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An Authoring Tool for Building Both Mobile Adaptable Tests and Web-Based Adaptive or Classi

An Authoring Tool for Building Both Mobile Adaptable Tests and Web-Based Adaptive or Classi
An Authoring Tool for Building Both Mobile Adaptable Tests and Web-Based Adaptive or Classi

An Authoring Tool for Building Both Mobile Adaptable Tests and Web-Based Adaptive

or Classic Tests

Cristóbal Romero1, Sebastián Ventura1, Cesar Hervás1, and Paul De Bra2

1 Córdoba University, Campus Universitario de Rabanales, 14071, Córdoba, Spain

{cromero, sventura, chervas}@uco.es

2 Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), PO Box 513, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


Abstract. This paper describes Test Editor, an authoring tool for building both

mobile adaptable tests and web-based adaptive or classic tests. This tool facili-

tates the development and maintenance of different types of XML-based multi-

ple-choice tests for using in web-based education systems and wireless devices.

We have integrated Test Editor into the AHA! system, but it can be used in

other web-based systems as well. We have also created several test execution

engines in Java language in order to be executed in different devices such as PC

and mobile phones. In order to test them, we have carried out two experiments

with students to determine the usefulness of adaptive tests and mobile tests.

1 Introduction

Computerized tests or quizzes are among the most widely used and well-developed tools in web-based education [7]. There are different types of computerized tests, depending on the type of items or questions (yes/no questions, multiple-choice/single-answer questions, fill-in questions, etc.) and there are two main types of control algo-rithms: classic or linear tests and adaptive tests [20]. The main advantage of comput-erized adaptive tests (CAT) is that each examinee usually receives different questions and their number is usually smaller than the number of questions needed in a classic test. Currently, there are several well-known commercial and free tools for developing adaptive and classic computerized test such as: QuestionMark [14], Webassesor [19], MicroCAT and FastTEST [2], SIETTE [1], Test++ [5], etc. Most of them are based on XML to record the information about assessments and some use the IMS Question and Test Interoperatiblity (QTI) international specification [4]. On the other hand, m-learning (mobile learning) and u-learning (ubiquitous learning) have started to emerge as potential educational environments [11]. In fact, there are nowadays several quiz systems [10] oriented to be used not only for PC users, but also for PDA and mobile phone users; and there are some interactive tests [12] specifically developed only for being used in mobiles phones. There are also several commercial tools such as Mobile EMT-B quiz [13], oriented to PDA devices and others such as Go Test Go’s [9] ori-ented to be used in Java mobile phones. With the Test Editor described in this paper it is possible to author once and deliver on both mobile and Web-based platforms.

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2 Test Editor Author Tool

In order to facilitate computer tests creation and maintenance, we have developed the Test Editor tool for building computerized tests [16]. Currently, we have integrated it in the AHA! system [8] because that is a well-known adaptive hypermedia architec-ture used to build web-based courses, and because it uses the Java and XML lan-guages. Test Editor is a (signed) Java Applet, just like other AHA! authoring tools: Form Editor, Concept Editor and Graph Editor.

As the first step for developing a test with Test Editor, the examiner has to create one or several (XML) items files. An item consists of a single question about a single concept (from an AHA! application or course), the answers (right and wrong) and explanations for the wrong answers. Several items/questions about the same concept can be grouped together into one items file. Figure 1 shows how to add questions to the items file, one by one. The examiner must also specify some required parameters (the enunciate flag, and for each answer a flag to indicate whether the answer is cor-rect) and can add some optional parameters (an illustrative image, explanations and Item Response Theory (IRT) parameters [20]: item difficulty, discrimination and guessing). Using the Test Editor items can be added, modified or deleted. They can be imported/exported to/from other tests systems (currently only AHA! 1.0 and AHA!

3.0). Questions can thus be re-used from other test environments without needing to enter them again.

Fig. 1. Test Editor: Windows to introduce the obligatory parameters of an item

An Authoring Tool for Building Both Mobile Adaptable Tests 205 The second step is to build tests out of items. The examiner decides on the test type (classic test or adaptive test) he wants and whether to use just one or several items files. If the test evaluates only one concept, we consider it to be an “activity”. If the test evaluates several concepts, it will be an “exam”, about a chapter or perhaps a whole course. Next, the examiner can use different methods to select what specific items from these items files will be used in the test (the selection can be done manu-ally, randomly or randomly with some restrictions). Then he sets presentation parame-ters (see Figure 2) about how questions are shown to examinees: the order in which questions and answers are shown, whether to show or hide explanations of the an-swers (through the “verbose” flag), the maximum time to respond, whether to show the correct answer or just a score, etc. In addition to these there are also parameters about evaluation: to penalize incorrect answers, to penalize unanswered questions and what percentage of knowledge the final score represents in the associated con-cept/concepts. If the test is adaptive, the examiner also has to set the adaptive algo-rithm parameters (questions selection procedure and termination criterion). Each test is stored in an XML file and that is exactly the same for both versions (PC and mo-bile). But for the mobile devices it also is necessary to create a .jar and .jad file [21] that includes both the multiple-choice test code (a Java Midlet test engine) as well as the questions and parameters (XML file).

The generated test can be downloaded (the .jar file) into a mobile phone and/or can be used directly (through a browser) in an AHA! course [8]. When used with AHA! a test is presented in an Java Applet, with a look and feel that is similar to the Java

Fig. 2. Test Editor: Windows to select the questions presentation parameters

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Midlet version. The results of tests are logged on the server. After a large number of examinees performed some tests, examiners can examine statistical information in the Test Editor (success rate per question, mean times to answer the questions, questions usage percentage, etc.) and use that information for maintenance/improvements to the tests. The examiner may decide to modify or delete bad items, add new items, but he can also modify the test configuration. Test Editor also can do items calibration [3], in order to transform a classic test into an adaptive one, or to optimize the IRT parameter of an adaptive test.

3 The Web-Based Adaptive and Classic Tests Engine

Our web-based tests engine is a signed Java Applet that uses Java Servlets to commu-nicate with AHA! [8]. It can execute both classic and adaptive computerized tests with multiple-choice items [16]. A conventional (classic) test is a sequence of simple questions and normally the same questions are shown to all examinees. The algorithm to control the execution of a classic test is very simple: it shows a sequence of ques-tions until either there are no more questions or the examinee has used up the maxi-mum allowed time. On the other hand, a CAT [18] is a computer-based test where the decision about presenting a question or item and finishing the test is made depending on the examinee’s performance in previous answers. The general adaptive tests algo-rithm (see Figure 3) consists of three main procedures: question selection, based on the most informative item for each student; proficiency estimation of each student; and checking the finalization criteria (maximum number of questions, maximum spent time or if the proficiency level has passed a confidence value).

Fig. 3. Adaptive tests control algorithm

When a student starts a test (clicking on the test link), the engine connects to the server in order to obtain all the test information and to check if the student is allowed to take the test (or repeat it). If the test has “starting information” the engine will show it, and it will then start to show questions. The student has to select what the hopefully correct answer is (possibly more than one) and then presses the “Correct The Ques-tion” button (see Figure 4). This has to happen before the maximum response time has elapsed. The student can see if the submitted answer was correct or incorrect, if the author has set the parameter to show this. Finally, after the student replies to the last question he will see the obtained score and the total time spent.

An Authoring Tool for Building Both Mobile Adaptable Tests 207

Fig. 4. Web-based tests execution engine interface with a question

4 Mobile Adaptable Tests Engine

Our mobile adaptable tests engine is a Java Midlet [21] with a specific tests interface designed for small wireless devices. Java Midlets are small applications that can be executed in the mobile phone. They have important advantages compared to WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) and browser based applications. For example, they can be used offline without connection cost, they have a more responsive and interac-tive interface and they are popular thanks to Java games [12]. Functionally, our mo-bile engine can read (XML) test files, present questions, check answers and send the score back to AHA! [8]. The user can download and install the .jar file (generated by the Test Editor) in the mobile device directly from Internet (by connecting to the .jad file), or he can download the .jar file to a PC first and then send it to the mobile using Bluetooth, Infrared, serial bus, etc. After installing, the execution of the test is totally off-line and it works as shown in Figure 5: the questions are shown on the mobile’s screen in a linear or random order (depending on the test parameters), the answers have to be selected by the user with the phone keys and when the test ends the scores obtained and the used time are shown.

Mobile tests engine has some personalization characteristics for individualised execution [6]:

?When the user starts the application he/she has to identify himself/herself by intro-ducing his/her personal login and password (the same as used in AHA!).

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? When the user finishes the test execution the scores are physically stored in the mobile memory card by using RMS (Record Management System).

? If the user executes an exam, then the elapsed time in each question is shown.

? The user can send the obtained score to AHA! (in order to update his/her AHA! profile) through a GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) connection.

? Activities can be repeated several times by the same users, but exams cannot. The user cannot easily hack the downloaded .jar exam (for example, he can try to do it by uninstalling and installing the application again) because when an exam starts the application connects to AHA! in order to check that the user has never taken that exam before.

Fig. 5. Mobile tests execution interface with a question and the final score

Mobile tests engine also has some adaptable characteristics in the interface. The difference between adaptive and adaptable refers to the extent to which users can exert influence on the individualization process of a system [17]. Adaptable systems are customized by the users themselves. In our mobile tests application, the user can select the following preferences from the main menu (see Figure 6 at the left):

? The user can choose between different font types (see Figure 6 in the middle) and sizes, in order to improve the readability of the text of the questions.

? The user can choose to show questions and answers together on the same screen (see Figure 6 at the right) if he/she prefers to scroll, or to show them on two differ-ent screens (see Figure 5 at the left and in the middle) if he/she prefers to see the question on one screen and the answers on another.

? The user can choose to show the associated images that some questions have, if he/she has a screen big enough to show them, or not to show them if he/she has a small screen.

An Authoring Tool for Building Both Mobile Adaptable Tests 209

Fig. 6. Mobile tests main menu interface and preferences

5 Experimental Results

We have carried out two experiments to determine the usability of both adaptive tests (a calibrated version versus a non-calibrated version) and mobile tests (a PC version versus a Mobile version), using two different tests about the Java and CLIPS lan-guages respectively.

In the Java Language test we compare the results students obtain when they use the same PC test but with adaptively calibrated items and with non-calibrated items. Each test has been carried out by a different group of 60 computer science engineering students at the Cordoba University, with a similar age, knowledge and experience. Both tests consisted of the same 27 items with 4 possible answers on which one an-swer was correct, and the same finalization conditions (if the standard error became lower than 0.33 or if all 27 questions were presented). The difference is that initially the IRT two-parameters (difficulty and discrimination) of the non-calibrated items are set manually by experts in Java, and after one group of students executes the test then the IRT two-parameters are calibrated using the maximum likelihood estimation esti-mator [3] to be used with the other group of students.

Table 1. Students tests execution results: adaptive non-calibrated versus calibrated test

Time taken Number

of Items Proficiency estimation



Non-Calibrated Test 434.6±88.8 26.9±1.6 -1.3±0.3 0.6±0.1 Calibrated Test182.4±81.2 11.5±2.6 -2.2±0.3 0.4±0.1

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In the Table 1, we show the mean value and the confidence interval (95%) of the time taken (in seconds) to complete the test, the number of items attempted, the profi-ciency estimated and the standard error. We can see in the first table row, there was a reduction in the total number of questions used in the calibrated version versus the non-calibrated version. Secondly, we can see a reduction of the time needed to com-plete the test in the calibrated version precisely due to the reduction of questions. Finally, the estimated proficiency obtained in the calibrated version is lower than the non-calibrated version but the standard error is higher. It shows that the precision obtained in the calibrated version is higher, and the student’s estimated proficiency is more accurate, as was expected.

On other hand, in the CLIPS Language test we compare the results students obtain when they execute the same test but on the PC or by the mobile phone. Each test has been carried out by a different group of 80 and 20 computer science engineering stu-dents (with Java mobile) at the Cordoba University, all with similar age, knowledge and experience. Both tests consist of the same 40 items with 3 possible answers of which one was correct. The questions were shown in random order.

Table 2. Students tests execution results: web-based classic test versus mobile test

Time taken Number of

correct items Number of

incorrect items

Number of items

without answer

PC Test 1157.8±75.2 19.8±0.8 6.3±0.6 3.8±0.5 Mobile Test635.1±58.7 20±1.5 5.4±1.2 4.8±1.1 In the Table 2, we show the mean value and the confidence interval (95%) of the time taken (in seconds) to complete test, the number of correct items, number of in-correct items and the number of items without answer. We can see that the execution of the mobile test is much quicker than the PC test: students with the mobile test used only about half of the time that students with a PC needed. This can be because the user interface and input methods of this technology are simple and efficient (some examples are Java games and SMS applications) and so, the students show a great proficiency in using them (fast browsing through mobile interfaces). And the final scores were very similar in both versions with only small differences.

Finally, we have also carried out a survey among all the students of the CLIPS test in order to learn what their opinions are about the two versions of the test. The ques-tionnaire had five questions (1.How much do you prefer it?, 2.How useful is it?, 3.How easy to use is it?, 4.How much do you like the user interface? and 5.How much do you like the data entry method?) that students have to answer with a range between 1 (a little) and 5 (much) for each version, and they can also write some comments.

Table 3. Student’s opinion questionnaire: web-based classic versus mobile test

More preferable More use-


More easy

to use

Best user


Best data

entry method

PC Test 3.57±0.34 3.78±0.55 4.78±0.18 4.05±0.23 4.36±0.37 Mobile Test 3.89±0.39 4.26±0.36 4.47±0.31 3.68±0.33 4.01±0.39

An Authoring Tool for Building Both Mobile Adaptable Tests 211 In the Table 3, we show the mean value and the confidence interval (95%) of the rating for preference, usefulness and ease of use of the test, and the rate of acceptance of the user’s interface and the data entry method. We can see that the mobile test is more preferable and useful than the PC test, although the PC test is easier to use and it has a better user interface and data entry method. This can be because students are still more familiar with PC interfaces and their data entry methods for this type of applications. But, in general, students liked the experience to use a mobile application to execute tests that can evaluate their knowledge in a specific area. About the com-ments, students think that the main weaknesses of mobile phones are:

?Small screen size. In general, all students would prefer to be able to see questions, question and answer on the same screen and without needing to scroll although they are long, as they are written with the size of a PC screen in mind.

?Very expensive. Almost all the students think that Java mobile phones are very expensive at the moment, and it is necessary that they become cheaper in order for most of the students to be able to afford them. Once affordable the mobile tests and other m-learning tools will become really useful and usable in real life.

?Difficult input method. Some students with big fingers had some problems to press the correct button each time and they would like that mobile could have bigger but-tons or some other alternative input method.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper we have described Test Editor, an authoring tool for building computer-ized tests. The main advantages of Test Editor in relation to other test tools are: modular (concepts, items and tests are clearly separated), easy to use (it has a friendly Java Swing graphical user interface); it facilitates the maintenance (it has statistical information and item calibration based on examinees’ usage information), standard format (it uses XML files) and multi-device execution (it has several Java engines for executing tests on a PC and on wireless devices). We have resolved the problem of authoring once for delivery on two very different platforms using XML for storing test information and Java for developing the different test execution engines. Al-though we have integrated it within the AHA! system [8], it can be also used in other web-based educational systems that support the Java and XML languages. After the experimentation, the first impression is that students are generally highly motivated to use mobile technologies for testing and it can be possible and useful to use mobile devices for testing despite some limited possibilities of J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) such as small screen size, limited application size and no support for floating point numbers. But we have developed a user interface with preferences; we have tried to reduce the number of lines of code and we have used a Java floating point emulation library for J2ME [15].

Currently we are working on extending the interoperability with other tests for-mats. We want to allow import/export questions and tests to/from others computer-ized tests systems and standards such as IMS QTI [4], QuestionMark [14], SIETTE [1], etc. In the future, we want to add more adaptable characteristics and to develop an adaptive tests control algorithm for the test mobile engine.

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The authors1 gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Spanish department of Research under TIN2005-08386-C05-02 Project.


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both, either, neither用法各不同(复习) both, either, neither这三个词都可以作代词及形容词,在考试中频频亮相,许多同学都容易将他们混淆,现将它们的用法归纳如下,让大家看个明白,轻轻松松掌握它们的词义、词性及用法。 简表说明: 补充说明: both意思是"两者都",either意思是"两者中的任何一个",neither意思是"两者都不",三个词在句中都可以充当主语、宾语、定语和同位语。 ①作主语时,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,其中both接谓语动词要求用复数形式;either,neither接谓语动词一般用单数形式,但这两者在口语中作主语时,其后的谓语动词也可以用复数。例如: Both are right.= Both of the answers are right.这两个答案都对。 Either(of them)is OK. (他们两个中)任何一个都行。 ②作宾语,可单独使用,也可以与of连用,放在动词或介词之后。例如: I don't know which book is the better;I shall read both.我不知道这两本书哪一本好,所以我两本都读。 I like neither.(两个)我一个也不喜欢。 ③作定语,both后面接复数名词,either和neither后面接单数名词。例如: Both answers are right.两个答案都对。 On either side of the river there are a lot of trees.河的两边都有许多树。 Neither boy is going there.两个男孩儿都不打算去那里。 ④both作主语的同位语,一般放在实义动词前,系动词be、情态动词、助动词后;作宾语的同位语,直接放在其后(either和neither做同位语的情况较少)。例如:


“的、地、得”的用法和区别 导入(进入美妙的世界啦~) “的、地、得”口诀儿歌 的地得,不一样,用法分别记心上, 左边白,右边勺,名词跟在后面跑。 美丽的花儿绽笑脸,青青的草儿弯下腰, 清清的河水向东流,蓝蓝的天上白云飘, 暖暖的风儿轻轻吹,绿绿的树叶把头摇, 小小的鱼儿水中游,红红的太阳当空照, 左边土,右边也,地字站在动词前, 认真地做操不马虎,专心地上课不大意, 大声地朗读不害羞,从容地走路不着急, 痛快地玩耍来放松,用心地思考解难题, 勤奋地学习要积极,辛勤地劳动花力气, 左边两人双人得,形容词前要用得, 兔子兔子跑得快,乌龟乌龟爬得慢, 青青竹子长得快,参天大树长得慢, 清晨锻炼起得早,加班加点睡得晚, 欢乐时光过得快,考试题目出得难。 知识典例(注意咯,下面可是黄金部分!) 的、地、得 “的”、“地”、“得”的用法区别本是中小学语文教学中最基本的常识,但在使用中也最容易发生混淆,再加上一段时间里,中学课本中曾将这三个词的用法统一为“的”,因此造成了很多人对它们的用法含混不清进而乱用一通的现象。

一、“的、地、得”的基本概念 1、“的、地、得”的相同之处。 “的、地、得”是现代汉语中高频度使用的三个结构助词,都起着连接作用;它们在普通话中都读轻声“de”,没有语音上的区别。 2、“的、地、得”的不同之处。 吕叔湘、朱德熙所著《语法修辞讲话》认为“的”兼职过多,负担过重,而力主“的、地、得”严格分工。50 年代以来的诸多现代汉语论著和教材,一般也持这一主张。从书面语中的使用情况看,“的”与“地”、“得”的分工日趋明确,特别是在逻辑性很强的论述性、说明性语言中,如法律条款、学术论著、外文译著、教科书等,更是将“的”与“地”、“得”分用。 “的、地、得”在普通话里都读轻声“de”,但在书面语中有必要写成三个不同的字:在定语后面写作“的”,在状语后面写作“地”,在补语前写作“得”。这样做的好处,就是可使书面语言精确化。 二、“的、地、得”的用法 1、的——定语的标记,一般用在主语和宾语的前面。“的”前面的词语一般用来修饰、限制“的”后面的事物,说明“的”后面的事物怎么样。结构形式一般为:形容词、名词(代词)+的+名词。如: ①颐和园(名词)的湖光山色(主语)美不胜收。 ②她是一位性格开朗的女子(名词,宾语)。 2、地——状语的标记,一般用在谓语(动词、形容词)前面。“地”前面的词语一般用来形容“地”后面的动作,说明“地”后面的动作怎么样。结构方式一般为:形容词(副词)+地+动词(形容词)。如: ③她愉快(形容词)地接受(动词,谓语)了这件礼物。 ④天渐渐(时间副词)地冷(形容词,谓语)起来。 3、得——补语的标记,一般用在谓语后面。“得”后面的词语一般用来补充说明“得”前面的动作怎么样,结构形式一般为:动词(形容词)+得+副词。如: ⑤他们玩(动词,谓语)得真痛快(补语)。


感官动词和使役动词 默认分类2010-05-28 23:14:26 阅读46 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 使役动词,比如let make have就是3个比较重要的 have sb to do 没有这个用法的 只有have sb doing.听凭某人做某事 have sb do 让某人做某事 have sth done 让某事被完成(就是让别人做) 另外: 使役动词 1.使役动词是表示使、令、让、帮、叫等意义的不完全及物动词,主要有make(使,令), let(让), help(帮助), have(叫)等。 2.使役动词后接受词,再接原形不定词作受词补语。 He made me laugh. 他使我发笑。 I let him go. 我让他走开。 I helped him repair the car. 我帮他修理汽车。 Please have him come here. 请叫他到这里来。 3.使役动词还可以接过去分词作受词补语。 I have my hair cut every month. 我每个月理发。 4.使役动词的被动语态的受词补语用不定词,不用原形不定词。 (主)He made me laugh. 他使我笑了。 (被)I was made to laugh by him. 我被他逗笑了。 使役动词有以下用法: a. have somebody do sth让某人去做某事 ??i had him arrange for a car. b. have somebody doing sth.让某人持续做某事。 ??he had us laughing all through lunch. 注意:用于否定名时,表示“允许” i won't have you running around in the house. 我不允许你在家里到处乱跑。 ******** 小议“使役动词”的用法 1. have sb do 让某人干某事 e.g:What would you have me do? have sb/sth doing 让某人或某事处于某种状态,听任 e.g: I won't have women working in our company. The two cheats had the light burning all night long. have sth done 让别人干某事,遭受到 e.g:you 'd better have your teeth pulled out. He had his pocket picked. notes: "done"这个动作不是主语发出来的。 2.make sb do sth 让某人干某事 e.g:They made me repeat the story. What makes the grass grow?

The way常见用法

The way 的用法 Ⅰ常见用法: 1)the way+ that 2)the way + in which(最为正式的用法) 3)the way + 省略(最为自然的用法) 举例:I like the way in which he talks. I like the way that he talks. I like the way he talks. Ⅱ习惯用法: 在当代美国英语中,the way用作为副词的对格,“the way+ 从句”实际上相当于一个状语从句来修饰整个句子。 1)The way =as I am talking to you just the way I’d talk to my own child. He did not do it the way his friends did. Most fruits are naturally sweet and we can eat them just the way they are—all we have to do is to clean and peel them. 2)The way= according to the way/ judging from the way The way you answer the question, you are an excellent student. The way most people look at you, you’d think trash man is a monster. 3)The way =how/ how much No one can imagine the way he missed her. 4)The way =because


的、地、得的用法和区别 的、地、得的用法和区别老班教育 一、的、地、得的基本概念 1、的、地、得的相同之处。 的、地、得是现代汉语中高频度使用的三个结构助词,都起着连接作用;它们在普通话中都读轻声de,没有语音上的区别。 2、的、地、得的不同之处。 吕叔湘、朱德熙所著《语法修辞讲话》认为的兼职过多,负担过重,而力主的、地、得严格分工。50 年代以来的诸多现代汉语论著和教材,一般也持这一主张。从书面语中的使用情况看,的与地、得的分工日趋明确,特别是在逻辑性很强的论述性、说明性语言中,如法律条款、学术论著、外文译著、教科书等,更是将的与地、得分用。 的、地、得在普通话里都读轻声de,但在书面语中有必要写成三个不同的字:在定语后面写作的,在状语后面写作地,在补语前写作得。这样做的好处,就是可使书面语言精确化。 二、的、地、得的用法 (一)、用法 1、的——定语的标记,一般用在主语和宾语的前面。的前面的词语一般用来修饰、限制的后面的事物,说明的后面的事物怎么样。 结构形式一般为:形容词、名词(代词)+的+名词。如: 颐和园(名词)的湖光山色(主语)美不胜收。 她是一位性格开朗的女子(名词,宾语)。 2、地——状语的标记,一般用在谓语(动词、形容词)前面。地前面的词语一般用来形容地后面的动作,说明地后面的动作怎么样。 结构方式一般为:形容词(副词)+地+动词(形容词)。如: 她愉快(形容词)地接受(动词,谓语)了这件礼物。 天渐渐(时间副词)地冷(形容词,谓语)起来。 3、得——补语的标记,一般用在谓语后面。得后面的词语一般用来补充说明得前面的动作怎么样。 结构形式一般为:动词(形容词)+得+副词。如: 他们玩(动词,谓语)得真痛快(补语)。 她红(形容词,谓语)得发紫(补语)。 (二)、例说 的,一般用在名词和形容词的后面,用在描述或限制人物、事物时,形容的词语与被形容的词语之间,表示一种描述的结果。如:漂亮的衣服、辽阔的土地、高大的山脉。结构一般为名词(代词或形容词)+的+名词。如,我的书、你的衣服、他的孩子,美丽的景色、动听的歌曲、灿烂的笑容。 地,用法简单些,用在描述或限制一种运动性质、状态时,形容的词语与被形容的词语之间。结构通常是形容词+地+动词。前面的词语一般用来形容后面的动作。一般地的后面只跟动词。比如高兴地跳、兴奋地叫喊、温和地说、飞快地跑;匆匆地离开;慢慢地移动......... 得,用在说明动作的情况或结果的程度时,说明的词语与被说明的词语之间,后面的词语一般用来补充和说明前面的情况。比如。跑得飞快、跳得很高、显得高雅、显得很壮、馋得直流口水、跑得快、飞得高、走得慢、红得很……得通常用在动词和形容词(动词之间)。


感官动词 1.see, hear, listen to, watch, notice等词,后接宾语,再接省略to的动词不定式或ing形式。前者表全过程,后者表正在进行。句中有频率词时,以上的词也常跟动词原形。 注释:省略to的动词不定式--to do是动词不定式,省略了to,剩下do,其形式和动词原形是一样的,但说法不同。 see sb do sth 看到某人做了某事 see sb doing sth 看到某人在做某事 hear sb do sth 听到某人做了某事 hear sb doing sth 听到某人在做某事 以此类推... I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (我入睡时有人正敲门,强调当时正在敲门) I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听到有人敲门的全过程) I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school. (此处有频率词often) (了解)若以上词用于被动语态,须将省略的to还原: see sb do sth----sb be seen to do sth hear sb do sth----sb be seen to do sth 以此类推... We saw him go into the restaurant. → He was seen to go into the restaurant. I hear the boy cry every day. → The boy is heard to cry every day. 2.感官动词look, sound, smell, taste, feel可当系动词,后接形容词。 He looks angry. His explanation sounds reasonable. The cakes smell nice.

The way的用法及其含义(二)

The way的用法及其含义(二) 二、the way在句中的语法作用 the way在句中可以作主语、宾语或表语: 1.作主语 The way you are doing it is completely crazy.你这个干法简直发疯。 The way she puts on that accent really irritates me. 她故意操那种口音的样子实在令我恼火。The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless. 她对待他真是无情至极。 Words are important, but the way a person stands, folds his or her arms or moves his or her hands can also give us information about his or her feelings. 言语固然重要,但人的站姿,抱臂的方式和手势也回告诉我们他(她)的情感。 2.作宾语 I hate the way she stared at me.我讨厌她盯我看的样子。 We like the way that her hair hangs down.我们喜欢她的头发笔直地垂下来。 You could tell she was foreign by the way she was dressed. 从她的穿著就可以看出她是外国人。 She could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing. 她见他跳舞的姿势,忍俊不禁。 3.作表语 This is the way the accident happened.这就是事故如何发生的。 Believe it or not, that's the way it is. 信不信由你, 反正事情就是这样。 That's the way I look at it, too. 我也是这么想。 That was the way minority nationalities were treated in old China. 那就是少数民族在旧中


《“的、地、得”的用法》语文微课教案 一、教学背景 在语言文字规范化大背景下,帮助学生解决应用“的地得”的疑惑与困难。 二、设计思路 针对学生对于“的地得”的误用与忽视展开教学,规范结构助词“的地得”的使用。按照“问题的提出、问题的分析、问题的解决”的思路展开教学,总结归纳优化的方式方法。 三、教学目标 1、知道“怎么样的什么、怎么样地干什么、干得怎么样”三种固定搭配。 2、掌握“的、地、得”的区别与联系。 3、运用小儿歌“动前土、名前白、行动后面双人来”的口诀帮助正确使用“的、地、得”。 四、教学重难点 1、知道“的、地、得”的区别。 2、在实际情境中正确运用“的、地、得”。 五、教学时间 8分钟微课堂 六、教学适用对象 义务教育九年制内的学生 七、教学准备

多媒体课件、录屏软件 八、教学设计与过程 开场白: 同学们好!今天我们一起来学习“的、地、得”的正确用法。首先我们来了解一下它们的区别。 1、相同之处:原来它们都是念轻声“de”,都是结构助词,起连接作用。 2、不同之处:在书面语中要写成三个不同的字,而且它们的搭配及用法也各不相同。 (1)怎么样的什么 (2)怎样样地干什么 (3)干得怎么样 下面我们就来学习一下它们的正确用法。 白勺“的”的结构是用“形容词或名词或代词+的+名词”来表示,而我们最常见,用得最多的还是“形容词+的+名词”的结构。 而土也“地”的用法可以用“形容词+地+动词”的结构来表示。 双人“得”是用“动词+得+形容词”的结构来表示 3、练习巩固 (1)形近区分 静静(的)河面静静(地)写字欢乐(的)山谷

欢乐(地)歌唱满意(地)点头满意(的)作品 (2)类别区分 1)跑(得)飞快飞快(地)跑 2)愉快(的)旅行旅行(得)愉快 3)强烈(的)渴望强烈(地)渴望 (3)综合杂糅 小雏鹰飞到大树的上方,高兴地喊起来:“我真的会飞啦!而且飞(得)很高呢!” 小结:能填对这个句子的你肯定就已经学会它们的用法了! 4、特殊情况 质疑:假如遇到特殊情况怎么办呢? 我从书包里拿出书交给她们,她们高兴得.围着我跳起舞来。(出自二年级上册《日记两则》) (1)质疑:为什么这里要使用“得”呢? (2)释疑:原来这里强调的是心情,动词在后,形容词在前,相当于后置,“得”修饰“跳舞”而非“围”。现在你明白了吧? 5、小结归纳: 怎么样,你们学会了吗?为了让同学们能够更快的记住它们的用法,老师送给大家一首口诀来帮助你们熟记三个“的”的正确使用方法:动前土、名前白、行动后面双人来。


英语中感官动词的用法 一、感官动词 1、感官动词(及物动词)有:see/notice/look at/watch/observe/listen to/hear/feel(Vt)/taste(Vt)/smell(Vt) 2、连缀动词(含感官不及物动词) be/get/become/feel/look/sound/smell/taste/keep/stay/seem/ appear/grow/turn/prove/remain/go/run 二、具体用法: 1、see, hear, smell, taste, feel,这五个动词均可作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。其意思分别为"看/听/闻/尝/摸起来……"。除look之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。 例如:These flowers smell very sweet.这些花闻起来很香。 The tomatoes feel very soft.这些西红柿摸起来很软。 2、这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。 例如:Her idea sounds like fun.她的主意听起来很有趣。 3、这五个感官动词也可作实义动词,除look(当"看起来……"讲时)只能作不及物动词外,其余四个既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,此时作为实义动词讲时其主语一般为人。 例如:She smelt the meat.她闻了闻那块肉。 I felt in my pocket for cigarettes.我用手在口袋里摸香烟。 4、taste, smell作不及物动词时,可用于"t aste / smell + of +名词"结构,意为"有……味道/气味"。 例如:The air in the room smells of earth.房间里的空气有股泥土味。 5、它们(sound除外)可以直接作名词,与have或take构成短语。 例如:May I have a taste of the mooncakes?我可以尝一口这月饼吗?taste有品位、味道的意思。 例如:I don’t like the taste of the garlic.我不喜欢大蒜的味道。 She dresses in poor taste.她穿着没有品位。 look有外观,特色的意思,例:The place has a European look.此地具有欧洲特色。 feel有感觉,感受的意思,watch有手表,观察的意思。例:My watch is expensive.我的手表很贵。 6、其中look, sound, feel还能构成"look / sound / feel + as if +从句"结构,意为"看起来/听起来/感觉好像……"。 例如:It looks as if our class is going to win.看来我们班好像要获胜了。 7、感官动词+do与+doing的区别: see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性。 I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调"我看见了"


定冠词the的用法: 定冠词the与指示代词this ,that同源,有“那(这)个”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西. (1)特指双方都明白的人或物 Take the medicine.把药吃了. (2)上文提到过的人或事 He bought a house.他买了幢房子. I've been to the house.我去过那幢房子. (3)指世界上独一无二的事物 the sun ,the sky ,the moon, the earth (4)单数名词连用表示一类事物 the dollar 美元 the fox 狐狸 或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人 the rich 富人 the living 生者 (5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词等前面 Where do you live?你住在哪? I live on the second floor.我住在二楼. That's the very thing I've been looking for.那正是我要找的东西. (6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体 They are the teachers of this school.(指全体教师) They are teachers of this school.(指部分教师) (7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前 She caught me by the arm.她抓住了我的手臂. (8)用在某些有普通名词构成的国家名称,机关团体,阶级等专有名词前 the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国 (9)用在表示乐器的名词前 She plays the piano.她会弹钢琴. (10)用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人 the Greens 格林一家人(或格林夫妇) (11)用在惯用语中 in the day, in the morning... the day before yesterday, the next morning... in the sky... in the dark... in the end... on the whole, by the way...

both 和 all的用法

一、all的句法功能 all “三者或三者以上都”。具有名词和形容词的性质,在句中都可作主语、宾语、表语、定语和同位语。既能修饰可数名词又能修饰不可数名词。代替不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,代替复数可数名词时,谓语动词用复数。 1.作主语 All enjoyed themselves.(可数)所有的人都玩的很开心。 Now all was changed.(不可数)现在一切都改变了。 2. 作宾语 I love all.我都喜欢 3.作表语 Is that all you want to say? 你要说的就是这么一些? 二、both的用法 1.Both 可作形容词、代词或副词用,意思是“两个”、“双方”、“两个都”。在句中可作主语、宾语或同位语。只能修饰复数的可数名词。作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。 如:Both are right. 两者都对。(主语) I like both. 两个我都喜欢。(宾语) 2. Both可参与构成名词词组,也可和动词连用,还可与and构成并列连词。在使用时,要注意下列几点:

(1)both和all和be动词、助动词、情态动词连用时,放在它们得 后面。 They are both students. 他们都是学生。 They are both working hard. 他们两人都努力工作。 You can all go home. 你们都可以回家了。 (2)和实义动词连用时放在实义动词之前。如:They both ran away. 他们两人都跑走了。 My brother and my sister both ran to help me. 我弟弟和我妹妹都 跑来帮助我。 They both like swimming . (3)both和all跟“of 短语”连用时,后接名词时both和all后面 可以省略of; All (of) the students are ready for class. 所有的学生 都做好了上课准备。 Both her children go to the same school. 她的两个孩子在同一 个学校读书。 Both men were interested in the job. 两个人都对这项工作感兴趣。 Both his eyes were severely burned. 他的双眼都严重烧伤 了。 Why not buy both? 为什么不把两件都买下?


1.感官动词用法之一:see, hear, listen to, watch, notice等词,后接宾语,再接动词原形或ing形式。前者表全过程,后者表正在进行。句中有频率词时,以上的词也常跟动词原形。 I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (我入睡时有人正敲门) I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听的是全过程) I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school.(此处有频率词often) 若以上词用于被动语态,后面原有动词原形改为带to不定式: We saw him go into the restaurant. →He was seen to go into the restaurant. I hear the boy cry every day. →The boy is heard to cry every day. 2.感官动词用法之二:look, sound, smell, taste, feel可当系动词,后接形容词: He looks angry. It sounds good. The flowers smell beautiful. The sweets taste sweet. The silk feels soft. I felt tired. They all looked tired. 这些动词都不用于被动语态。如:The sweets are tasted sweet.是个病句。注意:如果加介词like,则后不可接形容词,而接名词或代词:

“the way+从句”结构的意义及用法

“theway+从句”结构的意义及用法 首先让我们来看下面这个句子: Read the followingpassageand talkabout it wi th your classmates.Try totell whatyou think of Tom and ofthe way the childrentreated him. 在这个句子中,the way是先行词,后面是省略了关系副词that或in which的定语从句。 下面我们将叙述“the way+从句”结构的用法。 1.the way之后,引导定语从句的关系词是that而不是how,因此,<<现代英语惯用法词典>>中所给出的下面两个句子是错误的:This is thewayhowithappened. This is the way how he always treats me. 2.在正式语体中,that可被in which所代替;在非正式语体中,that则往往省略。由此我们得到theway后接定语从句时的三种模式:1) the way+that-从句2)the way +in which-从句3) the way +从句 例如:The way(in which ,that) thesecomrade slookatproblems is wrong.这些同志看问题的方法

不对。 Theway(that ,in which)you’re doingit is comple tely crazy.你这么个干法,简直发疯。 Weadmired him for theway inwhich he facesdifficulties. Wallace and Darwingreed on the way inwhi ch different forms of life had begun.华莱士和达尔文对不同类型的生物是如何起源的持相同的观点。 This is the way(that) hedid it. I likedthe way(that) sheorganized the meeting. 3.theway(that)有时可以与how(作“如何”解)通用。例如: That’s the way(that) shespoke. = That’s how shespoke.


外教一对一https://www.sodocs.net/doc/159802804.html, all,both的用法 all用于三个或三个以上的人或物,也可修饰不可数名词,强调整体 All of the teachers are here. 所有老师都在这里。 They all enjoyed the show. 他们都喜欢这个表演。 We all want to go to school. 我们都想去上学。 Not all of the students go on to high school. 并不是所有学生都会继续读高中。 We invited twenty people to the party. And all came. 我们邀请了20个人参加派对,所有人都来了。 All the milk is wasted. 所有牛奶都浪费了。(修饰不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数) All that you have is mine. 你所拥有的一切都是我的。 All will be explained by Dr. Wang. 王博士会解释一切。 This movie is the best of all. 这部电影是所有当中最好看的。 All of the money will be hers when her father dies. 当她父亲死后,所有钱都将是她的。 The little child drank up all the milk. 小孩喝光了所有的牛奶。 “all of the/this/these/that/those/所有格”结构,其中的of可省略,尤其后跟不可数名词时,经常省略 All the money will be hers. 所有的钱都将是她的。 Where have you been all this time? 这段时间,你都去哪了? She remained rich all her life. 她一生富裕。 All (of) these people are waiting for the elevator. 所有这些人都在等电梯。 He became stronger after all (of) those years. 经过那些年,他变得更加坚强。 both用于两个人或物,谓语动词用复数,both可后接名词或单独使用。 Both students are here. 两个学生都在这里。 Both are here. 两个都在这里。

way 用法

表示“方式”、“方法”,注意以下用法: 1.表示用某种方法或按某种方式,通常用介词in(此介词有时可省略)。如: Do it (in) your own way. 按你自己的方法做吧。 Please do not talk (in) that way. 请不要那样说。 2.表示做某事的方式或方法,其后可接不定式或of doing sth。 如: It’s the best way of studying [to study] English. 这是学习英语的最好方法。 There are different ways to do [of doing] it. 做这事有不同的办法。 3.其后通常可直接跟一个定语从句(不用任何引导词),也可跟由that 或in which 引导的定语从句,但是其后的从句不能由how 来引导。如: 我不喜欢他说话的态度。 正:I don’t like the way he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way that he spoke. 正:I don’t like the way in which he spoke. 误:I don’t like the way how he spoke. 4.注意以下各句the way 的用法: That’s the way (=how) he spoke. 那就是他说话的方式。 Nobody else loves you the way(=as) I do. 没有人像我这样爱你。 The way (=According as) you are studying now, you won’tmake much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。 2007年陕西省高考英语中有这样一道单项填空题: ——I think he is taking an active part insocial work. ——I agree with you_____. A、in a way B、on the way C、by the way D、in the way 此题答案选A。要想弄清为什么选A,而不选其他几项,则要弄清选项中含way的四个短语的不同意义和用法,下面我们就对此作一归纳和小结。 一、in a way的用法 表示:在一定程度上,从某方面说。如: In a way he was right.在某种程度上他是对的。注:in a way也可说成in one way。 二、on the way的用法 1、表示:即将来(去),就要来(去)。如: Spring is on the way.春天快到了。 I'd better be on my way soon.我最好还是快点儿走。 Radio forecasts said a sixth-grade wind was on the way.无线电预报说将有六级大风。 2、表示:在路上,在行进中。如: He stopped for breakfast on the way.他中途停下吃早点。 We had some good laughs on the way.我们在路上好好笑了一阵子。 3、表示:(婴儿)尚未出生。如: She has two children with another one on the way.她有两个孩子,现在还怀着一个。 She's got five children,and another one is on the way.她已经有5个孩子了,另一个又快生了。 三、by the way的用法


Both的用法 来看几道近两年的中考题: 1. —What do you think of the two backpacks? —______ of them are very nice. (2011年,广西省贵港市) A. Either B. Both C. Each D. All 2. _____of the two story books are very interesting, so I can’t decide which one to choose. (2011 A. All B. Any C. Either D. Both 3. I have two children, and __________ of them are working in the west of China. (2011年,上 A. all B. both C. neither D. either 4. It’s difficult for me to decide which one to choose,because _______ of them are good. (201 A. neither B. both C. either 5. —Which of the caps will you take? —I’ll take _______,one for my father,the other for my brother.(2010年 A. neither B. both C. all 答案是:1. B; 2. D; 3. B; 4. B; 5. B。 我们来看几道近两年的中考题: 1. —What do you think of the two backpacks? —______ of them are very nice. (2011年,广西省贵港市) A. Either B. Both C. Each D. All 2. _____of the two story books are very interesting, so I can’t decide which one to choose. (2011 A. All B. Any C. Either D. Both 3. I have two children, and __________ of them are working in the west of China. (2011年 A. all B. both C. neither D. either 4. It’s difficult for me to decide which one to choose,because _______ of them are good. (2010 A. neither B. both C. either D. each 5. —Which of the caps will you take? —I’ll take _______,one for my father,the other for my brother.(2010年 A. neither B. both C. all 英语中, both 的用法比较复杂,它既可用作代词,又可用作形容词。现归纳如下: 一、both用作代词,意为“两者”、“双方”。 1.在句子中作主语或宾语,可单独使用或用于“both of...”结构中,但当of后面是名词时,名词前面必须有the、one’s等限定词。另外,当其作主语时,谓语动词必须用复数。如:Both are good. 两个都挺好。 Why not use both?为什么不两者都用? Both of them have gone out. 他们俩都外出了。 Both of the men are asleep. 那两个男人都睡着了。 Of course, I wish both of your children well. 当然,我祝福你的两个孩子都健康。 2.用作主语的同位语。其位置主要有三种情况:①放在实义(行为)动词之前;②放在情态动词、助动词之后;③放在连系动词be之后。如: We are both students. 我们俩都是学生。 Don’t thank me. You must both thank him! 别谢我。你们俩必须感谢他! We have both passed the mid-examination. 我们俩都通过了期中考试。 ■在简略回答及感叹句中,both不能位于句尾,要放在连系动词be、助动词或情态动词之前。如: —Are you ready?你们准备好了吗? —Yes, we both are. 是的,我们俩都准备好了(不能说Yes, we are both)。 How clever they both are!他们俩多聪明啊! 3.用作宾语同位语。这时,both要紧跟在宾语之后。如: You may take them both. 你可以把两个都拿去。 He likes Tom and Wang Hai both. 汤姆和王海两个他都喜欢。 二、both用作形容词,意为“两者的”、“双方的”。 both作形容词用时,是一个首位限定词,它必须放在其他限定词或修饰词之前。如:There are lots of trees on both sides of the road. 公路两旁都有很多树。 Please hold both my hands in yours. 请握住我的双手。 Both children are my sons. 两个孩子都是我的儿子。 ■both作形容词修饰复数名词时,意义上与either修饰单数名词是一样的。如:
