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Translate the following passage into Chinese.(25%)

Thus far, our holiday has been simply a friendly sign of the survival of the love of letters amongst a people too busy to g any more. As such it is precious as the sign of an indestructible instinct. Perhaps the

time is already come when it ought to be, and will be, something else; when the sluggard intellect of this continent will lo under its iron lids and fill the postponed expectation of the world with something better than the exertions of mechanical of dependence, our long apprenticeship to the learning of other lands, draws to a close. The millions that around us are ru life, cannot always be fed on the mere remains of foreign harvests. Events, actions arise, that must be sung, that will sing Who can doubt that poetry will revive lead in a new age, as the star in the constellation Harp, which now flames in our z astronomers announce, shall one day be the polestar for a thousand years?

(Excerpted from The American Scholar by R.W. Emerson)


Translate the following passage into English.(25%)





Translate the following passage into Chinese.(25%)

To a professional critic (I have been one myself) theatre-going is the curse of Adam. The play is the evil he is paid to end

sweat of his brow, and the sooner it is over, the better. This would seem to place him in irreconcilable opposition to the p playgoer, from whose point of view the longer the play, the more entertainment he gets for his money. It does in fact so p especially in the provinces, where the playgoer goes to the theatre for the sake of the play solely, and insists to effectivel number of hours? entertainment that touring managers are sometimes seriously embarrassed by the brevity of the London have to deal in.

For in London the critics are reinforced by a considerable body of person who go to the theatre as many others go to chu their best clothes and compare them with other people?s; to be in the fashion, and have something to talk about at dinner adore a pet performer; to pass the evening anywhere rather than at home; in short, for any or every reason except interest art as such. In fashionable centers the number of irreligious people who go to church, of unmusical people who go to con operas, and of undramatic people who go to the theatre, is so prodigious that sermons have been cut down to ten minutes two hours; and, even at that, congregations sit longing for the benediction and audiences for the final curtain, so that they away to the lunch or supper they really crave for, after arriving as late as late as (or later than) the hour of beginning can made for them.

Thus from the stalls and in the Press an atmosphere of hypocrisy spreads. Nobody says

straight out that genuine drama is a tedious nuisance, and that to ask people to endure more than

two hours of it (with two long intervals of reliet) is an intolerable imposition.


Translate the following passage into English.(25%)




1999 翻译与现代汉语


Translate the following into Chinese(25%)

At this last presidential inauguration of the 20th century, let us lift our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the nex our great good fortune that time and chance have put us not only at the edge of a new century, in a new millennium, but o a bright new prospect in human affairs -- a moment that will define our course, and our character, for decades to come. W our old democracy forever young. Guided by the ancient vision of a promised land, let us set our sights upon a land of ne The promise of America was born in the 18th century out of the bold conviction that we are all created equal. It was exte preserved in the 19th century, when our nation spread across the continent, saved the union, and abolished the awful scou slavery.

Then, in turmoil and triumph, that promise exploded onto the world stage to make this the American Century. And what century it


been. America became the world's

mightiest industrial power; saved the world from tyranny in two world wars and a long cold war; and time and again, rea across the globe to millions who, like us, longed for the blessings of liberty.

Along the way, Americans produced a great middle class and security in old age; built unrivaled centers of learning and schools to all; split the atom and explored the heavens; invented the computer and the microchip; and deepened the wells justice by making a revolution in civil rights for African Americans and all minorities, and extending the circle of citizen opportunity and dignity to women..

Now, for the third time, a new century is upon us, and another time to choose. We began the 19th century with a choice, nation from coast to coast. We began the 20th century with a choice, to harness the Industrial Revolution to our values o enterprise, conservation, and human decency. Those choices made all the difference. At the dawn of the 21st century a fr must now choose to shape the forces of the Information Age and the global society, to unleash the limitless potential of a and, yes, to form a more perfect union.


Translate the following into English(25%)





Translate the following into Chinese(50%)

It is simple enough to say that since books have classes —— fiction, biography, poetry —— we should separate them an each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly w books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography t flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, th an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow-worker and accomplice. If you h reserve and criticise at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But i your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness, from the twist and turn of the firs will bring you into the presence of a human being nulike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, an will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far more definite. The thirty-two chapters o —— if we consider how to read a novel first —— are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a build are more impalpable than bricks; reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing. Perhaps the quickest wa understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the da difficulties of words. Recall, then, some event that has left a distinct impression on you —— how at the corner of the str you passed two people talking. A tree shook; an electric light danced; the tone of the talk was comic, but also tragic; a w entire conception, seemed contained in that moment.


Translate the following into English(50%)






Translate the following into English(50%)










Translate the following into Chinese(50%)

A man may usually be known by the b**ads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.

A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with kindness, amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.

Men often discover their affinity to each other by the love they have each for a book. The book is a truer and higher bond Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together and he, in th A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man's life is, for part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remem cherished, become our constant companions and comforters.

Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through thei minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effe been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.

Books introduce us into the best society, they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We he said and did; we see them as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; thei becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.

The great and good do not die even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voi intellect to which one still listens. Hence we ever remain under the influence of the great men of old. The imperial intelle world are as

much alive now as they were ages ago.



Translate the following into English(50%)


加强社会主义思想道德建设,是发展先进文化的重要内容和中心环节。必须认识到,如果只讲物质利益,只讲金想,不讲道德,人们就会失去共同的奋斗目标,失去行为的正确规范。要把依法治国同以德治国结合起来,为社的秩序和风尚营造高尚的思想道德基础。要在全社会倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、极端个人主义等腐朽思想,增强全国人民的民族自尊心、自信心、自豪感,激励他们为振兴中华而不懈奋2. Translate the following into Chinese(50%)

Journey into old age

On a May morning in 1979, I opened the door of my New York City apartment and stepped nervously into the hall. As a woman, I was apprehensive. I extended my cane, feeling carefully for the first step of

the stairs.

My legs strained awkwardly. One step…two…three…breathe hard against the wall to catch my breath.

So far, so good, I said to myself.

And then I stopped. Was I overdoing it? Would I really ge t away with this act? For I wasn?t really 85. Underneath the tra aged body was the real me, a 26-year-old woman. I was pretending to be so much older because I wanted to find out wha be elderly, and to discover firsthand the problems faced by the elderly.

As a start I learned how to “age” myself—a complicated procedure requiring four hours. With latex foam giving my face wrinkles, a heavy fabric binding my body, and an gray wig on my head, I became 60 years older and ready to set forth on adventure.

My destination that first day was a conference ageing in Columbus, Ohio. Out on the street I tried to signal a cab for the after taxi flashed past, all empty. Did they feel that old ladies don?t ti p well? Finally one stopped.

At the airline ticket counter, I found myself in a line of young business man. “Good morning, sir!” the agent exclaime each one. “Have a pleasant trip.” When old-lady-me peered up at him through thick spectacles, however, all I got was ticker, a mutter of “Columbus” and an abrupt “Next.”

The whole purpose of the conference, attended mostly by young professional, was to study the problems of the elderly. Y incredibly, the participants seemed to ignor e the only “old lady” in their midst. When one of the young males offered cof of women, I found myself thinking, What about me? If I were young, he would offer me coffee too.

By day?s end, I was angry. I had been condescended to, ignored, co unted out in a way I had never known before. People do judge a book by its cover.

The experience was repeated in my neighborhood drugstore when, as a meek and dowdy old woman, I asked for a stoma medicine. The owner

merely jerked a

thumb over his shoulder.

”Back there, bottom shelf.”

Peering around, I quavered, “Can you help me find it?”

He looked u in annoyance, walked to the shelf and pointed down. I stooped to pick up a bottle and tried to decipher the s “Could you please read the directions for me?” I pleaded.

In irritation, he rattled them off, and them dismissed me with,”OK, that it?” I was afraid to ask him anything more.

The next morning, I returned to the store as confident, 26-year-old Pat Moor.

“Good morning,” the owner greeted me cheerfully. “How can we help you today?”

I used exactly the same words in asking for the stomach medicine.

“Oh,” he said, smiling, “it?s right over here.” Escorting me to the shelf, he kneeled down, picked up a bottle and carefu the directions, the sizes in which it came and the priced, Then he rang up the same and wished me a fine day.

As I walked out of the store, my heart cried for the older woman. I could understand how she would become defensive a intimidated.

2003 翻译


Translate the following into English(75 分)





Translate the following into Chinese. (75分)

What?s Your Best Time of Day?

Most of us seem to reach our peak of alertness around noon. Soon after that, alterness declines, and sleepiness may set in mid-afternoon.

Your short-term memory is best during the morning —— in fact, about 15 percent more efficient than at any other time o students, take heed; when faced with a morning exam, it really does pay to review your notes right before the test is give Long-term memory is different. Afternoon is the best time for learning material that you want to recall days, weeks or m Politicians, business executives or others who must learn speeches would be smart to do their memorizing during that tim you are a student, you would be wise to schedule your more difficult classes in the afternoon, rather than in the morning. also try to do most of your studying in the afternoon, rather than late at night. Many students believe they memorize bett burning the midnight oil because their short-term recall is better during the wee hours of the morning than in the afternoo short-term memory won?t help them much several days later, when they face the exam.

By contrast, we tend to do best on cognitive tasks ——things that require the juggling of words and figures in one?s hea the morning hours. This might be a good time, say, to balance a checkbook. Your manual dexterity —— the speed and c with which you perform complicated tasks with your hands —— peaks during the afternoon hours. Such work as carpen sewing will be a little easier at this time of day.

What about sports? During afternoon and early evening, your coordination is at its peak, and you?re able to react the quic outside stimulus —— like a baseball speeding toward you at home plate. Studies have also shown that late in the day, w temperature is peaking, you will perceive a physical workout to be easier and less fatiguing —— whether it actually is o means you are more likely to work harder during a late afternoon or early evening workout, and therefore benefit

more from

it. Studies involving swimmers, runners, short-putters and rowing crews have shown consistently that performance is bet evening

than in the morning.

In fact, all of your senses —— taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell —— may be at their keenest during late afternoon a evening. That could be why dinner usually tastes better to us than breakfast and why night lights irritate us.

Even our perception of time changes from hour to hour. Not only does time seem to fly when you?re having fun, but it al fly even faster if you are having that fun in the late afternoon or early evening, when your body temperature is also peaki While all of us follow the same general pattern of ups and downs, the exact timing varies from person to person. It all de

your “biological” day is structured —— how much of a morning or night person you are. The earlier your biological day the earlier you are likely to enter —— and exit —— the peak times for performing various tasks. An extreme morning p extreme night person may have circadian cycles that are a few hours apart. Each of us can increase our knowledge about rhythms. Learn how to listen to the inner beats of your body; let them set the pace of your day. You will live a healthier —happier —— life.



Translate the following into English(75分)






Translate the following into Chinese(75分)

Outside my window the night is struggling to wake; in the moonlight, the blinded garden dreams so vividly of its lost col white-washed wall is brilliant against the dark-blue sky. The white walls of the house coldly reverberate the lunar radian is full.

The moon is a stone; but it is a highly numinous stone. Or, to be more precise, it is a stone about which and because of w women have numinous feelings. Thus, there is a soft moonlight that can give us the peace that passes understanding. The moonlight that inspires a kind of awe. There is a cold and austere moonlight that tells the soul of its loneliness and despe

its insignificance or its uncleanness. There is an amorous moonlight prompting to love - to love not only for an individua sometimes even for the whole universe. But the moon shines on the body as well as, through the windows of the eyes, w It affects the soul directly; but it can affect it also by obscure and circuitous ways - through the blood. Half the human ra manifest obedience to the lunar rhythm; and there is evidence to show that the physiological and therefore the spiritual li women, but of men too, mysteriously ebbs and flows with the changes of the moon. There are unreasoned joys, inexplica laughters and remorses without a cause. Their sudden and fantastic alternations constitute the ordinary weather of our mi moods, are the children of the blood and humours. But the blood and humours obey, among many other masters, the cha Touching the soul directly through the eyes and, indirectly, along the dark channels of the blood, the moon is doublya di Even if we think of the moon as only a stone, we shall find its very stoniness potentially a numen. A stone gone cold. An waterless stone and the prophetic image of our own earth when, some few million years from now, the senescent sun sha present fostering power.... And so on. This passage could easily be prolonged-a Study in Purple. But I forbear. Let every as much of the royal rhetorical colour as he finds to his taste. Anyhow, purple or no purple, there the stone is-stony. You about it for long without finding, yourself invaded by one or other of several essentially numinous sentiments. These sen belong to one or other of two contrasted and complementary groups Sentiments of Human Insignificance Sentiments of H Greatness.



I. Translate the following into English (75分)










II. Translate the following into Chinese (75分)

The fact is that, as a writer, Faulkner is no more interested in solving problems than he is tempted to indulge in sociologi on the sudden changes in the economic position of the southern states. The defeat and the consequences of defeat are me out of which his epics grow. He is not fascinated by men as a community but by man in the community, the individual as in himself, curiously unmoved by external conditions. The tragedies of these individuals have nothing in common with G they are led to their inexorable end by passions caused by inheritance, traditions, and environment, passions which are ex in a sudden outburst or in a slow liberation from perhaps generations-old restrictions. With almost every new work Faulk deeper into the human psyche, into man?s greatness and powers of self-sacrifice, lust for power, cupidity, spiritual pover narrow-mindedness, burlesque obstinacy, anguish, terror, and degenerate aberrations. As a probing psychologist he is the master among all living British and American novelists. Neither do any of his colleagues possess his fantastic imaginativ his ability to create characters. His subhuman and superhuman figures, tragic or comic in a macabre way, emerge from h reality that few existing people - even those nearest to us - can give us, and they move in a milieu whose odours of subtro ladies?perfumes, Negro sweat, and the smell of horses and mules penetrate immediately even into a Scandinavian?s warm den. As a painter of landscapes he has the hunter?s intimate knowledge of his own hunting-ground, the topographer?s acc impressionist?s sensi tivity. Moreover—side by side with Joyce and perhaps even more so—Faulkner is the great experim among twentieth-century novelists. Scarcely two of his novels are similar technically. It seems as if by this continuous re wanted to achieve the increased breadth which his limited world, both in geography and in subject matter, cannot give hi 翻译参考译文


91 英译汉参考译文



The gentle sea breeze is blowing over the island and has driven away the hot air left during the day. It appears very quiet evening. Covered is the whole island in a soft dark net. In the blue skies, countless stars are shining. The stars here see b those in other places. “The sun during the day shines on the island very brightly and stars during the night light it aw fully magnificent,” often remarked people.

Gradually lights have stopped brightening, some buildings stand sparsely in


dark, screened in luxuriant trees. Twined are some of the spiral mountainous roads reaching down curvingly from the top mountains. And below is a lively city. Now most of the shops along the streets are closed. The road leads further outside a harbour. And there are a couple of hotels near it. All of them are three-story buildings. Much light from their windows sea.


97 英译汉参考译文






1999 英译汉参考译文


美国的希望源于 18 世纪一个大胆的信念——所有人都是生来平等的。19 世纪,这一信念得到了延伸和流传,我大陆,拯救了联邦,并废除了恐怖的奴隶制的蹂躏。

现在,我们第三次迎来新世纪,又一次选择的机会。19 世纪初,我们选择将疆域从一个海岸扩展到另一个海岸我们选择驾御工业革命来为我们的自由企业经济,环境保护以及人类尊严的价值体系服务。正是那些选择使世界改变。21 世纪即将来临,自由的民族现在必须选择去决定信息时代和全球化社会的影响,去彻底解放整个民族并建立一个更加完美的联邦。(陈相明译)


02 汉译英参考译文

The fundamental task for developing the socialist culture lies in cultivating citizens from generation to generation who h ideals, moral integrity, a better education and a good sense of discipline. We should persevere in arming the people with theories, guiding the people with correct public opinions, molding the people with noble minds, and inspiring the people works. We must stick to and consolidate the guiding status of Marxism, help people build up the correct outlook on the w and values, have firm belief in Marxism and socialism, increase confidence in the reform, opening-up and modernization

strengthen trust in the Party and the government, and increase the awareness about self-reliance, competition, efficiency, democracy and the rule of law, as well as the pioneering and innovation spirit. We should

continue to implement the strategy of


the country through science and education, further popularize education, enhance its quality and level of the whole socie greater efforts to develop scientific and cultural undertakings. We should double our efforts to publicize scientific knowl scientific approaches, scientific thinking, and scientific spirit. A vital principle we must follow in developing China's adv is to emphasize the central theme of the socialist culture, persevere in serving the people and socialism, and let a hundred blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend. We should master and develop various kinds


modern communication


and promote

the spreading of the

advanced culture.

Strengthening socialist ideological and ethical building constitutes the essential content of and a key link in developing C advanced culture. We must be aware that people will lack common objective of struggle and reject the accepted code of only stress material gains and money to the neglect of ideals and morality. We should combine the rule of law with the ru order to build a lofty ideological and ethical foundation for maintaining a good public order and practice.


1979年 5 月的一个清晨,我拉开我在纽约市的公寓房门,忐忑不安地走进门厅。作为一个 85 岁的老太婆,我不伸出拐杖小心翼翼地探着楼梯的第一级台阶。我的两腿僵硬,行动不便。一级……二级……三级……大口喘气…完 12 级台阶来到第一个楼梯平台时,我不得不靠着墙歇一口气。



这样做真的会瞒过别人吗?其实我并不是真的 85 岁。在老态龙钟的外表掩饰之下,我实际才是个 26 岁的女子。我装扮得这么老,为的是体验一下老年人的滋味,并亲自发现老年人面临的问题。

作为第一步,我学会了怎么使自己“变得老态龙钟”——这是一个复杂的过程,花了我四个小时。我在脸上涂使它布满皱纹,身上捆扎着厚实的织物,头上带起灰白的假发,这样一来我就老了 60 岁,可以开始我的伟大冒我第一天的目标是俄亥俄核州的哥伦布城参加一次讨论老年化问题的会议。走到街上我试图以打手势叫一辆出租出租汽车一辆接着一辆飞驰而过,车里全都空空的。他们是否认为老太婆不会多给小费呢?最后总算有一辆停了在航空公司的售票柜台前,我发现自己是跟一些年轻商人排在一起。“早上好,先生!”工作人员满面春风地大打招呼。“祝您旅途愉快!”然而,当我这个老太婆透过厚厚的眼睛盯着他看时,她指对我的机票扫了一眼,嘴“哥伦布”,便突然喊了声“下一个!”








第二天早上,作为充满自信,年仅 26 岁的帕蒂.摩尔,我又来到了药店。





03 年汉译英参考答案

From her childhood onward, Ting Ling began with curiosity to observe the ways of the world which was always blowing to eyewitness myriad miseries in the feudal society. When the epoch-making May Fourth Movement was on, it sparked a vision in her mind of what a new society should be. Ting Ling, in her full-blown youth, dared venture into the literary fie hand at writhing, and in not too long a time emerging as a talented and promising oncomer. During the Leftwing Writers Ling like almost all literary leftwingers went through a baptism of fire and blood (imposed on them by the old regime) --out only the stronger and the more dynamic. Though her adversaries had kidnapped her and put her in prison. After her r hound her way back to the northwestern region to participate in revolutionary guerrilla warfare. Later on, she shifted to l work in the midst of peasants in some northern areas. What she did, saw, experienced, felt in this aspect of revolutionary conceived into a plot for a long novel:” The Sun Shines over River Sanggan” which was published and won great fame. time of New China came into being. The time had come for Ting Ling, the writer, to fly higher in the bright, blue sky. Sh determined to devote all she was and all she had to promoting the socialist literary movement, leaning over backwards to allotted role.

As it happened in

1957, a political

movement took place invo lving Ting Ling and a generality of progressive writers, caps of “antipartyism” and ”rightism”on her head. She was badly battered and exiled to the Great North Wilderness to do manual labor. And in prison and in t mountainous region, at one time and another, she lived in and with extremely oppressive circumstances. Quietly and pati bravely she bore up with it all. Thus passed over 20 precious years of her life.

Afterwards however, when it came to talking about that unfortunate past with her friends, Ting Ling invariably expresse this vein:” While I was undergoing that ordeal, our country and our people were suffering greater ordeals. Taking tings i perspective, I really haven?t much to complain about.”

In 1979, when she was 75 years old----the, not until then, did Ting Ling return to civilization and reentered the literary ci on time at all to recall the miserable past, on time to grouch of sigh. Like a born-again youth, like a flower first to herald she, brimming over with vim and vigor, started a new life, wielding her pen anew, and presented her new book “Du Wa Opportunities came her way to crisscross the vast land, and to go beyond the boundaries to tour Europe, America, and A

saw a lot, thought a lot, wrote a lot about her travels. Back in the homeland, she was at once besieged by publishers to co manuscripts in advance. Then, not a year passed but she produced several 100,000 words. Not a book was published but receiver by the reading public. A massive use of the twilight of the evening of her life, she programmed three more book write----to wind up her life with:” A Hell of Demons and Monsters”, “In the Days of Severe Cold”, and “The Snow-storm World”. Into which she was going to pour all her thoughts and feelings, her vital life episodes, her bittersweet experience of her country and people, all her hate and wrath for her enemy.


05 汉译英参考译文

Confuciu s says, “Out of three men, there must be one that can teach me.” So pupils are not necessarily inferior to their te teachers better than their pupils. Some learn the truth earlier than others, and some have special skills—that is all.”

A similar idea is expressed by the following well-known passage quoted from Xueji (The Subject of Education), a chapt ancient book Liji (The Book of Rites): “However nice the food may be, if one does not eat it, he does not know its taste; perfect the doctrine may be, if one does not learn it, he does not know its value. Therefore, when he learns, one knows hi deficiencies; when he teaches, one knows where the difficulty lies. After he knows his deficiencies, one is able to examin af ter he knows where the difficulty lies, one is able to improve himself. Hence, …teaching and learning help each other;? a Yue Ming, ‘Teaching is the half of learning.?”

The above

quote from

Liji, which lays emphasis

on self-examination and self-improvement,

is less thoroughgoing than what Han

Yu says about education. Nevertheless, its remarks such as "When he teaches one knows where the difficulty lies,” “Tea teachers as well as pupils” and “Teaching is the half of learning” (a quotation meaning teaching and learning are opposit complementary to each other) all remain irrefutable to this day. The new relationship between teacher and pupil should b the words of Han Yu, “not (being) ashamed to learn from each othe r.” That is to say, teacher and pupil should teach eac learn from each other. They should teach each other as equals regardless of seniority, so that, as Han Yu says, “whoever truth can be a teacher.”







Hong Kong At Night

By Ba Jin

We boarded a steam launch to Guangzhou and left Hongkong at ten o’clock.

As the boat started to move, my friend Hong called me outside the cabin. The moment I stepped out I heard him yel Hongkong’s night view is marvelous, you can’t miss it".

Outside on the deck I leaned against the railing, watching Hongkong receding from us.
