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诡计:1、and 并列,主语对应主语——逻辑关系,迅速定位,词义对应


如,This one is better. I like it. ——逻辑关系,迅速定位,词义对应 3一般往前找,范围一般在两句之内;如果有解释说明的(有where 、who 引导的)对应在后面。



What does the undefined word "it" /"this"/"they"/"them"in Paragraph X refers to? The underlined word "it" /"this"/"they"/"them"/(paragraph X) refers to ______. What does the underlined phrase/words ―XXX ‖(paragraph X) refer to?

例题3-02(06天津卷B )所见即所得

Dave rowed steadily ahead, relying on a mental picture of the surroundings. The mist began to rise slowly and then it soon rested inches above the still surface of the lake. The heavy silence was now being broken by the fish breaking through the surface as they leaped out of the water for low-flying insects.

The underlined word ―i t‖ in Paragraph 6 refers to______.





出题点:并列——and 。词义的对应,主语对应主语

长难句分析: The heavy silence was now being broken/ by the fish breaking through the surface/ as they leaped (跳) out of the water for low-flying insects. Still :静止的,平静的

例题3-03(05湖北卷C )长难句的理解:主对主

There are also rules which deal with the standard of services you get —from ,say ,travel agents ,shoe repairers ,hairdressers and builders. These tell you what you should expect from any service you pay for.

The underlined word ―these ‖in Paragraph 2 refers to―_______.

A .the services

B .the workers

C .the goods

D .the rules 自己做

出题点:——解释说明的主语是rules !


例题3-04(06四川卷A )所见即所得

However, the quantity of serious writing which I produced all through my childhood would not add up to haft a dozen pages. I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five, and my mother took it down for dictation. I cannot remember anything about it except that it was about a tiger and the tiger had "chair-like teeth" ─a good enough expression.


The underlined word―it‖ in paragraph 2 refers to_______.

A.the quantity of serious writing

B.the writer’s first poem

C.the writer’s childhood

D.the tiger in the poem



Take down 记下、写下。


While the changes in the tail wagging were not easily noticed without the aid of video, it was thought that the findings could help people judge the mood (心情) of dogs. Computer and video systems, for example, could be used by professional dog trainers to determine the mood of dogs that they required to approach .

The underlined word "they" refers to________.

A.the dogs

B.the trainers

C.the systems

D.the researchers

长难句分析:Computer and video systems, (for example,) could be used by professional dog trainers/ to determine the mood of dogs that they required to approach./ 这里的that修饰的是the mood of dogs.


While the changes in the tail wagging were not easily noticed without the aid of video, it was thought that the findings could help people judge the mood (心情) of dogs.



In meditation(冥想),people sit quietly and focus their attention on their breath. As they breathe in and out ,they attend to their feelings. As thoughts go through their minds,they let them go. Breathe. Let go. Breathe. Let go. (呼~吸~呼~吸~)

The underlined word ―them‖ in Paragraph 1 refers to ________.

A. feelings

B. minds

C. people

D. thoughts


句子分析,as...是状语,主语是they,宾语是them,动作是go。—as句中是thoughts 在go,所以them对应的是thoughts。

Breath n.呼吸breathe v .呼吸

Attend:出席,上(课),照料,attend to:致力于


The next day dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, I’m at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing, I’m delighted with my new friend. My dad, in his new home in Arizona, is back to me from where he was.

The underlined words ―my new friend‖ in the last paragraph refer to .

A. the author’s son

B. the author’s father

C. the friend of the author’s father

D. the café owner


出题点:并列——and。词义的对应,往前找,another side =new friend

in so doing:这样一来;这样做时;在这种情况下


例题3-08(08福建卷B)所见即所得(句中解释who expect it at every turn)For years we have been told that encouraging a child's self-respect is important to his or her success in life, but child expert are now learning that too much praise can lead to the opposite effect. Praise-acholic[ei'k?lik]kids who expect it at every turn may become teens who seek the same kind of approval form their friends when asked if they want to go in the backseat of the car .

The underlined words ―Praise –ach olic kids‖ refer to kids who are______.

A. tired of being praised

B. worthy of being praised

C. very proud of being praised

D. extremely fond of being praised Who引导解释“...”中的,expect(V+O)出现又一代词it,but结构:词义的对应,指上句中的but(重点)后的too much praise----extreme,感情色彩强烈。

at every turn(到处,事事)approval:n. 认可,赞许

Extreme:极端的,extreme sports 极限运动,extremely:非常,极其。


The scientists' next research job was clear: Find out what in the fish's blood kept it from freezing. Their search led to some really strange thing made up of a protein (蛋白质) never before seen in the blood of a fish. When it was removed, the blood forze at seawater temperature. When it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point.

What does the undefined word "it" in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A.A type of ice-salt mixture.

B. A newly found protein(newly是adv.修饰


C. Fish blood.

D. Sugar molecule.

It在句首,动作是was removed(移动,删除),代指上一句,上一句是SVO,it 可以指代S或O,看S是the research,O是protein,由于it的动作是removed,所以对应前一句宾语。

长难句分析,Their search led to some really strange thing/ made up of a protein (蛋白质) never before seen /in the blood of a fish.


We achieve knowledge passively by being told by someone else. Most of the learning /that takes place in the classroom /and /the kind that happens when we watch TV or read newspapers or magazines/ is passive. Conditioned as we are to passive learning, it’s not surprising that we depend on it in our everyday communication with friends and co-workers.

The underlined word ―it‖ in Paragraph 2 refers to _____.

A. active learning

B. knowledge

C. communication

D. passive learning


As we are conditioned to passive learning (倒装了!!!)和后部分对应的就是—we depend on it......(相同的主语)词义的对应,conditioned:受限制的,有条件的——depend on。It就是属于宾语对宾语---passive learning

长难句分析:Most of the learning /that takes place in the classroom /and /the kind /that happens when we watch TV or read newspapers or magazines/ is passive.

most of引起主语时,动词通常与of后面的名词,代词保持一致.


Following a T-shirt around the world in a way to make her point more interesting, but it also frees Rivoli from the usual arguments over global trade. She goes wherever the T-shirt goes, and there are surprises around every corner. In China, Rivoli shows why a clothing factory, even with its poor conditions, means a step toward a better are for the people who word there. In the colorful us ed-clothing markets of Tanzania, she realizes that it is only in this final stage of life that the T-shirt will meet a real market, where the price of a shirt changes by the hour and is different by its size and even color.

Rivoli is at her best /when making those sorts of unexpected connections./ She even finds one between the free traders and those who are against globalization. The chances opened up by trade are vast, she argues, but free markets need the correcting force of politics to keep them in check. True economic progress needs them both.

1、By saying T-shi rts ―meet a real market‖, Rivoli means in Tanzania . A.cheaper T-shirts are needed B.used T-shirts are hard to sell C.prices of T-shirts rise and fall frequently D.prices of T-shirts are usually reasonable Where引导的解释,changed by ......,对应C。Reasonable合理的attractive。

2、What does the word ―them‖ underlined in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Free markets.

B. Price changes.

C. Unexpected connections.

D. Chances opened up by trade.

出题点:转折——but,+句子,them出现在后部分,先在but后的前部分找答案。长难句分析:主语是free markets,but前半句对应的也是trade——free trade。Vast巨大的。


Treasure hunts (寻宝) have excited people' s imagination for hundreds of years both in real life and in books such as Robert Louis Stevenson' s Treasure Island. Kit Williams, a modern writer, had the idea of combining the real excitement of a treasure hunt with clues (线索) found in a book when he wrote a children' story, Masquerade, in 1979. The book was about a hare, and a month before it came out Williams buried a gold hare in a park in Bedfordshire. The book contained a large number of clues to help readers find the hare, but Williams put in a lot of "red herrings", or false clues, to mislead them.

The underlined word "them" (paragraph 1 ) refers to________.

A. red herrings

B. treasure hunts

C. Henry VIII's six wives

D. Readers of Masquerade

出题点:转折——but,后找不到,读but前,词义的对应:Mislead them——help readers

Contain包含,hare野兔,red herrings['heri?]转移注意力的话题;与事实不相干的



We live in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor. Because of this, most people that craft (手艺) no longer exists.

One of the ways these people wrongly support their view is by pointing to 100-year-old homes which are still solid, and arguing that it is the craftsmanship that is responsible for their durability (持久性). “Homes in those days were well-built,”they say. No doubt these homes were well-built, but what these people have done is mix up the quality of material used in the house with the quality of the craftsmanship.

Homes today could be built to last just as long as those old homes if people were willing or able to pay the price. For example, more people can no longer afford solid oak stairways, although they were once fairly common in older homes. Nor can they afford the high labor cost of employing a carpenter (木匠)['kɑ:p?nt?]to built the stairway. Yet if someone can pay the high cost, there are still plenty of carpenters around able to make those stairways. And not only would these carpenters know how to built them, they would probably do a better job than carpenters of old.

W hat does the underlined word ―they‖(paragraph2) refer to?

A.Carpenters who are fond of oak stairways.

B.Carpenters who have college degrees.

C.People who think highly of carpenter of old

D.People who think that modern material is of low quality(作者没有的观点)


指代套指代:They——these people(wrongly support...and arguing...craftsmanship is ...)——上一段的most people that craft:用手工的人。认为old手艺是well-build。选项中没有直接对应的,往后文看,例子中出现的carpenter代表的就是craftsmanship,所以C对。D中是作者没的感情色彩,应该是那些mix up the quality of the material used in the house with the quality of craftsmanship.的人。

长难句分析:(No doubt)these homes were well-built, but what these people have done is mix up the quality of material used in the house with the quality of the craftsmanship./句式:No doubt/ There is no doubt that... /Undoubtedly...---毫无疑问地..../ .......without doubt.

Be responsible for:是...的原因,为...负责。

Durable ['dju?r?bl]:耐用的,持久的。~goods, durable in use.



Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintaining(保持) or increasing

motivation. Several years ago we had one timetable that operated throughout, but we soon found that both the students and the teachers lost interest by about halfway through the ten weeks. This led us to a major re-think, so finally we brought it into line with the expressed language needs of the students.

The word“it”underlined in the last paragraph refers to______.







Into line without与...一致,timetable时间表,schedule时刻表。

In line with: 符合,与...一致

拿----maintain:vt. 维持,继续。


―We do know that job satisfaction is falling in Britain and most advanced nations,‖ said Stephen White, a researcher from the Work Foundation. ―The actual reasons for this are the subject of very heated discussion. It’s certainly one interes ting theory that technology may be the cause of this in some way,‖ White added.

The underlined word ―this‖ (paragraph 3) refers to ______.

A. workplace dissatisfaction

B. computer use in most jobs

C. the aging off office computers

D. the survey by care4@ free. net

出题点:“”说的话——reasons for this 往前找,job satisfaction is failing——workplace dissatisfaction 否定:be failing——dis-否定前缀

Be satisfied with :对...满意


At a certain time in our lives we consider every place as the possible sites(地点) for a house. I have thus searched the country within a dozen miles of where I live. In imagination I have bought all the farms, one after another, and I knew their prices.

The nearest thing that I came to actual ownership was when I bought the Hollowell place. But before the owner completed the sale with me, his wife changed her mind and wished to keep it, and he offered me additional dollars to return the farm to him. However, I let him keep the additional dollars and sold him the farm for just what I gave for it.

The real attraction of the Hollowell farm to me were its position, being about two miles from the village, half a mile from the nearest neighbor, bounded(相邻) on one side by the river, and separated from the highway by a wide field. The poor condition fo the house and fences showed that it hadn’t been used for some time. I remembered from my earliest trip up the river that the house used to be hidden behind a forest area, and I was in a hurry to buy it before the owner finished getting out some rocks, cutting down the apples trees, and clearing away some young trees which had grown up in the fields. I wanted to buy it before he made any more of his improvements. But it turned out as I have said.

I was not really troubled by the loss. I had always had a garden, but I don’t think I was ready for a large farm. I believe that as long as possible it is better to live free

and uncommitted (无牵挂的). It makes but little difference whether you own a farm or not.

The underlined words ―the loss‖ in the last paragraph refer to _____.

A. the money the author lost in buying the farm

B. the sale of the garden in the Hollowell place

C. the removal of the trees around the house

D. the failure to possess the Hollowell place



第四章 1. 某企业1982年12月工人工资的资料如下: 要求:(1)计算平均工资;(79元) (2)用简捷法计算平均工资。 2. 某企业劳动生产率1995年比1990年增长7%,超额完成计划2%,试确定劳动生产率计划增长数。7%-2%=5% 3. 某厂按计划规定,第一季度的单位产品成本比去年同期降低8%。实际 执行结果,单位产品成本较去年同期降低4%。问该厂第一季度产品单位成本计划的完成程度如何?104.35%( (1-4%)/(1-8%)*100%=96%/92%*100%=104.35%结果表明:超额完成4.35%( 104.35%-100%)) 4. 某公社农户年收入额的分组资料如下:

要求:试确定其中位数及众数。中位数为774.3(元)众数为755.9(元) 求中位数: 先求比例:(1500-720)/(1770-720)=0.74286 分割中位数组的组距:(800-700)*0.74286=74.286 加下限700+74.286=774.286 求众数: D1=1050-480=570 D2=1050-600=450 求比例:d1/(d1+d2)=570/(570+450)=0.55882 分割众数组的组距:0.55882*(800-700)=55.882 加下限:700+55.882=755.882 5.1996年某月份某企业按工人劳动生产率高底分组的生产班组数和产量资料如下: 64.43(件/人) (55*300+65*200+75*140+85*60)/(300+200+140+60) 6.某地区家庭按人均月收入水平分组资料如下:

根据表中资料计算中位数和众数。中位数为733.33(元) 众数为711.11(元) 求中位数: 先求比例:(50-20)/(65-20)=0.6667 分割中位数组的组距:(800-600)*0.6667=66.67 加下限:600+66.67=666.67 7.某企业产值计划完成103%,比去年增长5%。试问计划规定比去年增长 多少?1.94% (上年实际完成1.03/1.05=0.981 本年实际计划比上年增长 (1-0.981)/0.981=0.019/0.981=1.937%) 8.甲、乙两单位工人的生产资料如下: 试分析:(1)哪个单位工人的生产水平高? (2)哪个单位工人的生产水平整齐? % 3.33V %7.44V /8 .1x /5.1x ====乙甲乙甲人)(件人)(件9.在 计算平均数里,从每个标志变量中减去75个单位,然后将每个差数 缩小10倍,利用这个变形后的标志变量计算加权算术平均数,其中各个变量的权数扩大7倍,结果这个平均数等于0.4个单位。试计算这个平均标志变量的实际平均数,并说明理由。79 10.某地区1998~1999年国内生产总值资料如下表:(单位:亿元)


声:评价公式: 1、声压级计算公式:L p=20lg(P/P0) P0=2×10-5Pa P144 例题: 填空题:喷气式飞机喷气口附近声压为630pa,其声压级为150dB,声压为0.002pa, 其声压级为40dB。 2、噪声级相加公式:L1+2=10lg(10L1/10+10L2/10) P146 几个噪声级相同公式:L总=L p+10lgN 3、衰减:点声源:⊿L=10lg(1/4лr2);P147 ⊿L=20lg(r1/r2), 当r2=2r1时,ΔL=-6dB 线声源:⊿L=10lg(1/2лrl); ⊿L=10 lg(r1/r2)当r2=2r1时,ΔL=-3dB 无限长线声源判别方法:r/l<1/10,可视为无限长线声源 4、点声源几何发散衰减公式:L(r)=L(r0)- 20lg(r/r0)P155 无限长线声源几何发散衰减公式:L(r)=L(r0)- 10lg(r/r0) 例题: 1、已知锅炉房2米处测为80dB,距居民楼16米;冷却塔5米处测为80dB,距居民楼20 米。求:二设备噪声对居民楼共同影响的声级。 解:L1=80-20lg(16/2) =62dB L2=80-20lg(20/5) =68dB L=10lg(106.2+106.8)=69dB 答:二设备噪声对居民楼共同影响的声级为69dB。 2、噪声线源长10km,距离线声源100m噪声为90db,问300m处噪声量? 解:l=90-10lg(300/100)=85dB 答:300m处噪声量为85dB。 3、选择题:两个80dB的噪声叠加后为多少?(83dB) 4、在距离疗养院150m有一个泵站,此泵站有5台泵机,每台泵机的噪声级为80dB,问


代词指代例题: 1.The more you run at high altitudes, the more our bodies and lungs will acclimate to changing elevations. A.The more you run at high altitudes B.The more we run at high altitudes C.The more high altitudes run D.As the running at high altitudes increases E.As people run more at high altitudes 2. The study undertaken by the Department of the Interior will involve examination and tagging of the California condor in order to obtain information about their daily movements,foraging habits,and sites where they nest. A . their daily movements,foraging habits,and sites where they nest B. their daily movements,foraging habits,and their nesting sites

C. its daily movements,foraging habits,and nesting sites D. its daily movements,foraging habits,and about nesting sites E. daily movements, foraging habits,and sites in which there are nests 3. Although the bite of brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds, posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly,who are particularly vulnerable to its poison. A. brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds,posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to its B. brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds,posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to their C. the brown recluse spider is rarely fatal, it causes chronic flesh wounds,posing the

练习题精选及 答案

练习题精选及答案 一、绪论练习题精选 (一)单项选择题 1.马克思主义理论从狭义上说是指 A.无产阶级争取自身解放和整个人类解放的学说体系 B.关于无产阶级斗争的性质、目的和解放条件的学说 C.马克思和恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观点和基本方法构成的科学体系 D.关于资本主义转化为社会主义以及社会主义和共产主义发展的普遍规律的学说 2.马克思主义理论从广义上说是指 A.不仅指马克思恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观点和学说的体系,也包括继承者对它的发展 B.无产阶级争取自身解放和整个人类解放的学说体系。 C.关于无产阶级斗争的性质、目的和解放条件的学说 D.马克思和恩格斯创立的基本理论、基本观点和基本方法构成的科学体系 3.人类进入21世纪,英国广播公司(BBS)在全球范围内进行“千年思想家”网评,名列榜首的是A.马克思 B.爱因斯坦 C.达尔文 D·牛顿 4.马克思主义产生的经济根源是 A.工业革命 B.资本主义经济危机 C.资本主义社会生产力和生产关系的矛盾运动 D.阶级斗争 5.马克思主义产生的阶级基础和实践基础 A.资本主义的剥削和压迫 B.无产阶级作为一支独立的政治力量登上了历史舞台 C.工人罢工和起义 D.工人运动得到了“农民的合唱” 6.提出价值规律是“一只看不见的手”是 A.马克思B.亚当·斯密 C.大卫·李嘉图 D.威廉·配第 7.马克思恩格斯进一步发展和完善了英国古典经济学理论的是 A.辩证法 B.历史观 C.劳动价值论 D.剩余价值论 8.马克思主义生命力的根源在于 A.以实践为基础的科学性与革命性的统一 B.与时俱进 C.科学性与阶级性的统一 D.科学性 (二)不定项选择题 1.作为一个完整的科学体系,马克思主义理论体系的三个主要组成部分是 A.马克思主义政治学B.马克思主义政治经济学 C.科学社会主义 D.马克思主义哲学 2.作为马克思主义产生阶级基础的19世纪三大工人起义是


计算分析题解答参考 1.1.某厂三个车间一季度生产情况如下: 计算一季度三个车间产量平均计划完成百分比和平均单位产品成本。 解:平均计划完成百分比=实际产量/计划产量=733/(198/0.9+315/1.05+220/1.1) =101.81% 平均单位产量成本 X=∑xf/∑f=(15*198+10*315+8*220)/733 =10.75(元/件) 1.2.某企业产品的有关资料如下: 试分别计算该企业产品98年、99年的平均单位产品成本。 解:该企业98年平均单位产品成本 x=∑xf/∑f=(25*1500+28*1020+32*980)/3500 =27.83(元/件) 该企业99年平均单位产品成本x=∑xf /∑(m/x)=101060/(24500/25+28560/28+48000/32) =28.87(元/件) 年某月甲、乙两市场三种商品价格、销售量和销售额资料如下: 1.3.1999 解:三种商品在甲市场上的平均价格x=∑xf/∑f=(105*700+120*900+137*1100)/2700 =123.04(元/件) 三种商品在乙市场上的平均价格x=∑m/∑(m/x)=317900/(126000/105+96000/120+95900/137) =117.74(元/件) 2.1.某车间有甲、乙两个生产小组,甲组平均每个工人的日产量为22件,标准差为 3.5件;乙组工人日产量资料:

试比较甲、乙两生产小组中的哪个组的日产量更有代表性? 解:∵X 甲=22件 σ甲=3.5件 ∴V 甲=σ甲/ X 甲=3.5/22=15.91% 列表计算乙组的数据资料如下: ∵x 乙=∑xf/∑f=(11*10+14*20+17*30+20*40)/100 =17(件) σ乙= √[∑(x-x)2 f]/∑f =√900/100 =3(件) ∴V 乙=σ乙/ x 乙=3/17=17.65% 由于V 甲<V 乙,故甲生产小组的日产量更有代表性。 2.2.有甲、乙两个品种的粮食作物,经播种实验后得知甲品种的平均产量为998斤,标准差为162.7斤;乙品种实验的资料如下: 试研究两个品种的平均亩产量,确定哪一个品种具有较大稳定性,更有推广价值? 解:∵x 甲=998斤 σ甲=162.7斤 ∴V 甲=σ甲/ x 甲=162.7/998=16.30% 列表计算乙品种的数据资料如下:


1. 某喷漆工位每天工作6h,经过职业卫生现场调研得知,工作中接触苯(PC-TWA为6mg/m3、STEL为10mg/m3)、甲苯(PC-TW A为50mg/m3、STEL为100mg/m3)、二甲苯(PC-TW A为50mg/m3、STEL为100mg/m3)有害因素,且具有相似的毒性作用,对其工位进行定点短时间检测,检测结果如:请分析判断该工位是否符合卫生接触限制要求。 答:苯的TW A=(4.5×2+5×2+5.5×2)/8=3.75mg/m3 甲苯的TW A=(40×2+60×2+50×2)/8=37.5mg/m3 二甲苯的TW A=(50×2+35×2+45×2)/8=32.5mg/m3 三种有害物质的C-TWA1 所以该工位不符合卫生接触限制要求 2. 3. 某车间某工种每周工作5天,每天工作时间8h。据调查劳动者工作中接触乙酸乙酯(PC-TWA为200mg/m3)状况为:300 mg/m3,接触3小时;60 mg/m3,接触2小时;120 mg/m3,接触3小时。根据上述情况,请分析判断该工种劳动者接触乙酸乙酯水平是否符合卫生学要求,要求说明理由。 答:该工种劳动者每工作班接触乙酸乙酯浓度为: TWA=(C1T1+C2T2+C3T3)/8=(300×3+60×2+120×3)÷8=172.5(mg/m3) 小于PC-TWA(200mg/m3)因此该工种劳动者接触乙酸乙酯水平未超过国家职业接触限值,符合要求。 4. 某车间某工种每周工作六天,每天工作时间8h。据调查劳动者工作中接触乙酸乙酯(PC-TWA为200mg/m3)状况为:300 mg/m3,接触3小时;60 mg/m3,接触2小时;120 mg/m3,接触3小时。根据上述情况,请分析判断该工种劳动者接触乙酸乙酯水平是否符合卫生学要求,要求说明理由。 解:(1) 该工种劳动者美工作班接触乙酸乙酯浓度为: CTWA=(C1T1+C2T2+C3T3))/8=(300×3+60×2+120×3)÷8=172.5(mg/m3) (2) 由于该工种劳动者每周作业时间为48h,因此PC-TWA折减系数为:RF=(40÷48) ×[(168-48) ÷128]=0.78


一、判断题: 1、“战国七雄”指的是:韩、赵、魏、秦、齐、楚、燕七个大国。(对) 2、“六艺”是指:礼节、音乐、射箭、驾车、书写、计算。(对) 3、“春秋五霸”指的是:齐桓公、晋文公、宋襄公、秦穆公、楚庄王。(对) 4、晋楚之战后,周襄王当上了中原的霸主。(错) 5、历史上把周朝在镐京做国都的时期,称为西周;迁都洛邑以后,称为东周。(对) 6、从共和元年,也就是公元前841年起,中国历史才有了确切的纪年。(对) 7、我国最早有文字记载的历史是从商朝开始的。(对) : 8、大禹死后,是伯益继承了大禹的位子。(错) 9、我们伟大的祖国大约有400年的历史(错) 10、《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集(对) 11、中国历史上第一次大规模的农民起义是陈胜、吴广起义。(对) 12、传说女娲是人首蛇身的女神,还有一位人首蛇身的女神,叫伏羲。(错) 13、《三国演义》“三英战吕布”中的“三英”是指刘备、关羽、张飞。(对 ) 14、被鲁迅称为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”的是《史记》.(对 ) 15、在鸦片战争中,主持虎门销烟的爱国英雄是林则徐。(对) ~ 16、李白—才华横溢的诗圣,杜甫—忧国忧民的诗仙(错) 17、连环计是三十六计中的第六计。(错) 18、四大名著指的是《红楼梦》、《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《聊斋志异》。(错) 19、最初的文字是由绘画演变而来的,后人称为表形文字。(错) 20、神农氏有一颗博爱的心。为了救死扶伤,她亲自口尝百草,发现了五谷和草药,为后人留下了宝贵的财富。(对) 二、选择题 1、猿人能够制造和使用的工具十分简单,有木棒和(A)。 ( A石头B刀C枪 2、跟黄帝同时的另一个部落首领叫做( A)。 A炎帝B武帝C文帝 3、黄帝以后,先后出了三个很有名的部落首领,他们分别是尧、舜和( C)。 A丹朱B象C禹 4、从殷墟发掘出的遗物中,有龟甲和(C)十多万片,这些上面都刻着文字 A贝壳B玉石C兽骨 5、( A)是我国最早的一部诗歌总集。 】 A《诗经》B《尚书》C《春秋》 6、( A)是儒家学派的创始人。 A孔子B孟子C荀子 7、播种五谷的是( A) A神农氏B燧人氏C伏羲氏 8、炎黄二帝大战( A) A蚩尤B燧人氏C有熊氏 9、三过家门而未尽的是( C) &


统计学练习题——计算题 1、某企业工人按日产量分组如下: 单位:(件) 试计算7、8月份平均每人日产量,并简要说明8月份比7月份平均每人日产量变化的原因。 7月份平均每人日产量为:37360 13320 == = ∑∑f Xf X (件) 8月份平均每人日产量为:44360 15840 == = ∑∑ f Xf X (件) 根据计算结果得知8月份比7月份平均每人日产量多7件。其原因是不同组日产量水平的工人所占比重发生变化所致。7月份工人日产量在40件以上的工人只占全部工人数的40%,而8月份这部分工人所占比重则为66.67%。

2、某纺织厂生产某种棉布,经测定两年中各级产品的产量资料如下: 解: 2009年棉布的平均等级= 250 10 3 40 2 200 1? + ? + ? =1.24(级) 2010年棉布的平均等级= 300 6 3 24 2 270 1? + ? + ? =1.12(级) 可见该厂棉布产品质量2010年比2009年有所提高,其平均等级由1.24级上升为1.12级。质量提高的原因是棉布一级品由80%上升为90%,同时二级品和三级品分别由16%及4%下降为8%及2%。

试比较和分析哪个企业的单位成本高,为什么? 解: 甲企业的平均单位产品成本=1.0×10%+1.1×20%+1.2×70%=1.16(元) 乙企业的平均单位产品成本=1.2×30%+1.1×30%+1.0×40%=1.09(元) 可见甲企业的单位产品成本较高,其原因是甲企业生产的3批产品中,单位成本较高(1.2元)的产品数量占70%,而乙企业只占30%。


计算题典型例题汇总: 1 消费者均衡条件。 1. 已知张先生每月收入收入1600元,全部花费于X 和Y 两种产品,他的效用函数为U XY =,X 的价格是10元,Y 的价格20元。求:为获得最大效用,他购买的X 和Y 各为多少? 2 APL MPL 的极大值的计算。 假定某厂商只有一种可变要素劳动L ,产出一种产品Q ,固定成本为既定,短期生产函数L L L Q 1261.023++-=,求解:(1)劳动的平均产量L AP 为极大时雇佣的劳动人数。 (2)劳动的边际产量L MP 为极大时雇佣的劳动人数 3 成本一定,产量最大化;产量一定,成本最小化条件。 3588 =Q L K 已知某厂商的生产函数为, 劳动价格为3美元,资本价格为5美元, 求产量为10时的最低成本,求总成本为160美元 时的产量。 4 完全竞争厂商长期生产中利润最大化条件。 322+1510Q Q -+完全竞争厂商的短期成本函数为 STC=0.1Q , 试求厂商的短期供给函数。 5 完全垄断厂商短期均衡。 2=32Q ++已知某垄断厂商的成本函数为TC 0.6Q , 反需求函数为P=8-0.4Q. 求厂商实现利润最大化时的产量、价格、收益和利润。 6 GDP 核算 假定某国某年发生了一下活动:(a )一银矿公司支付7.5万美元给矿工开采了50千克银卖给一银器制造商,售价10万美元;(b )银器制造商支付5万美元工资给工人造了一批项链卖给消费者,售价40万美元。 (1)用最终产品生产法计算GDP (2)每个生产阶段生产多少价值?用增值法计算GDP (3)在生产活动中赚得的工资和利润各为多少?


代词练习题带答案(1) 一、单项选择代词 1.—Is there anything else I can do for you, Jeff? —No. Thanks. I really appreciate ________ when you lent all your notes to me before the exam. A.one B.it C.that D.this 【答案】B 【解析】 考查it的用法。句意:——还有什么我可以帮你的吗,杰夫?——不,谢谢了。你在考试前将所有的笔记借给我让我真的很感激。appreciate,like,dislike,hate,enjoy后不能直接跟从句,如果其后有从句时,需用it作形式宾语,然后再接真正的宾语从句。 2.The enemy troop could hardly make any advance, and ________ could they fall back. A.neither B.so C.either D.both 【答案】A 【解析】 本题考查代词。根据could they fall back用倒装结构和句意,故用否定词neither,故选A 3.You should make ______ a rule to leave things______ you can find them easily. A.it; where B.it; then C.that; there D.this; when 【答案】A 【解析】 考查代词及状语从句。句中it作形式宾语,真正宾语为to leave things where you can find them easily;where引导地点状语从句,选A。 4.— You seem busy these days. —Yes. I’m writing a story. You know, it’s really not easy to write ______ with attractive plots. A.this B.it C.one D.that 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:你近些天看起来很忙。是的,我在写故事,你知道,写一个有吸引力的情节的故事不容易。.it/one /that三者均可用作代词,指代前面提到的名词.一般说来,it指代同名同物; one与that则指代同名异物.one与that虽可用来指代同名异物,但one为泛指,相当于a/an +名词; that为特指,相当于the +名词.所以one所指代的名词的修饰语一般为 a/an /some /any; that所指代的名词的修饰语往往是the /this /that。前面提到是a story,故选择C。 考点:考查it,one,that用法区别 5.—The exam was easy, wasn’t it?


比例尺 一、填空题: 1、( )和( )的比叫做比例尺。 比例尺=( ):( ),比例尺实际上是一个( )。 2、在比例尺是1:4000000的地图上,图上距离1厘米表示实际距离( )千米。也就是图上距离是实际距离的1 ( ) ,实际距离是图上距离的( )倍。 3、一幅图的比例尺 是 ,那么图上的1厘米表示实际距离( );实际距离50千米在图上要画( )厘米。把这个线段比例尺改写成数值比例尺是( )。 6、如果将一个长3cm,宽2cm 的长方形放大到原来的4倍,放大后的长方形长( ) cm, 宽( ) cm ,面积( ) cm 2 ;如果要缩小到原来的12 ,缩小后的长方形长( ) cm, 宽( ) cm ,面积( ) cm 2.. 二、填写下表。 三、解答题 1、 在一幅比例尺是1 :3000000的地图上,甲乙两地的距离是7.5厘米,甲乙两地的实际距离是多少 千米? 5 0 15 km 10

2、英华小学有一块长120米、宽80米的长方形操场,画在比例尺为1 :4000的平面图上,长和宽各 应画多少厘米? 3、一个机器零件长5毫米,画在图纸上是4厘米,求这幅图纸的比例尺。 4、某建筑工地挖一个长方形的地基,把它画在比例尺是1 :2000的平面图上,长是6厘米,宽是4 厘米,这块地基的面积是多少? 5、画一画 (1)将下面的梯形按3:1放大 (2)将下面的三角形按1:2缩小

6、一幅地图的线段比例尺是: 0 40 80 120 160千米,甲乙两城在 这幅地图上相距18厘米,两城间的实际距离是多 少千米?丙丁两城相距660千米,在这幅地图上两城之间的距离是多少厘米? 7、在比例尺是1:3000000的地图上,量得两地距离是10厘米,甲乙两车同时从两地相向而行,经过 3小时两车在途中相遇。已知甲乙两车的速度比是2:3,求甲乙两车的速度各是多少千米? 8、在比例尺是1:12000000的地图上,量得济南到青岛的距离是4厘米。在比例尺是1:8000000的 地图上,济南到青岛的距离是多少厘米? 9、在一幅比例尺为1:500的平面图上量得一间长方形教室的长是3厘米,宽是2厘米。 (1)求这间教室的图上面积与实际面积。 (2)写出图上面积和实际面积的比。并与比例尺进行比较,你发现了什么? 10、在一幅地图上,测得甲、乙两地的图上距离是13厘米,已知甲乙两地的实际距离是780千米。(1)求这幅图的比例尺。 (2)在这幅地图上量得A、B两城的图上距离是5厘米,求A、B两城的实际距离。 11、在比例尺是1:3000000的地图上,量得两地距离是10厘米,甲乙两车同时从两地相向而行,3小 时后两车相遇。已知甲乙两车的速度比是2:3,求甲乙两车的速度各是多少千米?


应用统计学练习题 第一章绪论 一、填空题 1.统计工作与统计学的关系是__统计实践____和___统计理论__的关系。 2.总体是由许多具有_共同性质_的个别事物组成的整体;总体单位是__总体_的组成单位。 3.统计单体具有3个基本特征,即__同质性_、__变异性_、和__大量性__。 4.要了解一个企业的产品质量情况,总体是_企业全部产品__,个体是__每一件产品__。 5.样本是从__总体__中抽出来的,作为代表_这一总体_的部分单位组成的集合体。 6.标志是说明单体单位特征的名称,按表现形式不同分为__数量标志_和_品质标志_两种。 7. 8.统计指标按其数值表现形式不同可分为__总量指标__、__相对指标_和__平均指标__。 9.指标与标志的主要区别在于: (1)指标是说明__总体__特征的,而标志则是说明__总体单位__特征的。 (2)标志有不能用__数量__表示的_品质标志_与能用_数量_表示的_数量标志_,而指标都是能用_数量_表示的。 10.一个完整的统计工作过程可以划分为_统计设计_、_统计调查_、_统计整理_和__统计分析__4个阶段。 二、单项选择题 1.统计总体的同质性是指(A)。 A.总体各单位具有某一共同的品质标志或数量标志 B.总体各单位具有某一共同的品质标志属性或数量标志值 C.总体各单位具有若干互不相同的品质标志或数量标志 D.总体各单位具有若干互不相同的品质标志属性或数量标志值 2.设某地区有800家独立核算的工业企业,要研究这些企业的产品生产情况,总体是( D)。

A.全部工业企业 B.800家工业企业 C.每一件产品 D.800家工业企业的全部工业产品 3.有200家公司每位职工的工资资料,如果要调查这200家公司的工资水平情况,则统计总体为(A)。 A.200家公司的全部职工 B.200家公司 C.200家公司职工的全部工资 D.200家公司每个职工的工资 4.一个统计总体( D)。 A.只能有一个标志 B.可以有多个标志 C.只能有一个指标 D.可以有多个指标 5.以产品等级来反映某种产品的质量,则该产品等级是(C)。 A.数量标志 B.数量指标 C.品质标志 D.质量指标 6.某工人月工资为1550元,工资是( B )。 A.品质标志 B.数量标志 C.变量值 D.指标 7.某班4名学生金融考试成绩分别为70分、80分、86分和95分,这4个数字是( D)。 A.标志 B.指标值 C.指标 D.变量值 8.工业企业的职工人数、职工工资是(D)。 A.连续变量 B.离散变量 C.前者是连续变量,后者是离散变量 D.前者是离散变量,后者是连续变量 9.统计工作的成果是(C)。 A.统计学 B.统计工作 C.统计资料 D.统计分析和预测 10.统计学自身的发展,沿着两个不同的方向,形成(C)。 A.描述统计学与理论统计学 B.理论统计学与推断统计学 C.理论统计学与应用统计学 D.描述统计学与推断统计学


运算定律与简便计算 (一)加减法运算定律 1.加法交换律 定义:两个加数交换位置,和不变 字母表示:a = a+ + b b 例如:16+23=23+16 546+78=78+546 2.加法结合律 定义:先把前两个数相加,或者先把后两个数相加,和不变。 字母表示:) a+ + = b + + ) ( (c b a c 注意:加法结合律有着广泛的应用,如果其中有两个加数的和刚好是整十、整百、整千的话,那么就可以利用加法交换律将原式中的加数进行调换位置,再将这两个加数结合起来先运算。 例1.用简便方法计算下式: (1)63+16+84 (2)76+15+24 (3)140+639+860 举一反三: (1)46+67+54 (2)680+485+120 (3)155+657+245 3.减法交换律、结合律 注:减法交换律、结合律是由加法交换律和结合律衍生出来的。 减法交换律:如果一个数连续减去两个数,那么后面两个减数的位置可以互换。 字母表示:b = - - - c c a- a b 例2.简便计算:198-75-98

减法结合律:如果一个数连续减去两个数,那么相当于从这个数当中减去后面两个数的和。 字母表示:) = - - a+ - c (c b a b 例3.简便计算:(1)369-45-155 (2)896-580-120 4.拆分、凑整法简便计算 拆分法:当一个数比整百、整千稍微大一些的时候,我们可以把这个数拆分成整百、整千与一个较小数的和,然后利用加减法的交换、结合律进行简便计算。例如:103=100+3,1006=1000+6,… 凑整法:当一个数比整百、整千稍微小一些的时候,我们可以把这个数写成一个整百、整千的数减去一个较小的数的形式,然后利用加减法的运算定律进行简便计算。例如:97=100-3,998=1000-2,… 注意:拆分凑整法在加、减法中的简便不是很明显,但和乘除法的运算定律结合起来就具有很大的简便了。 例4.计算下式,能简便的进行简便计算: (1)89+106 (2)56+98 (3)658+997 随堂练习:计算下式,怎么简便怎么计算 (1)730+895+170 (2)820-456+280 (3)900-456-244



第四章 1. 某企业1982年12月工人工资的资料如下: 要求:(1)计算平均工资;(79元) (2)用简捷法计算平均工资。 2. 某企业劳动生产率1995年比1990年增长7%,超额完成计划2%,试确定劳动生产率计划增长数。 7%-2%=5% 3. 某厂按计划规定,第一季度的单位产品成本比去年同期降低8%。实际 执行结果,单位产品成本较去年同期降低4%。问该厂第一季度产品单位成本计划的完成程度如何?104.35%( (1-4%)/(1-8%)*100%=96%/92%*100%=104.35%结果表明:超额完成4.35%(104.35%-100%)) 4. 某公社农户年收入额的分组资料如下:

要求:试确定其中位数及众数。中位数为774.3(元)众数为755.9(元) 求中位数: 先求比例:(1500-720)/(1770-720)=0.74286 分割中位数组的组距:(800-700)*0.74286=74.286 加下限700+74.286=774.286 求众数: D1=1050-480=570 D2=1050-600=450 求比例:d1/(d1+d2)=570/(570+450)=0.55882 分割众数组的组距:0.55882*(800-700)=55.882 加下限:700+55.882=755.882 5.1996年某月份某企业按工人劳动生产率高底分组的生产班组数和产量资料如 下: 率。64.43(件/人)

(55*300+65*200+75*140+85*60)/(300+200+140+60) 6.某地区家庭按人均月收入水平分组资料如下: 根据表中资料计算中位数和众数。中位数为733.33(元) 众数为711.11(元) 求中位数: 先求比例:(50-20)/(65-20)=0.6667 分割中位数组的组距:(800-600)*0.6667=66.67 加下限:600+66.67=666.67 7.某企业产值计划完成 103%,比去年增长5%。试问计划规定比去年增长 多少?1.94% (上年实际完成1.03/1.05=0.981 本年实际计划比上年增长 (1-0.981)/0.981=0.019/0.981=1.937%) 8.甲、乙两单位工人的生产资料如下:


计算题典型例题汇总: 1 消费者均衡条件。 1.已知张先生每月收入收入1600元,全部花费于和两种产品,他的效用函数X Y 为,的价格是10元,的价格20元。求:为获得最大效用,他购买的U XY =X Y 和各为多少? u =1600,1600=10x*20y ,8=xy X Y 2. xy 为整数,x=2,y=4,或x=4,y=2 2 APL MPL 的极大值的计算。 假定某厂商只有一种可变要素劳动,产出一种产品,固定成本为既定,短期生产L Q 函数,求解:(1)劳动的平均产量为极大时雇佣的劳动人数。 L L L Q 1261.023++-=L AP (2)劳动的边际产量为极大时雇佣的劳动人数 L MP 对于生产函数Q=-0.1L3+6L2+12L 劳动的平均产量函数 =-0.1L2+6L+12 令 求得L=30 即劳动的平均产量APPL 为极大时雇佣的劳动人数为30。$对于生产函数Q=- 0.1L3+6L2+12L 劳动的边际产量函数 =(-0.1L3+6L2+12L) =-0.3L2+12L+12 令 求得L=20 即劳动的边际产量MPPL 为极大时雇佣的劳动人数为20。$由1题结论 当平均可变成本极小(APPL 极大)时, L=30 代入生产函数Q=-0.1L3+6L2+12L 中, Q=-0.1×303+6×302+12×30=3060 即平均可变成本最小(APPL 极大)时的产量为3060。$利润π=PQ-WL =30(-0.1L3+6L2+12L)-360L =-3L3+180L2 π'=-9L2+360L 令π'=0 即-9L2+360L=0 L1=40 L2=0(舍去)


老王 习题精选 阅读下面文字,回答问题。 (一) 有一天,我在家听到打门,开门看见老王直僵僵地镶嵌在门框里。往常他坐在蹬三轮的座上,或抱着冰伛着身子进我家来,不显得那么高。也许他平时不那么瘦,也不那么直僵僵的。他面如死灰,两只眼上都结着一层翳,分不清哪一只瞎,哪一只不瞎。说得可笑些,他简直像棺材里倒出来的,就像我想像里的僵尸,骷髅上绷着一层枯黄的干皮,打上一棍就会散成一堆白骨。我吃惊地说:“啊呀,老王,你好些了吗?” 他“嗯”了一声,直着脚往里走,对我伸出两手。他一手提着个瓶子,一手提着一包东西。 我忙去接。瓶子里是香油,包裹里是鸡蛋。我记不清是十个还是二十个,因为在我的记忆里多得数不完。我也记不起他是怎么说的,反正意思很明白,那是他送我们的。 我强笑说:“老王,这么新鲜的大鸡蛋,都给我们吃?” 他只说:“我不吃。” 我谢了他的好香油,谢了他的大鸡蛋,然后转身进屋去。他赶忙止住我说:“我不是要钱。” 我也赶忙解释:“我知道,我知道——不过你既然来了,就免得托人捎了。” 他也许觉得我这话有理,站着等我。 我把他包鸡蛋的一方灰不灰、蓝不蓝的方格子破布叠好还他。他一手拿着布,一手攥着钱,滞笨地转过身子。我忙去给他开了门,站在楼梯口,看他直着脚一级一级下楼去,直担心他半楼梯摔倒。等到听不到他的脚步声,我回屋才感到抱歉,没请他坐坐喝口茶水。可是我害怕得糊涂了。那直僵僵的身子好像不能坐,稍一弯曲就会散成一堆骨头。我不能想像他是怎么回家的。 过了十多天,我碰见老王同院的老李。我问:“老王怎么了?好些没有?” “早埋了。” “呀,他什么时候……” “什么时候死的?就是到您那儿的第二天。”


第四章 六、计算题 月工资(元) 甲单位人数(人) 乙单位人数比重(%) 400以下 400~600 600~800 800~1000 1000以上 4 25 84 126 28 2 8 30 42 18 合 计 267 100 工资更具有代表性。 1、(1) 430025500267 x f x f ?+?+ == = ∑∑甲工资总额 总人数 3002%5008%7003%f x x f =? =?+?+?+ ∑∑乙 (2) 计算变异系数比较 ()2 x x f f σ-=∑∑甲甲 甲甲 () 2 x x f f σ-∑∑乙乙 乙乙 V x σσ= 甲 甲 甲 V x σσ= 乙乙乙 根据V σ甲 、V σ乙 大小判断,数值越大,代表性越小。 甲品种 乙品种 田块面积(亩) 产量(公斤) 田块面积(亩) 产量(公斤) 1.2 0.8 1.5 1.3 600 405 725 700 1.0 1.3 0.7 1.5 500 675 375 700 4.8 2430 4.5 2250 假定生产条件相同,试研究这两个品种的收获率,确定那一个品种具有稳定性和推广价值。 2、(1) 收获率(平均亩产) 2430 528.254.8 x = ==甲总产量总面积 2250 5004.5 x = =乙 (2) 稳定性推广价值(求变异指标) 2 2 2 2 600405725700506 1.25060.8506 1.5506 1.5 1.34.8 σ???????? -?+-?+-?+-? ? ? ? ?? ???????=甲

2 2 2 2 500675375700500 1.0500 1.35000.7500 1.51.0 1.30.7 1.54.5 σ???????? -?+-?+-?+-? ? ? ? ?? ???????=乙 求V σ甲 、V σ乙 ,据此判断。 8.某地20个商店,1994年第四季度的统计资料如下表4-6。 表4-6 按商品销售计划完成情 况分组(%) 商店 数目 实际商品销售额 (万元) 流通费用率 (%) 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 3 4 8 5 45.9 68.4 34.4 94.3 14.8 13.2 12.0 11.0 试计算 (1)该地20个商店平均完成销售计划指标 (2)该地20个商店总的流通费用率 (提示:流通费用率=流通费用/实际销售额) 8、(1) () 101%1 % f f x = = =?∑∑ 20实际销售额计划销售额 实际销售额 计划完成 (2) 据提示计算:2012.7%x = 品 种 价格 (元/公斤) 销售额(万元) 甲市场 乙市场 甲 乙 丙 0.30 0.32 0.36 75.0 40.0 45.0 37.5 80.0 45.0 13、提示:= 销售额 平均价格销售量 企业序号 计划产量(件) 计划完成程度(%) 实际一级品率 (%) 1 2 3 4 5 350 500 450 400 470 102 105 110 97 100 98 96 90 85 91


将来进行时选择题练习题精选 将来进行时选择题练习题精选 1. What____ you_____this time tomorrow? A. will…do B. will…have done C. will…be done D. will…be doing 2. The street lights____on when night falls. A. will have gone B. will have been going C. will be going D. will be gone 3. Joe____the piano in a few minutes. A.shall be played B.will have been playing C.shall be playing D.will have played 4. I ____ my grandmother at three this afternoon. A. shall be visiting B. shall have visited C. shall be visiting D. will visit 5. “Can you attend the party tonight?” “No,_____ the boss about something urgent.” A. I see B.I shall have seen C. I’ll be seeing D. I can see 6. What do you think you_____at this time next year?

A. Will do B.will be doing C.are going to do D. Do 7. I’m afraid i won’t be available.i_____ a friend off at 2 o’clock this afternoon. A. see B.am seeing C.will see D. Will be seeing 答案: 1.D将来某时正在做某事。 2.C 表示对将来某时正在进行动作的推断。 3.C 预计将来某时正在进行的动作。 4.A 同上。 5.C 将来某时预计正在做某事。 6.B


1、甲乙两班同时参加《统计学原理》课程的测试,甲班平均成绩为81分,标准差为9.5分,乙 班的成绩分组资料如下: 按成绩分组学生人数(人) 60以下 4 60~70 10 70~80 25 80~90 14 90~100 2 计算乙班学生的平均成绩,并比较甲乙两班,哪个班的平均成绩更有代表性? 2、某车间有甲乙两个生产组,甲组平均每个人的日产量为36件,标准差为9.6件,乙组工人产 量资料如下: 日产量(件)工人数(人) 15 15 25 38 35 34 45 13 要求:(1)计算乙组平均每个工人的日产量和标准差 (2)比较甲乙两生产小组的日产量更有代表性 3 月份 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 12

库存额60 55 48 43 40 50 45 60 68 又知1月1日商品库存额为63万元,试计算上半年,下半年和全年的平均商品库存额。 4 品名单位销售额2002比2001销售量增长(%) 2001 2002 电视台5000 8880 23 自行车辆4500 4200 -7 合计9500 13080 (2)计算由于销售量变动消费者增加或减少的支出金额 5、某商店两种商品的销售额和销售价格的变化情况如下:(万元) 商品单位销售额1996比1995年销售价格提高(%) 1995 1996 甲米120 130 10 乙件40 36 12 要求:(1)计算两件商品销售价格总指标和由于价格变动对销售额的影响绝对值(2)计算销售量总指数,计算由于销售变动消费者增加或减少的支出金额

6、某企业上半年产品量和单位成本资料如下: 要求:(1)计算相关系数, 说明两个变量相关的密切程度 (2)配合回归方程,指出产量每增加1000件时,单位成本平均变动多少? 月份 产量(千克) 单位成本(元) 1 2 73 2 3 72 3 4 71 4 3 73 5 4 69 6 5 68