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高 中 英 语 易 混 易 错 词 汇 总 结

高 中 英 语 易 混 易 错 词 汇 总 结
高 中 英 语 易 混 易 错 词 汇 总 结


1. clothes, cloth, clothing

clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数,cloth指布,为不可数名词clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of

2. incident, accident

incident指小事件, accident指不幸的事故He was killed in the accident.

3. amount, number

amount后接不可数名词,number后接可数名词a number of students

4. family, house, home

home 家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family家庭成员. My family is a happy one.

5. sound, voice, noise

sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside.

6. photo, picture, drawing

photo用照相机拍摄的照片,picture可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing画的画Let's go and see a good picture.

7. vocabulary, word

vocabulary词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,word具体的单词He has a large vocabulary.

8. population, people

population人口,人数,people具体的人China has a large population.

9. weather, climate

weather一天内具体的天气状况,climate长期的气候状况The climate here is not good for you.

10. road, street, path, way


take this road; in the street, show me the way to the museum.

11. course, subject

course课程(可包括多门科目),subject科目(具体的学科)a summer course

12. custom, habit

custom传统风俗,习俗,也可指生活习惯,后接to do,habit生活习惯,习惯成自然,后接of doing. I've got the habit of drinking a lot.

13. cause, reason

cause 指造成某一事实或现象的直接原因,后接of sth./doing sth,reason用来解释某种现象或结果的理由,后接for sth./doing sth. the reason for being late

14. exercise, exercises, practice

exercise运动,锻炼(不可数),exercises练习(可数),practice(反复做的)练习Practice makes perfect.

15. class, lesson

作"课"解时,两者可以替换.指课文用lesson. 指班级或全体学生用class. lesson 6; class 5

16. speech, talk, lecture

speech指在公共场所所做的经过准备的较正式的演说,talk日常生活中的一般的谈话,讲话,lecture 学术性的演讲,讲课a series of lecture on…

17. officer, official

officer部队的军官,official政府官员an army officer

18. work, job

19. couple, pair

couple主要指人或动物,pair多指由两部分组成的东西a pair of trousers

20. country, nation, state, land

country侧重指版图,疆域,nation指人民,国民,民族,state侧重指政府,政体,land国土,国家The whole nation was sad at the news.

21. cook, cooker

cook厨师,cooker厨具He is a good cook.

22. damage, damages

damage不可数名词, 损害,损失; damages复数形式, 赔偿金0 damages

23. police, policeman

police警察的总称,后接复数谓语动词,policeman 指某个具体的警察The police are questioning everyone in the house.

24. problem, question

problem常和困难连系,前面的动词常为think about, solve, raise,question常和疑问连系,多和ask, answer连用

25. man, a man

man人类,a man一个男人Man will conquer nature.

26. chick, chicken

二者均可指小鸡,chicken还可以当鸡肉The chicken is delicious.

27. telegram, telegraph

当电报解时,telegram指具体的,telegraph指抽象的 a telegram, by telegraph

28. trip, journey, travel, voyage

travel是最常用的,trip指短期的旅途,journey指稍长的旅途,voyage指海上航行a three-day trip 29. sport, game

sport多指户外的游戏或娱乐活动,如打球,游泳,打猎,赛马等;game指决定胜负的游戏,通常有一套规则His favorite sport is swimming.

30. price, prize

price价格,prize奖,奖品,奖金win the first prize The price is high/low.

31. a number of, the number of

a number of许多,谓语动词用复数。the number of…的数目,谓语动词用单数。The number of students is increasing.

32. in front of, in the front of

in front of范围外的前面,in the front of范围内的前面In the front of the room sits a boy.

33. of the day, of a day

of the day每一天的,当时的,当代的,of a day暂时的,不长久的a famous scientist of the day

34. three of us, the three of us

three of us我们(不止三个)中的三个,the three of us我们三个(就三个人)The three of us---Tom, Jack and I went to the cinema.

35. by bus, on the bus

by bus表手段,方式,不用冠词,on the bus表范围They went there by bus.

36. for a moment, for the moment

for a moment 片刻,一会儿,for the moment暂时,一时Thinking for a moment, he agreed.

next year将来时间状语,the next year过去将来时间状语He said he would go abroad the next year. 38. more than a year, more than one year

more than a year一年多,more than one year超过一年(两年或三年等)

39. take advice, take the(one's) advice

take advice征求意见,take the advice接受忠告He refused to take the advice and failed again.

40. take air, take the air

take air传播,走漏,take the air到户外去,散步We take the air every day.

41. in a word, in words

in a word总之,一句话,in words口头上In a word, you are right.

42. in place of, in the place of

in place of代替,in the place of在…地方A new building is built in the place of the old one.

43. in secret, in the secret

in secret秘密地,暗自地,偷偷地,一般用作状语;in the secret知道内情,知道秘密,一般用作表语My mother was in the secret from the beginning.

44. a girl, one girl

a girl可泛指所有女孩, one girl一个女孩Can one girl carry such a big box?

45. take a chair, take the chair

take a chair相当于sit down坐下,take the chair开始开会

46. go to sea, by sea, by the sea

go to sea当海员,出航,by sea乘船,由海路,by the sea在海边go by sea

47. the doctor and teacher, the doctor and the teacher

the doctor and teacher指一个人,既是医生又是老师,the doctor and the teacher两个人,一个医生和一个老师the doctor and teacher is

48. in office, in the office

in office在职的,in the office在办公室里He is in office, not out of office.

49. in bed, on the bed

in bed卧在床上,on the bed在床上The book is on the bed. He is ill in bed.

50. in charge of, in the charge of

in charge of管理,负责照料,in the charge of由……照料He is in charge of the matter. The matter is in the charge of her.

51. in class, in the class

in class在课上,in the class在班级里He is the best student in the class.

52. on fire, on the fire

on fire着火,on the fire在火上Put the food on the fire. The house is on fire.

53. out of question, out of the question

out of question毫无疑问的,out of the question不可能的

54. a second, the second

a second又一,再一,the second第…… He won the second prize.

55. by day, by the day

by day白天,by the day按天计算The workers are paid by the day.

56. the people, a people

the people指人,a people指民族The Chinese is a peace-loving people.

it同一物体,one同类不同一I lost my pen. I have to buy a new one.

58. that, this

that指代上文所提到的,this导出下文所要说的I was ill. That's why…

59. none, nothing, no one

none强调有多少,nothing, no one强调有没有,nothing指物,no one指人

--- How many…/How much…? --- None.

60. anyone, any one

anyone指人,不能接of,any one指人物均可,可接of any one of you

61. who, what

who指姓名或关系,what指职业或地位What is your dad? He is a teacher.

62. what, which

what的选择基础是无限制的,which在一定范围内进行选择Which do you prefer, bananas or apples?

63. other, another

other后接名词复数,another后接名词单数other students, another student

64. not a little, not a bit

not a little非常,not a bit一点也不I'm not a bit tired. 我一点儿也不累。

65. many, much, a lot of

many和可数名词连用,much和不可数名词连用,a lot of可数,不可数均可,但不用于否定句I haven't many books.

66. much more…than, many more…than

much more…than后接形容词或不可数名词,many more…than后接可数名词many more people, much more water, much more beautiful

67. no, not

no=not a/any no friend=not a/any friend no water=not any water

68. no more than, not more than

no more than相当于only,仅仅,只有,not more than 至多,不超过

69. majority, most

majority只能修饰可数名词,most可数不可数均可the majority of people

70. by oneself, for oneself, to oneself, of oneself

by oneself单独的,独自的,for oneself为自己,to oneself供自己用的,of oneself 自行的,自动的The door opened of itself.

71. at all, after all

at all根本,全然, after all到底,毕竟After all he is a child.

72. tall, high

tall常指人或动物,high常指物体He is tall.

73. fast, quickly

fast侧重于指人或物体具有运动速度快的特点,quickly侧重指某事完成或发生的快run fast, answer the question quickly

74. high, highly

high具体的高,highly抽象的高,高度的think highly of

75. healthy, healthful

healthy健康的,健壮的,healthful有益于健康的healthful exercise

sleeping正在睡觉,asleep睡着,熟睡,只能做表语,sleepy困的,有睡意的a sleeping baby The baby is asleep. I'm sleepy.

77. gold, golden

gold指真金制品,golden指金色的,但金鱼用gold fish a gold ring

78. most, mostly

most用于表感受的肯定句中,相当于very,当大部分,大多数解时是形容词或名词,mostly大部分,是副词most people, the people are mostly…

79. just, very

just表强调时是副词,作状语,very表强调时是形容词,用作定语the very man, just the man

80. wide, broad

wide侧重于一边到另一边的距离,broad侧重于幅面的宽广broad shoulders

81. real, true

real真的,真实的,指的是事实上存在而不是想象的,true真的,真正的,指的是事实和实际情况相符合real gold, a true story

82. respectful, respectable

respectful尊敬,有礼貌,respectable可敬的,值得尊敬的be respectful to the aged

83. outwards, outward

二者均可用作副词,表示向外,外面,outward还可用作形容词an outward voyage

84. pleasant, pleased, pleasing

pleasant常用作定语,pleased, pleasing常用作表语,pleased主语常为人,pleasing主语常为物a pleasant trip The trip is pleasing.

85. understanding, understandable

understanding明白事理的,能体谅的,understandable 可理解的,能够懂的an understanding girl, an understandable mistake

86. close, closely

close接近,靠近,closely紧紧地,紧密地closely connected, stand close

87. ill, sick

ill做表语,sick定,表均可a sick boy

88. good, well

good形容词,well副词,但指身体状况是形容词He is well again.

89. quiet, silent, still

quiet安静的,可以发出小的声音,silent不发出声音,但可以动,still完全不动,完全无声响He stand there still. 他站在那儿,一动不动,也不说话。

90. hard, hardly

hard努力,hardly几乎不work hard I can hardly believe it.

91. able, capable

able与不定式to do连用,capable与of连用He is capable of doing…

92. almost, nearly

二者均为"几乎,差不多" 和否定词连用用almost almost nobody

93. late, lately

late迟,晚,lately最近,近来I haven't seen him lately.

living, alive, live均为活着的,living定表均可,alive定表均可,定语后置,live只能做定语,lively意为活波的all the living people=all the people alive

95. excited, exciting

excited使人兴奋的,exciting令人兴奋的I'm excited. The news is exciting.

96. deep, deeply

deep具体的深,deeply抽象的深,深深地deeply moved, dig deep

97. aloud, loud

aloud出声地,loud大声地read aloud(出声地读)

98. worth, worthy

二者均为值得,worth后接doing,worthy后接to be done, of being done

It is worth visiting. = It's worthy to be visited. = It's worthy of being visited.

99. bad, badly

bad形容词,badly副词,不好,但与need, want, require连用为"很,非常" go bad I need the book badly. 100. before long, long before

before long不久以后,long before很久以前not long before = before long


高考英语易混词 1) quite 相当 quiet 安静地 2) affect v 影响,假装effect n 结果, 影响 3) adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行 4) angel 天使 angle 角度 5) dairy 牛奶厂diary 日记 6) contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛 7) principal 校长,主要的 principle 原则 8) implicit 含蓄的(im表示“向内”)explicit 明白的(ex表示“向外”) 9) dessert 甜食 desert n 沙漠v 放弃 dissert 写论文 10) pat 轻拍tap 轻打slap 掌击rap 敲,打,节拍 11) decent 正经的descent n 向下, 血统descend v 向下 12) sweet 甜的sweat 汗水(注意发音不同) 13) later 后来latter 后者latest 最近的lately adv 最近 14) costume 服装custom 习惯 15) extensive 广泛的intensive 深刻的 16) aural 耳的oral 口头的 17) abroad 国外aboard 上(船,飞机) 18) altar 祭坛alter 改变 19) assent 同意ascent 上升accent 口音 20) champion 冠军champagne 香槟酒campaign 战役 21) baron 男爵barren 不毛之地的barn 古仓 22) beam 梁, 光束bean 豆been have 过去式 23) precede 领先proceed 进行,继续 24) pray 祈祷prey 猎物 25) chicken 鸡kitchen 厨房 26) monkey 猴子donkey 驴 27) chore 家务活chord 和弦cord 细绳 28) cite 引用site 场所sight 视觉 29) clash (金属)幢击声crash 碰幢,坠落crush 压坏 30) compliment 赞美complement 附加物 31) confirm 确认conform 使顺从 32) contact 接触contract 合同contrast 对照


高考英语高难词汇表 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落 n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n. 细菌 12.breed n. 种,品种 v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n. 预算 v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送 n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下 n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/316460597.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器 v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,过分 41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精 43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求 44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏 45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准 46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励 47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到 48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/316460597.html,work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络 50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流 51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的 52.trace vt. 追踪,找到 n. 痕迹,踪迹 53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨 54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛 55.wax n. 蜡 56.weave v. 织,编 57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持 61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂 62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会 64. battery n. 电池(组) 65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏


高中英语易混易错词汇总结 1. clothes, cloth, clothing clothes 统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数,cloth 指布,为不可数名词clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用 a piece of, an article of 2. incident, accident incident 指小事件, accident 指不幸的事故He was killed in the accident. 3. amount, number amount 后接不可数名词,number 后接可数名词 a number of students 4. family, house, home home 家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family 家庭成员. My family is a happy one. 5. sound, voice, noise sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice 人的嗓音,noise 噪音I hate the loud noise outside. 6. photo, picture, drawing photo 用A 照相机拍摄的照片,picture 可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing 画的画Let’s go and see a good picture. 7. vocabulary, word vocabulary 词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,word 具体的单词He has a large vocabulary. 8. population, people population 人口,人数,people 具体的人China has a large population. 9. weather, climate weather一天内具体的天气状况,climate 长期的气候状况The climate here is not good


疑问词+ever与no matter+疑问词的异同 在英语名词性从句的学习过程中,我们经常会遇到疑问词+ever引导的名词性从句,老师也告诫我们说他们的含义和no matter+疑问词所表示的含义是一样的,都表示“无论……”,但是两者究竟有什么区别呢?是不是在所有的情况下两者都可以通用呢?今天我们就一起来研究下吧。 疑问词+ever包括疑问代词+ever和疑问副词+ever。 ①疑问代词:whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever ②疑问副词:whenever, wherever, however (1)疑问词+ever与no matter+疑问词引导从句时的区别 1、疑问词+ever引导名词性从句,不可以与no matter+疑问词互换使用。 例: Whoever comes to the party will receive a gift. 来参加晚会的人都会收到一份礼物。 分析: Whoever意为“无论是谁”,引导名词性从句时,不可以与no matterwho互换。 2、引导让步状语从句,可以与no matter+疑问词互换使用。 例: The quality will be the same, whichever(=no matter which)of them you choose. 它们当中无论你选哪一个,品质都一样。 分析: Whichever意为“无论哪一个”,引导让步状语从句时,可以与no matter which互换。 归纳: 简单说来:疑问句+ever可以引导名词性从句,也可以引导让步状语从句,但是No matter+疑问词只可以引导让步状语从句,也就说说前者适用的范围比后者大。所以选项中两者都有的情况下,我们尽量选择使用范围较广的疑问词+ever,答对的可能性较大。 (2)疑问词+ever引导名词性从句时注意事项 Whatever我们知道相当于No matter what,但是在引导名词性从句时相当于anything that,我们来分析以下的例句。例: Whatever he did was right. =Anything (that he did ) was right.(正确) Anything he did was right. (错误) 他无论做什么都是争取的。 分析: Whatever意为“无论是什么”,相当于anything that,anything是题干中的主语,同时充当先行词,后面that


英语中易混淆的词 1) quite 相当 quiet 安静地 2) affect v 影响,假装 effect n 结果,影响 3) adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行 4) angel 天使 angle 角度 5) dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记 6) contend 奋斗,斗争 content 内容,满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争,比赛 7) principal 校长,主要的 principle 原则 8) implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的 9) dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文 10) pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打 11) decent 正经的 descent n 向下,血统 descend v 向下 12) sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水 13) later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近 14) costume 服装 custom 习惯 15) extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的 16) aural 耳的 oral 口头的 17) abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机) 18) altar 祭坛 alter 改变 19) assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音 20) champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役 21) baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓 22) beam 梁,光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式 23) precede 领先 proceed 进行,继续 24) pray 祈祷 prey 猎物 25) chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房 26) monkey 猴子 donkey 驴 27) chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳 28) cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉 29) clash (金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏 30) compliment 赞美 complement 附加物


一.表主动和被动的不同。 有些由动词词根派生而来的形容词与该形容词所修饰的词之间存在这逻辑上的主动或被动关系,其中以-able,-ible,和-ed后缀结尾的形容词往往含有被动意味,而以-ful,-ous,或-tive结尾的往往含有主动意味。 1.respectful与respectable(respecting,respective) respectful意思是“恭敬的,尊敬人的”,有主动性的“尊敬 他人”之意。例如:the children were well mannered and respectful toward grown-ups.孩子们彬彬有礼,尊敬大人。 Respectable是“可敬的,值得尊敬的”的意思,表示“还过 得去”,为一般性的赞语,含被动意味。例如: It’s not respectable to get drunk in the street.在大街上 喝的醉醺醺的是有失体统的。 Respecting常用作介词,表示“关于,,,,在,,,方面”之意。 例如: Problems respecting air pollution in cities should be considered seriously.关于城市空气污染问题应给与认真考虑。 Respective表示“各自的,分别的”的意思。 Go to your respective places.各就各位。 2.imaginative 与imaginable(imaginary) imaginative 意思是“富于想象力的”,和他所修饰的人之间 含有主动的关系。例如: teachers like imaginative children.老师喜欢富有想象力的


高考英语易混易错词汇总结 1、clothes, cloth, clothing clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数, cloth指布,为不可数名词clothing服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of 2、 incident, accident incident指小事件, accident指不幸的事故He was killed in the accident、 3、 amount, number amount后接不可数名词, number后接可数名词a number of students 4、 family, house, home home家,包括住处和家人,house房子,住宅,family家庭成员、 My family is a happy one、 5、 sound, voice, noise sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside、 6、 photo, picture, drawing photo用A照相机拍摄的照片,picture可指相片,图片,电影片,drawing画的画Let’s go and see a good picture、 7、 vocabulary, word vocabulary 词汇,一个人拥有的单词量,word具体的单词He has a large vocabulary、 8、 population, people population人口,人数,people具体的人China has a large population、 9、weather, climate weather一天内具体的天气状况,climate长期的气候状况The climate here is not good for you、


易混词汇表 1)Exceptional(例外的,优秀的)//exceptionable(可反对的,令人反感的) 2)Instigate(煽动,教唆)//castigate(惩罚,申斥) 3)Ingenuous(真诚的,天真的)//ingenious(聪明的,有独创性的) 4)Daunt(恐吓)//gaunt(憔悴的)//taunt(炫耀)//vaunt(吹嘘)//flaunt(招摇) 5)Slipshod(邋遢的,衣衫不整的)//slapstick(滑稽剧) 6)Cursory(马虎的,草率的)//cursive(草书的)//discursive(散漫的) 7)Immanent(内在的)//imminent(即将来临的)//eminent(杰出的)//prominent(重要的,杰出的) 8)Functionary(公职人员,公务员)//perfunctory(马虎的) 9)Potent(强有力的)//portent(恶兆的)//portend(预示) 10)Contemptible(被鄙视的,值得鄙视的,卑鄙的)//contemptuous(表现出鄙视的) 11)Appreciative(理解的,感激的)//appreciable(大量的,壮观的) 12)Considerate(体谅的,考虑周到的)//considerable(可观的,大量的) 13)indigent(贫穷的)//indigenous(本土的,土生土长的) 14)indolent(懒惰的)//insolent(傲慢的)//redolent(芳香的,唤起回忆的)

15)compunction(懊悔)//compunctious(懊悔的)//compound(复合,加剧) 16)discrimination(区别,歧视)//incrimination(牵连)//recrimination(反责) 17)pejorative(贬低的)//ameliorative(改良的) 18)tenuous单薄的,脆弱的)//tenacious(坚韧的)//tenable(站得住脚的) 19)venereal disease(性病//venerable(可敬的,令人起敬的) 20)benign(良性的)//malign(恶性的) 21)Circumscribe(限制)//circumspect(小心慎重的)//circumvent(规避,回避) 22) indict(指控,起诉)//edict(命令) 23) impoverish(使贫困)//improvise(即席创作) 24) tout(招徕,兜售)//flout(藐视,嘲笑,违反) 25) abstract(抽象的,摘要)//extract(提取,开采)//contract(合同,缩小)//intractable (倔强的,难管的) 26) progeny(后代)//progenitor(祖先) 27) connoisseur(内行,行家)//surveillance(侦察)

高考英语 151个易混单词

2012高考英语 151个易混单词 1) quite 相当quiet 安静地 2) affect v 影响,假装 effect n 结果,影响 3) adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行 4) angel 天使 angle 角度 5) dairy 牛奶厂diary 日记 6) contend 奋斗,斗争 content 内容,满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争,比赛 7) principal 校长,主要的 principle 原则 8) implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的 9) dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文 10) pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打 11) decent 正经的 descent n 向下,血统 descend v 向下 12) sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水 13) later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近 14) costume 服装 custom 习惯 15) extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的 16) aural 耳的 oral 口头的 17) abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机) 18) altar 祭坛 alter 改变 19) assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音 20) champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役 21) baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓 22) beam 梁,光束 bean 豆 been have 过去式 23) precede 领先 proceed 进行,继续 24) pray 祈祷 prey 猎物 25) chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房 26) monkey 猴子 donkey 驴 27) chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳 28) cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉 29) clash (金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏 30) compliment 赞美 complement 附加物 31) confirm 确认 conform 使顺从 32) contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照 33) council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事 34) crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛 35) dose 一剂药 doze 打盹 36) drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水 37) emigrant 移民到国外 immigrant 从某国来的移民 38) excess n 超过 exceed v超过 excel 擅长 39) hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店 40) latitude 纬度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激


高中英语易混易错词汇总结(二) 年级:高三科目:英语编稿:李俊和审稿:李俊和责编: 张晓俊 81. real, true real真的,真实的,指的是事实上存在而不是想象的,true真的,真正的,指的是事实和实际情况相符合real gold, a true story 82. respectful, respectable respectful尊敬,有礼貌,respectable可敬的,值得尊敬的be respectful to the aged 83. outwards, outward 二者均可用作副词,表示向外,外面,outward还可用作形容词an outward voyage 84. pleasant, pleased, pleasing pleasant常用作定语,pleased, pleasing常用作表语,pleased主语常为人,pleasing主语常为物 a pleasant trip The trip is pleasing. 85. understanding, understandable understanding明白事理的,能体谅的,understandable 可理解的,能够懂的an understanding girl, an understandable mistake 86. close, closely close接近,*近,closely紧紧地,紧密地closely connected, stand close 87. ill, sick ill做表语,sick定,表均可 a sick boy 88. good, well good形容词,well副词,但指身体状况是形容词He is well again. 89. quiet, silent, still quiet安静的,可以发出小的声音,silent不发出声音,但可以动,still完全不动,完全无声响He stand there still. 他站在那儿,一动不动,也不说话。 90. hard, hardly hard努力,hardly几乎不work hard I can hardly believe it. 91. able, capable able与不定式to do连用,capable与of连用He is capable of doing… 92. almost, nearly 二者均为"几乎,差不多" 和否定词连用用almost almost nobody


英语听力易混词汇 老师叮咛:李辉老师说,想要提高英语口语,方法是关键!下面的英语听力易混词都是历年真题中最常用的、值得同学们优先记忆的!经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真地整理校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印、学习、背诵! abroad到国外/在国外aboard上船/飞机 adapt适应adopt采用 affect影响effect结果/影响 angel天使angle角度 area区域era时代 assume假定resume恢复 assure使确信/确保ensure保证/确保 reward报答/报酬/报答/酬谢award授予/裁定/奖 badge徽章bandage绷带 baggage行李luggage行李 beam梁/光束bean豆 blade刀刃bold勇敢的/冒失的 bride新娘bribe贿赂 brown褐色brow额/眉毛 bullet子弹bulletin公告 champion冠军campaign战役 chicken鸡kitchen厨房 chord和弦cord细绳 cite引用sight视觉

clash(金属)撞击声crash碰幢/坠落 collar衣领cellar地窖 commerce商业commence开始 compliment赞美complement补充/补语confirm确认conform使顺从 contact接触contract合同 contend争夺/争斗content内容/满足的context上下文contest竞争/比赛costume服装custom习惯 council委员会counsel忠告 dairy牛奶厂diary日记 decent体面的/正派的descent下降/血统decline下降/谢绝incline(使)倾斜/赞同definite明确的/一定的indefinite无限期的/不明确的delicate微妙的dedicate献身 depress使沮丧suppress镇压 dessert甜食desert沙漠/放弃 distort(使)变形retort反驳 drought干旱draught通风/草案emigrant移民到外国immigrant从某国来的移民except除外expect期望 accept接受excerpt选录 excess超过exceed超过


英语易混淆单词辨析 amuse与entertain amuse:强调把注意力吸引到感兴趣的事情上去,多是轻松或引人发笑的事。 entertain:意味着通过公共活动或别人的活动来提供娱乐或消遣,多用于正式场合。 former/preceding/previous/prior former:可表示以前的,即时间上在前的,也可表示前者的,即已提及的两个事物中的前一个。 preceding:表示时间、位置、顺序上紧接在他物之前的,强调中间没有间隙。 previous:指在时间上较早的、顺序上在前的,表示一事做于另一事之先或指目前某事之前一件事,常用于修饰预先准备的行动。 prior:表示时间上早一些,除可用在名词前作定语外(have a prior engagement 预先有约会),还可后接介词to作后置定语或表语(an appointment prior to this one 先于此次约会的一次约会),还常表示更重要的、优先的(a prior consideration 优先考虑)

interval/gap/length/distance interval:两件事之间“间隔的时间”、戏剧两幕之间的“间歇”或两物体之间“间隔的空间” gap:(墙壁等的)“裂缝,缺口”,(思想、意见的)“分歧”(generation gap 代沟) length:(物体的)“长度”,(时间的)“长短” distance:(两地之间的)“距离” limit/confine/control/restrict/restrain limit:指限制在允许或可能的最大或最小的数量、程度、时间等范围内 confine:暗示束缚性、限制性地或阻挠性地限制,常指把人限制在狭窄的范围内,可指把人关闭起来 control:指通过权力或影响加以监督和控制,也常指控制自己的情绪 restrict:指把行为、选择等限制在规定的范围内 restrain:多指感情上、情绪上的克制 accumlate/gather,collect/assemble accumlate:意为“积聚,堆积”,指逐渐地,而且通常是无意识地,使数量越来越大 gather和collect均可表示“收集”,但collect有


高中英语易混单词 aboard adv.在船、火车、飞机等上abroad adv.在国外, 到处 absolute adj.绝对的 solve v. 解决 salute v. 敬礼 solution n. 解决方法 abrupt adj. 突然的,意外的bankrupt adj. 破产的 corrupt adj. 腐化的,贪污的 erupt v.(尤指火山)喷出,爆发interrupt v.打断 active adj. 积极的 activity n. 活动 achieve v. 完成;达到 receive v. 收到;招待 accent n. 口音 accept v. 接受 adapt vt.①使适应②改编 adopt vt.①采用②收养 adjust vt.①调整,调节②校正 admit v. 承认 submit v. 提交;屈服 affect v 影响,假装 effect n 结果,影响 angel n.天使 angle n. 角度 access n.①进入,②使用;接近hav access to 有机会使用 assess vt.估计;评估;评价 attain v. 达到obtain v. 获得 contain v. 含有,包含 academy n. 学院,协会 academic a. 学院的;学术的epidemic n. 流行病 apply (for) v. 申请 reply (to) v. 回复 rely (on) v. 依靠 assure v. 保证 ensure v. 使确定 insure v. 给……保险 assemble v 集合,装配 resemble v. 象…… attack v. 袭击;攻击 attract v. 吸引 award v. 授予n. 奖品 reward v. 奖赏;报答n. 报酬,奖赏,报答 biography n. 传记 photograph n. 照片 paragraph n.(文章等的) 段落;短评,短讯telegraph v. 发电报;n.电报 charity n. 慈善, 慈善机构 clarify v. 澄清, 阐明 classify v. 把……分类,把……分级 champion n. 冠军 campaign n. 战役;运动 cite v.引用 site n.场所 sight n.视觉 costume n. 服装 custom n.习惯, 风俗


1.study & learn Sometimes my students get confused about when to use “study” and when to use “learn”. Therefore, I would like to write about that in today’s blog entry. Both words are used to convey the idea of trying to intake information in order to become more knowledgeable or intelligent. When we put them in order, however, we have to place “study” first, and then “learn” after that. Therefore, when we “study” we are reading, watching or listening to something in order to keep it in our memories. If we do this successfully, we can say that we “learned” it. Let me give you some example sentences using these words. ?I have to study fifty new words for my final exam in Spanish. I hope I can learn all of them. ?I studied really hard in my history class, but I couldn’t learn all of the information. ?I learned a lot in my economics class because I studied every day. As I said before, learning is successful studying. Therefore, just because you study something doesn’t mean you will learn it. But if you never study at all, then you will never learn. In addition, it’s possible for us to learn something and then over a period of time, forget it. I’m sure all of us have had this experience when we think about our high school or university days. We can also “learn” something in ways that don’t involve studying. All of us learn things just from living our lives and making mistakes.Some people don’t learn from their mistakes, but I hope that most of us do. 2.plausible & implausible For today’s blog entry, I’d like to go over the adjectives “plausible” and “implausible”. We use them when we want to talk about something which a person says that is likely to be believed or not believed. We can also use them when we are trying to figure out if something is true or not. Finally, they can be used to talk about the believability of a story in a novel, movie, or TV show. Let me give you some example sentences using them. ?I was late for work because I overslept, but I can’t tell my boss that. I have to think of a plausible excuse for being late. ?I can’t tell my boss that I was mugged on my way to work. This is a safe city, so that would be totally implausible. ?Some people don’t think it’s plausible that a meteor hitting the earth could cause the dinosaurs to die, but I think it’s tot ally plausible. ?Some people think it’s implausible that a meteor hitting the earth could cause the dinosaurs to die, but I don’t agree. ?I like action movies even though most of the time the stories are not plausible at all. ?I like action movies even though most of the time the stories are completely implausible. The word “plausible” is used positively, and the word “implausible” is used negatively, so they are the opposite of each other. However, we can also say “not plausible”, as in my fifth example sente nce. The only difference between “not plausible” and “implausible” is that “implausible” is slightly more formal than the other one. Please note that we don’t usually use words like “very” or “really” to emphasize these adjectives. Instead, it’s more commo n to use words such as “totally” and “completely” in order to emphasize them. 3.little did I know For today, I want to go over the expression “little did I know”. We can also change the word “I”


vocabulary n. 词汇(可数名词) word n. 单词;话语 aloud adv. 出声地;大声地 (无比较级,反义词:quietly;silently)loudly adv.高声地;吵闹地 loud adv.响亮地 adj. 喧闹的; 响亮的 pronounce vt. 拼读;发音 pronunciation n. 发音法;拼读法 specific adj. 明确的;具体的 specifi cally adv. 明确地;具体地 special adj. 特殊的;特别的 specially adv. 专门地;特别地 especially adv. 特别;尤其;格外 particular adj. 非一般的;特别的;特殊的particularly adv. 尤其;特别地;特殊地memorize vt. 记起来;熟记;回忆起memorization n. 记忆;回忆 gramm ar n. 语法 grammatically adv. 语法地;从语法角度来说,add A to B 把A添加/补充到B中 add up to + 数量总计达到… spoken English 英语口语 make a mistake = make mistakes by mistake错误地 by accident 偶然地,意外地 comma n. 逗号 period n. 句号 question mark n. 问号 challenge n. 挑战(复数challenges) vt. 挑战 solution. n. 解决方案;解答 solve v. 解决 later adv. 后来;一会以后 late adj. 晚;迟 adv. 晚;迟 lately adv. 近来;最近 latest adj. 最新的 realize v. 意识到;(某人)实现(梦想)


高考英语易混词组 杨兴强整理 1..add to增添增加,add···to往…添加,add up合计加起来,add up to总共有总计达;add后面跟直接引语或that从句时,表示“补充说” 2.aloud“出声的”使声音能够听到,与read call cry等连用;loud“大声地”常与动词talk speak shout laugh等连用;loudly“高声地”有时可与loud换用,但更多地含有“喧闹”的意味 3.alone“单独”指只有一个人的状态,与心情无关;不用于名词之前;作“只有”讲时置于名词之前;lonely指“内心孤独”与感情有关;还可以修饰地点,表示“偏僻的”如:a lonely village一个偏僻的山村 4.as far as I know==as far as I am concerned就我所知,as long as和…一样长;只要 5.attend“到场出席参加”会议婚礼典礼上学(课)听报告;attend to处理专心于attend school(class)上学(课),I have some urgent business to attend to.我有一些急事要处理。 6.assist sb with sth,assist sb to do sth/in doing sth帮助…做… 7.全神贯注…be absorbed in,put oneˊs heart into;fix sth on upon sb全神贯注于,凝视 8.appeal to sb to do sth呼吁某人做某事,appeal against上诉,The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 9.aim(sth)at把…瞄准,目的在于;aim to do sth旨在做某事 10..above all首先尤其最重要的是…in all总计总共 11..break down毁坏分解出故障,break off打断停顿,break in/into破灭而入,break out (战争等)爆发,break away(from)同…..决裂(脱离关系),break through突破(重围)12.burst into+名词,突然发生,burst out+V.ing,都有“突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况” 13.bring up抚养·培养·提出;bring in引进盈利;bring about导致·引起;bring out拿出·取出·出版·揭露 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/316460597.html,e across偶然遇见,被理解,come up with赶上,想出,come over从远处来,come through康复·经历……之后仍然活着,come to oneself恢复知觉活跃起来,come into being 形成,come to light显露,为人所知
