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part-time job 兼职工作get ears pierced 穿耳洞

talk back 顶嘴regret doing 后悔做某事keep ...away from 避免接近,远

fail a test 考试不及格make one’s owndecision自己做决定pass a test 通过考试get in the way of 挡...の路;妨碍



No way! 不行!

Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get

their ears pierced.


When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang tome and stayed by my side. 当我还是一个整夜哭闹の小宝宝时,妈妈会给我唱歌,陪伴在我身旁。

Now I’m adult, thinking back to those times.现在我已经长大成人,回想起过去


Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream. 只有那样我才会有机会实现我の梦想。



()1.teenagers shouldn’t be allowed ________,they are not serious enough.

A.to drive

B. drive

C. driving

D.to driving

()2. We all want to see him ______his dreams.

A. achieve

B. achieving

C.to achieve

D. achieved

()3. He regretted _______that apartment three years ago.

A. not buying

B. not bought

C. not to buy

D. was not buying

()4. The room ________every day.

A. cleans

B. must clean

C.be cleaned

D. must be cleaned

()5. Sorry, your car ______in front of the hotel.

A. can put

B.be not put

C. can’t be put

D. can be not put

()6.—Jim enjoys listening to pop music. ______________.

A. So does Helen.

B. Also is Helen

C. Helen likes also

D. So Helen does

()7. Our English teacher is very strict _______ us and he is strict _________his teaching.

A. with, at

B. with, with

C. at, at

D. with, in

()8. —What’s the matter?

—They said I should not be allowed here. They don’t allow __in the waiting room.

A. smoking, to smoke

B. to smoke, smoke

C. to smoke, smoking

D. smoking, smoking

()9. He doesn’t do his homework ______________, though he has ______________.

A. carefully enough, enough time

B. enough carelessly, time enough

C. carelessly enough, enough time

D. enough carefully,enough time

()10. The little child was too _____________ to hear the end of the long speech.

A. sleepy

B. asleep

C. sleep

D. sleeping

()11. Everyone ____________to have at least eight__________sleep at night.

A. needs, hour’s

B. need, hours’

C. needed, hour’s

D. needs, hours’

()12. We should go to school at 8:00 ______________ school mornings.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. of

()13. Something is wrong with my PDA.I will get it ___________ .

A. repair

B. repairing

C. to repair

D. repaired

()14. ——Excuse me, you are _________ of my passing through.

——I’m sorry, here you go.

A. on the way

B. in the way

C. out the way

D. off the way

()15. Jill didn’t finish the homework,_________.

A. either

B. too

C. also

D. neither

()16. You must concentrate more _________ your English.

A. to

B. in

C. on

D. at

()17. That is a good way to keep _________ teachers and students happy.

A. either

B. none

C. all

D. both

()18. Don’t get_________ when you study in groups.

A. noise

B. noises

C. noisy

D. noising

()19. We should learn _________ each other.

A. to

B. from

C. for

D. of

()20. The children often take time to do things like_________.

A. volunteer

B. to volunteer

C. volunteers

D. volunteering


Learning how to play the piano is not the only way for children to have a bright future. Children can choose what they like in many ways. Many children are good at sports. Maybe they will be great players when they grow up.

Here is another example: the21______in Shanghai have paid much attention to story-telling. Story-telling can also make them22________excellent students. They23________many story-telling contests every year. And children have24________great interest and taken an active part in them. Some students who were too shy to speak in public have been now very good25___________. Now many parents 26_________their children to learn how to play the piano or the violin. 27__________the money and energy they spend cannot make sure that their children will28___________much in a short period of time. However, training children to tell a story is quite29___________. Although it costs little, it’s a good and an easy way30_________children to develop.

()21. A. schools B. libraries C. children D. parents

()22. A. like B. become C. learn D. help

()23. A. have B. read C. listen D. look

()24. A. become B. no C. been D. shown

()25. A. speakers B.listeners C. students D. teachers

()26. A. keep B. help C. send D. let

()27. A. And B. So C. But D. Even

()28. A. play B. learn C. rest D. use

()29. A. different B. new C. difficult D. expensive

()30. A. with B. of C. to D. for

Ⅲ. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能完成所给句子或回答所提问题の最佳答案。(15分)

( A )

Hundreds of years ago there lived a king in a small country. He liked swimming. When summer came, he always went to another palace by a forest with his guards and returned to the capital in autumn.One afternoon the king went swimming in a river in the forest but he didn’t tell others about it. He was very happy when he swam in the water. After that he heard a great noise and saw a big bear coming at him. He tried his best to run away. He ran and ran and at last he lost his way. He was hungry and tired when he found an old house. There was an old farmer in it. “It’s your king,” he said to the old man.” I’m hungry now. Bring me something to eat quickly!”

The old man had nothing dear. He only had four eggs. The king ate them and felt better.” How much must I pay you for that?”

“Eighteen pounds.”

“How dear they are! Are eggs rare(稀有の)here?”

“No,” answered the old farmer. “We have only one king in our country!”

()31. _________, he was happy.

A. The river was beautiful

B. He was swimming in the water

C. The water was warm

D. The king could swim for a long time

()32. When the king saw the bear, he _________.

A. asked the old farmer to help him

B. cried for help

C. ran away quickly

D. ran outside the forest

()33. At last the king found _________.

A. an old house

B. his guards

C. his capital

D. the bear

()34. The king felt better because _________.

A. he could sleep in the farmer’s house

B. the bear couldn’t find him

C. he ate four eggs

D. the farmer knew he was a king

()35. Which is the best title of the story?

A. The King and the Old Farmer

B. The King in the Forest

C. The King and the Bear

D. The Kind hearted King

( B )

An old scientist recently made several tests with different animals to find out which was cleverer than other animals.In one test the old scientist put a monkey in a room where there were several boxes. Some boxes were inside other boxes. One small box had some food in it. The scientist wanted to watch the monkey and to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. The scientist left the room. He waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he got down on his knees (膝盖) and put his eyes to the keyhole. What did he see? To his surprise, he found himself looking into the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at the scientist through the keyhole.

()36. The scientist did the test to see ____________.

A. if the monkey would steal (偷) the food

B. if the monkey would look for the food

C. if the monkey was cleverer than other animals

D. if some boxes were inside other boxes

()37. In one test the scientist put a monkey __________.

A. into a small box

B. into several small boxes

C. into a box where there was some food

D. in a room

()38. After the scientist left the room, the monkey_________.

A. began to eat food

B. began to look for food

C. looked at the scientist through the keyhole

D. came into the boxes one after another

()39. The scientist_______________.

A. got down on his knees and waited outside the door

B. got down on his knees and heard with his ears

C. left the room for a long time

D. looked at the monkey through the keyhole with his eyes

()40. To the scientist’s surprise ______________.

A. the monkey got down on its knees

B. the monkey came out of the room

C. the monkey looked at the scientist through the window

D. the monkey put its eye to the keyhole


Li Ruyan, 13 and his classmates in Shanghai did something special last summer. They worked in groups with traffic police at different crossroads in the city. Holding small red flags, the students helped keep order and stopped people from jaywalking(乱穿马路).As part of the school project. Li’s school has encouraged its students to do more community(社区)work.

After the half day of exhausting work Li told himself not to jaywalk anymore.“I think through community work we get to help others and, more importantly, we grow a sense of responsibility(责任感),” he said. Community service is an important part of education for teenagers around the world. In the US and Canada, high school students need to finish 40 hours of community service before graduation. For those Americans who have finished 1,400 hours of community work, they can be awarded nearly $ 5, 000(33, 000 yuan).

Chinese students today do more community work, too. For example, starting from 2010, Sichuan high school students have been asked to do 10 days of community work. It will become part of their school grade.

Qian Lijun, 16, and her classmates in Suzhou, Jiangsu went to a local elder care home this winter. They put Spring Festival couplets (对联) on the walls and cheered up the people living there.

Li Xiaotian, 15, of Anshan said he used to clear flyers (小广告) from telephone poles (电线杆) with his classmates. They brought tools, towels and buckets and worked for three hours under t he summer sun. “It was tiring, but seeing the clean poles without ugly ads —we really felt proud,” he said.

()41. What was the special thing Li Ruyan did last summer?

A. He joined a special group of Class13.

B. He become a policeman.

C. He helped the traffic police at a crossroad.

D. He stopped people from talking.

()42. From this passage we know that _______.

A. Li Ruyan’s school is in the middle of a big city.

B. Li Ruyan and his classmates do some community work every day.

C. Ruyan and his classmates often hold small flags when they cross the roads.

D. Ruyan and his classmates think it is good for them to do some community work.

()43. Community service _______

A. has become a very important part of education only in China.

B. is very important in school education in some foreign countries.

C. is the only part of the school project for teenagers around the world.

D. needs students to finish at least 1,000 hours of community work.

()44. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The students in Shanghai helped people to keep the traffic rules.

B. The students in Suzhou visited the old people’s home.

C. The students in Anshan cleaned the walls under the summer sun.

D. The students in Sichuan sent Spring Festival couplets to the old people.

()45. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Community service helps students grow a sense of responsibility.

B. Through community work students get to help others and learn something.

C. Students are now encouraged to do more community work in many school in China.

D. Students will be awarded much money for doing more community work in Canada and the US.

V.补全对话阅读对话,从每题ABCD 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)

Ben: Hi, glad to see you again, Fred!

Fred: Me too!

Ben: How was your vacation, Fred?

Fred:46__________. I went to the U.S. with my parents.

Ben: Cool! Tell me something interesting , please.


Ben: Where did you go in the U.S.?

Fred: First, we went to Los Angeles. My uncle lives there. Then we went to New York to see my cousin Ben:48___________ ?

Fred: It is interesting. I really like the zoo there. It has animals from all over the world. Ben:49___________ ?

Fred: No, but I saw Tom Cruise in New York.

Ben:50__________ when you saw him?

Fred: He was having dinner at a restaurant! I got his auto-graph.

Ben: Wow! That's great! What other things did you do in New York?

Fred: Hmm ..Oh yeah, I went to Central Park. I played baseball with my cousin and his friends.

()46. A. I'm tired B. It was great C. I like it very much D. I don't like it at all

()47. A. Sure B. Of course not C. No, I can't D. Yes, I can

()48.A. Where is Los Angeles B. What is Los Angeles famous for

C. What do you think of Los Angeles

D. Is Los Angeles a big city

()49. A. Who did you meet in Los Angeles B. What did you do in Los Angeles

C. Did you see any movie stars in Los Angeles

D. Where did you visit in Los Angeles

()50. A. What was he doing B. Where was he C. What does he do D. How was he


51. As a student, you can’t wear _____________/'/I? r??/on your ears.

52.We take photo by using a _______________/fl??/when it is dark.

53.The box is so heavy that i can not _________/lIft/it up.

54. Tom was an ___________/a ?fl/boy. Nobody liked him

55. My parents are very __________/strIkt/with me. I should study at home the whole day.

56. I was __________/leIt/for school yesterday because of the bad weather.

57. Children should be _____________/ In'k ?r Id?d/to help with the housework.


58. We should encourage the children_____________(eat)more vegetalbes.

59. Why are you coughing____________(bad)

60. My father is a _____________(drive)

61. They seem _______________(go )on vacation today.

62.I _____________(allow)to take the test later. I feel happy.

63. You need _____________(practice) speaking English with your foreign teacher.

64. Working hard can bring you____________(succeed)?

65. We have nothing against ___________(watch)TV, but don’t watch TV too much.


always wanted to be a professional runner when he67 _______ up. However, his parents won’t allow him to train so much. “Of course we want to see him achieve his 68________,” says Mr. Liu. “And we know how much he loves running. My wife and I have supported every one of his races. We have nothing 69________ running! But we think our son needs to think about other possible jobs. He’s getting older now, so he needs to think about what will happen if he doesn’t end up a 70________runner.”


found that there was something wrong with its wing(翅膀) and it couldn’t fly. She ran to the bird and (71)_____ it up. Joan took it home. She looked after the bird very carefully. Soon the bird got better. Joan let the bird (72) _____away.

Now, the bird often (73)_____to Joan’s window. Each time the bird (74) _____some food by Joan. It seems that the bird enjoys visiting Joan. For Joan, the bird (75)_____her friend since she brought it home.


76. We should allow teenagers to have part-time jobs. (改为同义句)

Teenager______ ______ ______ to have part-time jobs.

77. I think that he is coming tomorrow. (改为否定句)

I_______ think that he ____________coming tomorrow.

78. Fifteen-year-olds are not old enough to drive a car. (改为同义句)

Fifteen-year-olds are young drive a car.

79. We didn’t pl ay tennis yesterday. Instead, we played basketball. (合并为一句)

We played basketball______ ______ ______ tennis yesterday.

80. You shouldn’t arrive late for class. (改为祈使句)

______ ______ late for class.


81. 每个人都应该遵守公共秩序。

Everyone should the public.

82. 允许学生自己设计校服可能是个不错の主意。

It’s probably a good idea______ ______ students______ ______ their own school uniforms.

83. 做一名志愿者对每个人来说都是很好の人生经历。

It’s a good _______ for everyone______ ______ a volunteer.

84. 父母应该给孩子足够の时间放松。

Parents should give children enough time______ ______.

85. 年龄必须达到18岁才允许你开车。

You______ ______ be 18 years old before you are to drive a car.


Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you to develop a healthy attitude (态度).A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier. They can have more chance to make themselves successful. But how to be more confident? Here are some suggestions:

·____________ ____________

When you are not confident, you can't do well what you want to do. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. Try to speak in a loud voice so that people can hear you clearly. The high voice can help you become more confident.

·Play sports

Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. A strong body helps you be full of confidence.Encourage yourself Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you've done.

·Get rid of (消除)fear

Fear comes along with failure (失败). But if you know that failure is part of your life, it's easy to get over it. Don't hide your head just because you said something stupid last time. Try to start again and believe you can do better.

·Pick up a hobby

If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you outstanding. And it will make you happy and confident.

86. 根据短文内容完成句子(每空限填一个单词)。

The first paragraph tells us ____________ confidence is _____________.

87. 根据第二段内容和其它带有标题段落の格式,在第二段落の开头写出本段落の标题(每空限填一个单词)。


89. 根据短文内容回答问题。

Why do you need to pick up a hobby? _______________________________________________

90. 根据短文内容回答问题(限10词以内)。

What is the passage mainly talking about? _______________________________________



根据美国中学生Tom の来信给他写一封回信,谈谈你学校の规章制度。


1. 允许做の事情和不允许做の事情分别至少两项。

2. 可以适当发挥你对各项内容の看法。

3. 字数不少于60字。

4. 字迹工整,条理清楚。

5. 无语法,拼写错误。

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________




完形填空、21---30 CBADA CCBAD

阅读( A ) 31—35. BCACA ( B ) 36—40. CDCDD (C)41--45CDBDD

补全对话46--50 B A C C A

读音写词51--57 earring flash lift awful strict encouraged

适当形式58--65 to eat badly driver to go am allowed to practice success watching 选词填空running grows dream against professional

71. picked 72. fly 73. comes 74. is given 75. is

76. should be allowed77. don’t; is78. too; to 79. instead of playing

80. Don’t arrive

81. obey; rules82. to allow; to design

83. experience; to be84. to relax85. have to; allowed

86. why, important

87. Encourage yourself / Praise yourself

88. 但如果你了解失败是你生活中の一部分,就容易克服它。

89. A hobby can make us outstanding, happy and confident.

90.How to be more confident? Suggestions to be more confident/Suggestions for confidence.


最新版九年级英语词汇表 Until textbook n. 教科书;课本conversation n. 交谈;谈话 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地pronunciation n. 发音;读音sentence n. 句子 patient adj. 有耐心的n. 病人expression n. 表达(方式);表示discover v. 发现;发觉 secret n. 秘密;秘诀adj. 秘密的;保密的 fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱grammar n. 语法 repeat v. 重复;重做 note /n n. 笔记;记录v. 注意;指出 pal /p n. 朋友;伙伴 pattern n. 模式;方式 physics n. 物理;物理学 chemistry n. 化学 partner n. 搭档;同伴 pronounce v. 发音increase v. 增加;增长 speed n. 速度 ability n. 能力;才能 brain n. 大脑 active adj. 活跃的;积极的 attention n. 注意;关注 pay attention to 注意;关注 connect v.(使)连接;与…有联系 connect … with把…和…连接或联系起来 overnight adv. 一夜之间;在夜间review v. & n. 回顾;复习knowledge n. 知识;学问 wisely adv. 明智地;聪明地 Annie /{ni/ 安妮(女名) Alexander Graham Bell 亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔 Unit2 lantern n. 灯笼 stranger n. 陌生人


一、单项选择(15分) ( )1.---How do you study _______a test? ----I study _______reading the textbook. A. for ; for B. for ; by C. by ; for D .by ; by ( )2. I don't know _______.Can you tell me________? A. how swim; what to do B. how to swim ; what to do it C. how to swim; what to do D. what to swim; how to do ( )3. Liu Xiang is one of ______ runners in the world. A. famous B. more famous C. the most famous ( )4. My brother spends too much time ______computer games. A. to play B. play C. plays D.playing ( ) 5. If I ____ ten million dollars, I ____travel around the world. A. have; will B. had; will C. had; will D .had; would ( )6.The young trees should ______well as often as possible A.be water B. watered C. watering D. be watered ( )7.He pretended ________me when he walked by. A. not see B. not to see C. don't see D. to not see ( )8._________that river ________very clean? A. Did ;use to B. Did ;use to be C. Does ;used to D. Does ;use to be ( )9.You__________to school so early. It opens at 7. A. needn't come B. don't need come C. needn't coming D. needn't to come ( )10.----How many people will come to Beijing next year? ----It's hard to say. _________people , I think. A. Million of B. Millions of C. Three millions D. Three millions of ( )11.-----Whose guitar is this? -----Susan plays the guitar. It must _______. A. belong to her B. belong her C. belong to hers D. belong hers ( )12.Do you like music ____makes you excited? A. that B. what C. who D. it ( )13.We prefer ________at the party rather than______. A. to sing; dance B. to sing; dancing C. sing; to dance D. sing ;dance ( )14.------Where would you like to visit? ------ I'd like to visit____ A. warm somewhere B. warm anywhere

九年级英语英语 第七单元句型

第七单元句型 1.The other team was strong, but you beat them. 对方颇有实力,但你们打败了他 们。 2.By the way, where was Steven today? 顺便问问,今天史蒂文去哪了? 3.Danny is just about to say something when he sees Steven running towards then carrying a basketball. 丹尼正要说什么,这时他看到史蒂文抱着一个篮球向他们跑来。 4.Well, my computer broke down the day before yesterday and it’s still being repaired. 噢,前天我的计算机坏了,现在还在修理呢。 5.I tried calling you, but your phone was out of service. 我试着给你打过电话,但 你的电话不在服务区。 6.Danny almost hits Steven, but Brian and Jenny jump in to separate them. 丹尼差 点打了史蒂文,布莱恩和詹妮急忙把他们拉开。 7.You are good friends, not enemies. 你们是好朋友,不是敌人。 8.I’m in Grade 9 this year, and I’m president of the student council at my school. 今 年我上九年级,担任学校的学生会主席。 9.Student councils work to make schools better places to learn. 学生会的工作就是 使学校成为更好的学习场所。 10.In the council, we share our ideas, interests and concerns with teachers and others. 在学生会里,我们与老师们和其他同学们分享我们的思想、兴趣和事务。11.In December, we decided to raise money for an organization that provides food for poor people in our city. 在12月份,我们决定为本市一个给穷人提供食物的组织集资。 12.We sold tickets and, in the end, we all right $300. 我们出售比赛的门票,最后, 我们赚了大约300美元。 13.I think we should work together towards peace in our schools and in the world. 我认为我们应该共同努力让学校氛围融洽,让世界和平。 14.We need to learn about different countries and make friends with people from other cultures. 我们需要了解不同的国家,与不同文化背景的人交朋友。 15.He was a good man, and God loved him. 他是个好人,上帝爱他。 16.This made God very angry. 这让上帝很生气。 17.In the evening, the dove came back with a green olive branch in its mouth. 晚上, 那只鸽子嘴里叼着一根绿色的橄榄枝回来了。 18.This meant that land was near and the danger had passed. 这意味着离陆地很近


扬州中学教育集团树人学校九年级模拟考试 英语试卷 说明: 1.本试卷共8页,包含选择题(第1题~第45题,共45题)、非选择题(第46题~第81题, 共36题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 2.答题前,考生务必将本人的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡相应的位置上,同时务必在试卷的装 订线内将本人的姓名、准考证号、毕业学校填写好,在试卷第4页的右下角填写好座位号。3.所有的试题都必须在专用的“答题卡”上作答,选择题用2B铅笔作答、非选择题在指定位置用 0.5毫米黑色水笔作答。在试卷或草稿纸上答题无效。 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) 在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found _________. A. it B. that C. one D. the one ( )2. I knock at the door several times but ____answered, so I left. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody ( )3. —_____ did your family spend the New Year? —In our hometown. A. Why B. When C. Where D. How ( )4. — How long will it be ________ the Stock Market returns to normal? — At least one year, I guess. A. before B. when C. until D. that ( )5. You are not ______ to smoke here. It’s dangerous. A. supposed B. suggested C. used D. allowing ( )6. — What took you so long? — I got lost. I have no _________ of direction. A. feeling B. ability C. knowledge D. sense ( )7. The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ______ healthy eating habits. A. find B. develop C. shape D. prepare ( )8. My computer began to return to the ______ running state after I killed the virus by newly-updated Kill 3000. A. ordinary B. normal C. average D. common ( )9. People _________ are bored are more likely to turn to unhealthy habits like smoking. A. which B. whom C. whose D. who ( )10. Their car broke down while they ________in the desert. A. drove B. were driving C. are driving D. will drive ( )11. Please pass the glasses, my dear. I can __________ read the words in the newspaper. A. hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly ( )12. The computer system _____suddenly while he was surfing the Internet.


人教版九年级英语词汇表 (注:在本词表中,在英式和美式发音有区别时,英式发音在前,美式发音在后。) Unit 1 textbook /tekstbUk/ n. 教科书;课本p.1 conversation /kQnvseISn/, /kA:nvrseISn/ n. 交谈;谈话p.2 aloud /laUd/ adv. 大声地;出声地p.2 pronunciation /prnVnsieISn/ n. 发音;读音p.2 sentence /sentns/ n.句子p.2 patient /peISnt/ adj.有耐心的n.病人p.2 expression /IkspreSn/ n.表达(方式);表示p.3 discover /dIskVv(r)/ v. 发现;发觉p.3 secret /si:krt/ n. 秘密;秘诀adj. 秘密的;的p.3 fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱p.3 grammar /gr{m(r)/ n.语法p.3 repeat /rIpi:t/ v.重复;重做p.4 note /nUt/ n.笔记;记录v. 注意;指出p.4 pal /p{l/ n. 朋友;伙伴p.4 pattern /p{tn/, /p{trn/n. 模式;方式p.4 physics /fIzIks/ n. 物理;物理学p.4 chemistry /kemIstri/ n.化学p.4 partner /pA:(r)tn(r)/ n. 搭档;同伴p.5 pronounce /prnaUns/ v.发音p.5 increase /Inkri:s/ v. 增加;增长p.5 speed /spi:d/ n. 速度p.5 ability /bIlti/ n.能力;才能p.6 brain /breIn/ n. 大脑p.6 active /{ktIv/ adj. 活跃的;积极的p.6 atention /tenSn/ n. 注意;关注p.6 pay attention to 注意;关注p.6 connect /knekt/ v.(使)连接;与??有联系p.6 connect … with把??和??连接或联系起来p.6 overnight /Uv(r)naIt/adv. 一夜之间;在


Unit 6 When was it invented? 一、单词默写。 1.样式,款式n.__________________ 2. 项目,工程n.__________________ 3.高兴,愉快n. __________________ 4. 每日的,日常的adj. _____________ 5.提到,说到v. ___________________ 6.列表,清单v./n.__________________ 7. 几乎,差不多adv._______________ 8. 煮沸,烧开v. _________________ 9.保持不变,剩余v._______________ 10. 气味n. 闻起来v.______________ 11. 国家的,民族的adj.____________ 12. 贸易,交易v./n.______________ 13.疑惑,疑问n./v. ________________ 14. 冰箱n.__________________ 15. 低的,矮的adj._________________ 16. 某人,重要人物pron./n. __________ 17.翻译v._______________________ 18. 锁上,锁住v._________________ 19. 地震n._____________________ 20.突然地adj.____________________ 21.钟,铃n.____________________ 22.音乐的,有音乐天赋的adj.___________ 23. 器械,工具n._______________ 24.加拿大人的,加拿大人adj./n._________ 25.分开,分散v.________________ 26. 篮,筐n.__________________ 27.英雄,男主角n._______________ 二、短语默写。 1.这是我的荣幸(thank you的回答)_________________ 很乐意________________ 2.如此伟大的发明________________ 3.在日常生活中___________________ 4.有道理____________________ 5.它提到…_______________________ 6.被广泛使用____________________ 7.在那时_______________________ 8.变得受欢迎____________________ 9. 据说_________________________ 10.偶然的__________________ 11.人们相信_____________________ 12. 第一个做某事的人______________ 13. 掉入_______________________ 14.一种很好的味道____________________ 闻起来很好__________________ 15.最…之一____________________ 16.被用来做…______________________ 17. 直到…才…_________________18.发生(无被动)____________________ 19. 毫无疑问_____________________20.少于/多于______________________ 21. 5000年前_____________________ 22. 成千上万________________________


灵璧县杨疃中学九年级英语摸底考试试卷 Ⅰ..单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1. --What is Miss Gao's favorite________? --She is always in pink. Don't you know? A. colour B. book C. song D. movie 2. You __ drive your car so fast. It's very dangerous. A. wouldn't B. shouldn't C. couldn't D. mightn't 3. -- Would you like some milk? --________. A. Yes, please B. The same to you C. Help yourself D. My pleasure 4. -- ________ can you finish this English examination? -- In about one and a half hours. A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 5. Smile to the world, ________ the world will smile back to you. A. nor B. but C. or D. and 6. -- I can't find David. Where is he? -- He ________ for tomorrow's competition at home. A. prepares B. is preparing C. has prepared D. prepared 7. Mrs. King put a coat ________ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A. over B. with C. behind D. beside 8. --I am a little hungry, Mom. --There are some cakes on the plate. You can take ________. A. it B. one C. that D. this 9. I will meet Jane at the station. Please ________ what time she will arrive. A. count B. choose C. check D. catch 10. -- Tony, ________ are you in such a hurry? -- The meeting will start soon. I don't want to be late. A. where B.how C. when D. why 11. -- What was Jim wearing at the party? -- Nothing ________. He was in his usual shirt and jeans. A. special B. simple C. important D. interesting 12. -- It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. --________ You can make it! A. Congratulations! B. Take it easy. C. kook out! D. Have a good time. 13. It is helpful to ________ a good habit of reading in language learning. A. take B. show C. develop D. match 14. The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier ______ we take action to protect them. A. since B. if C. until D. unless 15. -- Our school bus will leave at 8 o'clock tomorrow. Don't be late. -- OK. I will be there ten minutes________. A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier 16. Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information ________ in a short time. A. can be learned B. has been learned C. can learn D. has learned 17. I'm surprised to hear from her. ________, we last met ten years ago. A. On one hand B. That is to say C. Believe it or not D. In other words 18. The people in Ya'an have met lots of difficulties, but they haven't ________ hope. A. picked up B. given up C. looked for D. waited for 19. I still remember the college and the teachers ________ I visited in London years ago. A. what B. who C. that D. which 20. --TV says there will be a storm tomorrow. -- ________I planned to go climbing with my classmates. A. I hope so B. I'm afraid so C. Sounds good D. Bad luck Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分) A Mr. and Mrs. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb (哑的) 21 he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to 22 , but with no success. When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town 23 him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he 24 spoke. "There might be something wrong with his 25 , and he doesn't know he's able to speak," one doctor said. "But he can read and write," said Mr. Green. "We've written him notes, telling him that he can speak." "It's certainly very 26 ," another doctor said. "Perhaps he'll be able to speak some day." 27 passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a 28 word. Then one day, Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his 29 and said, "Pass me the salt, please." Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. "You spoke! You spoke!" they cried, "Why have you 30 so long to speak?" "I didn't have anything to say," he said. "Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes." 21. A. because B. when C. though D. before 22. A. speak B. walk C. play D. laugh 23. A. taught B. found C. examined D. asked 24. A. never B. often C. usually D. always 25. A. back B. hair C. face D. mind 26. A. unfair B. strange C. noisy D. quiet


九年级单词 Until textbook n. 教科书;课本conversation n. 交谈;谈话 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地pronunciation n. 发音;读音 sentence n. 句子 patient adj. 有耐心的n. 病人expression n. 表达(方式);表示discover v. 发现;发觉 secret n. 秘密;秘诀 adj. 秘密的;保密的 fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱 grammar n. 语法 repeat v. 重复;重做 note n. 笔记;记v. 注意;指出pal n. 朋友;伙伴 pattern n. 模式;方式 physics n. 物理;物理学chemistry n. 化学 partner n. 搭档;同伴pronounce v. 发音

increase v. 增加;增长 speed n. 速度 ability n. 能力;才能 brain n. 大脑 active adj. 活跃的;积极的attention n. 注意;关注 pay attention to 注意;关注 connect v.(使)连接与?有联系connect … with把??和??连接或联系起来overnight adv. 一夜之间;在夜间review v. & n. 回顾;复习knowledge n. 知识;学问 wisely adv. 明智地;聪明地 Unit2 lantern n. 灯笼 stranger n. 陌生人 relative n. 亲属;亲戚 put on 增加(体重);发胖 folk adj. 民间的;民俗的goddess n. 女神 steal v. 偷;窃取


九年级英语Unit7单元检测题 一、单项选择:(15分) ( ) 1.—There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours? —Oh, yes, it’s mine. —Let me _____for you. A. to pick up it B. to pick it up C. pick up it D. pick it up ( ) 2. The teacher asked the boys ____on the wall. A. to not draw B. don’t draw C. not draw to D. not to draw ( ) 3.The little girl often makes his mother ______him_____ . A. talk, something interesting B. tell something interesting C. say, interesting something D. speak, interesting something ( ) 4.Exeuse me, would you please tell me ______buy a digital camera? A. what to B .where to C. what I can D. where can I ( ) 5. We want to play basketball after school .Would you like to ____us? A. invite B. play C. get D. join ( ) 6. What would you like to _____us about your hometown. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell ( ) 7.The teacher told the students _____in class. A. not B. don’t talk C. didn’t talk D. not to talk ( ) 8.-How about going hiking this weekend? -Sorry, I prefer _____rather than _____. A. to stay at home, go out B. to go out, stay at home


Unit 1 1、n、教科书;课本 2、n、交谈;谈话 3、adv、大声地;出声地 4、n、发音;读音 5、n、句子 6、adj、有耐心的n、病人 7、n、表达(方式);表示 8、v、发现;发觉 9、n、秘密;秘诀adj、秘密的;保密的 10、(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头瞧 11、n、语法 12、v、重复;重做 13、n、笔记;记录v、注意;指出 14、n、朋友;伙伴 15、n、模式;方式 16、n、物理;物理学 17、n、化学 18、v、记忆;记住 19、n、模式;方式 20、v、发音 21、v、增加;增长 22、n、速度 23、n、搭档;同伴 24、v、出生adj、天生的 25、天生具有 26、n、能力;才能 27、v、创造;创建 28、n、大脑 29、adj、活跃的;积极的 30、n、注意;关注 31、注意;关注 32、v、(使)连接;与??有联系 33、把??与??连接或联系起来 34、adv、一夜之间;在夜间 35、v、& n、回顾;复习 36、n、知识;学问 37、adv、明智地;聪明地 Unit2 1、n、月饼 2、n、灯笼 3、n、陌生人 4、n、亲属;亲戚

7、adj、民间的;民俗的 8、n、女神 9、pron、无论谁;不管什么人 10、v、偷;窃取 11、v、放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) 12、摆开;布置 13、n(饭后)甜点;甜食 14、n、花园;园子 15、n、传统 16、v、欣赏;仰慕 17、n、领带v、捆;束 18、adj、有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 19、n、鬼;鬼魂 20、n、花招;把戏 21、n、款待;招待v、招待;请客 22、n、蜘蛛 23、圣诞节 24、v、存在;平躺;处于 25、n、(长篇)小说 26、n(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜 27、adj、死的;失去生命的 28、n、生意;商业 29、v、处罚;惩罚 30、v、警告;告诫 31、n、现在;礼物adj、现在的 32、n、温暖;暖与 33、v、传播;展开n、蔓延;传播


人教版九年级英语第七单元知识点总结 Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 一.单词 License safety smoke part-time pierce earring flash tiny cry field hug lift badly talk back awful teen regret poem community keep…away from chance make one’s own decision educate manage society get in the way of support enter choice We should allow teenagers to choose their own clothes. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to choose their own clothes. Should teenagers be allowed to choose their own clothes? Why should teenagers be allowed to choose their own clothes? 二.1.driver’s license 驾照=driving license have/do part-time jobs=have/do part-time work做兼职 2.get/have/make sth done 表被动 eg: have/get/make my ears pierced have/get/make my hair cut 3.give sb. a hug = hug sb. 拥抱某人 4.succeed v. 成功(过去式succeeded)success n. 成功(一般为不可数,说到具体的某一次成功时为可数) successful adj. 成功的 5.against 介词,反对,反义词是for 另;对抗 6.manage v.管理,努力完成manager n.经理manage to do 设法做成某事区分 try to do sth 7.important adj.重要的,important=of importance n.重要性 8.regret 后悔做了… regret doing sth I regret telling a lie. 遗憾做…(没做) regret to sth I regret to tell you that you failed the exam. 9.enter v-entrance n-反义词exit 10.should allow sb to do sth被动 sb should be allowed to do sth 情态动词的被动语态是:情态动词(not)+be + done


参考答案 一听力 1-5BDECA 6-10ACAAB 11-15ABCCA 16-20ABBAC 21 interested 22 attention 23 perfect 24 learning 25 success 二完型填空26-30 DBACD 31-35 BBCAC 三阅读A 36-40 BCCBD 阅读B 41-45 BADCB 阅读C 46.-50ADBDC 四读写综合 51It stands for Playstation Portable . 52Its name is Sony . 53 It makes three types . 54 We can play Playstation games ,and play DVDs and CDs . 55 The playstation 2 is the most powerful . 56.past 57.Over 58.cars 59.died 60.together 五完成句子 61 see off 62 an honest 63 make understood 64 for on 65 been came 六作文 With the improving of living standard ,nowadays ,almost everyone can afford a cell phone . But every coin has two sides .When we are enjoying the benefits that cell phones have brought us ,we are facing many problems now. First ,cell phones have brought us many conveniences . With the using of cell phones , we can surf on the Internet whenever we like without opening a computer . Second ,it can help us with some learning ,because we can look up the words in the digital dictionary .Third , we can do some shopping at any time . However ,the cell phone also has many disadvantages . First ,many students often spend too much time playing games .It is bad for their eyes and studies .Second ,some students often chat with strangers online .Sometimes ,they may get cheated . In a word ,I think we should use the cell phone properly .


最新版九年级英语词汇表Until textbook n. 教科书;课本conversation n. 交谈;谈话 aloud adv. 大声地;出声地pronunciation n. 发音;读音sentence n. 句子 patient adj. 有耐心的n. 病人expression n. 表达(方式);表示discover v. 发现;发觉 secret n. 秘密;秘诀adj. 秘密的;保密的 fall in love with 爱上;与??相爱grammar n. 语法 repeat v. 重复;重做 note /n n. 笔记;记录v. 注意;指出 pal /p n. 朋友;伙伴 pattern n. 模式;方式 physics n. 物理;物理学chemistry n. 化学 partner n. 搭档;同伴pronounce v. 发音increase v. 增加;增长 speed n. 速度 ability n. 能力;才能 brain n. 大脑 active adj. 活跃的;积极的attention n. 注意;关注 pay attention to 注意;关注connect v.(使)连接;与…有联系 connect …with 把…和…连接或联系起来 overnight adv. 一夜之间;在夜间review v. & n. 回顾;复习knowledge n. 知识;学问 wisely adv. 明智地;聪明地 Annie /{ni/ 安妮(女名)Alexander Graham Bell 亚历山大?格雷厄姆?贝尔 Unit2 lantern n. 灯笼 stranger n. 陌生人
