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1. rice 大米

2. meat 肉

3. bread 面包

4. salt 盐

5. honey 蜂蜜

6. pasta 意大利面

7. soup 汤

8. flour 面粉

9. cream 奶油

10. oil 油





chicken fish beef mutton(肉类)

rice/flour/soup/edible oil /juice/garlic 蒜/celery芹菜/bread/orange(橙汁)fork猪肉/fish鱼肉


mike牛奶/water水/chicken鸡肉/salad沙拉/coke可乐/salt盐/honey蜂蜜/jam果酱/beef牛肉/mutton羊肉/broccoli花椰菜(菜花)/fish鱼肉/meat 肉/bread面包/rice米饭/food食物/fruit 水果/juice 果汁/ice 冰冻食品/tea茶/honey 蜂蜜/chocolate 巧克力/cake 蛋糕/fork猪肉/garlic 蒜/celery芹菜

可数的eggs/bananas/apples/tomatos/oranges/cucumbers 黄瓜/ cakescabbdge










tomato 番茄,西红柿,cucumber 黄瓜,banana、apple eggs、orange,pear,potato,noodle,carrot,spinach菠菜



可数:tomato 番茄,西红柿,cucumber 黄瓜

不可数:garlic 蒜,celery芹菜







专题一名词主要考查三个方面: 1、联系上下文,考查同义词、近义词辨析; 2、可数名词的单复数、不可数名词、抽象名词、名词词 组的意义和用法; 3、名词的固定搭配和习惯用语。 ◆名词的数 规则名词的复数形式

a block of一块; a bottle of一瓶 a group of一群; a pile of一堆 a pair of一组/双/对; a piece of一片/张/块既可作可数名词又可作不可数名词的词

The broken ______may cut into your hand if you touch it, you should be careful. A. glass B. glasses C. candle D. candles 【2016广西来宾】 —There are many ____ about this farm. —Yes, lots of ____ are planted on it. A. photo; potato B. photos; potatos C. photos; potatoes D. photoes; potatoes 1. Help yourself to some_______. There are lots of vitamins in them. A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos D. potatos 2.if you take a plane, you cannot take ______ onto the plane with you. A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. a knives 3. The _______ have caught the two_______ already. A. policeman; thief B. policemen; thiefs C. policemen; thieves D. policeman; thieves 【2016重庆】It’s sports time. Most students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground. A. boy B. boys C. boy’s D. boys’ 【2015攀枝花】All the are from . A. men doctors; Germany B. men doctors; German C. man doctors; Germany D. man doctor; German 【2015广安】 —How many can you see in the picture? —Two.


知识讲解什么可以修饰可数名词什么可以修饰不可数名词 一、some和any的用法: (1)两者修饰可数复数名词和不可数名词,表一些;有些。 〔2)一般的用法:some用于肯定句;any用于疑问句,否定句或条件句。 I amlooking forsomematches. Do you have any matches? I do not have any matches. (3)特殊的用法: (A)在期望对方肯定的回答时,问句也用some。 Will you lend me some money? (=Please lend me some money.)(B) any表任何或任何一个时,也可用于肯定句。 Comeany day you like. 二、many和much的用法: (1)many修饰复数可数名词,表许多; much修饰不可数名词,表量或程度。He has many friends, but few true ones. There hasn't been much good weather recently. (2)many a: many a和many同义,但语气比较强,并且要与单数名词及单数形动词连用。Many a prisoner has been set free.(=Many prisoners ha ve been set free.) 三. (a) few和(a)little的用法: (1) (a) few用在复数可数名词之前,(a) little用在不可数名词之前。 He took a few biscuits. (=several)He took few biscuits(=no tmany) He took alittle butter. (=some) He took little


小学英语不可数名词知识点汇总 小学英语不可数名词知识点 01 普通名词所表示的人或事物是可以按个数计算的,这类名词叫可数名词。 可数名词分为个体名词和集体名词。 个体名词表示某类人或事物中的个体:worker, farmer, desk, factory 集体名词表示作为一个整体来看的一群人或一些事物: people, family, army 02 如果普通名词所表示的事物是不能按个数来计算的,这类名词就叫不可数名词。 不可数名词分为物质名词和抽象名词。 物质名词表示无法分为个体的物质:meat, rice, water, milk, orange 抽象名词表示动作、状态、情况、品质等抽象概念:work, homework, time, health, friendship 03 不可数名词可以与表示量的可数名词连用。 借以表示“可数”的概念,我们可以加a(n) 如:a piece of advice一条建议 a basket of fruit一篮水果 an item of information 一则信息 a kind of protection一种保护 a cube of ice一方块冰 three cups of tea三杯茶 04 不可数名词前一般可加定冠词,但永远不能加不定冠词! I like to skate on an ice.( × ) I like to skate on the ice. ( √ )我喜欢在冰上溜滑。 下列用法均属错误:

a water, a cloth, an information, a hair 05 不可数名词作主语,谓语要用单数形式。 The food isvery fresh.食品很新鲜。 06 some, any,no, a little, much, a lot of等词往往可以加在不可数名词的前面,修饰不可数名词。 1. I don’t want any help.我不需要任何帮助。 2. There’s some milk in the glass.玻璃杯里有一些牛奶。 07 有的不可数名词也可以作可数名词,有复数形式,但他们的意义往往发生变化。 water (水) → waters (水域) orange (橘汁) → oranges (橘子) 08 小学阶段常见不可数名词 milk牛奶work工作 advice忠告/主意age年龄 baggage行李beauty美丽,漂亮 bread面包beer啤酒 camping露营cloth布 coffee咖啡courage勇气 cream奶油damage损害 death死亡dust尘土 experience经验fear担心 furniture家具gain获得、获利 glass玻璃gold黄金 help帮助hope希望 hair头发horror恐惧


选择填空: 1.The deer has four ______. A. foot B. feet C. feets D. foots 2.Her two brothers are both ______. A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen D. policemens 3.There are four _____ and two ______ in the group. A. Japanese, Germen B. Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese, Germans 4.Two ______ would come to the village. A. woman-doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctors 5.Can you see nine _____ in the picture? A. sheep B. dog C. pig D. horse 6.The _____ has two ______. A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches D. boys, watch 7.The boy often brushes his _____ before he goes to bed. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths 8.The Japanese ____ will not leave China until she finishes her study. A. woman B. women C. man D. men 9.There are lots of _____ in the basket on the table. A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatoss 10. The cat caught two ______ last night. A. mouses B. mice C. mouse D. mices 用所给名词的适当形式填空: 1. How many________(sheep) are there on the hill? 2. There is some________(food) in the basket. 3. The baby has only two________(tooth) now. 4. There is a lot of________(water) in the bottle. 5. There are five________(people ) in his family. 6. Let's take________(photo), OK? 7. I have lots of________(tomato) here.


常考的可数名词和不可数名词 1.常考的不可数名词 furniture luggage clothing equipment poetry jewelry machinery weaponry scenery information knowledge homework evidence foliage advertising health A : 流体air water B: 颗粒状物体rice salt C: 抽象名词information D: 总称名词poetry machinery E: 疾病不可数diabetes糖尿病measles麻疹 F: 自然现象rain drops G:学科不可数mathematics economics statistics physics politics mechanics genetics geology geography chemistry philosophy biology history 2.常考的不规则单复数 man/men woman/women tooth/teeth foot/feet goose/geese basis/bases analysis/analyses crisis/crises hypothesis/hypotheses axis/axes alga/algae larva/larvae fungus/fungi stimulus/stimuli datum/data bacterium/bacteria medium/media spectrum/spectra mouse/mice child/children phenomenon/phenomena radius/radii 3.常考的单复数同型的名词 aircraft spacecraft series species means sheep deer bison salmon trout carp


Money Chicken Fish Water Bread Paper News Meat Cake Coffee Snow, Tea, Milk, Rice, Traffic, Homework, Housework Age Hair Time Weather Wind World Moon Sleep Luck Music Nature Ice Food Glass Gold Help Hope People Soap a piece of bread [ cake,paper(纸),thread(线)cloth(布)furniture(家具)coal(煤)news(新闻)advice(意见)information(信息)work(工作)meat(肉) ] 一块面包[ 一块蛋糕、一张纸、一根线、…… ] an item of information (一则情报) a burst of applause (一阵掌声) a fit of anger(一顿脾气)

a slip of paper (一张纸条) a length of cloth(一段布料) a cake of soap (一块肥皂) a tube of tooth-paste (一条牙膏 ) a bottle of ink( 一瓶墨水) 它在句子中作主语时句子的谓语也只用单数形式。 例如: Water is a liquid .水是液体。 Wealthdoesn't mean happiness .富有并不意味幸福。 常见的物质名词 如:snow(雪) rain(雨) water(水) coffee(咖啡) tea(茶) meat (肉) milk(牛奶) rice(米饭) bread(面包) orange (桔汁)等; 抽象名词是指表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念的词常见的抽象名词 如: work(工作) study(学习) love(爱) friendship (友谊)等。 最常见的不可数名词有: Advice, Baggage, change(零钱) furniture(家具) bread面包 beer啤酒 cloth布 coffee咖啡 cream奶油 dust尘土 gin杜松子酒


修饰可数名词和不可数名词的词 首先要搞清楚,是修饰可数名词或不可数名词,而不是单数或复数名词。可数名词都有复数形式,而不可数名词没有复数形式。 a large deal of, plenty of和a good supply of 在多数情况下修饰不可数名词,如:plenty of water, a great deal of time,不过它们也可以修饰可数名词,如 plenty of men。 a quantity of在多数情况下修饰可数名词,如a quantity of boxes, 不过也可修饰不可数名词,如a quantity of milk。 quantities of与上述的一样 一、只能修饰可数名词的词语有: many, many a(n), a good / great many, a (great / large) number of, scores of, dozens of等。例如: Scores of people went there in the first few days after its opening. 开张后的头几天,很多人去了那儿。 I have been there dozens of times. 我已去过那儿很多次了。 There’re a number of students reading English in the classroom. 教室里有许多学生在读英语。 Many a student has(=many students have)visited the Great Wall.(谓语动词用单数) 很多学生都游览过长城。


1. rice 大米 2. meat 肉 3. bread 面包 4. salt 盐 5. honey 蜂蜜 6. pasta 意大利面 7. soup 汤 8. flour 面粉 9. cream 奶油 10. oil 油 food meat rice fruit chicken fish beef mutton(肉类) rice/flour/soup/edible oil /juice/garlic 蒜/celery芹菜/bread/orange(橙汁)fork猪肉/fish鱼肉 /chicken鸡肉/beef牛肉/rice米饭/BEER啤酒/mutton羊肉/skate牛排 mike牛奶/water水/chicken鸡肉/salad沙拉/coke可乐/salt盐/honey蜂蜜/jam果酱/beef牛肉/mutton羊肉/broccoli花椰菜(菜花)/fish鱼肉/meat 肉/bread面包/rice米饭/food食物/fruit 水果/juice 果汁/ice 冰冻食品/tea茶/honey 蜂蜜/chocolate 巧克力/cake 蛋糕/fork猪肉/garlic 蒜/celery芹菜 可数的eggs/bananas/apples/tomatos/oranges/cucumbers 黄瓜/ cakescabbdge strawbrry potato egg apple orange hotdog hamburger tomato vegetable tomato 番茄,西红柿,cucumber 黄瓜,banana、apple eggs、orange,pear,potato,noodle,carrot,spinach菠菜 除了fruit本身,其他几乎都是可数名词 蔬菜: 可数:tomato 番茄,西红柿,cucumber 黄瓜 不可数:garlic 蒜,celery芹菜


寒假专题二:名词数的表达 二. 重点、难点: 语法详解:不可数名词及可数名词数的表达 三. 具体内容: 重难点解析: 英语表达数目和数量的特别方法 不可数名词没有表示复数的“—s”标志,因此前面不可有数目字,只可以有数量词。例如我们可以说①,不可以说②: ①There is not much furniture(家具)in the office. ②There are not many furnitures in the office. 这是不是说不可数名词就不可数呢?不然。相反的,不可数名词也是可数的,主要方法是借助单位词(unit word),如: a piece of,a cup of,a drop of,a lump of,a handful of,a flash of,a blade of,a head of,a bar of,an ear of等。 如果数目超过“一”,就以确实数目取代“一”。例如: two pieces of,three cups of 和five lumps of 等。 现在试试把上述这类单位词和适当的不可数名词连用。 ①Mr. Li has just bought a piece of new furniture. ②Give me a cup of cold water,please. ③Please put two lumps of sugar in my coffee. ④The boy picked up two handfuls of sand from the beach. ⑤We saw a flash of lightning in the sky. ⑥The gardener pulled out blades of wild grass from the garden. ⑦She gave bars of chocolate to the visiting children. 有些名词如scissors,trousers,spectacles,tongs,pliers 等,都以复数形式出现,如: ⑧The scissors are lying on the table. ⑨The spectacles fit me nicely. 如果要给这些名词表示单数“一”的意思,就要借重单位词了。例如: ⑩Mary has just bought a pair of scissors. 11 The mechanic repaired the machine with a set of pliers. 现代英语注重简洁,合成形容词便应运而生,其中有一种是用来表示数目的,方法是:“数目+名词”,如:a five—year plan,a ten—dollar note,a two—hour meeting,a three —day conference等。 必须注意的是,这种合成形容词中的名词,只能以单数形式出现。如果用复数,就错了,如: a five—years plan,a ten—dollars note,a two—hours meeting,a three—days conference. 这类错误,虽然频率不是很高,但也是要留意才好。 如果没有把握,不妨用完整的表达方式,如: a five—year plan→a plan of five years a ten—dollar note→a note of ten dollars a three—day conference→a conference of three days 等。


名词的用法 可数名词 (一) 定义:能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西。可数名词变成复数形式规则变化 一般情况下,直接在词尾+s: book→books, pencil→pencils. man — men 男人woman — women 妇女tooth — teeth 牙齿foot — feet 脚 有些名词的单复数形式相同 deer — deer 鹿sheep — sheep绵羊 Chinese — Chinese 中国人Japanese — Japanese 日本人 (四) 特殊的复数形式的名词 由两部分构成的东西的名词,总以复数形式出现,如:glasses眼镜,trousers裤子,socks 袜子,clothes衣服等。若表达具体数目,要借助量词pair对/双,suit套等。 a pair of glasses, two pairs of socks (五)可数名词的特点 (1) 有单复数:one desk, two chairs, many birds。 (2) 可以用不定冠词a/an、数词、many, some, any, a lot of, lots of等词修饰:an apple, three pictures, some students。 (3) 单数名词做主语,谓语动词用单数形式;复数名词做主语,谓语动词要用复数形式。 ①There is a pen on the desk. 桌子上有一支笔。 ②There are some students in the classroom. 教室里有一些学生。

(4) 在特殊疑问句中,用how many修饰可数名词 There are three pens on the desk. (对划线部分提问) →How many pens are there on the desk? 不可数名词 (一)定义:不能以数目计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的 东西,如water, tea, bread等。它没有复数概念,它的前面不能用补丁冠词a/an. 表特指时可用定冠词the修饰。 ①Water is very important to life. 水对生命来说十分重要。 ②The bread on the table is Mark’s. 桌子上的面包师Mark的。 (二)特点 (1) 不可数名词前面可以有much, a little, a lot of等修饰词:much bread, a little tea (2) 不可数名词不能用数词修饰,需要借助单位词来表示数量: a piece of paper 一张纸,a piece of bread一片面包,a cup of tea一杯茶 (3) 不可数名词变复数:量词变复数形式,作主语时谓语动词用复数 two pieces of bread 两片面包,three cups of tea 三杯茶 (4) 对不可数名词的修饰词提问,疑问词用how much. There is some milk in the glass. (对划线部分提问) →How much milk is there in the glass? 练习: 一、根据句意及所给单词填空。 1. ________(this) are my English books. 2. My aunt Jane and my mother are ___________(sister). 3. I have two ___________(watch). They are on the desk. 4. I have some __________(photo) of my family. 5. Do you like these ____________(dictionary)? 6. Those are _________(bus). 7. I have lots of________(tomato) here. 8. The________(leaf) on the tree turn-yellow. 二、选择填空: 1. —Mom, I want___. ——Here you are. A. a bread B. a piece of bread C. some breads D.breads 2. The _____ has two ______. A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches D. boys, watch 3. There are lots of _____ in the basket on the table. A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatoss 4. —_____apples do we need to make fruit salad? —Let me think...We need three apples. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many 5. "Lily, Let's make vegetable salad. How many _____ do we need?" "One is enough." A. oranges B. potato C. tomatoes. 6. Would you like _____ to eat now? A. some B. anything C. something D. thing 7. I'm so hungry. Please give me _____ to eat.


名词知识讲解那些不可数名词前加形容词后可以变成可数名词 同一名词作可数名词和不可数名词的意义差别 1)某些名词在不同的场合下分别用作可数名词或不可数名词,分别表不同的意义。 Paper was first made by the ancient Chinese. Each student has got a test paper. The hall is beautiful with all the doors made of glass. The waiter brought me a glass and poured milk into it. The cottage is on fire. The girl is learning how to make a fire. The house is being pulled down to make room for the new highway. The couple will move into a new room. Women usually pay more attention to dress than men do . She has longed for an evening dress 2)有些名词,尤其是物质名词,作不可数名词表事物的概念,而做可数名词时表事物的个体,其复数形式往往表事物的种类。如; Mike is a handsome boy with black hair. The young man has got quite a few grey hairs. The doctor advised eating some fruit after a meal. There are different kinds of fruits for you to choose from. He likes his coffee served with milk. Waiter, two coffees , please. 3) 有些不可数名词在作可数名词时常常以复数形式出现表示更为扩大的意义。例如: There is life where there is water. Fish are no longer found in the polluted waters. Our ship is sailing in the waters of the East China Sea. The children were playing with sand all afternoon. He walked along the sands, enjoying the setting sun. The road was covered with snow. We could see snows here and there at the top of the mountain. 4) 有些不可数名词,特别是表示自然现象的名词,常可以和不定冠词和形容词连用,表单数概念。如: a heavy rain a heavy snow a heavy smoke a good sweat a thick fog a good light a great fire a clear sky


1.water 水 2.paper 纸 3.exercise 锻炼 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1715361792.html,rmation 信息 5.news 新闻 6.food食物 7.fruit水果 8.mutton羊肉 9.beef牛肉10. snow雪11.chicken鸡肉12.salad沙拉13.houswork 家务14.juice 果汁15.ice 冰冻食品16,tea茶17.waste废物18.powder 粉19.rain 雨水20.wind 风21.hair 头发22.rice米饭23.population人口24.bread面包https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1715361792.html,k 牛奶26.coke 可乐27.money 钱28.jam 果酱29.honey 蜂蜜30.chocolate 巧克力31.fish鱼肉32.meat 肉 33.space 空间 34. advice 建议35.ink 墨水36.salt 盐37.cake 蛋糕38.change 找零 39.homework 家庭作业40.traffic 交通41.peace 和平42.anger 愤怒 43.courage 勇气44.energy 能量45.fear 恐怖46.fun 有趣乐趣47.health 健康48.time 时间49.sand 沙子50.weather天气 1.water 水 2.paper 纸 3.exercise 锻炼 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1715361792.html,rmation 信息 5.news 新闻 6.food食物 7.fruit水果 8.mutton羊肉 9.beef牛肉10. snow雪11.chicken鸡肉12.salad沙拉13.houswork 家务14.juice 果汁15.ice 冰冻食品16,tea茶17.waste废物18.powder 粉19.rain 雨水20.wind 风21.hair 头发22.rice米饭23.population人口24.bread面包https://www.sodocs.net/doc/1715361792.html,k 牛奶26.coke 可乐27.money 钱28.jam 果酱29.honey 蜂蜜30.chocolate 巧克力31.fish鱼肉32.meat 肉 33.space 空间 34. advice 建议35.ink 墨水36.salt 盐37.cake 蛋糕38.change 找零 39.homework 家庭作业40.traffic 交通41.peace 和平42.anger 愤怒 43.courage 勇气44.energy 能量45.fear 恐怖46.fun 有趣乐趣47.health 健康48.time 时间49.sand 沙子50.weather天气 建议你在学习过程中不断积累。 17 |评论 2011-7-19 05:25 两个大人一小孩|二级 英语中的不可数名词主要有三类:表示“类”的集体名词、抽象名词、物质名词⑴表示“类”的集体名词,常见的有 clothing furniture baggage/luggage jewelry traffic infomation machinery merchandise produce scenery (2)抽象名词


第一章.可数名词和不可数名词 专有名词&普通名词:可以分清个体,以数目来计算的,有复数形式。名词的分类 可数名词&不可数名:不可以分清个体,不能以数目来计算,只有单数形式 一、可数名词变复数之规则变化: 1、一般在名词词尾加s, ①map—maps地图,bird—birds鸟, orange—oranges 桔子, bike—bikes自行车; 2、以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词加es, ①box—boxes盒子,class—classes班级,watch—watches手表,dish-dishes盘,碟子,餐具; 3、以O结尾的名词后面加s或es ①photo—photos相片radio—radios收音机zoo—zoos动物园tomato—tomatoes西红柿potato—potatoes土豆 4、以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i+es ①baby—babies婴儿family—families家庭; 以元音字母加y结尾的名词直接加s ①boy—boys男孩toy—toys 玩具;

5、以fe或f结尾的名词,把fe或f变为ves ①knife—knives小刀 wife—wives妻子 leaf—leaves树叶。 二、可数名词变复数之不规则变化 1以o结尾加-es: potato→potatoes tomato→tomatoes hero→heroes Negro →Negroes… 2字母a变e: man→men, woman→women, Frenchman→Frenchmen, policeman-policemen… 3字母oo变ee: tooth→teeth, foot→feet, goose→geese… 4单复数同形: sheep→sheep, deer→deer, fish→fish Chinese-Chinese, Japanese →Japanese cattle →cattle… 5其他: child→children, mouse→mice, medium →media, basis →bases…


初一可数名词和不可数名词讲解 定义:1可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。 2.不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西;它一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词a / an 。 可数名词用法讲解 可数名词有单复数之分。 ㈠单数可数名词 1. 单数可数名词一般不会单独出现,前面通常要有限定词。 例如:She is friend(friend 前面加上my.) I have pen.(pen前面加上a) I like boy.(boy前面加上this) 限定词通常有三类。 ⑴冠词。经常用不定冠词a、an。 ⑵形容词性物主代词。 ⑶指示代词this、that 。this、that可用the代替。 2.单数可数名词做主语看作第三人称单数,谓语动词使用三单(单数)形式。 My father is (be) very tall. His brother likes (like) playing basketball.

㈡可数名词的复数形式。 1.单数变复数 规则变化 a.一般情况下,直接加-s.如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds b.如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds c.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries d.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives e.以o结尾,通常加s.初中范围只有这四个词Negro hero potato potato 这 四个词加es 如tomato -potatoes. tomato-tomatoes巧记黑人英雄种西红柿和马铃薯这四个词es 不规则变化: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children, foot-feet,. tooth-teeth, fish-fish, sheep-sheep people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese. 2.什么时候使用可数名词的复数形式? a.数词大于1,可数名词用复数。 b.可数名词前有Some/any、these/those 、a lot of/lots of、many、How many、a few修饰时,可数名词用复数。 Some/any+可复 a lot of/lots of+可复 Many+可复 How many+可复 A few+可复 c.复数名词表示泛指是可数名词使用复数形式。


名词是表示人、事物和抽象概念的词。它有可数名词和不可数名词之分。可数名词有单复数之分。如:a bag,two bags。而不可数名词,顾名思义,通常没有复数形式,不能在词尾加s或es变复数。 不可数名词有:ice, rain, snow, sun, wind, bread, meat, juice, sugar, food, rice, water, coffee, tea, milk, jam, chocolate, fruit, paper, hair 等,这些物质名词都是不可数名词。还有像work (工作), help (帮助), love (爱), hope (希望), weather (天气) 等抽象名词也是不可数名词。 在使用不可数名词时,要注意以下几点: 1.不可数名词前面不能直接加a / an。如: I like to skate on an ice.( × ) I like to skate on the ice. ( √ )我喜欢在冰上溜滑。 不可数名词如果要表示一定的数量,可以借助单位词。如: a cube of ice 一方块冰three cups of tea三杯茶 a bowl of rice 一碗米饭a bar of chocolate 一大块巧克力 2.不可数名词的词尾不能加s或es变复数。 3.some, any, no, a little, much, a lot of等词往往可以加在不可数名词的前面,修饰不可数名词。如: 1)I don’t want any help. 我不需要任何帮助。 2)There’s some milk in the glass. 玻璃杯里有一些牛奶。 淘气包马小跳把下面的句子都翻译对了吗?如果有错,请为其改正。1. 请给我一些果汁。


名词是表示人、事物和抽象概念的词。它有可数名词和不可 数名词之分。可数名词有单复数之分。如:a bag,two bags。而不可数名词,顾名思义,通常没有复数形式,不能在词尾加s 或es 变复数。我们学过的不可数名词有哪些呢?一起来搜索一 下吧! 有:ice, rain, snow, wind, bread, meat, juice, sugar, food, rice, water, coffee, tea, milk, jam, chocolate, fruit, paper, hair 等,这些物质名词都是不可数名词。还有像work (工作), help (帮助), love (爱), hope (希望), weather (天气)等抽象名词也是不可数名词。 在使用不可数名词时,要注意以下几点: 1. 不可数名词前面不能直接加a / an。如: I like to skate on an ice.()x I like to skate on the ice.(我喜欢在冰上溜滑。 不可数名词如果要表示一定的数量,可以借助单位词。如: a cube of ice 一方块冰three cups of tea 三杯茶 a bowl of rice 一碗米饭a bar of chocolate 一大块巧克力 2. 不可数名词的词尾不能加s或es变复数。 3. some, any, no, a little, much, a lot of 等词往往可以加在不可数名词的前面,修饰不可数名词。如:

1)1 don ' t want any he我不需要任何帮助。 2)There ' s some milk in the glas玻璃杯里有一些牛奶。


名词 英语中的名词指的是一种抽象的或者具体的事物,它有可数和不可数之分。所谓可数名词指的就是在数量上可以计数,可以数出数量的事物;所谓不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念、状态、品质、感情或表示物质材料的东西。 可数名词在他之前可以加上冠词a/an。而不可数名词前面是不可以直接家冠词的。可数名词变为复数形式有如下变化规律:a.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds ;读音:清辅音后读[s],浊辅音和 元音后读[z]。 b.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches ;读音:[iz]。 c.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries ;读音:[z]。 d.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives ,thief-thieves;读音:[z]。 e.以“o”结尾的词,分两种情况 1)有生命的+es 读音:[z] 如:mango-mangoes tomato-tomatoes hero-heroes 2) 无生命的+s 读音:[z] 如:photo-photos radio-radios f. 不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, snowman-snowmen, mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, people-people。 除此之外,还有一部分名词单复数同形,如: fish鱼,deer鹿,sheep绵羊,works(工厂),means手段,Swiss瑞士人,Chinese中国人,news 新闻,goods 商品有一些名词则只有复数形式: trousers裤子,pants裤子,shorts短裤glasses眼镜,compasses圆规,scales天平,pliers钳子,clips剪子 “某国人”的复数有三种类型: (1)Chinese, Japanese, Swiss 三国人单数复数同形,不需加s; (2)Englishman, Frenchman, Dutchman复数要把man 变为men; (3)其他各国人以–an, -ian收尾的均直接加s。如:Americans, Australians, Indians等。 可依照这个口诀记忆:中日不变,英法变,其他”s”加后面。 不可数名词一般没有复数形式,只有单数形式,它的前面不能用不定冠词a / an ,若要表示它的个体意义时,一般需要将其量化。 不可数名词如何量化:就是在不可数名词前面加上“数词+量词+of”,比如: a piece of bread(paper(纸), cloth(布), coal(煤), news(新闻), advice(意见), information(信息), , meat(肉) ) an item of information 一则情报 a slip of paper 一张纸条 a length of cloth 一段布料 a cake of soap 一块肥皂 a tube of tooth-paste 一条牙膏 a bottle of ink 一瓶墨水等。 当量词可数,且前面的数词大于一时,量词需要用复数形式, 如two bottles of water 两瓶水two pieces of paper 两张纸等; 同时,可数名词也有相应用法,如:a box of apples 一箱苹果six boxes of apples 六箱苹果等。
