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Doctor Albert Goldfine was the most

accomplished marriage counselor in the city.accomplished: 精通的

Albert Goldfine 医生是城里有经验的婚姻顾问。

Be the way you used to be, surprise me, take my breath https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3c14177745.html,ed to be: 过去经常 take one’s breath away:使大吃一惊 。

我不知道,和过去的你一样,给我惊喜,让我出乎意料 infuse her life with a little excitement.

infuse with: 注入


He deserves to have all the facts. deserve: 应得他理应知道所有的事实真相。

Well if it was a joke, it was in very poor taste.poor: 低劣的; 次等的 taste: 欣赏如果这是个玩笑,那也太没水平了。

isn’t it worse to be in the dark, imagining she did

all these horrible things?

in the dark: 不为人知;在黑暗中


I made over $200,000 doing business with him

last year. If he wants to grab your ass, you let him.do business with: 与某人做生意

去年我和他做了超过 20 万美元的


的回忆。You just missed my mom. On Friday she coaches

my little sister’s soccer team.

coach: 训练 soccer: 英式足球


Bree, you’ve spent most of the hour engaging in

small talk.

engage in: 忙于 small talk: 闲扯 你大部分时间都在说些鸡毛蒜皮的小事

As if she was watching an accident in slow motion.

accident: 事故 slow motion: 慢镜头

好像她正在看一次事故的慢镜头。 It’s not like that. The more the merrier. merrier: 欢乐的 。

是的,不是那样的,人越多越开心Of course we don’t have to add salt to the wound.add: 加 wound: 伤处

当然我们也没必要,雪上加霜。 By the way, was that you I saw getting pulled over by a policeman?

by the way: 顺便说一下 pull over: 靠向路边对了,那天我看见有个人被警察拦下了,是你吗?

What makes you say that?

你为什么这么说? -But this was not the case.

she didn’t cook much as she was moving up the corporate ladder.


Lynette would have appreciated the irony of it if

she stopped to think about it,

Lynette 如果仔细想想,可能会明白这是反话, you are going to behave today


I was laid to rest on a Monday.

lay to rest: 安葬星期一人们把我安葬了。

Mrs. Huber was known for her ability to look on the bright side.

be known for: 因...而众所周知

look on the bright side: 看到事物光明的 一面;对事物抱乐观度

如果说 Huber 大的特点,就是她总能把事情往好的方面想And as people do in this situation, they brought food.

in this situation: 在这种情况下


Why don’t I just pin the receipt to my chest?

pin: 把…别住 receipt: 收据

我干脆在胸前贴一个价目条好了? Look, just work it into the conversation.

work into: 插进,穿入 conversation: 谈话看,只要在聊天的时候插入就可以了。 I want you to casually mention how much I paid for your necklace.

mention: 提到,谈到 pay for: 为…付钱我希望你能装着很随意的提起我花了多少钱

给你买这条 项链。

And if anyone of you acts up,I will call Santa act up: 行动倔强, 任性【这里指捣蛋,淘气】



Let’s get this over with.get over with: 〈口〉一劳永逸地做完,把…做完了事好,那么我们把这个收起来。Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions,

proposed on their third date.

mergers and acquisitions: 兼并与收购

Carlos 在并购公司上班,在他们第三次约会的时候,他向 Gabrielle 求婚了我知道你已经悲痛欲绝了。 sometimes people pretend to be one way on the outside and they’re totally different on the inside.

有时候有些人在外人面前的表现和实际上是完全不一样的。 it came up in the context of the conversation.

come up: 提到,提及 context: 上下文我告诉过你了,当时他们在说这些。

Can you keep your voice down please?Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, she baked from scratch. Bree was known for her Bree van de Kamp,住在隔壁, 带了两篮她烤的松饼。Bree 擅长做饭。I don’t wanna talk to you about my love life anymore, it weirds me out.


What are you doing!? We are at a wake!at a wake: 在守灵场合


: I said you could go by the pool. Do you have your swimsuits on??

by: 在…旁边 swimsuit: 游泳衣

我说你们可以在水池边玩。你们穿游泳裤了?He had other things on his mind. Things below the surface.

on one’s mind: 使人担心,惦念

实际上 他脑袋里在想别的事情,一些被掩盖的


No, I just refuse to believe that anybody can screw up macaroni and cheese.

refuse to do: 拒绝做… screw up: 弄糟不,我只是不相信有人会做不好通心粉和奶酪。 I just rented out the Sim’s house next door. rent out: 租出 next door: 隔壁 .我刚开始租 SIMM 的房子,就在隔壁。

you illustrate children’s books illustrate: 作图解


you’re the first in the neighborhood to stop by. stop by: 拜访

事实上,你是第一个来拜访我的人。in the middle of something:


Do you think you could stop by later tonight and

take a look at my pipes?

stop by: 顺便来访 take a look at: 检查,看看



You can’t order me around like I’m a child!

order around: 不断差遣, 把…差来差去 Hey, I saw you both flirting at the wake. You’re obviously into each other. flirt: 调情 at the wake:

在守灵 那天我看见你们在互相调情。你们互相吸引He needs us to go through Mary Alice’s closet,and help pack up her things.

go through: 检查, 审查, 搜查【这里指收拾】pack up: 打包

他想让我们帮忙收拾 Mary Alice 的衣橱和其他的东西。She lives 50 feet away, for god’s sakes.

for one’s sake: 为……起见, 因为某人的缘故她就住在 50 英尺外。

hey, do you have a death wish?death wish: 遗愿,求死愿望


but deep down you just know she’s a bitch. deep down: 事实上 ,


he said it doesn’t mean anything


you shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble.I know you’re out of your minds with grief.Change in behavior is one of the warning signs,

and you have been as fresh as paint for the last 6months. behavior: 行为 warning sign: 警报信号as fresh as paint: 精神饱满的

怪异的行为是一种信号,之前半年都很正常。Well, you must be having a lot of fun on your

business trip.

On business trip: 出差


how’s domestic life?



I told you to dig it up last week.

dig up: 挖掘,挖出来 ,

上个星期你就应该把他们弄掉了。But I’m keeping my back pressed against the wall

the entire time.

press against: 使贴着但是我会一整晚都靠在墙上的。 This table is hand carved. 。

这张桌子是手工刻的 It’s a letter, addressed to Mary Alice.address: 写信给一封给 Mary Alice 的信。

And I need to be at my best tonight.

at one’s best: 处在佳状 。


Paramedics say she was lucky, she could’ve been


paramedics: 救护人员


I brought some champagne. I thought we should

all have a toast.

champagne: 香槟 toast: 干杯我拿了点香槟,我想我们应该干一杯。

well I got you the honey mustard dressing;mustard: 芥末 dressing: 调味品the kids wanted a change of pace, something fun.

I get it.

a change of pace : 变手法,换口味你和孩子们想要换换,来点有意义



so the doctor took me off the pill, so you’re just gonna have to put on a condom.

pill: 药 take off: 使停用 condom: 避孕套 所以医生让我别吃避孕药了,你要带套子

Taste, touch, smell and sound become a distant memory.How would you feel about me using your child

support payments for plastic surgery?feel about: 摸索; 揣摩 payment: 付款

child support payment: 儿童 抚养费 plastic surgery: 整形手术


会怎么想?Tell me again why I fought for custody of you?

custody: 监护权 fight for: 为…而战斗


That’s it, just stuff the hair down stuff down: 把…塞入 。

把这些... 头发全塞进去

they should be sitting, wearing a seatbelt.



He had dealt with problems ranging from

substance abuse, to infidelity, to domestic


deal with: 处理过 range from: 从…到…you’re about to make a fortune off us.

be about to: 将要,make a fortune: 赚大钱

:I’m not in the mood. But, we could stay up and talk.

in the mood: 好心情 stay up: 熬夜


Oh, you invite them over for a home-cooked meal and you order takeout.

invite over: 请(某人)过来 home-cooked meal:

家 常菜 order: 订购 takeout: 外卖

I’m working out the kinks.

work out: 设计出, 作出 kinks: 操作指南Because you’re gonna come down with something semi-serious that requires bed-rest

and https://www.sodocs.net/doc/3c14177745.html,e down with: 染上(病) bed-rest: 卧床休息fluid: 液体【这里指输液】We can just scrape off the burnt part and it’ll look good as new.scrape off: 刮掉

d even though I was engaged to Ty Grant, and

even though my father didn’t like you, I said yes.even though: 尽管 be engaged to: 订婚尽管我已经和 Ty Grant 订婚,尽管我爸爸不喜欢你,我还是答应嫁给你。

And as she gazed out her window, she saw the tall drink of water she needed to quench her

thirst.gaze: 注视 gaze out: 向外注视 drink: 一杯quench: 解渴 thirst: 口渴当她朝窗外看的时候,她看到了可以解渴的一大杯水。

How’s that going?


, well it’s gotta be here somewhere. Just keep looking.

gotta(=have got to): 必须

原来一直放这的,再找找看。You know how bored I was today? I came this close to actually cleaning the house.

bored: 无聊的 come close to: 接近,几乎你知道今天我有多闷?我闷到居然彻彻底底的打扫了一次房子 Don’t be that way. I got you a gift.


。哦,你邀请别人来家里吃饭,然后叫外卖。 因为你得了比较严重的病,需要好好休息和打吊针。 -别这样,我给你买了份礼物。: I’ll be there. 我会准时到的。

Its okay, I’m up

up: 成直立姿势; 起床


License and registration please. license: 驾照 registration: 登记

