are two cups of ________on the table.

(3)The old woman is in danger. We must________her.

(4)This T-shirt is________of small.

(5)The people in the store are very________.






【解析】【分析】friend朋友; kind有点;leg腿;water水;save拯救。


(2)句意:桌子上有两杯水。water,水,不可数名词,根据句中的two cups of,可知此处需要名词,故填water。


(4)句意:这件t恤有点小。固定短语,kind of,有点,故填kind。

(5)句意:店里的人很友好。friend,名词,朋友。根据语句中的are very,可知此句需要形容词,故填friendly。



radio show?

Scott: ________ twelve o'clock at night to six o'clock in the morning.

Interviewer: What time do you usually get up?

Scott: At eight thirty at night. Then I eat breakfast at nine.

Interviewer: That's a ________ time for breakfast!

Scott: Yeah. After that, I usually ________ at about ten twenty.

Interviewer: When do you go to work?

Scott: At eleven o'clock, so I'm ________ late for work.

【答案】 works;From;funny;exercise;never

【解析】【分析】exercise锻炼;funny有趣的;never从不;work工作;from来自,从(1)句意:他在电台工作。根据后句what time is your radio show?你的电台节目是什么时候,可知他在电台工作,时态是一般现在时,主语是he,所以work用works,故填works。







(2)Jenny is ________of all the ugly animals.

(3)It takes me thirty minutes ________ English every day.

(4)We want two ________ for our school party.

(5)There are about six ________ people in Grade Eight.



(3)to practice



【解析】【分析】tooth牙齿;afraid害怕;practice练习;hundred百;music音乐。(1)句意:早起,不要忘了刷牙。刷牙,brush teeth,固定搭配,故填teeth。

(2)句意:詹妮害怕难看的动物。害怕,be afraid of,固定搭配,故答案是afraid。(3)句意:每天练习英语花费我三十分钟。It takes sb. some time to do sth。因此使用动词不定式to practice,故填practice。

(4)句意:我们学校的音乐会需要两名乐师。根据school party可知需要的乐师,musician,根据数词two可知,应使用复数形式。故填musicians。





there. The weather was hot and ________. We went swimming in the sea (海洋)and ________ beach volleyball on the beach. When we ________tired, we lay(躺)on the beach and ________. I ________ many photos of the beach. Some of them are very beautiful. There is a ________ near the beach. I spent one day ________ it. I saw many old things about the sea in it. There are also some shops near the beach. We could buy all kinds of________ food in the shops. We ________had great fun on the beach. And we want to spend our next vacation there, too.

【答案】spent;sunny;played;were;relaxed;took;museum;visiting;delicious;really 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是去年暑假我和朋友们去海滩度假的情况。我们在海里游泳,在沙滩上打沙滩排球。当我们累的时候,我们躺着沙滩上放松。我们照了很多照。我们在海滩的商店里买好吃的东西。我们玩得很高兴。

(1)句意:去年暑假我和朋友们在那里度假。根据上文The beach is a good place for a vacation.海滩是一个度假的好地方。可知我们去那里是去度假。spend度过,根据last summer可知句子时态是一般过去时,故答案为:spent。


(3)句意:我们去海洋游泳,在沙滩上打沙滩排球。根据上文We went swimming in the sea (海洋)我们在海洋里游泳,可知此处指的是在海滩上打排球的活动。play玩,play beach volleyball打沙滩排球,句子时态是一般过去时,故答案为:played。



(6)句意:我们照了很多海滩的像。take photos照相,固定短语,句子时态是一般过去时,故答案为:took。

(7)句意:在海滩附近有一个博物馆。根据下文I saw many old things about the sea in it. 在里面有很多关于海洋的古老的东西。可知这是一个博物馆。museum博物馆,故答案为;museum。

(8)句意:我花了一天时间参观它。根据上文There is a musem near the beach.在海滩附近有一个博物馆。可知我们去参观博物馆。visit参观,spend some time doing sth,故答案为:visiting。






(2)Is there________in today's newspaper?

(3)Look! A ball is________.

(4)一Is your brother playing in the park?

一Yes.He's________ there.

(5)There's no food at home.We have to________outside.

【答案】(1)went to the library

(2)anything interesting

(3)in the swimming pool

(4)flying a kite

(5)have dinner


(1)根据后半句 and got some books 可以推断应该是“去图书馆”,故选 go to the library,got 是过去式,为了保持时态一致,动词 go 也用过去式 went,故填 went to the library。句意是:早上 Lisa 去了图书馆借了一些书。

(2)根据句意“今天的报纸上有些有趣的东西吗”可知选择短语 anything interesting。(3)根据句意“看!游泳池i有个球。”可知选择短语 in the swimming pool。

(4)问句 Is your brother playing in the park? 意思是“你弟弟正在公园里玩吗?”,是现在进行时的句子,故选择短语 fly a kite,并用现在进行时 flying a kite 填空,意思是“是的,他正在那里放风筝。”

(5)根据上文There's no food at home.的意思“家里没有吃的了”,可以推断“我们不得不去外面吃饭”,故选have dinner。



(2)She got a ________ when she heard the news.

(3)The snake moved slowly ________ the river.

(4)The man got unhappy and ________ to shout.

(5)There was a tiger in the ________ long time ago.

(6)They went to the park and ________ kites last Saturday.








(1)根据句意“猴子们总是在树上跳来跳去”可知选 jump。

(2)get a surprise 是固定短语,故选surprise。句意是:当她听到这个消息时她吃了一惊。

(3)句意是:这条蛇慢慢地移动到河里去了。根据句意可知选介词 into。

(4)根据句意“这个人感到不高兴了,开始大喊大叫”可知选started。start do so sth 意为“开始做某事”。

(5)老虎应该是在森林里,故选 forest。句意是:从前森林里有一只老虎。

(6)fly kites 是固定短语,意为“放风筝”,故选flew。句意是:上个星期六他们去公园放风筝。



初三英语选词填空训练 一、选词填空。 The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty”on the sports ground shines in basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans. Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia (亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Women’s NBA) in the US. It’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was ready for the challenges ahead. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English. “My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!”She likes speaking English to 7 . Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper. This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二、选词填空。 All the students at school 1 Mr Green. He 2 at the school for a long time. Mr Green cleans the floors and keeps everything 3 . He is very nice too 4 , too. He helps them 5 their work and often finds things 6 have lost in school. One day the students 7 , “Let’s do 8 nice for Mr Green.”They bought him a 9 shirt, The 10 morning when Mr Green came to work, everyone shouted, “Surprise!”Mr Green said it was the surprise he ever had. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、选词填空。 Many years ago, there was a family 1 Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five 2 and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1760, another baby boy 3 . The boy’s mother and his father 4 the boy a name-Benjamin. Benjamin was the 5 of all the children. He could read when he was five and he 6 write by the time he was seven. When he was eight he was sent to school. In school Benjamin had been good at 7 and writing but not good at math. He read all of 8 father’s books. And whenever(每当) he had a little money, he bought a book with it. He liked books. They told him how to do 9 . At that time he invented the paddles(脚蹼) for 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 四、选词填空。 Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to school to learn languages, geography(地理), history, science and many other subjects. That is 1 true. But 2 do they learn these things for ? And are these things all that they learn at school? We send our children to school to get ready for their future(未来的) work and life. Many of the things they study at school are useful 3 their life, but is that the 4 reason why they go to school? There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn or teach 5 . If a man really 6 how to learn, he will 7 to do 8 new, he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the 9 way. The uneducated(没受过教育的) person, on the other hand, is 10 unable to do it, or does it badly, So the purpose(目的) of modern education is not only to learn languages, geography, history, science and many other subjects, but to teach students the way to learn. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 7. 8. 9. 10. 第 1 页共3 页


初二英语期中复习(适当形式填空) 1. Mary is very _________. She’s happy __________ the weak.(help) 2. He felt ___________ because his mother was ill. (happy). 3. Zhao Hua is good at __________, so she __________ very quickly. (run) 4. Those clothes are the ____________ (visit). 5. It was ______________ cold yesterday. (terrible) 6. My cat __________ (catch) two ________ (mouse) last night. 7. They _________ (hold) a _________ (parent) meeting last week. 8. His father was angry because he did homework __________ (care). 9. The _________ (goldfish) in the tank are colour. 10. Should Jim __________ (take) his umbrella with him? 11. Our teacher _________ (tell) us ___________ (not read) in the sun. 12. A good ________ is always polite before and after ________ (visit). 13. They _______ (not be) careful when they did homework. 14. I forgot to buy ________(I) a present in my birthday. 15. When he _________ (get) tired, he ______ (sleep) for a while. 16. The goldfish ________ (look) beautiful when he ________ (swim). 17. Jim has a parrot _______ (call) Polly. It learns _________ (repeat) the words people say. 18. __________ (be) quiet, please. You mustn’t _________ (make) any nose in class. 19. You should _________ (take) your raincoat with you. It ________(rain) soon. 20. This book is very ___________and I am ___________ in it. (interest). 21. What about __________ (go) shopping tomorrow? 22. Can I have some ________(much) food too. 23. How __________ (sad) he looked at the party! 24. How ___________ (sad) he looked at his father! 25. The teacher made Jack __________ (go) out of class. 26. Why do you make your father so __________ (angry). 27. It’s good to learn English in a __________ (fun) way. 28. My friend is very _________ (friend) and ________ (help). I like him very much. 29. Her family are all __________ (music). 30. How ___________ (good) does he know his friends? 31. I think it’s ________ (bore) to play computer games. 32. He was very happy because of ___________(win) the game. 33. His voice sounds _________(music). 34. The sick boy is much __________ (thin) than the healthy boy. 35. This story is a little _______________(fun) than that one. 36. Amy’s drawing is _________ (bad) than __________ (I). 37. Our cars aren’t as _____________(new) as the _______________ (visit). 38. Jim is ___________ (tall) of the two boys. 39. Skiing and diving __________(be) _______________ (danger) than the other activities. 40. She does ____________ (well) of all in the singing competition every thime. 41. I feel ___________ (happy) when my friends are sad. 42. I’m _________(real)happy ___________ (tell) you about my future plans. 43. Children under 1.2 meters in _____(high) don’t have to buy tickets when they visit a mus


初中英语热点话题选词填空专项练习 Keys: 1.number 2.first 3.by 4.said 5.had reached 6.to surf 7.most popular 8.development 9.their 10.products

轨道运行), land on and explore Mars on the 9_____ in one mission. The Long March-5 (长征5号) rocket will send the probe to Mars. It will take about seven months 10______ the planet. Keys: 1.with https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1019256609.html, 3.showed 4.finding 5.first 6.Besides 7.be named 8.space 9.ground 10.to reach C other from out many who compare city complete she plan We all want to have a good relax over the weekend. What if it was longer? On April 11, the government of Nanjing worked 1_____ a plan to boost the local economy, The Paper reported. It suggested an extra (额外的) half-day off every Friday afternoon so that citizens can spend 2_____ time shopping and traveling. Nanjing is not alone. Some 3______ in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Hubei and Gansu provinces have all recommended (建议) a 2.5-day weekend. This move came after an economic downturn (低迷) caused by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. China almost 4_______ shut down since late January. According to the China Tourism Academy, domestic (国内的) tourist arrivals this year are estimated (估计) to drop by 932 million 5_______ to 2019. The 2.5-day weekend quickly became a hot topic on social media. Many netizens said they are expecting it to be carried out across the country. A woman surnamed Zhu, 6_____ works in the financial industry (金融业) in Nanjing, told Xinhua that she would prefer to travel if her company gives 7_____ a 2.5-day weekend. She could leave on Friday afternoon and stay in a hotel for one extra night, making her trips easier 8______. But 9______ are doubtful (怀疑的) about putting the policy into practice (落实). Some said they would have little chance to benefit 10______ it. They would need to work overtime to make up for the lost time at work. Some said the longer weekend might put pressure on companies and workers may face pay cuts. Keys: 1.out 2.more 3.cities https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1019256609.html,pletely https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1019256609.html,pared 6.who 7.her 8.to plan 9.others 10.from


选词填空专题训练 1.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是 书能影响人的心灵,而人的心灵与气质又是相通的。书能教你心地善良,使你生出 的气质。书能教你持重内向,使你生出的气质。书能教你自强不息,使你生出 的气质。书能教你勇于创新,使你生出的气质。 A.稳健纯真进取刚毅 B.纯真稳健刚毅进取 C.刚毅进取纯真稳健 D.进取刚毅稳健纯真 1. B 2.依次填入下面横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是 现在之所以要有阅读节,之所以要特别的提倡和重视阅读,是因为它相对_________,它 需要通过一个节日和仪式__________我们让我们不能忘记阅读。但是从本质上来说,阅读应该__________,应该成为我们每个人的一种生活方式。但是如果没有我们持续多年的呼吁和推动,可能我们的阅读难以达到目前这样的现状。 A.脆弱提醒正常化B。薄弱警醒正常化 C.薄弱提醒常态化D。脆弱警醒常态化 2.C 3.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当 ..的一组是() 人们为什么写文章,可以有很多目的。比如,为了_______信息,传播知识,为了 艺术,创造美感。但还有更深的一层,就像开矿一样,是为了_____新的思想。当然并不是每一篇文章都能有新的思想,但有新思想的文章肯定是好文章。这也是写作人______ 的理想。 A.传扬开发追求 B.传递开采追求 C.传递开发追逐 D.传扬开采追逐 3.B 根据语言环境,搭配传递信息像开矿一样,开采新的思想追求理想 4.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当 ..的一组是() 春天是一幅多姿多彩的画卷。那丝丝春雨着生命,那柔柔的春风了阴霾,那 待放的花朵了生活。吟一首春天的小诗,婉约的诗句里写满了清新。 A.装点滋润吹散 B. 滋润吹散装点 C.吹散装点滋润 D. 滋润装点吹散 4.B 5. 依次填入下面横线上的词语,恰当 ..的一项是( ) 数字技术与教学深度的理想境界是:我们眼里看到的是“人”和“课程”,聚焦 人的发展和能培养学生面向未来综合素养的课程体系,数字技术应该“像空气一样” 自然地到学习者的整个学习过程中。 A.融合构建浸润 B.化合构架滋润 C.融合构架滋润 D.化合构建浸润 5.A


初三英语选词填空训练 Many years ago, there was a family 1 Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five 一、选词填空。 2 and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1760, another baby boy 3 . The boy’s one she other play open think speak keep both wide mother and his father 4 the boy a name-Benjamin. Benjamin was the 5 of all the children. He could read when he was five and he 6 write by the time he was seven. When he was The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty”on the sports ground shines in eight he was sent to school. In school Benjamin had been good at 7 and writing but not good basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans. at math. He read all of 8 father’s books. And whenever(每当) he had a little money, he Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia ( 亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Women ’s NBA) in the US. It ’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was bought a book with it. He liked books. They told him how to do 9 . At that time he invented ready for the challenges ahead. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she the paddles(脚蹼) for 10 . always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. “My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!”She likes 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. speaking English to 7 . 四、选词填空。 Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and only either what learn good something quite know in always she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper. This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star. Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to school to learn languages, geography(地理), history, science and many other subjects. That is 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 true. But 2 do they learn these things for ? And are these things all that they learn at 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. school? 二、选词填空。 We send our children to school to get ready for their future( 未来的) work and life. Many of work next love something with student beautiful clean they the things they study at school are useful 3 their life, but is that the 4 reason why they go All the students at school 1 Mr Green. He 2 at the school for a long time. Mr Green to school? cleans the floors and keeps everything 3 . He is very nice too 4 , too. He helps them 5 There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how their work and often finds things 6 have lost in school. to learn or teach 5 . If a man really 6 how to learn, he will 7 to do 8 new, he will One day the students 7 , “Let’s do 8 nice for Mr Green.”They bought him a 9 quickly teach himself how to do it in the 9 way. The uneducated(没受过教育的) person, on shirt, The 10 morning when Mr Green came to work, everyone shouted, “Surprise!”Mr the other hand, is 10 unable to do it, or does it badly, So the purpose(目的) of modern Green said it was the surprise he ever had. education is not only to learn languages, geography, history, science and many other subjects, but 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. to teach students the way to learn.


选词填空专题训练 (一)剧烈激烈热烈 1、他的讲话刚刚结束,会场上立即爆发出()的掌声。 2、那摞碗又()得晃动起来。 3、他好像在和什么人进行()的争吵。 (二)幻想理想梦想 1、傣家竹楼是傣族人最()的居住房屋。 2、有些人总想不劳而获,这简直是()。 3、卖火柴的小女孩()着跟着奶奶一起走向新年的幸福中去。 (三)阻止阻挡阻挠 1、客家民居的特殊点在于它还可以()兵匪、野兽及土著的袭击。 2、虽然帝国主义百般(),京张铁路还是提前竣工了。 3、小弟弟想摘公园里的花,被他的姐姐()了。 (四)愿望希望渴望 许多房屋大门上刻着这样的正楷对联:“承前祖德勤和俭,启后子孙读与耕”,表现了先辈()子孙和睦相处,勤俭持家的()。 (五)含糊模糊 1、爸爸的话说得很(),我没有听懂。 2、以前的事,我记不清了,有些()。 (六)僻静寂静 1、那是一个()的小院,平时很少有人去。 2、也深了,树林里一片()。

(七)粗暴残暴 1、教育孩子不能简单(),要有耐心。 2、()的匪徒把父亲绑起来,拖走了。 (八)激烈剧烈 1、我的心()地跳动起来,用恐怖的眼光瞅了瞅父亲。 2、()的战斗打响了,山冈上响起了战士们豪迈的喊杀声。 (九)聪明聪慧 1、书是阳光,能照亮人生之路;书是钥匙,能开启()之门。 2、小李是个()的孩子,挺讨人喜欢的。 (十)侃侃而谈夸夸其谈 1、做事要脚踏实地,不要() 2、语文老师在课堂上(),同学们听得津津有味。 (十一)敏感敏锐 1、警察叔叔的目光十分(),一下子就能看到案子的症结所在。 2、有些动物对气味很(),比如猫对腥味、狗对臭味等等。 (十二)绚烂绚丽 1、在九寨沟众多的湖泊中,五彩池素以小巧秀美,色彩()而著称。 2、生命是盛开的花朵,()多姿,灿烂芬芳。 (十三)疲倦疲惫 1、因为我昨晚没有休息好,所以今天感觉很()。 2、小明读书手不释卷,有时甚至会读到半夜直到()不堪为止。(十四)凶悍凶猛


2020年中考英语选词填空练习 I think senior high schools should have the right to hold independent recruitment(自主招生). According to current regulations (规定), 1______ are being picked by schools according to 2_______ scores on the senior high school entrance exam. This is 3______ because the government wants students 4_______ equal education. But I believe independent recruitment should still 5_______. If an excellent student does poorly 6______ the entrance exam, what can he or she do if there are no other exams offered by schools? This is 7______ for such students. Their future should not be decided by 8_______ one exam. Also, some students in remote (偏僻的) areas don’t have as much access (机会) to 9________ resources. When taking the same entrance exam as students living in more 10_______ areas, they are at a disadvantage (劣势). Independent recruitment may provide these students with a chance to get enrolled (录取). China Youth Daily recently carried out an online survey of 1,934 people to find out more about their lives at home. 1______ of the respondents (受访者) were between the 2______ of 18 and 35. The survey 3________ that 73.5 percent of these young respondents said they want 4______ the same hobbies as their parents. While most young people 5_______ to watch TV, take photos or go 6______, their parents might prefer to watch Peking Opera, drink tea 7______ play chess. While being quarantined (隔离) at home during the coronavirus outbreak, however, they started to share each 8______ interests. “By learning 9_______ each others’ interests, parents and their children might find things that they have in common and have 10_______ relationships,” said Shen Yifei, a professor from Fudan University. C


外研版九年级英语上册选词填空题专练 grow spend, worry , wait, she, see, have , much , when , arm , Only Mother Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all his life. __71__you are still a baby, 72. mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about 73 . When you are 74 up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on 75 clothes . She always stands in the wind 76 for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels 77 about you at home. She usually knows about your study and 78 much money on your school things. When you do well at school, the brightest smile will be 79 on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she 80 to her children, not to receive . What true love that is in the world! We will remember Mother Love for ever. good, what, come, dress, important, parent, hold, nothing, how, necessary Now lots of parents will buy everything that their children want to have. If they go on with the habit, their children won't know the money 76 from hard work. Some parents like to 77 birthday parties for their children. If they keep on doing this, their children will think it 78 for them to enjoy birthday parties every year. Year after year, maybe they will forget their 79 birthdays and only remember their own. It is against traditional habits. Many parents don't let the children do housework. They think children have only one thing to do. They should study hard and do 80 in their lessons. If parents go on doing this, the children will only learn to open their mouths to be fed and stretch out (伸出) their arms to be 81 every day. When the children grow up, they will be able to do 82 , and they won't even find a job. Parents should teach the children 83 to do housework because it can help them start good habits of working by themselves. stay, hope, rainy, change, outside, snow, with, go, place, much It is well known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? Because the weather in


初三英语选词填空专项训练 一、选词填空。 The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty”on the sports ground shines in basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans. Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia (亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Women’s NBA) in the US. It’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was ready for the challenges ahead. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English. “My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!”She likes speaking English to 7 . Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper. This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二、选词填空。 All the students at school 1 Mr Green. He 2 at the school for a long time. Mr Green cleans the floors and keeps everything 3 . He is very nice too 4 , too. He helps them 5 their work and often finds things 6 have lost in school. One day the students 7 , “Let’s do 8 nice for Mr Green.”They bought him a 9 shirt, The 10 morning when Mr Green came to work, everyone shouted, “Surprise!”Mr Green said it was the surprise he ever had. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、选词填空。 Many years ago, there was a family 1 Franklin. They lived in Boston. There were five 2 and six boys in the family. On a January day in 1760, another baby boy 3 . The boy’s mother and his father 4 the boy a name-Benjamin. Benjamin was the 5 of all the children. He could read when he was five and he 6 write by the time he was seven. When he was eight he was sent to school. In school Benjamin had been good at 7 and writing but not good at math. He read all of 8 father’s books. And whenever(每当) he had a little money, he bought a book with it. He liked books. They told him how to do 9 . At that time he invented the paddles(脚蹼) for 10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 四、选词填空。 Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go to school to learn languages, geography(地理), history, science and many other subjects. That is 1 true. But 2 do they learn these things for ? And are these things all that they learn at school? We send our children to school to get ready for their future(未来的) work and life. Many of the things they study at school are useful 3 their life, but is that the 4 reason why they go to school? There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school above all to learn how to learn or teach 5 . If a man really 6 how to learn, he will 7 to do 8 new, he will quickly teach himself how to do it in the 9 way. The uneducated(没受过教育的) person, on the other hand, is 10 unable to do it, or does it badly, So the purpose(目的) of modern education is not only to learn languages, geography, history, science and many other subjects, but to teach students the way to learn. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 7. 8. 9. 10. one she other play open think speak keep both wide work next love something with student beautiful clean they call swim anything clever bear can his give girl read only either what learn good something quite know in always 第 1 页共 3 页
