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5. Crime话题


With the incidence of crime hovering at high levels, many people have become disturbed and alarmed. 随着犯罪率居高不下,很多人被困扰并且变得警觉。

The proliferation of criminal acts has rendered many citizens apprehensive and fearful.严重罪行



The solution to adult problems tomorrow depends on large measure upon how our children grow up today."Margaret Mead

“He who does not prevent a crime when he can encourages it. “--- Roman philosopher Seneca

Crime类范文There are an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. What are the causes of this phenomenon? In this day and age, the incidence of juvenile offenses has been growing at an alarming rate; and

the severity of youth offenses has been staggering to adults. A recent survey conducted by the Chinese

Ministry of Justice revealed that one out of four crimes today was carried out by a minor. Hence ,

it is imperative that we pinpoint the causes of this disturbing phenomenon.


hence – thus , therefore, as a consequence

imperative - crucial, essential, vitally important, vital, critical, key

pinpoint- ascertain,identify, determine

In the first place, many instances of juvenile delinquency have been attributed to the violent or pornographic content of some TV shows and video games. Now we are confronted with a proliferation

of blood and nudity on TV ,the computer and the Internet.As a consequence, many youngsters, especially

boys, get addicted to such scenes. Lacking the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, they

develop criminal tendencies.

In the second place, parental neglect and domestic violence play a pivotal role in the increase of

youth crimes. Today, there are an ever-growing number of dysfunctional families. Generally,the

children raised in such families are far more likely to be afflicted with constant fear. In the

end ,they develop a hatred for society and other individuals.

In the third place, the increase of juvenile crime rate is symbiotically connected with the rise

of adult crime rate in society. In other words, the more adult crimes, the higher the probability

of youngsters falling prey to adult offenders. To illustrate,many youths are tempted by evil adults

into committing crimes , whereas some others who are victims of adult offenses become criminals themselves to get their revenge on society.

用英文表示“关系”:correlation, relation , link , guanxi

It is crucial that we take

stringent measures to tackle these problems and ensure that the future of our nations-that is, the youngsters, have a more promising future ahead of them.

6. Languages & Culture 话题

Languages & Culture 模板

Today the cultural communication between different countries and regions has been intensified.今天国家和区域间的文化交流越来越密切。

English is , doubtless, the predominant language in today’s world and its ascendancy has aroused heated debate in the academia and the general public alike.英语无疑是接天世界上影响最广的语言而它的绝对优势地位在学术界和普通公众中都引起了激烈的讨论。

Languages & Culture 名人名言

“To possess a second language is to possess a second soul.” --Charlemagne

“Culture means the widening of the mind and of the spirit.” – Ruth Benedict


Some people think students should be allowed to evaluate their teachers’ job performance. Others believe that will lead to loss of respect and discipline. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In this day and age, it is standard practice for business executives to fill out forms to give their evaluation of their subordinates’ work. But when it comes to the assessment of school teachers’job performance by their students ,people hold divergent views. Some argue that students should be allowed to do so, while others contend that disrespect and indiscipline will ensue if students evaluate their teachers’ work. Personally, I am in favor of the former view.

Granted, there could be certain drawbacks to s, tudents evaluating their teachers’ work.&, lt;, I>To begin with,when not properly regulated, evaluation by the students may be completely worthless or even misleading.It is manifest that not all students would give their evaluation responsibly and in extreme cases, some comments may be completely false; hence, school administrators would be well advised to have the evaluations averaged out. Additionally,tension between students and teachers may arise if students assess their teachers’ work. Undeniably, this practice may afford some students the false impression that all teachers are left at the mercy of them; in contrast, teachers would be rendered constantly apprehensive about teaching students who dislike schooling.

Nevertheless, enabling and encouraging students to evaluate their teachers’ work can bring about even greater benefits. In the first place,it is an effective means of motivating the teachers to improve their lectures. Given the benefits that accompany positive evaluation, many teachers would be prompted to keep enhancing their teaching to meet the expectations of the student.In the second place,regular feedback affords the teacher objective and balanced ideas about their own performance. Without such input, it is hard for the teacher to have accurate assessment of their own teaching. In the third place,a measure of students’authority can render the student better prepared for their

adult life. Specifically,gauging the teachers’ performance requires the students to utilize their critical-thinking abilities more often.

In the final analysis,I concede that allowing the students to evaluate their teachers’ performance may create some potential drawbacks. However, by averaging out students’ appraisal and encouraging them to evaluate responsibly school administrators can eliminate the downside of this practice. On balance, I am convinced that allowing students to evaluate their teachers is in the best interest of students, teachers, school administrators, and society as a whole.

最后用最近写的一篇短文作为教育类话题的结束,短文基本概括了我在这个阶段对于好的教育标准的理解。There is no unanimous consensus yet on what constitutes a sound teaching methodology. However, in the new millennium, it is arguable that fine schooling, be it primary-level, secondary-level or tertiary-level, has four common characteristics: (1) Advantageous education encourages the student to think independently and critically, and empowers the student to evaluate the teacher’s performance openly, as opposed to force-feeds students and renders them capable only of spitting back predigested ideas;(2) Genuinely beneficial educational institutions aim to produce graduates with integrity. They not only inculcate knowledge, they instill moral values and principles as well;(3) Education should recognize the correlation and interaction between varied disciplines and adopts a

multi-disciplinary curriculum;(4)In a healthy and stimulating educational environment, the imparting of theoretical knowledge is invariably synthesized with the cultivation of practical, employable skills;(5)Schools should not be segregated on any grounds, racial, gender or intellectual.

9. Government类话题


How the government can optimize the distribution of its finite financial resources has long been a controversial issue.政府如何优化配置有限的财政资源长期以来一直有争议。

There are a multitude of competing claims on the government’s limited budget.很多需要钱的领域都在争夺政府的有限预算。

Whether the government should allocate money to…has sparked off a spirited controversy.政府是否应该投资…..引起了激烈的争论。

How the government should administer … has long been an issue open to debate.政府应该如何管理……一直是有争议性的话题。


1“Millions of individuals making their own decisions in the marketplace will always allocate resources

better than any centralized government." –-Ronald Reagan

2 " “The problem is not that people are taxed too little, but that the government spends too much.”--Ronald Reagan

3 The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government" --Thomas Jefferson


政府类Some people think scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government instead of private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is universally acknowledged that human life has been transformed by the physical, chemical, biological, environmental or astronomical discoveries and creations over the past few decades. Yet when it comes to who should play the central role in conducting scientific research,people hold divergent views. Some contend that it is the government, rather than the private firms, who should carry out and regulate scientific research. Personally, I think their view has both merit and demerit.

Granted, the government has a crucial role to play in scientific research. First, corporations are in constant pursuit of maximum profit at the lowest possible cost. As a consequence, corporate scientific research, if left unfettered, often compromises ethics for the sake of shareholder wealth. Secondly, government coordination can help optimize the distribution of economic resources. Considering that contemporary scientific research often requires colossal amounts of money and researching manpower., government supervision makes for effective collaboration and healthy competition between companies and renders corporate research more cost-effective.

Nonetheless, it is manifest that corporate scientific research also holds many inherent advantages. To begin with, given the profit-pursuing nature of businesses, corporate research has well-defined guidelines and objectives for every mission. Whereas government projects that have to weigh and balance competing interests, company research is almost always focused, well-scheduled,

well-budgeted and result-oriented.Secondly, due to the profitability of company research, corporate professionals performing scientific research largely find themselves better rewarded than researchers working for government projects. And this fact, in turn, renders these professionals more motivated in their laboratories. Lastly, private firms are more meritocratic and less likely to be afflicted with the bureaucracy troubling many government agencies. As a consequence, corporate research is often more efficient and more productive than its governmental counterpart.

In the final analysis, I concede that government scrutiny can crown scientific research with an ethical compass. Nevertheless, corporate companies hold definite advantages over the government in

scientific research with respect to efficiency and productivity. On balance, I am convinced that it should be the private firms who perform scientific research whereas government scrutiny can ensure that these companies are aware of the ethical stakes involved and do not lose sight of the public interests while pursuing their goals.

10. Development & Globalization类话题



The swift changes in … have thrown the issue of …into sharp focus/relief.某方面的快速变革让……成为公众注意的焦点。

In present-day society, the tempo/pace of life has accelerated immensely.在当代,生活的节奏极大的加快了。

in preceding centuries have rendered numerous countries+形容词…



“ To create architecture is to put in order. To put what in order? Function and objects.” – Le Corbusier

The architect must be a prophet... a prophet in the true sense of the term... if he can't see at least ten years ahead don't call him an architect.

–Le Corbusier


Many old buildings are protected by law because they are part of a nation’s history. However, some people think they should be destroyed to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In this day and age, historic buildings still abound in many metropolises where new office complexes and residential developments proliferate. Whereas nearly everyone agrees in principle that historic buildings carry cultural, educational or artistic value, when it comes to the competing interests of preserving historic buildings and constructing new ones, people hold divergent views. Some assert that old buildings should be torn down to create room for new constructions. Personally, I think their view has both merit and demerit.

Granted, the development of modern cities, both in population size and in functionality, necessitates

the removal of certain existing structures whose history can often be traced back to centuries ago. In the first place ,new constructions must be proposed and carried out to accommodate the markedly-increasing urban population. Given that almost all the present-day cities are already packed with places of residence, commerce and recreation and the land available for new housing developments is increasingly scarce, some historic buildings must be demolished to make room for more compact, high-rise constructions. Secondly, the fast-paced, highly automated and digitized modern city life has rendered some unremarkable old buildings redundant. Even if we renovated or remodeled these old structures to meet the requirements of contemporary urban life that is best characterized by its dynamism and convenience, the utility of retrofitted old buildings would still pale in importance compared to that of the modern buildings tailored-made for modern functions.

Nevertheless, there are other considerations that should prevail over the utilitarian value of historic buildings. First and foremost, some historic buildings uniquely represent specific historical events or figures. Were such structures all to be razed, accurate representation of the corresponding events and figures would be out of the question. Further, some historic buildings possess exceptional esthetic value ,whereas mere replication can by no means demonstrate the superior craftsmanship in them as vividly. Additionally, many historic vernacular dwellings embody the distinctive lifestyle of ethnic minority groups. Without doubt,it would be an ethnological catastrophe if all these dwellings were knocked down for the sake of current urban needs.

the process of urban development. However, it would be erroneous and imprudent if we fail to acknowledge that some old buildings

are too significant historically, esthetically or ethnologically to dismantle. On balance, I am convinced that urban advancement and the preservation of significant historic buildings are not necessarily mutually exclusive and urban developers must not indiscriminately meet modern needs at the expense of the historic buildings that have notable


storical, esthetic or ethnological value.
