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一 总述
2 内容:图表(line graph, bar chart, pie chart, table, diagram)
3 文体:summary
Note: 这里涉及到考试三原则--objectivity客观性原则(考生进行描述是不能有任何脸型式的个人观点),carefulness 周密性原则(有时作文题会安排一个隐藏着的特征信息,考察考生的观察能力和横向比较能力,考生若能发现并加以描述,可以得到一个印象分,如没发现,则正常阅卷),accuracy 精确性原则(考生须用准确生动的语言对数据进行描述)。

5 考生对图表题所存在的三个问题:
> 对于写作当中的套用句掌握不充分
> 对于不同图表的破题思路存在问题
> 连接方面存在困难

二 图表题总的认识
1 各种题型的侧重点
运动趋势 曲线图 难点:把握曲线的走向和趋势
在分类描述每个阶段的specific trend同时倒入数据作为分类的依据 柱状图 难点:通过比较找出相同点,和对比找出不同点
--即需要横向总结所有柱状图的共性特征,也要分别描写各个柱子的个性特征。 饼状图 比较好写,但要注意如何丰富百分比的表达和"占"的表达。
注:写作时不要一直用数字加百分比的格式,如25%,这样很难拿高分。特定的数字可以采用多样性的表达,如圆25%= a quarter of, 50%= half of,> 50%= a/ the majority of 静止趋势 表格 考查列举数字的能力和方法,怎样通过一些有代表性的数据来说明问题。
? 引言段:对图表主题作总介绍(关于什么主题的什么图/时间(1~2句)
? 正文段:
? 1)对图表进行总的概述或解说用(1~2 句)
? 2)对图表所包含的信息进项详细的分析和比较(2~3段)
? 结尾段:对所描述的图表信息进行总结(1~2句)
? -先看文字信息-把握主题
? -再看图标信息-把握具体信息
? Eg.p28
? 横坐标:时间1950-1996(时态?)
? 纵坐标:数据(单位?)
? 图表标题:world grain harvested area,1950-1996

2.Introduction 写作
? Eg.请改写P28的题目
? 比较原题与改写后的introduction 有什么不同之处:
? The graph below shows the area of land from which grain was harvested.
? This line graph above illustrates the total world grain harvested areas in millions of hectares between 1950 and 1996.
? 同义词转换:show- illustrate,r

eveal,depict, demonstrate, compare, give some information about...,
? 句式转换:the total grain harvested areas
? 增加细节:in millions of hectares , between 1950 and 1996

1) The two pie charts show the proportion of males and females in employment in 6 broad categories. 更换词语
The two pie charts give the proportion of men and women employed in 6 broad areas.
2) The two pie charts show the proportion of males and females in employment in 6 broad categories. 更换句式结构
? The two pie charts show, in 6 broad categories, the proportion of males and females in employment.

Type of chart verb 主题描述 The graph
pie chart
bar chart
illustration shows
compare the number of...
the proportion of...
the information on ...
some data regarding /on ...
参考:The graph shows the number of West Indians and Indians and Pakistanis immigrating to the UK from 1940 to 1970.


People arrested over the past 5 years

? The pie charts and the bar chart respectively present the proportion of males and females arrested over the past five years and some significant reasons why they were arrested in 2007. 或
? The pie charts compare the proportion of males and females arrested over the past five years and the bar chart illustrates some significant reasons in2007.

1)对图表的特点或趋势进行总的概述或解说(1~2 句)

1)对图表的特点或趋势进行总的概述或解说-general statement即概述图表写作的最大特点或总趋势
In general, the total harvest area increased until 1980, at which point there was a reduction in the area harvested due to retrenchment.
P30 两条线的总趋势/总特点
As can be seen, immigration of both West Indians and Indians and Pakistanis increased rapidly over a twenty-year period. After 1960, the number of West Indian immigrants decreased sharply whereas the number of Indian and Pakistani immigrants continued to increase.

People arrested over the past 5 years

According to the graph, more males than females were arrested and thief became the most common reason of arrest in 2007.

? As can be seen, the most striking feature is ...
? As is shown/depicted in the table, the most obvious feature is ...
? From the graph, we can see clearly that...
? From the chart, it is apparent that...
? According to th

e graph,
? Generally speaking,
? It is noted that...
? Overall,...

2.1 趋势图(线状图):

1.保持平稳:我们可以使用的套用结构有: stay stable/remain steady.
举例:表示人口数量保持平稳的时候可以写: the number of population stayed stable。/the number of population remained steady.
2.上升/增加:我们可以使用的套用结构有:rise/ climb/ increase/ ascend/mount/aggrandize(增加)
举例:人口上升:the number of population increased/ascended/mounted等等。
3.下降/减少:我们可以使用的套用结构有:fall/ drop/ decrease/ descend/ decline
举例:人口减少:the number of population decreased/ declined.
举例:人口波动:number of population fluctuated.
5.达到顶峰:peak/ reach its summit/reach its zenith
举例:人口到达了顶峰:number of population peaked/ reached its summit/ reached its zenith.

缓慢的/轻微的:gradually/ smoothly/ steadily/ slightly/moderately/slowly
陡然的/大幅度的:dramatically/ sharply/ considerably/ appreciably/ greatly/ steeply/ significantly/ markedly/rapidly/quickly/ suddenly/
举例:1.人口大幅度攀升:number of population mounted dramatically.
2.人口轻微下降:number of population decreased slightly.
3.人口逐渐下降:number of population decreased gradually.

1) 上升/下降后面使用to(到)和by(了)
1. 人口下降到200万: number of population decreased to 2 million.
2. 人口下降了200万: number of population decreased by 2 million.
3. 人口上升到1000万: number of population increased to 10 million.
4. 人口上升了500万: number of population increased by 5 million.

2). remain steady/ stay stable/ level off/ bottom out/ peak/reach its peak/ reach its zenith后面需要使用的是at.
举例: 1.人口在500万上保持平稳:number of population remained steady at 5 million.
1. 人口在800万时到达了顶峰:number of population peaked at 8 million.
2. 下降后,人口在400万保持平稳:after decreasing, number of population bottomed out at 4 million.
3. 上升后,人口在700万保持平稳: after mounting, number of population leveled off at 7 million.

3)fluctuate的后面大家需要连接between .....and.....
举例: 人口在2和100亿之间波动:number of population fluctuated between 2 and 10 billion.(那俩人是ADAM和EVE)


1950 1960 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005

The number of tourists increased greatly during the

first 10 years from 1950 to 1960, reaching its peak at 100 in 1960. After an initial drop, the tourist numbers had kept steady at around 100 for 10 years between 1965 and 1975. It is noted that the following 30-year period saw an overall upward trend with some fluctuations.

1)sth + verb+程度+数据+时间。
The price increased greatly to 100 from 1950 to 1960.
2)sth+ verb的名词短语形式(含程度)+数据+时间。
The price experienced a great increase to 100 from 1950 to 1960.
undergo/ go through/suffer
3)there be +变化的名词+数据+in+某方面+时间。
There was a great increase to 100 in the tourist numbers from 1950 to 1960.
The 10-year period from 1950 to 1960 saw/ witnessed a great increase to 100 in the number of tourists.

? 一条线:按时间发展顺序,选取有明显变化的趋势特征进行写作。
? 二条线:1)两条线各分两段。先写A线,再写B线。每条线按照其固有的特点完成描写,分析和比较。2) AB线同时比较着完成各自的特点描写。
? 三条线:1)先写A线。再对比着写B线和C线。2)三条线对比着写。

两条线(JapanVS sweden)分开来写:
Japan : stood at - dip into ...before bouncing back to 5% again- be expected to shoot up to about 28% in 2040, the highest among the three countries
Sweden: increased gradually- grew with some fluctuations- be predicted to ascend to roughly 25%

Japan : stood at - dip into ...before bouncing back to 5% again in 2000。Unlike Japen, sweden experienced a gradual increase in the number of aged people from around 9% in 1940 to roughly 14% in 1980. After that, the aged population in Sweden increased continually with some fluctuations, while Japan is expected to shoot up to about 28% in 2040, 4% higher than Sweden.

-- 分类:找有意义数据(最大,最小,相同etc.)

2.1 百分比的表示
? occupy
? gain
? share
? represent
? have/has
? constitute
? account for
? make up
? take up
? be divided into
? be allocated to
? be distributed to

? The sales of chicken occupies 45% of the total.
? Beef and pork have the same percentage.
? 10% of the total sales is allocated to lamb.
? The smallest percentage is distributed to fish, which gains only 5%.

2.2 大小比较
? 表示A比B....
? The sales of chicken is 40% more than that of fish.
? is 8 times more than that of fish.
? is 9 times of that of fish.

练习:请比较P41 男性和女性在管理职位上的情况
? In managerial position, the number of the male is obviously more than that of the female.
? There are more men in managerial positi

on than women.
? A greater number of men than that of women were found in managerial position.
? The number of men who are employed in managerial position is much larger than that of women working in the same occupation.
? In managerial position, the company owned more men than women.

? 表示相同的
? A is equal to B.
? The sales of pork is equal to that of beef.
? A and B are equal.
? A is (exactly/ approximately) the same as B.
? The sales of pork is exactly two times the same as that of lamb.

? A is as .... as B.(表示倍数)
? The sales of chicken is above twice as much as that of beef.
? Pork sells twice as much meat as lamb.
? There are twice as many students in Class A as that of Class B.
? The figures in terms of the daily calorie supply per head and life expectancy at birth in Bangladesh were only the half of those in USA in 1992

2.3 数据引入
? ( )
? at
? Which引导的定语从句
? 分词结构
? With
? A versus B
? A as opposes to B
? respectively
? The sales of chicken (45%) is 40% more than that of fish.
? The sales of chicken is 8 times more than that of fish at 5%.
? Pork and beef are equal at 20%.
? The sales of chicken is 9 times of that of fish, which occupies only 5%.
? The sales of chicken is 9 times of that of fish, occupying only 5%.

With 的使用1)-引出一个数字
? Chicken has the highest percentage
? (45%).
? at 45%.
? , which represents about 45% of the total.
? , accounting for about 45% of the total.
? with 45% of the total being sold.
With 的使用2)-"一拖几"
? More chicken (45%) is sold than any other kind of meat with pork and beef equal at 20%, lamb at 10%, and fish, th2 smallest, at only 5%.
? More chicken (45%) is sold than any other kind of meat with the same percentage (20%) in pork and beef ,10% in lamb, and only 5% in fish.

? 鸡肉卖得比羊肉都多,45%比10%。
? The proportion of chicken sold (45%)is obviously more than that of lamb(10%).
? More chicken is sold than lamb, 45% versus 10%.
? A larger percentage of chicken than that of lamb is sold, 45% as opposes to 10%.
? 鸡肉卖得比羊肉和鱼肉都多,分别是45%比10%和5%。
? The proportion of chicken sold (45%)is obviously more than that of lamb(10%) and fish (5%).
? More chicken is sold than lamb and fish, 45% versus 10%,and 5% respectively.
? A larger percentage of chicken than that of lamb and fish is sold, 45% as opposes to 10% and 5% respectively.

? 参考:先后顺序
? 最大/第一:gain the highest percentage
? rank first/second
? come top/top the list
? come out first
? shoot into the first place
? 其次:then,
? , followed by ...
? comes there ...
? 值得一提的是:it is noted that ...


1. 静态图:
? 地图(location,direction, some other detailed information provided)
? 地理变化:P47
? 事物内部结构和功能P49

2. 动态图P55
? 流程图:
? 循环图:P55
? The diagram illustrates the internal structure/function of sth.,
? Some information of doing sth. 动态图
? 流程图:
? -the process of sth., which is designed to ..
? -how sth is produced, which serves as ...

