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I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It’s cute. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new computer in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study at it, play at it . There are also several beautiful pictures on the wall.

I like my bedroom. Do you like it?



我的卧室五年级英语作文 我有一间非常不整洁的卧室。里面有太多的东西。它不整洁,但很可爱。在屋子的中间有一张大书桌。桌子上有一些书、一台电脑、一个键盘和一个鼠标。桌子上还有一个文具盒和一个台灯。桌子旁边有一张床。床旁边有一个大衣柜,里面有一些衣服。墙上有两扇窗、四幅画和一个漂亮的钟。我经常打扫我的卧室,但它还是不整洁,因为房间里东西太多了。 I have a very untidy bedroom. There are too many things in it. It's untidy,but it's very lovely. There is a big desk in the middle of the room. There are some books, a computer, a keyboard and a mouse on it. There's a pencil-box and a lamp on it, too. Near the desk,there's a bed. Near the bed, there is a big wardrobe. Some clothes are in it. There are two windows in the wall. There are four pictures and a nice clock on the wall, too. I often clean my bedroom. But it is still untidy, because there are too many things in it.


《我爱读书》英语作文八年级【7篇】 I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby...下面给大家带来一些关于《我爱读书》英语作文八年级【7篇】,希望对大家有所帮助。 《我爱读书》英语作文八年级【7篇】1 I enjoy reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them. Two years ago, I didnt like reading very much. I had plenty of time, but I spent lots of time on playing with computers. When I was very young, I didnt think reading book was interesting, because I found nothing more interesting than the computer games. Ive changed now. I enjoy reading novels, because therere lots of interesting stories. I love to read Harry Potter. Thats a good novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England. Im always lose myself in the interesting stories. From joozone. I hate the words like "to be continued" in a novel. That makes me very sad, because I dont know the end of the story. I also hate the words like "the end", because I want to read more. Some of my friends think that Im strange. Maybe you can find the interesting things in a book, so dont waste your time in the computers any more. If you read very much, you will get lots of knowledge.


1.以My School Day 为题,介绍你平时上学的一天。 We go to school from Monday to Friday. Usually I get up at 6:30 in the morning. I go to school on foot. We eat breakfast at school. Class begins at 7:10 in the morning. We have six classes a day. I often get home at 5:30, then I do homework. I go to bed at 10:00. 2.以My Weekend 为题,介绍你平时周末在家都干些什么,要求语句通顺,约40---50词。 On weekens , I usually play with my classmates. In the morning, we always play sports and do homework. Then we watch TV at home or have a big dinner in MFC. Sometimes we go shopping or go hiking. Sometimes we read books in the library. 3.结合自己家乡的特点,写一篇短文:My favourite season There are four seasons in a year. They’re spring, summer, fall and winter. I like fall best. The sky is very blue and high. The weather is sunny and cool. It’s always windy. We can go to fly kites. There are many fruits in fall. Fall is a good season. 4.结合自己家乡的气候特点和自己的喜好,写一篇短文 Four seasons in China There are four seasons in a year. They ’re spring, summer, fall and winter. Spring is always rainy and warm. It ’s good for planting flowers. Summer is hot and the days are long. We can swim. Fall is a good seaon, because it’s sunny and cool. Winter is cold, I don’t like it. 5.看图写话,要写清各季节的特点和人物活动。 Four seasons 6. Amy打电话想找Mike,但Mike正在听音乐,是Mike的爸爸接电话。后来爸爸叫Mike听电话。Amy约Mike明天下午两点去图书馆。根据提示,编写对话。提示:tomorrow 明天library 图书馆 Father: Hello!1234567. Amy: Hellol. This is Amy. Can I speak to Mike, please? Father: Sure. Please hold on. He’s listening to music. Mike, there’s a call for you. Mike: Thank you, dad. Hello, who’s that? Amy: This is Amy. Do you want to the library tomorrow? Mike: Yes. What tiem? Amy: At 2:00 in the afternoon. Mke: OK. See you tomorrow. Amy: See you. 7. 看图作文,要求把图中的出现的人物的动作写清楚,语句要通顺。 In the woods The animals are in the woods. Look , the birds are singing in the tree. The monkeys are swinging . Can you see the elephants? Yes, they’re drinking water near the river. Two kangaroos are jumping. There are two bears. One is on the grass, one is under the tree. 8、想象作文。动物们正在森林里开运动会:小鸟们比谁飞得快;袋鼠在跳高; 小兔和乌龟在赛跑;猴子和熊猫在斗爬树;鸭子在游泳;大象和狗熊在比谁走得快。老虎和狮子却在一边打起架来了!根据以上提示,发挥你的想象,写一篇短文。 提示:运动会sports meeting 乌龟tortoise Today there’s a sports meeting in the forest. The birds are flying. Kangaroos are jumping . Haha, the rabbits and tortoise are running. Who can run fast? Rabbits or tortoise? The ducks are swimming. Look! Monkeys and pandas are climbing trees. The elephants and bears are walking. Oh, no! The tigers and lions are fighting!


精心整理为一年级学生准备的英语作文范文(带翻译) ening,sheoftenreadssomenewspaperbeforeshegoestobed. Ilovemymum,andshelovesmetoo! 【参考翻译】

我的名字是吴珈伟。我的英文名字是杰里。我喜欢的水果非常多,但我不喜欢吃蔬菜。 有时候,我喜欢骑自行车,做在操场上一些练习。我不喜欢读一些书,但我喜欢画画。 veryday.Ihaveabigfamily.Therearethreepeopleinmyfamily,mymot her,myfatherandI. MyparentsaremanagersandI'mastudent.IstudyinGradeSeven,Class Eleven,DongzhouMiddleSchool.It'saniceplace.Therearemanystud entsinmyclass.Ihaveagoodteacher,MissJiang.

MyfavoritelessonsareEnglishandMaths.Ilikedogsverymuch.Ihave onlyonedog.ItsnameisDoudou.It'saprettydog. Oh,Iforgottotellyousomethingaboutmyoldfriend.HisnameisTad.H ishobbyisplayingbasketball.SoheistallerandstrongerthanI.Heh 是打篮球。所以他高大,强于一,他有两个大眼睛,长头发。他是我的朋友。 这就是我,一个快乐的男孩 【篇三】

英语作文:I Love My Parents 我爱我的家人

英语作文:I Love My Parents 我爱我的家 人 I Love My Parents I love my gave me life,they taught me a hug me warmly,they offer me delicious food, they teach me how to be a good love my comfort me when I'm sad,they cheer me when I lost my hope,they give me advices to show a more straigh way to the love my parents,they've done so much for me. I love my parents,and I want to do something for make my bed by my self,I help my dear mom do some washing often, I help my dear dad fill a glass of try to do something for them to repay their love. Mom,dad,see how much I love you! 我爱我的父母 我爱我的父母。他们给了我生命,他们教我很多。他们给我温暖的拥抱,他们给我好吃的食物,他们教我如何成为一个好人。我爱我的父母。他们安慰我,当我伤心的时候,他们鼓励我当我失去了我的希望,他们给我建议显示更straigh方式成功。我爱我的父母,他们为我做了那么多。 我爱我的父母,我想为他们做点什么。我使我的床,我


小学五年级英语作文范文精选 一、看图,以“My day ”为题,写一篇短文。(至少5句话) I get up at 6:50 in the morning. I do morning exercises at 7:10. I go to school at 7:30. I have English class at 10:00. I eat dinner at 6:00 in the evening. I do my homework at 7:00. I go to bed at 9: is my day. 译:我早上6:50起床。我在7:10做早操。我七点半去上学。我上午10点上英语课。我在晚上6点吃晚饭。我在7点做作业。我9点上床睡觉。这是我的一天。 二、根据图画提示写几句话,说说你在周末经常或有时做的事情。(至少5句话) I usually (often) climb mountains on Saturday. I visit my grandparents on Saturday. I go shopping with my mother on Saturday. I play sports on Sunday. I play the piano at home on Sunday, too. Sometimes I take pictures. I like my weekend. 译:我通常在星期六(通常)在爬山。我星期六去看望我的祖父母。星期六我和妈妈一起去购物。我在星期日做运动。我星期日在家里弹钢琴。有时我拍照。我喜欢我的周末。 三、请以“My favourite season”为题,从季节、天气、服装、事情等几方面写一篇小短文。(至少5句话) 四、写一写,你所在或你熟悉的一个地方的四季情况。(至少5句话)


关于小学一年级英语作文600字合集5篇关于小学一年级英语作文600字合集5篇 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家对都再熟悉不过了吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是精心的小学一年级英语作文600字5篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 A happy girl 一个快乐的女孩 I'm a happy girl.my english name is kitty.are you happy? i'm very happy.I have a good friend.her name is cheng xin ting.She has a pair of big eyes.I like her. 我是一个快乐的女孩,我的英文名字叫kitty。你快乐吗?我很快乐!我有一个好朋友,他叫陈欣。她又一双大大的眼睛,我喜欢她。 I like english.my birthday is in november.I'm a good girl.I'm ten years old.I'm in class seven grade one.My teacher's name is yao hui feng.she is a good teacher!i like her.

我喜欢英语。我的.生日在11月份。我是个好女孩,十岁。我在一年级七班。我的老师叫姚慧芬。她是个好老师,我喜欢她。 what color do you like?I like pink and perple.I want a rabbit for my birthday.I like to eat hambuger.I like to go to shool. 你喜欢什么颜色?我喜欢粉红色和紫色。我想要个兔子作为我的生日礼物。我喜欢吃汉堡。我喜欢上学。 I have a good mother.i have a good father. 我有一位好妈妈,我有一位好爸爸。 oh,no!I'm hugry! "mumy! I'm hugry!" 噢!不,我饿了。“妈妈!我饿了!” good bye!再见!


初二英语作文:我的卧室 Today I'm going to show you around my bedroom.My bedroom is the bigest room in my house.I have a big bed and two comfortable and soft pillows.Between the pillows is a big blue octopus puppet which was my birthday present.Next to the bed is my desk and I put many models on it.Beside the desk is a bookshelf almost all my books are on this white bookshelf. On the other side of my bedroom is a fish tank and there are many colourful fish in it.Under the fish tank is a cabinet and my mum put all my own toys in the box and put them in the cabinet.Sometimes I still like to open the box and play with my own toys.In the back of the cabinet are some paper cards which are for my art class. My favourite place in my bedroom is under the bed.What can be good under the bed?It is a little box in which I have collected many pictures of me.Sometimes when I look at those pictures I think:I was so cute.There is a secret about the box I had my diary at the bottom of my pictures.Don't tell anybody especially my parents,OK? 今天我将带你参观我的卧室。我的卧室是的房间在我的房子里。我有一张大床和两个舒适、柔软的枕头。枕头是一个蓝色的大章鱼木偶之间是我的生日礼物。床的旁边是我的书桌,我把很多模型。桌子旁边是一个书架几乎我所有的书都在这白色的书架。 另一方面我的卧室是一个鱼缸,有很多五颜六色的鱼


家庭类英语作文Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

我有一个幸福美满的家庭,家里有爸爸、妈妈,弟弟,一个可爱的我。 I have a happy family, home, and a father and mother, brother, a lovely of I. 我的爸爸个子高高的,喜欢穿西装,他在我心目中是最帅的。 My father is a tall, like to wear a suit, he is the most handsome in my mind. 爸爸非常有爱心,他不但非常爱我,还很喜欢我们楼道里的其他小朋友。 Father is very good-hearted, he not only to love me very much, also like other children we corridor. 爸爸平时喜欢看报纸,连睡觉前都要看一会。 Dad usually like to read newspaper, even before sleeping wanted to see for a while. 妈妈瘦瘦的白白的,头发长长的。 Mother is thin, white hair long.

她不但是我的妈妈,还是我的知心朋友呢! She is not only my mother, or my bosom friend! 我们还彼此给对方起了外号,妈妈叫“糊涂虫”,因为她有时候装糊涂,所以我就老喊她“糊涂虫”。 We also each other to each other up the nickname, the mother call "idiot", because she sometimes playing dumb, so I be old to shout to her "idiot". 妈妈就叫我“跟屁虫”,因为我老是喜欢跟在她的屁股后面。 Mom just call me "heels, because I always like to behind on her ass. 我是家里最小的一员,眼睛长的大大的,小巧的鼻子,红红的嘴巴。。。。 I was a member of the youngest, big eyes, a small nose long red, red mouth... 十分可爱。


五年级下册英语作文范文 阅读带翻译的英语作文,对于五年级同学学习英语作文十分有帮助。 篇一:PEP五年级下册单元作文范文 Unit 1 请你以”My Day“为题,写写你一天的活动,好吗? My day I’m Judy.I go to school at 7:30 in the morning. I go home at5:30 in the aftenoon.I don’t watch TV in the evening.I often do my homework at 8:00 in the evening.I go to bed at 9:30 in the evening. Unit 2 同学们,相信你们各自喜欢的季节都不同,请你以“My Favourite Season”为题,写写你所喜欢的季节、喜欢的原因以及在这个季节里你会做些 什么活动? My Favourite Season We have four seasons in a year. My favourite season is winter ,because I like snow , I can play with snow and make a snowman. I feel happy in winter. Unit 3 同学们,你的生日是哪天呢?你生日那天是怎样渡过的?请你写一写, 好吗?My Birthday ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

My birthday is in Mar.1st.on that day,my parents give me a gift(礼物).We go to the park together.we eat good food and fly kites there.I have a happy birthday. Unit 4 同学们,你能根据图中的内容,用现在进行时的形式来完成下列句子吗? 2、3、4、5、6、 Chen Jie is reading books. John is answering the phone. Amy is listening to music. Sarah is doing the dishes. Mom is cooking dinner. Unit 5 同学们,你能把动物们正在做的事情写下来吗?记住哦,要用正在进行时(动 词ing形式)来表达哦。 In the park The fish is swimming. The bears are sleeping. The elephant is walking. The birds are flying. Unit 6 同学们,请你发挥想象,用英语描述他们都在干什么,写一篇小作文。 (图请看课本第68页) A Field Trip It is Sunday.The students are having a picnic near a river.John


一年级英语作文万能句子 On the whole the outlook appeared bright . 总的来说,前景看来是光明的。 In conclusion , education will spread more and more online . 总之,在线教育波及的范围会越来越广。 In a word , practice is far more important than book knowledge . 一句话,实践远比书本知识重要。 To sum up, suess results from hard work . 总而言之,成功是艰苦努力的结果。 In brief , the study claims that they improve mental sharpness .

简言之,该研究宣称甜食让你的头脑灵敏。 In summary , when leaving a position, keep your good-ayes short and sweet . 总的说来,离职的时候,要保持温馨而简短的告别。 To conclude , city A is my preference for living , as it provides the parably nicer surroundings and better safety . 总之,A城市是我选择居住的首要选择,因为相对来说环境更好,也更安全。 To summarize my point: Not eating enough calories results inmuscle loss, dehydration, slower fat burning,and your bodywill always adapt to a lower calorie intake. 概括来说,不摄入足够的卡路里导致肌肉的减少,脱水,减缓脂肪燃烧,身体将总适应低卡路里摄入量。


英语作文万能句子:我爱我家 was born in an ordinary family, but it is very warm. My father is a clerk in a company. And my mother is a housewife. Every weekday morning my father will go to work and goes back in the late afternoon. And my mother will get up early to cook for us and then pick me up to school. Then sometimes she will do some cleaning and sometimes she will do something she likes. She will pick me up after school and then cook the dinner. After dinner, my parents will teach me to finish my homework and then we will watch TV together. At weekend, usually we will go out for family activity. I love my family. 我出世在一个普通而温馨的家庭。我爸爸是一名公司职员。我妈妈是家庭主妇。每天工作日早上我爸爸就会去工作,之后到下午才回来。我妈妈早早地起来给我们做早餐,然后送我去学校。之后有时她会回家做一些清洁,有时她会做一些她喜欢的事情。放学后她又会来接我,然后做饭。晚饭后,我父母会教我写作业,然后我们会一起看电视。周末的时候我们通常会出去家庭活动。我爱我家。 2017-07-28 was born in an ordinary family, but it is very warm. My father is a clerk in a company. And my mother is a housewife. Every weekday morning my father will go to work and goes back


weekend 我的周末 There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. 周末有两天,星期六和星期天。 On Saturday, I often do morning exercises at 8:00 in the morning 星期六,我经常在早上8点做晨练, and do my homework at 3:00 in the afternoon, and I often help 下午3点做家庭作业。我还经常帮助 my mother do some housework. 我妈妈做一些家务。 On Sunday, I always play sports in the morning and read 星期天,我总是在早上做体育运动, some books in the afternoon. After dinner, I often watch TV 下午看书。晚饭后,我经常和我的父母 with my parents. At that time, we can talk with each other and 看电视。在那个时候,我们可以互相交谈并 say something happily. We often have a good time. 说一些高兴的事情。我们经常玩得很愉快。 weekend 我的周末 On Saturdays,I often get up early, I can do many things: I eat 星期六,我经常起得很早,我可以做许多事情: breakfast at 7:00 in the I do my homework. After lunch, 早上7点我吃早饭。然后我做家庭作业。午饭后, I can play chess with my father. I can play pingpang ball with my 我可以和我父亲下棋。我可以和我的朋友打乒乓 friends. I can listen to music in the evening. I think it is so funny.球。晚上我可以听歌。我想那太有趣了。 On Sundays, I often learn the evening, I must go to bed 星期天,我经常学英语。晚上,我必须早睡, early,because tomorrow I will go to like my weekend . 因为明天我要去学校上课。我喜欢我的周末。 3.My favorite Season 我最喜欢的季节 My favorite season in a year is spring. I can do many 一年里我最喜欢的季节是春天。在这个季节里我 interesting things in this season. In spring, the weather is 可以做许多有趣的事情。在春天,天气 cool and wind, I can fly kites when it's wind. And I can go 凉爽多风,有风的时候,我可以放风筝。 hiking with my family when it’s sunny and cool. I like hiking. 有阳光又凉爽时,我可以和我的家人去远足。我喜欢远足。 favorite Season My favorite Season in a year is summer. Summer is hot in


一年级英语作文范文【五篇】 My New Teacher My new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes. My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou . 【参考翻译】 我的新老师是科学老师。他是非常棒的。他有一个大嘴巴,两只 大耳朵,两只大眼睛和一个不太大,不太小鼻子。他经常穿着一件黑 色的新球衣和棕色裤子,有两个大的鞋。 我的科学老师很亲切。他很聪明,不是吗?今天,我们有科学课。我们感到非常高兴。因为他是如此的有趣。他是谁?他是周先生。 【第二篇:好朋友】 Good friend 好朋友 I have a good friend. she is a beautiful girl. she has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. her voice is better. she is good at singing.


关于我的卧室的英语作文范文 Hello, my name is Linda. I have a nice bedroom. It is very big. My sister and I live there together. Want to hear what it is like? Guess. Guess what? My bedroom is not like your is a little window in the wall of the bedroom, it is very small. Every time my sister and I was going to bed, always want to have a look outside at night through the little window. My sister and I are very like this small window. Well, what else? Guess! There is a big bed, bunk bed into this。 I usually sleep on the floor, my sister slept in the lower berth, it is very soft and comfortable. There is a big beautiful table, I and sister after school in the table above, write the homework。 There is a lamp on the table on the small table lamp, it is very cute, also very bright. And it is one of the most novel small table lamp also does not hurt the eyes, and bright. Oh, there is a delicate small alarm clock. It is very beautiful, always on time to call my sister and I get up to go to school, because with it, my sister and I have never been late for school. I love my bedroom. You? What does your


我爱我家中考英语作文 【 - 中考英语作文】 根据中文意思和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。所给的英文提示词语必须都用上;中文提示内容不必逐句翻译;根据英文提示,每组所写出的句数不限。(共12分) 几年以前我家只有一间小屋。三个人住一间屋真是艰难。现在我们已经搬进了一套两室一厅的单元房。我非常高兴。当我父母做. . . , 我能. . . 。我爱我的家。 1. a few years ago, family, have one small room 2. it, be, three people, in the same room 3. now, a new flat(单元房), one living room, two bedrooms 4. be happy, my homework, quietly, my own room, my parents A few years ago, my family had only one small room. It was very hard for three people to live in the same room. Now we have moved into a new flat with one living room and two bedrooms. I’m very happy. I can do my homework quietly in my own room when my parents do the housework or other things. I love my home.


小学一年级英语作文带翻译【三篇】 导读:本文小学一年级英语作文带翻译【三篇】,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 Sometimes I like riding a bike and doing some exercises on the playground. I don’t like reading some books, but I like drawing pictures. I like many animals, and I like English so much. My mum is young, she is always very tired because she is very busy. Everyday she gets up early in the morning and cooks breakfast for us. In the evening, she often reads some newspaper before she goes to bed. I love my mum, and she loves me too! 【参考翻译】 我的名字是吴珈伟。我的英文名字是杰里。我喜欢的水果非常多,但我不喜欢吃蔬菜。 有时候,我喜欢骑自行车,做在操场上一些练习。我不喜欢读一些书,但我喜欢画画。 我喜欢许多动物,我也很喜欢英语。 我妈妈很年轻,她总是很疲惫,因为她是非常忙碌的。每天她起床清晨和煮早餐给我们。到了晚上,她经常阅读一些报纸在她上床睡觉。

我爱我的妈妈,她也爱我! 【第二篇:关于我】 My name is Zhang Hong.I am a Chinese student.I am at Xinyi Primary school.I am in Class Three,Grade One.I am 11.I have a friend at school.His name is Tang Haonan.We like English very much.Who is your good friend? 【参考翻译】 我的名字是张洪.我是中国的学生.我是在信义小学上学.我我在一年级三班.我的学号是11.我在学校有一个好朋友.他叫唐浩楠.我们非常喜欢英语。谁是你的好朋友? 【第三篇:一个快乐的女孩】 I'm a happy girl.my english name is kitty.are you happy? i'm very happy.I have a good friend.her name is cheng xin ting.She has a pair of big eyes.I like her. 我是一个快乐的女孩,我的英文名字叫kitty。你快乐吗?我很快乐!我有一个好朋友,他叫陈欣。她又一双大大的眼睛,我喜欢她。 I like english.my birthday is in november.I'm a good girl.I'm ten years old.I'm in class seven grade one.My teacher's name is yao hui feng.she is a good teacher!i like her. 我喜欢英语。我的生日在11月份。我是个好女孩,十岁。我在一年级七班。我的老师叫姚慧芬。她是个好老师,我喜欢她。 what color do you like? I like pink and perple.I want a
