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1. prologue

thank you, mr. chairman, for your gracious introduction.

i am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. the topic of my paper is “transaction cost and farm ers’ choice of agricultural products selling”. the outline of my talk as follows. the first part i want to introduce the background of this research. the second part suggests a simple household choice model .the third part covers the data used in this research. and then, we introduce the empirical results. finally, a simple conclusion is given.

2. introduction

well, let’s move on the first part of this topic .the motivation of this work like this. institutional economics posits that agents making decisions on different types of transactions do so in a costly way .for exle , farmers deciding sell a particular crop to whom base their decisions not only on the price they expect to receive in each market choice but also on additional costs related to transacting in these markets.

i want to use a picture to illustrate it. for exle, given some market channels, farmers’ choices can be regarded as equilibrium between the surplus and the additional costs that related to transacting .especially in developing countries, high-value crop producers fully participate in the market and

第2 页共2 页

the transaction cost has been the hard constraint to farmers. furthermore, farmers’ market choices can be taken as a choice dilemma of transaction cost and production surplus. consequently, the scientific question of this research is how transaction cost affects planters’ choices.

3. methodology

let’s move to the theoretical model of our research. consider a household model in one rotation. in stage 1 , famer η needs to allocate the input factor s .this process can qbe set into a function like this q? ? q( p , w , z ? ) , qη means the output farmers decide qto produce .p implies the output price w implies input price and.z: ? is fixed input. once produce what and produce how many are decided, next question to be considered is how much products to be transacted in market. here we use three cc()cη means how functions to describe this question. the first equation, c ? ?p , z ?

much agricultural products used by famers themselves. p implies the price the cagricultural product,z ?suggests the fluctuation of cη. the second equation q ? ? q ? ?c?, qη means the amount of agricultural products transacted in

q?n?market. the third equationi ? q ?implies the amount exchanged in nth time.

in stage 3, farmers will decide to sell the products to whom. chanel j’s market price is

bdecided by an exogenesis price and farmers’ negotiating


j?b(qi,zi)besides this, we use a matrix to show the net profit of chanel jx ik? ik, ? ?? ik ?

and then farmers’ choice c an be expressed in a typical choice model

exp(xij?)pr(ji?j|xik)?1 exp(xij?)? k?1

based on the choice model, another important concept is famers’ channel choice .here, we set five types .they rank by the market barriers. accordingly, we set a group discrete number to express them. y: dependent variable y=5,means farmer choose

brokers. y=1, farmers sell products to consumers directly.

4. data and estimation procedures

here, we illustrate the data distribution with this map. according to the agricultural regionalization from department of agriculture, the apple specialization areas in china contain two parts: bo sea area and loess plateau. bo sea area in red color, contains hebei, shandong and liaoning 3 provinces. and loess plateau in green color, contains shanxi, henan, shaanxi and gansu 4 provinces. firstly, we use pps method to get the first stage sling unit 14 counties in 7 provinces. then use random sle method to get village and household. they are our sle distribution.

5. empirical results

6. conclusions


国际会议:XX 2nd international conference on environment science and engineering

(icese XX)post by:XX-7-24 19:09:28 [只看该作者]

XX 2nd international conference on environment science and engineering

may. 26, XX news! the icese XX papers are available in the vol.8 of ipcbee. (click)

mar.16, XX news! the conference program of icese XX is available now. (click)

wele to the official website of the XX 2nd international conference on environment science and ed during april 7-8 XX, in bangkok, thailand. icese XX, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, ehe practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

change and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of environment scie

the conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and expsensors and related areas. icese XX will be published in one volume o(本站推荐:)f ipcbee, and all papers will be y digital library, and indexed by thomson isi (web of knowledge).

call for papers

XX 2nd international conference on environment science and engineering, icese XX is the premier forum for esearch results

in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied environment science and engineering. the confereers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. topics of interest for submission include,

environmental science and technology

environmental dynamics




atmospheric physics

physical oceanography

global environmental change and ecosystems management

climate and climatic changes

global warming

ozone layer depletion

carbon capture and storage


integrated ecosystems management

satellite applications in the environment

environmental restoration and ecological engineering

habitat reconstruction

biodiversity conservation



landscape degradation and restoration

ground water remediation

soil decontamination



environmental sustainability

resource management

life cycle analysis

environmental systems approach

renewable sources of energy-energy savings

clean technologies

sustainable cities

health and the environment

health related organisms

hazardous substances and detection techniques

biodegradation of hazardous substances

toxicity assessment and epidemiological studies

quality guidelines, environmental regulation and monitoring

indoor air pollution

water resources and river basin management

regulatory practice, water quality objectives standard setting, water quality classification public participation economic instruments

modeling and decision support tools

institutional development

transboundary cooperation

management and regulation of point and diffuse pollution monitoring and analysis of environmental contaminant ground water management

wastewater and sludge treatment

nutrients removal

suspended and fixed film biological processes

anaerobic treatment

process modelling

sludge treatment and reuse

fate of hazardous substances

industrial wastewater treatment

advances in biological, physical and chemical processes on site and small scale systems

storm-water management

air pollution and control

emission sources

atmospheric modeling and numerical prediction interaction between pollutants

control technologies

air emission trading

solid waste management

waste minimization

optimization of collection systems

recycling and reuse

waste valorization

technical aspects of treatment and disposal methods (landfilling, thermal treatment etc) leachate treatment legal, economic and managerial aspects of solid waste management

management of hazardous solid waste

water treatment and reclamation

disinfection and disinfection by- products

management of water treatment residuals

aesthetic quality of drinking water (taste, odors)

effect of distribution systems on potable water quality reuse of reclaimed waters

dexed by thomson isi (web of knowledge).

important date advanced treatment of water and secondary effluents (membranes, adsorption, ion exchange, oxidation etc) icese XX will be published in one volume of ipcbee, and all papers will be included in engineering

paper submission (full paper)before december 10, XX notification of acceptanceon january 1, XX final paper submissionbefore january 15, XX authors' registrationbefore january 15, XX icese XX conference datesapril 7 - 8, XX submission methods:

1. electronic submission system; ( .pdf)

if you can't login the submission system, please try to submit through method 2.

2. email: icese@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/486082162.html, ( .pdf and .doc)


invitation letter

dear professor li,

on behalf of the peking university and the ieee puter society, i would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthing XX international conference on parallel data processing to be held in beijing, from march 25 to march 28, XX.

you are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. your participation will be among the highlights of the conference.

we sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. if you can e, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. we are looking forward to your acceptance.

sincerely yours,

wang yang

reply letter

dear professor wang,

many thanks for your letter dated 15th february, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthing XX international conference on parallel data processing to be held in beijing, from march 25 to march 28, XX.

much to my regret, i shall not be able to honor the

invitation because i have been suffering from a disease since this summer. i am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future.

i feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of puter science. i wish the conference a plete success. sincerely yours,

li ming

inquiry letter

dear sir,

thanks you very much for accepting our invitation. i am writing to ask for information about your beijing travel for the session. you will arriver at march 24, and please let me know that your arrival time and specific ways, so that we may arrange person to pick you up. we are looking forward to your arrival.

sincerely yours,

wang yang















XX/2nd international conference on energy and environmental

protection (iceep XX)




本次会议所有录用的文章将以正刊出版在《advanced materials research》上,全部被ei核心与istp同时索引,全文截止日为XX 年4月5日。









第14 页共14 页


公司大会总结篇1 尊敬的公司率领及同事们 您们好! 在这新的一年里,我谨代表华南批示部的全体资料员向在座的列位致以真挚的谢意,同时给巨匠拜个晚年,祝愿列位率领同事们春节兴奋,20xx事事如意;祝公司事业蒸蒸日上,更上一层楼。 我是华南批示部××项目部 的资料员兼出纳,我叫××,想必巨匠对我既熟悉又目生,熟悉的是名字,目生的是人。我是一个进公司刚满一年的员工,在曩昔的一年里深得率领的信赖和厚爱,有幸被评为优异员工,并在年关作为资料代表在此讲话,向率领们进行陈述请示。 自进入谦诚后任职的第一个项目是江西向莆铁路,于20xx年2月9日到向莆项目任职,在向莆工地起头接触软基措置的资料清算和小票打印,在项目部边做边学至5月份落成。又于6月份调任南广铁路××项目部任职,安闲公司从事资料员兼出纳工作以来,我便对资料有了一种全新的熟悉,我认为,我们的资料员工本文来历作长短常主要的工程环节之一,是一个与现场施工同步的主要环节,

而且也是个需要矫捷、耐心、详尽的工作。那么我们在现实工作中应该按照什么轨范才能做到最好呢?我总结了几点 1、首先,我们资料员要年夜白自己在岗位上的职责,即开工前需向甲方有关负责人确定好施工资料记实表表格以及甲方、监理对资料小票的一些要求。然后体味图纸,熟悉桩位图,保证日后资料均合适甲方及设计要求。在工程开工后的工作中,天天实时清算工地上手艺员带回的资料,搜检记实中桩长、桩时有可能存在的问题,从资料的反映情形督促手艺员对现场机台的严酷打点。在计量上,对现实工作情形和上报量情形进行统计、挂号。在天天资料清算完后对资料进行自搜检然后交给项目总工看一下,看有没有达到要求,发现哪里出了错或报甲方资料有所疑问,实时改削后按类归放在资料文件夹。在后期完工资料的清算中,严酷按公司要求执行,日常平常工作的同时慢慢收集并清算相关资料,工程落成之际实时按目录清算完工资料,现××项目部已进入结算阶段,完工资料也已按要求清算并装订成册交给公司有关部门验收,也获得了相关率领的认可和赞誉,不外存在的不足之处,我项目部司理在后期经由与甲方沟通,应公司率领要求拿到了完工资料中缺的工程桩的检测陈述,今朝已向公司交出了一套完整的资料。 2、其次,在工作中与同事需团结齐心,因为每个项目部城市不按期的培育一批优异的实习生,其中也有实习资料员,在工作前把一般的流程和小票打印使用体例教给她们后再起头一路工作。资料员这个职务是个斗劲矫捷的事,依着每个工地的现实情形都有着分歧的要乞降规范,我们几个资料员一路多问多学的把工作做好,天天有条理的把资料分类清算好。同时我们的工作也确实取得了打破


最新学术会议领导讲话稿 在科学发展早期,学术会议兴起于无形学院式的学术聚会,随着现代科学的发展,学术会议被逐步制度化,会议的目的、形式、功能等被格式化,显示出独有的特征。下面是给大家整理的最新学术会议领导讲话稿,仅供参考。 最新学术会议领导讲话稿【篇一】 各位领导、各位来宾、各位同行: 盛夏时节逢盛会,洪湖岸边迎嘉宾。今天我们在这里齐聚一堂,隆重举行焦作市年年会开幕仪式,这是焦作市医学会的一件盛事。年会选在医院召开,更是我院的荣誉。 借此机会,我代表我院全体同仁,向参加会议的各位领导、嘉宾及学会会员表示热烈的欢迎!向长期支持我院建设发展的各级领导、专家表示衷心的感谢! 焦作2006年学术会议,是焦作医学会召开的一次重要会议,来自焦作各县、市、区医院的各位同仁会聚一堂,进行学术交流,相互研究探讨,的确是学界彼此促进、共同提高的一个重要载体和大好时机。这次还特邀了的知名教授专家参加,将有效提升此次学术交流的整体层次,提高各参会医院的诊断技术水平,并推动医院的整体业务发展。医院作为承办单位,其拥有的先进专科设备,将为此次年会提供一个良好的交流平台。各位领导,各位专家,我为此次焦作放射学年会的胜利召开感到无比荣幸,我们将一如既往地积极

参加医院举办的各项活动,并尽最大努力给予支持,做好各项协助工作。最后,预祝此次会议圆满成功!谢谢!我们承办方,精心策划,科学组织,热情服务,确保本次会议圆满成功,取得预期的效果。同时要求我们,要以研究推进工作,以工作带动研究,加快临床神经外科建设与改革的速度,加大医学教育与科研的力度,从而赢得患者更大的满意度,为医院的整体发展做贡献,为该学科理论与实践发展注入新的元素,做人民满意的科研型医务工作者,为促进我国医学事业的发展,提高和带动本地区在临床神经外科医学上的研究作出我们应有的贡献! 预祝会议圆满成功! 谢谢大家。 最新学术会议领导讲话稿【篇二】 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾 女士们、先生们: 大家好! 正当大部地区还处在骄阳似火的炎炎夏日时,塞外明珠的美丽古城大同已是凉风习习、气候宜人。今天,我们云集于此,隆重举行山西省第十六届眼科学术会议,这是我省眼科界两年一度的盛大聚会。首先,请允许我代表山西省医学会眼科专业委员会和本届大会组委会,向与会的各位领导嘉宾、专家教授、眼科同道和参展厂商表示热烈的欢迎;我们还要对本次大会的东道主大同市人民政府、大同市卫生局、大同市第三人民医院表示诚挚的谢意,他们为会议的


英语模拟国际会议讲稿 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

英语模拟国际会议 主持人:王×会议出席人:朱××会议中提问者两人:董×、赵××休会中途与嘉宾交谈两人:张×、唐×× 会议结束提问者:余×、龚× 主持人王×:Ladies and Gentleman: May I have your attention please Our conference will begin in a few minutes. All the presenters are requested to be seated. Let me introduce myself,i am wang yuan from SCNU,it’s a privilege for me to chair this session. Once the ceremony has started,you are refrained from taking pictures, using flashbulbs or leaving your seats. guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:At this special time of wonderful June, in this grand hall of the beautiful city, our respectable guests are here getting together. Academic Seminars of CAS are organized by the Bureau of Personnel and Education of CAS, and held by the CAS research institutes. Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. For this conference, we are following the agenda here. The meeting is supposed to last for five days,it is the first congress which covers the true sense of psychological education、moral education,basic education


积极向上的优秀英语演讲稿 each of us should be a simple life of the individual criteria. because in life, the only criteria adhered to a simple will it be possible to avoid straying into the road prevented us from maturing into the wrong track. point of view on the current trend, whether it is interpersonal relationships, social structure or family ties, are also complicated by the trend. however, it also happened to use a simplified formula to deal with these relationships. therefore, the use of "simple" approach to deal with affairs, not only can be effective, but will also bring to life a paced rhythm of. in fact, to make things more complicated is easy, but if you want to simplify things into an orderly situation in the brain should be!complex issues to look at very simple, simple questions to see very complex, both of who is stupid? a friend of mine almost did not take on the answer that the two people powerful, simple question because it should look simple and complex issues should be too complicated. "don quixote" there is a fragment: sancho asked that the world's


国际会议作报告英语发言 稿 Prepared on 22 November 2020

Thankyou,prof.….Mynameis…..I’m from…..Iamverypleasedtobeheret ojointhisforum.Thetopic,themainpartsofmyresearchareaboutsoilpavement. Mypresentationwillincludethesefourparts: First,somebackgroundinformationaboutthisresearch;second,themainwork wehavedone;third,someconclusionswehavegotandthelast:innovationandpr esentationofourpublishedpapers. WhyIchoosethisitem,theexistingquantityofairfieldsisstillnotsufficientand theairfieldshavemanyshortcomingsespeciallyinwartime.Second,thecomple mentaryfacilities,suchashighwayrunwaysarefarlessthanairfields,however,, ,thefieldairfieldcanfillthevoidofairfieldandtheycanbecombinedtobeairfield network. ,convenientandvalidity,fastmeansthefieldairfieldmustbeconstructedasfasta spossible,convenientmeanstheconstructionshouldneedtheminimumequip ment,laborandmaterialsconsideringtheactualconstructioncondition,validit ymeanstheconstructedairfieldisabletosupporttheoperationofgivenaircraftin specificallytime. Justlikemanyotherterritories,


公司开会发言稿 尊敬的各位领导亲爱的各位同事下午好: 今天我代表美景酒店在这里发言,即很荣幸也惶恐,荣幸的是作为集团的一个新公司领导给了我们更多展示的机会,惶恐是因为在年初制定的部分目标未能按期完成,回顾上半年,酒店全体员工克服了刚刚起步,经验不足等方方面面的困难,经历了各种大型会议和重要vip客人的接待工作的考验,逐渐由创业走上了成熟,取得了些成绩,在上半年,共接待客人8000人次, 创营业收入143万元。上半年我们有很多经验值得总结,有很多果实值得我们珍藏。 在上半年,主要做了如下7项工作: 一、完善各项规章制度,逐步健全内部管理。酒店在工作运行中结合实际情况,不断的进行调整,并与周边同行业“静雅”、“郑上”“山水”等同行互相交流学习,借鉴经验,取长补短,弥补漏洞,使酒店的规章制度不断得以健全和完善。为了使酒店的的管理水平更上一个新的台阶,目前, 酒店已制定下发了各类职责、规定、办法、流程等规章制度40余个, 对每一个人的岗、责、目标都提出了明确的标准,做到了对每项工作、每个工作环节都有章可循, 有规可依。 二、加强人员的素质培训,努力提高服务质量。 培训是提高员工素质的有效手段,是提高服务质量的基础性工作。酒店刚成立时, 首批进入的工作人员绝大部分没有从事酒店工作的经验, 高层次的管理人员就更加缺乏, 加之酒店又是一个人员流动性较强的行

业,新老员工之间还注意搞好传帮带,实行“一对一”的培训,这对新进员工快速熟练掌握工作业务起了很好的作用。平时酒店注意经常给员工引进新的服务理念,提倡个性化、亲情化服务。五六月份又开展了质量服务月活动,在酒店LED屏幕打出字幕,请顾客对酒店的服务质量提出宝贵意见,并开展优秀服务员评比活动,活动的开展进一步在员工中树立了“服务第一”的思想。 三、加大宣传和营销力度,积极寻找培养客源,努力提高服务意识, 全面树立酒店的良好形象。 提高酒店的知名度和培植自己的固定客源,是一个酒店生存和发展的基本前提。在上半年与100余家单位签订固定协议。另外还注意利用媒体宣传自我,打电视广告,做广告标牌,制作宣传饭店的小册子, 印发菜肴介绍等一系列促销措施。经过“春节、五一、各类考试住宿短时间高强度的入住。不仅为酒店积累了丰富的工作经验, 也对建海美景酒店起到了很好的宣传作用。 在3月中旬,由于周边拆迁,积极联系相关政府部门,在酒店设立了拆迁指挥部,拆迁工作人员在酒店住宿,两次村庄拆迁办公消费额达到将近18万元。随着农业路高架建设,通过多方联系,目前中建路桥建设工程项目小组在酒店入住,虽然房量不大,但也为酒店经营带来了一定效益。6月份酒店又开展了全员销售活动,制定出了一套全员销售奖励方案,使酒店呈现出人人关心销售,人人参与销售的良好局面。酒店还克服了酒店接待规模有限的短处,打出了联手战略,与高新区唯一三星级酒店合作,


学术会议主席发言稿 【篇一:会议主席发言稿】 模拟国际会议会议主席发言稿 第七届中美关系论坛 开场白:good morning, ladies and gentleman. welcome to the 7th conference on sino [sa?n?]-u.s. relations, the theme of this conference is “china and us: partners, competitors or enemies”. its a great pleasure for me to be the conference chairman. 背景:we can realize gratefully that the relationship between china and us is very important, which has a key influence on the stabilization and peace in the world. 往届会议介绍:the conference has been held six sessions. the 1st conference on sino-u.s. relations was launched in 2003, organized by former u.s. president george bush initiatively. and this is the seventh. 1. lets welcome miss wang to give us the opening speech. 2. thank you. next welcome to a keynote speech, deputy secretary zhu please. 3. thank you for such an excellent speech. now professor zhang and professor fang will make an introduction for their research. 4. ok, what a good job. and now, its time for a question and answer session, any questions from everyone here? 5. thanks for the qa. our conference is drawing to a close, professor zhang will give us the closing speech, please. 结束语:we can say, without exaggeration, that it is a conference of great benefits. over the past 10 years, although ups and downs in sino-us relations, but cooperation has been irreversible [?r?v??s?b(?)l] trend in the relations between the two countries. this is the end of this session, i hope to see you next time. thank you. 过去10年中,尽管中美关系出现过起伏,但合作一直是两国关系中不可扭转的趋势。 【篇二:学术会议主持人发言稿】


英文学术会议开场的演讲 稿 Prepared on 22 November 2020

Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Xian, a beautiful city of China. I’m Xinpei Zhang. It is a great pleasure to participate in the Mathematics Conference as the chairman. And I really enjoy staying here with you this morning. The Mathematics Conference has been held 4th times by Shaanxi Normal University since 2008. The purpose of the conference is to share our experiences and knowledge in regard to the theory, frontier developments and researches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. A lot of current issues have been d i s c u s s e d,a n d s o m e o f t h e m h a v e b e e n e f f e c t i v e l y s o l v e d. Today, as the first time of the conference debut in this city, we’ll have a unique session. The topic of prepared presentations is Mathematics. Today, speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable ,we’ll have a Q&A session,w hich allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. I am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. Now,Let me introduce the first speaker,who is very very rich,not in dollars,but in knowledges and experiences,He got his in financial economics at the UCB,followed by a series of teaching and research positions at MIT and Harvard. Please dont hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, , whose topic is entitled threshold effect between the scale of shadow banking and the stability of the banking system. Welcome.


积极向上的英语演讲稿三分钟内 积极向上的英语演讲稿1 To conquer our fears, we must go past them. To fear is natural; to go past them is heroic. Fear is a normal part of life, symbolizing that there are new, extraordinary things to come across and face. To be able to see these things before they happen is a sign of wisdom. Fear is nothing out of the ordinary. To admit that we are fearing is to prove that we value our life. And men should pay attention to the call of fears. To truly be a leader or someone who is heroic and brave, we should focus on getting past these fears. And it is frightful for people to go through life ignoring fears, because they may often forget their heart and step into life without responsibility. To be born is to live. To live is to fear. To fear is to be challenged. To accept our fears is to be mature. It needs bravery, maturity and vitality to face our fears, accept the challenges and hope for the best. 若想克服恐惧,我们就必须要敢于正视它们。


公司会议发言稿 发言稿一:一、冷静、慎重面对形势。七年,我们取得了良好的成绩,,这是在金融危机情况下取得的,不容易。但,这个只是我们继续攀登的基础,不能成为我们的负担。而今年的开局总体上说,还不错,可前景并不十分明朗。这就要求我们冷静地分析自己的状况与市场形势,慎重地采取措施。俗话说:一年之计在于春。虽然说,已经到了3月份,但还是春天。公司、各生产、管理部门都要认真地位全年布好局。没有良好的布局,就不可能有良好的成果。 二、踏实管理,克服粗放的思维和习惯性的行为。今年的职代会提出,我们决心从今年开始,要使公司实现新的跨越。这不能只成为我们的口号,要成为我们的行动。跨越是要在坚实的基础上,并且要有一定的动力来源,这基础和动力来源就是管理。管理不仅是理论问题,更重要的是实践问题。实践就是要一步一个脚印,就是一件事一件事去做,既要有负责的精神,又要有认真的态度,更要求有管理素养。而不只是把事情做了,是大大咧咧、按习惯性做法做了。同样是做事情,这里面却存在着创新问题、是否今夕的问题、是否有效益的问题、对自己的管理实践有无提高的问题。管理是复杂的事情,也是简单的事情。最近,集团公司组织代表团去台塑学习。台塑这样一个家族企业的管理,能够随着时代的发展而发展,其管理的严谨规范是一条不变的基线:严控成本,严格管理规范。我们这样的企业,就是要克服粗放,按制度执行,要克服惯性行为。

三、有效约束自己,增强执行力。公司的制度,就是公司的管理法规。既然是法规,就是要执行的。在执行中有问题,可以反映。但在制度未修正之前还必须按原制度执行。制度是用来约束后来的行为的。 我们的方针目标已分解到分管领导(我本人亦有21项)以及各部门,各部门应分解到个人。根据目标分解以及每个人的岗位职责安排工作,尽可能做到:人人有担子,事事有人管。年前,公司曾要求每人每月有计划,每月一小结;每部门要有月计划、月小结(部门会议)。1——2月份,各部门负责人的工作计划我都看了,不太令人满意。请各位认真对待,养成习惯,持之以恒,必有收获。如果拿忙来塞责,是没有道理的。没有计划的忙,是瞎忙、乱忙。 四、努力构建学习型企业,不断提高素养。一是政治学习,党委系统要坚持扩大中心组学习制度,坚定方向,加强廉洁自律,各基层支部要有常态的学习计划,以求提高政治素养。二是要管理知识的学习。今年启动企业文化建设为重点,提高管理素养。企业文化是企业的灵魂,大家一定要提高认识。我们要在实践中,不断地凝结共识,提高自己,形成公司的核心竞争力。 只要有耕耘,肯定有收获! 发言稿二:尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的员工朋友们: 大家下午好! 今天是公历xx月xx日,农历xx月初九,农历新年已经过去了xx天,但在这里,我还是要送上xxxx年我最真挚的祝福,祝愿大家在xxxx年里工作

国际会议发言稿 英文(精选多篇)

国际会议发言稿英文(精选多篇) 第一篇:国际会议--英文 表示欢迎:good morning, ladies and gentlemen, i’m privileged to welcome you all to “the current status and future development of cotton machinery” conference. 自我介绍:let me introduce myself i am dr lifrom beijing, china, and i am going to be the chair for this morning’s session. 介绍议题: this conference will focus on the discussion of the various aspects of cotton machinery. it includes the application of cotton machinery and the current status.and we will also discuss the prospect of cotton machinery. 介绍报告人: now it gives me great pleasure to introduce today’sparticipants. they are :han dan, the director general of the united nations industrial development organization(联合国工业发展组织总干事) zhang hui, president of china power investment group company. shang fengjiao, professor of physics ,head of american nuclear energy association. now, we welcome the opening of han dan do for us(现在,我们欢迎aa 为我们做致开幕词) aa上台


英文国际会议演讲稿范文 英文会议演讲稿篇一:英文国际学术会议开幕词演 讲稿 Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends: At this special time of wonderful August, With a pleasant subtropical climate in Xiamen, Our respectable guests are here getting together , undertaken by XMU , the 2014 10th International Conference on Natural Computation and the 2014 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , will be open. Now, First of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you , for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. It is a great honor for us to have all you here to attend this conference, of which the theme is the academic exchange about the advanced technologies on Computer Science. Here I’d be delighted to introduce our conventioneers in brief. Apart from


积极向上英文演讲稿; each of us should be a simple life of the individual criteria. because in life, the only criteria adhered to a simple will it be possible to avoid straying into the road prevented us from maturing into the wrong track. point of view on the current trend, whether it is interpersonal relationships, social structure or family ties, are also complicated by the trend. however, it also happened to use a simplified formula to deal with these relationships. therefore, the use of simple approach to deal with affairs, not only can be effective, but will also bring to life a paced rhythm of. in fact, to make things more complicated is easy, but if you want to simplify things into an orderly situation in the brain should be! complex issues to look at very simple, simple questions to see very complex, both of who is stupid? a friend of mine almost did not take on the answer that the two people powerful, simple question because it should look simple and complex issues should be too complicated. don quixote there is a fragment: sancho asked that the world’s first cousin who somersaults? his cousin replied that to answer this question i was not, and i will look back to the book study, research about it, the next meeting, and then tell


企业会议发言稿 第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇 目录 第一篇:福利企业会议发言稿第二篇:中外企业文化2020北京峰会会议记录---11月14日周国平发言稿第三篇:会议发言稿第四篇:会议发言稿第五篇:会议发言稿 正文 第一篇:福利企业会议发言稿 各位领导、同志: 下午好 今天,我首先感谢国税、民政局领导们,组织召开的这次会议,这对福利企业优惠政策的执行、落实工作的开展,具有十分重要的指导意义。这是领导们对我们福利企业的关注和支持。 我公司是从2020年6月份被民政局批准为福利企业的,我公司现有职工总数42人,已安置残疾人员13人,占职工比例30.95%。公司与残疾人员签订一年以上就业劳动合同,去年共发放残疾人员工资7.万元,并为所有的残疾人员缴纳养老、医疗、工伤、失业、生育保险,使公司残疾人员职有所岗、劳有所获、病有所医、老有所靠。我公司13名残疾人员中视力残疾1人,智力残疾3人,肢体残疾9人,针对个人情况,公司为他们安排了合理的工作。食堂、仓库、门卫各1人,修补1人,配送2人,杂工3人,清扫4人。 公司去年交纳增值税50.97万元,实际退还21.87万元。我公司决定把所减免的税金全部作为企业发展基金和集体福利基金,更好的发展社会福利事业。更好的推动社会残疾人就业,提高了残疾人在家庭和社会中的地位,使残疾人可以充分发挥自己的智慧和能力,积极为社会作出力所能及的贡献,并分享社会发展的成果。

最后,祝愿今天到场的各位领导和同志生活幸福、事业发展、家庭美满! 谢谢大家! 第二篇:中外企业文化2020北京峰会会议记录---11月14日周国平发言稿 周国平: 到这么庄严的会议上来讲话,我感觉很荣幸,另一方面很紧张,所以请允许我坐在这儿。主办方让我来谈谈中国企业家的人文修养的话题。我首先要承认,其实我不懂企业,不懂企业文化,所以我很难结合企业家的实践来谈这个话题。不过我想人文修养其实是不分职业的,你们是企业家,我是学者,我们做的事情不一样,但是我觉得做事情归根到底是做人,而做人的道理是共通的,所以谈人文修养实际上是要回到人这个原点上来讲。我们一起来想一想做人的道理。我自己经常感觉到,人和人之间最重要的差别不是职业,而是精神素质。精神素质相近的人在一起很容易沟通,职业的不同完全不成为障碍,相反,如果精神素质相差悬殊,即使是同行在一起也是话不投机半句多。 作为一个作家学者,我的体会是一个作家,一个学者不论写什么作品,他的整体精神素质一定会在作品中体现出来,决定了作品的整体质量。我相信这个道理对企业也是成立的,企业就是企业家的作品,这个作品也是由作者的整体精神素质决定的。无论在哪个领域,都是整体精神素质决定了作品的大小、品质,高度,最后比的都是整体素质。 人文修养就是提升整体精神素质的必由之路。我理解的人文修有是通过教育和自我教育,我特别强调自我教育,现在培训班很多,但是我觉得一个人自己有意识的给自己安排学习,这是更加重要的。通过教育和自我教育,使得人之为人的一种精神禀赋得到很好的生长,发展,成为精神上优秀的人。 人的精神禀赋有哪些?根据古希腊哲学家伯拉图的说法,他把人的精神禀赋分为智力、情感、意志。我理解,我觉得人的精神禀赋主要有三个东西,一个就是理性或者说智力,或者说头脑,人是有思维能力的,第二个就是情感,不光有认识,有思维能力,而且有感受,是带着情感去认识,也可以说我们平时说的心灵生活,实际上是指情感,一种带有情感的精神生活,第三个我认为就是


国际会议英文发言稿 篇一:英文国际学术会议开幕词演讲稿 Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends: At this special time of wonderful August, With a pleasant subtropical climate in Xiamen, Our respectable guests are here getting together , undertaken by XMU , the XX 10th Interna tional Conference on Natural Computation and the XX 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , will be open. Now, First of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you , for your friendly coming. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event. It is a great honor for us to have all you here to attend this conference, of which the theme is the academic exchange about the advanced technologies on Computer Science. Here I’d be delighted to introduce our conventioneers in brief. Apart from our faculty and


3分钟励志英语演讲稿积极向上的英语 演讲稿 发布时间:2018-05-21 as you slowly open your eyes, look around, notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. yes, yes, yes, its a new day, its a different day, and its a bright day! and most importantly, its a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new decisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented(空前的) level. in your minds eye, you can see clearly the things you want to have, the paces you intend to go, the relationships you desire to develop, and the positions you aspire(励志)to reach. you can hear your laughters of joy and happiness on the day when everything happens as you dream. you can see the smiles on the people around you when the magic moment strikes. you can feel your face is getting red, your heart is beating fast, and your blood is rushing all over your body, to every single corner of your being! you know all this is real as long as you are confident, passionate and committed!(效忠的) and you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed! you will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways, approaching new people, and asking new questions. you will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. you will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. you will never succumb(屈服,屈从) to challenges of hardships. you will never waver(动摇) in your pursuit of excellence. after all, you are the best, and you deserve the best! as your coach and friend, i can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that
