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1~5单元课后汉翻英 UNIT1 1像许多人一样,你大概也在学习如何推销自己. You, like most people, probably are learning how to market yourself. 2对一名新雇员来说最重要的不一定是工作经验而是怎样不断更新知识。 To a new employee, the most important is not necessarily work experience, but how to update knowledge. 3对不起我那位闲不住的老板让我立刻就走。 I’m so sorry. My go-go boss asks me to leave right now. 4那位主妇只是不停地诉说她的家事我就知道我会被拉进这样的谈话。 That housewife just continued on with some sort of story about her family. I knew I must be caught in such a conversation. 5对我来说失去时间就是失去生命。我不能还没实现自己设定的目标就离开这个世界。 For me, missed time is missed life. I can not leave this world without reaching the goal I set. 6我的锻炼计划是建立在每天锻炼基础上的它不一定会让我长高但会使我身体健康。 My exercise plan is built on a daily basis. It could help me become healthier, not necessarily taller. UNIT2 1我对父母的感激之情难以言表。 Language is not enough to show my thinks to my parents. 2澳大利亚很希望参加亚运会但它不是亚洲成员。 Australia wants to join the Asian Games, but it is not part of Asian. 3繁忙的一周之末我总是喜欢有一个茶歇。 I always enjoy a tea break at the end of a busy week. 4要发出去的数据应该每周更新一次。 The data to be sent out should be updated once a week. 5他有很好的团队精神能与任何一类人很好的合作。 He has good team spirit, being able to work with any type of people. 6在她手里一片普通的纸可以被剪出各种花儿来。 In her hand, a piece of common paper could be cut out into various kinds of flowers. 7这种甜言蜜语可能让你很受用但不适用于我。 Such sweet words might please you, but they don’t work for me. UNIT3 1他自愿当我们队的司机。 He volunteered to serve as the driver of our team. 2做对外贸易时我们应该注意文化差异。 We should beware of cultural differences in doing foreign trade. 3我们刚碰到一位多年不见的老朋友。 We just come across an old friend we haven’t seen for ages(many years) 4大卫把每幅图都研究了两遍又仔细阅读了图片说明。 David studied each photo twice and read the captions carefully. 5他直率的回答给我们留下了很深的印象。 We were impressed by his straightforward answers. 6你能提供证据来证明他当时不在犯罪现场吗 Can you provide any evidence to show that he was not in the crime scene at that time? UNIT4 1这是玻璃做的顶多值100元。 This is made of glass. It costs 100 Yuan at the most. 2玛丽很有志向她急切想在事业上出人头地。 Mary is ambitions. She is keen to get ahead in her career. 3如果你需要我们的产

品请提前和我们联系。 If you need our products, please contact me in advance. 4我们需要一名卡车司机你完全适合这项工作。 We need a truck driver, and you are perfect for this job. 5汤姆对那个城镇不熟悉以前从没去过。 Tom is new to the town. He has never been there before. 6掌握一门外语很难但值得付出努力。 It is difficult to master a foreign language, but it pays to make the effort. UNIT5 1即便只是离开房间一小会也要记得把灯关掉。 Even if you leave the room only for a little while, please remember to turn off the lights. 2为什么不试试拼车那样可以降低费用而且会使出行显得不同。 Why not try carpooling? That’ll reduce your cost and make a difference in your trip. 3互联网是个好东西为我们开启了崭新的世界。我们只需要巧妙的运用它就行了。 The Internet is a good thing and opens a brand-new world for us. We just have to be smart about it. 4孩子们从小就应接受教育要为节约自然资源、改善环境做点事。 Children should be educated from very early age to do their part to save natural resources and improve the environment. 5没人关心这次交通事故的原因是什么。 No one cares about what the causes of the traffic accident are. 6这个地方环保组织发展的很好会员数量不断扩大。 This local environmental organization has developed well and its membership keeps on swelling. 1~4单元课后英翻汉 UNIT1 1Have you ever stopped to think about how many people are saying “I love you” to each other today, and in different language? 你可曾留心想过今天一天有大约多少人会用不同的语言说“我爱你” 2If you want to say “hello” to everyone on the planet, you would have to learn at least 2796languages. 如果你想对这个星球上的每个人说“你好”你就至少得学2796种语言。 3We know that the usual way to greet people, even strangers, is a loving smile. 我们知道与他人—即使是陌生人—打招呼的通常方法就是一个关爱的微笑。 4Various forms of bowing, embraces and kisses are used in different parts of the world. 不同形式的鞠躬拥抱和亲吻用于世界上不同的地区。 5Here is a small list of languages chosen to show how to say “sorry” in different languages. 下面选出一个短小的语言名单来展示如何用不同的语言说对不起。 6The French expression “Bon appétit” means “Enjoy your food”. It can be used in both formal and informal situations. 法语“Bon appétit”的意思是“好好享用你的食物”。它可以用于正式和非正式两种场合。 7Here are some CDs of English movies. You can learn English while enjoying yourselves. 这儿有一些英文电影的光盘。你们可以一边欣赏一边学英语。 UNIT2 1. Too often we just say the words “thank you” when we are given help, and e

xpect that to be good enough. It’s not. 我们常常在受到帮助时觉得只说“谢谢”两个字就足够了。这是不对的。 2There are some necessary steps to take for a heartfelt appreciation to be shown. 想要表达由衷的谢意还有几个必需的步骤要完成。 3To say “thank you” without a heartfelt smile may sound quite empty and hurt those who have helped you. 光说“谢谢你”而没有面带真挚的微笑听起来可能会很空洞还会伤害帮助过你的人。 4The injured party may suffer from personal, financial or other damages. 受伤害的一方可能蒙受人身经济或其他方面的损害。 5What is the difference in the meaning between the two words admit and acknowledge? Admit 和acknowledge 这两个词的意义有什么差别 6Their company has to accept complete responsibility as well as the consequence of the accident. 他们公司须对事故及其后果负完全责任。 UNIT3 1. The website has always posted some answers to the questions frequently raised by netizens. 对于网民经常提的问题那家网站总是给予解答。 2Why do many people spend so much time chatting online instead of talking with neighbors in their real life? 为什么那么多人把那么多时间花费在网络聊天上却不愿和现实生活中的邻居们交谈呢 3Let’s take the light rail as it is the most time- and money-saving way of getting there. 咱们乘快轨吧因为这是去那里最省时省钱的方法。 4Many netizens agree that success in life means owing a big house, getting a well-paid job, and having a happy family. What do you think? 很多网名都认为生活的成功就意味着拥有一所大房子一份高薪的工作和一个美满的家庭。你怎么看 5The new model of the cell phone is priced anywhere from 100 to 500. 这款新型手机的定价在100到500美元之间。 6. The point of the question is to make sure we learn lessons from our life experience. 问题的关键是我们一定要从生活中吸取教训。 7Last year that company went out of business because of its poor management. 去年那家公司由于经营不善停业了。 8The new park and ride system will greatly improve traffic in the city. 新的换车通勤方式将会极大地改善这个城市的交通。 UNIT4 1Brazilians are not punctual by American standards. 按美国人的标准巴西人不算守时。 2Those traveling or doing businesses abroad should understand the cultural differences in punctuality. 那些出国旅行或者做生意的人应该了解在守时方面的文化差异。 3She can’t understand why people are supposed to be a little late for a party. 她不能理解为什么人们会觉得参加派对就该晚到一会儿。 4I feel a little awkward when being late for an appointment, but I don’t think it is an insult to the people who are already there. 约会迟到的时候我会

觉得有点尴尬但我不认为这是对已经到场的人的侮辱。 5This tip may work for us. Let’s keep all the clocks at home 10 minutes fast. 这一提示对我们可能会有用让我们把家里的钟表都拨快10分钟吧。 6First impressions may last forever. So make sure you make a good one in an interview. 第一印象可能会永远保持下去所以一定要确保自己在面试中给人留下好印象。 7Her parents always ask her many questions, which really gets on her nerves. 她的父母总是问她很多问题这令她很心烦。 8The bus driver is usually polite, but in this particular case he lost his temper. 这位巴士司机通常都很有礼貌但在这种特定情况下他却发火了。
