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英语泛读教程第一册unit 1词汇短语归纳

英语泛读教程第一册unit 1词汇短语归纳
英语泛读教程第一册unit 1词汇短语归纳


a member of a Protestant group in England and New England in the 16th and 17th centuries that opposed many customs of the Church of England


to treat (someone) cruelly or unfairly especially because of race or religious or political beliefs

? The country's leaders relentlessly persecuted those who fought against the regime.

? They were persecuted for their beliefs.

? a persecuted minority/people




to order (someone) not to use or do something — + from

? The town prohibited teenagers from being in the streets after 10 p.m.


to show respect and love for God or for a god especially by praying, having religious services, etc.

? They worship at this temple.

? I worship God in my own way.


the state of being acceptable according to the law : the state of being valid

? The validity of the contract/document is being questioned.


a set of ideas or beliefs that are taught or believed to be true

[count] ? The government was founded on a doctrine of equality for all people.

? Many psychologists now question the doctrines of Sigmund Freud.

[noncount] ? teaching religious doctrine to young people


someone who believes or teaches something that goes against accepted or official beliefs

? The church regards them as heretics.

Status quo现状

the current situation : the way things are now

? He is content with the status quo and does not like change.

? She wants to maintain the status quo. [=to keep the situation as it is now] Christianity基督教;基督教精神

Lock (someone) up or lock up (someone):

to put (someone) in a locked place (such as a prison) for a long period of time

? The police should lock him up. [=lock him away]

Take away (someone or something) or take (someone or something) away:

to remove (someone or something) : to cause (someone or something) to go away, to no longer exist, to no longer be held, etc.

? If you take away [=if you do not consider] his fancy clothes, he's a rather ordinary person.? The beautiful new theater took my breath away. [=it made me feel surprised and excited]


somewhat formal: to want to do something or to be something

? I wouldn't care [=like] to have to make that decision.

? I wouldn't care to be in your shoes right now.

? I'm going for a walk. Would you care to join me?

? He'll show the photos to anyone who cares to see them.

? More factors influenced her decision than she cares to admit.


formal: openly said or declared

? He is a professed enemy of the king.? a professed Jew/Catholic/Muslim

—often used to suggest that what someone says is not true or should be doubted ? His professed reason for resigning was to spend time with his family, but we heard rumors that he was caught stealing.



to begin to live in a new area after leaving an old one : to settle again

[no obj] ? They left town and resettled out west.

[+ obj] ? He resettled his family in the valley


the people who live in a country or area

? a diverse/educated populace

? the general populace [=the ordinary or common people]

When something, such as a plan or process, is in motion or has been set in motion or put in/into motion, it has begun and is proceeding.

?They will be taking steps to set/put the divorce proceedings in motion. [=to begin the divorce proceedings]

? The plan has been put into motion.


a strong feeling or attitude that is shared by many people at the same time

? The new school has triggered a wave of optimism [=has made many people feel optimistic] about the public school system.

?At the age of 80, she's riding a/the wave of renewed interest in her work. [=she's experiencing a time when many people are interested in her work again]


a quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult ? What he lacked in talent he made up for in determination.? dogged/fierce/steely/stubborn determination

A wave of determination

Driving force 推动力


a force that causes something (such as a process or activity) to be done or to become more active

? Her work provided the major impetus [=stimulus] behind the movement.

—often + for

? The tragic accident became an impetus for changing the safety regulations.—sometimes followed by to + verb

? His discoveries have given researchers the impetus to try something new.


to show that you have (an emotion, quality, skill, etc.)

? He displayed no emotion when I told him the news.

? The children displayed [=exhibited] no interest in learning how to play the piano.


impossible to defeat or discourage

? Her spirit was indomitable. [=unconquerable]? her indomitable courage/strength/will


a strong determination to do something

? His comments were intended to weaken her resolve but they only served to strengthen it.


to not allow yourself to feel, show, or be affected by (an emotion)

? He struggled to suppress his feelings of jealousy.

? She could not suppress her anger.


Spiritual belief - 精神信仰


1: the land that a ruler or a government controls :TERRITORY

? The forest is part of the king's domain.? the British/Ottoman imperial domain

2: an area of knowledge or activity

? My sister is the math expert in the family, but literature is my domain.


an official position within an organization and the right to be present when that organization meets

? (chiefly Brit) He took his seat [=began his official duties as a member] in Parliament.


somewhat formal: to ask for information

— usually + about? I called to inquire about the schedule.? He was inquiring about a friend who used to work here.


to put (someone) in prison

—sometimes used figuratively

? He has a brilliant mind imprisoned in an unhealthy body.

Driving force驱动力


to see, hear, or notice (something) with difficulty or effort

? We could just discern [=distinguish, make out] the ship through the fog.


Trigger 引发

to cause (something) to start or happen

Certain foods trigger his headaches.

? The power outage was triggered by heavy rains.

Chain reaction 连锁反应

a series of events in which each event causes the next one : a series of events caused by one single event

? Increased oil prices could trigger a chain reaction in the economy.


to cause (an emotion, a feeling, etc.) to go away by expressing it or dealing with it in some way

? She started to cry, releasing all of her repressed emotion.


A smooth uninterrupted movement or progress


to fill (something) completely with something

? Images of the war saturated the news.

? Their new products are saturating the market.

the soul, mind, or personality of a person or group

? some hidden corner within your psyche

? the female/male/human psyche

? the nation's psyche


having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that people admire (such as honesty, generosity, courage, etc.)

?He was a man of noble character.

?It was noble of her to come forward with this information.

? a noble ideal/ambition/cause/purpose


to get control of (a violent or dangerous person or group) by using force, punishment, etc.

? The troops were finally able to subdue the rebel forces after many days of fighting. Noble ideal高尚的理想


to begin to fight in order to remove a ruler or government

— often + up

? He told the people that they should rise up and overthrow the corrupt government.


Something that symbolizes grief, repentance, or humiliation


an insulting or embarrassing act or occurrence

? He remembers all the indignities he had to suffer in the early years of his career.


to fight or speak publicly in support of (a person, belief, cause, etc.)

? She is a lawyer who champions children's rights.

something (such as an organization, belief, idea, or goal) that a group or people support or fight for

? I can support a cause that means something to me.

? I'm willing to donate money as long as it's for a good/worthy cause.

Prosecution 起诉

the act or process of holding a trial against a person who is accused of a crime to see if that person is guilty

? The defendant is awaiting prosecution.

escape prosecution and persecution逃避起诉与迫害

Oppressive 压迫的

very cruel or unfair

? The country is ruled by an oppressive regime.


power or control

? He has the country in his grip. [=he controls the country]

? He has been doing all he can to maintain/tighten his grip on the company's finances.

?To be in the grip of something unpleasant is to be unable to stop or escape its effect or influence.

Colony 侨居地

Colonist 殖民地居民

Independent 无党派的

politics: not belonging to a political party

?independent voters? an independent candidate

Lot 一类人

all the members of a group of people

—usually singular

? Do you know the lot [=bunch, crowd] that hang around the arcade?


the highest social class in some countries : the people who have special titles (such as duke and duchess), who typically own land, and who traditionally have more money and power than the other people in a society

aristocratic 贵族的


to accept (something or someone) readily or gladly

? a politician who has been embraced by conservatives

?embrace [=adopt] a cause/religion

? These ideas have been (widely) embraced by a the scientific community.

the war of independence - 独立战争

the declaration of independence - 独立宣言

the constitution - 宪法

the bill of rights - 权利法案


a written description of a new law that is being suggested and that the lawmakers of a country, state, etc., must vote to accept before it becomes law

? They will introduce an antismoking bill in Congress.

? The Senate passed/rejected the bill.

? the GI bill— see also BILL OF RIGHTS

A far cry from

: very different from (something or someone)

? The movie is a far cry from the book.

? He's a far cry from the idealistic young writer he once was.


a person (such as a king or queen) who rules a kingdom or empire

? a new history of French monarchs

? an absolute monarch

Empower 授权

to give official authority or legal power to (someone)

—followed by to + verb

? Congress has empowered state legislatures to set educational standards.

—often used as (be) empowered

? His attorney was empowered to act on his behalf.

—opposite DISEMPOWER


a document that describes the basic laws, principles, etc., of a group

? the United Nations Charter


to consider or judge (someone or something) in a specified way

— often + for

? He should be held accountable for his actions.

? The store can't be held liable for damage to your vehicle.

—often followed by to + verb

? His latest book is generally/widely held [=considered] to be the best one.

?“We hold these truths to be self-evident…”— U.S. Declaration of Independence (1776)


required to be responsible for something

? If anything goes wrong I will hold you personally accountable!

—often + for

? They hold you accountable for your mistakes.

? Each child is accountable [=responsible] for his or her own behavior.


to officially criticize (someone or something) strongly and publicly

? He was censured by the committee for his failure to report the problem.


to cause (something) to happen or exist : to produce (something)

? He was so tired he could barely raise a smile. [=he could barely smile]

? The audience raised a cheer [=the audience cheered] at the end of the speech.

something said or done that shows disagreement with or disapproval of something ? She was so upset by their decision that she resigned in protest.辞职以示抗议

? He paid the fine under protest. [=he paid the fine although he objected to it]


a person who is not loyal to his or her own country, friends, etc. : a person who betrays a country or group of people by helping or supporting an enemy

? He turned traitor. [=he became a traitor; he betrayed his country/friends]


to show or describe (someone or something) clearly and completely

? She believes that success should be defined in terms of health and happiness.

? Tigers are broadly/loosely defined [=described very generally] as large cats.

? He narrowly defines [=describes very specifically] a hero as someone who has earned a medal in battle.


involving questions of right and wrong behavior : relating to ethics

?ethical [=moral] principles/standards

?ethical theories/problems

Set (someone or something) apart

to be a quality that makes (someone or something) better than or different from other people or things

—usually + from

? What set s her apart (from the other teachers) is her great passion for her work.

? His great height set him apart from the other men in his family.


formal: to say that something will or should happen : to make it certain or possible that something will happen or be done

? The contract provides that certain deadlines will be met.

? The law provides that minors will be treated differently from adults.

church and state - 教会和国家

(modifier) applying to or covering a wide group or variety of people, conditions, situations, etc: blanket insurance against loss, injury, and theft.


a strong public reaction against something

? a backlash against feminism

?A backlash occurs when many people react to an event, movement, etc., in a way that is opposite to its intended effect.

Religious institution - 宗教机构

protect and defend - 保护和捍卫


a set of ideas and numbers that describe the past, present, or future state of something (such as an economy or a business)

? a mathematical model? We've developed a computer model of the economy to predict what will happen in the future.? Companies are developing new business models.

Give rise to

to cause or produce (something)

? His strange behavior gave rise to rumors about his health.

? The recent increase in prices has given rise to concerns about inflation.


having or showing a good understanding of how people should be treated : not ignorant or narrow in thinking

? an enlightened people/attitude/society? an enlightened approach to prison reform enlightened structure - 开明的结构


of, relating to, or controlled by the government rather than by the church :CIVIL

?secular courts

an area of activity, interest, or knowledge

? in political and legal realms

? the realm of art/science/education

? A victory by the team seems within the realm of possibility. [=a victory seems possible]? It's not beyond the realm of possibility [=it's not impossible] that he will return.


the state of agreeing with someone or something :AGREEMENT

? The bill was passed with the full concurrence of the Senate. [=everyone in the Senate agreed to pass the bill]

in concurrence with - 赞同,一致


the quality of being honest and fair

? He has a reputation for integrity [=honesty] in his business dealings.

? He's a man of the highest/greatest integrity.

Founding documents 立国文献包括以下的内容:

The Declaration of Independence独立宣言

The Constitution宪法

The Bill of Rights人权法案

Amendments to the Constitution (11-27) 11月27日The Federalist Papers在联邦党人文集

The Anti-Federalist Papers反联邦党人文集

Building blocks 基石

A new emerging civilization - 新兴的文明

In check

: under control — used with keep or hold

? He's trying to hold his emotions in check. [=he is trying to control his emotions]

? The government has lowered interest rates in an attempt to keep inflation in check.

Descent 血统

the people in your family who lived before you were born : your ancestors

? Many people in this area are of German descent. [=ancestry]

? They claim to be of royal descent. [=they say that their ancestors were kings, queens] Hypocritical 伪善的


[count] disapproving: a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs

? the hypocrites who criticize other people for not voting but who don't always vote themselves


disapproving: the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do : behavior that does not agree with what someone claims to believe or feel [noncount] ? When his private letters were made public, they revealed his hypocrisy.

Condone 宽恕

to forgive or approve (something that is considered wrong) : to allow (something that is considered wrong) to continue

? a government that has been accused of condoning racism

—often used in negative statements

? We cannot condone [=excuse] that kind of behavior.

the force of individual rights- 个人权利的力量

the integrity of individual - 个人的诚信

drive forward继续前进


highly valued and important : deserving great respect

? We have a sacred duty to find out the truth.? Freedom is a sacred right.

?Nothing is sacred to those guys.

? I can't believe they would do that. Is nothing sacred?


the time when something begins to exist or is seen for the first time

—usually singular

? The appearance [=creation] of the Internet has changed our culture in many ways.

? The technology made its first appearance [=appeared for the first time] in the early 1980s.

social injustice - 社会不公


the state of being complete or whole

? Without music, the film loses its integrity.? They are trying to preserve the cultural integrity of the community.? The earthquake may have damaged the building's structural integrity.


an act or occurrence that hurts someone's dignity or pride : an insulting or embarrassing act or occurrence

? He suffered the indignity of being forced to leave the courtroom.

? The indignity of it all was too much to bear.

Give birth to

to cause the beginning of something — + to

? a revolution that gave birth to a new nation


to free (someone) from someone else's control or power

?emancipate a slave

? He felt the only way to emancipate himself from his parents was to move away. emancipation


an official statement or announcement made by a person in power or by a government

? The President issued a proclamation which freed the slaves.

Emancipation Proclamation-解放宣言

Raging 非凡的;熊熊燃烧的

very great, strong, or impressive

?raging ambition

?The book was a raging success.


an idea, feeling, opinion, etc., that is shared by many or most of the people in a group

? general currents in politics? intellectual currents

—often + of

? He is going against the current of public opinion.

? There was a current of discontent within the company.

Wash away

to get rid of (something, such as unhappy or unpleasant thoughts) completely

? T ake a vacation to wash away your troubles.


wrong or different in a way that others feel is strange or offensive

? their perverse cruelty to animals

? She has a perverse fascination with death.

? He seems to take perverse pleasure/delight in making things as difficult as possible.


the strength or force that something has when it is moving

? The wagon gathered/gained momentum [=it moved faster] as it rolled down the hill. The wagon lost momentum [=it moved more slowly; it slowed down] as it rolled up the hill.

Draw into

to cause (someone) to become involved or interested in something or someone —+ in, into, or to

? A good writer knows how to draw readers in. [=how to make readers interested; how to make people want to read something]

—often used as (be/get) drawn

? She was drawn in by his friendly manner. [=she wanted to know and talk to him because he was friendly]?


a mass of spinning air, liquid, etc., that pulls things into its center — sometimes used figuratively

? He was caught in a swirling vortex of terror.

all manner of

all kinds or sorts of (things or people)

? The store sells all manner of musical instruments.?All manner of people come to the city.

Roar 吼声;咆哮;轰鸣

a loud, low sound that continues for a long time

? the roar of the airplane engines

? the roar of the river/crowd

?roars of laughter/approval

rise to the occasion/challenge紧急行动起来,迎接挑战

to make the special effort that is required to successfully deal with a difficult situation

? No one was sure if he could handle the pressure of making a speech, but he rose to the occasion and did an excellent job.

? When the company needed to increase its sales, its employees rose to the challenge.

Thwart 反对;阻碍

to prevent (someone) from doing something or to stop (something) from happening ? She did all she could to thwart his plans.

? The army thwarted the attempt at a coup.

—often used as (be) thwarted

? The plot was thwarted.

? He was thwarted in his evil plans.

?thwarted ambition/hopes

honor the integrity of life and individual- 赞美生命和个人的诚信


impossible to defeat or overcome :UNBEATABLE

? an invincible army? The loss proved that the team is not invincible.

— invincibility

Fortress 堡垒;要塞;防御工事

a place that is protected against attack : a fortified place

? a mountaintop fortress


having no beginning and no end in time : lasting forever

?eternal life

? light an eternal flame [=a small fire that is kept burning as a symbol to show that something will never end]


cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others

? He was dedicated to ending the tyranny of slavery.

? the tyranny of the majority [=a situation in which a group of people are treated unfairly because their situation is different from the situation of most of the people in a democratic country]


the act of being raised to a higher rank or position

? His advancement [=promotion] to captain came last year.

the advancement of tyranny and terrorism- 暴政和恐怖主义的升级

Alone adv.

without another — used for emphasis

? You alone [=only you] can decide what needs to be done. [=you are the only one who can decide]

? You alone are responsible. = The responsibility is yours alone.

? The blame is mine and mine alone. [=I am the only one who should be blamed]


a power that is believed to control what happens in the future

? She felt that destiny [=fate] had decided that she would one day be President.

direct our destiny - ?引导我们的命运

Enigma 难以理解的事物;谜

someone or something that is difficult to understand or explain

? To his friends, he was always something of an enigma.? one of the great enigmas of our time


very great

? Computer technology has made profound [=major, significant] changes in our lives


during an entire (situation or period of time)

? His supporters remained loyal throughout his difficulties.

Homogenous 同源的;同质的;同类的

Save face

: to avoid having other people lose respect for you

? He tried to save face by working overtime.

at the expense of

in a way that harms (something or someone)

? She acquired power at the expense of friendships.

? He argues that the tax cut will benefit the rich at the expense of the poor.

cut (someone) off or cut off (someone)

to cause (someone or something) to be separate or alone — often + from

? They are cut off from (contact with) the outside world.

? She cut herself off from her family.? He's emotionally cut off from his wife.

Ostracize 放逐;排斥

to not allow (someone) to be included in a group

to exclude (someone) from a group

? She was ostracized from/by the scientific community for many years because of her radical political beliefs.

social trends - ?社会发展趋势

Acquiesce 默许;勉强同意

to accept, agree, or allow something to happen by staying silent or by not arguing ? They demanded it, and he acquiesced.

—often + in? We cannot acquiesce in the killing of innocent people.

— often + to? She acquiesced to her husband's plans.

— acquiescence


to cause (people or things) to be joined or brought together :UNITE

? The creation of the national railroad system unified the country.

? two very different people unified by a common belief

— unification

Outspoken 直言无讳的;坦率的

talking in a free and honest way about your opinions

? She has been an outspoken advocate/supporter of women's rights throughout her life.

Makeup 组成

plural makeups

the way in which something is put together or arranged

—often + of

? the makeup of the Earth's atmosphere

? the ethnic makeup of the neighborhood? the makeup [=layout] of a printed page

first and foremost

at the most basic level

? He is first and foremost [=primarily, fundamentally] a teacher.

first and last

at the most basic level : in all respects

? This is first and last a matter of national security.


to treat other people's rights, wishes, or feelings as if they are worthless or not important

[no obj] ? They are trampling on our rights.

[+ obj] ? They are trampling our rights.

? Their most cherished traditions have been trampled.

preserve and protect- 维护和保护


to stop (someone) from expressing opinions that are opposed to your own or from telling people about bad things that you have done

? The mayor tried to silence his critics.? I will not be silenced!

Etch 蚀刻;铭刻

to produce a pattern, design, etc., by using a powerful liquid (called an acid) to cut the surface of metal or glass

— often used figuratively

? That trip is etched in her memory. [=she will never forget that trip]

? Pain/sorrow was etched [=was shown very clearly] on his face.

global civilization - 全球文明


Survey n. 纵览,视察,测量v. 审视,视察,通盘考虑,调查 1. We stood on the top of the mountain and surveyed the countryside. 我们站在山顶上,眺望乡村。 2. A quick survey of the street showed that no one was about. 扫视街道, 空无一人。 Add v. 增加 1. He added some wood to increase the fire. 他加了一些木柴,使火旺些。 2. If you add 4 to 5, you get 9. 四加五等于九。 3. Add up all the money I owe you. 把我应付你的钱都加在一起。 Upset a. 烦乱的,不高兴 v. 颠覆,推翻,扰乱,使心烦意乱,使不舒服 1. I'm always upset when I don't get any mail. 我接不到任何邮件时总是心烦意乱。 2. He has an upset stomach. 他胃不舒服。 3. The news quite upset him. 这消息使他心烦意乱。 Ignore v. 不顾,不理,忽视 1. I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely! 我向她打招呼, 可她根本不理我! 2. I can't ignore his rudeness any longer. 他粗暴无礼, 我再也不能不闻不问了。 Calm n. 平稳,风平浪静 a. 平静的,冷静的 v. 平静下来,镇静 1. It was a beautiful morning, calm and serene. 那是一个宁静、明媚的早晨。 2. You should keep calm even in face of danger. 即使面临危险,你也应当保持镇静。 3. Have a brandy it'll help to calm you (down). 来点儿白兰地--能使你静下来。 calm down vt. 平静下来(镇定下来) 1. His rage was soon calmed down by the rustic peace. 乡村的宁静很快就使他的怒气平静下来。 2. I told myself to calm down. 我告诫自己要冷静下来。 have got to conj. 不得不(必须) 1. You may not like him, but you have got to admire his persistence. 你可以不喜欢他,但你不得不佩服他那种坚忍不拔的精神。 2. I couldn't have got to the meeting on time -- unless I had caught an earlier train. 我不可能及时赶到会场,除非我赶上了较找的一班火车。 Concern n. 关心,关系, 关切的事,忧虑 v. 涉及,与...有关,影响;使关心 1. How much money I earn is none of your concern. 我挣多少钱与你无关。 2. These problems concern all of us. 这些问题影响到我们每一个人。 3. This restaurant is a family concern. 这家饭店是由一家人经营的。 be concerned about vt. 关心(挂念) 1. It is reassuring to be enquired after when you're ill. It shows your friends haven't stopped being concerned about you. 如果能询问一下你是何时生病的我们也就放心了。因为你的朋友一直在关心你。 2. The government's claim to be concerned about unemployment is sheer hypocrisy. 政府声称对失业表示关注纯属做做姿态。 Cheat n. 骗子,欺骗行为 v. 欺骗,作弊 1. His father was cheated of his land. 他的父亲被人骗走了地产。 2. He never cheats to pass examination. 他考试从不作弊。 3. He was cheated (out) of his rightful inheritance. 他依法应得的遗产被人骗走了. Reason n. 理由,原因,理智,理性 v. 说服,推论,下判断 1. She can reason very clearly. 她能很清晰地思考。 2. Copernicus reasoned that the earth revolved around the sun. 哥白尼论证了地球绕着太阳转。 3. We have reason to believe that he was murdered. 我们有理由相信他是被谋杀的。 list n. 目录,名单,明细表 v. 列出,列于表上,记入名单内 1. He wrote down his name on the list. 他将他的名字写在清单上。 2. He listed all the things he had to do. 他把自己必须做的事列成表。 Share n. 部份,股份,分担 v. 共享,共有,分配 1. If you want a share of the pay, you'll have to do your fair share of the work. 要是你想得到一份报酬,你就必须做好你该分担的那一份工作。 2. She's got all her money in stocks and shares. 她所有的钱都投放到股票里去了。


班级2008级英语专业二班姓名陈荷芳 学号200840210202

Teaching Plan Book 4 Unit 11 Personal Names Teaching aims in the whole unit : ? Skill dimension: ① To develop students’ self-learning ability and spirit of Co-operation ② To mobilize the enthusiasm of students by combining the class teaching and the practice of extracurricular activities ? Knowledge dimension: ①A clear structure of content about the text ②Knowing the differences between Chinese names and that of American ③Mastery of some language points: migrate, immigrate, hereditary, waifs and strays, illegitimate, convert, baptism, exuberant, stigma, fad, saint, shove, admonition, Caleb, Brother Jonathan ④Understanding some complex sentences Teaching approaches: ?Heuristic teaching approach: The teacher acts as a guide, an organizer and demonstrator and


Unit 1 Friendship 1. 合计_____________________________________; 3. 不得不;必须______________________________; 5. 遛狗_____________________________________; 7. 记下;放下________________________________; 9. 故意_____________________________________; 11. 在黄昏时刻______________________________; 13. 不再…___________________________________; 15. 从…中恢复过来___________________________; 17. 将…装箱打包_____________________________; 19. 相爱;爱上_______________________________; 21. 参加;加入_______________________________; 23. 松开了__________________________________; 25. 付钱;付款;买单__________________________; 27. 对(某人)重要_____________________________; 29. 笑话;取笑(某人)_________________________; 31. 在日记中________________________________; 33. 对…着迷;迷恋____________________________; 35. 深蓝色的天空____________________________; 37. 太多____________________________________; 39. 在楼上__________________________________; 41. 肮脏的窗帘______________________________; 43. 记日记;写日记___________________________; 45. 绑起来__________________________________; 47. 在公路上________________________________; 49. 说…的闲话;______________________________; 51. 与…交朋友_______________________________; 53. 给…一些建议_____________________________; 55. 过去的事件______________________________; 57. 试一试;尝试一下_________________________; 59. settle____________________________________; 2. 使…镇静下来______________________________; 4. 关心;挂念________________________________; 6. 经历;经受________________________________; 8. 一连串的;一系列的_______________________; 10. 为了____________________________________; 12. 面对面地________________________________; 14. 遭受…___________________________________; 16. 对…厌烦_________________________________; 18. 与…相处;进展____________________________; 20. 对(某人)表示感激________________________; 22. 度假____________________________________; 24. 被车撞了________________________________; 26. 考试作弊________________________________; 28. 最深的感受______________________________; 30. 在二战中________________________________; 32. 在藏身之处______________________________; 34. 与自然有关______________________________; 36. 保持醒着________________________________; 38. 碰巧____________________________________; 40. 下楼____________________________________; 42. 积满灰尘的窗子__________________________; 44. 列一个单,列出___________________________; 46. 没注意到________________________________; 48. 与…有麻烦;有矛盾________________________; 50. 与人交流________________________________; 52. 改变这种状况____________________________; 54. 喜欢与不喜欢的事情______________________; 56. 表达你的感受与想法______________________; 58. concern__________________________________; 60. tip______________________________________;


精读与泛读,都是高校英语专业的必修课程,这两门课程的关系极为密切。 精读与泛读在英语教学中究竟孰重孰轻,很有认真探究的必要。初入高校大门的学生对这两门陌生的新课程在学习中常常会遇到这样或那样的问题,那么,作为高校英语教师应该如何应对呢? 在英语教学实践中精读与泛读的位置究竟如何摆放,这与学生的英语基础有着极大的关系。在学习的初级阶段,学生读什么样的英语材料都是一字一句地抠,才能读懂,可以说一切都是“精读”。精读课要求学生掌握一些基本的语法知识和一些常用的基础词汇,除此之外,还要将教师课堂上所讲的词义辨析、 语音语法、句子基本结构、文章的修辞手法(其实这些文章在这几方面都是具有代表性的优秀范文)熟记心中。也可以说,精读的过程就是学生逐步积累英语知识、去粗取精与掌握要点的过程。精读可使学生扎实地、系统地、由浅入深地掌握该语言的运用规律,从实践及理论两个方面提高自己的英语水平。很多人为了科研或工作而学习英语,并且想从国外的科技资料中得到启迪和帮助,那么在阅读英语的文章时就得分析字、 词、句,搞清语言之间的关系,才能真正弄懂文章的内容,正确理解文章的内涵,达到吸取精华的目的。这就需要有扎实的语法基础,而要获得这些语法知识非精读不可。 在精读课的教学过程中,教师会发现有的学生 在课堂上听讲课文难点时就像听天书,对一些较容易的问题也会茫然。 如果究其原因,就是没有预习,有的甚至连生词都没查,他们忙于消化上节课的内容,新课文还无暇顾及。这种情况下,教师就应该大力提倡课前预习课文,告诉他们课前反复大声朗读,并且要求背诵。英语精读课不仅要讲授句子结构、语法、词汇,还要讲文章的中心立意及谋篇布局,可以说精读课涉及的知识面极其广泛,对学生的要求也相当严格。 笔者在大学做学生时期,精读课的老师要求篇篇课文课前必背。为什么呢?一是有的难点在背诵过程中会自我消化,也就是所谓的“书读千遍,其义自见”。二是有的难点在背诵过程中始终块垒在胸,萦绕于怀。当老师讲解这些难点时,学生就会专心来听,想弄清原委,茅塞顿开后会经久难忘。 三是在熟背课文的前提下,老师讲授的要点、 难点容易理解。这样,学生在预习中发现目标,教师在讲课时有的放矢,使课堂气氛轻松活跃,既节省了教学时间,加快了教学节奏,又极大地提高了学生学习英语的积极性。这就是所谓的化难为易,重点突破。 值得一提的是,目前在英语教学领域的教学法可谓名目繁多,花样翻新,令人眼花缭乱,目不暇接。 其中有的不乏创见,有的也有待商榷。有的教学法反对学习英语死记硬背是对的,但全盘否定“背诵”在学习英语中的作用就太绝对了。为什么呢?这是因为英语并非我们的母语,我们缺乏学习英语的 木之本,水之源 —— —英语教学中精读与泛读关系之辨析陈桂枝 (赤峰学院外国语学院,内蒙古赤峰 024000) 摘 要:本文通过对精读与泛读互补关系的辨析,强调了精读的必要性与泛读的重要性,并由此阐明 了在不同的学习阶段对精读与泛读应该有所侧重的观点。 关键词:英语;精读;泛读;互补关系;侧重点中图分类号: H319文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2009)06-0167-03 Vol.30No.6 Jun.2009 第30卷第6期2009年6月赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版) Journal of Chifeng University (Soc.Sci )167 ··

高中英语必修一unit1 单词复习

必修一Unit 1Friendship 单词默写

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复习 (Ⅰ)单词拼写 1.Children today spend more and more time inside the house instead of playing (在户外). 2.Sarah sounded (伤心的) when I said you wouldn’t go shopping with her. 3.I made a suggestion but they chose to (忽视) it. 4.I am very grateful (感激的) to all those who took the trouble to write to me. 5.In face of danger, it’s very important to keep calm (镇静的). 6.When it rains, why do we see the lightning first; then hear the (雷)? 7.There is a (窗帘) hanging before his window in the bedroom. 8.If you can guess correctly, I would like you to be my language exchange (伙伴;搭档). (Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空 1.It is hard to imagine the pain and (suffer) they went through in the war. 2.The doctors had given her up but she made an excellent (recover). 3.Try not to say anything about the idea until you have understood it (entire). 4.It is beyond my power (powerful) to finish the task in two hours. 5.To be honest, I know (exact) how she felt. (Ⅲ)语境填词(用所给词的适当形式填空)


大学英语泛读中的阅读方法和技巧 Tag:英语学习方法我要评论 (0)大学英语泛读中的阅读方法和技巧:如何指导学生 通过阅读训练掌握正确的阅读方法和技巧,从而加快阅读速度和提高理解能力,成为英语泛读教学中的首要任务。文章结合日常教学工作谈谈常用阅读方法和技巧的分类及在日常阅读 中的应用。一、大学英语泛读适合的场景及对象 大学英语泛读教学主要是针对英语专业的学生来说的。在大学阶段,英语阅读分成精读和泛读两种形式。大学英语泛读作为精读课的重要补充。不仅有助于学生巩同在精读课上学到的词汇,不断地扩大学生的知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,最重要的是能够帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,掌握重要的阅读方法和技巧。目前.许多高中生虽然能通过高考进入大学学习,但他们的阅读能力比大学英语教学所要求的相差太大。为了使学生今后的学习更加轻松愉快。大学英语泛读教学应运而生。 从“泛读”二字的字面意义就可以看出.“泛读”就是要广泛地读,大量地读。所谓 广泛地读、大量地读.就是阅滨的题材要广泛,包括社会、科技、文化、经济、日常知识、 人物传记等。还要体材多样.包括记叙文、描写文、说明文、广告、说明书、图表等。它不 仅要求学生读得广、凑得多、而且要渎得快、理解准确.因此它是扩大阅读馈,培养学生阅 读能力,提高阅读速度的有效途径。所以,泛读课也成为培养学生技能,传播知识的综合课程。我们都知道,大部分英语专业的学生把过四六级作为学习英语的一个重要目标。而在考试中,阅读理解又是非常重要的一部分。学生在进行测试的时候都有一个共同的难题“阅读量大,时问紧。题目的答案拿不准”。从表面上看是学生英语语言水平的不足,但从其根本 原因来看是他们阅读方法的不正确,阅读技巧的不熟练。泛凑教学以其特有“不但要读得广、读得多,而且要读得快、理解准确” 的教学同标和要求,对学牛提高阅读方法和技巧有着不可低估的作用,是精读教学所不能取代的。 二、常用泛读方法的分类及 在日常阅读中的应用泛读教材不同于精读课文。精读课文要求学生逐词、逐句地阅读, 细嚼慢咽,其目的在于透彻理解。而泛读也可称为普通阅读,只要求学生对全文的主旨英语学习。大意、主要思想及作者的观点有明确的了解。对全文只做一般性的推理、归纳和总结,无需研究细节问题和探讨语法问题。所以不能照搬精读的阅读方法。在大学英语泛读的阅读活动中,常用的阅读方法有以下几种: (一 )略读 (skimming) 略读又称跳读(skipping) 或浏览 (glancing) ,是一种专门的、非常实用的快速阅读技能。 它在朗文词典当中的解释是:“ to read something quickly to find themain facts or ideas in it”.可以看出这种阅读方法要求以尽可能快的速度进行阅读,目的是为了找出文章的中心思 想和主要观点。因此,略读时只需注意文章的关键部分,如阅读时抓住每本书中的标题、 每章前的内容提要或章节后的重要结论,然后把全书或全文中的主题和中心连贯起来,得出文章的丰旨。换句话说,略凑是要求读者有选择地进行阅读,可跳过某些细节,以求抓住文章的中心,从加快阅读速度。


132中国科教创新导刊 中国科教创新导刊 China Education Innovation Herald 2009 NO.28 China Education Innovation Herald 科 教 论 坛 为了迎接21世纪的挑战,学生阅读能力必须是多方面的,不是单一的。在这个知识爆炸的时代,获取信息的一个主要途径还是阅读。为了适应各种不同的阅读要求,学生必须经过各种不同的训练。这就是外语教学中读和泛读通过“精、泛”两者结合的训练,使学生掌握不同的阅读速度,学会不同的阅读方法。能够阅读各种不同的资料。阅读要求的多样性决定了阅读训练的多样性。一个学生是否具备良好的阅读能力,取决于他是否能运用不同的速度和不同的方法去实现不同的阅读要求。 1精读和泛读的关系 1.1精读与泛读的关系 在大学英语教学中,精读与泛读的关系是相辅相成的。二者相结合进行教学对于目标实现是十分重要的。精读讲究细致严谨,教材内容选编要求十分仔细认真,每学期由教师讲授大约10篇文章。泛读的文章内容相对广泛些,大部分由学生自主学习。精读的教育课充分发挥教师的教导职能,学生接受基本的语言知识训练与熏陶。泛读的自修可充分发挥学生的主动性与积极性。当两者相结合的时候,教师与学生释放出他们最大的潜力,达到事半功倍的效果。这就要求教师在教学中必须提供适当的教法,学生积极的配合,从而取得令人满意的成绩。多年教育实践得出:英语精读与泛读相结合进行教学是提高学生综合英语水平的一种行之有效的教学方法。1.2精读与泛读相结合的好处 在大学中,学生可通过英语精读与泛读来达到多重目的。第一,可以在阅读中不知不觉却又稳定有效地提高英语词汇量,解决词汇难关,进而提高综合阅读能力及整体英文水平。第二,可以接触和了解异国文化风俗,跨越文化障碍,丰富自己的见闻。第三,可以把所了解的异国文化与本国文化相比较,修正自身缺点,促进自身发展与完善。最后,可以开阔眼界,触类旁通,有助于提高自身的专业素质。精读与泛读都是重要的教学手段,各有利弊,只有把两者合理地结合起来,才可能事半功倍的达到教学目标,学生才可能在较短的时间内把英文水平提到一个令人满意的高度。教学是两方面的活动,教师的教,学生的学。因此,必须充分调动双方的主动性,使双方合作无间,才可发挥出百分百的潜力,取得理想的成果。 1.3正确认识精读和泛读 泛读与精读是大学英语中的两门重要课程,两者之间的关系是相辅相成的。精读 要求学生掌握词汇,分析语法难点,弄清句子的语法结构,力求全面准确地理解文章的内容,学生可以学到从单词、短语、句子到篇章结构的一系列由简至繁的综合知识技能。它保证了学生阅读的“质”,但无法保证学生阅读的“量”。而泛读课的主要任务是向学生提供大量的、足够的语言输入,所输入的语言素材在语言指标方面有足够的覆盖面,在词汇和题材等方面有一定的深度。泛读保证了学生阅读的“量”,通过“量”的熏陶,能促进“质”的提高。 2精泛并举,循序渐进——大学英语 阅读课精读和泛读的结合路径 2.1精读和泛读结合的教学策略 2.1.1根据各自的内涵确定不同的授课重点 同样是文章的词、句、文分析,泛读与精读强调的重点是不同的。其一,在精读课上,词汇学习主要依赖词汇的语义关系,从词汇的上义词、下义词、同义词、反义词、同源词的角度深刻理解词汇。而泛读课更强调词汇的语境关系,致力于从上下文形成的情景词汇串中把握词汇,使学生学会运用。其二,对于句型,精读更注重对句型结构本身的掌握,需反复操练。而泛读则更强调句型所反映的功能,同时注重收集表达功能相同的不同句型。其三,两种课型对文章的分析各有重心。精读课主要分析个体文章的结构特点,以深入理解课文内容。而泛读课则要从多个个体文章的结构推演一类文章的结构规律,以指导学生课下大量阅读个体文章。 2.1.2完善泛读教材,明确泛读教学的目标和原则 泛读课堂常常出现这样的情形:一部分教师对课文逐字逐句地精讲细解,面面俱到,使泛读精读化,失去了泛读所应起的作用;有的教师则认为泛读课不宜讲解语言知识,于是脱离课文任意发挥,“泛”得没边没缘,上课就是天南海北地神侃,并美其名曰:拓宽学生知识面;还有的则认为泛读没有什么可讲的,学生只要理解,便完成了教学任务,有问题可以问,没问题就自学,因此,课堂松松垮垮,毫无生气,教学效果可想而知。上述三种做法都没能正确处理好精泛关系,背离了泛读课的教学目标和原则。出现这一失误除了教师的专业理论知识薄弱外,还有一个常被忽视的客观原因,就是泛读课的教材一般是国外书籍报刊文章的选编,既不成套,也不系统,练习过分单一,千篇一律,目标和要求都不明确;而且泛读教材没有配套的教参,因而教 师讲课的随意性很大,怎么讲,讲什么,基本上由教师个人的兴趣和经验决定,所以对泛读教材的完善是不容忽视的。2.2精读和泛读结合的学习策略 由于精读文章量少,学生接触的语言现象有限,重现率低,不容易在对比、概括和总结上下功夫,因而对语言掌握就不易牢靠,易忘却,这个问题可以通过泛读来解决。泛读量大,语言重现率高,学生一再接触相同的语言现象,便能自然地加以吸收。对于精读时学到的一些知识点可达到巩固和熟练的目的,学生在泛读的广阔天地里,把精读时所学到的东西,加以反复检验,反复印证,以期充实巩固。泛读的材料多,情景复杂,所提供的语言现象极为丰富,最利于培养学生的语感,正因为学生有了大量的语言感性知识,他才能在精读中进行对比、概括,从而认识一定的语言规律。这样,泛读实际上已为精读铺平了道路,成为进行精读的有力手段。看来学习英语精读与泛读相互促进,缺一不可。当然,因学习者基础不同,精泛的安排可各异,前者负责攻坚,但需后者支援,泛中求精,以精促泛,精泛并举,这样才能提高英语的阅读能力。对于具有较扎实的基础的同志,应该把泛读放在首位。 3结语 将精读和泛读合二为一,重视语篇教学,采用适当的语篇教学方法,有利于学生获取完整准确的信息,掌握科学的学习方法,提高应用语言的能力。上述意见,实践起来很富有挑战性,需要教师和学生解放思想,打破传统的教学观念。在“以学生为中心”的课堂上,学生要明确自己角色改变的重要性,不再是语言知识的被动接收者,而应该是学习的主动参与者,要有很高的学习热情和主动性;教师的角色不仅是知识的传授者,而且是学生学习的指导者、语言信息的提供者、课堂活动的设计者和参与者,同时也是学生反馈信息的收集者。教师要大量地投入时间和精力,不但要提高语言水平,而且要扩大知识面,尤其要紧跟时代的发展,及时更新自己的知识结构,才能迎接时代的挑战,并且在“教学相长”中,培养出符合社会需求的英语专业复合型人才。 参考文献 [1]徐华琴.试论大学英语泛读教学[J].福 建行政学院福建经济管理干部学院党报,2005:20~21. [2]徐艳.英语阅读课的精读、泛读结合[J]. 辽宁师专学报,2006(1):119~120. ①作者简介:周慧慧:女,1978年10月生,本科,籍贯:辽宁大连,职称:讲师,工作单位:大连艺术职业学院。 大学英语阅读精读与泛读的关系① 周慧慧 (大连艺术职业学院 辽宁大连 116600) 摘 要:笔者结合当前大学英语阅读教学的现状,分析了精读和泛读在大学英语阅读教学中的地位和作用,探讨了在教学实践如何将精读和泛读结合起来,培养复合型人才的策略。关键词:精读 泛读中图分类号:G64文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-9795(2009)10(a)-0132-01


单元要点预览 1.谚语:a friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情 A friend is like a second self. 朋友是另一个自我。 一、短语归纳 lought at 嘲笑hide away 躲起来 a series of 一系列 grow\be crazy about 对…十分狂热;十分痴迷 something to do with与…有关的某事、nothing to do with 与…无关happen to do sth 碰巧做某事at dusk: 黄昏时刻傍晚 face to face面对面Take care of 照顾Walking the dog 遛狗( Pay for sth 为…付款Pack(sth)up将东西装箱打包 Finish sth\doing sth完成某事、完成做某事Stay awake 熬夜 end-of-term exam 期末考fall in love with 爱上 according to 根据make a list of 列清单 二、.词语辨析


1. upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的vt. (upset, upset) Don't upset yourself -- no harm has been done. 不要难过--并没有造成伤害。 2. concern v.担忧; 涉及; 关系到n. 担心,关注;(利害)关系[重点用法] as / so far as … be concerned 关于;至于;就……而言 be concerned about 关心 be concerned in sth. 牵涉到,与……有关,参与 3. settle vt. 安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居,安家;解决 1). The family has settled in Canada. 这家人已定居加拿大。 2)Try your best to calm yourself down.. [重点用法] settle down 镇定下来settle in 在…定居 4. suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历 Do you suffer from headaches? 你常头痛吗? suffer from 感到疼痛﹑不适﹑悲伤等; 受苦; 吃苦头: 5. disagree vt. 不同意disagree with sb 不同意某人的观点 . Even friends sometimes disagree with each other. 即便是朋友也有时意见不一。 五.重点词组 1. add up 加起来 Add up your scores and see how many points you can get. 把你的得分加起来,看看你能得几分。


一、教学目的与要求 泛读课并非仅仅让学生大量而广泛地阅读课外读物,教师要有意识地培养学生的正确理解语篇的能力,加强学生阅读技能的训练和阅读能力的培养,巩固学生的语音、词汇、句法等基本语言能力,扩充学生的文化知识背景,同时也要增强学生的认知能力、逻辑思维能力等从而使学生达到英语专业四级的考试要求。 1. 加强基础知识 词汇和语法是学好英语的关键。要扩大学生词汇量,教师可以要求学生通过大量阅读来熟悉掌握词汇;其次,可以向学生介绍一些记忆单词和在阅读中猜测词的方法,如:利用构词法、词类归纳法、联想法等记忆单词;利用上下文、同义词、反义词、举例、等猜测词义;另外教师可以要求学生运用阅读中出现的新词汇来进行写作,以促使学生更加有效地掌握所学词汇。 2. 培养阅读技能 阅读速度是反映语言能力和衡量阅读水平的重要标志。泛读课教学的一个重要的任务是教授学生阅读方法,训练各项阅读技能,努力引导学生养成组视阅读、集中关键词阅读、抓主题句阅读、利用词缀和上下文推测词义阅读以及用外文思维阅读等良好习惯,来培养学生的阅读速度。此外可以训练其它的一些技巧,如略读法,即通篇浏览,了解文章大意和中心内容;寻读法,即有目的地寻找文章的主要信息;评论阅读法,即弄清作者在文章中表露出来的态度和倾向,对其主要观点加以评论。 3. 扩大知识面 泛读课中的阅读材料,题材广泛、体裁多样,涉及各个学科、各个领域的知识。教师可提前要求学生预习有关主题,从网络或资料中查阅相关的背景文化知识,这样既可提高学生对语篇内容的熟悉度,免得教师占用大量的课堂时间进行冗长的背景知识介绍,又可避免扼杀语篇的交际性和学生的阅读兴趣。课堂上教师再适当地补充介绍相关的历史、政治、背景知识、重要人物、名作家及作品等知识,为学生推荐一些好的课外阅读材料,鼓励学生进行大量课外阅读,使其尽可能多地接触到丰富多样的真实的语言运用场境,拓展他们的各种图式结构。 二、教材及参考书 1.教材:《英语泛读教程》 2.参考书:《古希腊罗马神话与西方民间传说》《傲慢与偏见》《希腊罗马神话及典故成语》《西洋圣典·古希腊罗马神话》《希腊罗马神话词典》 三、授课单元及学时分配


BOOK ONE a number of 若干 a great/good many 许多,大量a little 一点,也许 a matter of 关于……的问题 a series of 一系列,一连串 a variety of 种种,各种 above all 首先,尤其 account for 说明 add up to 合计,总计 after a while 过了一会,不久after all 终于,毕竟,虽然这样ahead of schedule 提前ahead of 在……前面,先于 all at once 突然 all but 几乎,差一点,除……之外其余都 all of a sudden 突然 all over 遍及,到处 all round 周围,处处 all the same 仍然,照样地

all the time 一直,始终 along with 与……一起 and so forth 等等 and so on 等等 and then 而且,其次,然后apart from 除去as a result 结果,因此 as a rule 通常,照例 as for 至于,就……方面说 as good as 和……几乎一样,实际上等于as if 好象,仿佛 as long as /so long as 只要,如果 as regards 关于,至于 as soon as 一……就 as though 好象 as though 好象,仿佛 as to 至于,关于 as usual 像往常一样。照例

as well 也,一样 as yet 到目前为止;到那时为止 aside from 除……以外 ask for 请求,要求 at a loss 困惑,不知所措 at a time 每次,一次 at all 完全,根本 at any rate 无论如何 at first sight 乍一看,初看起来at hand 在附近,即将到来at heart 实质上 at home 在家,在国内,自在自如 at intervals 不时,时时 at large 一般,大体上 at last 最终,终于 at least 至于,最低限度 at leisure 从容的,有空 at length 最后;详细地


课后翻译 L1 1他们下了公交车后,就朝旅馆走去(make one’s way to) They made their way to the hotel after they got off the bus. 2 在我们城市,成千上万的人通过上夜校来学习英语(thousands of) In our city, thousands of people learn English by attending the evening schools. 3 杭州是个美丽的地方,值得一游(worth) Hangzhou is a beautiful place which is worth visiting. 4 当这小孩找不到他母亲时,突然大哭起来 The little child burst into tears when he couldn’t find his mother. 5 不要这样对他讲,你会使他受惊吓的(give a fright) Don’t speak to him like this, or you will give him a fright. 6这位教授写了好几部英语语法书。此外,他还翻译过一些短篇小说(besides) The professor has written quite a few English grammar books. Besides, he has translated some short stories. 7 天开始下起雨来,但他们继续在球场上踢足球(go on) It began to rain, but they went on playing the football on the playground. 8 指挥员神色坚定地说:“我们一定要尽快扑灭森林中的大火。”(with a… look) We must put out the big fire in the forest as soon as possible, said the commander with a determined look on his face. L2 1 孩子们正在认真的听老师讲课(with+ n.) Children are listening to the teacher with great care. 2 从前他们很贫穷以至于常常整天没一点东西吃(hard up) They used to be so hard up before that they have nothing to eat for a whole day. 3 他们在树林里搜寻失踪的女孩(search v.) They are searching the woods for the missing girl. 4 她找合适的套房已经找了好几个月了(search n.) She has been in search of the suitable flat for several months. 5 新轿车太贵了,他买不起。他只买了一辆旧车(afford) The new car is too expensive for him to afford, so he buys an old one. 6 在进行一番长谈后她才知道那个老人其实是她的父亲(in fact) Only after a long chat did she know that the old man was in fact her father.


Unit one 1、Add up 合计,把......加起来 Add up all the money i owe you. Add ... to...把...加入... Will you add more sugar to your coffee? Add to 增加,添加 The piece of music adds to our enjoyment. Add up to总计为,结果是 Little steps add up to big dreams. 2、upset ----upset ----upset I am sorry if i have upset you. adj: be upset about 为......烦恼,不安 Try not to be too upset about it. 3、calm(...)down使平静下来,使镇定下来 Calm yourself down ; there is no need to feel upset about it. The excited football fans calmed down at last. 4、be concerned about 关心,挂念 He is concerned about his son`s future. Concern vt 使担忧;涉及n 担心,关系Concerning 介词关于 使担忧Her illness concerns her parents. 涉及The story concerns a friend of mine. n They showed great concern about her safety. As far as i am concerned 就我而言 5、go through 经历,经受;仔细检查;完成,做成 get through 接通电话 6、set down记下;放下;登记 I set down everything that happened then. set about doing sth set out to do sth set aside 不顾;把......置于一边 set off 动身;出发;使爆炸 set up 创建,开办 7、a series of 一系列的 series 单复数同行 8、on purpose 故意 She did it on purpose. 9、in order to 为了 In order to see it clearly, he put on his glasses. so as to 不放在句首 10、settle down 定居;安定下来 settle 定居;解决 settler 定居者 settlement定居
