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一、Note-taking and Gap-Filling(总题数:0,分数:0.00)


When 1 have spots, someone will tell them to eat less chocolate. Is there any 2 in his advice? First, is there any 3 that people who eat chocolate are more likely to have acne? Second, is there a 4 by which 5 chocolate could cause spots? Spots occur when skin 6 become blocked with sebum. Millions of 7 living on our skin can cause a spot. Is there a process by which chocolate could 8 ache? One theory is that since chocolate is fatty it could lead to more sebum and more blocked pores. Another is that large quantities of chocolate could 9 the levels of some 10 , leading to an increase in sebum production.

One of the two studies looking at chocolate found the quantity of chocolate and 11 nuts made no difference to acne. The other study also found chocolate made no difference to acne. A study on more than 2,000 British soldiers suggested a possible link with 12 . But 13 studies meant that any 14 between food and acne was at best 15 . Then came the finding that no one in 16 populations in New Guinea and Paraguay had acne. Diet was back on the 17 . If diet makes a difference, then which kinds of foods have the biggest 18 on acne? Are they fat and sugar? The fact is that regardless of what people 19 , their acne gets better when they leave their 20 .

When 1 have spots, someone will tell them to eat less chocolate. Is there any 2 in his advice? First, is there any 3 that people who eat chocolate are more likely to have acne? Second, is there a 4 by which 5 chocolate could cause spots? Spots occur when skin 6 become blocked with sebum. Millions of 7 living on our skin can cause a spot. Is there a process by which chocolate could 8 ache? One theory is that since chocolate is fatty it could lead to more sebum and more blocked pores. Another is that large quantities of chocolate could 9 the levels of some 10 , leading to an increase in sebum production.

One of the two studies looking at chocolate found the quantity of chocolate and 11 nuts made no difference to acne. The other study also found chocolate made no difference to acne. A study on more than 2,000 British soldiers suggested a possible link with 12 . But 13 studies meant that any 14 between food and acne was at best 15 . Then came the finding that no one in 16 populations in New Guinea and Paraguay had acne. Diet was back on the 17 . If diet makes a difference, then which kinds of foods have the biggest 18 on acne? Are they fat and sugar? The fact is that regardless of what people 19 , their acne gets better when they leave their 20 .


解析:teenagers [听力原文]

There are lots of claims and theories regarding the ill effects of ache on our skin, but a recent study unwraps the sweet truth about our guiltiest pleasure.

When teenagers have spots, someone will tell them to eat less chocolate. Whether there"s any truth in this involves asking two questions: first, is there any evidence that people who eat chocolate are more likely to have acne; and second, is there a process by which ingesting chocolate could cause spots?

Spots occur when skin pores become blocked with sebum. If the pore is partially blocked you get a blackhead. If it"s fully blocked you get a whitehead. All of us have millions of harmless bacteria living on our skin, and these can infect a blocked pore, causing a spot. If you get a lot of spots it is known as acne.

If both your parents had acne when they were teenagers then you are more likely to have it too. The reason that adolescents are particularly prone to spots is that sebum-producing glands are

highly sensitive to hormones. Acne usually reduces by the time you become an adult, but a small percentage of people find it persists.

But back to the question, is there a process by which chocolate could exacerbate acne? There are several theories. One is that since chocolate is fatty it could in theory lead to the production of more sebum, and therefore more blocked pores. Another is that large quantities of chocolate could raise insulin levels in the bloodstream, altering the levels of some hormones, leading to an increase in sebum production.

There were two studies looking at chocolate. One study found that the quantity of chocolate, milk and roasted nuts university students ate made no difference to the severity of acne.

In 1969, a placebo-controlled study conducted in patients visiting an ache clinic and men in prison also found chocolate made no difference to acne. Now you might be wondering what a chocolate placebo looks like, and where you can get one. The participants were given chocolate bars with the same fat and sugar content as ordinary chocolate, but with lower levels of cocoa. So this study only tells us that cocoa makes no difference to ache, it tells us little if not nothing about fat and sugar. What"s more, the prisoners and patients only ate chocolate for four weeks. Medication for acne usually takes two or more months before an improvement is seen, so this might not have been long enough to show chocolate"s effect on the skin.

So we can"t yet pin the blame on chocolate, but how about diet in general? A study from back in 1956 on more than two thousand British soldiers suggested a possible link with diet; it found that 20-to-40-year-old soldiers with ache were likely to weigh more than teenage soldiers without. But for many years inconclusive studies meant that any link between food and acne was at best unproven, and at worse a myth. Then in 2002 came the intriguing finding that no one in

non-westernised populations in New Guinea and Paraguay had acne. Suddenly diet was back on the agenda. Of course there is the possibility it is genetics that is protecting these populations from acne, but if diet does make a difference, then we need to know which kinds of foods in industrialized countries are having the biggest impact on acne. Is it the amount of fat consumed that matters, or sugar, or as some have suggested, the speed at which the sugar breaks down? The fact is that regardless of what people eat, their acne usually gets better when they leave their teens. So if we are ever to discover the answer, what we need are well-designed prospective studies. And that means tracking people across many months or even years while assessing their chocolate consumption and the severity of their ache.





















Scientists are looking at ways to 1 the global temperature by removing greenhouse gases from the air. Carbon dioxide has a 2 effect on the Earth"s temperature. Since the industrial revolution, humans have been burning 3 amounts of fossil fuels, releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide. The gas is changing the climate, warming the 4 for plants and animals and raising sea 5 . Even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today, there is enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Hence, we have the idea of finding ways of 6 carbon dioxide.

In recent years there have been 7 to remove the carbon dioxide from its 8 in power plants. 9 have been fitted to the 10 , so the carbon dioxide produced during fuel burning can be removed from the 11 emissions. The carbon dioxide can be cooled and pumped for 12 in underground rock chambers, which is a useful way of preventing carbon dioxide from entering the 13 . But what about the 14 that is already out there? The problem with removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is that it"s 15 at such a 16 concentration. Removing the gas takes lots of energy. Though it is expensive, it"s 17 . Extracting the 18 of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would require enormous volumes of 19 to be processed. Therefore, most scientists have 20 at the idea.

Scientists are looking at ways to 1 the global temperature by removing greenhouse gases from the air. Carbon dioxide has a 2 effect on the Earth"s temperature. Since the industrial revolution, humans have been burning 3 amounts of fossil fuels, releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide. The gas is changing the climate, warming the 4 for plants and animals and raising sea 5 . Even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today, there is enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Hence, we have the idea of finding ways of 6 carbon dioxide.

In recent years there have been 7 to remove the carbon dioxide from its 8 in power plants. 9 have been fitted to the 10 , so the carbon dioxide produced during fuel burning can be removed from the 11 emissions. The carbon dioxide can be cooled and pumped for 12 in underground rock chambers, which is a useful way of preventing carbon dioxide from entering the 13 . But what about the 14 that is already out there? The problem with removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is that it"s 15 at such a 16 concentration. Removing the gas takes lots of energy. Though it is expensive, it"s 17 . Extracting the 18 of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would require enormous volumes of 19 to be processed. Therefore, most scientists have 20 at the idea.


解析:lower [听力原文]

Scientists are looking at ways to lower the global temperature by removing greenhouse gases from the air. Could super-absorbent fake leaves be the answer?

It may be a colorless, odorless and completely natural gas, but carbon dioxide is beginning to cause us a lot of problems. It only makes up a tiny fraction of the atmosphere, 0.04% of all the gas by volume, but it has a huge effect on the Earth"s temperature. That"s because unlike nitrogen or oxygen, carbon dioxide molecules absorb the sun"s heat rays even though they let light rays pass through, like a greenhouse.

Scientists are looking at ways to modulate the global temperature by removing some of this greenhouse gas from the air. If it works, it would be one of the few ways of geo-engineering the planet with multiple benefits, beyond simply cooling the atmosphere.

Every time we breathe out, we emit carbon dioxide just like all other metabolic life forms. Meanwhile, photosynthetic organisms like plants and algae take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. This balance has kept the planet at a comfortably warm average temperature of 14℃, compared with a chilly -18℃ if there were no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

In the Anthropocene (the Age of Man), we have shifted this balance by releasing more carbon dioxide than plants can absorb. Since the industrial revolution, humans have been burning increasing amounts of fossil fuels, releasing stored carbon from millions of years ago. Eventually the

atmosphere will reach a new balance at a hotter temperature as a result of the additional carbon dioxide, but getting there is going to be difficult.

The carbon dioxide we are releasing is changing the climate, the wind and precipitation patterns, acidifying the oceans, warming the habitats for plants and animals, melting glaciers and ice sheets, increasing the frequency of wildfires and raising sea levels. And we are doing this at such a rapid pace that animals and plants may not have time to evolve to the new conditions. Humans won"t have to rely on evolution, but we will have to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on adapting or moving our cities and other infrastructure, and finding ways to grow our food crops under these unfamiliar conditions.

Even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today, there is enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and it is such a persistent, lasting gas that temperatures will continue to rise for a few hundred years. We won"t stop emitting carbon dioxide today, of course, and it is now very likely that within the lifetime of people born today we will increase the temperature of the planet by at least 3℃ more than the average temperature before the industrial revolution.

Hence, the idea of finding ways of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. One way to do this is to grow plants that absorb a lot of carbon dioxide and store it. But although we can certainly improve tree-planting, we also need land to grow food for an increasing global population, so there"s a limit to how much forestry we can fit on the planet.

In recent years there have been attempts to remove the carbon dioxide from its source in power plants. Scrubber devices have been fitted to the chimneys in different pilot projects around the world so that the greenhouse gas produced during fossil fuel burning can be removed from the exhaust emissions. The carbon dioxide can then be cooled and pumped for storage in deep underground rock chambers, for example, replacing the fluid in saline aquifers. Another storage option is to use the collected gas to replace crude oil deposits, helping drilling companies to pump out oil from hard-to-reach places, in a process known as advanced oil recovery.

Removing this pollution from power plants, called carbon capture and storage, is a useful way of preventing additional carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere as we continue to burn fossil fuels. But what about the gas that is already out there?

The problem with removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is that it"s present at such a low concentration. In a power plant chimney, for instance, carbon dioxide is present at concentrations of 4%- 12% within a relatively small amount of exhaust air. Removing the gas takes a lot of energy, so it is expensive, but it"s feasible. To extract the 0.04% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would require enormous volumes of air to be processed. As a result, most scientists have baulked at the idea.
















解析:feasible 解析:0.04%




97年11月上海高级口译考试真题(B卷) 一、口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is...” “My registration number is...” 1、Topic: Many people like to travel a lot on holidays. People may travel by air, by sea, by train, by coach or on foot. What do you think is the ideal way of traveling? Explain your argument. 2、Question for Reference: 1. Describe one of your interesting traveling experiences. 2. Make a comparison between air travel and train travel. 3. What do you think is the reward of traveling? 二、口译题 1、Part A (英译中) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal… and stop it at the signal… You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1: The trouble with education in Britain lies with the teachers. I don’t think teachers get enough training in actually how to teach rather than the subject they are teaching. They are too serious, too academic and not imaginative enough.//


上海中高级口译考试全解析 上海外语口译资格证书考试已经进行了将近十年,目前报考的人数越来越多,依然有很多第一次接触到口译考试的朋友对此考试感到疑惑,这里出一个解答的汇总,希望能解决大家心中的疑问1、口译报考新手入门常见问题解答2、英语中高级口译考试考试对象、考试流程、证书用途口译报考新手入门常见问题解答 上海市外语口译证书考试还有很多别名。比如我们通常叫的上海口译考试、中高级口译证书考试……目前十分火热,且报考人数连年增长,这里针对新手报考口译考试通常会遇到的一些问题做了一系列整理,帮大家理清思路,搞清楚这到底是个怎样的口译考试 问:什么是上海市外语口译证书考试? 答:上海市外语口译证书考试是上海紧缺人才培训工程重要项目之一,由上海市高校浦东继续教育中心(PCEC)负责组织实施。自1995年6月开考到现在,已有几十万人报考。考试通过者(含笔试和口试)获得由上海紧缺人才培训工程联席会议办公室颁发的《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》 问:上海市外语口译证书考试有哪些考试项目?

答:目前的考试项目有四个。它们是英语高级口译、英语中级口译、日语口译、英语口译基础能力。 问:这四个项目的考试费用是怎样的? 答:在上海地区,考试收费标准由上海市物价部门审核批准。英语高级口译笔试、口试各210元; 英语中级口译笔试、口试各180元;日语口译笔试、口试各200元; 英语基础能力笔试、口试共200元。 (以上费用为上海地区考务费、报名费,外省市考点的考生另增加代办费)。也就是说不同地区的报名费会略有高低不同,以当地报名点的报名费用为主。 问:通过考试,我可以拿到什么证书? 答:英语高级口译、英语中级口译、日语口译笔试、口试全部合格者颁发《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》; 笔试合格者可办理《上海市外语口译笔试合格证书》;对英语口译基础能力笔试、口试全部合格者颁发《上海市英语口译基础能力合格证书》。 问:要拿到《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》,我需要通过哪几项考试? 答:上海市外语口译证书考试通常分为两部分,即笔试和口试。考生必须首先报考笔试,通过笔试部分考核的考生才能报考口


英译中笔记方法 我历年的实践,发现学友们在学习口译上最大的难点在于笔记问题。因此我整理了一条实用的(E-C)英译中笔记方法,提供初涉口译的众学友学习。 首先,这里需要指出的是,大多数同学并没有意识到口译笔记的基本类型。在此为大家简述一番,其实口译笔记可以按照“源语和目标语”分为两类,在此以英语(论坛)和汉语为例。比如:“E-C”和“C-E”是两个不同的体系。(E-C即英译中;C-E即中译英)。 关于“C-E模式”的笔记,在中译英时口译者并没有听力上的挑战,所以在记录笔记时我们大都可从容应对;把握脉络、大意、关键词,并选择性的记录;而且还能保证主要意思都能记在脑中;即使没有系统训练过笔记法的学友,也可以通过强记和速写,把信息记全。 所以说,中高级口译考试时的“C-E模式”的句子或段落的笔记可以是挑选性的(selective); 也可以做得“面面俱到”(every single point),而这时的要求就是你手写速度,清晰度(legibility), 合理逻辑的布局和排列。 在这样的背景下,C-E模式的笔记体系就引入了大量的“符号”以简化速记的强度,提高速记的质量,使译者有更多的时间脑记。 比如这段符号:“中 e ↗+” 表示“中国经济的强劲增长。” 笔者纵观了各种专业课程、比较了热门的口译笔记法书籍,口译论坛和网站上的有关信息,发现对于这些“符号”并没有一个有明确的、规范的统一写法。完全是不同专家和从业者的各种个性化的笔记,加上一些共性的元素。比如:“全球”这个概念, 有时会写“w”;有时也写成“⊙” 。写法各异,但都属于认知常识范畴。 对于这一情况,我也反复告诫学友,口译上常见的表达和词汇,要用符号,因为用熟悉的“固定符号”更加容易想象到这些信息,所以大家就得掌握熟记这些符号,这样才可以在考试中赢得更多翻译和口译的时间。


上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试第一阶段试题(06.9) 1: (30 ) A: : , a . . . . . . a (1) , . I (2) . (3). , (4). , (5) . a (6) , a , , , (7) . (8). . (9) ? I (10). , , , (11). , 30 , (12) ! (一三). , , . (14). , (一五) , (16) . (17) . (一八), , . a ‘’ ‘’ . a , (19) . , (20). B: : . , . , . . 1 5 . 1. (A) 85 . (B) , . (C) . (D) . 2. (A) . (B) a “ ” . (C) . (D) 100. 3. (A) , , , . (B) , , , . (C) , , , . (D) , , , . 4. (A) a . (B) . (C) a , . (D) , , . 5. (A) . (B) . (C) a . (D) . 6 10 . 6. (A) 3 20 . (B) a . (C) . (D) 2050. 7. (A) . (B) a ’s . (C) . (D) .

(B) . (C) . (D) a . 9. (A) 6 7.(B) 8 10.(C) 11 16.(D) 17 25. 10. (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . 11 一五 . 11. (A) A . (B) A . (C) . (D) . 12. (A) .(B) .(C) . (D) . 一三. (A) .(B) (C) A .(D) . 14. (A) ——. (B) ——. (C) ——. (D) ——. 一五. (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . 16 20 . 16. (A) . (B) ’ . (C) , . (D) , . 17. (A) . (B) ’ . (C) . (D) ’ . 一八. (A) . (B) . (C) a . (D) a . 19. (A) . (B) .(C) . (D) . 20. (A) ’s .(B) ’s .(C) ’s . (D) ’ ’s . 2: (30 ) : . . , (A), (B), (C) (D), . . 1—5 a a a a . , , . , , , a . , ’s , a , . ’s , , . ’s . “ a , ’t ,” , a , a , 25 . , a ’t . , , , . . a ’t , ’t , a a ’t . “ , ,” , a . “.” , . , . “ ’ , ,” , a , ’ . , , “ a , ‘’ . , a .” , , . “ ’t . ,” , a , a ’s . ’s a , , , . “ ,” , a a ( ), . , . , . 1. ? (A) a . (B) a . (C) . (D) .


2011年3月高级口译翻译真题及答案(汉译英) 合营企业设董事会,其人数组成由合营各方协商,在合同、章程中确定,并由合营各方委派。董事会是合营企业的最高权力机构,决定合营企业的一切重大问题。董事长由合营各方协商确定或由董事会选举产生。董事长是合营企业法定代表人。董事长不能履行职责时,应授权其他董事代表合营企业。 An equity joint venture shall have a board of directors; the number of the directors thereof from each party and the composition of the board shall be stipulated in the contract and articles of association after consultation among the parties to the venture; such directors shall be appointed by the relevant parties. The highest authority of the joint venture shall be its board of directors, which shall decide all major issues concerning the joint venture. The chairman shall be determined through consultation by the parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors. The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture. Should the chairman be unable to perform his duties, he shall authorize another director to represent the joint venture. 董事会会议由董事长负责召集并主持。董事会会议应当有2/3以上董事出席方能举行。董事不能出席的,可以出具委托书委托他人代表其出席和表决。董事会会议应用中文和英文作详细记录,并在会议结束后14日内送交每位董事,由出席董事会会议的各位董事签字确认。 The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board. A board meeting requires a quorum of over two-thirds of the directors. Should a director be unable to attend, he may make a proxy authorizing someone else to represent him and vote in his stead. Detailed minutes of the board meeting shall be prepared in Chinese and English and shall be delivered to each director within fourteen days of the conclusion of the meeting to be signed and confirmed by each of the directors who attended the board meeting. 2011年3月高级口译翻译真题及答案(英译汉) When President Obama took the stage here Wednesday to address a community —and a nation —traumatized by Saturday’s shootings rampage in Tucson, Arizona, it invited comparisons to President George W. Bush’s speech to the nation af ter the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the memorial service President Bill Clinton led after the bombing of a federal office building killed 168 people in Oklahoma City in 1995. 本周三,奥巴马总统登台演讲,就上周六亚利桑那州图森市所发生的枪击惨案向饱受心灵创伤的公众及全国发表演讲,人们不禁联想到,布什总统在2001年911袭击之后的演讲、以及1995年克林顿总统为俄克拉荷马州联邦政府大楼爆炸中的168名遇害者举行的追悼会。 But Osama’s appearance presented a deeper challenge, reflecting the tenor of his


李天舒 主审:冯伟年 编委李天舒朱益平李艳李淑侠赵晓铃 张春娟张录侠何华李超慧宋美盈 世界图书出版公司2003 年出版定价:15 元 本教材出版后已作为英语系2001 级,辅修班2002 级,专升本2001 级学生口译课教材。 : 1.题材广泛,内容丰富,实用性强。本教材以我国对外交流与合作及口译工作的实际为出发 点,集口译理论、技巧和实践为一体。内容主要包括口译的基本理论、方法和技巧,涉外工作的礼仪 和程序等,重点是口译工作所涉及的各种话题的英汉互译。这些专题材料主要选自国内外中英文报 刊和有关网站的最新资料。题材广泛,内容丰富、涵盖了我国对外交流中可能涉及到的各种话题,旨 在通过大量的英汉互译实践,使学生掌握口译的基本理论和技巧。 2.英译汉、汉译英并重,双向训练同步进行。口译教学不同于书面翻译教学,可采取英译汉、 汉译英分阶段进行。口头交际是一种双向交际活动;口译通常是在两种语言连续交替转换模式中进 行。因此,口译教学采取英汉互译,双向训练同步进行为好。本教材的总体框架就是根据这一原则设 计和编写的。口译实践是全书的主体部分 本教材分两大部分,十八个单元。第一部分三个单元。第一单元着重介绍口译的基本理论,包括 口译的产生、发展、特点、标准、类型、过程及口译人员的基本素质要求等。第二、三单元集中介绍口译 的一些基本方法和技巧,包括直译法、反译法、意译法、增减译法、口译笔记及各种数字的口译及习语、 引语的口译。另外,第二、三单元在介绍了每一种口译技巧之后都附有相应的英汉互译练习及练习参 考答案。在使用本教材时,教师可根据教材顺序,集中一段时间进行口译理论和技巧教学,着重对 学生进行单项口译技巧训练,使他们通过口译实践尽快掌握口译的基本理论、方法和技巧,闯过口 译中经常遇到的几个难点,为在后面的专题口译训练中能灵活机动、综合运用各种口译技巧,顺利 进行英汉互译打好基础。


上海市英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试2001年9月 (Test Book) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 MINUTES) Part A: Spot Dictation Direction:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. The parents set the rules and the children obey, right? Wrong. In a growing number of North American families, adults have let their children _______________(1). “Parents want to be nurturing and make their small children happy, but many have become confused about _________ (2) to achieve this,”explains a noted psychologist. “Large numbers of parents are being ________ (3), to the point that entire families end up organizing themselves around _______________(4).” The problem is that many fathers and mothers try to be _______________(5) to their children. However, parenting is not a popularity contest. _______________(6) is a normal part of child development and is strongest between _______________(7). Setting rules and enforcing them teaches the child that he or she is _______________(8) but not equal in authority. Then a child feels safe and secure and can be a kid again. Believe it or not, it’s frightening for a child a realize that they are _____________(9) a situation. In upside-down families, when parents _________ (10) from the rules they set, children become very insecure, anxious, and out of control. They don’t _______________(11) to protect them. In order to _______________(12) and keep control, parents should act in accordance with the following tips: First, _______________(13). Parents cannot guide a child and seek his or her approval of their decisions _______________(14). Don’t say, “It’s time for bed. OK?” Instead, say, “It’s time for bed, kids.” Second, don’t _______________(15) and then change them. It’s very important to be consistent. Once you make a rule, _______________(16). Third, pay less attention to your child when _______________(17) is bad and more when it is good. Do not reward bad behavior by giving extra attention to it. Instead, save your attention for when _______________(18). Finally, don’t allow your kids to call you by _______________(19). This


9月中级口译真题+参考答案(1) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. British people are far more sophisticated about beverages than they were 50 years ago. Witness the Starbucks revolution and you’ll know where ___________ (1)goes. However, spurred on by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of ___________ (2)and retard the aging process, tea is enjoying a ___________ (3). Although tea is available in more places than ever, it remains to be _____________ (4)of a typical British family. If you are invited to an English home, _____________ (5)in the morning you get a cup of tea. It is either brought in by a heartily _____________ (6)or an almost malevolently silent maid. When you are _____________ (7)in your sweetest morning sleep you must not say: ‘Go away, you _____________ (8).’ On the contrary, you have to declare with your best five o’clock smile: ‘Thank you very much. I _____________ (9)a cup of tea, especially in the morning.’ If they leave you alone with the liquid you may pour it _____________ (10)! Then you have ___________ (11); then you have tea at 11 o’clock in the morning; _____________ (12); then you have tea for tea; then after supper; and again at eleven o’clock _____________ (13). You must not refuse any additional cups of tea under the _____________ (14): if it is hot; if it is cold; if you are _____________ (15); if you are nervous; if you are


2011年上海口译考试高级口译笔试(全真试题+答案)完整版 SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passag e with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the world or words you have heard o n the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Play is very important for humans from birth to death. Play is not meant to be just for children. It is a form of ___________ (1) that can tap into your creativity, and can al low you the chance to find your inner child and the inner child of others. I have collecte d the ___________ (2) of play here. Play can stimulate you ___________ (3). It can go against all the rules, and change t he same ___________ (4). Walt Disney was devoted to play, and his willingness to ____ _______ (5) changed the world of entertainment. The next time you are stuck in a _____ ______ (6) way of life, pull out a box of color pencils, modeling clay, glue and scissors, and ___________ (7) and break free. You will be amazed at the way your thinking ___ ________ (8). Playing can bring greater joy into your life. What do you think the world would be like-if ___________ (9) each day in play? I bet just asking you this question has ______ _____ (10). Play creates laughter, joy, entertainment, ___________ (11). Starting today, try to get 30 minutes each day to engage in some form of play, and ___________ (12) ris e! Play is known ___________ (13). Studies show that, as humans, play is part of our nature. We have the need to play because it is instinctive and ___________ (14). With regular play, our problem-solving and ___________ (15) will be in much better shape to handle this complex world, and we are much more likely to choose _________ __ (16) as they arise. It creates laughter and freedom that can instantly reduce stress and __________ (17) to our daily living. Play can ___________ (18), curiosity, and creativity. Research shows that play is bot h a ‘hands-on’ and ‘minds-on’ learning process. It produces a deeper, ___________ (19) o f the world and its possibilities. We begin giving meaning to life through story making, a nd playing out ___________ (20). Part B: Listening Comprehension


尽管每个人的对记录符号的使用可能是多样的,同一事物不同的人可能会使用不同的符号,同一符号在不同的人意识中肯能代表不同的意思,但是通行的原则还是存在的,活用这些原则,那会让你在口译的过程中如虎添翼…… 在听力活动中,笔记是一个辅助我们记忆的非常有效的工具。 对于专业的口译译员来说,口译笔记的作用是帮助他们还原刚刚听到的内容。而对于同学们来说其最大的作用则是在我们做题的时候帮助我们记录并最终理清语言材料之间的逻辑关系,还原具体信息细节。 在听力练习当中,题目经常是在一大段语言材料播放完毕之后才出现,由于人记忆能力的局限这个时候很多本来已经听懂的内容已经无法被我们回忆起来,造成了信息模糊、信息丢失,以至于无法完成题目。而笔记可以有效地弥补人短时记忆的缺陷,掌握一点英语口译者们常用的笔记法,你会发现这些“专业人士”所谓的“高端技能”,对于普通的学习者来说同样有很大意义,可以帮助我们在一般的听力考试中游刃有余。 英语笔记法的适用前提——听力过关(五大支柱),听懂是做笔记的前提条件,如果听都没有听懂,又怎么可能去记?再好地记录能力都不可能创造信息本身。 下面举例说明听力笔记的一些技巧: 1、不要大量记录文字(汉字、单词) ——而要使用符号来表示意思(缩写、图形) Eg:“powerful country”记作“强口”, “我同意”记作“I√ ”; “观点,看法一致”记作“⊙ same”, “economic development”记作“经↑” ↑表示“上升、快速上升、快速发展、快速上涨等” ↓表示“下降、减少、急剧下降、急速下跌等”; ↗表示“缓慢上升,缓慢发展、缓慢上涨等”; ←表示“返回,倒退等”; →表示“达到,至,导致,前进等”; +表示“加,增加,此外,另外,又加之”; —表示“减少,减”; >表示“多于,大于,强于”; <表示“少于,小于,不如”; ∵表示“因为,由于”; ∴表示“所以,因此”; =表示“等于,相同,与……相同”。 t表示thousand; m表示million; b表示 billion; 1st表示first。 2、不要横着写:


THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES The use of a technique is always dependent upon the application of a certain number of principles. This is what we call the instructions. One need not follow the rules recommended in such instructions. Indeed the product, device or system for which they were devised may well work even if they are not observed, but will do so less efficiently. Furthermore, the simpler the instructions, the more likely the user is to follow them. The same applies to note-taking. A few very simple principles give this system its sound base and precision, and make using it straightforward. There are seven of these principles; in order they are: 1 Noting the idea and not the word 2 The rules of abbreviation 3 Links 4 Negation 5 Adding emphasis 6 Verticality 7 Shift Some of these principles have already been explained by Jean Herbert in his Interpreter’s Handbook1. 1. Noting the idea rather than the word Take any French text and give it to 10 excellent english translators. The result will be ten very well translated texts, but ten very different texts in as far as the actual words used are concerned. The fact that we have ten good translations, but ten different texts, shows that what is important is the translation of the idea and not the word. This is even truer of interpretation since the interpreter must produce a version of the text in another language immediately. He must be free of the often misleading constraints that words represent. It is through the analysis and notation of the ideas that the interpreter will avoid mistakes and a laboured delivery. Example: Let us take the following, from French into English: …Il y a des fortes chances pour que...../ There is a very good chance that...” If we base our notation of this expression on the words, the key word is chance. If we base it on the idea, it is probable. The notes will have to be read 20 minutes – even an hour2– after the idea was originally expressed. In the first example it would be very easy to make a mistake. Having noted chance the i nterpreter might, if the context allowed, render it …there is a chance that” or …by chance”. If on the other hand he noted probable the mistake cannot be made. The issue of style is also dealt with in the second example where one would automatically say (interpreting into English), …It is probable that”, or …it is likely that”, or …in all likelihood” whereas in the first example even if the interpreter had correctly recalled the idea that the word chance represented he/she will be a prisoner to that word and might easily produce a gallicism3. 1 Georg & C ie, Geneva, 1956. 2 this was indeed the case when Rozan wrote. Although nowadays 20 minutes is considered a long consecutive speech, his comments still apply. 3 being unduly influenced by the source language is, of course, not only a problem in French-English interpretation but in all interpretation.


模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题! 英语翻译高级口译笔试试题(一) 一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题1小题.每题50.0分,共50.0分。Translate the following passage (s ) into Chinese ) 第1题 Just as human history has been shaped by the rise and fall of successive empires, so the computer industry has, in the few decades of its existence, been dominated by one large company after another. Now, at the dawn of the new era of internet services, Google is widely seen as the heir to the kingdom. As the upstart has matured into a powerful industry giant, the suggestion that "Google is the new Microsoft" has become commonplace in computing circles. Yet there are some crucial ways in which Google differs from Microsoft. For a start, it is a far more innovative company, and its use of small, flexible teams has so far allowed it to remain innovative even as it has grown. Microsoft, in contrast, has stagnated as a result of its size and dominance. It is least innovative in the markets in which it faces the least competition —operating systems, office software and web browsers. More important, however, are the differences that suggest that Google will not be able to establish an IBM or Microsoft-style lock on the industry. In the PC eras hardware became a commodity and Microsoft established a lucrative monopoly centered on its proprietary operating system, Windows. But in the new era of internet services, open standards predominate, rivals are always just a click away, and there is far less scope for companies to establish a proprietary lick-in. 【正确答案】: 一个又一个帝国的起起落落谱写了人类的历史,电脑行业也是一样,在短短的几十年中,各大公司接连统治着这一领域。如今,互联网服务业时代刚刚到来,Google 被一致看好会成为这一王国的首领。随着这个新兴的公司成长成为一个强大的行业巨头,电脑界内越来越盛传这样的说法——“Google 是新一代的微软”。 然而,在一些关键问题上,Google 与微软是不同的。首先,Google 极具创新性。且它的团队精简,高度灵活,这使得它即使发展到了如今的规模还能保持创新。相比之下,微软却因为它的霸主地位与其庞大的规模而停滞不前。它的改革创新微乎其微,再者,它所处的市场中竞争对手也少之甚少——它的专项为操作系统、办公软件和网络浏览器。 这两个公司更重要的不同之处在于Google 无法在行业中,如IBM 或微软一般锁定自己的地位。在个人电脑时代,硬件是商品,微软则以它的专利操作系统
