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--> 《Firework》是美国流行女歌手凯蒂·佩里演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱由凯蒂·佩里、星门制作团队、桑迪·威廉、埃斯泰·迪安共同编写,歌曲音乐由SandyVee参与制作。该歌曲被收录在凯蒂·佩里的第二张录音室专辑《TeenageDream》[2],并作为专辑的第四支单曲,于2010年11月2日通过国会唱片公司发布。2015年10月29日,该歌曲凭借千万销量而被美国唱片业协会认证评为“钻石单曲”。






曲:KatyPerry,TorErikHermansen,MikkelStorleerEriksen,SandyWi lhelm,EsterDean

词:KatyPerry,TorErikHermansen,MikkelStorleerEriksen,SandyWi lhelm,EsterDean





Doyoueverfeel,feelsopaperthin 你曾经觉得,觉得像纸一样薄弱Likeahouseofcards


风吹一下就倒塌Doyoueverfeelalreadyburieddeep 你曾经感觉像被活埋在土里Sixfeetunderscream




Doyouknowthatthere'sstillachanceforyou 你知道其实你还是有机会的























You'regonnaleave'emfallin'down-own-own 你自己必须让大家拜倒在你脚下








也许这就是原因,Soyoucanopenonethatleadsyoutotheperfectroad 所以你能自己打开一道




时机到了你会懂Youjustgottaignitethelight 你只需要将它点燃,那道光,Andletitshine





Causebabyyou'reafirework 因为你是烟花

Comeonshow'emwhatyourworth 向大家展现你的能力吧











You'regonnaleave'emfallin'down-own-own 你自己必须让大家拜倒在你脚下







Andnowit'stimetoletitthrough 该是时候大展身手了Causebabyyou'reafirework


Comeonshow'emwhatyourworth 向大家展现你的能力吧


让大家为你欢呼Asyoushootacrossthesky-y-y 当你在空中放射自我






You'regonnaleave'emgoin‘Oh,oh,oh! 你会离开他们哦,哦,哦!



Evenbrighterthanthemoon,moon,moon 明亮更胜于明月





2016好听的英文歌曲推荐 1. because of you 这首歌第1次听的时候震撼特别大,高潮过后突然安静的那一会真的太爽了.而且这首歌还很有气势,真正的百听不厌 2.never had a dream come true 个人最喜欢的一首...旋律肯定熟悉,但是不知道歌名,现在知道了吧 3.anyone of us 这首歌可能不是所有人第1次听就喜欢,但我第1次听它就很感冒,gareth gates的声音的确非常好听,节奏和旋律真的没有他的歌声霸道 4.she 这是在我mp3里呆的最久的一首歌.可能有半年了吧,相当好听,不管是节奏,歌词,还是groove coverage的唱功都着实了得 !经常玩劲舞团的对这首歌应该不陌生吧 5.i want it that way 这首歌是我认为的后街最好听的一首歌 第1次听完了下在mp3上,听了半个月直到现在都想不通啊 6.hero-mariah carey 这首歌不象其他歌一样搞的很大声,但它依然很有气势。我真的有点佩服mariah carey,可以把一首并不快的歌唱成这样,可以说,这首歌很有气质,值得一听 7.my happy ending

不懂avril lavigne清纯的外表下怎么会有如此的爆发力?!这是一首需要挑战耳膜强度的歌哦,特别是晚上.如果都开很大声,嘿嘿,有你爽的哈 8.fighter 这是nba季后赛的主题曲.这首歌带给我的气势和激情就是代表nba的一种精神. 像个勇士一样,永不放弃 这就是nba的魅力,也是这首歌的魅力。 9.it’s my life cs mv的主题曲,钢琴版的听着超爽,如果你想去感叹人生的话听这首歌是个很好的方法 10.yesterday once more 舒缓的节奏和干净的声音听起来实在舒服,这首歌很老,但就象酒,越老越香 它太经典了。 很多人想 但真的永远不会 昨日重现 11. big big world 这首歌是初中时全班都唱过的 现在好怀念初中的时光


传说中最好听的英文歌(爱死了英文歌) 一见钟情篇­ ­ 1. Because of you ­ ­ 这首歌第1次听的时候震撼特别大,高潮过后突然安静的那一会真的太爽了.而且这首歌还很有气势,真正的百听不厌. Kelly Clarkson也在今年的格莱美流行类奖项中,获得最佳流行女歌手, 最佳流行演唱专辑奖.厉害哦­ ­ 2. God is a girl ­ 这首歌是大多数人第1次听都觉得很好听的一首歌,呵呵,开始那段旋律掺杂着流水声让我想起了高山流水,结果听完以后真的发觉还想听听那流水的声音­ ­ 3.Anyone of us ­ 这首歌可能不是所有人第1次听就喜欢,但我第1次听它就很感冒,Gareth Gates的声音的确非常好听,节奏和旋律真的没有他的歌声霸道­ ­ 4.She ­

这是在我MP3里呆的最久的一首歌.可能有半年了吧,相当好听,不管是节奏,歌词,还是Groove Coverage的唱功都着实了得­ ­ 5.I want it that way ­ 这首歌是我认为的后街最好听的一首歌­ ­ 第1次听完了下在MP3上,听了半个月­ ­ 直到现在都想不通啊­ ­ ­ 恢弘气势篇­ ­ 1. I will always love you- Whitney Houston ­ 保镖的主题曲,很好听­ ­ 高潮很有气势啊,不用多说了­ ­ 气势不是靠声音大,而是真的能给人震撼­ ­ 中间的萨克斯很很好听的哈­

Time in a Bottle-Jim croce 歌词及中文翻译

Time in a Bottle - Jim Croce 时光宝瓶- 吉米·克罗斯If I could save time in a bottle 如果时光能用瓶子收藏, The first thing that I'd like to do 我最想做的事情唯有一桩, Is to save every day till eternity passes away, 就是收集每天每日直到永恒消逝, Just to spend them with you. 只为与你共同分享。 If I could make days last forever 如果人生能够万寿无疆, If words could make wishes come true 如果话语能够实现梦想, I'd save every day like a treasure and then 那我就收集每天每日有如珍宝, Again, I would spend them with you 然后与你一同品尝。 But there never seems to be enough time 然而时光似乎总有限量, To do the things you want to do 要做的事情太多太忙, Once you find them 一旦等你有所觉察, I've looked around enough to know 寻寻觅觅,我心中已有主张, You're the one I want to go 人世间唯独是你, Through time with 我愿共度一生的时光。 If I had a box just for wishes 不曾实现的梦想愿望, And dreams that had never come true 假如我有宝盒用来收藏, The box would be empty 这宝盒定会空空荡荡, Except for the memory 里面只有一种记忆, Of how they were answered by you 把你内心的回应存放。


经典英文歌曲歌词 Casablanca I fell in love with you watching Casablanca. Back row(排) of the driving show in the flickering(摇曳的) light. Popcorn and cokes, beneath(在……之下) the stars. Became champagne(香槟酒) and caviar(鱼子酱). Making love on a long hot summer's night. I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca. Holding hands 'neath the paddle(桨) fans in Rick's candled(蜡烛) café~ Hiding in the shadows from the spots. A rocky() moonlight in your arms Making magic in the movies in your old Chevrolet(). Oh'a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca. A kiss is not a kiss without your sigh. Please come back to me in Casablanca I love you more and more each day as time goes by. I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca. You know I've never really been there. so I don't know. I guess our love story will never be seen On the big wide silver screen. But it hurt just as bad when I had to watch you go Oh'a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca.


这些歌,请戴上耳机,调大音量,一个人听,全世界都是你的!!!!!这些歌很温暖,没有金属味,适合有阳光的午后,很悠闲。。。【Anaesthesia】Maximilian Hecker强烈推荐 【Summer Days In Bloom】Maximilian Hecker力推! 【end of May】Keren Ann 【gotta have you】The Weepies调调很特别,我用它做过背景音乐。 【i remember】郭采洁我喜欢睡觉前听这首歌 【Let's start from here】王若琳 【Never Grow Old】The Cranberries 【Tommai mai rub sak tee】Lydia(泰语)听听这个泰国女孩的声音吧。【Disguise】Lene marlin 【When You Say Nothing At All】Ronan Keating有个校内好友也推荐过呢。【valder fields】Tamas Wells很柔。 【don't know why】Norah Joness很慵懒很舒服。。适合酒吧的浪漫气氛。。【seven years】Norah Jones觉得她的声音像阳光打在身上一样舒服。 【the story】Norah Jones有点爵士。电影蓝莓之夜。 (二) 很High的鼓点,很High的节奏,很High的声音。。(Dance. DJ .Hip-hop.金属…) 【Good Foot】Justin Timberlake & Timbaland他们不是第一次合作了,绝!【always come back to your love】Samantha mumba很久前就开始听了。【Ba Yonga Wamba】Banaroo很有特点,听几遍就可以和着一起唱了。【Bottle Pop】The Pussycat Dolls我喜欢 【Takin' All Over The World】The Pussycat Dolls 【Whatcha Think About That】The Pussycat Dolls 【When I Grow Up】The Pussycat Dolls 【Buckle Up n Chuggeluck】Heaven在QQ音乐上听到的,推荐,一定要调大音量。 【Chain Hang Low】Jibbs有点轻快。。。 【Disturbia】Rihanna dadada~~~ 【En Dag Tilbage】Nik&Jay 丹麦 【Floorfiller】 【Say It Right】Nelly Furtado她的声音很细,好听。。 【The Magic Key】One-T+cool-T 【I Hate Myself For Loving You】Joan Jett这首实在是太High了~ 【I Miss You】Basshunter 【just dance】 【Lonely】这个我就不用介绍了 【upside down】很多人用过这个曲子跳舞 【Oops Jaime Pas Langlais】 【Peerless】Darin Zanyar 【Remember The Name】Fort minor 【numb】Linkin Park实在是喜欢这支乐队


2015好听的英文歌曲推荐 1. Because of you 这首歌第1次听的时候震撼特别大,高潮过后突然安静的那一会真的太爽了.而且这首歌还很有气势,真正的百听不厌 2.Never Had A Dream Come True 个人最喜欢的一首...旋律肯定熟悉,但是不知道歌名,现在知道了吧 3.Anyone of us 这首歌可能不是所有人第1次听就喜欢,但我第1次听它就很感冒,Gareth Gates的声音的确非常好听,节奏和旋律真的没有他的歌声霸道 4.She 这是在我MP3里呆的最久的一首歌.可能有半年了吧,相当好听,不管是节奏,歌词,还是Groove Coverage的唱功都着实了得!经常玩劲舞团的对这首歌应该不陌生吧 5.I want it that way 这首歌是我认为的后街最好听的一首歌 第1次听完了下在MP3上,听了半个月直到现在都想不通啊 6.Hero-Mariah Carey 这首歌不象其他歌一样搞的很大声,但它依然很有气势。我真的有点佩服Mariah Carey,可以把一首并不快的歌唱成这样,可以说,这首歌很有气质,值得一听 7.My happy ending

不懂Avril Lavigne清纯的外表下怎么会有如此的爆发力?!这是一首需要挑战耳膜强度的歌哦,特别是晚上.如果都开很大声,嘿嘿,有你爽的哈 8.Fighter 这是NBA季后赛的主题曲.这首歌带给我的气势和激情就是代表NBA的一种精神. 像个勇士一样,永不放弃 这就是NBA的魅力,也是这首歌的魅力。 9.It’s my life CS MV的主题曲,钢琴版的听着超爽,如果你想去感叹人生的话听这首歌是个很好的方法 10.Yesterday once more 这首歌都没听过的人 我真的就。。。。。 无语了! 舒缓的节奏和干净的声音听起来实在舒服,这首歌很老,但就象酒,越老越香 它太经典了。 很多人想 但真的永远不会 昨日重现 11. Big big world 这首歌是初中时全班都唱过的 现在好怀念初中的时光 时间真的过的好快啊 这首歌依然经典 但我真的都长大了,不一样了

《See You Again》中英文翻译歌词资料

《S e e Y o u A g a i n》中英文翻译歌词

《See You Again》 DJ Frank E 没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长 It's been a long day without you my friend 与你重逢之时 And I'll tell you all about it 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 when I see you again 回头凝望 We've come a long way 我们携手走过漫长的旅程 from where we began 与你重逢之时 Oh I'll tell you all about it 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 when I see you again 与你重逢之时 When I see you again 谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程

Damn, who knew all the planes we flew 谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好 Good things we've been through 这便是我在你眼前出现的原因 That I'd standing right here 与你聊聊另一种选择的可能 Talking to you about another path 我懂我们都喜欢速度与激情 I know we loved to hit the road and laugh 但有个声音告诉我 But something told me that 这美好并不会永恒 it wouldn't last 我们得变得更视野 Had to switch up look at things different 转向更为辽阔的天地 see the bigger picture 有付出的日子终有收获的时节 Those were the days hard work forever pays 此刻我看到你走进更加美好的未来


Right here waiting 此情可待 Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日 And i slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得要失常。 I hear your voice on the line,电话里传来你的声音 But it doesn't stop the pain. 但这不能停止我心中伤痛。 If i see you next to never, 倘若此生再也不能与你相见, How can we say forever? 又怎能说和你到永远? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。 I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你。 Whatever it takes,无论怎样变迁 Or how my heart breaks, 无论我多么悲伤, I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你。 I took for granted all the times 我一直确信 That i thought would last somehow. 你我能等到在一起的那一天。 I hear the laughter, 听着你的笑声, I taste the tears, 我流泪满面, But i can't get near you now. 可是此刻却无法接近你。 Oh, can't you see, baby, 哦亲爱的,你难道不知道? You've got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do,无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么 I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你. Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks,无论怎样变迁无论我多么悲伤, I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你。 I wonder how we can survive this romance.我好想知晓我们的感情如何才能维系But in the end if i'm with you 但倘若最终能和你在一起 I'll take the chance. 我会奋不顾身 Oh, can't you see, baby, 哦亲爱的,你难道不知道? You've got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。 I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你. Whatever it takes无论怎样变迁 Or how my heart breaks,无论我多么伤悲 I will be right here waiting for you.我就在这里等候着你 Waiting for you.等候着你


超好听的中英文歌100首hey Juliet lemon tree only love i still believe as long as you love me a thousand miles never had a dream come true baby one more time you are not alone disturbia because of you god is a girl sunshine in the rain just one last dance burning far away from home moonlight shadow the day you went away mirror mirror pretty boy i want it that way

can you feel the love tonight peerless save you trouble is a friend beautiful all i ever wanted rhythm of the rain anyone of us it's my life fighter hero i will always love you nobodys fool yeah tears in heaven fingers Anaesthesia Maximilian Hecker Summer Days In Bloom Maximilian Hecker end of May Keren Ann gotta have you The Weepies i remember


1..Hello song 歌词(Lyrics) Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too. Hello, hello, hello how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine , I hope that you are too 2.. Finger Family 歌词Lyrics Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Mammy finger, Mammy finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you? Here I am. Here I am. How do you do? 3..《ABC song》歌词 A B C D , E F G H I J K , L M N O P Q R S , T U V W X Y Z Now I know my ABC, tell me what you think of me 4.. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 歌词 Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When there's nothing he shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.


【 让你忍不住收藏的十首超好听的英文歌曲!】1.《Realize》2. 《Amarantine》3.《I See You》4.《Day Too Soon》5.《Need You Now》 6.《Stupid In Love》7.《When You are Mad》8.《The Climb》9.《You Belong With Me》10.《Welcome To My Life》https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1117018930.html,/SUThIV
【十首英文电影插曲,很温柔的歌,适合安静的时候听】1.《Hello》2. 《Fallin out》 3.《Better in time》4.《Fallin》5.《We are one》6.《Show me love》7.《Because you live》8.《What a wonderful world》9.《You are my everything》10.《Sound Of My
【舒缓减压系音乐推荐】1.曲婉婷《Everything In the World》2.Jason Mraz《I’m Yours 》3.Adele《Chasing Pavements》4.Olivia Ong《where is the love》5.孙燕姿《直来直往》6.梁静茹《美丽人生》7.邓福如《如 果有如果》8.王菲《南海姑娘》9.王若琳《I Love You》 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1117018930.html,/zWgfS0B
【?你 MP3 里不可缺少的,十首欧美歌曲!】1《Hey jude》2《Yesterday》 3《Vindicated》4《Beyond thd game》5《I like it I love it》6《Should It Matter》7《Are you the one》8《Traveling Light》9《Resta In Ascolto》 10《I Finally Found Someone》https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1117018930.html,/zW11ahd
【 十首英文歌曲,一个人寂寞时听】1. 《forgotten》2.《only love》 3.《Breakaway》4.《Life for rent》5.《traveling light》6.《Fire Fly》7.《lay my love on you》8.《Are You The One》9.《Breathe again》 10.《Truly Madly Deeply》 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1117018930.html,/zWuLeGK
【 十首清纯英文歌曲】1.《kiss it》2.《it's okay》3.《T-SHIRT》 4.《single girl》5.《i miss you》6.《Whatever You Like》7.《this i promise you》8.《you are not alone》9.《We Will Rock You》10. 《if you come back my life》https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1117018930.html,/SIqX2d
《遇见》 《知足》 《突然好想你》 《蒲公英的约定》纯音乐钢琴版 很唯美~~
【十首英文,很温柔的歌,适合安静的时候听】1.《Hello》2. 《Fallin out》3.《Better in time》4.《Fallin》5.《We are one》6.《Show me love》7.《Because you live》8.《What a wonderful world》9.《You are my everything》10.《Sound Of My Dre》https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1117018930.html,/bTdUy
【世界著名钢琴曲排行榜】没听过的赶紧收藏了!NO.1 《梦中的婚礼》 NO.2 《秋日私语》NO.3 《水边的阿狄丽娜》NO.4 《蓝色多瑙河》NO.5 《致爱丽斯》NO.6 《悲怆奏鸣曲》NO.7 《蓝色的爱》NO.8 《雨的印记》 NO.9 《杜鹃圆舞曲》NO.10 《爱的纪念》。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1117018930.html,/zOxz5rm
1 欢。迎下载

GALA《Young for you》歌词及翻译

1 (中文翻译)嘿,伙计们真酷 你好啊窝囊废我们才真叫酷001_intro...the band is so cool (suddoo/M/wangzi) Hello loser The band is so cool

2 (中文)忧郁的废物002_the blue elephants(suddoo) 我是忧郁的废物 生活在离奇的国度 现实它虚拟恍惚 爱情也飘缈虚无 我是忧郁的废物 迷恋着成长的孤独 拒绝这生命重复 却变得一无是处

3 (中文翻译) 田纳西 田纳西 照耀着我 轻易来到 却不舍离去 我该死 却不会哭 曾经是那么 豪迈不羁 梦着梦 不觉遗憾 把我的心 涂的闪亮 抱紧我 这很好 总而言之 你是我的大海 (你是我的仙女) 在夜里和谁一起跳舞篝火旁河水缓缓流淌你的面如丝绒气贯长虹但除了我你别无所依谁偷走你的时间 让你无法继续走 在停滞中你感觉晕眩之后一切都空空如也003_tennessee(suddoo) Tennessee You shine on me Eazy come Hard to leave I should die But never cry Used to be A magic knight Dream some dreams Not say sorry Paint my heart Let it be lush Hold me tight That's alright Anyway You're my sea (you're my fairy) *Dance with whom at night Fire around,river's gone Velvet face prides you But now you've got only me left *Who's stolen your watch Would like to continue The feeling that made you dizzy Now it's all becomin' empty


My love---西域男孩 An empty street, an empty house, 空空的街道,空空的房, a hole inside my heart, 心里也是个空空的洞, I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller, 我孤独的一个人,房间也变得越来越小, I wonder how, I wonder why, 我不知道怎么回事,也不知道为什么, I wonder where they are, 我不知道它们哪去了, the days we had, 我们有过的好时光, the songs we sang together, oh yeah. 我们一起唱过的歌,oh,yeah. and oh my love, 还有你--我的最爱, I'm holding on forever, 我一直在坚持, reaching for a love that seems so far. 想得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱. all:(合唱) So I say a little prayer, 所以我低声祈祷, hope my dreams will take me there, 希望我的梦会带我到那儿, where the skies are blue, 那儿天空湛蓝, to see you once again ,my love, 再次见到你,我的爱,

over seas from coast to coast, 漂洋过海,从一个海岸到到另一个海岸 find the place I love the most, 找到我最爱的地方, where the fields are green, 那儿田野葱郁, i see you once again, my love. 我再一次见到你,我的爱. bryan:(Bryan唱) I try to read, I go to work 我设法去读书,去工作, i'm laughing with my friends, 我和朋友们一起说说笑笑, but I can't stop to keep myself from thinking, oh no, 可我没法不想你,oh,no, I wonder how, i wonder why, 我不知道怎么回事,我不知道为什么, I wonder where they are, 我不知道它们哪去了, the days we had, 我们有过的好时光, the songs we sang together, oh yeah. 我们一起唱过的歌,oh yeah. and oh my love, 和你--我的最爱, I'm holding on forever, 我一直在坚持, reaching for a love that seems so far. 想要得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱.


BRESSANONE(狼)布列瑟农 here i stand in bressanone 我站在布列瑟侬 with the stars up in the sky 密布着星光的苍穹下 are they shining over brenner 依稀的光照亮着布莱勒 and upon the other side 从天的那一边 you would be a sweet surrender 你送出甜蜜的笑(驻足凝望) i must go the other way 谁将被迫离去 and my train will carry me onward 离别的列车将带他远去 though my heart would surely stay 只有跳跃的心不愿离去 wo my heart would surely stay 呜跳跃的心不愿离去 now the clouds are flying by me 我多想飞起 and the moon is on the rise (融入)升起的月亮 i have left stars behind me 让群星环绕着我 they were disamondsin your skies 它们将魂绕在你的星空里 you would be a sweet surrender 你将送出甜蜜的笑(驻足凝望) i must go the other way 谁将被迫离去 and my train will carry me onward 离别的列车将带他远去 though my heart would surely stay 只有跳跃的心不愿离去 wo my heart would surely stay 呜只有跳跃的心不愿离去 cry on my shoulder 演唱:deutschl. Sucht den superstar if the hero never comes to you 如果你的真命天子总是与你擦肩而过 if you need someone you?re feeling blue

几首eminem超好听说唱歌词(no love,iam not afraid etc.)及几首好听的英文歌曲歌词

Just A Dream Nelly I was thinkin about her I'm thinkin about me I'm thinkin about us Where we gunna be Open my eyes... And it was only just a dream So I travel back down that road Wish you come back No one knows And I realize, it was only just a dream I was at the top Now it's like I'm in the basement Number 1 spot Now shes finding a replacement I swear now I can't take it Knowing somebodys got my baby Now you wait around, baby I can't think I should put it down, shoulda got that ring Cause I can still feel it in the air See your pretty face Run my fingers through her hair My love My life My shorty My wife She left me, I'm tight Cause I knew that it just ain't right I was thinkin about her I'm thinkin about me I'm thinkin about us Where we gunna be Open my eyes... And it was only just a dream So I travel back down that road Wish you come back No one knows And I realize, it was only just a dream And I be ridin And I swear I see your face and every time I try to get my usher on but I can't let it burn And I just hope that she notice she the only one I yearn for No more sooner will I learn Didn't give her all my love I guess now I got my payback Now I'm in the club thinking all about my baby Hey She was so easy to love But wait, I guess taht love wasn't enough I'm goin through it every time that I'm alone Now I'm wishing she would just pick up the phone But she made a decision that she wanted to move on Cause I was wrong I was thinkin about her I'm thinkin about me I'm thinkin about us Where we gunna be Open my eyes... And it was only just a dream So I travel back down that road Wish you come back No one knows And I realize, it was only just a dream If you ever loved somebody put your hands up And now they're gone and you wish you could give them everything


。 1欢迎下载 My love---西域男孩 An empty street, an empty house, 空空的街道,空空的房, a hole inside my heart, 心里也是个空空的洞, I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller, 我孤独的一个人,房间也变得越来越小, I wonder how, I wonder why, 我不知道怎么回事,也不知道为什么, I wonder where they are, 我不知道它们哪去了, the days we had, 我们有过的好时光, the songs we sang together, oh yeah. 我们一起唱过的歌,oh,yeah. and oh my love, 还有你--我的最爱, I'm holding on forever, 我一直在坚持, reaching for a love that seems so far. 想得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱. all:(合唱) So I say a little prayer, 所以我低声祈祷, hope my dreams will take me there, 希望我的梦会带我到那儿, where the skies are blue, 那儿天空湛蓝, to see you once again ,my love, 再次见到你,我的爱, over seas from coast to coast, 漂洋过海,从一个海岸到到另一个海岸 find the place I love the most, 找到我最爱的地方, where the fields are green, 那儿田野葱郁, i see you once again, my love. 我再一次见到你,我的爱. bryan:(Bryan 唱) I try to read, I go to work 我设法去读书,去工作, i'm laughing with my friends, 我和朋友们一起说说笑笑, but I can't stop to keep myself from thinking, oh no, 可我没法不想你,oh,no, I wonder how, i wonder why, 我不知道怎么回事,我不知道为什么, I wonder where they are, 我不知道它们哪去了, the days we had, 我们有过的好时光, the songs we sang together, oh yeah. 我们一起唱过的歌,oh yeah. and oh my love, 和你--我的最爱, I'm holding on forever, 我一直在坚持, reaching for a love that seems so far. 想要得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱. all:(合唱) so I say a little prayer, 所以我低声音祈祷, hope my dreams will take me there, 希望我的梦会带我去那儿, where the skies are blue, 那儿天空湛蓝, to see you once again my love, 再一次见到你,我的爱, over seas from coast to coast, 穿洋过海,从一个海岸到另一个海岸 find the place i love the most, 找到我最爱的地方, where the fields are green, 那儿田野葱郁, see you once again 再一次见到你. mark:(马克唱) to hold you in my arms, 把你拥在怀里, to promise you my love, 向你承诺我的爱, to tell you from afar,


memory的歌词中文翻译 midnight not a sound from the pavement has the moon lost her memory? she is smiling alone in the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet and the wind begins to moan memory all alone in the moonlight i can smile at the old days life was beautiful then i remember the time i knew what happiness was let the memory live again every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning someone mutters and a street lamp gutters and soon it will be morning daylight i must wait for the sunrise i must think of a new life and i mustn't give in when the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too and a new day will begin burnt out ends of smoky days the stale cold smell of morning the street lamp dies another night is over another day is dawning touch me it's so easy to leave me all alone with my memory of my days in the sun if you touch me you'll understand what happiness is look a new day has begun 午夜, 路上寂静无声, 月儿是否也失去记忆? 他笑得多孤寂, 街灯下, 枯叶在我的脚下堆积, 风儿也开始叹息。 回忆, 当我独自在月光里, 我笑看着往昔, 当时多么美丽, 回忆当时我知快乐是什么含义,让回忆重新降临。 每盏街灯似乎都 在发出宿命的警讯, 喃喃低语, 街上灯光又熄, 清晨就快要来临。 天明, 我要等待太阳升气, 我要为未来思虑, 而我不能放弃。 黎明到来, 今夜就将要成为回忆, 新的一天就要开启。 每日都像烟雾燃烧, 霉味充满清晨空气。 街灯已熄, 又是一夜过去, 又将是一个黎明。 靠近我, 离开我多么容易, 让我独自回忆, 回忆昨日美丽。 如果靠近我, 你将明了快乐的意义, 看,新的一天已来临。
