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ablate v.切除,摘除

abscess n.脓肿

achromatopsia n.色盲

acidosis n.酸中毒

acne n.痤疮,粉刺

acupuncture n.针刺,针刺疗法

adduce v.引证;提出

admonish v.告诫

aerobic a.需氧的

afebrile a.无热的

afferent a.传人的

agile a.敏捷的,灵活的

ague n.疟疾;寒颤

alga n.水藻,海藻

almighty a.全能的;糟糕透的

alveolus n.小窝,牙槽;肺泡

ambient a.周围的,包围着的;环境的ambulant a.走动的;适宜于下床活动的ameliorate v.改善,改良,转好

amenable a.顺从的,有义务的; 经得起检验的amputate v.切断,截(肢)

anatomy n.解剖学

ancestral a.祖先的,祖传的

anemia n.贫血症

anesthesia n.感觉缺失;麻醉

anesthetic a.麻木的n.麻醉剂

animate v.使有生气,使活泼;激励animation n.生气,活泼,兴奋;动画片anorexia n.食欲缺失;厌食

anoxia n.缺氧(症)

antenna n.触角;天线

antibiotics n.抗生素(抗菌素)

antifebrile a.退热的n.退热药

antiseptic a.防腐的,抗菌的n.防腐剂;抗菌剂antitoxin n.抗毒素

appendicitis n.阑尾炎

appraiser n.评价人,鉴定人

arena n. 竞技场地

armament n. 军队, 武装力量; 军械; 武器, 备战aroma n. 芳香; (艺术品的) 风味; 韵味arrhythmia n.心律不齐;心律失常

arthritis n.关节炎

articular a.关节的

articulate v.接合;清晰地发出音来;a.接合起来的;关节联接的aseptic a.无菌的; 防腐的; 冷漠的

asphyxia n.窒息

assassinate v.暗杀,行刺

assiduity n.刻苦,勤奋

asthma n.气喘,哮喘

artrium n.心房

atropine n.萎缩,虚脱

attenuate v.变细(小);减弱减毒; 稀释

attomey n.辩护律师

atypical a.非典型的;不规则的;不正常的

audiometer n.听度计,听力计

auditorium n.礼堂;听众席

aural a.听觉器官的;耳的

auscultate v.听诊

auspice n.预兆,先(前)兆;吉兆

Austria n.奥地利

autopsy n.尸体解剖;尸检

axilla n.腋(窝)

bacillus n.(芽胞)杆菌

balm n.香油,香脂;止痛药膏

barbiturate n.巴比妥盐

barley n.大麦

baton n.棍棒;指挥棒;警棍

battalion n.营;部队;大队(的人)

BCG 卡介苗

beancurd n.豆腐

bellyache n.腹痛

beriberi n.脚气病

berth n.(车,船)卧铺;座位

beset v.镶嵌;困扰

bibliography n.目录学;文献目录

bicarbonate n.碳酸氢盐

biliary a.胆汁的

binocular a.双目的;双筒的n.双目镜

biopsy n.活组织检查

biostatistics n.生物统计学

biotic a.生命的;生物的

bladder n.囊,膀胱

blanch v.漂白;使变白;使(植物)不见日光而变白

blister n.水疱v.起疱

bloat v.肿胀;n.肿胀病人

blur v.弄脏;(使)模糊不清

bondage n.奴役,束缚

botanical a.植物学的,植物的

bout n.一回;发作

bowel n.肠;内部

bran n.麸;糠

bronchitis n.支气管炎

bronchus n.支气管

broth n.肉汤

bushel n.蒲式耳

butcher n.屠夫,卖肉者

buttock n.屁股;臀部

cadre n.干部;骨骼;骨干

callous a.起老茧的;无感觉的;冷淡的

callus n.胼胝;骨痂,接骨质

camphor n.樟脑

cancellation n.取消,删除

cancellous a.网眼状的;海绵状的;网状骨质的candid a.公正的, 正直的;坦率的

cane n.茎;甘蔗;手杖

canine n.犬齿

canker n.溃疡;口疮

cannula n.套管,插管

canvas n.粗帆布,油画布

capacitor n.电容器

carcinogen n.致癌物

carcinogenesis n.致癌作用;癌发生

cardiogram n.心电图

cardiology n.心脏病学

cardiovascular a.心血管的

caries n.龋;骨疡;骨疽

cartilage n.软骨

cartridge n.弹药筒;子弹;软片,胶卷catabolism n. 分解代谢

cataract n. 大瀑布;白内障

catheter n.导管

celerity n.迅速,敏捷

celery n.芹菜

celiac a.腹的;腹腔的

cellular a.细胞的;由细胞组成的

centennial a.一百周年的

cephalic a. 头的,头部的;头侧的

cereal a.谷类的,谷类植物的n. (pl.)谷类;谷类食物cerebellum n. 小脑

cerebrum n.大脑

cervix n.颈;子宫颈

chamber n.房间;议院;会所;腔,心室

char v./n.打杂,(做)家庭杂务

charter v.租船,租车n.宪章

chemotherapy n.化疗

chestnut n.栗子;栗树

chickenpox n.水痘

chlorine n.氯(气)

chlorophyl n.叶绿素

cholera n.霍乱

chromosome n.染色体

chronicle n.编年史;历史,记事

chyme n.食糜

cilia n.睫;纤毛

cinerary a.灰的;骨灰的

circadian a.生理节奏的

circumscribe v.在…周围划线;限制,约束

cirrhosis n.硬变;肝硬化

citrus n.柠檬;柑橘

clavicle n.锁骨

cleave v.(cleft;cleft or cloven)劈开;把…分成几个小部分

cleft n.裂,裂口

climacteric n.更年期;绝经期;转折点

closure n. 关闭;罩子

colic n.绞痛,急腹痛a. 绞痛的;结肠的

colitis n.结肠炎

collaboration n.合作,协作,勾结

collagen n.胶原(蛋白)

colloquial a.口语的,会话的

combustion n.燃烧;氧化

commemorate v.纪念

compatriot n.同胞

composer n.作曲者;创造者

concave a.凹的,凹面的

conducive a.有助于…的,有益的

conduit n.管道;导管

congenital a.先天的,天生的

conjecture v.推测;假设

conjunctiva n.结膜

consecutive a.连续的,连贯的;顺序的

consonance n.调和,一致;共鸣.

constipation n.便秘

continence n.自制,节制;节欲

contingent a.可能(发生)的,偶然的,意外的;应急的n.意外事件;代表团;小分队contour n.轮廓,外形

contractile a.可收缩的

contractor n.订约人;承包人;收缩肌

contraindicate v.禁忌

contralateral a.对侧的

convalescent a.恢复健康的,渐愈的;恢复期的n.恢复中的病人conviction n.定罪;深信,确信

convulsion n.震动;痉挛,惊厥

cooper n.制桶工人,修桶工人v.修桶;挫败;毁掉

copious a.丰富的,大量的

cordial a.诚恳的,亲切的,热诚的;刺激的;强心的n.兴奋剂cork n.软木塞

cornea n.角膜

coronary a.冠状的

corps n.军团,部队

corpse n.死尸,尸体

corpuscle n.小体,细胞,血球;微粒

cortex n.皮质

costal a.肋骨的

countenance a.面部表情;脸色

county n;郡,县

covert a.隐藏的;暗地里的

crane n.鹤;起重机v.伸(颈);用起重机起吊

cranium v.头盖(骨);颅

crook n.钩;钩状物

crux a.十字形;难事,关键,最重要点

crotherapy n.冷冻疗法

cuckoo n.杜鹃,布谷鸟

cue n.(人或车等候着的)长队;发辫

cuff n.袖口;护腕

cunning a./n.狡猾(的),狡诈(的)

cupboard n.碗柜,木橱

curb n./v. 控制、抑制、约束

curriculum n.学校的全部课程;(一门)课程

cusp n.尖,尖端

cutaneous a.皮的

cyst n.囊(肿)

cytogenetics n.细胞遗传学

cytology n.细胞学

dagger n.匕首;短剑;剑号

dairy n. 牛奶场,奶店

dander n. 头皮屑;怒火

dandruff n. 头垢;头皮屑

datum n. (p1.)资料,材料

debris n. 瓦砾堆,废墟,碎片

deception n.欺骗,蒙蔽;骗术

decibel n.分贝

deciliter (decilitre) n.分升,十分之一升

decompensate v.代偿失调

decompose v.分解,使腐败,使腐烂

decubitus n. 褥疮

defecate v.澄清,净化;排粪,通大便

deference n.听从;敬重

deferent a.输送的;输出的;输精的

defervescence n.退热

deflate v.排放…(空)气;解除气胀

deflection n.偏离;偏转

deleterious a.(对身心)有害的;有毒的

deliberate a.深思熟虑的,审慎的,蓄意的v.仔细考虑deliberately ad.审慎地;故意地,蓄意地

delineate v.描绘;叙述

delitescence n.潜伏期;潜伏状态;(炎症)突然消退

dementia n.痴呆

demography n.人口统计学

denominate v.给…命名;称呼…为

denture n.一副牙齿;假牙;全口假牙

deodorant a.除臭的n.除臭剂

dependant n.受赡养者;侍从

depicture v.描述,描绘;想象

depilate v.拔去…毛;脱去…毛

deposition n.免职,罢官;作证;沉淀;沉淀物

depot n.兵站;仓库

depravity n.堕落;腐败

depreciation n.价值低落,贬值,蔑视,贬低

depurate v.净化,提纯

deputy n.代理人,代表;副…

derivation n.引出;起源,由来;衍生,衍生物

derma n.真皮

dermatitis n.皮炎

dermatology n.皮肤病学

decendant n.子孙,后代

desolate a.荒凉的,荒芜的;孤独的,凄凉的v.使荒芜,使孤寂destitute a.没有的;缺乏的

detachment n.分开,拆开,分离;分遣;分遣队

detention n.拘留,扣押;阻留,滞留

detoxify v.解毒,除去…毒物,去除…放射性沾染

devoid v.缺乏,没有

dextral a.右边的;用右手的;右旋的

dialect n.方言;行话

dialectical a.辩证的;辩证法的

diaper n.尿布

diaphoresis n.发汗;出汗

diaphragm n.膈,膈膜

diarrhea n.腹泻

diastole n.(心)舒张期

diction n.措词;词令

dilate v. 膨胀,扩大

dilemma n. 窘境,进退两难

diphtheria n.白喉

discharge v./n.卸货;排出;释放;出院

discourse n.讲话,演讲;论说;论文

disdain v. n.轻视;不屑一顾

disgorge v.吐出,呕吐

disguise n./v.假装,伪装

disincentive a.阻止的,抑制的n.(在生产等方面)起抑制作用的行动(或措施) dislocation n.关节脱位,脱臼

dismal a.忧郁的

dismay n.灰心惊愕,沮丧v.使惊愕,使沮丧;使灰心

dispensary n. 药房

dispense v.分配;配(方);发(药)

dissect v.分割;解剖

disseminate v. 散播,传播,散布

dissert v. 论述,写论文

dissertation n.专题论述;(学位)论文

dissuade v.劝阻,阻止

distal a.远侧的;末梢的;远中的

distend v.扩张;肿胀

diverge v.分叉;分歧;离题;使…岔开,使转向

divine a.神的,神圣的

dorsum n.背,背部;背状部分

draught n.拉,牵引,拖;一网(饮,吸,阵);顿服药量,通风,v.起草,设计drench v.浸透;淋透

dropsy n.水肿病(浮肿病)

duodenum n.十二指肠

dwarf n. 矮子,侏儒

dysentery n.痢疾

dysfunction n.功能障碍,功能不良/死调

dyspepsia n.消化不良

dysphagia n.吞咽困难

dysplasia n.发育不良, 发育异常

dyspnea n.呼吸困难

dystrophy n.营养不良, 营养障碍

ebb n. v.落潮;退潮

eccentric a. 古怪的,偏执的,不同圆心的

eclipse n. 日蚀,月蚀v.把…遮暗

ecstasy n. 狂喜;出神,入迷

ectopic a. 异位的

eczema n.. 湿疹

edema n.水肿(浮肿)

efferent a.传出的

ejaculate v. 突然喊出,射出(液体)

electrify v.使充电;使电气化;使触电;使震惊;使兴奋eligible a.合格的;适宜的

elongate v.拉长;伸长;延长

elucidate v.阐明;说明,解释emaciate v.衰弱;消瘦emancipate v.解放

embolism n. 栓塞

embolus n. 栓子

embrace v. /n.抱, 拥抱,包括,包含

embryology n. 胚胎学

eminence n.卓越,显赫;高地,高处;名家emphysema n.(肺)气肿

enamel n. 搪瓷;(牙齿的)珐琅质

encumber v. 妨碍,阻碍;阻塞;牵累

encyst v. 包在囊内

endemic a. 地方性的;地方病的

endermic a. 经皮的,皮下的

endocrine a. 内分泌的

endogenic a. 内源的

endorse v. 背签;批注

endoscope n. 内镜

endotoxin n. 内毒素

engrave v. 刻上;铭记

engross v. 使全神贯注

enumerate v. 数,点;列举

epidemiology n.流行病学

epilepsy n. 癫痫

epithelium n. 上皮

erythrocyte n. 红细胞

escalator n. 自动电梯

esophagus n.食管

ethical a.伦理学的;伦理的;道德的

ethics n.伦理学;道德学;伦理观,道德观;道德标准ethnical a. 种族的;人种学的

etiology n. 病因学

evocative a.唤起…的,引起…的

exacerbate v.恶化,加剧;触惹

exanimate a.已死的;无生命的;无生气的;没精神的exasperate v.激怒;使(疾病)加剧,使恶化

excise v.删去;切除

excursion n.短途旅行,集体游览

exogenous a. 外生的;外源的;外因的

exotic a. 外(国)来的;异国情调的n. 外来物

exotoxin n. 外毒素

expectorate v.咳出(痰);吐(血,唾液等)

expiration n.满期,届期;呼气,吐气

expound v.详述;解释;阐述

extraterrestrial a.地球外的,地球大气圈外的extremity n.末端;肢

exudates n.渗出物,渗出液

eyelid n. 眼睑

Fahrenheit a.华氏(温标)的n.华氏温度计

farthest a./ad.最远的(地)

fastener n.扣件;钮扣,揿钮,钩扣;扣钉

feat n.功绩;武艺,技艺a.灵巧的,漂亮的,合适的febrifuge n.退热药;解热药

feces n.粪便;排泄物;渣滓

femur n.股骨;大腿

ferment n.v.发酵;酵素

ferrous a.铁的;含铁的;亚铁的,二价铁的fibrillation n.纤维性颤动;原纤维形成作用

fibrosis n.纤维变性;纤维化

firecracker n.爆竹;鞭炮

fistula n. 瘘管

flaccid a. 松弛的

flank n. 侧面;胁;胁腹

flatulence n. 肠胃气胀;空虚;浮夸

fleck n. (皮肤的)斑点;雀斑

flora n. 植物区系;菌丛

florid a. 绚丽的;红润的;脸色好的

fluoroscopy n. 荧光屏检查;X射线透视检

foe n.敌人,敌军;危害物

foil n.箔;金属薄片;衬底

forceps n.镊子

forensic medicine n.法医学

forthcoming a. 即将到来的;乐意帮助的

foul a.难闻的;恶臭的;腐败的

fowl n.禽;家禽;禽肉

fraternity n.兄弟关系;友爱,博爱

fulminant a.(疾病)暴发性的

fulminate v.(疾病)暴发;爆炸

fundus n. 底,基底

futile a. 无益的;无效的

fuzzy a. 有绒毛的;绒毛状的;模糊的;失真的gadfly n.虻;牛虻

galactic a.乳汁的;催乳的

gallbladder n. 胆囊

gallop v.飞跑,疾驰;n.奔马律;(马等的)疾驰gallstone n.胆石

ganglion n. 神经节;腱鞘囊肿

gangrene n. 坏疽

gape v.张口;打呵欠;目瞪口呆地凝视

garlic n.大蒜

gastritis n. 胃炎

gastroenterology n. 胃肠病学

gastro scope n. 胃镜

gem n. 宝石,美玉;珍宝,珍品

genetic a.创始的,发生的,遗传学的

genial a.亲切的,和蔼的;宜人的

genital a.生殖的;生殖器的

genus n. 类;属

geological a. 地质学的

geometry n. 几何学

geriatric a. 老年病学的;老年的;衰老的

germicide n. 杀菌剂

germinate v. 发芽;发生;发展

gerontology n. 老年医学

giddy a. 头晕的,眼花缭乱的;轻浮的

gild v. 把…镀金;装饰

gimp n. 瘸子,跛行

glib a. 圆滑的;油嘴滑舌的

globulin n.球蛋白

glossal a. 舌的

glossitis n. 舌炎

glottis n. 声门

glycerol n. 甘油

glycogen n. 糖原

glycosuria n. 糖尿

goiter n. 甲状腺肿

gonad n. 性腺;生殖腺

gorge n.咽喉;胃;暴食;山峡v.塞饱;狼吞虎咽地吃gout n.痛风

gram-negative a.革兰阴性

gram-positive n.革兰阳性的

groove n. 杂货店;杂货

grope n. 槽,沟,纹v.开槽

grope v./n.(暗中)摸索;探索

guinea-pig n.豚鼠;天竺鼠

gut n.肠子;(pl.)内脏;勇气:力量;效力gynecology n. 妇科学

halitosis n. 口臭

hallucination n.幻觉

handout n.施舍物,救济品;免费发给的新闻通报headquarters n.司令部;指挥部;总部;总局heartburn a.胃灼热;妒忌,不满

hectic a.肺病的;消耗热的;发热的;闹哄哄的heed v./n.注意,留意

halitosis n. 中暑,日射病

hematology n.血液学

hematoma n.血肿

hematuria n.血尿

heme n.血红素

hemiplegia n.偏瘫

hemisphere n. 半球,大脑半球

hemoglobin n.血红蛋白

hemolysis n.溶血作用

hemoptysis n.咯血

hemorrhage n.出血

hemorrhoid n.痔疮

hemostasis n.止血(法)

hepatic a.肝的

hepatitis n.肝炎

hepatosis n.肝病

herald n.先驱;预兆

hermia n.疝;突出

herpes n.疱疹

hiatus n.裂孔;间隙;(稿件等的)脱字;漏句histology n.组织学

hoard v.贮藏;积聚

hoe n.锄头

homeostasis n.体内平衡

homogeneous a.同类的,同族的;均匀的;同质的honourable a.光荣的,荣誉的;可尊敬的

hoop n.箍;环;(百日咳)咳嗽声

humoral a. 体液的

hush v.不作声,静下来

husk n.外皮;壳

hyaline a.透明的;玻璃样的

hydraulic a.水力的;液力的;水压的;液压的

hydrophobia n.狂犬病,恐水病

hydropic a.水肿的(浮肿的)

hydrotherapy n.水疗法

hygiene n.卫生学;卫生术

hyperplasia n.增生

hypertension n.高血压

hypernosis n.催眠术;催眠状态

hypnotherapy n.催眠疗法

hypoplasia n.发育不全

hysteria n.癔病,歇斯底里

icteric a.黄疽的

id(idem) a.同著者的;同上的;同前的

idiopathic a.自发的,特发的;原发的

ileocolic a.回结肠的

ileum n.回肠

ileus n.肠梗阻

imbibe v.喝,、饮;吸人,吸收

immemorial a.古老的,太古的

imminent a.急迫的;危急的

immunodeficiency n.免疫缺陷;免疫缺损

immunology n.免疫学

immunoregulation n.免疫调节

immunotherapy n.免疫疗法

imprudent a.轻率的;鲁莽的

impudent a.厚颜无耻的;无礼的

inappetence n.食欲不振;欲望缺失

incense n.香,熏香,香气v.焚香

incessant a.不停的,连续的

incision n.切口,切开

incitant n.兴奋剂a.兴奋的,刺激的

inclination n.倾斜;点头;弯腰;斜坡;倾度;倾向;爱好indicator n.食指(伸肌);指示器;指示剂;指示物indisposition n.不舒服;小病;无意;厌恶

indomitable a.不屈不挠的

induction n.就职;人会;入伍仪式;首次经验,入门;归纳法inertia n.惯性;不活动;无力

infarct n.梗死

inference n.推论,推理;推断的结果

infest v.大批出没于;侵扰;寄生于

infiltrate v. 渗入;浸润

infinitive n. 不定式a.不定的

inflame v. 使燃烧;使极度激动;使发炎

inflammable a.易燃的;易激动的

inflammation n.炎症,发炎;燃烧;激动

inflammatory a.使激怒的;炎性的

innate a.天生的;固有的;先天的;遗传的

innocuous a.无害(毒)的;不关痛痒的

inoculate v.给…接种;做预防注射

inoperable a.不能(宜)动手术的

insanitary a.不卫生的;有害健康的;易引起疾病的

inseminate v.播种于;使受胎

insidious a.阴险的;隐匿的;暗中为害的;(疾病)不知不觉之间加剧insolation n. 曝晒;日光浴;中暑

insomnia n. 失眠

interferon n.干扰素

interim n.间歇;a.间歇的;期间天;暂时的

interlace v.交织,交错

intern(e) n.实习医生

interposition n.插入;干预;(中)间位;介植;插补术interrogative a.疑问的;讯问的;质问的

intersperse v.散布;点缀

intolerant a.不容忍的;不耐(性)的

intramuscular a.肌内的

intravascular a.血管内的

invalid a.有病的;病弱的;伤残的


invigorate v.使精力充沛

invoke v.恳求;乞求;引起,产生

involuntary a.非故意的,偶然的;非自愿的;不随意的

iodine n.碘

irresistible a.不可抵抗的;不能压制的

irreversible a.不可逆的,不可倒置的

ischemia n.局部缺血

isotope n.同位素

ivory n.象牙a.象牙制成的;象牙色的

jack n.[J-]普通人;千斤顶v.用起重器举(或顶)

jade n.玉;绿玉色

jaundice n. 黄疸;妒忌;厌恶;偏见

jaw n. 颌,颚

jejunum n.空肠

jeopardize v.使受危险;危害

jigsaw n.竖锯,线锯v.使互相交错搭接

jot n.一点儿;(最)小额;(最)少量v.草草记下

judicious a.明断的;明智的;审慎的;有见识的

ken n.认识范围的,知识范围;(盗贼、乞丐等的)窝

kernel n.核,仁;核心;中心

kerosene n.煤油

kinesiatrics n.运动疗法

kit n.用具包(袋);工具箱

knitwear n.针织品

knob n.门把,拉手;球形突出物;疖,瘤

knot n.结;节疤;难题;海里v.打结

knuckle n.指(关)节;(猪等动物的)膝关节

labium n.唇

lacerate v.撕碎,割碎;伤害(感情)

lachrymal a.泪的n.(p1.)泪腺

lactate v.分泌乳汁;喂奶

laden a.装满了的;充满了的;负了重担的;苦恼的

lament n./v.悲痛;哀悼n.挽歌;悼词

lancet n.刺血针;柳叶刀

languish v.变得衰弱无力;失去活力

lantern n.灯,灯笼

lap n.(跑道的)一圈;(衣服的)下摆;(人坐着时)腰以下及大腿的前部

laporotomy n.剖腹术

lapse n.失检;小错;跌落,下降;失检,偏离;流逝,间隔v.失检,背离;终止;失效lard n.猪油v.涂油于;润色(文章)

larva n.幼虫(昆虫),蚴(蠕虫)

laryngology n.喉科学

larynx n.喉

lash n.鞭打;严厉的批评;眼睫毛

lassitude n.疲乏;无精打采

lateral a.(外)侧的;旁边的

laxative n.轻泻药a.轻泻的

leaflet n.小叶;传单

lease n.租约;租赁期限;租赁权

leprosy n. 麻风(病)

lesion n. 损害,损伤

lethal a.致死的,致命的

leukemia n. 白血病

leukocyte n. 白细胞

leukocytosis n. 白细胞增多

ligament n.韧带

lime n.石灰v.用石灰处理

lipase n.脂(肪)酶

lithiasis n. 结石病

litter n. 四下乱丢的东西;废物,废纸;轿;担架;一胎生下的小动物v.乱丢;产仔

lizard n.蜥蜴

lobe n.叶

lobule n.小叶

locomotive n.机车;火车头a.运动的;机动的

locust n.蝗虫

lofty a.高耸的;崇高的

longevity n.长寿;资历

lounge n.休息室;起居事;闲荡v.闲荡

louse n.虱

lucid a. 神志清醒的;清楚的;易懂的

lueky a.梅毒的;传染病的

lull v.使安静,哄(小孩)睡觉;变平静n.间歇,暂停lumbar a.腰的

lumber n.木材,木料v.以破旧东西堆满;伐木;笨重移动lumen n.腔

luncheon n.午餐;午餐会

lusty a.强壮的;精力充沛的;强烈的

lymph n. 淋巴;淋巴液

lymphocyte n. 淋巴细胞

lyse v. 溶解,溶化

lysis n. 溶解;消散;(疾病)渐退

macroscopical a.宏观的;肉眼可见的

macula n.(尤指皮肤上的)斑点

macular a.斑(点)的

magnesium n.镁

magnitude n.大小;数量;重要性;巨大

maintenance n.维持;保养

malaise n.不适,欠安

malaria n.疟疾

malformation n.畸形,变形

malfunction n.故障;功能碍障

malicious a.恶意的;蓄意的

malignant a.恶性的;有害的

malnutrition n.营养不良

managerial a.经理的;管理人的;管理上的,经营上的mandatory a.强制的;委托的

manometer n.压力计;血压计

mansion n.大厦,大楼

marrow n.骨髓;精华;活力

marshal n.元帅

martyr n.烈士;(因疾病等)长期受痛苦的人

masculine a.男性的;男子气概的n.阳性;阳性词massage n.按摩,推拿v.按摩,推拿

mastery n.控制;统治;优势;优胜;掌握,精通

maternal a.母亲的;母系的

maternity n.母性;产科医院;怀孕

matron n.护士长;女总管;总干事

maturate v.成熟;化脓

maxim n.格言,箴言

measles n. 麻疹

meddle v.干涉,干预

medico-athletics n.医疗体育

medico-legal a.法医学的

meditate v.沉思,冥思;反省;考虑;策划

Mediterranean n./a.地中海(的)

medulla n.髓(质)

melanin n.黑(色)素

memorandum n.备忘录

meningitis n.脑(脊)膜炎

menstrual a.月经的;每月一次的

metastasis n.转移;转移灶;转移瘤

meteorology n.气象学

meticulous a.过细的,细致的

microfilm n.缩微胶卷;缩微照片v.用缩微法拍摄

microorganism n.微生物

mince v.切碎;绞碎n.肉馅

miniature n.小画像;小型物

misbirth n.堕胎;流产

miscarriage n.失败;误投;小产;流产;堕胎

mismatch v./n.配错;配合不当

mitigate v. 缓和;镇静;安慰

mitral a. 僧帽形的;二尖瓣的

molar n.磨牙,臼齿a.克分子的

mole n.胎块;痣;克分子

molten a.熔化的;熔融的

monetary a. 钱的;货币的;金融的

monocyte n.单核细胞

morbid a.病的;致病的;病态的;可怕的

morbidity n. 发病率

morphology n.形态学;结构;词法

moss n.苔藓,地衣v.长苔藓

moth n.蛾;蛀虫

mothball n.卫生球;樟脑球

mould n.模子,模型,铸模;霉;霉菌v.造型,浇铸;发霉

mount v.登上,爬上,骑上;增长;固定;镶嵌n.登上,骑马,支架;底座,底板mucus n.粘液

multiplication n.增加,增多,倍增;增殖,繁殖;乘法

mumps n.流行性腮腺炎

murmur n.咕哝;(心脏)杂音

musk n.麝香

mutate 变异;突变

mutter v./n.轻声低语;咕哝:抱怨

mycology n.真菌学

myopia n.近视

napkin n.餐巾(纸)

naprapathy n.推拿疗法;矫正疗法narcotherapy n.麻醉疗法;睡眠疗法

narcotic a.麻醉的

narrate v.讲(故事);叙述

narration n.讲述;故事;记叙体

narrative a.叙述的n.记事;叙述;记叙文nausea n.恶心;晕船

necropsy n.尸体剖解;验尸

necrosis n.坏死

neonate n.不满一个月的婴儿

neoplastic a.新生物的;赘生的;(肿)瘤的nephritis n.肾炎

neuralgia n.神经痛

neurology n.神经病学

neuron n.神经元,神经细胞

nib n.钢笔尖;尖头

nickle n.镍;五分镍币v.镀镍

niggard a./n.小气的(人);吝啬的(人) nightwalker n.梦游病患者

nil n.无,零

nip v. 夹,钳,咬;剪断,夹断

nipper n.钳子;镊子;螯

nipple n.乳头;乳头状隆起

nocturia n.夜尿

nocturnal a.夜间的;夜发的

node n.节;结;瘤;中心点

nodule n.小结节,小瘤

nomenclature n.名称;术语;命名(法),术语集nonsignificant a.无足轻重的,无意义的nonspecific a.非特异性的

nostril n.鼻孔

notary n.公证人,公证员

nude n.裸体的;肉色的, 与生俱有的, 无装饰的; nuisance n.麻烦事;讨厌的人(或事)

nutriology n.营养学

nyctalopia n.夜盲症

oaf n. 畸形儿;痴儿;笨汉

oar n. 桨,橹v.划船,划行

oat n. 燕麦

oatmeal n. 燕麦片;燕麦粥

obesity n. 肥胖症

oblige v. 迫使;责成;使感激,施恩

obliterate v.擦去;涂抹;去掉…痕迹;消失;除去

oblivious a.忘却的;健忘的

obstetrics n.产科学;助产术

occlusive 闭塞的;堵塞;(牙齿)咬合

occult a.隐(伏)的;潜隐性的;秘密的

odo(u)r n.气味;香气;臭气

officinal a.药房现成有售的;依据药典配制的;药用的n.成药;药用植物officious a.过分殷勤的;好管闲事的;非官方(正式)的

ominous a.不祥的,不吉的;预兆的,预示的

oncology n.肿瘤学

opiate n.鸦片制剂

opium n.鸦片;麻醉剂

optometrist n.配镜师

orbit n.眼眶,眼窝;轨道v.作轨道运行

orchard n.果园

orchestra n.管弦乐队

ordeal n.严峻;考验;折磨

organelle n.细胞器;小器官

orifice n.孔,口

ornamental a.装饰的;作装饰用的n.装饰品;观赏植物

orthopedics n.矫形外科学

osteoma n.骨瘤

ostrich n.鸵鸟

otitis n.耳炎

otorhinolaryngology(otolaryngology) n.耳鼻喉科学

outpatient n.门诊病人

outrageous a.蛮横的;残暴的;无耻的

overcast n.阴天a.阴暗的;郁闷的

oversleeve n.袖套

overt a.公开的;明显的

overthrow v./n.推翻;颠覆

ovum n.卵细胞

oyster n. 牡蛎

pagoda n.塔

pail n.提桶

painstaking a.苦干的;艰苦的,费力的;刻苦的

pal n.好朋友,伙伴v.成伙伴

palate n.腭

palliate v.减轻;缓和

palliative a. 姑息的;治标的

pallor a. 苍白;灰白

palpation n. 触诊

palpitate v. 悸动;急速地跳动

palsy n.瘫痪;中风,痉挛

pancreas n.胰(腺)

pandemic a. 流行的;传染的n.传染病

pant n.v.气喘;心跳

pap n.软食;半流质食物

papula n.丘疹;小突起

parachute n.降落伞v.用降落伞降落

paragraph n.段落,节;短讯;短评

paralyse v.使麻痹,使瘫痪

paralysis n.麻痹,瘫痪

paralyze v.使麻痹,使瘫痪

paraphrase n.释义;意译v.将…释义(意译)

parasite n.寄生虫;寄生菌;食客

parcel n.小包,包裹;(土地的)一块

parenterally ad.不经肠道

parish n.教区

parliament n. 国会;议会

parliamentary a.议会的;国会的

parlo(u)r n.客厅;休息室

paroxysm n.阵发;突发

pathogen n.病原体

pathology n.病理学

pathophsiology n.病理生理学

pavilion n. 亭子

peck v./n.啄

peculiarity n.独特性,特色;特殊的东西;怪癖pedagogy n.教育学;教学法

pediatrics n.儿科学

peg n.木(或金属)钉;衣夹v.钉木钉

pelvis n.骨盆

penalty n.罚;惩罚

pendulum n.摆;钟摆

peninsula n.半岛

peninsular a.半岛的;半岛状的

pepsin n.胃蛋白酶

peptic a.消化性的;助消化的;消化液的

percuss v.叩诊;震动;敲打

percutaneous a.经皮的

perforate v.穿孔;贯穿

perfuse v. 洒;灌注;使充满

peril n.严重危险v.置…于危险中

pernicious a.有害的,有毒的;恶性的;致命的personify v.拟(某物)为人;使人格化;表现;体现perspire v. 排汗

pertain v.(to)附属,从属;关于;有关;适合,相称pertinent a.恰当的;贴切的;中肯的;有关的;相干的

pertussis n. 百日咳

petition n./v.请愿,申请,祈求pharmaceutical a.药学的;药物的;药用的;药剂师的pharyngitis n. 咽炎

pharyngoscope n.咽镜

pharynx n. 咽

philosophical a. 哲学家的;哲学上的;达观的phonetic a. 语音(学)的

phosphorus n. 磷

picket n.桩,尖桩v.派去放哨;用栅子围上

pickle n.腌制品;泡菜

pictorial a.绘画的;图片的n.画报

picturesque a.景色似画的;别致的

pine n.松树v.憔悴;消瘦;渴望

pinkeye n.火眼

pitiable a.引人怜悯的;可怜的

pituitary a.垂体的;粘液的n.垂体,垂体前后叶制剂plaque n. 班,血小板;噬菌区

plaster n. 灰泥;膏药v.涂灰泥;敷贴膏药;减轻platelet n.血小板

plenary a.完全的;绝对的;全体出席的

pleura n.胸膜

plexus n.(血管,淋巴管,神经等的)丛

plump a.丰满的;饱满的

plunder v./n.掠夺;抢劫

polyp n.息肉

polytechnic a.多种工艺的;多种科技的

porcelain n.瓷;瓷器

porch n.门廊

portal a.肝门的;门静脉的;

postdoctoral a.博士后的

posterior a.后面的

postmortem a. 死后的;验尸的n.尸体解剖;验尸postscript n.又及;附言;再者

potassium n.钾

potent a.有力的;有效力的;有势力的;烈性的potentiate v.加强;使更有效力(尤指药物) poultry n. 家禽

precautious a.有防备的;戒备的;警惕的predispose v.使易感染;预先安排

predisposition n.倾向;素质;易罹病的素质prelude n.序言;预兆

premed(premedical) a.医科大学预科的

preoccupy v. 先占,使全神贯注;迷着;吸引


2016年全国医学博士英语统考答案 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing.


全国医学博士外语统一考试介绍全国医学博士外语统一考试是根据国务院学位委员会颁发的《临床医 学专业学位试行办法》和《口腔医学专业学位试行办法》,并为医学博士 研究生招生单位提供服务而设置的考试。考试目的在于科学、客观、公正 地测试考生掌握和运用外语的实际能力。该项考试的前身为1997年起实施的卫生部属单位医学博士研究生入学外语水平考试(Foreign Language Admission Test for Medical Doctoral Students,简称FATMD)和1999年起实施的在职临床医师申请临床医学博士专业学位全国外语统一考试(National English Qualification Test for M.D.,简称NEQTMD)。 自2002年起,国务院学位委员会办公室和卫生部科教司将FATMD和NEQTMD合并为全国医学博士外语统一考试,正式委托国家医学考试中心具体组织。凡申请在职医学博士专业学位的考生,必须参加此项考试;报考医学博士研究生的考生依据招生单位的要求参加此项考试。 全国医学博士外语统一考试实行国家医学考试中心与考点两级负责制。考试的考点设置在各招生单位、学位授予单位。各单位的研究生招生办公室、学位办公室具体组织实施考试工作。考生报名资格由各招生单位、学 位授予单位按有关文件进行审核。考生到报考单位报名点报名(或函报)。 考试设英语、日语两个语种,内容为公共外语,注重突出医学特点。 英语考试共设置听力对话、听力短文、词语用法、完型填空、阅读理解和 书面表达6种题型;日语考试设置听力理解、文字与词语、语法与构句、阅读理解和书面表达5种题型。考试强调全面测试应试人员的外语能力,并 突出应试人员的英语应用和交际能力,以确定其是否已达到在职申请医学


2016年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷完整版 注:本答案非旭晨考博网出,完整参考答案请及时关注《2017年旭晨医学考博英语一本通第11版》后续更新,将免费提供。 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing. 30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way. Part II Vocabulary (10%) Section A Directions: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C


2018MD 全国医学博士外语统一考试 英语试卷 答题须知 1.请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按“考场指令”要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。 2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不要做在试卷上。 3.试卷一答题时必须使用2B铅笔,将所选答案按要求在相应位置涂黑;如要更正,先用橡皮擦干净。书面表达一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域。 4.标准答题卡不可折叠,同时答题卡须保持平整干净,以利评分。 5.听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15秒左右的答题时间。 国家医学考试中心

PAPER ONE Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example You will hear Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint. Here C is the right answer. Sample Answer A B C D Now let’s begin with question Number 1. 1. A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pints C. About 4 pints D. About 7 pints 2. A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work. C. Take some sleeping pills. D. Work harder to forget all her troubles. 3. A. He has no complaints about the doctor. B. He won’t complain anything. C. He is in good condition. D. He couldn’t be worse. 4. A. She is kidding. B. She will get a raise. C. The man will get a raise. D. The man will get a promotion. 5. A. Her daughter likes ball games. B. Her daughter is an exciting child. C. She and her daughter are good friends. D. She and her daughter don’t always understand each other.


2018年全国医学考博英语试题.d o c

2018MD 全国医学博士外语统一考试 英语试卷 答题须知 1.请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标 准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按“考场指令”要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。 2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不 要做在试卷上。 3.试卷一答题时必须使用2B铅笔,将所选答案按要求在相应位置涂黑;如要更 正,先用橡皮擦干净。书面表达一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域。 4.标准答题卡不可折叠,同时答题卡须保持平整干净,以利评分。 5.听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15秒左右的答题时间。 国家医学考试中心

PAPER ONE Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example You will hear Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint. Here C is the right answer. Sample Answer A B C D Now let’s begin with question Number 1. 1. A. About 12 pints B. About 3 pints C. About 4 pints D. About 7 pints 2. A. Take a holiday from work. B. Worry less about work. C. Take some sleeping pills. D. Work harder to forget all her troubles. 3. A. He has no complaints about the doctor. B. He won’t complain anything. C. He is in good condition. D. He couldn’t be worse. 4. A. She is kidding. B. She will get a raise. C. The man will get a raise. D. The man will get a promotion. 5. A. Her daughter likes ball games. B. Her daughter is an exciting child. C. She and her daughter are good friends.


一般来说博士的英语作文一般都是给阐述或陈述问题的文章写摘要,如“吃早餐有利于身体健康”、“吸烟有害健康”、“中国大学生越来越能接受心理咨询”、或“医疗体制的现状”等等这样文章,可使用以下的模版: 陈述问题型文章,分三种类型: 一、正面陈述问题 “吃早餐有利于身体健康”就是只从正面陈述问题; 二、负面陈述问题 如“吸烟有害健康”这样的文章,就是一般只说明吸烟是有害的,只说负面影响。 三、客观的陈述问题(正负面都有的) 如“医疗体制的现状”等问题,因为这样的文章有好也有坏的方面,也就是有正面也有负面的问题。又如04年的博士论文,就是对医院问题的陈述,文章分别从洋医院、民营医院和公立医院几个方面来阐述,分别说明这几种医院各自的优点和缺点,所以这样的文章就是典型的客观陈述事实的文章。 首先看看是什么样的文章,再确定用什么模版来套用。(各个类型我都做一套模版) 但是不管是哪个类型的文章都不外乎这几个步骤,切记,不要觉得无所谓啊!!!! 一般这个题目可以和中文标题的翻译一样,应该是陈述性的词组,用“of”、“and”或“N 词组加介词短语” (1) 如文章是陈述的一个事情或问题,那就用什么的什么(sth1of sth2) 如中国医疗体系的现状:The State of Arts of Chinese Medical Care System 或医疗制度的改革:Reform of Chinese Medical Care System (2) 讲到一个负面的问题,一般都是和健康有关系的,就可以说sth1and Health 如吸烟和健康,早餐和健康等等 (3)如果本文只讲到了一件事情,那么可以用介词短语 如A Blind Zone in Child-nutrition, (小孩营养问题的盲区) 等等 注意:1、第一个词和所有的实词大写,介词和冠词(The, a an)等虚词小写 2、最好要是陈述性的词组,除非原文的标题本来是疑问句 既然是写文章的总结(summary),那么首先需要浏览全文,我感觉这些文章都已经把条理给整理清楚了,那么基本可以确定大概的几条,在试卷上把重要的部分用笔划出来;还可以把序号打上,说明一共有几点。注意:1、不用划记细节描写的语句,而用文章中陈述性的语句。一般来说主题句都是陈述性的语句。如讲到公费医疗体系的问题,你不要去划记那些中国的公立医院有多少,增长了多少的句子,而应该着重看陈述性的主题句是怎么说的,如果说有了大幅度的增长你就要知道这句话是最重要的句子。(切记:除非本文就是讲数据,而且目的在于测试考生们数据增长、减少等句型的话,那么就要用数据说明问题了) 这个问题是最重要的,也就是文章讲了什么 文章的框架: 文章字数是200,那么大约是11-13句左右的样子。


全国医学博士英语统考词组总表 a matter of 几(分钟,里路,块钱等)的事;大约;左右;是个…的问题,事关…about to 即将;打算 above all 首先;最重要的是 absent from不在;缺席 absorbed in 吸引;专心于… accountfor说明(原因);解释;占(多少)… adapt oneseff to使(某人)适应(某事);使适应 add up(t0) 总计(达…);等于;意指;暗示 adhere to粘附在…上;坚持;遵守;依附 aa.iust t0调整以适应 after all还是;终于;毕竟 agree on/to/with同意;与…一致 ahead 在…之前,超过,优于,胜于 aim at瞄准;致力于…;旨在 all but几乎,差点;除…之外的全部 all over完全;遍及;到处;结束,完了 all the way 一路,全程;一直;自始至终 all the while一直地;始终 all/just the same(to) 虽然;还是;都一样 all the more更加,越发 all the same尽管如此,仍旧 allow for酌量;考虑到 and so on/forth (用在列举之后)等等 and vice versa反过来也一样 anythin9/nothing but一点也不/只是;仅仅是 anvthing but一点,也不,绝不是 nothing but只是,只不过是 apart from除了…;且不说… appeal to要求;上诉;引起…注意 apply to对…适用;将…应用于;涂,抹,敷;(向某人)申请(某事);致力于approve of赞赏,同意;获准,认可 arrive at到达(目的地);得出(结论) around the clock一连二十四小时 around the corner在拐角处;即将到来


2003 part II 31.Sometimes you can get quite _____ when you are trying to communicate with someone in English. A.frustrated失败的, 落空的 B.depressed 沮丧的, 降低的 C.approved被认可的 D.distracted心烦意乱的 32.The company has ____ itself to a policy of equal opportunity for all. A.promised https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8d9280894.html,mitted commit oneself to委身于,专心致志于 C.attributed attribute sth. to认为某事物是...的属性; 把某事物归功于; 认为某事物是(某人)创造的 D.converted 33.I haven’t met anyone ____ the new tax plan. A.in honor of B.in search of C.in place of D.in favor of 34.Salk won ____ as the scientist who developed the world’s first effective vaccine against polio. A.accomplishment a girl of many accomplishments多才多艺的姑娘 Among her accomplishments were sewing,cooking,playing the piano and dancing.她的才能包括缝纫、烹调、弹钢琴和跳舞。 B.qualification admission qualification入学资格physical qualifications身体条件 C.eminence win [reach] eminence as an inventor成为卓越的发明家a man of eminence名人 D.patent 35.This software can be ____ to the needs of each customer. A.tailored B.administrated C.entailed vt.使必需, 使蒙受, 使承担, 遗传给entail great expense on sb.使某人承担大笔费用entail ... on sb.使某人负担...把...遗留给某人 D.accustomed be accustomed to习惯于accustom oneself to使自己习惯于; 养成...的习惯 36.The average commercial business can shut down in such an emergemcy but a hospital doesn’t dare, for lives are____ A.in circulation流通者;传播者 B.under consideration在考虑之中 C.on hand在手头, 即将发生, 在场;在手头, 在手边;现有 D.at stake危如累卵, 危险 37.As we need plain, ____food for the body, so we must have serious reading for the mind. A.wholesome卫生的, 有益的, 健康的, 有益健康的wholesome air新鲜空气a wholesome food有益健康的食品 B.diet C.tasteful D.edible edible fat食用油脂 38.He never gave much thought to the additional kilorams he had ____ lately. A.shown up揭露, 露出, 露面 B.piled up 堆积, 积累, 搁浅, 撞毁 C.put on D.taken on披上, 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 承担, 盛气凌人, 接纳, 流行 39.The teacher tried hard to read ____ handwriting in her students’s test papers. A.irregular B.illiterate C.illegible难辨认的, 字迹模糊的illegal .违法的, 不合规定的 D.irrational 无理性的, 失去理性的 40.A coronary disease is the widely-used term____ insufficiency of blood supply to the heart.


2006 31.He ___ the check and deposited it in his account. A.cancelled B.endorsed C.cashed cash a check以支票兑换现款 D.endowed捐赠, 赋予He is endowed with genius他赋有天才。 32.She claimed that she was denied admission to the school ___ her race A.. by virtue of .依靠, 由于 B.in accordance with C.with respect to D.on account of 33.The present is ill.so the secretary will be ___ for him as chairman at the meeting. A..standing up坚持, 经得起, 拥护, 抵抗 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8d9280894.html,ing up流行, 发生, 被提出,上升,讨论,出现 C.sitting in参加 D.filling in 34The witness was.___ by the judge for failing to answer the question A. sentenced B.threatened C.admonished告诫,劝告,警告,提醒,要求, 催 D.jailed监禁 35.Publicly,they are trying to ___ this latest failure,but in private they are very worried. publicly adv.公然地, 舆论上 A..put off 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8d9280894.html,ugh off v.用笑摆脱 C.pay off v. 报复, 赢利 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8d9280894.html,y offv.解雇, 停止工作, 休息, 划出 36.It is sheer ___ to be home again and be able to relax. A.prestigen.声望, 威望, 威信 B.paradise 天堂 C.pride D.privacy 秘密, 私事In such matters, privacy is impossible.在这类事情中, 保密是不可能的。We must respect other's -cies我们不该打听他人的私事 37.During rush hour.Downtown streets are ___ with commuters. commuter n.通勤者, 经常往返者 A.scattered B.condensed(使) 浓缩, 精简 C.clogged堵[阻]塞(up)塞[堵,阻]满(with) D.dotted 38.Someone who is in ___ confinement监禁,拘留 is kept alone in a room in prison.


医学考博英语真题题及参考答案答案2006年词汇完型 词汇 31.He ___ the check and deposited it in his account. A.cancelled B.endorsed C.cashedcash a check以支票兑换现款 D.endowed捐赠, 赋予He is endowed with genius他赋有天才。 32.She claimed that she was denied admission to the school ___ her race A.. by virtue of .依靠, 由于 B.in accordance with C.with respect to D.on account of 33.The present is ill.so the secretary will be ___ for him as chairman at the meeting. A..standing up坚持, 经得起, 拥护, 抵抗 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8d9280894.html,ing up流行, 发生, 被提出,上升,讨论,出现 C.sitting in参加 D.filling in (PS:育明考博课程咨询方式 扣扣:547.063 .862 TEL:四零零六六八六九七八 有售各院校真题)34The witness was.___ by the judge for failing to answer the question A. sentenced B.threatened C.admonished告诫,劝告,警告,提醒,要求, 催 D.jailed监禁 35.Publicly,they are trying to ___ this latest failure,but in private they are very worried. publicly adv.公然地, 舆论上 A..put off 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻


2016年全国医学博士英语统考真题及答案下 载版 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

2016年全国医学博士英语统考答案 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear.


2017年医学博士外语真题试卷一(精选) (总分:126.00,做题时间:90分钟) 1.Section A(分数: 2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Rheumatologist advises that those with ongoing aches and pains first seek medical help to______ the problem.(分数:2.00) A.affiliate B.alleviate C.aggravate D.accelerate 3.An allergy results when the body have a(n)______reaction to certain substances introduced to it.(分数:2.00) A.spontaneous B.negative C.adverse D.prompt 4.Diabetes is one of the most______and potentially dangerous diseases in the world.(分数:2.00) A.crucial B.virulent C.colossal D.prevalent 5.Generally, vaccine makers______the virus in fertilized chicken eggs in a process that can take four to six months.(分数:2.00) A.penetrate B.designate C.generate D.exaggerate 6.Drinking more water is good for the rest of your body, helping to lubricate joints and______toxins and impurities.(分数:2.00) A.screen out B.knock out C.flush out D.rule out 7.Despite their good service provided, most inns are less expensive than hotels of______standards.(分数:2.00) A.equivalent B.likely C.alike D.uniform 8.Chronic high-dose intake of vitamin A has been shown to have______effects on bones.(分数: 2.00) A.adverse B.prevalent C.instant D.purposeful 9.According to the Geneva______no prisoners of war shall be subject to abuse.(分数:2.00) A.Customs


2002年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题 patr II vocabulary 31.An enormous number of people in the world‘s poorest countries do not have clean water or adequate sanitation____ A. capacities B. facilities C. authorities D. warranties 32.Family-planing clinics give out ___advices to people who have decided to limit the size of their families. A..insensitive B.interrogative C.contraceptive https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8d9280894.html,municative 33.Caffeine is the ___drug that will just about get you out of the door on time to catch the bus. A.miracle B.myth C.trick D.legend 34.Today investigators are still far from ___ a master map of the vasculature of the heart. A.constituting B.decoding C.drafting D.encoding 35.I have never seen a more caring, ___ group of piople in my life. A.emotional B.impersonal https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8d9280894.html,pulsory https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8d9280894.html,passionate 36.By the time I reached my residency, I ___ treated the patient as a whole human being. A.yearned for B.broke into C.pass for D.made for 37.We now obtain more than two-thirds protein from animal resources, while our grandparents ___only one-half from animal resources. A.originated B.digested C.deprived D.derived 38.Obesity carries an increased risk of ____. A.mortality B. mobility C.longevity D.maternity 39.The best exercise should require continuous ___ , rather than frequent stops and starts. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8d9280894.html,passion B.acceleration C.frustration D.exertion 40.Environmental officials insist that something be done to ___ acid rain. A.curb B.sue C.detoxify D.condemn 41.It would be wildly optimistic to believe that these advances offset such a large reduction in farmland . A.take in B.make up C.cut down D.bring about 42.To begin with ,it is impossible to come up with a satisfactory definition of what constitutes happy and unhappy marriage. A.explain B.oppose C.represent D.propose 43.Politicians often use emotional rather than rational arguments to win the support for their actions and ideas. A.applicable B.favorable C.sensitive D.reasonable 44.Tests are one way for a teacher to assess how much a student has learned. A.observe B.appraise C.appreciate D.induce 45.Through live television电视实况转播, the world is now able to witness historical events as they happen. A.reserve B.confirm C.perceive D.transmit 46.Most experts say that the new tax plan will have a negligible effect on the country‘s economic problems. A.indefinite B.indispensable C.infinite D.insignificant 47.I don‘t know how you could have left out the most important fact of all. A.omitted B.fabricated C.pinpointed D.embraced 48.Family and cultural beliefs and norms are important predictors of health-seeking behavior.


2013MD 全国医学博士外语统一考试 英语试卷 答题须知 1.请考生首先将自己的姓名、所在考点、准考证号在试卷一答题纸和试卷二标准答题卡上认真填写清楚,并按“考场指令”要求,将准考证号在标准答题卡上划好。 2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不要做在试卷上。 3.试卷一答题时必须使用2B铅笔,将所选答案按要求在相应位置涂黑;如要更正,先用橡皮擦干净。书面表达一定要用黑色签字笔或钢笔写在标准答题卡上指定区域。 4.标准答题卡不可折叠,同时答题卡须保持平整干净,以利评分。 5.听力考试只放一遍录音,每道题后有15秒左右的答题时间。 国家医学考试中心

PAPER ONE Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example You will hear Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint. Here C is the right answer. Sample Answer A B C D Now let’s begin with question Number 1. 1. A. A cough B. Diarrhea C. A fever D. V omiting 2. A. Tuberculosis B. Rhinitis C. Laryngitis D. Flu 3. A. In his bag. B. By the lamp. C. In his house. D. No idea about where he left it. 4. A. He’s nearly finished his work. B. He has to work for some more time. C. He wants to leave now. D. He has trouble finishing his work. 5. A. A patient B. A doctor C. A teacher D. A student 6. A. 2.6 B. 3.5 C. 3.9 D. 136 7. A. He is the head of the hospital. B. He is in charge of Pediatrics. C. He went out looking for Dan. D. He went to Michigan on business.
