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Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension(Reading in depth)(25minntes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a ward bank Read the passage through carefully before making your choices Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each them on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage,

One in six. Believe it or not, that’s the number of Americans who struggle with hanger To make tomorrow a little better, Feeding Action Month. As part of its 30 Ways in 30 Days program, It’s asking 48 across the country to help the more than 200 food banks and 61,000 agencies in its network provide low-income individuals and families with the fuel they need to 49 .

It’s the kind of work that’s done every day at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in San Antonio, People who 50 at its front door on the first and third

Thursdays of each month aren’t looking for

God-they’re there for something to eat, St. Andrew’s runs a food pantry(食品堂)that 51 the city and several of the 52 towns. Janet Drane is its manager.

In the wake of the 53 .the number of families in need of food assistance began to grow. It is 54 that 49 million Americans are unsure of where they will find their next meal What’s most surprising is that 36% of them live in 55 where at least one adult is working.“It used to be that one job was all you needed.” says St. Andrew’s Drane.“The people we see now have three or four part-time jobs and they’re still right on the edge 56 .”


A)survive I)formally

B) surrounding J)financially

C)serves K)domestic

D)reviewed L)competition

E)reported M)communities

F)recession N)circling

G)households O)accumulate


Section B

Directions: there are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on

Answer Sheer 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

In times of economic crisis, Americans turn to their families for support. If the Great Depression is any guide, we may see a drop in our skyhigh divorce rate. But th is won’t necessarily represent an increase in happy marriages. In the long run, the Depression weakened American families, and the current crisis will probably do the same.

We tend to think of the Depression as a time when families pulled together to survive huge job losses. By 1932, when nearly one-quarter of the workforce was unemployed, the divorce rate had declined by around 25% from 1929. But this doesn’t mean people were suddenly happier with their

marriages. Rather, with incomes decreasing and insecure jobs, unhappy couples often couldn’t afford to divorce. They feared neither spouse could manage alone.

Today, given the job losses of the past year, fewer unhappy couples will risk starting separate households, Furthermore, the housing market melt down will make it more difficult for them to finance their separations by selling their homes.

After financial disasters family members also tend to do whatever they can to help each other and their communities. A 1940 book The Unemployed Man and His Family described a family in which the husband initially r eacted to losing his job “with tireless search for wor k.” He was always active, looking for odd jobs to do.

The problem is that such an impulse is hard to sustain across the country. Many similar families were unable to maintain the initial boost in morale(士气). For some, the hardships of life without steady work eventually overwhelmed their attempts to keep their families together. The divorce rate rose again during the rest of the decade as the recovery took hold.

Millions of American families may now be in the initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, working together and supporting one another through the early months of unemployment.

Today’s economic crisis could well generate a similar number of couples whose relationships have been irreparably(无法弥补地)ruined. So it’s only when the economy is healthy again that we’ll begin

to see just how many broken families have been created.


57.In the initial stage, the current economic crisis is likely to __________.

A)tear many troubled families apart

B)contribute to enduring family ties

C)bring about a drop in the divorce rate

D)cause a lot of conflicts in the family

58.In the Great Depression many unhappy couples chose to stick together because

A)starting a new family would be hard

B)they expected things would turn better

C)they wanted to better protect their kids

D)living separately would be too costly

59.In addition to job losses. What stands in the way of unhappy couples getting a divorce?

A)Mounting family debts

B)A sense of insecurity

C)Difficulty in getting a loan

D)Falling housing prices

60.What will the current economic crisis eventually do to some married couples?

A)It will force them to pull their efforts together

B)It will undermine their mutual understanding

C)It will help strengthen their emotional bonds

D)It will irreparably damage their relationship

61.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A)The economic recovery will see a higher divorce rate

B)Few couples can stand the test of economic hardships

C)A stable family is the best protection against poverty.

D)Money is the foundation of many a happy marriage

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage:

People are being lured (引诱)onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realiz ing they’re paying for it by giving up loads of personal information. Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages.

Most Facebook users don’t realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they’re paying for Face book because people don’t really know what their personal data is worth.

The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules. Early on you keep everything private. That was the great thing about facebook. You could create own little private network. Last year. The company changed its privacy rules so that many things your city, your photo, your friends’ names-were set, by default (默认)to be shared with every one on the Internet.

According to Facebook’s vice-president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don’t share information . They have a “less satisfying experience”.

Some critics think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money than to improve its service. In original business model, which involved selling ads and putting them at the side of the pages totally. Who wants to l ook at ads when they’re online connecting with their friends?

The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington. In April. Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy. He also urged the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social-networking sites. “I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and

how people could choose to use them or not to use them,” Schrage admits.

I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our pri vacy, it’s only t he beginning

w hich is why I’m considering deactivating(撤销)my account. Facebook is a handy site, but I’m upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don’t trust. That’s too high a price to pay.


62.What do we learn about Facebook from the first paragraph?

A)It is a website that sends messages to targeted users.

B)It makes money by putting on advertisements.

C)It profits by selling its users’ personal data.

D)It provides loads of information to its users.

63.What does the author say about most Facebook users?

A)They are reluctant to give up their personal information.

B)They don’t know their personal data enriches Facebook.

C)They don’t identify themselves when using the website.

D)They care very little about their personal information.

64.Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?

A)To render better service to its users.

B)To conform to the Federal guidelines.

C)To improve its users’ connectivity.

D)To expand its scope of business.

65.What does Senator Charles Schumer advocate?

A)Setting guidelines for advertising on websites.

B)Banning the sharing of users’ personal information.

C)Formulating regulations for social-networking sites.

D)Removing ads from all social-networking sites.

66.Why does the author plan to cancel his Facebook account?

A)He is dissatisfied with its current service.

B)He finds many of its users untrustworthy.

C)He doesn’t want his personal data abused.

D)He is upset by its frequent rule changes.


英语四级推荐用书(精华版) 一、英语基础薄弱考生适用资料 (一)词汇:《星火·图解速记》 推荐理由:轻薄便携,记忆量小。不仅是这本词汇书,其他轻薄浓缩的词汇书同样适合英语基础薄弱的同学。用最快的速度过一遍单词,然后赶快过真题吧,搞定真题文章中的生词,你的词汇量一定能快速提升! (二)真题:巨微英语《四级真题·逐句精解》 推荐理由:第一本“专为基础薄弱考生恶补基础”的英语四级真题。逐句注释文章词汇,还对词汇的常见考点(相关搭配,熟词辟义)做了归纳;为了帮大家攻克语法,逐句讲解文章,剖析句子结构,还用了结构图的形式,力求详尽透彻。只要这一本真题,完美替代词汇书语法书! (三)各题型专项:历年真题+真题详解 推荐理由:英语基础薄弱的考生,只需要针对性的、全面的研读真题即可。可以在某段时间,只针对一种题型进行专训,既可以快速掌握解题思路和解题技巧,又可以获悉英语四级的命题趋势和命题特点,可谓一举两得。 (四)课外阅读:英文原版《小王子》,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 推荐理由:对于英语基础薄弱的同学来说,带着趣味性学英语是再好不过的,这两本英文原版书都是入门级的,比外刊文章简单的多,

没有过多的难词。课余时间阅读这些书,不仅能学到生词,学到好的句子,也能培养学英语的兴趣。 二、英语基础的较好考生适用资料 (一)词汇:新东方《四级词汇·词根+联想记忆法》 推荐理由:对于英语基础较好的同学来说,词汇量应该也是比较好的。那么在备考四级的过程中,你要做的就是将这本全面的词汇书通读一遍,标记处少数还未掌握的词汇,然后对这些词汇重点记忆。 (二)真题:《大学英语四级真题·汇编王》 推荐理由:如果英语基础已经足够扎实了,最好的备考方法就是大量刷题了。这本真题包含今年的18套真题,是目前最全的真题了。此外,只要十几块钱,这么美丽的价格,多刷几遍也不心疼啊。 (三)各题型专项:华研系列 推荐理由:华研的真题不够尽善尽美,但是各题型专训做的很不错。至于为什么说适用于英语基础较好的同学呢?因为这个系列有一个特点,解析比较简略,解析包含了许多专业术语。英语基础较好的同学使用起来毫无压力,但是英语基础不够好的同学可能用起来会比较吃力。 (四)课外阅读:各类外刊杂志《时代周刊》《卫报》等 推荐理由:英语四级的考题的题源就是这些外刊,并且是近五年


《数字信号处理》课程研究性学习报告 指导教师薛健 时间2014.6

【目的】 (1) 掌握IIR 和FIR 数字滤波器的设计和应用; (2) 掌握多速率信号处理中的基本概念和方法 ; (3) 学会用Matlab 计算小波分解和重建。 (4)了解小波压缩和去噪的基本原理和方法。 【研讨题目】 一、 (1)播放音频信号 yourn.wav ,确定信号的抽样频率,计算信号的频谱,确定噪声信号的频率范围; (2)设计IIR 数字滤波器,滤除音频信号中的噪声。通过实验研究s P ,ΩΩ,s P ,A A 的选择对滤波效果及滤波器阶数的影响,给出滤波器指标选择的基本原则,确定你认为最合适的滤波器指标。 (3)设计FIR 数字滤波器,滤除音频信号中的噪声。与(2)中的IIR 数字滤波器,从滤波效果、幅度响应、相位响应、滤波器阶数等方面进行比较。 【设计步骤】 【仿真结果】

【结果分析】 由频谱知噪声频率大于3800Hz。FIR和IIR都可以实现滤波,但从听觉上讲,人对于听觉不如对图像(视觉)明感,没必要要求线性相位,因此,综合来看选IIR滤波器好一点,因为在同等要求下,IIR滤波器阶数可以做的很低而FIR滤波器阶数太高,自身线性相位的良好特性在此处用处不大。【自主学习内容】 MATLAB滤波器设计 【阅读文献】 老师课件,教材 【发现问题】(专题研讨或相关知识点学习中发现的问题): 过渡带的宽度会影响滤波器阶数N 【问题探究】 通过实验,但过渡带越宽时,N越小,滤波器阶数越低,过渡带越窄反之。这与理论相符合。 【仿真程序】 信号初步处理部分: [x1,Fs,bits] = wavread('yourn.wav'); sound(x1,Fs); y1=fft(x1,1024); f=Fs*(0:511)/1024; figure(1) plot(x1) title('原始语音信号时域图谱'); xlabel('time n'); ylabel('magnitude n'); figure(2) freqz(x1) title('频率响应图') figure(3) subplot(2,1,1); plot(abs(y1(1:512))) title('原始语音信号FFT频谱') subplot(2,1,2); plot(f,abs(y1(1:512))); title(‘原始语音信号频谱') xlabel('Hz'); ylabel('magnitude'); IIR: fp=2500;fs=3500; wp = 2*pi*fp/FS; ws = 2*pi*fs/FS; Rp=1; Rs=15;



2016年5月CET-SET4试题汇总场次1 I. Self-introduction (30seconds) II. Read Aloud(45s to prepare; 60s to read) III. Question & Answer(2 questions; 20s per Q) IV. Individual Presentation(45s to prepare; 60s to talk ) Views on robots doing housework. V. Pair Work(60s to prepare; 90s to talk) Your presentation may include: --for what purpose --what is the price range --whether to buy it at a store or online

I. Self-introduction II. Read Aloud III. Question & Answer ⑴What’s the Lord of the Files about? ⑵There are few people read novels these days, what do you think about this phenomenon? IV. Individual Presentation My school library. V. Pair Work Your presentation may include: --characters --setting --plot


X-学习资料大全:英语四级考试时间安排(总6页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

天才是百分之九十九的勤奋加百分之一的灵感 新英语四级考试考试时间流程安排 具体考试流程如下: 8:50---9:00试音寻台时间 9:00---9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷 9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做) 9:40---9:55做快速阅读 9:55---10:00收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读) 9:55---10:00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试 10:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音 听力结束后完成剩余考项 11:20全部考试结束 大学英语四级考试大纲 Syllabus for College English Test —Band Four(CET-4)— 总则 国家教委在印发理工科本科和文理科本科用的两种《大学英语教学大纲》的通知中指出,大纲执行两年后,开始对结束四、六级学习的学生进行统一的标准化测试。大学英语四级考试(CET-4)就是根据这一规定而设计的。考试的目的在于全面考核已修完大学英语四级的 学生是否达到教学大纲所确定的各项目标。这种考试属于尺度相关常模参照性考试(criterion-related norm-referenced test)。 教学大纲指出:大学英语教学的目的是培养学生具有较强的阅读能力、一定的听的能力(理工科适用的大纲还规定一定的译的能力)以及初步的写和说的能力,使学生能以英语为工具,获取专业所需要的信息,并为进一步提高英语水平打下较好的基础。为此,本考试主要考核学生运用语言的能力,同时也考核学生对语法结构和词语用法的掌握程度。 本考试是一种标准化考试。由于目前尚不具备口试的条件,暂时只进行笔试。考试范围主要是教学大纲所规定的一级至四级的全部内容(说与译的内容除外)。为保证试卷的信度,除短文写作是主观性试题外,其余试题都采用客观性的多项选择题形式。短文写作部分旨在较好地考核学生运用语言的能力,从而提高试卷的效度。 本考试于每学期结束前后举行,由大学英语四、六级标准考试设计组负责和实施。每年举行两次。 考试内容 本考试包括五个部分:听力理解、阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、完形填空、短文写作。全部题目按顺序统一编号。 第一部分:听力理解(Part 1:Listening Comprehension):共20题,考试时间20分钟


Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your campus newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union to assist elderly people in the neighborhood. You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words. 【参考范文】 On June 14, Friday, a volunteer activity where many students took an active part in visiting the local Nursing House was organized by the Student Union and it turns out to be a big success. The activity was aimed at encouraging students to visit the elderly at the Nursing House and help elderly people deal with their troubles both physical and psychological. Many students volunteered to participate in this good deed and were engaged in helping the elderly here out by making their meals, washing their clothes and chatting with them. When asked about those volunteers’feelings about such an experience, all of them responded with a smile, saying “what a wonderful practice and I really appreciate this experience, for it makes me learn to care more for others in need.” All in all, the activity turns out to be a success not only for the visited elderly but for those students involved. 【参考范文译文】 6月14日,星期五,学生会组织了一个参观当地敬老院的志愿活动,许多学生都积极参与其中,该活动取得了巨大的成功。 此次志愿活动旨在拜访当地敬老院的老人们并对他们各个方面的困难提供帮助。许多学生主动加入到此次善举当中,帮老人们洗衣做饭、谈心解闷,竭尽所能提供帮助。问及参与此次活动的感想时,他们毫无例外地回道“真是太有意义了,很感谢这次经历,它让我懂得要去更加关爱那些有困难的人” 总而言之,此次活动取得了巨大成功,不仅仅对那些老人来说受益多多,对于参与的学生来说也是意义良多。 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section A The center of American automobile innovation has in the past decade moved 2,000 miles away. It has26 from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming into life. In a27to take production back to Detroit, Michigan lawmakers have introduced28 that could make their state the best place in the country, if not the world, to develop self-driving vehicles and put them on the road. “Michigan’s29 in auto research and development is under attack from several states and countries which desire to 30our leadership in transportation. We can’t let happen,” says Senator Mike Kowall, the


大学英语四级写作关键词及短语汇总 平时仍然坚持读报纸或者书籍时刻积累我将来自己写作时可以用到的词汇,这个建议希望大家不光是在应试英语的时候很应试的去这样做,应当养成一种习惯,你会发现,几乎所有同学的写作或者口语问题,都是不知道用哪个词,不知道用什么词,并不是语法问题,逻辑问题,那么所那些浩瀚的词库(例如四级要求4500,考研要求6500,托福要求8000,GRE要求12000)加以应用化,精简化,因为很多同学即便单词都会记住了,依然不知道用什么词,至少不能短期反应过来,因为你脑中有太浩瀚的非应用性词汇,一定要在脑子里还要有一个写作词库。 下面列举一部分,很适合各个梯度的考试的写作用词,第一,直接面向常用的高频意思表达。第二,更加地道。 一些a range of ; a variety of ; a series of ; an array of 无数innumerable ; countless 许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample 非常多(大)的tremendous 依序列举list in sequence 时间词 过时的outdated ; antiquated ; outmoded ; obsolete ; anachronistic 短暂的ephemeral ; transitory ; transient ; short-lived 不合时宜的anachronism 可持久的durable ; last a long time 一再time after time ; again and again 初始的preliminary 前述的aforementioned ; aforesaid ; former 自古到今from ancient times to the present day ; down through the ages 年轻人young people ; youngster ; youth ; young adult 老式的old-fashioned ; out of date ; dated 偶尔from time to time ; now and then ; once in a while ; at times 时常often ; frequently ; repeatedly 永远的eternal ; perpetual ; lasting throughout life 重整办事优先顺序reshape priorities 目前so far ; by far 一次就可完成的事one-time event 正/反意见(opinion) yell at ; reprimand ; chide ; scold ; reprove 支持support ; endorse ; back up ; uphold 谴责condemn ; express strong disapproval of 错的mistaken ; erroneous ; wrong incorrect


数字信号处理课程实验报告 实验名称FIR数字滤 班级姓名 波器设计 教师姓名实验地点实验日期 一、实验内容 1、设计一个最小阶次的低通FIR数字滤波器,性能指标为:通带0Hz~1500Hz,阻带截 止频率2000Hz,通带波动不大于1%,阻带波动不大于1%,采样频率为8000Hz; 2、用一个仿真信号来验证滤波器的正确性(注意:要满足幅度要求和线性相位特性)。 二、实验目的 1、利用学习到的数字信号处理知识解决实际问题; 2、了解线性相位滤波器的特殊结构; 3、熟悉FIR数字滤波器的设计方法。 三、涉及实验的相关情况介绍(包含使用软件或实验设备等情况) 计算机一台(安装MATLAB6.5版本或以上版本) 四、实验记录(以下1~5项必须完成,第6项为选择性试做) 1.原理基础 令希望设计的滤波器的传输函数是H(ejw,hd(n)是与其对应的单位脉冲响应。一般情况下,由Hd(ejw)求出hd(n),然后由Z变换求出滤波器的系统函数。但是通常Hd(ejw)在边界频率处有不连续点,这使得hd(n)是无限长的非因果序列,所以实际是不能实现的。为了构造一个长度为N的线性相位滤波器,可以将hd(n)截取一段来近似,并且根据线性相位的特点,需要保证截取后的序列关于(N-1)/2对称。设截取的一段为h(n),则 Wr(n)称为矩形窗函数。 当hd(n的对称中心点取值为(N-1)/2时,就可以保证所设计的滤波器具有线性相位。 2 实验流程

1.信号的谱分析 2.信号的采样 3.信号的恢复 3源程序代码 clc; clear all; close all; fs=700;%采样频率 f=[30 40];%截止频率 a=[1 0]; dev=[0.01 0.1]; % dev纹波 [n,fo,ao,w]=remezord(f,a,dev,fs);%n滤波器阶数fo过渡带起止频率ao频带内幅度————firpmord b=remez(n,fo,ao,w);%firpm b=b.*blackman(length(b))'; b=b; a=1; figure(1) % [H,W]=freqz(b,1,1024,Fs); % plot(W,20*log10(abs(H))); freqz(b,1,1024,fs);grid title('滤波器') grid %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fc=28; fcl1=50; fcl2=100; fcl3=150; N=1024; n=1:N; % x=2*cos(2*pi*fc/fs*n)+j*2*sin(2*pi*fc/fs*n)+cos(2*pi*fcl/fs*n)+j*sin(2*pi*fcl/fs*n)+1*r and(1,N); xc=2*cos(2*pi*fc/fs*n); x=2*cos(2*pi*fc/fs*n)+2*cos(2*pi*fcl1/fs*n)+2*cos(2*pi*fcl2/fs*n)+0.1*rand(1,N); % x=2*cos(2*pi*fc/fs*n); xfft=abs(fft(x,N));


英语四级复习资料 大学英语四级考试流程 8 :50---9 :00试音时间 - 9:00---9 :10播放考场指令,发作文考卷 9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 - 9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做) 9:40---9 :55做快速阅读 - 9:55---10 :00收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读) 9:55---10 :00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试- 10:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音- 听力结束后完成剩余考项。- 11:20全部考试结束。 - 标准分满分 710分=听力 248.5 +阅读 248.5 +综合测试 106.5 +写作106.5 。 一、 100 个高频词汇。 - 1 accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速- 【例】 accelerate the rate of economic growth - 加速经济增长- 【派】 acceleration n.加速accelerating a. 加速的- 2 account n.账户、考虑- 【考】 take sth. into account把考虑在内- 3 accustom vt.使习惯-

【考】 be accustomed to - 4 adapt vi.适应- 【考】 adapt to适应- 5 adjust vi. 适应- 【考】 adjust to... 适应- 6 advocate vt.宣扬- 7 affluent a.富裕的- 【派】 affluence n. 富裕- 8 annoy vt. 使烦恼 , 使恼怒- 【派】 annoying a.令人恼人的; - annoyance n.烦恼; - annoyed a. 颇为生气的- 9 ascribe vt. 把归咎于- 【考】 ascribe..to归因于- 10 assess vt. 评估- 【派】 assessment n.评估- 11 assign vt. 指派,选派;分配,布置(作业)-【派】 assignment作业- 12 assume vt. 假象、假定- 13 attain vt.获得- 【考】attain one's ideal达到理想- 14 attribute vt.把归因于- 【考】attribute sth.? to把 ... 归咎于- 15 attribute vt.归咎于 【考】 be attributed to? attribute sth. to- 16 automatically ad.自动地- 17 boost vt.提高,推动,使增长n.推动,增长-【例】boost the economy推动经济增长- 【派】booster n.支持者,推动器-


2017年12月英语四级真题 Part I Writing(25 minutes) Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension(25 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A)Her friend Erika.C)Her grandfather. B)Her little brother.D)Her grandmother. 2.A)By taking pictures for passers-by.C)By selling lemonade and pictures. B)By working part time at a hospital.D)By asking for help on social media. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3.A)Finding cheaper ways of highway construction. B)Generating electric power for passing vehicles. C)Providing clean energy to five million people. D)Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel. 4.A)They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements. B)They can be laid right on top of existing highways. C)They are only about half an inch thick.


大学英语4级常用短语大全a series of 一系列,一连串 above all 首先,尤其是 after all 毕竟,究竟 ahead of 在...之前 ahead of time 提前 all at once 突然,同时 all but 几乎;除了...都 all of a sudden 突然 all over 遍及 all over again 再一次,重新 all the time 一直,始终 all the same 仍然,照样的 as regards 关于,至于 anything but 根本不 as a matter of fact 实际上 apart from 除...外(有/无) as a rule 通常,照例 as a result(of) 因此,由于 as far as ...be concerned 就...而言 as far as 远至,到...程度 as for 至于,关于

as follows 如下 as if 好像,仿怫 as good as 和...几乎一样 as usual 像平常一样,照例 as to 至于,关于 all right 令人满意的;可以 as well 同样,也,还 as well as 除...外(也),即...又aside from 除...外(还有) at a loss 茫然,不知所措 at a time 一次,每次 at all 丝毫(不),一点也不 at all costs 不惜一切代价 at all events 不管怎样,无论如何at all times 随时,总是 at any rate 无论如何,至少 at best 充其量,至多 at first 最初,起先 at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 at hand 在手边,在附近 at heart 内心里,本质上 at home 在家,在国内


大学英语四、六级考试口语考试大纲 一、评分标准 CET-SET 主考在评分时使用以下标准: a. 准确性指考生的语音、语调以及所使用的语法和词汇的准确程度 b. 语言范围指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围 c. 话语的长短指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少 d. 连贯性指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言 e. 灵活性指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力 f. 适切性指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力 二、语言功能 CET-SET 考试要求考生参与不同形式的口头交际,其语言能力将根据其在考试中的表现予以测量。考生需要掌握的语言功能和意念在《大学英语教学大纲》中已明确列出。以下仅列举其中部分的语言功能和意念。 友好往来 问候,介绍,告别和告辞,祝愿和祝贺,感谢和应答,道歉和应答,提议、邀请和应答。 相互交流 开始交谈,继续交谈,改变话题,停止交谈。 态度 愿意,希望,意向,决心,责任,能力,允许,禁止,同意和不同意,否定,喜欢和不喜欢,偏爱,责怪和抱怨,判断、决定和意见。 劝说 命令,劝告和建议,承诺,提醒。 感情 焦虑,惊奇,兴趣,加重感情色彩。 存在 存在和不存在,有和没有。 空间描述 位置,方向,运动,距离。 时间

时刻,时段,时间关系,频度,时序。 发表意见和看法 询问意见和看法,发表意见和看法,对意见和看法的反应,同意,不同意,要求澄清,澄清意见和看法。 争辩 讨论,讨论观点,反驳论点,提出进一步论证,劝说和对劝说的反应。 三、考试形式 CET-SET 考试分三部分: 第一部分是考生和 CET 授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的形式。时间约 5 分钟。 第二部分包括 1.5 分钟的考生个人发言和 4.5 分钟的小组讨论。时间共约 10 分钟。 第三部分由主考再次提问以进一步确定考生的口头交际能力。时间约 5 分钟。 四、输入信息 CET-SET 考试运用以下两种形式的输入信息来产生信息差: 1 )画面提示(如图片、图表、照片等); 2 )文字提示。 五、标准描述


2016年12月大学英语四级真题(第一套) Part I Writing (30minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to take a job in a company and the other to go to a graduate school. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1and 2 are based on the news report you have just the heard. 1. A) It was going to be renovated. C) It was dangerous to live in. B) He could no longer pay the rent. D) He had sold it to the royal family. 2. A) A storm. C) A forest fire. B) A strike. D) A Terrorist attack. Questions 3and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) They lost contact with the emergency department. B) They were injured by suddenly falling rocks. C) They sent calls for help via a portable radio. D) They were trapped in an underground elevator. 4. A) They provided the miner with food and water.


大学英语四级短语及常 用词组大全 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

四级短语及常用词组大全 1.Withthehelpof在~~帮助下 undertheleadership/careof在~~领导/关心下 2.bestrictwithsb.对~人要求严格bestrictinsth.对~事要求严格 3.atpresent=atthepresenttime目前forthepresent暂时 4.inthesun/sunshine在阳光下underthesun在世界上 5.liein位于~~之内lieon同~~接壤lieto位于~~之外 6.atleast至少intheleast丝毫,一点 7.byname名叫inthenameof以~~名义 8.intheair空中,在流传ontheair播出 9.intheway挡路,障碍,用~~方法inaway在某点上,在某种程度上getone’sownwaytodo随心所欲giveway让步,屈服 loseone’sway迷路bytheway顺便说一下 onone’swayto在去~~的路上Comethisway这边走 10.atthecorner在拐角处(外角)inthecorner在角落里(内角)onthecorner在角落上(外角上) 11.judgeby/from根据~~来判断judgeforoneself由某人自己来判断 12.attheend(of)在~~结束时atthebeginningof在~~开始时atthebackof在~~背后,支持attheageof~~岁时 atthefootof在~~脚下atthebottomof在~~底部 atthetopof在~~顶上at/ontheedgeof在~~边上 13.inthecourseof在~~过程中inthemiddleof在~中间 intheeyesof从~~观点看来,在~~眼里 inthefaceof面对~,尽管,纵使intheend=atlast=finally最后 14.ontheeveof在~~前夕onthesideof在~~一边 15.afteratime=aftersometime过一段时间后 foratime=forsometime一时,有一段时间 16.behindtime迟到,过期behindthetimes落在时代后面 17.atnotime决不innotime立即,马上 18.atonetime=oncetime曾经atatime=eachtime每次 attimes=sometimes有时atalltimes经常,一直,始终atthesametime同时atthetime在~~的时候 bythetime到~~的时候 19.foramoment一会儿forthemoment暂时 atthemoment当时themoment/minute/instance正当~~一刹那20.onceortwice一两次morethanonce不止一次 oncemore重新,又onceuponatime从前


大学英语四级真题推荐 通过英语四级是大学生们拿到毕业证的必行之路,它影响着你是否能获得一份好的工作,现在社会好的的用人企业都会在乎员工的英语水平是否过了四级水平线。很多学生在四级路上是已将挂了好多次,那么如何才能通过英语四级呢?如下四招能够帮到你: 1.词汇和语法 英语四级跟高中英语还是有所不同的。主要体现在词汇量和语法上。四级要求的词汇量要比高中的多,语法上高中重视语法的学习,大学老师基本上就不讲英语语法的。但是要学好英语,想要通过四级考试必须要学好词汇和语法,这样才能读懂真题。 许多人在学习基础的时候会专门买单词书或语法书,其实完全没必要。四级大纲词汇基本上都是反复出现在英语四级真题中的,记单词和学习语法只要专研真题就可以了。为此,考虑到多数考生都是基础差的情况,这里向大家介绍巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》一书。该书把阅读文章的每一句话都拿出来详细讲解,核心词汇注释和语法讲解都有。词汇注释包括音标、词义、词性、近反义词和相关词组,俨然字典里的注解。句子解析有长难句的句子图解和简单句的句子讲解,句子图解清晰明了,很容易看懂语法结构;句子讲解是文字讲解,每一句的语法都讲解的很到位,很适合基础不好的人用来学习。用这本书进行复习的话,你根本不会觉得枯燥无味,因为在句子中记单词和学语法会更容易。 2.阅读 阅读是四六级考试的重中之重,建议复习的话夺下点功夫。在运用巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》一书夯实单词和语法之后,你还需要学习相应的做题技巧,这里建议反复使用真题。做完之后对照答案,找出自己的错误的原因并归纳记录,在这个过程中你可以穿插着学习巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》送的小册子的做题技巧。如果还有所不懂的话,你也可以去零元课的网站学习一下相关的视频课。这样子边学习边专研技巧,你的阅读得分必定能够提升。 3.翻译和写作 翻译的话建议你多加练习,就拿巨微英语真题进行练习就可以了。你可以先自己试着翻译,然后对照翻译的答案,找出不同,学习答案的翻译。如果有时间的话,你可以找找阅读的文章段落进行翻译,然后对照它的汉语翻译进行学习。巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》还送有翻译的做题技巧的小册子也是可以拿来学习的,一定要看看,对你有帮助的。 写作建议你先学习小册子进行写作技巧的学习,然后进行练习。拿到真题之后你要自己先构思、进行写,然后再对照参考答案,学习参考答案的优点,对自己的文章加以修改。参考答案还给出了一个参考模板,你应该尽力把它背诵下来。注意在平时的写作中多注意积累词组和优美的句子,方便写作时用。 4.听力 听力的复习很重要,要提早进行。高中的时候就不太注重听力的学习,现在是有点难度的。主要还是多听历年的真题,你可以把巨微英语《四/六级真题逐句精解》附带的听力真题下载到你的手机上,吃饭时睡觉前都可以听,听的多了你的语感也就上去了。此外,你还需要学习听力的做题技巧,这个书中赠送了相应的小册子你可以直接使用,如果还是不太懂,可以再去看看零元课的相关的视频讲解,就可以更加明白了。 上面是我们专门为基础不好的考生研究出来的一套四级复习方法,希望能够帮助到你们。 下面这些资料也很有用:


a series of一系列,一连串 above all首先,尤其是 after all毕竟,究竟 ahead of在...之前 ahead of time提前 all at once突然,同时 all but几乎;除了...都 all of a sudden突然 all over遍及 all over again再一次,重新 all the time一直,始终 all the same仍然,照样的 as regards关于,至于 anything but根本不 as a matter of fact实际上 apart from除...外(有/无) as a rule通常,照例 as a result(of)因此,由于 as far as...be concerned就...而言 as far as远至,到...程度 as for至于,关于 as follows如下 as if好像,仿怫 as good as和...几乎一样 as usual像平常一样,照例 as to至于,关于all right令人满意的;可以 as well同样,也,还 as well as除...外(也),即...又 aside from除...外(还有) at a loss茫然,不知所措 at a time一次,每次 at all丝毫(不),一点也不 at all costs不惜一切代价 at all events不管怎样,无论如何 at all times随时,总是 at any rate无论如何,至少 at best充其量,至多 at first最初,起先 at first sight乍一看,初看起来 at hand在手边,在附近 at heart内心里,本质上 at home在家,在国内 at intervals不时,每隔... at large大多数,未被捕获的 at least至少 at last终于 at length最终,终于


目录 2018年6月大学英语四级真题试卷一及答案(完整版) (1) 答案 (15) 2018年6月大学英语四级真题试卷二及答案(完整版) (16) 答案 (30) 2018年6月大学英语四级真题试卷三及答案(完整版) (31) 答案 (41) 2018年6月大学英语四级真题试卷一及答案(完整版) Part I Writing (30 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an a short easy on the importance of speaking ability and how to develop it.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the new report you have just heard. 1. A) The return of a bottled message to its owner's daughter. B)A New Hampshire man's joke with friends on his wife. C)A father's message for his daughter. D)The history of a century-old motel. 2. A) She wanted to show gratitude for his kindness.
