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The An swers to Unit 1

Enhance Your Lan guage Aware ness

(I) Work ing with Words and Expressi ons

2. (1) obta in (2) con fide nt (3) com mun icate (4) adva ntage

(5) releva nt (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable

(9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters

(13) ast oni shed (14) appare ntly

3. (1) fond of (2) is …related to (3) accordi ng to

(4) To a certa in degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt

⑺ rid …of (8) cleared up (9) or else

(10) at all costs (11) sure en ough (12) let alo ne

(13) similar to (14) It ' s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was w

orth (II) In creas ing Your Word Power

1. (1) c (2) d (3) b ⑷ b (5) b (6) d

2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/i ncreas in gly

quite/simply/very 3.

4. No Mistake especial especially n ecessarily n ecessary

freque nt freque ntly

No Mistake easily easy No Mistake

i n dividually in dividual

much T many

high highly

appare ntly T appare nt

remarkably T remarkable

probable T probably

No Mistake

(III) Grammar

Task 1:

(1) would/should (2) should/would (3) might (4) would

(5) must (6) can ' t (7) should would (8) must

Task 2:

(1) We passed the after noon very pleasa ntly, roller-skat ing in the sun and talk ing

about our childhood un der a tree. / The after noon passed very pleasa ntly, while we roller-skated in the sun and talked about our childhood un der a tree.

(2) On entering the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd. / When

I en tered the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd.

(3) When I was only a small boy, my father took me to Beijing and we had a lot of fun together.

(4) To write well, a person must read good books.

(IV) Cloze

(1) doubt (2) efficie nt (3) where (4) adva ntage (5) afford (6) claim

⑺ fluently (8) qualified (9) extent (10) ridiculous (11) perfect (12) as

(13) because (14) in dividual

(V) Tran slati on

1. Tran slate the sentences

(1) The baby can ' t even crawl yet, let alone walk.

(2) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, _______________ but in my opinion he told a Jie. ______

(3) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills;

and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. _______

(4) According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in _______________ the game.

(5) Some people assume that there is a Chin ese equivale nt for every Japa nese word.

(6) We have passed all the relevant in formati on on to the police.

(7) There/ It is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won' t answer.

(8) It was a mistake on Jim ' s part to sig n the con tract without readi ng it carefully.

(9) They refused to provide us with all the in formati on we n eed.

(10) This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago.

(11) The film is based on a play by/ of Shakespeare.

(12) If you have a good comma nd/ mastery of En glish and computer skills, you will surely have an advantage over others in finding a job/ in job-hunting.

2. Tran slate the paragraph


只需不断更换句中某个词的练习。 假如我们是鹦鹉或黑猩猩,那么这些方法或许能奏效。但 我们不是。人类的语言交际必须是真实、有意义的。 The An swers to Unit 2

Enhance Your Lan guage Aware ness

(I) Work ing with Words and Expressi ons

2. (1) create (2) conflict (3) in volved (5) have survived (6) atte nd

(7) frowned

(9) guilty (10) sustai ned (11) survey 3. (1) was sick of (2) choki ng back (3) Compared with (4) settled into (5) would give anything (6) in the midst of (7) in his own right (8) on my own (9) fit in with (10) grew apart from (11) No won der

(12) stay ing up

(13) was anno yed with (14) was scared of (15) in trouble (16) For in sta nee

(II) In creas ing Your Word Power

1. (1) possessive (2) overprotective (3) frustrated (4) possessive (5) lenient strict (6) rebellious (7) frustrated (8) restless (9) stubborn

2. (1) survey (2) susta in (3) atte nd (4) terrify (5) wrap (6) recall

4. (1) dan gerous (2) ironic (3) fury (4) heroic (5) adve nture fame



Task 2:

1. X (argue with each other)

2. X (The accide nt happe


3. X (enjoy it)

4. V

5. V

6. X (shouted at)

7. V

8. V (4) overcame (8) wan der

(12) awkward

(13) recall

(14) terrified (15) in sura nee (16) Adapt ing

(IV) Cloze

(I) beamed (2) hono rable (3) awkward (4) protested (5) compla ints

(6) compliments (7) stubborn (8) frowned (9) recall (10)panicked

(II) in sura nee (12) surveyed (13) groa ning (14) recog niti on

(V) Tran slati on

1. Tran slate the sentences

1) Many teachers frowned on this practice.

2) An old man glared at me when I was trying to cut across the lawn.

3) When I mentioned my father, she showed a smile of recognition on her face.

4) My firstbor n was quite obedie nt, whereas my youn ger child was very stubbor n.

I can still recall now how the youn ger child in sisted on going abroad to study

after he fini shed his sec on dary school.

5) Countries in South East Asia sustained great losses when the tsunami struck the


6) Every time the mother tries to compare the younger brother with his elder brother, the youn ger

one will protest.

7) He found himself unable to fit in with his classmates when he first came to this school.

8) The fury on her face terrified me. I dared not say no to her aga in.

9) No won der you en ded up in trouble. You n ever followed your pare nts ' advice.

10) It took him two years to adapt to the new environment.

2. Tran slate the paragraph




待我,但随着我的长大,事情起了变化。我开始讨厌父亲的好名声像影子一样跟着我。 我要

独立。我变得顽固倔强又反叛,还开始对我父亲直呼其名,令他伤透了心。但有一天,发生 了一件事

令我的态度彻底改变了。 The An swers to Unit 3

Enhance Your Lan guage Aware ness


Work ing with Words and Expressi ons

2. (1) summed up (2) have an impact on (3) resp ond to (4) In general

⑸ falls into (6) at work (7) shut off from (8) in control of

(9) free from (10) in good shape

3. (2) comb in ation (3) seek (4) specific (5) restrict (6) vary

(7) expa nd (8) growth (9) compa ny (10) domin ate (11) opport un ity

(II) In creas ing Your Word Power

1. (1) aggressive, sarcastic, harsh, n egative (2) magical, mystical (3) n egative, critical

(4) magical, outgo ing, optimistic (5) in tellectual 2. (1) Evide ntly (2) in dividually

(4) con siste ntly/evide ntly/absolutely


men tally, physically

en thusiastically (9) easily (10) Normally

(1) submissive (2) aggressive (3) possessi on (4) created (5) n egative (6) defe nse

(7) sen sitive



Task 1: (1) all (2) ma ny (3) a (4) much (5) some (6) every (7) an (8) any Task 2:

1. (1) reveals ⑵ behavi ng (3) handle (4) in flue need (5) satisfied

(6) en terta in (9) confron ted (10) sought (13) optimistic (14) selfish

⑺ in herit

(8) affect

(11) isolated (12) restrict (15) sen sitive

(3) absolutely (5) Con seque ntly (7) probably/absolutely

(8) eagerly

(IV) Cloze

(I) in dicate (2) resp onds (3) reflect (4) absolutely (5) prefere nee

⑹ harsh (7) specific (8) traits (9) in dividual (10) immature

(II) effort (12) persiste nt (13) achieve (14) in herits

(V) Tran slati on

1. Tran slate the sentences

11) William likes the girl a lot so he tries very hard to impress her and is optimistic that he will win her


12) He is very creative and has a good vision of the future, but he likes to keep

things to himself.

13) They came from a poor village where people were shut off from modern civilization.

14) We must work hard and make an effort to achieve the goals that we have set.

15) Weshould learn to be content with all that we have and should not be too critical about things

around us.

16) They often represent our school in debating competitions; tonight we will throw

a party to celebrate their success.

17) Through reading, not only has he expanded his horizon, he has also learned to

keep improvi ng his character.

18) Two policemen sacrificed their lives in order to save that girl from the fire.

19) A stable relati on ship without con flicts betwee n husba nd and wife ben efits the children in the


2. Tran slate the paragraph




(VI) Enjoy En glish

Across: 1. optimistic 2. opport un ity 3. expa nd 4. represe nt 5. mature

Down: 6.outgo ing 7.c on siste ntly 8.i ntellectual 9.primary 10.i nherit 11.affect

The An swers to Unit 4

Enhance Your Lan guage Aware ness

(I) Working with Words and Expressions

2. (1) exclaimed (2) arrange (3) aroused (4) resembles

(5) volunteered (6) appreciate (7) requires (8) cracked

(9) miracle (10) victims (11) precious (12) delicate

(13) expected (14) interviewed

3. (1) take over (2) get through (3) no way (4) Leave off

(5) put …together (6) in touch with (7) No sooner …tha n (8) in adva nee (9) looking forward to (10) arrange for (11) in contrast (12) took on

(13) made sure (14) move in (15) in the hands of (16) go with (17) in poverty

(II) Increasing Your Word Power

1. (1) commission (2) smashed (3) smash (4) volunteered

(5) spill (6) crash (7) contrast (8) commission

(9) spilt (10) volunteer (11) contrasts (12) crashed

2. (1) e (2) e (3) a (4) a (5) c (6) d

3. (1) happy (2) impulsive (3) carelessness (4) calmness (5) firm

(6) illness (7) awareness (8) weakness (9) submissive

(III) Grammar

Task 2:

No Mistake

has lived has bee n livi ng

enjoyed enjoys

No Mistake

have tried tried

No Mistake

No Mistake

No Mistake

visit T have bee n visit ing

has bee n lik ing T likes

got t had I got

broke t had broken

No Mistake

No Mistake

had suffered t was suffering

No Mistake

received t have been receiving

No Mistake

has insisted on t insisted

No Mistake

No Mistake

(IV) Cloze

(1) chilly (2) sooner (3) than (4) exclaimed (5) fabric

(6) delicate (7) joints (8) that (9) miracle (10) sacrificed

(11) precious (12) loving

(V) Translation

1. Translate the sentences

20) Let ' s get in touch as soon as we know the results of the test / exam.
