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How’s that英语口语用法

How’s that英语口语用法
How’s that英语口语用法

How’s that英语口语用法

1. 表示不理解,意为:这是为什么? 这是怎么回事? 如:

A:He says he won’t go with her? 他说他不会同她去。

B:How’s that? 这是怎么回事?

A:I don’t think I shall be able to get to see himafter all. 我恐怕见不到他了。

B:How’s that? 为什么?

A:I’ve decided to sell the house? 我已决定把房子卖掉。

B:How’s that? 为什么?

2. 用来询问看法或意见,意为:可以吗? 行吗? 满意吗? 你认为怎么样? 如:

How is that for an apple? 吃个苹果怎么样?

You’ve finished reading the book? How’s that? 你读完这本书了? 你认为怎么样?

A:It’s still not straight. 还没有拉直。

B:OK, how’s that now? 好,这次怎么样了?

3. 没听清对方的话时,请对方再说一遍,意为:你说什么?请再说一遍。如:

A:Her telephone number is 3798334. 他的电话号码是3798334。

B:How’s that? 是多少?

A:I’ve just been up in a balloon for a day andhalf. 我乘汽球飞行了一天半。

B:How’s that? 你说什么?


1.Do you think China offers foreign business people great opportunities to fulfill their dreams? Why? 你认为中国为外国商人提供了实现梦想的巨大机会吗?为什么? 2.If offered an overseas assignment, would you like to work for your company at a foreign headquarters as long as required? 如果提供海外派遣,您愿意在国外总部工作吗? 3.What factors do you think contribute to the fulfillment of overseas assignments? 你认为哪些因素有助于完成海外任务? 4.What is the difference between E-commerce and the traditional business? 电子商务和传统商务有什么区别? 5.What are the benefits and limitations of E-commerce? 电子商务的好处和局限是什么? 6.Do you take it for granted that copyright should be protected by law? 你认为版权受法律保护是理所当然的吗? 7.Do you think it is criminal to adapt other's ideas in your own way and share them with your friends? 你认为以你自己的方式改变别人的想法并与你的朋友分享这些想法是犯罪吗? 8.What is corporate culture? How does culture affect the way we do business? 什么是企业文化?文化如何影响我们做生意的方式? 9.What are the advantages of online-communication? 在线交流的优点是什么? 10.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 11.The factors requisite for success may differ from one profession to another, what kind of elements may contribute to success in your opinion? 成功所需的因素可能因职业不同而有所不同,你认为哪种因素有助于成功? 12.Are you big fans of certain celebrities? Why or why not? 你是某些名人的忠实粉丝吗?为什么或为什么不呢? 13.What are the disadvantages of online-communication? 在线交流的缺点是什么? 14.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 15.As job hunters, what preparations should we make beforehand? 作为求职者,我们应该事先做些什么准备? 16.What is corporate culture? How do you get to know a company’s corporate culture? 什么是企业文化?你如何了解公司的企业文化? 17.Which do you think should receive priority in China, economic growth or environmental protection? Give your reasons. 你认为在中国,经济增长或环境保护应该优先考虑哪些问题?给出你的理由。 18.What do you think of love and marriage? 你觉得爱情和婚姻怎么样? 19.What should be considered when you decide to accept or decline a job offer? 当你决定接受或拒绝工作邀请时,应该考虑什么? 20.What is your plan for the future after graduation? Do you want to start a business or become an employee with a high salary? Why? 你毕业后的未来打算是什么?你想创业还是想成为高薪员工?为什么? 21.When hunting for a job, what do you choose, a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? Why? 在找工作的时候,你会选择什么,小池塘里的大鱼还是大池塘里的小鱼?为什么? 22.List some hazards in our life that are related to the development of technology. Try to figure out some ways to avoid these hazards. 列出我们生活中与技术发展有关的一些危险。试着找出一些避免这些危险的方法。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8616369481.html,pare planes and rail (road) transportation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.


英语中使用that 1.先行词如果有all, every, only, very, any (任何的),one of few,any,little, no等词修饰时, 2.先行词是不定代词,some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone),no(nothing,nobody,no one),every(everything,everybody,everyone 3.先行词有最高级修饰 4.先行词有序数词修饰, 5.先行词如果既有人又有事物 6. 主句以There be…开头,先行词为物时用that,先行词为人的句子中,常用who引导定语从句. . There is a room in the building that is still free. There is a pretty girl who wants to see you. 7. 句子中如果已经有了who,引导词代替人,为了避免重复,要使用that;或者句子中如果已经有了which,引导词代替事物,为了避免重复,要使用that; 8. 先行词如果在主句中做表语,或引导词在从句中做表语,代替事物,多使用that;eg. 这是我昨天买的书。This is the book that I bought yesterday. as作为定语从句引导词的三点用法 (1)代替主句整句话内容; (2)先行词有such修饰,要使用as; eg. He is such a good teacher __as__ we all like. He is such a good teacher __that___ we all like him. (such…that 如此…以至于…,引导结果状语从句); (3)先行词有the same修饰, the same……as表示同类不同一个:I want to buy the same bicycle as my friend did. the same……that表示同类同一个:The police has found the same bicycle that Jack lost. 引导词代替主句整句话内容,在从句中做主语或宾语,要使用as或which来引导 ?as和which的区别: 1.结构上as的从句既可以放于主句前,也可以放于主句后;which的从句只能放于 主句后; 2.as如果在从句中做主语,谓语动词只能是be动词结构; eg. 她数学考试不及格,这让她的爸爸很生气。


do的口语用法归纳 do sb sth结构用法归纳 一、do sb a favour的用法 该结构表示“帮助某人”,也可说成do a favour for sb,注意其中有不定冠词。如:Would you do me a favour please? 请你帮我个忙,好吗?t; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0">He is always ready to do a favour for his classmates. 他总是乐于帮助同学。以下各句均可表示“劳驾请把窗户打开”。注意,当favour 后有定语修饰时,其前习惯上要用定冠词:Do me a favour and open the window. Do me a favour by opening the window. Do me a favour—open the window, please. Do me the favour to open the window. Do me the favour of opening the window. 二、do sb good的用法 该结构表示“对某人有益或有好处”,其中的good 为不可数名词。如:Exercise will do you good. 运动对你会有好处。Eat more fruit—it will do you good. 多吃水果,这对你有好处。A week’s vacation will do you a lot of good. Go on with the treatment. It is doing you good. 你要继续进行这种疗法。它对你是有效的。 三、do sb harm 的用法 该结构表示“对某人有害”,其中的harm 为不可数名词。如:Smoking does harm to your health. 吸烟对你的身体有害。A few late nights never did anyone any harm. 熬几个晚上的夜对人绝无害处。Whether it will do us harm remains to be seen. 是否对我们有害还要看一看。Whether it will注:也可说成do harm to sb。如:Such books do great harm to young people.=Such books do young people great harm. 那样的书对年青人危害很大。 四、do sb honour 的用法 该结构也可说成do honour to sb,它有以下两个方面的意思:1. 对某人表示敬意或纪念。如:They did honour to the dead. 他们向死者致敬。2. 给某人带来荣誉或使某人受到尊敬。如:His contributions to science do honour to our country. 他在科学上的贡献为祖国增了光。We attended his birthday party to do him honour. /We attended his birthday party to do honour to him. 我们参加了他的生日晚会以表示对他的敬意。注意:do sb the honour of doing [to do] sth 的意思是do sb the honour of doing [to do] sth “给某人面子做某事”“给某人做某事的荣幸”。如:Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?=Would you do me the honour to dance with me? 能请你跳曲舞吗? 五、do sb a kindness的用法 该结构表示“好心地为某人做某事”“帮某人的忙”,其中的kindness 为可数名词。如:Will you do me a kindness? 你愿帮我个忙吗?He has done me many kindness. 他帮了我不少忙。


so...that... 如此……以致于…… ...so that... 以便于,为了 “so...that...”句型的意思是“如此/这么……以致于……”,常引导结果状语从句,但“so...that...”是个爱“变脸”句型,你一不留意就会出错。“so...that...”句型及其转换也是中考的热点,现将其用法总结归纳如下,让我们一起来看看它是怎样变的吧。 一、 so... that...句型中的so是副词,常常用来修饰形容词或副词,常用句型为:主语+谓语+so+adj. / adv. + that从句。例如: 1. he is so young that she can't look after herself. 2. The boy ran so fast that I couldn't catch him. 3. He was so angry that he couldn't say a word. / 二、在“such... that...”句型中,such修饰名词,意思也是“如此……以致于……”但当名词前有many、much、(a) few、(a) little等词修饰时,句子中要用“so...that...”而不能用“such...that...”。例如: 1. He has so much money that he can buy what he wanted. 2. I've had so many falls that I have pains here and there. 3. There is little water in the glass that I can't drink any more. 三、 so与that也可连起来写,即变成:... so that ...(以便 / 为了……),引导目的状语从句。例如: ~ 1. I got up early so that I could catch the early bus. 2. Please open the window so that we can breathe fresh air. 3. You must go now so that you won't be late. 四、以“so...that”引导的结果状语从句可以转换成不定式的简单句,即可转换为“...enough to...”或“...too...to”句型,但这种转换必须符合下列条件: 1. 当主句和从句的主语一致,且that从句是肯定句时,可用“enough to do sth.”来转换。例如:


“that”在英文中是一个使用频率很高的单词。它有四种词性,并且句法及语法功能纷繁复杂。同学们如果不能熟练掌握其用法,很可能会形成英语学习的一种障碍,从而影响其学习兴趣和效率。现将that的用法总结归纳如下: 第一、that 用作形容词(后接复数名词时用those)。 它用来指已被提到的人或物;也可表对比,指两个中较远的那个。 What about that book you borrowed from me last month? 请注意,that 有时候在句子中具有喜欢或轻蔑等感情色彩。 that little son of his 他那个小宝贝儿子 That George!乔治那家伙!(含有轻蔑语气) 第二、that 用作代词。 1. that 用作指示代词(复数形式是those),其指代意义同形容词用法,同时它还可以用作定语从句中的先行词;还可为了避免重复,代替前述名词。That is what he told me. What is that (which) you have got in your hand? The price of rice is higher than that of flour. 2. that 用作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句。先行词可人可物,用法相当于who或which。(但是在下列情况下多用that:先行词既有人又有物时;先行词有形容词最高级、序数词、不定代词、very,only等修饰时;先行词是不定代词时) He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. I think it one of the most wonderful films that the film company has ever produced. She has little information that is useful for our research. Is there anything that I can do for you? 请注意,that 在定语从句中作宾语时通常可省略。The books (that) I sent you will help you in your studies. 第三、that 用作连词,引导名词性从句,状语从句和强调句。 1. that名词性从句。 ①引导宾语从句。及物动词后的引导词that可省略。I didn't expect (that) he could win the championship. The teacher pointed out that Tom was not working hard enough. ②引导主语从句。通常采用it作形式主语的句型。 That the earth goes around the sun is known to everyone. (It is known to everyone that the earth goes around the sun.) ③引导表语从句。 The trouble is that we are short of money. ④引导同位语从句。 引导同位语从句的that和引导定语从句的that是不同的。前者只起语法作用,在从句中不作任何成分;而后者在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语。举例说明: The news that he resigned from office surprised us. The idea that he holds is very common nowadays on campus. 2. that引导状语从句①引导目的状语从句。 Bring it nearer that I may see it better. ②引导结果状语从句。What have I done that he should be so angry with me? ③引导原因状语从句。 I am afraid that I will fail in the driving test. ④引导让步状语从句。意为“虽然、尽管”。


THAT用法总结 第一、that 用作形容词(后接复数名词时用those) 它用来指已被提到的人或物;也可表对比,指两个中较远的那个。 What about that book you borrowed from me last month? 请注意,that 有时候在句子中具有喜欢或轻蔑等感情色彩。 that little son of his 他那个小宝贝儿子 That George!乔治那家伙!(含有轻蔑语气) 第二、that 用作代词。 1. that 用作指示代词(复数形式是those),其指代意义同形容词用法,同时它还可以用作定语从句中的先行词;还可为了避免重复,代替前述名词。 .that用来替代前面提到的特指的事物,所代替的名词可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词.代替可数名词可以用the one替换.但其前面不可用任何限定词修饰.例如: 1)The population of China is larger than that of Japan.(that代替不可数名词population,不可用the one替换) 2)The headteacher in your class is younger and more active than that in theirs.(that代替可数名词headteacher,可用the one替换) that 代替指物的单数可数名词或抽象不可数名词,一般是特指的 those 代替指人或指物的复数名词,一般是特指的=the ones one 代替指人或指物的单数可数名词,一般是泛指的 ones 代替指人或指物的复数名词,一般是泛指的 That is what he told me. What is that (which) you have got in your hand? The price of rice is higher than that of flour. 2. that 用作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句。先行词可人可物,用法相当于who或which。(但是在下列情况下多用that:先行词既有人又有物时;先行词有形容词最高级、序数词、不定代词、very,only等修饰时;先行词是不定代词时)He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. I think it one of the most wonderful films that the film company has ever produced. She has little information that is useful for our research. Is there anything that I can do for you? 请注意,that 在定语从句中作宾语时通常可省略。 The books (that) I sent you will help you in your studies. 第三、that 用作连词,引导名词性从句,状语从句和强调句。 1. that名词性从句。 ①引导宾语从句。及物动词后的引导词that可省略。 I didn't expect (that) he could win the championship. The teacher pointed out that Tom was not working hard enough.


英语口语学习的几点建议不少人认为发音好就代表口语好,口语好就代表英语好。实际上,如果只是工作需要,发音真的有那么重要吗?所谓的英语的口语,其实包含四方面的内容,其中重要性排行:流利度>表达准确度>发音>腔调。 流利度 方法建议就是自己和自己说英语,每天头脑里总会要想些问题,你试着把自己想的东西一句一句翻译成英语,你和别人说话的时候,说完那些话之后,你心里默默的想一想这些话我用英语应该怎么说,遇到不会的马上可以用手机查字典。不出三个月你心里想的每一句话或者日常的沟通,都可以熟练的用英语说出来。 还有一个办法,就是每天用英语写几百字。每天人的英文写作其实是代表他的英语口语的最高水平,不要说自己英语口语不好,归根到底,其实是写作不行。你能够说出来的东西,你一定能够立马知道怎么写,但是你写的东西你不一定立马能够说出来,但是为什么还要练习写作呢?因为大部分时候你说不出来是因为你写都不知道怎么写。写作实际上能够根本改善你遣词造句的能力,当你写作都很熟练了,你脱口而出自然不会是问题。 表达准确度 只要是两个人面对面沟通,只要你不结巴、保持流利,始终能够把话说清楚的,老外如果听不懂他会继续问你,直到听懂为止。所以刚练习英语口语的朋友,可以把这部分顾虑暂时先打消,等你流利了再来改也没问题的。所有表达的准确度问题,都不是口语问题,都是

你英语基础问题。 发音准确度 这方面的重要程度远远没有流利度那么高,但练习要花费相当的苦工。如果仅仅只是为了应付工作,建议不要花费太多时间在发音上面,因为中国人的发音哪怕再烂其实外国人还是能理解的。外企HR似乎更加看重流利程度一点。大部分在外企工作的中国人发音简直是弱爆,但是丝毫不影响工作沟通。所以英语基础不好的人,拼命去练发音,无异于舍本逐末。 如果你一定要知道发音怎么练习,可以简单说一两点。 中国人被拼音误导很深,认为和拼音长得差不多就是和拼音一样的发音,结果才导致了浓浓的中国风发音。不要把音标当拼音。你把所有的长元音全部拆开成两个元音来发音,比如like 的i(ai), 坚决不要发成中文的"爱“,要先发a 后发i, 中间过渡平滑,听起来像"拉一可”。经常有人说这个单词明明按照音标读了,但是怎么读都有一股浓浓的中国风,就是找不出原因,原因就在这里。 如果你对这些区别只是停留在了解的阶段,那是帮助不了你改善发音的,必须要重复练习(一个发音反复练习几百次就有效了)。

定语从句中 which,that 的用法与区别

定语从句中 which,that 的用法与区别 只能使用that的情况: 1.当先行词是nothing, something, anything, all, each等不定代词时。 e.g. Do you have anything that is important to tell me? 2.当先行词被all, any, some, no, not, every, each等修饰时。 e.g. I have some books that are very good. 3.当先行词被形容词最高级、序数词(包括last, next等)所修饰时。 e.g. This is the first book that I bought mysel f. The biggest bird that I caught is this bird. 4.主句是以which或who开头的特殊疑问句时 e.g. Which is the bike that you lost? 为了避免重复时用that Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting. 5.当先行词在从句和主句中都作表语时,无论先行词是人还是物. China is no longer the country that she was. 6.如有两个定语从句,其中一个已用which引导,另一个宜用that . Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before. 7.在there be句型中,只用that. He asked for the latest book (that) there is on the subject. 8.当先行词被the very, the last, the next, the only,the same 等词修饰时。 e.g. This is the very book that I lost yesterday. 9.当先行词又有人又有物时。 e.g. I won’t forget the things and the persons that I saw. 10. 先行词被all, every, no, any, little, some, much等修饰时。 I’ve read all the books that are not mine. 只能使用which的情况。 1、非限制性定语从句(即通常用逗号与主句隔开,如果去掉逗号,整个句子仍能表达完整的意义的定语从句)中。 e.g. Mary has a book, which is very precious. 2、在介词之后。 e.g. This is a house in which lives an old man. 3、当主句中的主语被that修饰时。 e.g. That dog which I found in the street belongs to Mary. 4. 非限定性定语从句修饰的是前面的整个句子,而且关系代词和关系副词前面有逗号, 用which开始的定语从句修饰前面半句 e.g. He will wear no clothes, which will distinguish(区分,辨别)him from his fellow men.


在线学基础英语口语、常用英语口语 这些都是比较基础的英语口语,都非常常用,感兴趣的可以在线学一下: 一、 Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I'm Kelly. 我是凯莉。 4. Are you Tom? 你是汤姆吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Lily / your wife / your husband? 莉莉好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night,Sunny. 晚安,珊妮。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。

13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。 19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗?


考研语法小知识:that从句用法 一、that作连词引导各类从句 (一)that引导名词性从句 that后面连接一个完整的陈述句,可以位于主语、宾语、表语或同位语的位置,分别引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。此时,that没有实意,而且不在从句中做任何成分。that引导主语从句和同位语从句时不可以省略。 例1:That the plates are movingis now beyond dispute.(主语从句) 地球板块是在漂移的,这一事实毋庸置疑。 例2:The truth isthat everyone should take care of orphan, not just the authorities.(表语从句) 事实是,所有人都应该照顾孤儿,而不仅仅是完全由政府承担。 例3:All people believedthat it was right to rescue the temple.(宾语从句)(注:that可以省略) 所有人都认为拯救古庙是正确的。 例4:The students expressed their hopethat they could be admitted by that university.(同位语从句) 学生们表达了他们向被这所大学录取的愿望。 (二)that引导定语从句 that引导定语从句,在从句中充当主语、表语或者宾语,既可以指代人,也可以指代物。that在定语从句中作宾语时,引导词that可以省略。 例1:The professor that you admire most will visit our university next month. 你敬仰的那个教授下月会到我们学校参观。 例2:This is one of the subways that will be put into use in two years. 这是未来两年内将开通的地铁之一。 例3:I have nothing that is worth reading. 我没有什么值得一读的东西。 (注:当先行词中有不定代词、形容词最高级、序数词或者先行词被the only,the very等限定词修饰等情况下 ,定语从句引导词也只能用that。) (三)that与其他单词结合引导状语从句 that可以和其他单词结构共同引导状语从句,例如such...that,so...that等引导结果状语从句,in order that,so that等引导目的状语从句,in that,now that,on the grounds that等引导原因状语从句 suppose/supposing/assume/assuming/provided/providing that,on condition that等引导条件状语从句等。 例1:She has madesuchrapid progressthatbefore long she could pass the exam. 她进步很快,不久就能通过考试的。 例2:You should make full use of this opportunityso thatyou can get rich experience. 你应该充分利用这次机会,以便获得丰富的经验。 例3:Supposing thatyou were in my position, what would you do? 如果你在我的位置,你会怎么做? 例4:On condition thatyou were lost in the desert, you should ask for help as soon as possible. 如果你在沙漠中迷路,你应该尽早寻求帮助。 (四)that引导强调句 “It is/was+被强调部分+that从句”是高频使用的一种强调句型,其中被强调部分可以作从句的主语、宾语和状语等。强调句中去掉“it is/was”和“that”后,句子成分和语义仍然完整。 例:It was after the war was over that Einstein was able to come back to his research work again. 战争结束后爱因斯坦才能重新进行他的研究工作。 二、that作限定词或代词 that可以作限定词或代词连接名词或名词短语,也可单独使用,用以指代人或者物。此外,that不仅可以指代单独的人或物,还可以指代一句话。 例:Furthermore, in the early days of long line fishing, a lot of fish were lost to sharks after they had been hooked. That is no longer a problem, because there are fewer sharks around now. [2006, text3] 分析:

that 用法

That 用法总结 第一、that 用作形容词(后接复数名词时用those)。 它用来指已被提到的人或物;也可表对比,指两个中较远的那个。 What about that book you borrowed from me last month? 请注意,that 有时候在句子中具有喜欢或轻蔑等感情色彩。 that little son of his 他那个小宝贝儿子 That George!乔治那家伙!(含有轻蔑语气) 第二、that 用作代词。 1. that 用作指示代词(复数形式是those),其指代意义同形容词用法,同时它还可以用作定语从句中的先行词;还可为了避免重复,代替前述名词。 That is what he told me. What is that (which) you have got in your hand? The price of rice is higher than that of flour. 2. that 用作关系代词,引导限制性定语从句。先行词可人可物,用法相当于who或which。(但是在下列情况下多用that:先行词既有人又有物时;先行词有形容词最高级、序数词、不定代词、very,only等修饰时;先行词是不定代词时) He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. I think it one of the most wonderful films that the film company has ever produced. She has little information that is useful for our research. Is there anything that I can do for you? 请注意,that 在定语从句中作宾语时通常可省略。 The books (that) I sent you will help you in your studies. 第三、that 用作连词,引导名词性从句,状语从句和强调句。 1. that名词性从句。 ①引导宾语从句。及物动词后的引导词that可省略。 I didn't expect (that) he could win the championship. The teacher pointed out that Tom was not working hard enough. ②引导主语从句。通常采用it作形式主语的句型。 That the earth goes around the sun is known to everyone. (It is known to everyone that the earth goes around the sun.) ③引导表语从句。 The trouble is that we are short of money. ④引导同位语从句。 引导同位语从句的that和引导定语从句的that是不同的。前者只起语法作用,在从句中不作任何成分;而后者在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语。举例说明: The news that he resigned from office surprised us. The idea that he holds is very common nowadays on campus. 2. that引导状语从句 ①引导目的状语从句。 Bring it nearer that I may see it better. ②引导结果状语从句。 What have I done that he should be so angry with me?


What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?) Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。) How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?) Just because.(没有别的原因。) It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。) You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。) No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。) I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。) Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。)I am not available.(我正忙着) Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要) Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。 Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。 I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。 You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。 Don't bury['beri]your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。 I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。 You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。 She is well-build.她的身材真棒。 You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。 You have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好。 You flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。 You should be slow to judge others.你不应该随意评论别人。 I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅 It was most careless ofme.我太粗心了。 It was quite by accident.真是始料不及。 I wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。 I like you the way you were.我喜欢你以前的样子。 You two go ahead to the movie without me,i don't want to be a third wheel.你们两个自己去看电影吧,我不想当电灯泡。 Do you have anyone in mind?你有心上人吗? How long have you known her?你认识她多久了? It was love at frist sight.一见钟情 I'd bettle hit the books.我要复习功课啦。 a piece of one's mind .直言不讳 He gave me a piece of mind,"Don't shift responsibility onto others."他责备道:“不要把责任推卸到别人身上。” a cat and dog life水火不容的生活 The husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and do g life.这对夫妇老是吵架,相互之间水火不容。 a dog's life潦倒的生活
