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新课标必修一英语测试题(Book 1 Unit 1)

新课标必修一英语测试题(Book 1 Unit 1)
新课标必修一英语测试题(Book 1 Unit 1)

高一英语测试题(Book 1 Unit 1)



( )1. There was___time___Iraq was one of the strongest countries in the world.

A. a , when

B. a, that

C. the, that

D. the, when

( )2. They___each other for many years before they___.

A. had been in love with; got married

B. fell in love with; married

C. had fell in love; married

D. love; married

( )3. It was after he got what he had wanted____he realized it was not so important.

A. that

B. when

C. since

D. as

( )4. ___and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.

A. Surprising

B. Surprised

C. Had surprised

D. To be surprising ( )5. It’s seven thirty. I ___________ go to school.

A. have got

B. have got to

C.had got to

D. got to

( )6. This is the first time that I ____________________.

A. have been talked to heart-to-heart

B. have talked to heart to heart

C. have been talked to heart to heart

D. have talked to heart-to-heart ( )7. We _____ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.

A. set about B . set up C. set out D. set down

( )8. It is reported that the money they lost in London ________130,000 pounds.

A. added to

B. added up

C. added

D. added up to

( )9. Lucy asked_________ the night before.

A. where did I go

B. where had I been

C. where I had been

D. where was I go

( )10. ---My sister is very upset today.

--- It’s your fault. You _______the bad news to her yesterday.

A. should tell

B. should have told

C. could have told

D. shoudn’t have told

( )11. The teacher told the children ____________.

A. practice made perfect

B. practice makes perfect

C. practice would make perfect

D.practice will make perfect

( )12. Who was _______I saw last night at the concert?

A. it

B. it that

C. was

D. that

( )13. The government is ___________ with ordinary people through the Internet on the problem.

A. communicating

B. packing

C. settling

D. disagreeing

( ) 14. Share prices decreased greatly in the morning but __________slightly in the afternoon.

A. received

B. recognized

C. recovered

D. recited

( )15. Tom told his teacher that he _______born in 1980.

A. was

B. had been

C. is born

D. has been ( )16. Paul gave us ___________ on how to improve our English.

A. so good an advice

B. a good advice

C. such good advices

D. a good piece of advice

( )17. ______ awaken the sleeping son, the mother walked into the room quietly.

A. In order to not

B. So as to not

C. In order not to

D. So as not to

( )18. Readers can ____________ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A. get over

B. get in

C. get through

D. get along ( )19. I couldn’t afford the time to _________ the school activity, because I had an important meeting to __________.

A. attend; join

B. join; attend

C. take part in; join

D. join in; attend

( )20. Don’t have the children playing _______ in the sun. It’s ______ hot today.

A. very much; so much

B. so much; very much

C. too much; much too

D. much too; too much


1. I am g_________ to you for your help.

2. I hope you will j_________ us in discussing the plan.

3. They s__________ in New York last year and like living there.

4.The meeting began at half past nine. E_________ speaking, at nine twenty-seven.

5. Her music is very popular with t__________ for the reason that it suits their taste.

6. He p___________ up what he might need during his journey and left home.

7. He put some clothes into his s___________ and locked it.

8. All children like to play o___________ instead of staying at home when the weather is fine.

9. The sea is c_________ and clear today. Let’s go for a walk on the beach.

10. The snow is l_________ and there is a lot of air in it.

III.用所给单词的适当形式填空(20分, 每空1分)

1. He often __________ his doctor’s advice, so he is in ___________ of his health problem. In a word, he is ___________ of the fact that he has developed a serious illness. (ignore)

2. Althoug they are twins, they look __________ different. (entire)

3. The doctor asked the patient to be confident in his ___________from the disease, for he was strong enough. (recover)

4. The two_________claimed to be born in_________, and that they knew no other language but_________.(German)

5. Though Tom and John are blind, they can use sign language, which is a common method of __________between the blind. (communicate)

6. As far as I’m _________, the accident has nothing to do with Mary, but it ________ my friend, Tom. (concern)

7. All members came to an _____________ that Kitty had an __________ voice and that only when she __________ to, should we ask someone else to represent our school to take part in the speech contest. (agree)

8. No man can imagine the ___________ he got when he lost the game. In fact, he was a ___________.He had the ability to win, but he was forced to lose the game. (suffer)

9. The new-born baby was an _____________ to the family. “ And it brings some ___________ cost to he family.” __________ the mother. (add)

10.It’s not windy and _________ as before since plenty of trees have been planted in the area. (dust)

IV. 完成句子(50分,每空1分)

1. 大雨增加了营救被掩埋群众的难度。

The heave rain ___________ _________ the difficulty in rescuing the buried people.

2. 你的英语学习情况如何?

How are you ___________ ___________ ___________your English studies?

3. 你在考试中作弊是不对的。

I t’s wrong of you ________ _________ __________ the exam.

4. 妈妈努力地安抚受到惊吓的孩子。

The mother tried to __________ the frightened boy ___________.

5. 这个老人开这辆车毫不费力。

The old man had ________ ________ __________ the car.

6. 我的生日碰巧是一个星期天。

_______ __________ _______ _____ a Sunday when my birthday came.

7. 你本应该听从医生的建议的。

You should ___________ ____________ the doctor’s advice.

8. 我还没来得及与她谈谈,她就离开了公司。

She had left the company ___________ I _________ have a word with her.

9. 这两篇关于事故的报道不太一致。

These two reports of the accident ___________ __________ each other.

10. 在等公共汽车的时候,我遇到了一位老朋友。

_________ __________ for the bus, I came across an old friend.

11. 我不喜欢别人嘲笑我。

I ____________ _____________ ____________ at.

12. 虽然这个小女孩很瘦弱,父母双亡后,她经历了很多苦难。

Weak as she is, she has _________ __________ many hardships since both her parents died.

13. 他喜欢开着音乐做作业。

He likes doing his homework __________ the music __________.

14. 关于他的一系列电影已经问世了。

_______ ________ _______ films about him has come out.

15. 他明知会激怒她,却故意那么做。

He did it _______ __________, knowing it would annoy her.

16. 你怎么不把你的想法写在纸上?

Why don’t you _________ your ideas _________ on paper?

17. 我父亲有高血压。

My father ___________ ____________ high blood pressure.

18. 我对所有这些争论烦透了。

I ___________ _________ __________ all the arguments.

19. 他和我谈话时,我才意识到我的错误。

__________ __________ when he talked to me __________ I realized my mistake.

20. 整天呆在家里没有什么乐趣可言。

It is _________ __________ ___________ at home all day.



1-5 AAABB 6-10 CCDCD

11-15 BBACA 16-20 DCDDC












三、用所给单词的适当形式填空(20分, 每空1分)

1.ignores; ignorance; ignorant



4.Germans; Germany; German


6.concerned; concerns

7.disagreement; agreeable; disagrees

8.sufferings; sufferer

9.addition; additional; added


IV. 完成句子(50分,每空1分)

1. added to

2. getting along/on with

3. to cheat in

4. calm; down

5. had no difficulty/ trouble driving

6. It happened tobe

7. have taken/followed

8. before; could

9. disagree/disagreed with 10. While waiting

11. dislike being laughed 12. gone through 13. with; on 14. A series of 15. on purpose 16. set/write/ take/ put down 17. suffers from

18. am/get tired of 19. It was; that 20. no pleasure staying
