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《翻译理论与实践(笔译)》期末复习辅导 - 萧山电大讲解

《翻译理论与实践(笔译)》期末复习辅导 - 萧山电大讲解
《翻译理论与实践(笔译)》期末复习辅导 - 萧山电大讲解





1. 选择题:10题,每题2分,共20分。范围主要包括翻译标准,直译与意译问题,翻译的定义,文化与翻译的问题。

2. 问答题:1题,共10分。范围主要包括直译与意译问题,翻译的标准,以及翻译与文化的关系等等。


3. 段落翻译(英译汉):2段,共40分。


1. 明朝末年的翻译家徐光启主要从事--- ---的翻译。

A. 佛教经典

B. 文学作品

C. 科技著作

D. 哲学著作

2. 《马氏文通》的作者马建忠提出了“--- ---”的翻译观点。

A. 善译

B. 化境

C. 神似

D. 信、达、雅

3. 出版后即风靡海内的《巴黎茶花女遗事》是-- ----的译作。

A.严复 B. 林纾

C. 林语堂

D. 梁实秋

4.“意译”是指译文从意义出发,要求将原文的意义正确表达出来,不必拘泥于-- ----的形式。

A. 词句

B. 词句和比喻

C. 各种修辞手段

D. 词、句、以及各种修辞手段

5. 翻译是一种()的交际活动。

A.跨语言,跨文化,跨社会 B. 跨语言

C.跨语言,跨社会 D. 跨语言,跨社会

6. 翻译的理想单位是:__________。()

A.篇章 B. 句子 C.词语 D. 单词

7.下列四个语言特点中,---- --不是广告英语的特点。

A. 多祈使句

B. 多后置定语

C. 多新词汇

D. 多常用词汇

8. 鲁迅曾提出过“------- --------”的翻译观点。

A. 宁顺而不信

B. 宁信而不顺

C. 与其信而不顺,不如顺而不信

D. 忠实、通顺、得体

9.“Do you see any green in my eye?”可以翻译为:__ _____。

A. 你从我的眼睛里看到绿颜色吗?

B. 你以为我是好欺骗的吗?

C. 你从我的眼睛里看到嫉妒的感觉吗?

D. 你以为我在嫉妒你吗?

10. “Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.” 意思为( )。A.昨夜我听见他把他的猪赶到市场。




11.“to laugh off one’s head” 被译为“笑掉大牙”,这是运用了什么翻译方法?A.直译法 B. 意译法

C. 汉语同义习语的套用法

D. 归化法

12.严复的“雅”是指:___ ____。










14. “他主要抓生产”应翻译为: ( ).

A.He is mainly in charge of production.

B.He mainly grasps production.

C.He mainly appeals to production.

D.He mainly stresses production.

15. The first bombs missed the target”意思是“第一批炸弹没有击中目标”,请问划线部分用了什么翻译方法.( )

A. 正反,反正表达法

B. 意译法

C. 直译法

D. 音译法

16. “他们对我们的工作没有多大意见”应翻译为: ( ).

A.They have no great opinion of our work.

B.They don’t have much complaint about our work.

C.They have no idea of our work.

D.They are unsatisfied with our work.

17.我国佛教的三大翻译家是指:______ _____。

A.玄奘、鸠摩罗什、真谛 B. 玄奘、林纾、徐光启

C. 鸠摩罗什、徐光启、玄奘

D. 真谛、严复、鸠摩罗什

18. 3. “Joan can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.”可以翻译成:______。A.约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直。

B. 约翰为人可靠,他一向不吃鱼,而且经常玩游戏。

C. 约翰被人依靠,他不吃鱼,玩游戏。

D. 约翰依靠别人,他很忠诚,不喜欢玩游戏。

19.“Ruth was upsetting the other children, so I showed her the door.”的正确翻译是:_ ___。

A. 鲁丝一直在扰乱别的孩子,所以我把她带到门口。

B. 鲁丝一直在扰乱别的孩子,所以我把门指引给她看。

C. 鲁丝使孩子难受,我就把她撵出去了。

D. 鲁丝一直在扰乱别的孩子,我就把她撵了出去。

20. “这山望着那山高”应翻译为: ( )

A.It is always the other mountain that looks higher.

B.People always think the grass is greener on the other side.

C.The other mountain always looks higher.

D.We like the other mountain which looks higher.

21. “他的衣服穿烂了” 最恰当的翻译是: ( )

A.His clothes are in shred.

B.His clothes are worn-out.

C.His clothes are too dirty.

D.His clothes are too messy.

22. “This is a most interesting book.” 下面哪句翻译最为恰当:_______。





23. “He took the chair at the board of directors”下面哪句翻译最为恰当:________。






1. 如何理解直译和意译之间的关系。











3. 玄奘的翻译标准是什么, 以及其对我国的翻译事业有些什么贡献?

a)玄奘(602-664) “既须求真,又须喻俗”的翻译标准,力求忠实与易懂并重。“五不翻”原则,总结音译法规律:










2)“…,我们在翻译时不能冒险将翻译的语言内容和文化分开来处理。”(英国译学理论家:Susan Bassnett)因此,语言的翻译不仅是语符表层指称意义的转换,更是两种不同文化的相互沟通和移植,翻译既涉及两种语言,更涉及两种文化。

3)在文化趋同的过程中,文化差异依然存在,不同的文化背景不可避免地会发生局部的交叉、冲突,从而给语言的翻译带来种种困难。因此,“对于真正成功的翻译而言,熟悉两种文化甚至比掌握两种语言更为重要,因为词语只有在其作用的文化背景中才有意义。”(Eugene A.Nida)



1. The research work is being done by a group of dedicated and imaginative scientists who specialize in extracting from various sea animals substances that may improve.


2. 他(听到这话)心里一跳,脸色变了。

译文:His heart jumped and the color of his face changed.

3.Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.


4. At the beginning of the new year, this area saw a big snowfall.

译1. 他们把三个部门合成了一个部门。

译文:They have combined the three departments into one department.


译文:The old lady was also blown sick by the wind.

3. 如果今年再提出来,我想也不会有别的结果。

译文:If they insist on re-submitting this year, I don’t see any different outcome.

4. 店主让我父亲一天干16小时的活。

译文:The shop-owner let father work 16 hours a day.


译文:As a world trade organization, I think, WTO without China will be hard to play its due role. 文:在新年的开始,这个地区就经历了一场大雪。

1. 要敢于在公众面前讲话。这是一个关,这个关必须过。

译文:We should have the courage to speak before public. This is a pass we must go through. 2. 关于广东信托投资公司事件,我想这个问题也是大家所关心的。

译文:On the question of Guangdong International Trust and Investment Company, I think this is also a question of interest to everyone.

4. 某些企业要关、停、并、转,或者减少生产任务。

译文:Some enterprises should either close down, suspend operation, be amalgamated with others, switch to other products, or cut production.


(1)The traditional pattern of classroom experience at the college level brings the professor and a group of 20 to 30 students together for a 45-to-50-minute class session two or three times a week. The most common mode of instruction is the lecture. When lectures are the principal method of instruction in larger classes, regular periods may be set aside for small group discussions under the leadership of an assistant instructor.

(2)It was a fine day in early Spring. Bright sunshine flooded the street where a group of boys in Sunday clothes were playing ball. In most of the tenements the windows were up. Clean-shaven men in collarless shirts or in underwear, women with aprons(围裙)or sloppy pink wrappers leaned on the sills (窗台)and gazed with aimless interest at the street, the sky, those who were

passing below.

(3)FUZHOU(Xinhua) ----Three journalists from Hong Kong were expelled from the mainland on Sunday afternoon by public security officers of South China’s Fjujian Province, for violating the State Security Law. (注:这是一篇新闻报道,翻译时,并不强调译文和原文的格式完全统一.)

(4) Over twenty-eight years ago, adias gave birth to a new idea in sports shoes. And the people who wear our shoes have been running and winning ever since. In fact, adidas has helped them set over 400 world records in track and field alone.

(5) Why are attractive women not thought to be able? An attractive woman is perceived to be more feminine and an attractive man more masculine than the less attractive ones. Thus, an attractive woman has an advantage in traditionally female jobs.

(6)I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.

(7)Reading skills are equally important. Experts estimate that it is possible for any normal adult English speaker to read 1000 words a minute, with special training. Yet most students read only about 300 words per minute. The following principles might be helpful for foreign students who wish to increase their reading skill:

1.Always read faster than is comfortable. The faster your normal rate of reading becomes, the

better your understanding will be.

2.While reading do not allow yourself to regress, but keep reading ahead in every sentence,

even when you come across a new word.

3.Read selectively. As you read make a conscious effort to screen the nouns, pronouns, and

verbs from the other words, since these are the words that give meaning to what you have read.


试卷代号:1026 中央广播电视大学2011-2012学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试 宏微观经济学试题 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分,请将你认为的正确答案的序号 填入该题后的括号内) 1.什么情况下应采取薄利多销政策( B.价格弹性大于1时 )。 A.价格弹性小于1时 B.价格弹性大于1时 C.收入弹性大于1时 D.任何时候都应薄利多销 2.一般来说,香烟的蛛网的形状是( B.发散型 )。 A.收敛型 B.发散型 C.封闭型 D.圆圈型 3.边际效用随着消费量的增加而( A.递减 )。 A.递减 B.递增 C.不变 D.先增后减 4.固定成本是指( A.厂商在短期内必须支付的不能调整的生产要素的费用 )。 A.厂商在短期内必须支付的不能调整的生产要素的费用 B.厂商要增加产量所要增加的费用 C.厂商购进生产要素时所要支付的费用 D.厂商在短期内必须支付的可能调整的生产要素的费用 5.某厂商生产5件衣服的总成本为1500元,其中厂商的机器折旧为500元,工人工资及 原材料费用为1000元,那么平均可变成本为(C.200 )。 A.300 B.100 C.200 D.500 6.在完全垄断市场上,厂商的边际收益与平均收益之间的关系是( A.边际收益小于平均收益 )。 A.边际收益小于平均收益 B.边际收益大于平均收益 C.边际收益等于平均收益 D.边际收益曲线交于平均收益曲线的最低点 7.在完全竞争条件下,要素市场上的边际产品价值的公式是( B )。 8.随着工资水平的提高( C.劳动的供给量先增加,但工资提高到一定水平后,劳动的供给不仅不会增加反而

A.劳动的供给量会一直增加 B.劳动的供给量逐渐减少 C.劳动的供给量先增加,但工资提高到一定水平后,劳动的供给不仅不会增加反而 减少 D.劳动的供给量增加到一定程度后就不会增加也不会减少 9.某人的吸烟行为属(D.消费的外部不经济)。 A.生产的外部经济 B.消费的外部经济 C.生产的外部不经济 D.消费的外部不经济 10.公共产品的产权是属于社会,而不属于任何个人是指它的(B.非排他性)。 A.排他性 B.非排他性 C.竞争性 D.非竞争性 11.已知国民消费函数为C=80+0. 8Y,如果消费增加100亿元,则国民收入( C.增加500亿元 )。 A.增加100亿元 B.减少500亿元 C.增加500亿元 D.减少100亿元 12.投资乘数( B.投资引起收入增加量与投资增加量之间的比例 )。 A.表明国民收入变动量与引起这种变量的关系 B.投资引起收入增加量与投资增加量之间的比例 C.表明国民消费增加量与引起这种变量的关系 D.投资引起消费增加量与投资增加量之间的比例 13.当经济中存在通货膨胀时,应该采取的财政政策工具是( C.减少政府支出和增加税收 )。 A.增加政府支出和减少税收 B.减少政府支出和减少税收。 C.减少政府支出和增加税收 D.增加政府支出和增加税收 14.“挤出效应”会使总需求水平保持不变,因为( A.扩张性财政政策的刺激会因利率上升和投资下降所抵消 )。 A.扩张性财政政策的刺激会因利率上升和投资下降所抵消 B.扩张性财政政策将推动利率上升;因而导致货币供给的增加 C.政府支出的增加将导致税收增加,从而使消费减少 D.以上说法都对 15.中央银行降低再贴现率的时候,商业银行增加贴现的目的一般是( C.增加贷款)。 A.购买设备 B.偿还贷款 C.增加贷款 D.增加库存现金 二、多项选择题(每题3分.共15分,多选漏选均不给分j请将你认为的正确答案的序号填入该题后的括号内)


最新国家开放大学电大《管理英语4》网络核心课形考网考 作业及答案 100%通过 单元自测1 第一套 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 题目1 — This project is too big for me to finish on time. 选择一项: ……C…… I'll give you a hand 题目2 — I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months. —__________. We've been working hard, but still getting behind. 选择一项: ……A…… You're right 题目3 AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were ______ to be promoted into management jobs. 选择一项: ……A…… more likely 题目4 The Human Resource Managing Department at Honda is given specific instructions ______ employ the best possible workers. 选择一项: ……C…… on how to 题目5 The responsibilities in handbook ______ that managers have to be concerned with efficiency and effectiveness in the work process. 选择一项: ……B…… indicate 题目6 二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50分)。 Who Killed Nokia? Nokia executives attempted to explain its fall from the top of the smartphone pyramid with three factors: 1) that Nokia was technically inferior to Apple, 2) that the company was complacent and 3) that its leaders didn't see the disruptive iPhone coming. It has also been argued that it was none of the above. Nokia lost the smartphone battle because


开放英语3的期末复习指导(小蓝本) 交际用语 1.–Well, Mary, how are you? C.I’m fine 2.Let’s take a walk.A. Yes, let’s 3. —I think the Internet is very helpful.(A)A. Yes, so do I 4.–Hello, could I speak to Don please?(C)C. Who's speaking 5—What kind of TV program do you like best?(B)B. It’s hard to say, actually 词汇 6. He is very keen C football.C.on 7.Let's go to the cinema,?C.shall we 8.He asked me where(B)from. B. I came 9.The teacher told C for being late for class.C.me off 10he was A about his new job. A.over the moon 11. are you still here?you were here half an hour ago.who Bfor? B. are you waiting 12. B i enjoy most isi can have a holiday from work.B. what...that 13. You__A__to exercise more. A.ought 14.They_A_forhours. A.habe been driving 15. __A _all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy.A.Spending 完形填空 Traffic in India means a mixture of all kinds of vehicles on the road. About 700,000 new cars __(16)__in India in the last twelve months, and about twice that many used cars have been traded. --- 16.A. have been sold17.C. in18. B. vehicles 19. C. with20. B.on21. A.pulled22. C. watch out 23.A.are recommended24.B.by25. C. that 阅读理解1 开头Mas Sharp,a large, red-faced woman in her late sixties, 26.Why did Mrs. Sharp have to move to Greenleas?C. Because her house in the downtown area was knocked down. 27.When she got married,she lived__B. together with her parents for some time 28.What did she know so many people?B. Because they were either her relatives or schoolmates 29.The sentence “I had one neighbour who was always poking hernose into our business.”I n the last Para. Means __ C.I had one neighbour who always showed her interests in our private affairs 30.What does this passage mainly deal with?A.What the extended family is like. 短文理解2 There have been changes in all sorts of different areas of Brit ish society. In recent years in the UK we have had a very large increase in the number of couples who get divorced. After 1969 and the Divorce Law Reform Act we had a very rapid increase in the 31.The highest divorce rate was around 1969F32. The marriage rate has gone down in recent years. T33.The marriage rate is curren tly 70 percent. F34.Forty perce nt of babies born today have pa rents who are not married. F 35.The birth rate is increa sing at the moment. F 第五部分:书面表达 My Hobbies I have some hobbies. For example, I like cycling. Every day, I cycle to work instead of driving to get some exercise. I can benefit a lot from it because it makes me healthy and strong. There is a small garden in front of my house. In my spare time, I like raising different kinds of flowers in it. Some are red, some are white. They are beautiful. I have other hobbies, too, such as climbing and swimming. They help me maintain a mental and physical balance. 交际用语 1.– What subjects are youstudying? (C )C. I'm studying philosophy 2.— Which language do you speak at home?(B)B. English, most of the time 3.— Must we hand in our homework now? (C)C.No, you needn’t 4.— Do you think the exam will be put off?(A)A. Not likely 5.—In my opinion, you’d better take a couple of days off.(C)C.I’ll take your advice 词汇 6.He is looking forward__B__his thesis.B.to writing 7.I__B___her to marry me and she agreedB.adked 8.You like playing football,___A____you?A. don't 9.____every day for 20 minutes.A.Exercise 10.If he was fitter, he ___________ live longer.C.would 11. I regret ______ that I’m unable to help you.B.to say 12.I have given _______ eating meat.C.up 13.She comes from _________ People’s Republic of China.C.the 14.7.The boy ________ to school already.C.has been taken 15. ____________these children know the answer.A.Most of 完形填空 开头The ancient Olympic Games 16. B.were17. C. of18.C. were held19.


上海电大英语作业 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

一、单选题 1、Haveaniceholiday,Ted. , you’re right ’s all right you, and you too idea 2、Sam,thisismyfriend,Jane. ’m Jack to meet you, Jane to meet you, Sam well, thank you 3、Doesthispatient’srecordneed___________now?No,youcanfinishitlater. B. C. D. complete 4、Canyouhelpmeclearupthemess? me who made it trouble at all , that’ll be all right problem 5、Ifhe____________,he____________thatfood.--Luckilyhewassenttothehospitalimmediately. warned; would not take been warned; would not have taken be warned; had not taken have been warned; had not taken 6、Youhadbetter_____________anumbrellawithyou.

take 7、What’sthefaretothemuseum? hours o’clock miles dollars 8、Beforejoiningthearmy,hespentalotoftimeinthevillage________hebelonged. which where which 9、HowwasthejourneytoLondon? went very well was a nine-hour plane journey flew there was very well 10、Wearegoingtohaveouroffice_________tomakeroomforanewengineer. rearrange 11、Robertissaid__________abroad,butIdon’tknowwhatcountryhestudiedin. have been studying study


Managerial Economics HOMEWORK SET#5 Name: Class: Student #: (Due day: Next class)

Part 1: 1. Discrimination based upon the quantity consumed is referred to as ______________ price discrimination. a. first-degree b. second degree c. third-degree d. group Choose:b) 2. Club Med, which runs a number of vacation resorts, offers vacation packages at a lower price in the winter, the "off season," than in the summer. This practice is an example of: a. peak-load pricing. b. intertemporal price discrimination. c. two-part tariff. d. bundling. e. both (a) and (b) are correct. Choose:e) 3. Bundling raises higher revenues than selling the goods separately when a. demands for two goods are highly positively correlated. b. demands for two products are mildly positively correlated. c. demands for two products are negatively correlate d. d. there is a perfect positive correlation between the demands for two goods. e. the goods are complementary in nature. Choose:c) 4. Two-part tariffs are: a. a form of bundling. b. profit-enhancing if consumers have different demand curves. c. inefficient if all consumers are idential. d. an uncommon price strategy. e. None of the above is correct. Choose:b) Although not all surplus can be extracted when consumers's demand differs, two part tariffs may still be profitable. Two-part tariffs can be just as efficient as perfect competition if consumers are identical snd price is set at marginal cost(therefore, choice c) is wrong). Choice d) is certainly not true-separating prices into two components, an entry fee and a usage fee, is quite common. Example are country club pricing or fitness club pricing (an initial membership fee and monthly fees as well) and utility bills (a charge for being connected and a separate charge for ueage.) The next four questiones refer to the Zwift Corporation, which has a monopoly in


真题一 一、交际英语 1、- Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you. - _______ A:Are you? B:Nice to meet you too. C:Yes. D:Very nice. 答案: B 2、-- Happy birthday to you! -- _______________ A:Happy birthday to you! B:I am very glad. C:That's all right. D:Thank you. 答案: D 3、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States. - ______________ A:What can I do for you?

B:Nice to meet you. C:Please keep in touch. D:Haven't seen you for ages. 答案: B 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________ A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 答案: A 5、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? - ________ A:Speaking, please. B:Oh, how are you? C:I'm listening. D:I'm Don. 答案: A 二、阅读理解 1、 Snowflakes look like white stars falling from the sky. But there have been times when snow has looked red, green,


上海电大英语作业 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

一、单选题 1、Haveaniceholiday,Ted. , you’re right ’s all right you, and you too idea 2、Sam,thisismyfriend,Jane. ’m Jack to meet you, Jane to meet you, Sam well, thank you 3、Doesthispatient’srecordneed___________nowNo,youcanfinishitlater. B. C. D. complete

4、Canyouhelpmeclearupthemess me who made it trouble at all , that’ll be all right problem 5、Ifhe____________,he____________thatfood.--Luckilyhewassenttothehospitalimmediately. warned; would not take been warned; would not have taken be warned; had not taken have been warned; had not taken 6、Youhadbetter_____________anumbrellawithyou. take 7、What’sthefaretothemuseum hours


边际成本:指每增加一单位产品生产所增加的总成本。边际产量:是指增加一个单位可变要素投入量所增加的产量。边际产品价值:是生产要素的边际产品MP 和产品价值P 的乘积。边际储蓄倾向:是指增加的储蓄占增加的收入的比例。边际技术替代率:是指在保持产量不变的条件下,增加一个单位的某种要素投入量边际生产力:是指厂商每增加一单位生产要素投入所增加的生产力。边际消费倾向:是指增加的消费在增加的收入中所占的比例。边际效用:是指消费者在一定时间内增加单位商品消费所引起的总效用增加量。财政政策:是指政府通过改变财政收入和支出来影响社会总需求,以便最终影响就业和国民收入的政策。 产权制度:产权是指个人或单位使用资源或资产的权力。产权制度是指一系列用来确定每个人相对于稀缺资源使用时的地位的经济和社会关系。 长期成本:是指厂商长期生产一定量产品所需要的成本总和。成本推动的通货膨胀:是指在没有超额需求的条件下,由于供给方面成本的提高所引起的价格水平的普遍持续上涨。乘数:国民收入变动量与引起这种变动量的最初注入量之间的比例。储蓄函数:一般是指储蓄和收入之间的数量关系。 短期成本:是指厂商在短期内进行生产经营的开支。发散型蛛网:当供给弹性的绝对值大于需求弹性绝对值的条件下,价格和产量波动越来越大,离开均衡点越来越远,称为发散型蛛网。非对称信息:是指市场上买卖双方所掌握的信息是不对称的,一方掌握的信息多些一方掌握的信息少些。菲利普斯曲线:是表示通货膨胀率与失业率之间相互关系的曲线。封闭型蛛网:当供给弹性的绝对值等于需求弹性的绝对值的条件下,价格和产量波动始终按同一幅度进行,称为封闭型蛛网。公共物品:是指具有非竞争性和非排他性,不能依靠市场机制实现有效配置的产品。公债:是政府对公众的债务,或公众对政府的债权。供给:是指某个厂商或全部厂商在一定时间内在一定价格条件下对某一商品愿意并且有商品出售的数量。供给规律:也称供给定理,是指商品价格提高,对该商品的供给量增加,反之,商品价格下降,则对该商品的供给量减少,这种供给数量和商品价格成同方向变化的关系称供给规律或供给定理。供给价格弹性:是指供给量相对价格变化作出的反应程度,即某种商品价格上升或下降百分之一时,对该商品供给量增加或减少的百分比。供求规律:是指当需求量大于供给量时,价格上升;当需求量小于供给量时,价格下降,这就是市场价格变化的具体规律,一般称之为供求规律。规模报酬:是指所有生产要素的变化与所引起的产量变化之间的关系。机会成本:是指生产者为了生产一定数量的产品所放弃的使用相同的生产要素在其基数效用:是指按1、2、3 ??基数来衡量效用的大小,这是一种按绝对数衡量效用的方法。交易费用:是指个人交换他们对于经济资产的所有权和确定他们排他性权利的费用,是市场经济交换过程中产生的一些费用,包括运输费用、佣金、谈判所消耗的时间以及各种税收等等,亦称“转换费用:。结构性失业:是指由于经济结构的变化,劳动力的供给和需求在职业、技能、产业、地区分布等方面的不协调所引起的失业。经济租金:是准租金的一种特殊形式。是指素质较差的生产要素,在长期内由于需求增加而获得的一种超额收入。 均衡国民收入:是指小于充分就业时的国民收入均衡。均衡价格:是指一种商品需求价格和供给价格相等,同时需求量和供给量相等的价格,是由需求曲线和供给曲线的交点决定的。 科斯定理:是一种产权理论,是解决经济活动外部性的重要理论和全新思路。其原理内容是指在市场交换中,若交易费用为零,那么产权对资源配置的效率就没有影响。利率:又称利息率,是指利息占借贷资本的比率。 利润:一般是指经济利润,也称超额利润,是指厂商总收益和总成本的差额。洛伦兹曲线:是美国统计学家洛伦兹提出的,是用以反映国民收入分配平均程度的一种曲线。 摩擦性失业:是指劳动者正常流动过程产生的失业。逆向选择:是指在买卖双方信息不对称的情况下,差的商品总是将好的商品驱逐出市场。平均产量:是指单位生产要素提供的产量。 平均储蓄倾向:是指储蓄占收入的比例。平均消费倾向:是指消费占收入的比例。潜在国民收入:是指充分就业时的国民收入均衡。商品的边际替代率:是指消费者为保持原有的效用水平或满足程度不变的前提下,增加一单位某种商品的消费时,而需放弃另一种商品消费数量。 生产函数:是指在一定时期内,在技术水平不变的情况下,生产过程中投入的各种生产扩展线:


A.Yes, you B.That C.Thank you, and you too D.Good idea 2、Sam,thisismyfriend,Jane. A.I B.Glad to meet you, Jane C.Glad to meet you, Sam D.Very well, thank you 3、Doesthispatient https://www.sodocs.net/doc/6c14024567.html,plete B. C. D. B.to complete https://www.sodocs.net/doc/6c14024567.html,pleting https://www.sodocs.net/doc/6c14024567.html,pleted 4、Canyouhelpmeclearupthemess A.Tell me who made it B.No trouble at all C.Yes, that D.No problem

A.was warned; would not take B.had been warned; would not have taken C.would be warned; had not taken D.would have been warned; had not taken 6、Youhadbetter_____________anumbrellawithyou. A.- B.to take C.take D.taking 7、What A.Five hours B.Five o C.Five miles D.Five dollars 8、Beforejoiningthearmy,hespentalotoftimeinthevillage________hebelonged. A.which B.to which C.to where D.at which 9、HowwasthejourneytoLondon A.It went very well


《西方经济学导学》导学综合练习题 《西方经济学导学》计算题 第二章供求理论、计算题 1.令需求曲线的方程式为P=30-4Q,供给曲线的方程式为P=20+2Q,试求均衡价格与均衡产量。 解:已知:P=30-4Q,P=20+2Q价格相等得: 30-4Q =20+2Q 6Q=10 Q=1.7代入P=30-4Q,P=30-4×1.7=23 2.某公司对其产品与消费者收入的关系估计如下:Q=2000+0.2M,Q为需求数量,M为平均家庭收入,请分别求出M=5000元,15000元,30000元的收入弹性。 解:已知:Q=2000+0.2M,M分别为5000元,15000元,30000元 根据公式:分别代入: 3.某产品的需求函数为P+3Q=10,求P=1时的需求弹性。若厂家要扩大销售收入,应该采取提价还是降价的策略? 解:已知:P+3Q=10,P=1 将P=1代入P+3Q=10求得Q=3 当P=1时的需求弹性为1/3,属缺乏弹性,应提价。 第三章效用理论、计算题 1.已知某家庭的总效用方程为TU=14Q-Q2,Q为消费商品数量,试求该家庭消费多少商品效用最大,效用最大额是多少。 2.解:总效用为TU=14Q-Q2 所以边际效用MU=14-2Q 效用最大时,边际效用应该为零。即MU=14-2Q=0 Q=7, 总效用TU=14·7 - 72 = 49 即消费7个商品时,效用最大。最大效用额为49 2.已知某人的效用函数为TU=4X+Y,如果消费者消费16单位X和14单位Y,试求: (1)消费者的总效用 (2)如果因某种原因消费者只能消费4个单位X产品,在保持总效用不变的情况下,需要消费多少单位Y产品? 解:(1)因为X=16,Y=14,TU=4X+Y,所以TU=4*16+14=78 (2)总效用不变,即78不变

电大英语I 期末复习

英语1(1)——英语I(1)考前辅导 词汇与结构 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. What’s ______ job? A. yours B. your C. you 2. Who is that man over there? Do you know ______ name? A. he B. he’s C. his 3. Mary is making ______a beautiful dress. A. myself B. himself C. herself 4. You have more apples than _____ do. But _____ are better than yours. A. us, we B. we, ours C. ours, us 5. _____ people are my friends. _____ people are my husband’s friends. A. These, Those B. This, That C. Here, There 6. I have two brothers. One is a driver, ______ is a policeman. A. one B. other C. the other 7. London is _____capital of Britain, and it is _____ great city, too. A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a 8. David is _____ only accountant in my son’s company. A. a B. an C. the


开放英语(3)作业1 (Units 1-6) 本作业由四部分组成,第一部分:交际用语;第二部分:英语知识运用;第三部分:阅读理解;第四部分:写作。建议在90分钟内完成本作业。写作部分要求写在给定的位置上。每次作业满分为100份。 第一部分:交际用语(每题2分,共10分) 阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出选项的字母符号。 1. ----May I help you, madam? ----____D___________. A. Sorry, I have no idea B. Yes, I know what to buy C. You'd better give me a hand D. Yes, I'd like 2 kilos of oranges 2. ----May I know your address? ----____A__________. A. Sure. Here you are B. I have no idea C. It's far from here D. Sorry, I've forgotten 3. ----Well, Mary, how are you? ----____C__________. A. I'm good B. I'm pleased C. I'm fine D. I'm nice 4. ----I don't like the sports programs on Sundays. ----______B________. A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So am I D. Neither am I


电大宏微观经济学作业 (1—6)2006.12 电大宏微观经济学作业1 题目:举例说明如何借鉴价格弹性理论进行价格决策?目的:(略)要求:(略)参考答案: 一、商品需求量与价格成反方向变动,变动程度则表现在需求价格弹性。 商品需求量与价格反方向变动(复习指导P19)需求价格弹性含义(复习指导P20) 需求价格弹性分类(复习指导P21) 需求价格弹性分类(复习指导P21)需求价格弹性对商品价格决策的影响:第一,需求富有弹性的总收益与需求价格弹性关系。如果某种商品的需求是富有弹性,那么,当该商品的价格下降时,需求量增加的幅度大于价格下降的幅度,所以,总收益会增加。如果某种商品的需求是富有弹性的,那么,当该商品的价格上升时,需求量减少的幅度大于价格上升的幅度,所以,总收益会减少。 第二,需求缺乏弹性的总收益与需求价格弹性关系。如果某种商品的需求是缺乏弹性的,那么,当该商品的价格下降时,需求量增加的幅度小于价格下降的幅度,所以,总收益会减少。如果某种商品的需求是缺乏弹性的,那么,当该商品的价格上升时,需求量减少的幅度小于价格上升的幅度,所以,总收益会增加。 第二,需求缺乏弹性的总收益与需求价格弹性关系。如果某种商品的需求是缺乏弹性的,那么,当该商品的价格下降时,需求量增加的幅度小于价格下降的幅度,所以,总收益会减少。如果某种商品的需求是缺乏弹性的,那么,当该商品的价格上升时,需求量减少的幅度小于价格上升的幅度,所以,总收益会增加。 (举例:"薄利多销";"谷贱伤农"。) 二、商品供给量与价格成正方向变动,变动程度则表现在供给价格弹性。 商品供给量与价格正方向变动(课本P31) 商品供给量与价格正方向变动(课本P31)供给价格弹性含义(课本P45)供给价格弹性分类(课本P45) 供给价格弹性与需求价格弹性结合对商品价格决策的影响: 供给价格弹性与需求价格弹性结合对商品价格决策的影响: 第一,稳定的价格决策。(课本P49) 供给价格弹性小于需求价格弹性,价格和产量的波动越来越小,最后趋于稳定。 第二,不稳定的价格决策。(课本P49) 供给价格弹性大于需求价格弹性,价格和产量的波动越来越大,最后趋于不稳定。 第三,循环的价格决策。(课本P49) 供给价格弹性等于需求价格弹性,价格和产量的波动按统一幅度进行,最后趋于循环。 供给价格弹性等于需求价格弹性,价格和产量的波动按统一幅度进行,最后趋于循环。(举例:"生猪与玉米"。) 三、商品需求量与收入成正方向变动,变动程度则表现在需求收入弹性。商品需求量与收入成正方向变动(课本P29) 需求收入弹性含义(复习指导P21)


一、交际用语 A 1.Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? (Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy) 2.Afternoon, sir. Where to? (Please get me to the airport) 3.Ami , I want this report typed today. (It’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir) 4.Are there any good shows on TV tonight? (-Titanic is on the movie channel) 5.Are there any drug-stores around here? (-No, it isn’t) 6.Are you sure about that? (Oh, yes, I’m absolutely positive) 7.Are you on holidau here? (-No, we aren’t,We live here) 8.Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? (It’s on the right corner just ahead) C 9.Can I help you to get it down? (Thanks. It’s so nice of you) 10.Can you tell me how much a T-shirt like this costs? (About forty-five dollars) 11.Could I thak to Prof. Lee? (Yes, speaking) 12.Can you help me clear up the mess? (No problem) 13,Can you tell me where I can park the car? (Well, just over there) D 14.Don’t take too long at the coffee shop. It’s 14:15. (I see .We have 30 minutes left) 15.Do you think the exam will be put off? (Not likely) 16.Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? (Go ahead, please) 16-1.Do you know if the Andersons are still living there? (Yes they are) E 17.Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? (No. you’d change at the next stop) 18.Excuse me .Is this table taken? (Yeah. I’m saving these seats for friends) 19.Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? (In half an hour) 20.Excuse me, I didn’t mean to bother you (That’s quite all right) 21.Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? (On you right. It’ll leave in 5 minutes) 22.Excuse me, which bus goes to the city museum? (You can take No.102 bus) G 23.Go that way and take a seat. (Yes,that’s a good way) H 24.How’s the movie? Interesting? (Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV) 25.Help yourself to the steak, Maggie (Thanks you, Helen. It’s been a nice dinner) 26.Have you ever been to Tokyo? (No, but I hope to go there next year) 27.Have a nice holiday, Ted (Thank you ,and you too) 28.Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit? (I’m sorry, but it’s completely booked) 29.Hurry up, the lecture begins at 2:00 (Don’t worry. we’ve got 20 minutes) 30.Have you got a table for four, Waiter? (Yes, sure. This way, please) 31.Hey, Barara.You look so pale (I’m iust getting over the flu) 32.How much is it altogether? (It’s free) 33.How long will you be away from Italy? (About a month) 34.How often do you have listening classes in a week? (Every Monday and Friday) 35.How was the iourney to London? (It went very well) 36.How are you this morning? (Very well, thank you) I 37.I wish you success in your career. (The same to you) 38.I heard your motorcar was stolen. (Mine wasn’t but Bill’s was) 39.I’m sorry. Bob’s not in his office (Can you take a message for me) 40.I’ve ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want? (A beer is fine for me. I’m not hungry yet) 41.I’m sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting. (Oh. I don’t mind. I ‘ve been here 10 minutes)or(that’s ok) 42.I’m trying to call Marie, but there’s no answer. (Really? Maybe she’s out) 43.I wonder of you could help me. (Of course) 44.I have an appointment with Dr.Johnson (Please wait for a minute.He is busy now) 45.I’ve got 2 tickets for the match,Shall we go and watch it together? (Why not?Let’s go) 46.I don’t think I’m late Excuse me, what’s the time? (Itsays 8:00. But it’s 5 minutes slow) 47.I haven’t seen Belly for 10 years. (Neither have I) 48.I don’t like the sports porgrams on Sundays (Neither do I) 49.In my opinion,you’d better take a couple of days off. (I’ll take your advice) 50.Is there anything serious,doctor? (No.Just atay in bed and drink more water) 51.It is a great race! Do you agree? (Yes, it’s teally exciting) 52.Is my TV program disturbing you? (Yes, I’m trying to write my paper) 53.I’d like to know if everybody is here (Everyone except Tom) 54.I have got a pain in my neck (I’m sorry to hear that) 55.I feel quite ill (You’d better have a rest) 56.Is there anything I can do for you? (Yes, It’s very kind of you)
