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2020 年雅思口语考试真题及参考范文(完整版)

2020 年雅思口语考试真题及参考范文(完整版)
2020 年雅思口语考试真题及参考范文(完整版)

2020 年雅思口语考试真题及参考范文(完整版)

2020 年雅思口语考试真题及参考范文(完整版)

Part 1 新增题目

List 清单


●Do you make a list when you shop?

●Do you make a list for your work? Does it work?

●Why do not some people like making lists?

●Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone?


Do you make a list when you shop? 你购物的时候会列清单吗?

No, making a shopping list is not my style. Normally, when I go shopping, I just grab the items I want in the stores. I think the list would only cause a hassle as I need to check it one by one, which is time-consuming for me.


Do you make a list for your work? Does it work? 你会在工作中列清单吗?它好用吗?

No, I don’t. I know that having a work list would help me remember what I am going to do, which is good. But, I just don’t enjoy the process of making it. You know, it only works when

you don’t have so many complicated tasks to do. Otherwise, you would get perplexed by the long list.


Why do not some people like making lists? 为什么有些人不喜欢列清单?

I think the most common reason is that the process of writing a list takes some time, which is not everyone’s cup of tea. You know, to make the list really effective, you have to sit down and think carefully for a while about the things to finish. This process needs patience.



Do you prefer to make a list on paper or your phone? 你更喜欢在纸上还是手机上列清单?

I’d love to type the list on my phone instead of writing it down on paper. You know, it’s more convenient to take your phone to the shopping place when you suddenly feel an urge to buy something. Whereas, the paper list needs a pen, which is not always available especially when you are walking.

我更愿意在手机上打出清单而不是在纸上写出来。当你突然觉得要赶紧买一些东西的时候后,拿出手机会更加封闭。而列纸质清单需要笔,这有的时候不太可能实现,尤其是你走在路上的时候。Furniture 家具


●Do you have a lot of furniture in your home?

●Is there anyone who bought furniture for you?

●What kind of furniture would you like to buy?

●Which furniture do you like best in your home?


Do you have a lot of furniture in your home? 你家里有很多家具吗?

Yes, I do. My mom is a furniture lover. So, she has collected a lot of fancy furniture in our home. Most of the models are not available in the market now.


Is there anyone who bought furniture for you? 有人为你买过家具吗?

Yes, there is. When I moved to a new house several years ago, my uncle bought me a

nicely-looking bookshelf from Ikea. It was made of wood and was not big but was a perfect match for my room. Now, this little thing still sits bedsides my desk.


What kind of furniture would you like to buy? 你喜欢买哪种类型的家具?

I don’t buy furniture quite often. So, I actually have no idea. But, I guess I would probably like to buy chairs. You know, I usually sit for hours at home. So, picking up some comfortable chairs would be nice.


Which furniture do you like best in your home? 在你家里,你最喜欢哪个家具?

I think it’s still the bookshelf that my uncle bought me years ago. The biggest reason why I love

it most is that I’m fond of reading, and that bookshelf has helped me a lot in terms of storing those books I read or that am about to read.


Handwriting 书法


●What is the difference of writing with a pen and typing on a computer?

●Can you tell someone’s personality from his or her handwriting?

●Do you often write with a pen?

●Is your handwriting easy to read for other people?


Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer (typewriter or word-processor) ?


I type for the most time. Because there’s actually not that much homework that really requires me to write by hand. Plus, it’s way more time-saving and eligible to read.


Nowadays, how do most people write things?


I think most people write things by a pen. Not all of in China own a PC(personal computer) or even a smartphone which makes typing easier than hand-writing. So, using a pen to write something is quite common nowadays.


Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?


Yes, I assume that handwriting would be replaced in the near future by some new technologies like computers. Right now, there’re already some new things that are changing the habit we write. For example, a software called Xunfei Typing, which can enable us to type anything just by talking to the phone, then, our voice would be interpreted into words.

是的,我认为手写会在不久的将来被新科技比如电脑所取代。现在,已经有很多新事物开始逐渐的改变人们手写的习惯了。比如,目前有款软件叫讯飞输入法,它就能将我们的声音自动识别并输出成文字。When do children begin to write in your country?


Kids in our country begin to write at the age of 3, which is the time for kindergarten. They are usually encouraged to write some simple Chinese characters or some ABCs to practice their brain and language ability.


How did you learn to write?


Let me think about it, well, actually it was my father, not my teacher, that taught me how to write.

I remember my father gave me a chopstick and let me draw something like he did on a small piece of the blackboard. I thought it’s quite interesting even though I couldn’t fully comprehend what I wrote.


Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)?


Yes, I think it’s quite important. Because handwriting shows one’s personality to others. If

you have perfect handwriting, I guess it won’t be difficult to impress others when it comes to job hunting or even a good relationship.


How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting?


There are actually many ways children can find to practice handwriting. For example, there’s the handwriting guidebook that teaches you how to write beautiful cursive English or Chinese. Plus, you will find some videos on the websites that show you how to write.


What is the difference between writing with a pen and typing on a computer?


I think the biggest difference would be that typing on a computer is way faster than writing. I can type more words than in a short limit of time.


Clothes 衣服


●What is your favorite color of clothes?

●What kind of clothes do you never wear?

●What kind of clothes do you usually wear?

●Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends?


What is your favouriate colour for clothes? 你最喜欢的衣服颜色是什么?

I’m quite into black. The reason why this is the most ideal color for me is that it helps the entire clothes look resistant to the dirt. You know, when my black sleeves got blotted, they look not that bad.


What kind of clothes do you never wear? 你从来都不穿哪种衣服?

Honestly, I have a business suit that I almost haven’t touched it since I bought it from the clothing store. Initially, I got this suit because I wanted to wear it at some formal events such as an internship interview, school’s speech competition, and so on. However, I haven’t got any opportunities like these.


What kind of clothes do you usually wear? 你经常穿哪种衣服?

It’s the school’s uniform. You know, our school has a very stringent rule regarding dress code. Except for rare occasions, students are required to wear the uniform whenever we are on campus. You know, it’s become my daily dress for quite a while so far.


Do you wear the same style of clothes on weekdays and weekends? 你在工作日和周末会穿相同风格的衣服吗?

No, I normally wear school uniform during the weekdays as that’s the rule. However, when weekends come, I usually put on some casual clothes like a hoodie and a pair of jeans because I think that’s actually my comfortable style.


Change 改变


●What do you plan to change next year?

●Do you like changes? Why?

●Are there any changes in your hometown?

●Have you changed a lot since your childhood?


What do you plan to change next year? 你明年打算做出什么改变?

I am planning to improve my learning efficiency for the next academic year. You know, I have always had an issue with procrastination. This makes me feel quite passive when it comes to finishing my assignments on time. So, I hope I could have a change about that.


Do you like changes? Why? 你喜欢改变吗?为什么?

It depends. I definitely enjoy it if it’s a good change because that will subvert my bad old things such as unhealthy habits and so forth. But, if it’s a change that contradicts my personal belief and causes a negative impact on my life, then I would feel quite comfortable.


Are there any changes in your hometown? 你的家乡有任何改变吗?

Yes, there is. There are many residential buildings erected in the district where my family lives. If my memory is correct, many roads in my hometown have been renovated by the government in the last two years, which is great for my daily commute.


Have you changed a lot since your childhood? 与孩提时代相比,你的变化大吗?

Yes, I think I have. I feel that the biggest change is my personality. When I was a kid, I often lost my temper and was quite aggressive to the things that I persisted with. But now, I seem to have become another person who is calm when unexpected things happen.

是的,我觉得变化大。我认为我的性格变化是最大的。当我是一个小孩子的时候,我经常发脾气,而且对于自己的坚持的东西感到很激进。但是现在呢,我感觉我变了个人一样,遇到意外事情的时候比较沉稳。Concentration 集中注意力


●Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

●What do you do to help you concentrate?

●What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?

●When do you need to be focused?


What do you need to be focused? 你需要做什么才能集中注意力?

Well, first, I need to be in good physical condition. You know, I couldn’t make the most of my energy to concentrate on something without having a good sleep. Also, to keep focused, I have to learn to develop my personal motivation. I cannot focus on something I don’t have an interest in.


What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused? 当你尝试集中注意力的时候,什么会使你分神?

Some constant loud noises can distract me. For example, a sharp sound would make me feel uncomfortable and miss the words from the lecturer. Also, if some unhappy things happened before I try to focus on something, I would get trapped in a sad feeling resulted from that disamenity.

一些持续性的噪音会让我分神。例如,一个尖锐的声音会让我觉得不舒服,让我听漏来自演讲者的话语。另外,如果在我尝试专注之前发生了一些不开心的事情,我也很难专注,我会被这个伤心的感觉所困。What do you do to help you concentrate? 你会做什么来集中注意力?

Normally, if something is about to distract me, I would just focus on the work I am having and try to stop thinking about anything unrelated to my work. I find this extremely effective. You know, sometimes it’s just the curiosity that distracts us. So, trying to let go would save me.


Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something? 专注在事情上对你来说困难吗?

Yes, it is. It takes much patience to keep focused on something. I remember there was a history class that I was taking made me feel extremely painful. Our teacher was speaking in a monotone, and there were some car horns coming in from the street near our building. I just felt so difficult to simmer down and hardly listened to my teacher’s lecture.



Picnic 野餐


●Did you go on a picnic when you were a child?

●How often do you go on a picnic now?

●Where do you go on a picnic?

●What is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home?


Did you go on a picnic when you were a child? 你小时候去野餐过吗?

Yes, I did. I remember I had gone on picnics several times with my classmates and teachers while I was studying at primary school. You know, nearly every spring there was one chance for us to take our foods and beverages to the nearest mountain where we could dine together.


How often do you go on a picnic now? 你现在多久野餐一次?

Rarely, I remember, this year, I have only had one time of enjoying this kind of dinner. I was invited by a friend of mine who was having his birthday celebration near the beach. So, we brought our home-made food there to share, which was really a wonderful experience.


Where do you go on a picnic? 你去那里野餐?

Well, normally, we would go on a picnic at a park which is quite near to our campus because both my friends and I think that it’s the place where all of us can reach easily. But, if we have a lot of time, then we would go somewhere that’s farther and more interesting such as a beach where we could enjoy the cool breeze.


What is the difference between a picnic and cooking at home? 野餐和在家里做饭有什么区别?

I think the main difference is the experience of eating. You know, when you cook at home, you would usually enjoy the steaming hot food with various tableware. However, having a picnic means that you won’t easily get some foods with high temperatures as there aren’t such cooking utensils and stove that could allow us to keep them warm.


Text message 发信息


●Do you like texting?

●Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?

●Have you ever received a confusing text message?

●In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message? 范文:

Do you like texting? 你喜欢发短信吗?

Yes, I do. I enjoy texting. I think it’s the easiest way to communicate with others on a phone. You know, I don’t have to worry about losing contact with family and friends if my phone had zero data.


Do you prefer sending or receiving messages? 你更喜欢发短信还是收短信?

I like sending messages more than getting them. If I have something detailed and important to tell someone, it’s always a good alternative to making a phone call. Being able to receive their responses is also very comfortable as I can read them when I am free. But, I feel that it’s pretty annoying to get some text messages that contain ads or harassment.


Have you ever received a confusing text message? 你曾经收到过令人困惑的短信吗?

Yes, I have. Just yesterday, I got a text message telling me that I have a package delivered. However, I didn’t see any detailed address or date to fetch it on tat piece of text message, which made me feel quite confused.



In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message? 在哪种情况下,打电话比发短信更好?

In my opinion, it’s always a better choice to make a phone call if things are quite urgent and the one you are going to speak to is available as it’s the fastest way to notice someone. For instance, if a car accident happened, it would waste a lot of time to send a text message to your friend for help as the process of typing and receiving the response is really long. However, by making a phone call, you could get it done within half a minute.


Recycle 回收


●Do you recycle now? Why?

●Did you recycle when you were a child?

●W ill you recycle in the future?

●W hat kind of thin g s do you recycle?


虽然与回收相关的主题在近几年的Part one 中还没有出现过,但因为与环境保护(environmental protection)相关,也算是雅思口语第一部分的常考话题。因此,需要引起烤鸭们的重视。大家可以结合自己的生活经历来作答。


Do you recycle now? Why? 你现在会回收东西吗?为什么?

Yes, I do. I often recycle small things such as delivery boxes and plastic bottles for a second use. I do this mainly because I don’t want to waste them, and they are actually pretty useful.


Did you recycle when you were a child? 你小时候回收东西吗?

Yes, I did. I remember when I was a kid, there were many merchants that wanted to buy our recyclable plastic bottles. So, I often collected those beverage plastic bottles and sold them to earn some pocket money. I felt that was a nice thing as I did my part to protect the environment and I also got my rewards.


Will you recycle in the future? 你未来会回收东西吗?

Yes, I will. I probably won’t recycle those plastic bottles as I did in my childhood because I don’t have much time doing so. But, I think I am going to check out the stuff I’ve bought this year and recycle those that can be reused for maybe another year.


What kind of things do you recycle? 你回收什么东西?

Normally, I would recycle those packages of products that are useful for another purpose. I remember I got a metal box of cookies from the local supermarket. The box was made with good quality and was sealed very well. So, I reused it as a container for other foods such as peanuts.通常情况下,我会回收那些有使用价值的产品报装来做别的。我记得我从本地超市买了一个金属盒子装的饼干。这个盒子质量很好,而且密封性不错。所以,我就把它再利用,用来装一些花生之类的食物。

Sport 运动


●What sports did you do when you were a kid?

●What is your favorite sport? Why?

●Do you watch sports matches? Why?

●Are you a fan of any sports teams? Why?


2020 年 9-12 月题目答案:

What sports did you do when you were a kid? 你小的时候做什么运动?

When I was a child, I remember I usually went swimming with my parents in a river near to our apartment. I knew it was kind of dangerous but I was protected by my parents, and it was actually quite fun.


What is your favorite sport? Why? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?为什么?

Well, I think it’s still swimming. The main reason why I am quite into this sport is that it’s the most suitable one for me. I realized that other sports such as Pingpong or basketball always make my skin sticky when I sweat, which is really uncomfortable. However, when I swim, my sweat is washed away by the cool water so that I don’t have to worry about that.


Do you watch sports matches? Why? 你看运动比赛吗?为什么?

Yes, I do. But, I only watch sports matches when there are some important events happening such as the Olympic Games. I watch them because I want to see how many gold medals our country’s team has won. Plus, some players have really exciting performance. So, I don’t want to miss that opportunity to enjoy their matches.

是的,我看运动比赛。不过,仅仅是看一些比较重要的赛事比如奥运会。我看它们的原因就是,我想了解一下我们国家队获得了多少金牌。除此之外,一些运动员们的表现很棒。所以,我不想错失欣赏比赛的机会。Are you a fan of any sports teams? Why? 你是否是某个运动团队的粉丝?为什么?

No, I am not. I know a lot of my friends are die-hard fans of some NBA teams. But, I just don’t have that passion of supporting any particular kind of sports team. This is probably because sports are not that interesting to me.

不,我不是的。我知道我不少朋友都是 NBA 球队的铁杆粉丝。但是,我没有支持某个特定运动团队的热情。这或许是因为运动对我来说还不是那么吸引人吧。


Do you like to watch sports on TV?


Yes, I do. It is very exciting, especially when you see two world-lead players or teams try their best to beat each other. You do not know which one will win until the very last second. Sometimes the match is so intensive that I feel I cannot breathe.

是的,我喜欢。它十分刺激,尤其是当你看两个世界顶尖的队伍或者选手竭尽全力想要击败对方的时候。不到最后一秒钟,你永远都不知道谁会赢。有时候,比赛是如此的激烈,以至于我感觉自己无法呼吸。Do you play any sports?


Yes, I do various sports. Back in college, I liked playing football with my classmates. But after I graduate, I find it quite difficult to call up a team and book a football court. So now, I usually go swimming, which I can do whenever is appropriate and do not need to care about others timetable.


Do you have a favorite sports star?


Yes, it would be Lina, who is the first Chinese champion in a world-class tennis match. Besides her achievement, I also like her bluntness. She always speaks out what she really thinks in front of the media, even though sometimes it is not very appropriate.


What kinds of sports are popular in China?


Well, I am not sure. But from my own experience, I think basketball, badminton, and table tennis are the most popular sports in China because you can see people playing almost everywhere, from streets to stadiums, from schools to workplaces.


What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future?


Probably extreme sports like sky-diving, because it is very thrilling and I always wonder what it feels like to jump from thousands of meters high. The earth and sceneries must look different from that on the ground.


Weekend 周末


●What do you usually do on weekends?

●Did you do anything special last weekend?

●What will you do next weekend?

●What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?


What do you usually do on weekends? 你经常在周末的时候做什么?

Normally, I would finish the assignments my teacher has given to me before Sunday as that’s the most important thing for me. Apart from that, if my friends are available, I would play some basketball with them on Sunday morning because that’s the time when the basketball court is mostly available to us.


Did you do anything special last weekend? 上个周末你有没有做什么特别的事情?

No, not really. I just stayed at home for the whole weekend, finishing the assignments of my courses, which was part of the weekly routine. I did intend to go to a movie with my friends that we felt interested in, but we all ended up being at home because of the coronavirus.


What will you do next weekend? 下周你打算做什么?

Well, apart from the homework, which is the task I need to finish every weekend, I am also planning to visit my grandparents who are living in the countryside. You know, it’s been quite a while since I met them last year.


What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends? 你们家乡的其他人通常在周末做什么?

Nothing quite special. But, I know people, no matter young and old, in my hometown often go square dancing on Saturday and Sunday nights. They love to dance with the beats with friends and strangers in public to unwind. I t’s almost been a tradition for them.


In a hurry 着急


●What do you always do in a hurry? Why?

●What kind of things would you never do in a hurry?

●Do you usually go out in a hurry?

●Do you like to be in a hurry?


What do you always do in a hurry? Why? 什么时候你会慌忙去做,为什么?

Well, if I forgot to do something that is urgent, then I would definitely do it in a rush because I want to try to make up for the loss. You know, sometimes, it doesn’t work even if I take action immediately after the event. But, it will at least make feel not that guilty.


What kind of things would you never do in a hurry? 有什么事情你永远也不会急着去做?

Things that don’t specify deadlines are always put off by myself because I feel that, to improve my working and learning efficiency, I should prioritize other things that have time limits. Plus, there are some tasks that take time to experience other stuff before doing them. So, I often purposely set aside some time to not touch them.


Do you usually go out in a hurry? 你经常慌忙出门吗?

Honestly, yes, I do. I usually go out in a hurry because that’s when I suddenly realize that time is running out. You know, I kind of overestimate my time management, which is something I really need to rectify.


Do you like to be in a hurry? 你喜欢做事慌慌忙忙吗?

No, I don’t.It’s actually not a good experience when I am in a rush. I may never know what the traffic will be like when I hurrying to catch the bus. Another reason why I am not into this action is that being in a hurry reduces my ability of logical thinking. You know, I always miss one or several important things when I am in this state.


Part 1 保留题目

Discussion 讨论


●Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

●What do you like to talk about?

●Have your discussion topics changed since you were a child?

●Do you change your opinion frequently?


1.Do you prefer to talk or to listen? 你更喜欢说还是听?

Well, I think it largely depends on the specific topic we are talking about. If it is something I am not familiar with, I would remain silent for most of the time and listen to others' opinion. But if I happen to know quite a lot, I will become very talkative, trying to occupy the centre of the stage.

2.What do you like to talk about? 你喜欢讨论什么?

As a person majoring in international relations, history, politics and wars can easily arouse my interest. My roommates and I used to have a lot of discussion about the policies that President Trump has adopted since he took the oval office and the escalating tensions between the United States and China.

3.Have your discussion topics changed since you were a child? 从你是孩子以来,你讨论的话题有没有变化?

Yes, of course. When I was a kid, my discussion was normally centred around cartoon characters, like how powerful they were and whether they could defeat the enemy. Now, these characters have faded away from my life and been replaced by more realistic issues. In fact, I have not watched any cartoon for the last several years.

4.Do you change your opinion frequently? 你经常改变自己的观点吗?

I would say no. Actually, most of my friends use the word "stubborn" to describe me. Once I have an opinion, I will stick to it and rarely change, unless it does not go with reality.

Gifts 礼物


●What is the best present or gift you have ever received?

●Do you give expensive gifts?

●What do you give others as gifts?

●What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?


1.How often do you buy others gifts? 你多久给别人买次礼物?

I rarely buy gifts for others only if someone intimate I know has an important event such as birthday. I usually buy them some gifts that are not too expensive but meaningful for him or her.

2.Do you like to send expensive gifts? 你喜欢送贵重的礼物吗?

I don’t like sending some gifts that cost me an arm and a leg. Someone think expensive gifts are the representation of our sincerity, but I don’t buy that. If you buy something that makes you nearly bankrupt, the receivers will feel sad, which is not what you want to see, right?

3.What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?在你的国家,哪种礼物比较受欢迎? To be honest, cigarettes and alcohol are the most popular gifts in China. In China, we can't live without these two things. Even if we don't smoke or drink alcohol, but someone else does, then we will definitely send them to show our sincerity.

4.Why do people send gifts? 为什么人们会送礼物?

I guess there are two main reasons. One is that gifts are the representation of our sincerity, we sometimes don't really care how expensive the gifts are, but feel happy when others care us. Also, the gifts themselves are sometimes really useful, right?

Jokes & Comedies 笑话与喜剧


●Are you good at telling jokes?

●Do your friends like to tell jokes?


IELTS SPEAKING TEST Part 1 Work or study 1.Do you work or are you a student? 2.What subject(s) are you studying? 3.Why did you choose to study that subject? 4.(For high school) Why did you choose those subjects? 5.Is that a popular subject (to study) in your country? 6.Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason? 7.What are the most popular subjects (= university degree courses = majors) in China? 8.Did your family help you choose that course? 9.What school (or university) do you go to? 10.Why did you choose that university (or, school)? 11.Do you have any recreational or entertainment activities at your school/university? 12.How do you like your subject? 13.What do you like about your subject? 14.Do you think it's important to choose a subject you like? (Why?) 15.(For university students) What are your favourite classes/ courses/ subjects at university? 16.(For high school students) What's your favourite subject at school? 17.Is your subject interesting? (Why? / Why not?) 18.Do you think it's important to choose a subject you are interested in? (Why?) 19.What's the most interesting part of your subject? 20.(For high school) What's the most interesting of your subjects at school? 21.What are your future work plans? (after you graduate) 22.Do you think what you are studying now will be very useful (or, relevant or, important) for this type of work? 23.How will you (or, how do you plan to) get the job you want? 24.Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work? 25.Why are you taking the IELTS test? 26.In addition to gaining knowledge, what other ways have you benefited from your school/university experience? Accommodation 1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 2.Who do you live with? 3.How long have you lived there? 4.Do you plan to live there for a long time? 5.Can you describe the place where you live? 6.Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 7.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 8.Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 9.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 10.Please describe the room you live in. 11.Is there anything you don't like about the place where you live?


2019年9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:有意义的 歌 有意义的歌 P2 Describe a song that is meaningful to you. You should say: what song it is; when you first heard it; what the song is about; and explain why it is meaningful to you. P3 1.Is it good for children to learn music? 2.How do Chinese people learn music? 3.Do men and women play different kinds of musical instruments? 4.what's the status of traditional music now? 5.Do all grades have music class? 6.Is music class important? 7.What kind of music do children like? 8.Why would some parents force their children to learn some musical

instruments? 解析 题目要求考生描述“一首对你有意义的歌”。作答要点包括:是什么歌、什么时候第一次听到、歌是关于什么的,并说明为什么这首歌对你有特殊意义。 范文 Three years ago, a song came out that celebrated being young and relaxed and I was instantly crazy about it. It was called ‘Young for you’ and the beat and melody were off the hook! The song became a massive hit across China that year and you could hear it being played everywhere. When I listen to the song now it immediately takes me back to my youth. I first heard the song playing in a shopping mall and was instantly drawn to it. The singer's voice was like no other I had ever heard before and the melody was haunting and sad. I stopped shopping and used an app on my phone to identify the tune. I immediately downloaded the album off iTunes.


雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 首先我们来说说“一件从数学中学到的事情”,拿到这个话题,先不要急着回答,可以用笔稍微构思一下思路,该怎么回答。首先,可以说一下这件事是什么、发生在什么时候,也就是作文中的事件和事件,这里需要注意的就是具体描述一下什么事但是又不能啰嗦累赘,而时间则可以大致概括点明即可。我们就从资料中的例子来说:高中的时候从乘法表中学到的一件事。 然后,要具体叙述一下这件事,即是最重要的部分,发生的地方、牵扯到的人物、以及这件事情影响到你的原因,为什么影响到你…… 资料例子来说:在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。这件事情使我明白了,生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。 而这里的例子看似像我们中文作文中的思路,但是关键在于它表述方式以及用词造句,不能太中式化。这里的重点,就是描述事件经过,即“在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。”而老师的话则是重中之重,因为他让我明白了道理“生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。”也是我深深牢记的原因,以及这件事对我影响深刻的原因。

而最后,只需要简单概括,从这件事中学到的东西即可。其实这个话题思路并不是很难,关键在于烤鸭们的表述以及词汇的积累。 其实,大家都知道事件类话题是雅思口语考试中最简单的、最容易描述,却也是最常见的话题,所以大家要多注意积累素材、思考思路。其实“A way of communication”和“A good parent”这两个话题也可以用这个例子来阐述回答,而最关键的则是把老师的那段话稍作转述即可。例如,“A way of communication”我们可以先描述手机及其性能作用,以及现今的流行趋势,然后从一件事引到交流方式,还是那件事,还是那写话,只不过要突出老师用短信的方式告知我,最后,简单概述手机的用处及好处即可。是不是很简单呢?同样的,“A good parent”只需要根据情况把那些话转述为父母亲对你说的话,已经对你的影响,所以一个模板真的是百用哦! 那么我们赶紧来看看还有哪些话题可以这样转换呢? 多米诺骨牌效应:=Something you learned from math=Something you learned from your family=A piece of advice=A change you had=An important stage in your life=A text message you got=A letter you got=An E-mail you got=A way of communication=An important decision you made=A person who helped you=A kind thing someone did to you=A family member you love talking to=A good parent=An elderly family member=A neighbor=A good friend=A teacher=A science course you took=A subject you love/d at school=Your personality=First day of college=Your experience of getting money as a gift=Your experience of getting congratulations=A person you helped=A thing your friend did made you admire.


2020雅思口语万能模板之独处话题 在雅思口语备考中,很多同学都会出现无话可说的情况。下面就和大家分享雅思口语万能模板之独处话题,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语万能模板之独处话题 1. Do you like being alone? Yeah, I don’t mind being alone. I guess as long as it’s not, like, for a really long length of time, it’s fine. You know, it’s kind of um… I don’t really know how to put it, but I suppose what I’m basically trying to say is that it feels kind of relaxing being alone. You know, it gives me the chance to ponder and reflecton certain stuff. So um… yeah, I find it quite enj oyable, but if I’m alone for a long length of time, then I guess it can get quite depressing. 是的,我不介意独自一人。我想只要不长时间就好了。你知道,有点……我真的不知道该怎么说,但是我想我基本上想说的是,独处感觉很放松。你知道,它给了我思考和思考某些东西的机会。嗯……嗯,是的,我觉得它很有趣,但是如果我独自一个人呆很长一段时间,那么我想它会变得非常令人沮丧。 2. What do you do when you’re alone?


雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语考试是考生与考官之间进行一对一交流的形式,考官对考生的英语口语水平进行考察。雅思口语考试分为三个部分,考生可以以此使用不同的口语表达技能。雅思考试口语部分将被录音。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语Part 1 雅思口语考试形式:考官会向考生进行自我简介,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问。为保证题目的一致性,这些问题都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生就日常性的观点和信息、常见的生活经历或情形以回答问题的形式进行交流的能力。 雅思口语Part 2 雅思口语考试形式:这部分为考生作个人陈述。考官会交给考生一个答题任务卡、铅笔和草稿纸做笔记。答题任务卡上会给

出一个话题和需要在个人陈述中包含的要点,并在最后提示考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。有效地使用答题任务卡上的提示可以帮助考生思考讲述的话题、组织内容、并持续地陈述2分钟时间。在准备时间内做一些笔记也可以帮助考生安排好陈述的结构。考生有一分钟的准备时间,之后考官会要求考生就相关内容讲述1-2分钟。考官会在2分钟后打断考生,并在最后提问一两个问题作为结束语。 考试时间有多长:3-4分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察得是考生(在没有任何其它提示的情况下)就一个特定的话题进行较长时间的陈述的能力,考察考生是否能恰当地运用语言、是否能连贯地组织自己的观点。考生有可能需要联系自己的经历来完成这部分内容。 雅思口语Part 3 雅思口语考试形式:在这部分考试中,考官和考生将对第二部分中涉及的话题进行讨论,讨论将为更加广泛和抽象,在恰当的时候还会更加深入。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生表达和论述看法、分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力。 雅思口语范文:describe something made you laugh


雅思口语part2中不建议背诵范文 背诵的痕迹如果比较明显在雅思口语中是很不利的,下面一起来看看有哪些需要注意的吧! 雅思口语part 2中不建议背诵范文 有很多同学常常觉得雅思口语考试从6分到7分是一个不可逾越的鸿沟,其实大家如果能够将自己的语言丰富一些,细节描述更多一些,获得7分以上,还是很有机会的。 对于一些描述性的雅思口语part 2题目,不少同学表示可说的内容比较少,所以在2分钟之内的表达显得干巴巴的,没有什么实质性的东西。事实上,如果能够提升自己对于细节的专注程度,在part 2的考试中能够令人眼前一亮。 我们以“描述你在特殊场合穿着的衣服”这个话题为例。如果仅仅描述一件衣服,那么可说的内容很少。但是如果我们更加专注于如何描述这件衣服的背景和增添一些比较地道的描述,那么实际的效果是大不相同的。仅以下文为例,供广大考生参考。 Describe a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion Key points:Graduation,school,pink dress,accessory, Actually,in my high school,students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.【程度的描述】No one's special. So after a while,we all have the similar physical features. Baggy pants,oversized jackets,and big glasses on our faces,【生动的描述】of course【的语序】. Lucky enough【选取比较自然的连接词】,we had a graduation ceremony,and the high school allowed us to wear something casual 【转换词性】on that very day. For this special day,I picked up a really nice dress. My mum and I found it at an elegant shopping mall,which was stunning in the store window.【还是细节描写,而且增添了背景故事】I had my eyes on that dress immediately. It was a pink dress with a black leather belt,which was neither too fancy nor too formal.【加入形容的部分】It boasts an graceful cutting style with a U-neck shape. Somehow,it reminded me of a typical Chanel dress.【加入了西方背景知识】My mum said it might be too mature for my age,but I believe it was OK.【自然


Objects: Sth You Saved Money For Describe something that you saved money to buy. You should say: what it was how long it took you to save enough money to buy it why you wanted to buy this thing and explain how you felt when you bought it. Part3 1.Which is better for saving money, using a credit card or using cash? 2.What do young people in your country save money for? 3.Who do you think saves money easier, men or women? 4.You do some people find it hard to save? 5.How can young people learn to manage their financial affairs? A Gift You Would Like To Give Describe a gift you would like to give to one of your friends. You should say: who you would like to give this gift to what the gift would be how much it would cost and explain why you would like to give this gift to this person. Part3 1.Why do people give gifts to others? 2.When do people in your country give gifts? 3.What should people consider when choosing a gift? 4.Do you think some parents give too many things to their children? 5.Can you suggest any ways to improve that situation? Sth You Cannot Live Without Describe a thing you cannot live without, (besides a mobile phone and a computer). You should say: what it is what it looks like what you use it for and explain why you think you cannot live without this thing. Part3 1.Why do young people like to use high-tech products? 2.Are there any features on your mobile phone that you don't need?


第二段:主考官抽出一张题卡,卡上写明某话题,考生有一分钟准备时间,之后须根据要求对该话题进行2分钟个人观点阐述(约3-4分钟,包括1分钟准备时间)。 Part 2 Topics Describe : 1. A luxurious thing 2. An important Stage in your life 3. A period of time you enjoyed most in your life. When is it? What did you enjoy? Why? 4. An English Lesson you have attended. What is the content? Why do you remember it? 5. Clothing. 6. Which area(aspect) of life do you want to be successful in? Why? 7. The legal age for marriage in China. Do you think it is suitable?

8. An impressive speech you have heard. What is it about? Why do you remembe it so well? 9. A bicycle. 10. The person you are familiar with. 11. A Building. 12. An advertisement 13.what do people in different age do? 14. a thing you want to achieve Describe a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion Key points: Graduation, school, pink dress, accessory, Actually, in my high school, students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.【程度的描述】 No one's special. So after a while, we all have the similar physical features.


雅思口语万能模板 今天给大家收集了雅思口语万能模板,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语万能模板:自我介绍Sample Sample1: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


题目: A Handicraft Q. A Handicraft (something made by hand) You should say: What it is? What it looks like? How to make it? And explain what other people thought of it. 范文: When talking about handicrafts, I’d like to share with you my experience of making paper-cut. Paper-cut is a traditional folk art in China and it’s been very popular in some ruralareas. It is paper cut into different shapes and patterns and then pasted on windows as decorations on festive occasions, such as the Spring Festival or a Wedding ceremony. I first learned to make paper- cut in primary school when making paper-cut was part of the extracurricularactivities. The process isn’t very complicated and doesn’t take long. Well,you need a piece of red-coloured paper, a pair of scissors and a pencil. Second, draw a certain pattern or write down some Chinese characters, such as “XI, OR FU ”that represent the auspiciousnessin our culture on the folded paper. Then use the scissors to cut the paper according to the pattern.When you open it up.Ta-da, you will find out a very beautiful pattern in the centre is right in front of your eyes. Finally , paste the pattern of “FU or XI” to the front-door upside down, which means the fortuneand bliss are coming. It is a very good practice for creativityand hands-on skills. A Health Problem Describe a health problem that you know. You should say: what this problem is what causes of the problem how it affects people's health and explain how to solve this health problem. 素材库what this problem is & what causes ? 是何导致人们吸烟 Peer pressure or curiosity, which leads to an addiction. Some people started as boredom, became a physical addiction. (好奇心或无聊使人们吸烟) People who smoke cigarettes have one or more psychological problems - they have no confidence in themselves and use a cigarette as a crutch and/or to be part of a group that smokes. (缺乏自信,为了融入别人) Sometimes people smoke because they think it makes them cooler. Other times it's because they grew up in a house where smoking was an everyday thing.(装酷或家人影响) People start smoking because they want to look cool, or be part of a group, or because everyone in their family does, and then they get addicted. Oral fixation. maybe there are bad examples from our preceding generation, or maybe there are wrong associations with cigarette, such as it can relieve stress.(口欲滞留症或错误相信烟有其他功效,如减压) 素材库how it affects people's health?


雅思口语考试万能语句 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

雅思口语考试万能语句1. 与考官见面用语 Glad to meet you here.? 很高兴见到你。 How nice to see you.? 能见到你太好了。 Fancy seeing you.? 见到你真好。 How are you?? 你好吗? I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.? 我很高兴能有机会见到你。 I’m glad to meet you.? 我很高兴能见到你。 I’m please to meet you. 我很开心能见到你。 It’s a pleasure to meet you. 能见到你很开心。 2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂 Could you please rephrase that question / topic?? 你能把这个问/话题换种说法再说一次吗? I’m not exactly sure what you mean…? 我不在确定你指的是什么。。。 3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂,要核实对考官所提问题的理解是否正确 Do you mean…?? 你指的是。。。

If I understand right,…? 如果我没有理解错的话。。。 I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?? 不好意思如果我理解慢了,但是。。。 I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…?? 不好意思,我不能确定我完全理解了。你指的是。。。 So am I right in saying…?? 所以我可以说。。。 If I’ve got the picture, then…? 如果我理解了的话,那。。。 So what you mean is…, right? 所以你想说明的是。。。对吗? Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…?? 对不起我没完全理解,你指的是。。。 Can I get one thing clear?? 我可以确认一下吗? Would I be correct in supposing…?? 所以我假设。。。是对的吗?? 4. 对考官所提问题的内容不熟悉 I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…? 我不太确定怎么回答这个问题,但是(也许)。。。 That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)… 这是一个相对来说有点难度的问题,但是(也许)。。。 I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…? 不好意思,但是我对于。。。不是很了解。 5. 评价考官所提问题 That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…?


小黑雅思口语万能连接词地点描述 Like I’m fairly keen on… I’m really into… I’m quite a big fan of… I simply adore… I’m quite enthusiastic/passionate about… I generally prefer…to… I’m pretty fond of … I’m totally mad about… I’m obsessed with… I’m fascinated by… dislike I’m not so keen on… I’m really not that fond of … I’m not much of a fan of… I really cant stand… 迅速回答 Well, actually… Sure, obviously… Ok, certainly… Of course, you know… Of course, it goes without saying that…不确定 I think I would have to say that it really depends. Well, quite honestly I don’t think I’ve ever thought about hat, but I guess…Actually, this isn’t something that I’ve ever considered, but in short… I’m not really sure how to put this, but I suppose generally speaking… 种类 There’s quite a mixed variety of …There’s quite a wide range of… There’s fairly broad range of… There’s quite an extensive diversityof …There’s quite a diverse mixture of… 虚拟语气 If I lived in Mediterranean, I would/could/might…… 假设 If …, then I will most likely do….


分享常用的雅思口语句型模版 本文三立在线老师为大家整理了一些雅思口语模板句型,希望同学们都能取得好成绩。 I get up at six o''clock.我六点起床。 I meet the boss himself.我见到了老板本人。 I owe you for my dinner.我欠你晚餐的钱。 I really enjoyed myself.我玩得很开心。 I''m fed up with my work !我对工作烦死了! It''s no use complaining.发牢骚没什么用。 She''s under the weather.她心情不好。 The child sobbed sadly. 小孩伤心地抽泣着。 The rumor had no basis. 那谣言没有根据。 They praised him highly.他们大大地表扬了他。 Winter is a cold season.冬天是一个寒冷的季节。 You can call me any time. 你可以随时打电话给我。 What shall we do tonight?我们今天晚上去干点儿什么呢? What''s your goal in life?你的人生目标是什么? When was the house built?这幢房子是什么时候建造的? Why did you stay at home?为什么呆在家里? Would you like some help?需要什么帮助吗?

You mustn''t aim too high你不可好高骛远。 You''re really killing me!真是笑死我了! You''ve got a point there. 你说得挺有道理的。 Being criticized is awful !被人批评真是痛苦! 15 divided by 3 equals 5.15 除以3 等于5. All for one ,one for all.我为人人,人人为我。 East,west,home is best. 金窝,银窝,不如自己的草窝。 He grasped both my hands. 他紧握住我的双手。 He is physically mature.他身体已发育成熟。 I am so sorry about this. 对此我非常抱歉(遗憾)。 以上是三立在线老师带来的关于分享常用的雅思口语句型模版的详细内容,希望各位考生能从中受益,并不断改进自己的备考方法提升备考效率,从而获得理想的考试成绩。


最新雅思口语常见考题及参考回答(欢迎转载) (所有标红的内容是需要替换或可以发散的,当然需要替换和可以发散的内容不限于此,准备雅思口语忌讳死记乱套用,需要建立在理解的基础上灵活使用,希望大家都可以获得好的成绩) Hometown Where is your hometown My hometown's in ******, which is the capital city of ****. It's located in the north of the country, not really that far from the ******. Is there much to do in your hometown Oh yes, there's certainly lots to do there as it's a fairly big city (even it’s a small town/county). If you like going out in the evening there are a lot of good restaurants and bars. If you prefer cultural activities there are museums and art galleries. But if you like nature there are lots of other things outside of the city which are easy to reach. What are the people like in your hometown Most of them are quite friendly, but as with most big cities everyone is often busy so it may seem as if they are not interested in speaking or having a chat. But if you lived there you would know that most people are quite happy to have a chat if they have time and will help you if needed. (It’s similar to a common topic of describing a neighbor, isn’t it)
