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邹为诚《综合英语教程(5)》学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+练习答案】-Unit 7~Unit 9【圣

邹为诚《综合英语教程(5)》学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+练习答案】-Unit 7~Unit 9【圣
邹为诚《综合英语教程(5)》学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+练习答案】-Unit 7~Unit 9【圣

Unit 7




tramp [] n. 流浪者;步行;(沉重的)脚步声

v. 步行,跋涉;用沉重的脚步走

【例句】Who’s been tramping all over this carpet in muddy shoes? 谁穿着带泥的鞋子在地毯上到处踩?

【词组】on the tramp 走江湖,跑码头;漂泊着


account [] n. 账,账目,账户;报道,记载,叙述;原因,理由

【例句】①The accounts show a profit of 9000. 帐上显示盈利9000英镑。

②She gave the police a full account of the incident. 她把事件向警方作了详细叙述。

【词组】account for 解释,说明

on no account 决不

take into account 重视;考虑

parlo(u)r [] n. 客厅;(旅馆中的)休息室;(AmE) 店铺

【例句】He got a job washing dishes in a pizza parlour. 他在比萨店里找到一份洗盘子的工作。

staunch [] adj. 坚定而忠实可靠的

【例句】He’s a staunch supporter of the monarchy. 他是君主制的忠诚拥护者。

indulge [] v. 纵容,放任;沉迷,沉溺于

【例句】His father sometimes indulges in a cigarette. 他的父亲有时沉迷于抽烟。

alternate [] vt. 使轮流,使交替

vi. 交替,轮流

adj. 交替的,轮流的;预备的

【例句】We alternate in doing the housework. 我们轮流做家务。

【词组】alternate with 交替

suspicious [] adj. 可疑的;怀疑的

【例句】His strange behavior made the police suspicious. 他的奇怪举止引起了警察的怀疑。

【词组】suspicious (about/of sth. /sb. ) 有疑心的;表示怀疑的


prompting []n.激励;提示;刺激

【例句】It is a happy thing that time quells the longings of vengeance and hushes the prompting of rage and aversion.


stint [] n. 定额工作,定量,任期

v. 限制,节制

【例句】He did a stint abroad early in his career. 他早先在国外干过一段时间。

scathing [] adj. (评判、批评等)严酷的,苛刻的

【例句】The report is scathing about the lack of safety precaution.该报道对缺乏安全预防措施一事严加指责。

rave [] n. 咆哮;胡言乱语;热烈赞美




【例句】I t’s qu ite a good film, but i t’s noth ing to rave about. 影片倒是好影片,但也不值得大肆吹捧。

runaway [] adj. 逃跑的,私奔的;(指动物或车辆)失去控制的

【例句】The police have not found the runaway to date. 警察迄今没抓到逃犯。

strap [] n. 带,皮带

v. 捆扎,用带子系住;用绷带包扎

【例句】He strapped the bag onto his bicycle. 他用带子把包捆在自行车上。

【词组】strap on 带上

strap in 拴上安全带

strap sth. (up)(用皮带)包紮(伤口、肢体等)

strap (for sth.) 短缺(尤指钱)


【派生】strapping n. 鞭打;皮带材料;裹伤胶带

orbit [] n. 轨道;(活动)范围


【例句】Marketing does not come within the orbit of his department. 市场推销业务不归他这一部门管。

【词组】in orbit 在轨道上;在轨道上运行;[俚语]飘飘然

assassinate [] v. 暗杀,行刺

【例句】President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. 约翰·肯尼迪总统是在1963年被杀的。


set out to打算,着手

【例句】The professor set out to study the customs of the natives. 教授着手研究当地居民的风俗人情。

indulge in沉湎于,沉溺于

【例句】Indeed a man, whose heart is pretty clean, can indulge in this pursuit with an enjoyment that never ceases. 确实,一个良心清白的人,永远能在这种追求


call for要求;需要;提倡

【例句】Different circumstances call for different tactics. 不同的情势需要不同的策略。

provide for 供给,供养;为…作准备

【例句】He was desperate for work to provide for a large family. 他渴望有个工作,挣钱供养子女众多的家。

Basic Issues

What Is Poetry?


fiddle [] n. 欺诈,欺骗行为;小提琴

【例句】He was accused of being on the fiddle with several others. 他被指控伙同其他人一起伪造账目。

【词组】fit as a fiddle非常健康

fiddle with 摆弄;乱动;玩弄;弄虚作假


take by the throat 扼杀;掐死

【例句】I will take fate by the throat, it will not bend me completely to its will. 我要扼住命运的咽喉,它绝不能随意摆布我。

down to earth实际的

【例句】He is a down to earth sort of fellow. 他是个现实的人。


O Captain!My Captain!


weather [] n. 天气,气候;处境

vt. 使受风吹雨打,侵蚀,使风化;经受住

vi. 风化,受侵蚀;经受风雨

【例句】The ship weathered the cape. 那艘船顶着风经过海角。

【词组】weather through 度过,捱过

under the weather 有病,不舒服

in all weathers 风雨无阻



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常用词的学术替换 动词替换: 1.Improve 提高: Promote: 促进AC之间的贸易promote the trade between A and C; He was promoted to senior manager in this company. Advance: our understanding of human genetics has considerably(非常的,可换做vastly) advanced. Enhance: the publi city has enhanced his reputation.这次宣传提高了他的名望 2.change 改变: Transform:多指改头换面,完全改变,不能用于形容slight change。说到人口变化:the increasing population has transformed the landscape and structure of local industry structure.人口剧增改变了小镇的景色以及当地的工业结构 3.Emphasize 强调: Highlight:the report highlight the decline in the numbers of native(可以换作local) plants and insects. Stress: He stresses the need for parents to listen to their children. Accentuate: the crisis accentuates the gap between rich and poor. (highlight and emphasize 的区别:highlight是告诉人们重点,因而能够让别人注意,类似于老师勾重点;而emphasize则是使重点清晰,不管别人是否能注意得到。而stress则和emphasize差不多) 4.Develop培养: Cultivate: cultivate the ability of … ;培养情操;cultivate a more relaxed and positive way towards life. Nurture: 养育,同样可以指培养人才(talents)the sea nutures ample marine animals. 5.Break 破坏: Impair:impair ability; 主要是破坏能力,莫乱用。 Undermine这个词也是指的是抽象意义上的破坏,有逐渐削弱之意,重点是循序渐进的过程。Undermine one’s ability/confidence/authority/position/credibility Jeopardize: 不能乱用,破坏的东西要上一定的等级才能配上此词。比如Jeopardize the process of peace.破坏和平进程 Devastate特指毁灭、蹂躏the earthquake devastated the whole city. 6.Keep 保存 Preserve、Conserve 保护资源用的就是这个词,不要用protect,protect这个词用在保护具体的东西。 7.deal With解决 Tackle: tackle the problem. Resolve: resolve dispute争论/conflict冲突/problem/issue/crisis危机;来自拉丁语,比较正式。 8.need 需要 Require:xxx requires courage and confidence. Necessitate: 用法不简单,没有摸透。 call for(这也是个很高级的用法,奥巴马就用这个【我不晓得奥巴马咋个用的,原帖是这样


学术论文常用词汇 学术论文的语言表达 一、时态 时态是个比较复杂的问题虽然有一般的规则但往往在实际文章中很难把握总体的 规则已在前边讲过需要重申的是在同一段落中要避免时态跳跃详见学术论文的写作最常见的描述一般现象的时态是一般现在时有时也用一般过去时或一般将来时 需要注意的语法 In recent years 作时间状语时通常要用完成时 In recent years, Plesch and coworkers have concluded that many so-called cationic polymerizations do not proceed through intermediates of an ionic nature. 二、数词 数也有其复杂化特别是在学术论文里有是很难顾及数上的逻辑但一般不将逻辑上 的问题视为语法错误只须注意在一个句子中的数和谓语动词的统一即可 以下是需要注意的语法 不规则变化的单复数 单数复数 criterion criteria 依据 phenomenon phenomena 现象 medium media 介质 radius radii 半径 index indices 指数 appendix appendices 附录 stimulus stimuli 刺激 basis bases 基础 2 synthesis syntheses 合成 matrix matrices 基体 Novel biomaterials with improved, specific biological action are being developed using polymers that are responsive to environmental stimuli. 一些数有特殊性的名词 data, kinetics 通常作复数名词 research, work: 不可数名词 The data in Table 1 are obtained from the reactions at different temperatures. The kinetics of polymerization within each droplet are the same as those for the corresponding bulk polymerization. Much research has been done to redirect the tropism of retroviruses by engineering the envelope glycoprotein. Most research on poly(ortho esters) has focused on the synthesis of polymers. 一些结构的数<主谓的统一> one of 复数名词单数


论文写作格式要求及字体大小 论文就是用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果的文章,简称之为论文。它既是探讨问题进行科学研究的一种手段,又是描述科研成果 进行学术交流的一种工具。它包括学年论文、毕业论文、学位论文、科技论文、成果论文等,总称为论文。 一、封面 题目:小二号黑体加粗居中。 各项内容:四号宋体居中。 二、目录 目录:二号黑体加粗居中。 章节条目:五号宋体。 行距:单倍行距。 三、论文题目:小一号黑体加粗居中。 四、中文摘要 1、摘要:小二号黑体加粗居中。 2、摘要内容字体:小四号宋体。 3、字数:300字左右。 4、行距:20磅 5、关键词:四号宋体,加粗。词3-5个,每个词间空一格。 五、英文摘要 1、ABSTRACT:小二号TimesNewRoman. 2、内容字体:小四号TimesNewRoman.

3、单倍行距。 4、Keywords:四号加粗。词3-5个,小四号TimesNewRoman.词 间空一格。 六、绪论小二号黑体加粗居中。内容500字左右,小四号宋体,行距:20磅 七、正文 (一)正文用小四号宋体 (二)安保、管理类毕业论文各章节按照一、二、三、四、五级标题序号字体格式 章:标题小二号黑体,加粗,居中。 节:标题小三号黑体,加粗,居中。 一级标题序号如:一、二、三、标题四号黑体,加粗,顶格。 二级标题序号如:(一)(二)(三)标题小四号宋体,不加粗,顶格。 三级标题序号如:1.2.3.标题小四号宋体,不加粗,缩进二个字。 四级标题序号如:(1)(2)(3)标题小四号宋体,不加粗,缩进二 个字。 五级标题序号如:①②③标题小四号宋体,不加粗,缩进二个字。 医学、体育类毕业论文各章序号用阿拉伯数字编码,层次格式为:1××××(小2号黑体,居中)××××××××××××××(内 容用4号宋体)。1.1××××(3号黑体,居 左)×××××××××××××(内容用4号宋体)。 1.1.1××××(小3号黑体,居 左)××××××××××××××××××××(内容用4号宋体)。 ①××××(用与内容同样大小的宋体)a.××××(用与内容同样大 小的宋体) (三)表格


英语学术论文常用词句 1. 常用词汇与短语 差别:gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference 存在,出现:occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数:the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, handful 方法:approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率:Incidence, frequency, prevalence 发现,阐明,报道,证实:verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening ,isolation 改变:change, alteration, 高,增加:high, enhanced, elevated, increased, forced 各种,多种:in multiple types of, in various types of, in a variety of 关系,相关,参与:closely involved in, associated, 广泛的:in an extensive survey 执行:perform, carry out 降,少,缺:decrease, reduction, reduced, diminish, loss, suppression, deficient, low, weak, faint, light, absence, absent, undetectable, lack ,defective, negative,poor,impaired, greatly reduced or completely absent, frequently lost or down-expressed 角色,起作用:role, part (limited, potential, early, possible role) 可能性:feasibility 密切地:intimately 难理解的,似谜的:enigmatic (x remains enigmatic)


S u m m a r y 的写作技巧和常见句型 、概括原文 一)阅读 1. 读懂文章读文章的时候,要养成良好的阅读习惯,划划写写,英文阅读的时候,用铅笔轻轻划出重点词汇。 认真阅读给定的原文材料。如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍。阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻。 2. 拆分文章按照作者的思路,把文章分段,每个段落用几个词,几个短语概括。尽量简短,精 炼。 段落中心句,在段落的开头或末尾。有时也会变态的在当中。 3. 概括主旨写出文章的thesis, 一句话概括文章的主旨。 二)基本结构和技巧 1.重新拟定标题给summary 起一个标题。用那些能概括文章主题思想的单词、短语或短句子作为标题。也可以采用文中的主题句作为标题。 2. 阐述观点 摘要应全部用自己的话完成。不要引用原文的句子。写概述的时候,如果能够明确是他人写作的文章,注意要把作者的名字放在第一句(或者是接着写出要阐述的main ideas (主要观点)和supporting points (对主要观点的the author .. )。

支持)。 3. 词汇运用 注意概述的cohere nee (连贯性),运用好tran siti on words (过渡 词) , like however, furthermore, nonetheless, besides, therefore etc. 4. 删除细节 只保留主要观点。 5. 选择一至两个有代表性的例子 原文中可能包括5 个或更多的例子,你只需从中筛选一至二个例子。 6. 把长句变成短句,把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子。 He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor. 可以概括为:“ He was in finan cial difficulties. His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion- like. ” 可以概括为:” He was very brave in battle. He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor. 可以概括为:“ He was in finan cial difficulties. 6)你还可以使用词组代替整句或者从句。请看下面的例子: Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Mount Huang, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on these mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago. ” 可以概括为:” Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, once visited by only a few people, are today accessible to many, thanks to better wages, paid holidays,


长期整理的英文论文写作常用词汇和短语 这几年看文献和写论文的时候整理了一些写作常用词汇和短语,希望大家也能用得上: 差别 gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference No statistically significant differences in survival were found for MMC or MPMA. Although MMC and MPMA decreased with increasing nuclear grade and TNM stage, this difference failed to achieve statistical significance. 存在,出现 occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数 the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, handful 方法 approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率 Incidence, frequency, prevalence In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. 发现,阐明,报道,证实 verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening ,isolation


附件一:书写格式要求 (1)目录书写要求 目录基本格式:1.5倍行距;上下页边距2.54厘米,左右页边距2.6厘米;必须标明一级、二级、三级标题;分散对齐,宋体小四号字。“□”表示占1个字宽(即2个字符)的空格。 (空三行) 目□□录(二号黑体,居中) (空两行) □□摘要 (1) □□关键词 (1) □□一、一级标题 (1) □□(一)二级标题 (2) □□1三级标题 (2) □□2 ×××× (3) □□…… 五、结束语 (8) □□参考文献 (9)

(2)论文正文书写要求 潇湘职业学院毕业论文(设计)规范化要求 正文基本格式:行距固定值22磅,如有图、表可做适当调整;上下页边距2.54厘米,左右页边距2.6厘米。“□”表示占1个字宽(即2个字符)的空格。 (小二号字空两行) 毕业论文(设计)中文题目(小二黑体,加粗,居中) 班级:×××学生:×××(五号宋体居中) 指导老师:××× (五号字空一行) □□摘□要(小四黑体):……(五号宋体) □□关键词(小四黑体):×××;×××;×××;×××; (五号宋体空一行) □□(导入语)……(正文的内容小四号宋体) 一、×××××(一级标题小三号黑体,顶格书写)(正文的内容小四号宋体) 二、××××× (一)×××××(二级标题四号黑体,顶格书写)(正文的内容小四号宋体) □□1、×××××(三级标题小四号黑体)(正文的内容小四号宋体) □□(1)……。(四级标题不单独占行书写)(正文的内容小四号宋体) …… (小四号宋体空一行) 参考文献(小三号黑体) [1] 作者.论文题名[J].期刊名,出版年,卷(期):页码A~B (五号宋体) ……


英文论文写作常用词汇和短语 这几年看文献和写论文的时候整理了一些写作常用词汇和短语,希望大家也能用得上: 差别gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference No statistically significant differences in survival were found for MMC or MPMA. Although MMC and MPMA decreased with increasing nuclear grade and TNM stage, this difference failed to achieve statistical significance. 存在,出现occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, handful 方法approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率Incidence, frequency, prevalence In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. 发现,阐明,报道,证实verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening ,isolation 改变change, alteration, 高,增加high, enhanced, elevated, increased, forced 各种,多种in multiple types of neoplasia, in various types of apoptosis, in a variety of tumors 关系,相关,参与closely involved in, associated, 广泛的in an extensive survey 进行conducte, perform, carry out, 降,少,缺decrease, reduction, reduced, diminish, loss, suppression, deficient, low, weak, faint, light, absence, absent, undetectable, lack ,defective, negative,poor,impaired, greatly reduced or completely absent, frequently lost or down-expressed, presented discontinuous and weaker


英语论文中常用词汇和短语[精品] 英语论文中常用词汇和短语 差别gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference No statistically significant differences in survival were found for MMC or MPMA. AlthoughMMC and MPMA decreased with increasing nuclear grade and TNM stage,this difference failed to achieve statistical significance. 存在,出现occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, h andful 方法approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率Incidence, frequency, prevalence In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. 发现,阐明,报道,证实verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize,clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate,illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal,display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply,disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening,isolation


论文格式字体要求作者:黄莹梅 【论文格式字体要求】 毕业论文格式 第一页: 论文题目(黑体、居中、三号字) (空一行) 作者(宋体、小三) (空一行) [摘要](四号黑体)空一格打印内容(四号宋体,200-300字)……………………… (空一行) [关键词] (四号黑体)关键词内容(小四号宋体、每两个关键词之间空两格) 第二页: 目录(居中、四号黑体) (空一行) (空一行) 引言(小四号宋体)…………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体)一、标题(小四号宋体)……………………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 1.(小标题)(小四号宋体)………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) (1)(下级标题)(小四号宋体)………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 二、(标题)(小四号宋体)…………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 1.(小标题)(小四号宋体)……………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) (1)(下级标题)(小四号宋体)…………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 参考文献(小四号宋体)……………………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 附录(小四号宋体)………………………………………………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 致谢语(小四号宋体)………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体)

英文题目、摘要、关键词(小四号宋体)………………………………………………页码(小四号宋体) 第三页开始:毕业论文正文 引言(居中、四号黑体) (空一行) (空一行) 引言内容用小四号宋体打印 (空一行) (空一行) 一、(标题)(居中、四号黑体) (空一行) (空一行) 1、(小标题)(四号宋体) (空一行) (1)(下级小标题)(小四号黑体) (正文内容用小四号宋体、下同) (空一行) (空一行) 1、(小标题)(四号宋体) (空一行) (1)(下级小标题)(小四号黑体) · · · (空一行) (空一行) 结论(内容用小四号宋体) (空一行) (空一行) 附录(居中、四号黑体) 附录内容(内容用小四号宋体) (空一行) (空一行) 参考文献(居中、四号黑体) 参考文献(内容用五号宋体) (空一行)


1. individuals, characters, folks 替换people , persons. 2. positive, favorable, rosy, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, superior 替换good. rosy ;adj. 蔷薇色的,玫瑰红色的;美好的;乐观的;涨红脸的 3. dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill 替换bad(如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive 替换。) Adverse;adj. 不利的;相反的;敌对的(名词adverseness,副词adversely) 4. an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, a host of, if not most 替换many. if not most:即使不是大多数 5. a slice of, quite a few 替换some. a slice of:一片,一份 6. harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that 替换think。 harbor v/n庇护;怀有 7. affair, business, matter 替换thing. 8. shared 替换common . 9. reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits. 10. for my part ,from my own perspective 替换in my opinion. 11. Increasing, growing 替换more and more(注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing修饰形容词,副词用increasingly.) 12. little if anything或little or nothing 替换hardly. 13. beneficial, rewarding 替换helpful. 14. shopper, client, consumer, purchaser 替换customer. 15. overwhelmingly, exceedingly, extremely, intensely 替换very. 16. hardly necessary, hardly inevitable…替换unnecessary, avoidable. 17. indispensable 替换necessary. 18. sth appeals to sb., sth. exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb. take interest in / sb. be interested in. 19. capture one's attention 替换attract one's attention. 20. facet, dimension, sphere 替换aspect. 21. be indicative of, be suggestive of, be fearful of 替换indicate, suggest, fear. 22. give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 替换cause. 23. There are several reasons behind sth. 替换…reasons for sth. 24. desire 替换want. 25. pour attention into 替换pay attention to. 26. bear in mind that 替换remember. 27. enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思)。 28. interaction 替换communication. 29. frown on sth 替换be against , disagree with sth. 30. as an example 替换for example, for instance. 31. next to / virtually impossible 替换nearly / almost impossible. 32. regarding / concerning 替换about. 33. crucial /paramount 替换important. 34. 第一(in the first place/the first and foremost);


英文论文写作常用词汇和短语这几年看文献和写论文的时候整理了一些写作常用词汇和短语,希望大家也能用得上:差别gaps between, differentiate between, discrepancies,no intergroup difference No statistically significant differences in survival were found for MMC or MPMA. Although MMC and MPMA decreased with increasing nuclear grade and TNM stage, this difference failed to achieve statistical significance. 存在,出现occurred, occurrence ,existed, existence, presence, present 多数,少数the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases ,a marked majority, handful 方法approaches, avenues, methods, techniques, means, tools 发生率Incidence, frequency, prevalence In contrast with regions of high incidence, the mutation spectrum did not show a high prevalence of mutations at A:T base pairs. 发现,阐明,报道,证实verify, confirm, elucidate, identify, define, characterize, clarify, establish, ascertain, explain, observe, illuminate, illustrate,demonstrate, show, indicate, exhibit, presented, reveal, display, manifest,suggest, propose, estimate, prove, imply, disclose,report, describe,facilitate the identification of ,screening ,isolation


论文格式及字体要求 (1)题目作者 论文题目(宋体二号、不超过20个字)作者姓名宋体四号(其他信息,如学校、单位等) 宋体小四。 按常规学术论文标题作出。 (2)摘要关键词:摘要宋体四号。摘要内容宋体小四号。关键词宋体四号:内容宋体小四号。3至5个,反映文章最主要内容的术语、概念等。 要求摘出(或者说“提取出”)文章的主要观点,或者选摘出文中最重要、最具有新意的某一个或两个观点,不必追求全面反映文章的概貌;客观地把文中的观点摆出来,不以介绍的口气叙述自己的文章讲了哪些内容。摘要篇幅100-300字。 (3)引言部分: 宋体小四号 (4)正文部分: 正文文字宋体小四号,单倍行距 (5)标题部分:1一级标题宋体三号标题1。1.1二级标题宋体四号标题2。1.1.1 三级标题宋体小四号标题3。 (6)图片格式:正文文字中,先见文后见图,全文统一按顺编号,图片格式为JPG 格式,分辨率为400DPI以上。 (7)注释文献:[注释] 宋体五号。①注释1宋体小五号②注释2 宋体小五号[参考文献] 宋体五号。[1]参考文献1宋体小五号。[2]参考文献2 宋体小五号论文中“注”和“参考文献”的区别 1.“注”指作者进一步解释自己所要表达的意思,文中标码①,注释内容统一置文末,文末的序号与文中序号一一对应。

2.“参考文献”指作者引文所注的出处,一律放文末,文中设序号[1] ,文献说明统一置文末,文末的序号与文中序号一一对应。页码置于文中序号之后,例:[1](P12)。 3. “参考文献”也指虽未直接引述别人的话、但参考了别人著作和论文的意思,应在段中或段末设序号[1] ,并在文末注明。本项与第2项不必分列,交叉排序即可。文末的序号与文中序号一一对应。此种情况可以不注明页码。 4.同一参考文献多次被引用,文末只标一个序号,文中应多次出现同一序号,在文中序号后加圆括号,注明所引文献的不同页码或篇名。


学术词汇辨析(AWL 词汇) 第一天: analysis 分析,分解,解剖 解析:【反】synthesis 综合 【衍】 analyze analyst analytic analyzable The analysis of the samples on the murder spot showed some valuable clues to the police. 对谋杀现场标本的分析为警察提供了一些有价值的线索。 approach 接近,靠近 解析:【注意】approach后面接地点、人物和目标时是及物动词,否则是不及物动词。作及物动词时还可引申为研究,考虑,商洽等义,作名词时,可表示途径,态度等。 The time is approaching when we must be on board. 我们上船的时间快到了。 area 地带,地区 解析:【同】district,zone,region 【辨析】area表示面积,地区(面积较大,但不指行政单位)如the area of your hand; region指在地理上有天然界限或有自己特色的一个单位,或自治区等行政单位,也可指领域(同sphere,realm);district性质较region相近,但一般比region小,如县级区用district ; zone是个环绕区域,有严格的边界,如经济特区 a recreation area 重新改建的地区 tropical regions of South America 南美的热带地区 a residential zone 居住区 assessment 评估,估算,评价 解析:动词assess 【同】estimate, appraise, assess, evaluate这些词都表示对客体的重要性形成定论 estimate暗示评价的主观性和不精确y6t,,,,,,,,kl……………………… appraise 表示专业水准的评估 ,名词appraisal assess 表示为确定某物的应税价值而作出的权威估价 evaluate 表示在确定价值时经过了深思熟虑,不一定是金钱价值 assume 假定, 设想,担任; 承担; 接受 解析:【同】suppose 【辨析】suppose最不正式,表示根据一定证据作出的见解,assume用于逻辑推理,强调一种缺乏证据的结论,以检验某种建议。 authority 权威, 权力, 权势【pl.】当局, 负责人; 官方; 职权; 许可的权力根据, 凭据, 引证权威, 专家 解析:the authorities of government author作者 【衍】authorize,authorization available 可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的, 接受探访的 解析:【衍】availability availably 注意:一般在名词之后,the apple available benefit n.利益, 好处;vt.有益于, 有助于vi.受益 解析:【同】profit advantage interest 【辨析】advantage指有利条件,优势 take advantage of benefit兼指物质及精神的好处 profit指利润 interest指利息 concept n.概念;观念
