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Fast Food(快餐)

Fast Food(快餐)

Fast Food(快餐)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic Fast Food. Your position should be based on the Outline given below:1.快餐在中国十分流行 2.快餐受欢迎的原因 3.我对快餐的看法Fast FoodFast food is being more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food. There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is quick and convenient. Go into a fast food restaurant, and your food will be ready in a minute. You can satisfy your hunger instantly. Precious time won’t be wasted in waiting-in-line to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean food, the excellent service and the fortable environment of the fast food restaurant.However, I think that fast food isn’t healthy enough because it does not pose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition. Doctors suggest that people should avoid eating too much fast food. Although home cooking is time-consuming and following washing-u p tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food I s only a good choice when you are in a hurry and we should turn to it only once in awhile.


海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业经营情况3年数据分析报 告2019版

序言 海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业经营情况数据分析报告旨在运用严谨的数据分析,以更为客观、真实的角度,对海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业经营情况进行剖析和阐述。 海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业经营情况数据分析报告同时围绕关键指标即限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额,限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业客房收入,限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业餐费收入,限额以上住宿业企业总营业额,限额以上住宿业企业客房收入等,对海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业经营情况进行了全面深入的分析和总结。本报告知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需注明出处。 本报告可以帮助投资决策者效益最大化,是了解海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业经营情况的重要参考渠道。报告中数据来源于中国国家统计局等权威部门,数据客观、精准。

目录 第一节海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业经营情况现状 (1) 第二节海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额指标分析 (3) 一、海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额现状统计 (3) 二、全国限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额现状统计 (3) 三、海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额占全国限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业 额比重统计 (3) 四、海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全国限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全国限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业额同全国限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业总营业 额(2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业客房收入指标分析 (7) 一、海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业客房收入现状统计 (7) 二、全国限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业客房收入现状统计分析 (7) 三、海南省限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业客房收入占全国限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业客房收 入比重统计分析 (7)

fast food是什么意思

fast food是什么意思 Western people like to eat in fast food restaurants. The food there is delicious and it comes quickly. Also, it is not too expensive, and the restaurants are always clean and bright. People can eat in it or take their food away. Chinese families love to eat in fast food restaurants, too. There are two kinds of fast food restaurants in China,western fast food restaurants and Chinese ones. Western fast food restaurants sell hamburgers, fresh fries, fried chicken legs, chicken nuggets, drinks and so on. The Chinese fast food restaurants sell dumplings, noodles, spring rolls, and other Chinese snacks. Some fast food is usually with too much fat in it, not good for our health. fast food的意思是快餐 西方人都喜欢在快餐店吃,因为那里的食物既美味又方便快捷。此外,价格不是 太贵,而且餐厅又清洁又明亮。人们可以在快餐店吃,也可以带走吃。中国家庭也喜 欢在快餐店吃饭。在中国,有两种快餐店,一种是西式快餐店,另一种是中式快餐店。西式快餐店里有汉堡包、新鲜薯条、炸鸡腿、鸡块、饮料等。中式快餐店里有饺子、 面条、春卷和其他中国小吃。有些快餐通常含有太多的脂肪,不利于我们的健康。 快餐英文怎么说 snack;[食品] short order;quick meal 快餐 fast food,snack,fast food restaurant 快餐店 Fast food restaurant,Snack Bar,fast food 快餐厅 snack bar,Fast Food,Fast-food Restaurant 更多英语学习:企业英语https://www.sodocs.net/doc/4618045172.html,/


海南餐饮业发展趋势分析及对策 自2011年6月份以来,国家发改委正式批复了《海南国际旅游岛建设发展规划纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)。《纲要》指出,要“深度开发、挖掘海南的特色饮食文化,推进餐饮业连锁经营,大力培育海南餐饮品牌,保护、弘扬海南传统特色餐饮美食,引进国内外着名餐饮企业和餐饮品牌。在旅游城市和大型度假区建设美食街、酒吧茶艺风情街、不夜城等餐饮服务集聚区,鼓励发展特色主题餐厅、主题酒吧、咖啡厅和茶艺馆。” 而随着人们生活水平的提高,游客对吃更‘讲究’起来。慕‘海南国际旅游岛’之名而来的世界各地商务人士、高端旅游人士对餐饮自然有着更高的要求——他们不光要吃得饱、吃得惯,还要‘吃’特色、‘吃’环境、‘吃’服务,这些都要达到一定的标准。而在这方面,海南显然还不能与那些已经发展成熟的旅游度假地区相比。 而笔者(海南新东方烹饪学校)认为,海南省要打造国际化的餐饮格局,整个餐饮业应该以移师深度开发、创新发展海南本地餐饮为主,以引进其它地区和国家的餐饮文化为辅,甚至可以考虑在海南饮食中加入国际化元素,树立起有海南特色的美食格局,打出自己的品牌。在此,笔者(海南新东方烹饪学校)通过深度分析海南餐饮业现状,收集整理了一份2012年以来海南餐饮业发展趋势分析及对策建议。 一、海南餐饮业发展特点 (一)餐饮业经营业态多样化趋势明显。

海南全省餐饮业在不断适应消费变化的同时,经营业态已形成了多样化的新格局。在大力发展正餐经营的同时,快餐、大排档、农家乐、咖啡厅、西餐、酒吧、茶馆等多种经营业态百花齐放,成为新的经营热点和经济增长点。 (二)餐饮业投资来源多元、非公经济占主导地位。 从近几年投向餐饮业的资金来源看,逐渐趋于本地化、民间化,多数为房地产、建筑装饰业、贸易等行业的经营者从积累的资本中分流一部分转入餐饮业;部分具备一定实力的餐饮企业加大投入力度,扩大经营规模;外商投资餐饮业呈现快速增长态势,麦当劳、肯德基等国外品牌餐饮企业来琼投资步伐加快。从全省餐饮业的所有制结构看,私营和个体餐饮业已经占据主导地位,外资、股份合作等餐饮企业在经营行业中占有一席之地,且发展势头看好。 (三)餐饮业市场竞争日益激烈。 由于大量企业个人投资餐饮行业,海南餐饮业的企业数量倍增,使得餐饮业的供需关系发生了质的变化,餐饮企业进入了完全市场竞争阶段。在经历了近几年来,特别是去年以来房租提价、工资提升、原材料涨价、利润明显下降、经营环境变化后,餐饮业市场竞争压力越来越大。 (四)本地餐饮与外来餐饮相映争辉。 海南餐饮业目前的状态是,从量上看,本地的餐饮产品占据主导地位;从质上看,大多数都是非海南本土特色的餐饮品牌。缺乏本土特色化餐饮品牌,意味着餐饮业的不成熟,海南餐饮业要想进入黄金时期,就必须借助旅游大省的东风,大力发展海南本土特色餐饮,推动本土特色餐饮的品牌化发展甚至是连锁化经营。 (五)品牌创新力度不断加强。 在激烈的竞争中,餐饮企业开始走向品牌连锁化经营,一批有影响的餐饮品牌正在形成,享誉海南,有的甚至走向全国。山西老面馆在全国有20多家连锁店,拾味馆在省内外有20多家分店。 二、海南餐饮业存在的主要问题 尽管海南餐饮业取得了长足的进步和发展,但由于一些体制、结构的矛盾并未得到根本的改变,不少困难和问题制约着餐饮业的健康发展,主要表现在以下几个方面: (一)餐饮市场准入门槛低,缺乏有序竞争。


精品文档 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Will Fast Food soon Take the Place of Chinese Traditional Food. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 洋快餐在中国日趋流行,很多人对此感到十分忧虑。如:传统饮 食习惯很快会被人们忘记等。 2. 然而,我对洋快餐持肯定的态度。 3. 我认为那些人的忧虑没有必要。 Fast food is very popular around the world, more and more people trend to eat the fast food in the more time. But this trend has aroused some anxiety that some people consider that with the development of the fast food, the Chinese traditional food will be forgotten by Chinese. It is bad to develop Chinese conventional culture. Besides, some people think fast food can do harm to their healthy when they eat it too much. Because the most fast food be made by oil and meet. People will be ill who eat too much them. Although the popularity may cause some health problems, my attitude towards fast food is positive. The reasons are just as follows: eating fast food can save more time to do another important thing for us. For another, people can change the dietary habit to eat fast food. It is good to bring in the different culture. As for the worry about the negative effects on Chinese traditional diet caused by fast food, in my opinion, we don’t worry about it. Because we eat it in a little time. There is little harm for people. So we don’t care it.In one sense, if the traditional culture in our heart and we remember it, it can’t be forgotten. Else, we should bring in the different things to develop our culture. 精品文档


自助餐厅企划方案 一.餐厅理念 依托商业步行街广阔的优质消费群打造临沐第一家以自助餐形式为主的休闲餐厅。餐厅定位于大众消费,青少年消费为带动的中档消费水平。餐厅的理念让饮食成为快捷的时尚,让消费成为 习惯。 二.市场分析 优势:1.首先本餐厅是自助餐厅,同行业的竞争小,有利于及早 树立自己的品牌,占领市场。 2. 本餐厅打破了传统餐厅对于菜品和时间的限制。不仅避免客人点餐的困扰,还节省客人的时间,适合各种口味的人群。 3. 本餐厅有利于吸引青少年为主体的人群,餐厅不仅能提供饮 食,最重要的是提供一个年轻人聚会,休闲的场所。和KTV相比更具有时尚性,消费更少;和普通的餐馆相比,环境更好,更适合同学聚餐,商务宴请等。 4. 本餐厅和传统的自助餐厅相比,不仅保留了自助餐厅的特点, 更结合了当地的实际,是餐厅能更快的融入当地的的消费水平和 大众生活。餐厅菜品不仅有传统的当地鲁菜,还增加了甜点,水果,热冷饮,卤制品,面点类,汤粥类等。劣势:1.由于是自助餐厅,在接受度上有待考验。 2. 由于菜品繁多,在质量上要保持高品质。尤其是前期的米购。 3. 由于是自助餐厅规模和人员流动性比较多,在管理上要制定一

系列完善的制度。 4. 前期的投入可能比较多,所以资金的运作要有详细的计划。本着节约的原则,做到物尽其用。 5. 针对一周当中的客流量有明显变化的特点,要制定相关的营销 手段。 三.人员配备 1. 热厨一名:负责热菜的烹制,凉菜的调理以及果盘的设计。 2. 面点师一名:负责面点类和甜品类。 3. 服务员:负责营业时间大堂的服务工作,和后厨的清洗工作。 负责餐厅日常卫生的打扫和协助采购工作。 5. 米购和食品配备一名。 6. 前台(收银员)一名。 四.推广计划 1. 人均消费30元。6岁以下及70岁以上每人15元。 2. 三人(不包括三人)以上每人27元,六人(不包括六人)以上每人25元。 3. 印发优惠券,凭此券试营业期间享受优惠。有效期一个月。在小区和人口密集的路口发放,同时要提高发放质量。 4. 每年逢元旦,春节,元宵节,中秋节,端午节等节日来店消费都有优惠。 五.餐厅制度 1. 营业时间:具体工作时间可以灵活调动,主要根据实际安排。

Fast Food and Chinese traditional food

Hello, everyone , thank you for sitting here and listening to me delivering my speech. I chose the first topic. In daily China in our daily life, we have at least two choices before we eat: western fast food, or traditional Chinese home-made food .Some people prefer western fast food .They think that western fast food such as hot dog , French fries ,and pizza is delicious and convenient and having a meal at KFC or McDonalds is fashionable .While other people would like to have Chinese home-made food because of its abundance and goodness to people's health .Anyhow, home-made food remains people's favorite. Now let me compare the two kinds of food. First, western fast food. Before the first hamburger walked its way into the Chinese food market, we had little idea about such terms as doughnut, pizza, potato chips, let alone Kentucky and McDonald' s. Fast food has several advantages. In the first place, fast food, as is characterized by its name, is fast. This saves people's precious time, and consequently goes well with the rhythm of life in modern society. Secondly, fast food restaurants are environmentally comfortable. The clean dishes, shiny tables, decent service and light music there all stimulate people's appetite to eat more. Last but not least, young people consider it hip and fashionable to have a meal with friends in a western restaurant since American and other western nations ' culture is very popular in China. The above-mentioned advantages make western fast food become rooted in almost all parts of the country and enjoy popularity among people. As every coin has two sides, western fast food also has its disadvantages such as lack of nutrition, dull taste and too much fat .Relying on fast food on a long-term basis may cause a person to suffer from malnutrition. What is more serious is that some fast food contains many calories which can turn into fat. As we know, too much fat is harmful to our health. Nevertheless, compared with its advantages, most people agree with western fast food, so it tends to grow more rapidly. As a saying goes, "Fashion is in Europe, living is in America, but eating is in China".The phrase is a testament to the popularity of Chinese home-made food around the world.In contrary to western fast food, our Chinese food is much more delicious and nutritious. It's world-known that Chinese food is one of the most delicious cuisines. Instead of fastness and convenience, it emphasizes color, aroma and taste. Chinese not only enjoy eating but believe eating good food can bring harmony and closeness to the family and relationships. Thus eating becomes an enjoyment instead of a routine work you have to do every day. Shopping daily for fresh food is essential for all home cooking. Unlike the fast food society of the U.S., the Chinese select live seafood, fresh meats and seasonal fruits and vegetables from the local market to ensure freshness. This means swimming fish, snappy crabs, and squawking chickens. So, if I am busy and don't want to waste time, I’ll eat fast food. But, if I want to enjoy, if I want to taste, Chinese home-made food is undoubtedly the best choice. Western fast food and our Chinese food will still compete with each other in the future. But it's impossible for one to merge the other due to their natural difference.



序言 海南省连锁餐饮企业基本情况数据分析报告全面、客观、深度分析当下海南省连锁餐饮企业基本情况现状及趋势脉络,通过专业、科学的研究方法及手段,剖析海南省连锁餐饮企业基本情况重要指标即总店数,门店总数,年末从业人数,年末餐饮营业面积,餐位数,营业额,商品购进总额等,把握海南省连锁餐饮企业基本情况发展规律,前瞻未来发展态势。 海南省连锁餐饮企业基本情况数据分析报告相关知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需注明出处。 海南省连锁餐饮企业基本情况分析报告数据来源于中国国家统计局等权威部门,并经过专业统计分析及清洗处理。无数据不客观,借助严谨的数据分析给与大众更深入的洞察及更精准的分析,体现完整、真实的客观事实,为公众了解海南省连锁餐饮企业基本情况提供有价值的指引,为机构和个体提供有意义的参考。

目录 第一节海南省连锁餐饮企业基本情况现状概况 (1) 第二节海南省总店数指标分析(均指连锁餐饮企业) (3) 一、海南省总店数现状统计 (3) 二、全国总店数现状统计 (3) 三、海南省总店数占全国总店数比重统计 (3) 四、海南省总店数(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、海南省总店数(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全国总店数(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全国总店数(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、海南省总店数同全国总店数(2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节海南省门店总数指标分析(均指连锁餐饮企业) (7) 一、海南省门店总数现状统计 (7) 二、全国门店总数现状统计分析 (7) 三、海南省门店总数占全国门店总数比重统计分析 (7) 四、海南省门店总数(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、海南省门店总数(2017-2018)变动分析 (8) 六、全国门店总数(2016-2018)统计分析 (9)


自助餐厅规章制度 1。优乐自动火锅前厅规章制度 一、严格遵守餐厅规章制度,严格遵守国家法律、法规; 二、严格遵守前厅部的规章制度: 1、不准迟到、早退、旷工、不准擅自换班,私自脱岗; 2、严格执行上级指令,有问题先服从后请求; 3、不准赌博,上班前,工作期间不许饮酒,工作期间不准抽烟、吃香口胶、吃零食;不许谈论私人话题,不许在一起交头接耳目; 4、工作期间不许高声喧哗,做到说话轻、操作轻、走路轻; 5、上班前检查自己的仪容、仪表。工作期间严格要求自己的站姿、坐姿、走姿。工作期间要保持愉快的微笑和舒畅的心情; 6、面客不许抠鼻孔、掏耳朵、咳嗽、打喷嚏要用手帕捂住; 7、不准带情绪看客人,不准用不愉快的口气和客人说话,不准和客人争吵; 8、工作期间不准偷工减料影响服务质量;严格执行前厅部制定的操作程序; 9、不准做有损害餐厅和客人利益的事情; 10、从客人手中接过任何物品要说谢谢,递给客人任何物品要双手递交。 11、客人投诉时,友好地接待客人,不要使客人有戒心; 12、认真听取投诉,了解事情的细节。认真听取客人讲话,中途不要

打断客人,这样会使客人更愤怒,让客人把话讲完,要看着客人的眼睛,不要东张西望,显得不在乎或漫不经心的样子; 13、将客人所说的内容重复一遍,请客人确定意思是否正确,并在纸上做好记录,使客人相信你很重视这件事; 14、对所发生的事情表示诚恳的道歉和关心,绝不允许和客人争吵,这样可能会使客人更加生气,并对餐厅更加不满意,客人不一定总是正确的,但我们要让他感到自己是正确的。不要总是为自己辩护或找借口,或总是用自己的观点去看待客人提出的问题,要把自己置身于客人的处境,但是也要站在餐厅的立场上,保护餐厅的利益; 15、即使认为自己是正确的,也要向客人道歉; 16、向客人表示真挚的谢意,感谢他的投诉; 17、客人所有的投诉要记录在案,内容包括: a、接到投诉的时间、日期; b、客人姓名及公司名称和台号; c、投诉的内容,事情发生的地点; d、被投诉人的姓名; e、采取的行动,问题的解决; f、接受和处理投诉经过的经手人签名。 三、请假制度: 病假: 1、员工请病假须持有相关医院证明或指定医院的医生证明诊断书,并

fast food英语作文

Fast food Nowadays, Fast food is becoming more popular in China. Chinese fast food, such as soybeen milk , fired bread stick, porridge , steamed stuffed bun ,beef noodles and so on. Reason for its popularity .first of all, This is the main reason for Chinese food is both healthy and cheap .In addition to ,it is the most important is that the Chinese food is very convenient. China restaurants have to add different kinds of food to their menu to compete with American restaurants .the last but not least ,Chinese fast food restaurant is need not to spend so much money. the result is that Chineses are eating healthy food. Howere, fast food has its disadvantages .on the one hand, the Chinese food takes more time to shop for and prepare. On the other hand, Chineses no have difficult work schedules. There is no denying that the Chinese fast food restaurant no have a perfect manage system. In the end, I hope that Chinese fast food more and more popularity.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Will Fast Food soon Take the Place of Chinese Traditional Food. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 洋快餐在中国日趋流行,很多人对此感到十分忧虑。如:传统饮 食习惯很快会被人们忘记等。 2. 然而,我对洋快餐持肯定的态度。 3. 我认为那些人的忧虑没有必要。 Fast food is very popular around the world, more and more people trend to eat the fast food in the more time. But this trend has aroused some anxiety that some people consider that with the development of the fast food, the Chinese traditional food will be forgotten by Chinese. It is bad to develop Chinese conventional culture. Besides, some people think fast food can do harm to their healthy when they eat it too much. Because the most fast food be made by oil and meet. People will be ill who eat too much them. Although the popularity may cause some health problems, my attitude towards fast food is positive. The reasons are just as follows: eating fast food can save more time to do another important thing for us. For another, people can change the dietary habit to eat fast food. It is good to bring in the different culture. As for the worry about the negative effects on Chinese traditional diet caused by fast food, in my opinion, we don’t worry about it. Because we eat it in a little time. There is little harm for people. So we don’t care it. In one sense, if the traditional culture in our heart and we remember it, it can’t be forgotten. Else, we should bring in the di fferent things to develop our culture. 1 / 1


自助餐厅日常管理制度 1、上班时间仪容仪表不符合要求,每次处罚10元。 2、工作中先服从,后上诉,不准抵撞上司。 3、上班时间不允许睡觉,发现一次处罚休息一天,造成严重后果 的自负。 4、工作时间不允许做与工作无关的事,讨论与工作无关的话题, 影响到工作的开展,每次处罚10元。 5、不得饮酒后上班或带有情绪上班,责令当天休息,按旷工处理。 6、上班时间必须讲普通话,违反者每次处罚5元。 7、上、下班委托他人或代他人签到、签退,每次处罚10元。 8、下班需及时离开营业场所,未上班时间到营业场所(除办公 事),每次处罚10元。 9、上班时间携带零食、香烟、人民币100元以上,每次处罚10 元。 10、上班时间哼歌、打闹、大声喧哗,每次处罚5——10元。 11、上班时间内超过部门规定作息时间(用餐25分钟,宵夜20分 钟,用厕10分钟)每次处罚10元。 12、到其他岗位办事,长时间逗留,影响他人工作,每次处罚10 元。 13、工作中出现漏单、错开单据,按价格赔偿。 14、工作中注意力不集中(看电视、发呆、聊天),未能为客人主

动服务,每次处罚10元。 15、无故不参加公司会议,部门会议及相关活动,最轻处罚扣休1 天。 16、上班时间接听私人电话和携带私人电话未按要求摆放在指定 地点,每次处罚20元。 17、离岗必须打招呼,未打招呼者每次处罚5元,若岗位出现严重 空岗的现象,给予处罚扣休1天。 18、交接班不清楚,未按要求做好,每次处罚10元。

自助餐厅岗位工作流程 上班时间任何员工都必须严格遵守公司和部门的规定,以“高涨的热情,甜蜜开朗的笑脸,潇洒大方的形象,真情质朴的语言,以身作则的风格,友善互助的沟通,认真负责的态度,简洁明要的讲话。”来面对每一天的工作。 一、服务好每一位到餐厅用餐的顾客,给顾客提供一个最佳的用餐 环境。 二、餐厅最重要的是卫生,只有把卫生做好了,才能谈其他的,所以 每分、每秒都不能松懈,把每一个环节都做好。 三、只要有客人来到餐厅,每位员工都要热情、主动的迎接客人,询 问客人所需,并及时为客人送上。 四、在开餐前必须把准备工作做好:1、检查餐具卫生2、配备餐 具3、准备好水果及杯碟 4 、物品准备:纸巾、牙签 5 、打开电视、调好空调、6 、把咸菜、凉米线准备好7 、餐 锅里加上水,并加好蜡把火点燃 五、开餐时,上菜要颜色互相搭配(荤素菜也要搭配好),把菜牌放 在相应的菜下面,随时注意餐台的卫生,随时更换菜夹及古碟,保持干净整洁。菜剩余1/3时,要通知厨房加菜,还要注意菜、白粥、馒头的温度,蜡的燃烧情况,客人用过的餐盘即时端走,即时清理桌面卫生。做到即时、干净。 六、餐具必须按要求分类摆放,加餐具必须戴上一次性干净手套,



序言 本报告剖析海南省第三产业国有单位住宿餐饮、信息传输、金融业就业人数重要指标即住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业国有单位就业人数,金融业国有单位就业人数等,把握海南省第三产业国有单位住宿餐饮、信息传输、金融业就业人数发展规律,前瞻未来发展态势。本报告知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需注明出处。 海南省第三产业国有单位住宿餐饮、信息传输、金融业就业人数洞察报告数据来源于中国国家统计局等权威部门,并经过专业统计分析及清洗处理。无数据不客观,借助严谨的数据分析给与大众更深入的洞察及更精准的分析,体现完整、真实的客观事实,为公众了解海南省第三产业国有单位住宿餐饮、信息传输、金融业就业人数提供有价值的指引,为需求者提供有意义的参考。

目录 第一节海南省第三产业国有单位住宿餐饮、信息传输、金融业就业人数现状 (1) 第二节海南省住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数指标分析 (3) 一、海南省住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数现状统计 (3) 二、全国住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数现状统计 (3) 三、海南省住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数占全国住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数比重统 计 (3) 四、海南省住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、海南省住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全国住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全国住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、海南省住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数同全国住宿和餐饮业国有单位就业人数 (2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节海南省信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业国有单位就业人数指标分析 (7) 一、海南省信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业国有单位就业人数现状统计 (7) 二、全国信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业国有单位就业人数现状统计分析 (7) 三、海南省信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业国有单位就业人数占全国信息传输、软件和 信息技术服务业国有单位就业人数比重统计分析 (7)


自助餐饮创业准备计划书 一、餐馆名称: XXXXX。命名规则说明:低调,简单,易记,有特色(这里的特色不是说直接反映风味)但不古怪,不超过四个字,不带湘字。目前预定的形式是“XXXX酒家”或“XXXX荘” 二、餐馆风味:以湘东地区的农家风味为主 三、餐馆预计面积:280~350M2 四、目标城市:广州 五、选址要求: 1.在周边1里内起码要有一个中型居民小区,周围最好一定量的流动人口,应该是白领来往或是租房目标区; 2.如果条件不能满足第1点,则位置需要交通比较方便,来往有一定量私家车和有消费能力的人员能醒目的看到餐馆的位置; 3.租金不能超过60元/M2,40元/M2为最佳,最好是1楼有一个10M2左右进出铺面,主要营业面积在二楼; 4.餐馆本身需要能停车7~10辆家用轿车的能力,或是附近不超过200M有停车场。 选址总体评价,由于新手投入资金不宜过大,因此餐馆位置不能为现今已经很繁华处,但希望往来比较多的人员,并且具有消费能力,希望通过餐馆的风味特色能吸引到老客户,要求能在三个月后能做到盈利1万元/月。 六、餐馆布局要求:大厅内部要求能摆放4人小台或小圆桌 12~15张,10人大台4张,16M2包厢(4*4M规格)4~ 5个。(但具体要看店铺的布局)

七、餐馆开张预算: 1.租金:两按一租,以300M2计算,每M2预计50元,此应一次支付4.5万元;如果面积有出入,无论如何不能超过5万 2.装修设计费用:800元 3.装修费用:A.门面外部装潢能突出特色、显眼、但不夸张费用为X元;B.内部大厅装修风格以突出农家风味为主,装修一般,但要求装修完不能有异味,费用为X元;C.厨房面积为40 M2,装修强调排污、通风,费用为X元;D.厕所两个,男厕为1.5M2,女厕为1M2,要求通风,其他无特别需求,装修X元。自己买材料,总共预计8万元 4.办证费用:要求有消防、环保、卫生许可和营业执照等,费用预计6万元 5.购买用具费用:A.3台5P的空调,包厢4台小1P空调,共元(也可能使用中中央空调);B.十把吊扇或壁扇,共3000元,C.两个冰箱,两个冰柜,一个消毒柜,其计1万元;D.厨房用具,共4.5万元;E.桌凳,共5000元;F.其他(请见清单),共计2000元,G.自动洗衣机1台,1000元 6.其他不可预计费用,2000元 八、餐馆装修风格说明: 1.门面装修要求显眼,突出特色,不夸张,简练,能体现其消费水平 2.大厅说明:A.桌凳使用原木色的大小八仙桌和长条板凳,或是使用外观上比较结实的大小圆桌,大小圆桌上覆上比较好的米黄色桌布;B.墙面和厅中原有柱子的1M2左右以下以深色瓷砖,厅中为了装修目的自立柱子均以深色为主,天华板不进行完全装修,使用射灯,射灯以上的天华板喷为黑色,大厅灯光要求柔和,但桌面上的灯光要求明亮。(这里只我的想法,实际以最终的设计为准) 3.包厢装修与大厅一样 4.其他无特别要求

fast food in china中国的快餐

Fast food in China As is known to all, tremendous development has taken place in China, not only in economy and polity, but also in culture. And this results in huge changes in the way how Chinese people live, especially what they eat. Have you realized that fast food is one of the factors? I’d like to say, fast food is not my cup of tea, but sometimes I have to eat it. A quantity of fast-food brands such as McDonald’s, KFC and Pizza Hut have come into Chinese market and sprouted up almost everywhere in China. They serve fried chicken, hamburgers, chips, sodas and so on.In order to promote their foods, brand advertising, sales promotion, celebrity brand ambassadors or other forms of promotion have been used to attract consumers and grow their preference over other brands. These fast-food brands have become the natural choices for office workers, shoppers and urbanites. Not to be outdone, Chinese fast-food restaurants has been promoting their innovation. In addition to traditional Chinese food like dumplings and noodle soup, Chinese fast-food restaurants also serve western food, ice creams and milk tea for example. This indicates that Chinese fast-food restaurants are accepting and simulating western fast-food chains. Some famous Chinese fast-food restaurants are Kungfu from Shanghai, Daniang Dumplings from Jiangsu and Old Uncle from Zhejiang. Chinese fast-food restaurants are gaining popularity all over our nation. Now that fast food in China is so popular, I’d like to say something about the advantages and disadvantages of fast food. Speaking of the convenience of fast food, many people may agree with me. Fast food, as is characterized by its name, is fast. Five to ten minutes on average after you order your food, it will be on your table and you can soon enjoy it. And after that, you just walk away and don’t have to wash the dishes like in home. What’s more, nearly every fast-food restaurant has delivery services now besides store-based service. According to a report on China Daily, Pizza Hut has its delivery service serving from 10a.m. to 10p.m. McDonald’s delivers its food around the clock to any inquiry needed area. Both of the two have hotlines. People don’t even have to bother to go to a restaurant
