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1.culture shock 文化冲击


3.do brainstorming 集思广益






8.so much…so that..如此..以至于



scarcely when=hardly when


11.working class 工人阶级

12.evolutionary theory 进化论

13.make oneself scarce 回避,溜走

14.so as to (目的)以便

such as to(结果)以致

15.descend 下降;传下来

descendant n.后代adj.祖传的

descend into sth [无被动]逐渐


descend on sb/sth突然大批来


16.derive from从…衍生出;起源于

17.inherit (from) 继承;遗传




market segment 分块市场

19.pile up 堆积,累积

a pile of 堆;叠;摞



22.in the light of = according to


23.in the case of在..情况下,就…


in case of 万一;如果

24.at the cost of 以…为代价



28.put sb. through sth. 使某人经


putsb. throughto sb. 为某人接


29.turnsb. out 赶走某人

30.givesb. up ①对…不再抱有希







瓦解(collapse, fail)

36.break out 突然发生或爆发











47.take responsibility for 对…负




















63.on this issue

64.put knowledge into practice


65.academic career 学业

66.weighing the advantages and

disadvantages 权衡利弊67.Those who… consider/believe

that… 那些…人认为…

68.be worth noting that 值得一提


69.if the schedule permits 若时间



2016年6月大学英语四级听力新题型样卷 2016年6月考试起将对四、六级考试的听力试题作局部调整:已经使用多年的的短对话和短文听写题型将退出历史舞台,取而代之的是新闻听力和学术讲座。以下是小编为大家收集的对应2016年6月四级考试听力新题型样题卷,希望对大家有一定的帮助! PartII ListeningComprehension (25minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At theend of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the newsreport and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line throughthe centre. Questions 1 and 2 will bebased on the following news item. 1. A) Christmas-timeattacks made by Somali rebels. B) An explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi. C) The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala. D) Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda's capital.


2016年房地产估价案例与分析真题与解析 一、问答题(共3题,每题10分。请将答案写在答题纸对应的题号下) (一)某房地产开发公司拟将其开发建设中的一幢综合楼作为抵押物向银行申请贷款,委托房地产估价机构评估该在建工程的抵押价值。注册房地产评估师在实地查勘时获知该综合楼的主体结构已封顶,后续建设工程正在进行,建安工程整体形象进度达65%,拟选用假设开发法作为其中一种估价方法。请问: 1.假设开发法的估价前提有哪几种?本次估价应选择哪种估价前提? 2.在各种不同的估价前提下,假设开发法的测算主要有哪些差别? 【参考答案】 1.假设开发法的估价前提有3种:(1)估价对象仍然由其业主开发完成,这种估价前提称为“业主自行开发前提”;(2)估价对象要被其业主自愿转让给他人开发完成,这种估价前提称为“自愿转让开发前提”;(3)估价对象要被迫转让给他人开发完成,这种估价前提称为“被迫转让开发前提”。 本次估价是房地产抵押估价,应采用“被迫转让前提”。参见《房地产估价理论与方法》教材P341~342。房地产抵押估价和房地产司法拍卖估价,一般应采用“被迫转让前提”。 2.在不同的估价前提下,假设开发法测算的主要差别包括: (1)预测出的后续开发经营期的长短不同。自行开发前提下,后续开发经营期就是正常的后续建设期;而自愿转让开发前提和被迫转让开发前提下,需要考虑转让的正常期限,从而导致后续开发经营期发生变化。 (2)后续开发的必要支出不同。自行开发前提下,只考虑后续开发的必要支出;而自愿转让开发前提和被迫转让开发前提下,通常会产生新的“前期费用”,在估价后续开发的必要支出时,还应加上这部分“前期费用”。 (3)测算出的待开发房地产价值不同。一般情况下,自己开发前提下评估出的价值要大于自愿转让前提下评估出的价值,自愿转让前提下评估出的价值要大于被迫转让前提下评估出的价值。参见《房地产估价理论与方法》教材P341~342。 第三科教材的某一叙述,可能就是案例与分析的一个问答题答案的关键。


某实验室建有S型热电偶标准装置(U=0.6℃,k =2).按照溯源计划,其主标准器标准热电偶温度计(温度计A)每年1月份送上一级计量技术机构检定.2015年1月8日出具的温度计A的检定证书显示其在800℃的测得值为8010.2℃.实验室用S型热电偶温度计(温度计B)作为核查标准,每2个月在800℃点对些标准装置进行期间核查.核查时,同时读取放在同一怛温槽中的两 问题: 1.计算温度计B在800℃时的修正值,写出计算过程. 2.计算平均值i y 和1--i i y y ,并将数据填入表格.(在答题卡上填写) 3.根据核查数据绘制S型热电偶标准装置的期间核查曲线.(在答题卡上绘制) 4.判断核查结果是否合格,并说明理由.

考评员现场考核某企业的最高计量标准”直流低电阻表检定装置”. 1.在参观现场时,考评员发现其现场温度较低,不能满足计量检定规程规定的环境条件要求,实验室负责人说,我们的标准器在较低温度下也能正常工作,经过温度修正,准确度同样符合要求. 2.在查看实验室时,考评员发现工作台上单独放着一台电脑,询问其作用.实验室负责人回答,我们为了节省档案存储空间,测量时先将数据记在草稿纸上,随后输入电脑,加入电子签名制成电子原始记录,统一存入服务器,核验员对录入数据进行校核后,才销毁草稿纸. 3.在审阅材料中,考评员发现其主标准器前两年都是由省计量院出具的检定证书,而今年是由一家校准公司出具的校准证书.实验室负责人答复,该标准器到期送检时,省计量院相应检定装置故障,暂停了相关计量器具的检定工作,于是选择了这家具备CNAS资质且技术能力较强的校准公司进行校准,校准结果显示该标准器性能良好. 4.在检查设备证书时,考评员发现一台配套设备的校准时间间隔前两次是1年,而最近一次改成了2年.实验室负责人拿出多年的稳定性考核数据证明该设备性能十分稳定,并出示了论证文件和技术负责人签发的将校准时间间隔改为2年的批准文件. 5.在查看其设备档案时,考评员发现某些设备的采购合同原件并未包含在其中,只存有复印件.实验室人员解释,这些材料的原件由财务人员保存. 6.在查看其近期出具的检定和校准证书时,考评员发现某份校准证书内页

【最新】四级模拟试题Model Test1

Model Test One Model Test 1 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places? You should write at least 120words following the outline given below. 1.近年来越来越多的公共场所禁烟 2.这项举措在受到拥护的同时也引发了争议 3.你的看法 Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places? ————————————————————————————————————— Part II Reading Comprehensive (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes) Low-carbon Future: We Can Afford to Go Green Tackling climate change will cost consumers the earth. Those who campaign for a green revolution are out to destroy our western lifestyles. Such are the cries of opponents of emissions cuts, and their message has political impact: a number of surveys have found that the enthusiasm of voters for policies to reduce climate change falls off as the price tag increases. However, a new modeling(模型化) exercise suggests that these fears are largely unfounded. It projects that radical cuts to the UK’s emissions will cause barely noticeable increases in the price of food, drink and most other goods by 2050. Electricity and petrol costs will rise significantly, but with the right policies in place, say the modellers, this need not lead to big change in our lifestyle. “These results show that the global project to fight climate change is feasible,” says Alex Bowen, a climate policy expert at the London School of Economics. “It’s not such a big ask as people are making out.” Although it is impossible to precisely predict prices four decrease from now, the exercise is one of the most detailed examinations yet of the impact of climate change policies on UK consumers. It provides a useful rough guide to our economic future. Though its results speak directly to the UK consumers, previous research has come to similar conclusions for the US. In June, one study found that if the US were to cut emissions by 50 per cent by 2050, prices of most consumer goods would increase by less than 5 per cent. The findings are also consistent with analyses by the Pew Center on Global Climate change in Washington DC. “Even cutting emissions by 80 per cent over four decades has a very small effect on consumers in most areas,”says Manik Roy of the Pew Center. “The challenge is now to convince consumers and policy-Makers that this is the case.” The Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change recommends that wealthy nations cut their emissions to between 80 and 95 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050 in order to avoid the 1


23. A. Ms. Corners threatened to get her out of therented apartment. B. The dishwasher still didn't work after beingrepaired. C. The repairman charged more than she couldafford. D. Ms. Corners didn't allow her to have the repair done. 24. A. Paula had the repair done without her consent and didn't pay full rent. B. Paula broke the dishwasher and had the repair done without her consent. C. Paula didn't inform her of the repair cost. D. Paula wanted to leave her apartment in short notice without paying full rent. 25. A. Sam knows something about law. B. Sam knows how to repair dishwashers. C. Sam is familiar with Ms. Corners. D. Sam is good at persuading people. W: Hello, Sam. This is Paula Hanson. Sorry to bother you, but I'm having a small problem I thought you might be able to help me with. M: Sure, Paula. What's up? W: Well, you know Sarah and I moved into an off-campus apartment in the fall. The dishwasher broke down, so we reported it to Ms. Corners, the owner. She said she'd take care of it, but a month went by and nothing happened. M: Did you get back in touch with her?


2016年度全国一级注册消防工程师资格考试真题 消防案例分析 第一题 某寒冷地区公共建筑,地下3层,地上37层,建筑高度160m,总建筑面积121000㎡,按照国家标准设置相应的消防设施。 该建筑室内消火栓系统采用消防水泵串联分区供水形式,分高、低区两个分区。消防水泵房和消防水池位于地下一层,设置低区消火栓泵2台(1用1备)和高区消火栓转输泵2台(1用1备)。中间消防水泵房和转输水箱位于地上十七层,设置高区消火栓加压泵2台(1用1备),高区消火栓加压泵控制柜与消防水泵布置在同一房间。屋顶设置高位消防水箱和稳压泵等稳压装置。低区消火栓由中间转输水箱和低区消火栓泵供水,高区消火栓由屋顶消防水箱和高区消火栓转输泵、高区消火栓加压泵联锁启动供水。 室外消防用水由市政给水管网供水。室内消火栓和自动喷水灭火系统用水由消防水池保证。室内消火栓系统的设计流量为40L/s,自动喷水灭火系统的设计流量为40L/s。 维保单位对该建筑室内消火栓系统进行检查,情况如下: (1)在地下消防水泵房对消防水池有效容积、水位、供水管等情况进行了检查。 (2)在地下消防水泵房打开低区消火栓泵试验阀,低区消火栓泵没有启动。 (3)屋顶室内消火栓系统稳压装置气压水罐有效容积为120L,无法直接识别稳压泵出水管阀门的开闭情况,深入细查发现阀门处于关闭状态,稳压泵控制柜电源未接通,当场排除故障。 (4)检查屋顶消防水箱,发现水箱内水的表面有结冰;水箱进水管管径为DN25,出水管管径为DN75; 询问消防控制室消防水箱水位情况,控制室值班人员回答无法查看。 (5)在屋顶打开试验消火栓,放水3min后测量栓口的动压,测量值为0.21MPa,消防水枪充实水柱测量值为12m;询问消防控制室有关消防水泵和稳压泵的情况,控制室值班人员回答不清楚 根据以上材料,回答下列问题(共18分,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有2个或者2个以上符合题意,至少有一个错项。错项,本题不得分;少选,所选的每项的0.5分) 1、关于该建筑消防水池,下列说法正确的有() A. 不考虑补水时,消防水池的有效容积不应小于432m3 B. 消防控制室应能显示消防水池正常水位


以下为2015年9月外语专业教指委官方公布的TEM4 新题型样卷。 TEM 4 SAMPLE TEST (部分) TIME LIMIT: 130 MIN Part I DICTATION [10 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 1 minute to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Part II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWEER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use


Section A 11. A. She is very much afraid. B. She has never heard of the place. C. She is not familiar with the place. D. She has never taken the bus before. 12. A. Two boys and a girl. B. Four boys and a girl C. Two boys and three girls. D. Two boys and two girls. 13. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t C. Yes, he has. D. No, he hasn’t 14. A. The rooms are better but not the service. B. The service is better but the rooms are dirty. C. It is even worse. D. Both the rooms and the service are better. 15. A. She doesn’t want to see the game;she prefers to stay at home. B. She thinks it’s going to be difficult to get tickets. C. She already has got tickets for both of them. D. Anyway,they can have the chance of watching the game on TV. 16. A. Forty-five minutes B. Fifteen minutes C. Five minutes D. Ten minutes. 17. A. The woman tells the man where to have a snack. B. The man wants to know how to get to Joe’s house.


大学英语四级考试听力样题2016年新题型 Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. 1. A) Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebels. B) An explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi. C) The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala. D) Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda’s capital. 2. A) On Christmas Eve. C) During a security check. B) Just before midnight. D) In the small hours of the morning. Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 3. A) It is likely to close many of its stores. B) It is known for the quality of its goods. C) It remains competitive in the recession. D) It will expand its online retail business. 4. A) Expand its business beyond groceries. B) Fire 25,000 of its current employees. C) Cut its DVD publishing business. D) Sell the business for one pound. Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A) All taxis began to use meters. B) All taxis got air conditioning. C) Advertisements were allowed on taxis. D) Old taxis were replaced with new cabs. 6. A) A low interest loan scheme. C) Taxi passengers’ complaints. B) Environmentalists’ protests. D) Permission for car advertising. 7. A) There are no more irregular practices. B) All new cabs provide air-conditioning.


2016年案例分析真题 xx年案例分析真题 第一题(20分) 某实验室建有S型热电偶标准装置(U=0.6℃,k=2).按照溯源计划,其主标准器标准热电偶温度计(温度计A)每年1月份送上一级计量技术机构检定.xx年1月8日出具的温度计A的检定证书显示其在800℃的测得值为800.2℃.实验室用S型热电偶温度计(温度计B)作为核查标准,每2个月在800℃点对此标准装置进行期间核查.核查时,同时读取放在同一恒温槽中的两支温度计的示值tA和tB,将其差值填入核查记录表,具体数据如下表. 序号123456 测量日期 xx.01.10 xx.03.07 xx.05.06 xx.07.08 xx.09.07 xx. 11.05 测得值 (tB-tA)℃ 0.63 0.61 0.78 0.93 0.82 0.98 0.68 0.62 0.67 0.68 0.78 0.87 0.57 0.68 0.69 0.59 0.90 0.77 0.51 0.57 0.89 0.67 0.85 0.81 0.62 0.73 0.76 0.71 0.78 0.72 0.42 0.69 0.59 0.73 0.83 0.79 0.47 0.61 0.69 0.62 0.79 0.69 0.34 0.68 0.73 0.68 0.98 0.78 0.55 0.76 0.89 0.57 0.91 0.73 0.43 0.68 0.87 0.89 0.99 0.96 平均值问题: 1.计算温度计B在800℃时的修正值,写出计算过程. 2. 计算平均值和,并将数据填入表格.(在答题卡上填写)

3. 根据核查数据绘制S型热电偶标准装置的期间核查曲线.(在答题卡上绘制) 4. 判断核查结果是否合格,并说明理由. 答: 1.共6次测量,=0.522℃,=0.663℃,=0.756℃,=0.707℃, =0.863℃,=0.810℃ =(0.552+0.663+0.756+0.707+0.863+0.810)/6=0.720℃, 参考值为800.2℃,所以=0.720-0.2=0.520℃,所以温度计B在800℃时的修正值为-0.52℃. 2. 序号123456 测量日期 xx.01.10 xx.0 3.07 xx.05.06 xx.07.08 xx.09.07 xx. 11.05 测得值 (tB-tA)℃ 0.63 0.61 0.78 0.93 0.82 0.98 0.68 0.62 0.67 0.68 0.78 0.87 0.57 0.68 0.69 0.59 0.90 0.77 0.51 0.57 0.89 0.67 0.85 0.81 0.62 0.73 0.76 0.71 0.78 0.72 0.42 0.69 0.59 0.73 0.83 0.79 0.47 0.61 0.69 0.62 0.79 0.69 0.34 0.68 0.73 0.68 0.98 0.78 0.55 0.76 0.89 0.57 0.91 0.73 0.43 0.68 0.87 0.89 0.99 0.96 平均值800.522800.663800.756800.707800.863800.810 / 0.141 0.09 30.053 3. 示值 800.863800.8℃800.756800.810800.522800.663800.707 参考值800.2℃ 时间7 99.6℃

TEM4 模拟题 (第一套)答案

专四模拟题答案(第一套) PART I DICTATION (10%) Stress As the pace of life continues to increase,/ we are fast losing the art of relaxation./ Once you are in the habit of rushing through life,/ it is hard to slow down./ But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body./ Stress is a natural part of everyday life./ In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be./ A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation./ It is only when the stress gets out of control/ that it can lead to poor performance./ (about10minutes) PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION (20%) PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION Key for TALK: 1. invited 2. you have never been to 3. what to do 4. dress 5. arrive 6. make yourself at home 7. is all about 8. when they’re not 9. whether or not to 10. nervous CONVERSATION ONE: 1. B 2. A 3. D 4.B 5. C CONVERSATION TWO: 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. C PART III LANGUAGEKNOWLEDGE (20%) 11-15: DBCCD 16-20: DAABA 21-25: BDADA 26-30: CCACC PART IV CLOZE (10%) 31.K 32.D 33.L 34.O 35.H36.J 37.A 38.G 39.E 40.C PART V READINCOMPREHENSION (20%) 41-45 BACDB 46-50 BBDBC 51. Unpaid / uncompensated internships. 52. Relieving 53. She took an ice-cream bar without paying. / She ran away with an ice-cream bar without paying. 54. She heard her mother’s voice. / Her mother’s voice. 55. Sky bridges. PART V WRITING (20%)


Model Test 1 Section A 1.A) He will bother the woman to account for Martin’s report. B) He will ask for Martin’s help on the woman’s account. C) He will help the woman to brief Martian’s account over lunch time. D) He has no time to help the woman on the account today. 2. A)Shop assistant and customer. B) Wife and husband. C) Customer and waiter. D) Boss and employee. 3. A) The woman herself. B) A professional hairstylist. C) A neighbor. D) A friend. 4. A) The paper is already long enough.

B) The information may be inaccurate. C) She’ll help the man find the reference books. D) The man’s ideas are good enough to be published. 5. A) He doesn’t have any idea about what he wants to do. B) He’d like to work this summer. C) He wonders whether the woman gets a job. D) He needs to make a detailed plan for the summer vacation. 6. A) She will visit Hawaii for free. B) She will learn English for free. C) She can practice English in Hawaii. D) She can enjoy the sunshine on the beach in Hawaii. 7. A) He plans to sing a song at the audition. B) The woman should be in the play. C) The woman should invite someone else to the play. D) He won’t join in the performance of the drama club.


2016年造价工程师《案例分析》真题及答案 试题一:(20分) 某企业拟于某城市新建一个工业项目,该项目可行性研究相关基础数据下: 1.拟建项目占地面积30亩,建筑面积11000㎡。其项目设计标准、规模与该企业2年前在另一城市修建的同类项目相同。已建同类项目的单位建筑工程费用为1600元/㎡,建筑工程的综合用工量为4.5工日/㎡,综合工日单价为80元/工日,建筑工程费用中的材料费占比为50%,机械使用费占比为8%,考虑地区和交易时间差异,拟建项目的综合工日单价为100元/工日,材料费修正系数为1.1,机械使用费的修正系数为1.05,人材机以外的其它费用修正系数为1.08. 根据市场询价,该拟建项目设备投资估算为2000万元,设备安装工程费用为设备投资的15%。项目土地相关费用按20万元/亩计算,除土地外的工程建设其他费用为项目建安工程费用的15%,项目的基本预备费率为5%,不考虑价差预备费。 2.项目建设期1年,运营期10年,建设投资全部形成固定资产。固定资产使用年限为10年,残值率为5%,直线法折旧。 3.项目运营期第1年投入自有资金200万元作为运营期的流动资金。 4.项目正常年份年销售收入为1560万元,营业税金及附加税率为6%,项目正常年份年经营成本为400万元。项目运营期第1年产量为设计产量的85%,运营期第2年及以后各年均达到设计产量。运营期第1年的销售收入、经营成本均为正常年份的85%,企业所得税税率为25%。 问题: 1.列式计算拟建项目的建设投资。 2.若该项目的建设投资为5500万元,建筑投资来源为自有资金和贷款,贷款为3000万元,贷款年利率为7.2%(按月计息),约定的还款方式为运营期前5年等额还本,利息照付方式。分期列式计算项目运营期第1年,第2年的总成本费用和净利润以及运营期第2年年末的项目累计盈余资金,(不考虑企业公积金,公益金提取及投资者股利分配)(计算结果保留两位小数) 参考答案: 问题1:


Model Test 7 Section A Questions 1 to 2 are based on the following news items. 1. A) She is 17-year-old. B) She works in a hotel. C) Her legs got severely injured. D) Her job is a restaurant employee. 2. A) In early August. B) In late August. C) In early October. D) In late October. Questions 3 to 4 are based on the following news items. 3. A) Terrorist attacks. B) Political protests. C) Extreme weather. D) Heavy traffic jams. 4. A) Where matches take place. B) Where protestS may take place. C) In downtown Vancouver. D) Around the athletes’ village. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the following news items. 5. A) The income gap us widening in developed countries. B) Cancer cases are increasing dramatically. C) Unhealthy foods can increase the risk of cancer. D) Burden of cancer is shifting to poor countries. 6. A) Most cancer patients were from poor regions. B) Cancer had a significant impact around the world. C) All sorts of cancers could be prevented. D) Rich people were more likely to have cancer. 7. A) Drink more water. B) Be on a diet. C) Quit smoking. D) Do exercises. Section B Conversation One Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 8. A) It represents New York. B) It’s next to the Central Park. C) Film stars sometimes go there. D) Getting a table there needs luck. 9. A) Driving a car. B) Riding a bike. C) Walking around. D) Jogging and exercising. 10. A) She has been there for many years. B) She has made lots of friends there. C) She likes the living conditions here. D) She can feel the intimacy with neighbors. 11. A) The side street vendors. B) The commercial atmosphere. C) The musical performances. D) The bright lights at night. Conversation Two Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 12. A) The genre. B) The story. C) The actors. D) The producers.


2000年一月真题及答案 47.This kind of glasses manufactured by experience crafstmen(B) comfortably. (A)is worn (B)wears (C)wearing (D)are worn 2001年cet6 In the 1950s,the introduction of antibiotics(抗生素)strengthened the trend in rich countries,and the antibiotics were allowed to be imported to poor countries.Medical researchers declared victory and withdrew. 题中的were 要改为was , 因为名词antibiotics是以–S 结尾的药物名称,通常要做单数用。 2002年CET4 The owner and editor of the newspaper____ the conference. A were attending B were to attend C is to attend D are to attend 解析 C. owner和editor前面只有一个the,所以是同一个人. 2002年6月CET6 Error Correction Descriptions written by eighteenth-century travelers of the poor of Mexico City, and the enormous contrasts that was to be found there S5_______ The whole monstrous growth rests on economic prosperity, but behind it lies two myths S7_______ S5. was → were S7. lies → lie 2003年专业英语四级试题 50. It is futile to discuss the matter further, because ____going to agree upon anything today. A.neither you nor I are B.neither you nor me is C.neither you nor I am D.neither me nor you are
