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2017年 第6期


Instrument Technique and Sensor

2017 No.6




杨里平1,沈 超1,黄炜平2,梁 军2

(1.中广核工程有限公司,广东深圳 518100,2.浙江大学控制科学与工程学院,浙江杭州 310027)

摘要:介绍了汽轮机振动传感器故障诊断及校验仪的结构二设计方案二主要技术实现和现场应用三基于LabVIEW 程序开发了仪器的上二下位机界面和检测信号的幅值域二时间域和频率域分析模型,采用研华数采和信号调理模块实现了仪器与现场瓦振二轴振二键相传感器的连接,利用MATLAB 实现了故障分析和诊断算法,设置实时数据库存储运行数据,多个技术部件一起构成了汽轮机振动传感器故障诊断及校验仪三通过全面的现场应用测试试验,结果表明该仪器能够很好地完成汽轮机运行现场振动传感器的在线监控二信号分析和故障诊断,经产品化后可作为火电厂二核电厂二水电厂汽轮机在线振动监控的可靠工具,也可以用于具有大型旋转机械振动监控的场合三关键词:汽轮机;振动传感器;故障诊断;信号分析

中图分类号:TH17 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-1841(2017)06-0179-04

Development and Application of Steam Turbine Vibration

Sensor Fault Diagnosis and Calibration Instrument

YANG Li-ping 1,SHEN Chao 1,HUANG Wei-Ping 2,LIANG Jun 2

(1.China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518100,China ;

2.College of Control Science and Engineering ,Zhejiang University ,Hangzhou 310027,China )

Abstract :Structure,design,technology and field applications of steam turbine vibration sensor fault diagnosis and calibrator

equipment were proposed.Based on LabVIEW,interfaces of host computer and console computer and amplitude domain,time do-main,frequency domain analysis model of detective signals were developed.Advantech data collection and signal conditioning modules were used to achieve connection the instrument with bearing vibration sensors,shaft vibration sensors keyphasor sensors and data collection.Fault analysis and diagnostic algorithms and database settings which were used to store collection data were

realized with MATLAB.With the comprehensive field test,it is proved that online monitoring,signal analysis and fault diagnosis of vibration sensors at field can be done with this equipment.After transition,it can be used as an online reliable steam turbine vibra-tion monitoring tool in thermal power plants,nuclear power plants and hydropower plants and some other fields with large rotating machinery vibration.

Keywords :steam turbine;vibration sensor;fault diagnosis;signal analysis

0 引言


为保证安全生产提供帮助三长期以来,以汽轮机主体设备振动故障作为研究和防范的主题,已经取得了较多的研究成果[1-3],也形成了较多的二专用于汽轮发电机组振动监控的工业化产品(如TSI)三然而,作为汽轮发电机振动监控的基础,振动传感器本身的在线监控和故障诊断既研究不足二也缺乏相应工业化产品[4-6],这对于类似TSI 系统的可靠运行来说成为很突出的短板三因为,TSI 的报警事件中,大部分并非汽轮机本身振动超限,而是振动传感器异常或故障造成的三由此,研究开发振动传感器故障检测及诊断的专用仪器仪表具有重要技术意义和应用价值三

本文设计开发了一种便携式的汽轮机振动传感器故障诊断及校验仪,介绍了其结构二设计方案二主要技术实现和现场应用三基于LabVIEW 程序开发了仪

