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SQL Server is designed to allow thousands of users to access the database at the same time and is a true client/server database system.


An application software is any program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program.


A small network may only connect two computers inside a home to share a single printer and Internet connection.


There is free firewall software available that can run on your computer and provide a good level of protection to your network.


For developing a software product, the development process is divided into 5 stages: Requirements Analysis & Specification, Design, Coding, Testing, and Maintenance.


EDI refers to the electronic exchange of business information between two companies using a specific and structured format over private networks.


Some applications, such as Word, allow for several windows in a special mode called MDI in which you can open multiple documents within the same application.


Functional testing tests whether the output is the expected result with the valid input.


A database management system (DBMS) defines, creates, and maintains a database, The DBMS also allows controlled access to data in the database.


Programming languages, in computer science, are the artificial languages used to write a sequence of instructions ( a computer program ) that can be run by a computer.


High-level languages are relatively sophisticated sets of statements utilizing words and syntax from human language.


Passwords are secret words or numbers that must be keyed into a computer system to gain access. 口令是秘密的单词或数字,人们必须将其键入一个计算机系统才能对该系统进行访问。

A high-level language is an artificial language with which we can write various instructions. This is possible not because computer processors are now so technologically advanced that they can “understand”these languages, You should translate from programming languages into machine language which can be understood by the computer processors. Compilers can accomplish this task. This does mean that a high-level language program is not directly executable: it must be compiled to produce processor program, which is executable.


SQL Server is a RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) made by Microsoft. This means that the data is stored in two dimensional tables, RDBMS all have tables called catalogs or dictionaries that contain information about the particular databases. Don’t worry if that doesn’t make sense. I like to think of SQL Server as the big brother to Microsoft Access. SQL Server is designed to allow thousands of users to access the database at the same time and is a true client/server database system. It is much more secure than Access, Rights can be assigned to individual users and administrators, For example you can setup one user that can only insert data in the database but cannot delete any.

SQL Server是微软的关系数据库管理系统。它的数据存储在二维表格中。关系数据库管理系统包含叫做目录或字典的表格,记录特定数据库的信息,如果不能理解也没有观看。我喜欢将SQL Server看作Access的哥哥。SQL Server允许数以千计的用户同时访问数据库,它是一个真正的C/S数据库系统,比Access更安全。权限可以分配给个人用户或管理者,比如,你可以建立一个用户,他能插入数据到数据库中,却不能删除数据。

Programming languages can be classified as either low-level languages or high-level languages. Low-level programming languages, or machine languages, are the most basic type of programming languages and can be understood directly by a computer. Machine languages differ depending on the manufacturer and model of computer. High-level languages are programming languages that must first be translated into a machine language before they can be understood and processed by a computer. Examples of high-level languages are C, C++, PASCAL, and FORTRAN. Assembly languages are intermediate languages that are very close to machine languages and do not have the level of linguistic sophistication exhibited by other high-level languages, but must still be translated into machine language.

编程语言可以分为高级语言和低级语言。低级语言,或者说机器语言,是最贴近计算机的语言,机器语言随着计算机制造商河计算机模型的不同而不同。高级语言是在由计算机处理前必须首先翻译成机器语言的编程语言。高级语言的例子有C, C++, PASCAL和FORTRAN。



2018英语中考模拟测试卷 一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1. The Presidents of China and the USA had_________interview a short time ago. And it was_________great success. A. an; / B. the; a C. an; a D. the; / 2. --- Could you please move over a little and make some _________ for me? --- Sure, please A. place B. seat C. room D. ground 3. --- When will he come back to China? ---__________ a month. A. In B. After C. Before D. For 4. ---Tony, have you stopped smoking? ---Yes, I have to because I can___________breathe when I run. A. often B. never C. hardly D. almost 5. It will be easier for people to realize their dreams if they _______ highly _______. A. have; educated B. will; educate C. are; educated D. were; educated 6.---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad? ---No, you____________. You’re free to make your own decision. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 7. ---- Will Jenny come tomorrow? ---- I’m not sure. She ______ an hour ago without saying anything. A. has left B. left C. leave D. will leave 8. On those foggy days, you could hardly see anything around you___________ it was at noon. A. and B. because C. though D. but 9. ---- Do you mind my _______ here? ---- _________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A. to smoke; Of course not B. smoking; You’d better not C. to smoke; No, I don’t D. smoking; Never mind 10.---- What did the woman ask you just now? --- She asked___________. A. who was I waiting for B. whether could I help her to find the post office C. how she can get to the post office D. which was the way to the library 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) One of my best childhood memories is of going to the river and sitting quietly on the bank. There I would _____11____ the peace and quiet, watching the bamboo trees bend in the wind and then return to their original positions ____12____ the wind had died down. When I think about the bamboo tree’s ____13_____ to come back to its original position, the word resilience (顺应力)comes to my ____14____. When we use the word to talk about a person, it ___15___ the ability to easily recover from shock, sadness or any other____16___ situation. Have you ever felt like you are about to snap (垮掉)? Have you ever felt like you are _____17____ your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived (坚持过来)the experience to live to talk about ___18_____. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The ___19____ time you are experiencing one of those unhappy moments that take you ____20____


计算机基础知识知识点归纳: 1、世界上第一台电子计算机诞生于 1946年 世界第一台电子计算机的英文名称是。(答案O A.ENIAC B.IBM https://www.sodocs.net/doc/314989817.html, D.PC ' 世界第一台电子计算机于 _____________ 年诞生。(答案:B ) A.1940 B.1946 C.1960 D.1980 .体系。(答案:B ) A.比尔?盖茨 B.冯?诺依曼 C.唐纳德?希斯 D.温?瑟夫 2、世界上首次提出存储程序计算机体系结构的是 B _ 型计算机。 B 冯?诺依曼 C 温?瑟夫 D 唐纳德?希斯 【计算机的特点】 1.处理速度快 '现代计算机的运算速度可以达到每秒钟数千亿次 (通常以每秒钟完成基本加法指令的数目来 '表示计算机的运算速度),这不仅使得许多大型数据处理工作时间大大缩短,促成了天气预 '报、数值模拟等技术的广泛应用,更使得许多实时控制、在线检测等处理速度要求较高的工 '作得以实现。同时,计算机具有很高的逻辑运算速度, 这使得计算机在非数值数据领域中得 '到了广泛的应用。 ' 2 .运算精度高 '计算机一般都有十几位甚至更多位的有效数字,加上先进的算法,可得到很高的计算精度。 '例如,对圆周率n 的计算,在没有计算机的情况下, 数学家要经过长期的努力才能算到小数 '点后500多位,而使用第一台计算机仅仅用了 40秒钟就打破了这一记录。 ' 3 .具有逻辑运算和记忆能力 :计算机的存储器具有存储数据和程序的功能, 它可以存储的信息量越来越大。计算机不仅可 '以进行算术运算,而且可以进行逻辑运算,可以对文字、符号等进行判断、比较,因而可解 '决各种不同类型的问题。 ' 4 .具有自动控制能力 '计算机内部的操作、 运算是在程序的控制下自动进行的, 它能够按照程序规定的步骤完成指 定的任务,而不需要人工干预。 ' 5 .通用性强 '计算机是靠存储程序控制进行工作的。 在不同的应用领域中, 只要编写和运行不同的应用软 :件,计算机就能在任一领域中很好地完成工作。针对不同的需要, 设计不同的程序,这就能 '使计算机具有很强的通用性。 'I 计算机的特点有 A.运算速度快 B.具有逻辑判断功能 C.存储容量大 D.计算精度高 【计算机的发展历程】 1.第一代:电子管计算机(1946年—1958年) 1946 年 2 月,世界上第一台电子数字计算机 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And 现代的计算机系统都属于 冯?诺依曼 现代计算机时 A 比尔?盖茨 。(答案:ABCD )

专升本英语模拟试题 6范文

模拟试题(六) Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30 %) Directions: Each of the following sentences is incomplete and followed by four choices marked A), B), C) and D), choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother _________ some money from their mother's purse. A. to steal B. to stealing C. into steal D. into stealing 2. I was ________ to find his article on such an ________ topic so _________ . A. surprised, excited, bored B. surprising, exciting, boring C. surprised, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, bored 3. It was in 1777 ________Vermont, threatened with invasion, declared itself an independent commonwealth. A. when B. that C. in which D. which 4. a professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edward Charles Pickering established the first physics laboratory in the United States. A. While B. Being C. Although D. He was 5. He didn't and so he failed the examination. A. work enough hard B. work hard enough C. hard work enough D. hard enough work 6. The two boys had so in common that they soon became good friends. A. little B. few C. much D. many 7. As fuel prices rose, bus companies raised their fares and . A. so did the airlines B. nor did the airlines C. so the airlines did D. nor the airlines did 8. mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf. A. He is remembered B. To remember C. While remembering D. Though remembered 9. If Dorothy had not been badly hurt in a car accident, in last month's marathon race. A. she would participate B. she might participate C. she would have participated D. she must have participated 10. James Joyce's novels are difficult to understand and impossible into another language. A .to translate B. for translation C. to translate it D. being translated 11. Sports help to build character and competitiveness. A. cultivate B. accomplish C. assist D. restore 12. The breakdowns of the computer has caused serious delays in our work. A. continuous B. continued C. continuing D. continual 13. At such a time of crisis, we must try to all differences of party or class and stick together. A. set forth B. set back C. set down D. set aside 14.I have told her on occasions that George is not a man to be trusted. A. ridiculous B. numerous C. sentimental D. alternative 15. The renewal of the debate was anticipated but its was not. A. intensity B. tension C. degree D. sensitivity 16. While the doctors analyzed the patient's condition, his family waited outside in


计算机基础知识点汇总 一、计算机的诞生及发展 (一)计算机的诞生 1.时间:1946年 2.地点:美国宾夕法尼亚大学 3.名称:ENIAC (二)计算机的发展 > 二、计算机系统的组成 现代的计算机系统由计算机硬件系统及软件系统两大部分构成。 三、计算机的工作原理 冯·诺依曼提出了“存储程序、程序控制”的设计思想,同时指出计算机的构成包括以下几个方面: (1)由运算器、存储器、控制器、输入设备、输出设备五大部件组成计算机系统。 (2)计算机内部采用二进制表示的数据和指令。 | (3)采用“存储程序和程序控制”技术(将程序事先存在主存储器中,计算机在工作时能在不需要人员干预的情况下,自动逐条取出指令并加以执行)。 四、计算机的分类

五、计算机硬件 (一)中央处理器 1.简介 中央处理器又称为微处理器,是一块超大规模的集成电路,是一台计算机的运算核心和控制核心。 ( 2.组成 (1)控制器 实现计算机各部分的联系并自动执行程序的部件。功能是从内存中一次取出指令,产生控制信号,向其他部件发出命令指挥整个计算过程。 (2)运算器 对二进制数码进行算术运算和逻辑运算。 (二)存储器 1.内存储器 … (1)作用 内存储器又称主存储器,简称内存。内存位于系统主板上,可以直接与CPU进行信息交换,内存储器主要用于存放计算机系统中正在运行的程序及所需要的数据和中间计算结果以及与外部存储器交换信息时作为缓冲。 (2)特点 速度较快,容量相对较小。 (3)分类 只读存储器ROM:永久保存数据,存储微型机的重要信息。 随机存储器RAM:断电丢失数据,存储当前运行的程序信息(SRAM、DRAM)。 \ 2.外存储器 (1)作用


2019年中考英语模拟试题及答案 一、选择填空。(共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —Have you seen wolf warriors II (《战狼II》)? —Yes. This is _______ educational film and it has become one of _______ most popular films in the world. A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /; the 2. —Hi, Cathy! I saw Miss Zhang in the meeting room just now. ―No, it ______ be her. She went to Nanjing two days ago. A. must B. may C. can’t D. needn’t 3. —Did you watch 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Taian? —Certainly. That night the sky over Taian was as _______ as that in the day with th e light. A. bright B. brightly C. brighter D. more brightly 4. —What about going to the cinema on foot with me, Wei Ming? —I prefer _______ a bike to _______ there. A. ride; walk B. riding; walk C. ride; walking D. riding; walking 5. China’s first home-built aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian _______ the morning of April 26, 2017. A. in B. on C. at D. to 6. When we see any waste lying on the ground, we should _______. A. pick it out B. point at it C. pick it up D. kick it out said that the TV program Readers was quite popular. 7. —It’s —Yes. _______ my parents _______ my little sister likes watching it very much. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 8. —Do you know China’s famous scientist Pan Jianwei? —You mean “the father of quantum”( 量子之父)? Yes, he is the _______ of our coun try. A. pride B. prize C. proud D. heart 9. —We’ll study in different schools next term. I hope you’ll enjoy your time in the new school! —_______ . B. The same to you. A. I’ll take your advice C. Congratulations! D. Me, too.


计算机专业基础知识 一、计算机的概念 计算机是一种能快速、高效、自动地完成信息处理的电子设备,它能按照程序对信息进行加工、处理、存储。二、计算机的诞生与发展 1. 诞生:1946年,美国为计算弹道轨迹而研制成功了世界第一台计算机ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)。在第一台计算机的基础上,美籍匈牙利科学家冯·诺伊曼提出存储程序的通用电子计算机EDVAC的方案,大大推动了计算机的发展。 微型计算机的发展史实际上就是微处理器的发展史。 2. 发展: 阶段时间逻辑器件应用范围 第一代 1946——1958 真空电子管科学计算、军事研究第二代 1959——1964 晶体管数据处理、事物处理第三代 1965——1970 集成电路包括工业控制的各个领域第四代 1971——大规模集成电路应用到了各个领域 三、计算机的主要应用 1. 科学计算:弹道轨迹、天气预报、高能物理等 2. 信息处理:企业管理、物资管理、电算化等 3. 过程控制:工业自动化控制,卫星飞行方向控制 4. 辅助工程:CAD(计算机辅助设计)、CAM(计算机辅助制造)、CAT(计算机辅助 测试)、CAI(计算机辅助教学)等 5. 电子商务 四、微型机的主要性能指标 1. 字长:指计算机能够直接处理的二进制数据的位数。单位为:位(BIT)。字长越长,计算机处理数据的精度越高。 2. 主频:指计算机主时钟在一秒钟内发出的脉冲数。它在很大程度上决定了计算机的运算速度。 3 . 内存容量:是标志计算机处理信息能力强弱的一向技术指标。单位为字节(BYTE)。 8BIT=1BYTE 1024B=1KB 1024KB=1MB 1024MB=1GB 4. 存取周期:内存储器完成一次完整的读操作或写操作所用的时间。 5. 运算速度:计算机每秒钟所能执行的指令条数,单位是:百万条/秒(MIPS)。五、计算机语言 主要包括:机器语言、汇编语言、高级语言六、计算机病毒 计算机病毒是人为编制的特殊程序,它潜伏在计算机系统中,能够在特定的条件下被激活,进行复制、传播,从而达到破坏计算机系统和数据的目的。它具有传染性、隐蔽性、触发性、潜伏性、破坏性等特点。七、计算机在会计核算中的作用 1. 提高工作效率 2. 提高工作质量 3. 促进会计工作规范化 4. 打破传统会计工作的范围,促进企业管理信息化 第二部分计算机系统的组成 计算机系统由硬件系统和软件系统组成,结构如图:


模拟试题二 1 C Section B(每题1分) 6 C , Section C(每题1分) . 11. before Christmas . 13. a wife 14 11 O’clock 、train PartII Structure SectionA (每题分) 16 D 19 A SectionB(每题】分).: elected 29. exist 32. pleased 33 to hear 34.(should)beset 35. taking Part III Reading Comprehension Taskl(每题2分) 36. B 38 D 40 D Task 2(每题2分) 41. D 44 A Task 3(每题1分) 46. (the) Arthritis Foundation 48 individuals 49. fill out or fax Task5(每题1分) 56. sightseeing and destination 57. travel-related 58. 59. hotels and tickets 60. Hong Kong PartIV Translation ----English to Chinese 61. BCAD 62. ADCB 63. CBDA 65.评分时将段落分成5部分,每部分2分;给总的印象分2分。(本题12分) 参考译文:精明的消费者在接触到具有高质量标准的商店或餐馆时,都能领会到它的价值和心满意足。为此,香港旅游团发展局推出了“优质旅游服务”计划。这个计划使旅客很容易便能找到信得过的商店和餐馆。旅客只要寻找具有这种重要资质的商店和餐馆明显地挂有“优质旅游服务”的标志就万无一失了。 Part V Writing Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Li Lin. I learn from the newspaper that your company is recruiting an accountant. I think I’m the right person for the position because I graduated from Shanghai Lixing, accounting College majoring in accounting in 2003. And I’ve been working as an accountant in a company since then. Thanks to my study in the famous college, I performed very well there and gained rich experience in my field. Although I have been working in the company, I’d like to take the opportunity to have a change. I’m very much interest in your company and hoping one day I can


计算机专业知识汇总 第一章计算机基础知识 考点:计算机基础知识、信息编码与数制、计算机系统的构成及其性能指标、计算机的组成部件与常见外设。 1、计算机的发展:以基本逻辑元件为标志,发展分四个阶段。 第1代:电子管计算机时代(1946-1957),采用电子管基本逻辑部件,体积大、耗电量大、寿命短、可靠性差、成本高、容量小、输入输出设备落后,没有系统软件,只能用机器语言和汇编语言编程,主要用于科学计算。 1946年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学诞生了第一台计算机ENIAC属于第一代计算机。 第2代:晶体管计算机时代(1958-1964),采用晶体管制作逻辑部件,与第一代计算机相比,体积较小,重量减轻,能耗降低,制作成本下降,计算机的可靠性和运算速度得到了提高,存储容量有了提高,开始有了系统软件,提出了操作系统的概念,出现了高级程序设计语言。应用领域扩大到数据处理,事务管理和工业控制等方面。 第3代:中小规模集成电路计算机时代(1965-1969),采用中小规模集成电路制作各种逻辑部件,采用半导体存储器作为主存,存储容量大幅度提升,增强了系统的处理能力,系统软件有了很大发展,出现了分时操作系统,使多用户可以共享软硬件资源,采用结构化程序设计,应用领域和普及程度迅速扩大。 集成电路使计算机体积更小,质量更轻,耗电更省,寿命更长,成本更低,运算更快。 第4代:大规模或超大规模集成电路计算机时代(1970年至今),基本逻辑部件采用大规模或超大规模集成电路。半导体存储器因集成度不断提高,容量越来越大,外存广泛使用软硬磁盘和光盘。各种输入输出设备相继出现。软件产业高度发展,多媒体技术用于计算机,广泛用于社会各个领域。 2、计算机的特点:快速的运算能力;足够高的计算精度;超强的记忆能力;复杂的逻辑判断能力;程序控制方式。 3、计算机的应用: 1)、科学计算(或数值计算):是指利用计算机来完成科学研究和工程技术中提出的问题的计算。 2)、数据处理(信息处理):是指对各种数据进行收集、存储、整理、分类、统计、加工、利用、传播等一系列活动的统称。 3)计算机的辅助技术:计算机辅助设计—CAD、计算机辅助制造—CAM、计算机辅助教学—CAI。 4)过程控制(或实时控制):利用计算机及时采集、检测数据,按最优值迅速地对控制对象进行自动调节或自动控制。 5)人工智能(或智能模拟):是计算机模拟人类的智能活动,储如感知、判断、学习等。 6)计算机网络应用:计算机技术与现代通信技术的结合构成了计算机网络。 4、计算机系统 由运算器、存储器、控制器、输入设备、输出设备五大基本部件组成;计算机内部采用二进制表示数据和指令;采用程序存储,程序控制技术。 5、计算机硬件系统 1)中央处理器:运算器和控制器合在一起称为中央处理器(CPU),也被称作微处理器;运算器也称算术逻辑单元,用于执行所有的算术和逻辑运算指令;控制器负责把指令逐条从存储器中取出,经译码分析后向整机发出控制命令,以保证正确完成程序所要求的功能。 2)存储器:是计算机的记忆部件,它的功能是存储程序和数据。按能否与CPU直接交换信息分为主存储器和辅助存储器;按存取方式分为随机存储器(RAM)和只读存储器(ROM);关机后RAM信息消失,ROM 信息不消失。 3)输入设备:是用来接收用户输入的原始数据和程序,并将它们转换为计算机可以识别的二进制形式存放在内存中。 4)输出设备:与输入设备正好相反,是将放在内存中的信息由计算机处理的结果转换为人们所能识别的形式。 6、计算机软件系统:是程序和程序运行所需要的数据以及开发、使用和维护这些程序所需要的文档集合。


2020年中考模拟试题 英语试卷 考生注意:本试卷含听力,满分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。所有试题均在答题卡上作答,否则无效。 I. 听力理解(分五小节,共30小题,每小题1分,满分30分。) 第一节,听句子,选择与所听内容或语境相关的信息。每个句子读两遍。 ( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( ) 3.A. Take a walk. B. Read a book. C. Give a talk. ( ) 4.A. He loves math B. He hates math. C. He teaches math. ( ) 5.A. Amy didn't reach the top of the mountain. B. Amy arrived at the top of the mountain. C. Amy climbed the mountain. 第二节,听句子,选择恰当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。 ( )6. A. I'm fine. B. I'm reading. C. I'm nineteen. ( )7. A. Sure. B. Good idea. C. Many thanks. ( )8. A. That's great. B. Never mind. C. You re welcome. ( )9. A. It's clean. B. It's getting dark. C. It's very hot. ( )10. A. Sorry, I don't know. B. Yes, I think so. C. It's hard to say. 第三节,听对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 11. Where is Mary going tomorrow? A. To a hospital. B. To a cinema. C. To a supermarket. ( )12. How old is the boy now? A.five. B. Eleven. C. Fifteen. ( )13. If Lucy wants to enter the library, what should she take? A. Her ID card. B. Her student ID card. C. Her cellphone. ( )14. What time will the party start? A. At 2: 00 p. m. B. At 5: 00 p.m. C. At 7: 00 p.m. ( )15. How often does the woman go to see a movie? A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week. 第四节,听长对话,根据其内容选出能回答下列问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。( )16. How many students are there in the boy's class? A.14 B. 26 C. 40 ( )17. What do 15 students want to be in the future? A. Engineers B. Teachers C. Doctors ( )18. Who wants to be a doctor? A. Mike B. The boy. C. Both Mike and the boy ( )19. How old is the boy? A. Thirteen B. Fourteen C. Fifteen ( )20. Where are the boy and his friends going? A.To the library. B. To the cinema C. To the classroom 第五节听短文,根据其内容选出下列问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。 ( )21. Who did the boy probably write to? A. His friend B. His teacher. C. His father. ( )22. How many years has the boy been at the school? A. Two B. Three C. Four ( )23. What did the boy spend a lot of time doing when he was in Grade Two? A. Playing basketball B. Studying hard C. Playing computer games ( )24.What did Mr. Chen always do when the boy did something wrong? A. He always said,“ It doesn't matter.” B. He always got angry with the boy. C. He always asked the boy's parents to come. ( )25. When did the boy probably write the letter? A. In June B. In May C. In April Christmas is 26______________soon Presents for children John: a 27. _______________instead of a bike. Jane: an MP3 28.__________can help her learn Chinese. Jack: a 29.___________car is best for him. When to buy 30.____________Afternoon. 笔试部分


事业单位考试计算机专业知识试卷及答案 一、单项选择题(本题型共45题,每题1分,共45分。每题给出的4个选项中,只有1个选项是符合题意的,将正确的选项选出,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。不选或错选,该题均不得分。) 1.计算机系统中,各种数据和命令传输的公共通道称为()。 A. 存储器 B. 总线 C. 内存 D. 中央处理器 2.所谓的定点数指的是()。 A. 数据的小数点位置固定不变 B. 小数位数固定不变 C. 整数位数固定不变 D. 整数符号位不变 3.RAM的中文含义是()。 A. 移动存储器 B. 硬盘存储器 C. 只读存储器 D. 随机存储器 4.能检测出2位错误,并能纠正1位错误的校验码是()。 A. 奇偶校验码 B. 循环冗余码 C. BCD码 D. 海明码 5.CAD的中文含义是()。 A. 计算机仿真技术 B. 计算机控制技术 C. 计算机办公软件 D. 计算机辅助设计 6.计算机中,运算器的主要功能是()。 A. 算术运算 B. 算术运算和逻辑运算 C. 控制和寻址运算 D. 寻址运算 7.CPU可以用来描述计算机的()。 A. 运算速度 B. 输入功率 C. 磁盘转速 D. 更新频率 8.相联存储器是一种()的存储器。 A. 按逻辑空间访问 B. 按内容访问 C. 按文件类型访问 D. 按数据类型访问 9.计算机中,当前应用最普遍的字符编码是()。 A. ASCII码 B. 汉字编码 C. BCD码 D. 内码 10. 内存储器中,每一个存储单元被赋予唯一的一个序号,该序号称为()。 A. 容量 B. 编号 C. 标号 D. 地址 11. 十进制数211转换成二进制数为()。 A. 11010011 B. 11010010 C. 1101011 D. 11011011 12. 存储器设计的目标之一是以较小的成本使存储体系与CPU的速度相匹配。为了实现此目标,速度、容量和价格是设计存储器时应考虑的主要因素,以确定存储器体系结构。一般情况下,理想的存储体系结构层次从低到高依次为()。 A. 主存储器、辅助存储器、高速缓存、寄存器 B. 辅助存储器、主存储器、高速缓存、寄存器 C. 高速缓存、主存储器、辅助存储器、寄存器 D. 寄存器、高速缓存、主存储器、辅助存储器 13. 在Windows中,呈灰色的菜单表示()。 A. 该菜单有下级子菜单 B. 该菜单正在使用


专升本英语模拟试题 Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure Section A Vocabulary 1. People are ______ (like) to have more confidence in a company if they know something about it. 2. Although I do not share his religious ______ (believe), I respect him. 3. The fresh seaside air is ______(profit) to her recovery. 4. It is known that computers can help to raise ______(efficient). 5. The ______(complain) department was crowded with angry customers. 6. Many a student ______(ask) the same questions by the teacher in yesterday’s class. 7. She found the atmosphere of the college enormously ______(excite). 8. This suit is rather dirty now. It’s been some time since it ______(wash). 9. It was ______(reluctant) that Susan agreed to help. 10. Everything would be all right if he ______(be) here. Section B Structure 11. Weather ______, we’ll start our journey tomorrow. A. is permitting B. permitting C. is permitted D. being permitting 12. The residents, ______ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross. A. all whose homes B. all their homes C. all of whose homes D. all of their homes 13. My new shoes cost me $20. The price was ______ that of the last pair I bought a month ago. A. more than twice B. twice as much as C. as twice D. as much as twice 14. Since the mountain is white, it ______ last night. A. must be snowed B. must snow C. must have snowed D. must have been snowed 15. ______, he would feel exhausted after a whole day’s work. A. As strong is he B. As he is strong C. Strong if he is D. Strong as he is 16. ______ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work. A. There had B. They had C. There existed D. It existed 17. You mustn’t delay ______ the medicine over. A. to send B. send C. sent D. sending 18. An old friend from abroad, ______ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me. A. that B. whom C. who D. which 19. Judges must be independent ______ political pressure. A. to B. of C. under D. on 20. I, not you, ______ to blame. A. are B. is C. am D. be Part 2 Reading Comprehension Task 1 About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of


计算机网络基础知识总结 1. 网络层次划分 2. OSI七层网络模型 3. IP地址 4. 子网掩码及网络划分 5. ARP/RARP协议 6. 路由选择协议 7. TCP/IP协议 8. UDP协议 9. DNS协议 10. NAT协议 11. DHCP协议 12. HTTP协议 13. 一个举例 计算机网络学习的核心内容就是网络协议的学习。网络协议是为计算机网络中进行数据交换而建立的规则、标准或者说是约定的集合。因为不同用户的数据终端可能采取的字符集是不同的,两者需要进行通信,必须要在一定的标准上进行。一个很形象地比喻就是我们的语言,我们大天朝地广人多,地方性语言也非常丰富,而且方言之间差距巨大。A地区的方言可能B地区的人根本无法接受,所以我们要为全国人名进行沟通建立一个语言标准,这就是我们的普通话的作用。同样,放眼全球,我们与外国友人沟通的标准语言是英语,所以我们才要苦逼的学习英语。 计算机网络协议同我们的语言一样,多种多样。而ARPA公司与1977年到1979年推出了一种名为ARPANET的网络协议受到了广泛的热捧,其中最主要的原因就是它推出了人尽皆知的TCP/IP标准网络协议。目前TCP/IP协议已经成为Internet中的“通用语言”,下图为不同计算机群之间利用TCP/IP进行通信的示意图。 1. 网络层次划分

为了使不同计算机厂家生产的计算机能够相互通信,以便在更大的范围内建立计算机网络,国际标准化组织(ISO)在1978年提出了“开放系统互联参考模型”,即著名的OSI/RM模型(Open System Interconnection/Reference Model)。它将计算机网络体系结构的通信协议划分为七层,自下而上依次为:物理层(Physics Layer)、数据链路层(Data Link Layer)、网络层(Network Layer)、传输层(Transport Layer)、会话层(Session Layer)、表示层(Presentation Layer)、应用层(Application Layer)。其中第四层完成数据传送服务,上面三层面向用户。 除了标准的OSI七层模型以外,常见的网络层次划分还有TCP/IP四层协议以及TCP/IP五层协议,它们之间的对应关系如下图所示: 2. OSI七层网络模型 TCP/IP协议毫无疑问是互联网的基础协议,没有它就根本不可能上网,任何和互联网有关的操作都离不开TCP/IP协议。不管是OSI七层模型还是TCP/IP 的四层、五层模型,每一层中都要自己的专属协议,完成自己相应的工作以及与上下层级之间进行沟通。由于OSI七层模型为网络的标准层次划分,所以我们以OSI七层模型为例从下向上进行一一介绍。
