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Ladies and gentlemen, it is great pleasure to have you all here this evening. On behalf of the International Trade Association, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to you all. Welcome to China! Welcome to the Trade Fair!


This Fair is more than a business event. It promotes friendship as well as trade. It is important to have an opportunity like this to meet and exchange views with each other.


In developing foreign trade, we stand for the principle of "mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit". I believe it will help develop our national economy independently.


I want to take this opportunity to express my thanks for the close cooperation and kind support our friends have given us over this years. Now may I propose a toast:To the success of the Fair! To our friendship and cooperation! To the health of everyone here! Cheers!



After China joins the World Trade Organization, average Chinese consumers will start to find more choices in their shops, including many new items from overseas. But, will they buy them? It isn't something that can be taken for granted.


However, the survey suggests that richer Chinese are more inclined to take homemade products.59% of respondents said that they foreign brands when they are choosing from the same category.


Of course, this doesn't mean that imported items will all be left on the shelf. On the contrary, Chinese consumers have cultivated a liking for trying out new products. While two thirds of respondents admit to being drawn to try new and distinctive items.


On the whole, a common feeling among Chinese elites is that their country's accession to the WTO will boost Chinese economic prosperity in the main frame of world economy. Business opportunities will steadily increase, capital investments will rise constantly, and the overall economy will be improving.




As far as the pay rise of public servants is concerned, there are two contrasting views. Supporters maintain that increasing the salary of public servants can stimulate consumption and economic growth, and contribute to keeping public servants honest. 反对者们则认为,与公务员相比,下岗人员的收入更低,很多人生活困难。工资的提升将进一步拉大这两个群体之间


Opponents argue that, compared with public servants, laid-off employees have an even lower income and many live in difficult conditions. The wage increase will further widen the income gap between the two groups.

另一方面,政府机构的重组和政府职能的转变尚未进行完毕,劳动力过剩和效率低下仍然是政府机构中的严重问题。On the other hand, government institutional restructuring and transformation of government functions have not been completed, and redundancy and low efficiency remain serious in government organizations.


Under such circumstances, the pay rise can only add difficulty to the endeavors of institutional restructuring and staff downsizing


工作面试是推销自己的时候,通过举些例子说说你经过的和这份工作有关的事,以及通过表现你的优点来推销自己。The job interview is the time to "sell" yourself by giving examples of experiences you've had related to the job and by revealing your good points.


It's a good idea to have a handy job resume or a list of school courses that prepared you for the job. Don't exaggerate the truth. Be honest, but show confidence in yourself and your ability to do the job.


The job interview is an important part of the job search because the attitude and impression you project can make the interviewer feel "with" or "against" you.


Remember that you have the power to create a favorable impression. Interviewers have the intelligence to recognize genuine enthusiasm and interest.


The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

世界贸易组织是唯一制定国家之间贸易规则的国际性组织。它的主要功能就是保证国际贸易能够平稳、顺利的进行。The result is also a more prosperous, peaceful and accountable economic world. Decisions in the WTO are typically taken by consensus among all member countries and they are ratified by members' parliaments.


Trade friction is channeled into the WTO's dispute settlement process where the focus is on interpreting agreements and commitments, and how to ensure that countries' trade policies conform with them.


That way, the risk of disputes spilling over into political or military conflict is reduced. By lowering trade barriers, the WTO's system also breaks down other barriers between peoples and nations.



According to a new research, single mothers are more likely to die prematurely than those who are living with a partner. The majority of single mothers suffer from more financial hardship and social pressure than couples.



In Britain nearly three million children live in a single-parent family. Single parents' incomes are less than half of those of two-parent families.


The stress of single mothers and the lack of emotional support should not be underestimated. These mothers have to act as father and mother and have to make all the decisions themselves. Moreover, they may not have good relationship with their ex-partners, which can also cause problems.


A closer analysis shows that single mothers are particularly at the risk of suicide, violence and alcohol-related death.




It is the Chinese government's view that the intellectual property rights protection system plays significant role in promoting progress in science and technology, enriching culture and developing the economy.


It functions both as an important institution ensuring the normal running of the socialist market economy and as one of the basic environments and conditions for conducting international exchange and cooperation in science, technology, economy and culture.


China considers the protection of intellectual property rights as an important part of its policy of reform and opening to the outside world and of the building of its socialist legal system.


From its inception, China's intellectual property rights protection system was directed towards the world and geared to high intellectual standards. China has carried out its intellectual property right protection legislation at a speed never before known.



Distinguished guests, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, on the occasion of the Fifth China International Fair for investment and Trade, I would like, on behalf of the Chinese government, to extend my warm welcome to all distinguished guests coming from all over the world.


China will become even more open in the 21st century. At present, China is enjoying political stability, economic progress and social harmony. Chinese people are happy about their lives and work.


Not long ago, Beijing succeeded in its bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games. This lastest success, couple with the imminent accession to the World Trade Organization, will add impetus to China's reform, opening-up and economic development.


We sincerely hope that business people from all over the world seize the historical opportunity to conduct investment and

trade cooperation to conduct investment and trade cooperation with their Chinese counterparts. Together we can create a brilliant future!


Pure nicotine, just three drops can kill an adult. Yet every day, millions of people take it into their lungs.


These are tobacco plants, the only natural source of nicotine. We now understand that it's this substance that keeps people smoking, despite all the warnings. It's one of the most addictive drugs we know.


As tobacco cigarette burns, a potpourri of 4000 chemicals is released, including carbon monoxide and hydrocyanic acid. It's there, rather than nicotine that is responsible for the major health problems like lung cancer, heart disease, and emphysema. 当烟被点燃时,含有四千种化学物质的气体被释放出来,其中包括一氧化碳和氢氰酸。就是如此,它们比尼古丁更厉害,是造成肺癌、心脏病和肺气肿的主要原因。

While inhaling deeply, you also get more of the carbon monoxide and tars that cause lung and heart disease. So the cigarettes you've bought to lessen the impact on your health may actually be worse for you.



The world is filled with advertisements. Different media are used in advertising, For example, radio commercials get millions -- teenagers to shop for products made exclusively for them.

这个世界充满了广告。各种各样的手段都用于广告。比方说,电视广告让千百万青少年去买专门为他们制造的产品。Then, magazine ads showing models dressed--in the latest style persuade women and men to buy new clothes in order to remain fashionable--Newspapers, too, are filled with ads stressing the need to buy everything at bargain prices.


In developing advertising strategies, marketers must consider the best advertising medium for their message, IBM, for example, uses television ads to keep its name fresh in consumers' minds.


But it uses newspaper and magazine ads to educate consumers on the product's abilities and trade publications to introduce new software. Each advertising medium serves a different purpose.




Nowadays in Europe, USA and Japan, the most popular activity is to amuse oneself with a computer in the cafe. This kind of businesses which combines eating, drinking, leisure, computer and its network has been growing rapidly.


Most of the computer cafes have one or two computers installed. The customers can play computers while drinking coffee or other beverages. And some of the bars are equipped with six or seven IBM or Apple personal computers on the Internet.


Unit1 P8 1.我们认为你方的格力空调在这里会很畅销,希望很快收到你们的样品。 2.贵方若能报优惠价并保证收到订单后四周内交货,我方将定期订购。 3.如能报到岸价,折扣以及发货日期等详细情况,将不胜感激。 4.随函附上我方最新的产品目录及CIF 纽约报价单。 5.关于贵方9月29日的询价信,我方就如下产品报价,以我方最后确认为准。 6. 此盘5天内不接受就作撤销论。 7. 很遗憾,我们的价格和你方还盘之间差距太大,所以恐怕我方不能接受你方还盘。 8. 考虑到我们长期以来的贸易关系和友好合作,我方建议你方能接受保兑,不可撤销即期信用证。 9. 石油价格将在未来一段时间内继续下降。 10. 我们还想指出我们主要以承兑交单方式结账。 Unit1 P9 1.(我们正打算订购)We are thinking of placing an order for your Flying Pigeon Brand bicycles. We would be very grateful if you could make us an offer for 200 ones with details. 2. (上述询价已于)The above inquiry was forwarded to you on Oct. 10, but we haven’t received your reply yet. Your early offer will be highly appreciated. 3. (我方的冷冻食品)Our frozen foods have been shipped to many countries where they are received favorably. It would be to your advantage to try out a shipment. 4. (很抱歉,贵方)We are sorry to say that the goods required by you are out of stock for the time being. Therefore we are unable to make you an offer at present. 5. (我方于两个月前)We sent you our Quotation No. 44 two months ago, but we haven’t received any news from you. It would be advisable if you could make an early decision on this matter. 6. (所有报盘都以)All quotations, except firm offers, are subject to our final confirmation. Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon, all prices are without any discount. 7.(许多外国电讯)Many foreign telecommunications companies wish to come into the Chinese market such as AT &T, etc. the competition is very keen. I understand some companies are lowering their prices and offering technical assistance and after-sale services. 8.(很高兴我们)I’m glad that we have settled the price. 9. (我们至多只能再减)The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 pounds. That’ll be definitely rock-bottom. 10. (我们正在仔细研究)We’re now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can keep it open till the end of this month. Unit1 P10 1、我们的还盘与国际市场上的价格一致。如果你们接受,我们将说服客户向你们订货。如果你方不能做进一步的让步,我们就没有必要再谈下去了。我们不妨取消整个交易。顺便说一下,在考虑你方的新报价时,请考虑到我们的佣金问题。 2、我们的报价以合理利润为基础,不是漫天要价。你必须考虑到质量问题。这一行的每个人都知道三星产品质量上乘。如果我们不是朋友,我们愿意以这个价格为你们好。 Unit1 P11


尽管每个人的对记录符号的使用可能是多样的,同一事物不同的人可能会使用不同的符号,同一符号在不同的人意识中肯能代表不同的意思,但是通行的原则还是存在的,活用这些原则,那会让你在口译的过程中如虎添翼…… 在听力活动中,笔记是一个辅助我们记忆的非常有效的工具。 对于专业的口译译员来说,口译笔记的作用是帮助他们还原刚刚听到的内容。而对于同学们来说其最大的作用则是在我们做题的时候帮助我们记录并最终理清语言材料之间的逻辑关系,还原具体信息细节。 在听力练习当中,题目经常是在一大段语言材料播放完毕之后才出现,由于人记忆能力的局限这个时候很多本来已经听懂的内容已经无法被我们回忆起来,造成了信息模糊、信息丢失,以至于无法完成题目。而笔记可以有效地弥补人短时记忆的缺陷,掌握一点英语口译者们常用的笔记法,你会发现这些“专业人士”所谓的“高端技能”,对于普通的学习者来说同样有很大意义,可以帮助我们在一般的听力考试中游刃有余。 英语笔记法的适用前提——听力过关(五大支柱),听懂是做笔记的前提条件,如果听都没有听懂,又怎么可能去记?再好地记录能力都不可能创造信息本身。 下面举例说明听力笔记的一些技巧: 1、不要大量记录文字(汉字、单词) ——而要使用符号来表示意思(缩写、图形) Eg:“powerful country”记作“强口”, “我同意”记作“I√ ”; “观点,看法一致”记作“⊙ same”, “economic development”记作“经↑” ↑表示“上升、快速上升、快速发展、快速上涨等” ↓表示“下降、减少、急剧下降、急速下跌等”; ↗表示“缓慢上升,缓慢发展、缓慢上涨等”; ←表示“返回,倒退等”; →表示“达到,至,导致,前进等”; +表示“加,增加,此外,另外,又加之”; —表示“减少,减”; >表示“多于,大于,强于”; <表示“少于,小于,不如”; ∵表示“因为,由于”; ∴表示“所以,因此”; =表示“等于,相同,与……相同”。 t表示thousand; m表示million; b表示 billion; 1st表示first。 2、不要横着写:


李天舒 主审:冯伟年 编委李天舒朱益平李艳李淑侠赵晓铃 张春娟张录侠何华李超慧宋美盈 世界图书出版公司2003 年出版定价:15 元 本教材出版后已作为英语系2001 级,辅修班2002 级,专升本2001 级学生口译课教材。 : 1.题材广泛,内容丰富,实用性强。本教材以我国对外交流与合作及口译工作的实际为出发 点,集口译理论、技巧和实践为一体。内容主要包括口译的基本理论、方法和技巧,涉外工作的礼仪 和程序等,重点是口译工作所涉及的各种话题的英汉互译。这些专题材料主要选自国内外中英文报 刊和有关网站的最新资料。题材广泛,内容丰富、涵盖了我国对外交流中可能涉及到的各种话题,旨 在通过大量的英汉互译实践,使学生掌握口译的基本理论和技巧。 2.英译汉、汉译英并重,双向训练同步进行。口译教学不同于书面翻译教学,可采取英译汉、 汉译英分阶段进行。口头交际是一种双向交际活动;口译通常是在两种语言连续交替转换模式中进 行。因此,口译教学采取英汉互译,双向训练同步进行为好。本教材的总体框架就是根据这一原则设 计和编写的。口译实践是全书的主体部分 本教材分两大部分,十八个单元。第一部分三个单元。第一单元着重介绍口译的基本理论,包括 口译的产生、发展、特点、标准、类型、过程及口译人员的基本素质要求等。第二、三单元集中介绍口译 的一些基本方法和技巧,包括直译法、反译法、意译法、增减译法、口译笔记及各种数字的口译及习语、 引语的口译。另外,第二、三单元在介绍了每一种口译技巧之后都附有相应的英汉互译练习及练习参 考答案。在使用本教材时,教师可根据教材顺序,集中一段时间进行口译理论和技巧教学,着重对 学生进行单项口译技巧训练,使他们通过口译实践尽快掌握口译的基本理论、方法和技巧,闯过口 译中经常遇到的几个难点,为在后面的专题口译训练中能灵活机动、综合运用各种口译技巧,顺利 进行英汉互译打好基础。


商务英语口译教程 下面是整理的商务英语口译教程,希望对大家有帮助。 基本信息 中文名称:商务英语口译教程 作者:李鸿杰 出版社:机械工业出版社 出版时间:2010年02月 ISBN:978*********17 开本:16开 内容简介 《商务英语口译教程》共分4个部分,包括口译理论与技巧、一般商务往来、商务谈判以及英语口译考试介绍;以理论做支撑,围绕商务活动的各个环节展开,同时兼顾口译考试的需要;各个部分相辅相成,互相关联。《商务英语口译教程》可作为高职高专商务英语、国际贸易等专业的英语口译教材及口译考试参考书,也可供从事国际商务工作的人员参考使用。 图书目录 前言 Part 1 Theories and Skills of Interpretation口译理论与技巧1 Unit 1 An Overview of Interpretation口译概述1 Unit 2 Business Interpretation Skills商务口译技巧4 Part 2 General Business Relations一般商务往来20

Unit 1 Meeting at the Airport机场接机20 Unit 2 Accommodation Arrangement住宿安排29 Unit 3 Welcome Dinner欢迎宴会38 Unit 4 People Introduction人员介绍50 Unit 5 Schedule Arrangement日程安排60 Unit 6 Company Profile公司概况69 Unit 7 Product Introduction产品介绍77 Unit 8 On?site Trip现场参观87 Unit 9 Sightseeing观光游览97 Unit 10 Shopping Guide购物指导106 Unit 11 Farewell Party送别宴会114 Unit 12 Seeing the Guest Off送客离别122 Part 3 Business Negotiation商务谈判132 Unit 1 Price,Quantity,Discount and Commission价格,数量,折扣及佣金132 Unit 2 Quality of Product产品质量141 Unit 3 Terms of Payment支付条款148 Unit 4 Time of Delivery交货日期156 Unit 5 Insurance保险163 Unit 6 Agency代理173 Unit 7 Import of Complete Plant成套设备进口184


Unit 1 1.Working together, our people have done well. Our economy is breaking records, with more than 22 million new jobs, and the lowest unemployment in 30years齐心协力,我国人民取得了巨大成就,我国经济正在创新的记录,新增工作岗位2200万个,并且创下了30年来最低的失业率 2.Thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market, this year the richest have added to 5 billion more to their wealth.由于在证券市场上技术股的不断上升,本年度富人的财产增值了50亿。 3.As for this type of camera, there may be cheaper ones on the market, But when you look at the quality and the design, You’ll agree our price is the most favorable. 就这类照相机(而言),市场上可能会有比它更便宜的,但如果你注意以下质量和设计,你会认可我们的价格是最优惠的。 4.In 1995,the market share of our product was quite small, only 5%, In 1999, it has increased to 20%, By the year 2005 we expect the figure to go over 50%.在1995年,我们的产品市场占有份额很小,只有5%,在1999年,增加到20%,到2005年,我们期望会超过50% 5.In the United States, most enterprises are multiproduct firms. For example, American automobile manufacturers are also responsible for such diverse products as diesel locomotives, buses, refrigerators, guided missiles, and air conditioners.在美国,大多数企业是多产品的公司,比如,美国的汽车制造商同时也负责各种其他人员柴油烟机,公共汽车,冰箱,制导导弹和空调机 6.Inflation can have a number of causes. It can be caused by rises in prices of raw materials: Factories have to pay more for their law material, and as a result they have to put up the prices of their products. 通货膨胀可以是由于几方面的原因引起的,可以是由于原材料价格的上升,工厂不得不为原材料支付更多的钱,结果他们不得不提高产品的价格。 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8f9743351.html,rge wages rises can lead to inflation, too: If workers are paid more, prices go up and the cost of living rises. Changes in the value of currency are another cause of inflation. If the pound goes down in value. Then it costs more to import goods from other countries. 大幅度工资增长也会导致通货膨胀:如果工人的报酬增加,物价就会上涨,生活费用也会上升。货币价值的变化是通货膨胀的另一个原因:假如英镑贬值,那么从其他国家进口货物时就要多花钱了。 1.将近三倍的油价暴涨导致了两位数的通货膨胀以及全球经济的衰退The near-tripling of oil price resulted in double-digit inflation and global economic decline. 2.中美联系现在十分广泛,涉及到我们人民生活的各个方面,包括商业,文化,教育以及我们的国家安 全政策。Sino-American ties have become very extensive, affecting all aspects of our people’s lives: commerce, culture, education and our national security policies. 3.人们往往希望雇主支付他们高于市场的工资,他们渴望灵活的工作日程,他们要求公司股票股买全, 还有学习的机会。People always want employers to pay them above the market rates, they seek flexible work schedules, they want stock options and a chance to learn. 4.对我来说,创业最大的障碍是搞清楚它是否切实可行,要做到这一点真的很难,因为我以前从未涉及 过这个行业。For me, the biggest hurdle to get the business running was working out whether it would be feasible at all. That’s really hard to do as I haven’t been involved in the industry before. 5.创业或难或易,但是守业绝对不是件容易的是。目前的统计数字表明,有三分之二的新企业在创办后 的头五年里倒闭。Starting a business may or may not be easy, but keeping it running is


英译中笔记方法 我历年的实践,发现学友们在学习口译上最大的难点在于笔记问题。因此我整理了一条实用的(E-C)英译中笔记方法,提供初涉口译的众学友学习。 首先,这里需要指出的是,大多数同学并没有意识到口译笔记的基本类型。在此为大家简述一番,其实口译笔记可以按照“源语和目标语”分为两类,在此以英语(论坛)和汉语为例。比如:“E-C”和“C-E”是两个不同的体系。(E-C即英译中;C-E即中译英)。 关于“C-E模式”的笔记,在中译英时口译者并没有听力上的挑战,所以在记录笔记时我们大都可从容应对;把握脉络、大意、关键词,并选择性的记录;而且还能保证主要意思都能记在脑中;即使没有系统训练过笔记法的学友,也可以通过强记和速写,把信息记全。 所以说,中高级口译考试时的“C-E模式”的句子或段落的笔记可以是挑选性的(selective); 也可以做得“面面俱到”(every single point),而这时的要求就是你手写速度,清晰度(legibility), 合理逻辑的布局和排列。 在这样的背景下,C-E模式的笔记体系就引入了大量的“符号”以简化速记的强度,提高速记的质量,使译者有更多的时间脑记。 比如这段符号:“中 e ↗+” 表示“中国经济的强劲增长。” 笔者纵观了各种专业课程、比较了热门的口译笔记法书籍,口译论坛和网站上的有关信息,发现对于这些“符号”并没有一个有明确的、规范的统一写法。完全是不同专家和从业者的各种个性化的笔记,加上一些共性的元素。比如:“全球”这个概念, 有时会写“w”;有时也写成“⊙” 。写法各异,但都属于认知常识范畴。 对于这一情况,我也反复告诫学友,口译上常见的表达和词汇,要用符号,因为用熟悉的“固定符号”更加容易想象到这些信息,所以大家就得掌握熟记这些符号,这样才可以在考试中赢得更多翻译和口译的时间。


Lesson 1 美国副总统复旦演讲 韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我和我夫人为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们!我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 我知道在座的许多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕业。我听说贵校有极为严格的标准,得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读和自我约束。我祝贺在座各位学业有成。对各位老师坚持复旦大学99年追求卓越的传统我深表钦佩。 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton University Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening. I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.” ; I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s sem inar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation. 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话 各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好! 欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动! 我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!” ` 公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。 新厂房标志着公司对中国业务的重视和承诺。 各位供应商,我们希望与你们携手共进,使我们的业务更上一层楼。 各位经销商,我们将继续向你们提供尖端的高质量产品,以协助你们做好客户支持,改善中国和东南亚许许多多人士的生活。 各位邻居和朋友,我们将成为良好的企业公民,与各位同行一起维护在中国开展业务的规范性。 最后,我们承诺给员工们提供一个安全、舒适的工作环境。 再次感谢各位与我们共同庆祝今天的典礼! Lesson 2

口译教程UNIT 2 第二单元教案

UNIT 2 第二单元教案 来源:口译-学院精品课程作者:Jay J Yang Memoria Technica (II) 口译记忆(二) Unit Objective (单元目标) After reading this unit you should ☆ understand the process of memorization. ☆ master the “Memoria Technica”. Warm-up (准备) 1. Two students are requested to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpretors of the class. Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor. 2.One or Two students are asked to present a piece of news or a weather forecast of the week. Theory of Interpretation II (口译理论二) 口译记忆过程:源语信息编码+信息存储+信息提取+译语信息解码 口译记忆方法:源语复述;总结概括;逻辑整理;影子练习。 Memoria T echnica (记忆法) Listen to the following sentences, and try to catch the key words and details, then repeat as accurately as possible: A. Two sentences repeating:: Sentences from Textbook Unit One as a part of review: 1.20 years ago, almost to the day, President Ronald Reagan spoke at this university and expressed the essence of economic and political freedom. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8f9743351.html,pared to President N ixon’s, or even President reagon’s day, many Chinese citizens are now freer to make their own ways of life ---- to choose carers, to aquire property, and to travel. 3.China’s economic success has also come about through far greater integration into the world economy. In the last decades, your country has


第二部分练习篇 Exercise One Listen to the following texts and then reproduce in the same language at the end of each segment: Text 1.1 Mr Governor, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my great pleasure to be invited to attend the Guangdong Governor?s International A dvisory Council Meeting.// I would like to take this opportunity to highlight our report to the Governor and share with you our view on the role of telecommunications and information infrastructure (ICT) in the economic development.// International experience suggests that Information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and services can have a substantial impact on the competitiveness of firms, nations, and regions. The most important impact of ICT does not come from manufacturing ICT goods, but from investing in and using ICT infrastructure and services.// According to the ITU, global telecommunications services sales reached US$ 1.1 trillion in 2002, more than three times the value of telecommunications equipment sales of US$335 billion. The value created by use of telecommunications services is estimated to be far higher than the total services revenue. Thus investment in ICT infrastructure creates value many times that of the investment itself. // Firm level studies show that ICT investments help firms gain competitiveness through improved efficiency, reduced inventories, better designs, and faster rates of innovation. ICT allows firms to increase the efficiency of their business processes by decreasing procurement and transaction costs, improving accounting and control, enhancing management systems, and streamlining their supply chains.// Several studies also indicate that ICT is a key driver of productivity and growth. There are several distinctive features of ICT that make them particularly important to national and regional economies, which include the pervasive and cross-cutting nature of ICT, the low or declining marginal costs of using the technologies, the ability to foster efficiency gains through streamlining supply chains, the facilitation of the creation of entirely new business models and industries, and the global nature of ICT.// All of these characteristics imply that ICT can have an important impact on competitiveness and economic development.// Text 1.2 主席先生: 我很高兴参加2001’国际投资论坛。我愿意借此机会,向大家介绍一下中国加入WTO 谈判和对外开放的有关情况。// 15 年“复关”和加入WTO 的马拉松谈判到今天应该说已经到了最后阶段。继1999 年11 月中美达成双边协议,2000 年5 月中欧达成双边协议后,中国加入WTO 进程加快,截止2000 年9 月,除墨西哥外,双边谈判已经基本结束。墨方曾多次表示即使不能达成协议,也不会影响中国加入WTO 的进程。//


Unit 1 meeting and seeing-off 迎来送往 1、Our general manager asked me to come and meet you because he is chairing a meeting at this moment. He sends his warmest regards. 我们总经理此时在主持一个会议,所以要我来接你们。他要我带他先向你们致意。 2、For your convenience and comfort, we accommodate y ou in one of the company’s villas for overseas visitors. It is located by the beach, overlooking the sea. It is only 20 minutes’ drive from our company .I am sure you will like it. 考虑到你们的方便和舒适,我们把你们安顿在公司的外宾别墅。别墅在海边,俯瞰着大海。离公司只有20分钟。你们一定会喜欢的。 3、好极了,我喜欢视野开阔的房子。 That’s wonderful. I love living in a house with an open view. 4、Just to confirm—you know that tomorrow’s meeting is set for 9:30 a.m. at our office. 确定一下,你们知道明天的会议是早上9:30,地点在我们办公室。 5、Tomorrow evening at 7:oo we will host a reception dinner in your honor. By the way, are there any sights you’d like to see while you are here? 明天晚上7点还将设宴为你洗尘呢!对了,在此期间,你们是否想去参观一些地方? 6、看情况吧。如果一切顺利如愿的话,我很想留出一天时间观光。 Well, it depends! If anything comes out good and satisfactory, I’d leave a day for sightseeing. 7、I’ll make some arrangements for this tour around. 观光的事由我来安排。 8、我的行李都进去了,看来该说再见了。 All my bags are checked in, I guess I’m all set to go. 9、我们能在一个月内收到你们的第一批货,对吧? So, we’ll be expecting the first shipment within a month? 10、我真的很感激你们的热情款待,也感谢你陪我观光这座城市。这次旅游非常有意义,也非常有收获。 I really appreciate all of your hospitality and you accompanying me on the tour around the city. It’s been a most interesting and rewarding trip. 11、这是最后一次登机广播了。我们得说再见了。 There’s the last call for boarding. We must say goodbye now


《口译》课程教学大纲及教学计划 一.课程设置的目的与目标 2000年4月《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》经教育部高教司批准下发执行。新《大纲》规定高等院校英语专业的培养目标为:“具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等工作的复合型英语人才;其规格为:“扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质”。 口译是一门语言技能与专业知识相结合的课程。本课程以口、笔译理论和其他相关学科理论作指导,通过讲授口译基本技巧以及各种交际环境中语言的正确表达方式、全方位地对学生进行口译技巧和逻辑推理能力训练,并结合课外口译实践,拓宽学生知识面,培养学生跨文化交际能力、口译相关技巧的综合运用能力、认知、推理能力、独立工作能力、解决问题的能力以及相应的心理素质。 二.口译课开设年级及课时安排 第六、第七学期,周学时2。 三.课程教学对象 英语专业大三学生 四.口译课教学要求 为了更好地因材施教,根据我系生源、学生专业方向以及西部地区口译市场现状,我系口译教学大纲在教学要求上分为三个层次。 通过讲授口译基本理论、口译背景知识以及对学生进行口译基本技巧的训练,结合口译实践,使学生掌握口译的基本理论和专题连续传译的技能,初步学会口译记忆方法、口译笔记、口头概述、公众演讲等基本技巧和口译基本策略,培养学生的话语分析能力,提高学生的逻辑思维能力、语言组织

能力和双语表达能力,学生能担任一般外事活动的交替传译。注意培养学生 关心时事的信息意识,积累知识,掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具 有初步研究能力和实际工作能力,提高各项交际技能综合运用的能力,提高 学生的综合人文素质。 五.口译课教学原则 我系口译教学以国家教委颁布的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》中 教学原则为指导原则,结合我系生源、学生专业方向以及西部地区翻译市场 现状,实行立体型、交叉式的口译教学模式。口译教学的重点放在培养学生 的跨文化交际能力、口译相关技巧的综合运用能力、认知、推理能力、独立 工作能力、解决问题的能力以及相应的心理素质。 六.口译课教学方法与教学手段 从“口译基本功”训练、“口译语言技能”训练、“口译对话翻译能力”训练、“口译实战”训练,一直到“口译专业技能训练”,“4+1”翻译班的“层次思维训练法”,以层次递进的方式,系统、有序和全方位地引导学员掌握口译的技能和能力;并通过交传和同传并重、普通班和翻班齐上的套餐形式,将学生从 听说的专业技能顺利地过渡到口译的专业技能的培训上,在一定程度上实现 相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融与渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知 识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化。 七.口译教学参考文献 1、理论部分 1.《口译技巧—思维科学与口译推理教学法》,刘和平,北京:中国对外翻 译公司,2001年。 2.《口译理论与实践》,刘和平,中国对外翻译出版公司,2005年5月。 3.《口译理论概述》,鲍刚,北京:旅游教育出版社,1998。 4.《口译须知》<瑞士> 让·艾赫贝尔著,孙慧双译,北京:外语教学与研 究出版社1982年5月第一版。 5.《口译理论-实践与教学》<法> 达尼卡·塞莱斯科维奇、玛丽亚娜·勒代 雷著,汪家荣等译,北京:旅游教育出版社1990年。


Unit 2 Passage 1 英国女王2009 圣诞致词 过去每年似乎都各具特点。一些年份让我们心满意足,一些年份则最好忘却。2009 年对很多人来说都是艰难的一年,尤其是那些深受经济衰退之苦的人们。 我相信,我们所有人都受到阿富汗战事影响,为英军士兵伤亡感到悲伤。我们向这些 士兵的家人和朋友表示慰问,他们面对巨大个人损失表现得无比高尚。 但我们应该为我们的士兵与盟友一道作出的积极贡献而感到骄傲。英国和包括加拿 大、澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡在内的英联邦国家眼下共有超过1.3 万名士兵在阿富汗服役。我们对这些年轻士兵以及先前在阿富汗服役过的士兵表示深深感激。 今年是英联邦成立60 周年,今天其成员国25 岁以下人口超过10 亿,为它保持长 久的强大和实力提供了力量源泉。 最近我刚刚参加了在特立尼达和多巴哥举行的英联邦政府首脑会议,听到联邦对年轻 人是多么重要。新的通讯技术使他们能够接触到更广阔的世界,分享他们的经验和观点。对于许多人来说,英联邦的实际援助与网络可以提供技能,给予意见和鼓励进取。 令人鼓舞的是,我了解到一些年轻人正在做着一些事情,他们面对挑战,富于创造力 和创新精神。 对关系到我们所有人的问题保持讨论很重要,它让我们的大家庭产生更大的价值。在 英联邦成立以来的大部分时间里,我都同它联系紧密。 我珍视同各国领袖、人民之间在个人和生活上的紧密联系,这不单是象征意义上的, 也能促进我们的团结。 英联邦并非只是一个具有某种使命的组织,更是一个让各国人民合作、解决实际困难 的平台。在涉及我们生活的许多方面,不论是体育、环境、商业或文化,英联邦国家之间的联系生动活泼而且丰富多彩。在很多方面这展现未来的前景。随着不断的支持和贡献,我相信多元化的英联邦国家之间能加强超越政治、宗教、种族和经济环境的凝聚力。 众所周知,圣诞节是欢庆与家人团聚的时候,但我们也可以借这个时机反思那些国内 外不幸者面临的困境。 基督徒接受的教义是要爱他们的邻居,有同情心,乐于慈善和志愿工作,以减轻贫困 和弱势者的负担。 我们自己会面临一连串的困难和挑战,这些困难和挑战会令我们感到困惑,但我们绝 不能停下脚步,而应该继续努力,为自己和他人创造更美好的未来。 不论你们现时身在何处,我都祝愿你们圣诞快乐! 13 Passage 2 美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马在英国伦敦伊斯灵顿伊丽莎白·安德森女校的演讲(节选)这是我的第一次出访,作为第一夫人的第一次外事出访。你们能相信吗?虽然这不是 我第一次来英国,但我得说很高兴我的首次官方访问是来英国。美国和英国之间的特殊关系,不只是基于政府间的关系,还基于我们有共同的语言和价值观。看见你们大家就使我想到这一点。在访问期间我特别荣幸地会见了英国一些最出色的女性,她们在为你们所有女孩子铺路。 我也很荣幸见到你们这些英国和世界未来的领导者,尽管我们的生活背景好像相差很 远,我是作为美国第一夫人站在这里,而你们还正在上学。 但我想让你们了解我们其实有很多共同之处。因为在我生命历程中没有任何东西曾经 预示我会作为美利坚合众国的第一位非洲裔第一夫人站在这里。我的资历里没有什么东西


口译笔记符号大汇总 一. 地名简写 原词速记符号原词速记符号Korea K Sweden SD Switzerland SW 东西南北中等方位“|-” the Republic of Korea(南朝鲜) ROK “K” the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(北朝鲜) DPRK “_K” Eastern Germany (东德) “G|”Western Europe(西 欧) “|EU” 二. 货币简写 原词速记符号原词速记符号Sterling/pound £US dollar $ Renminbi/RMB ¥Australian dollars #A Austrian schillings Sch Canadian dollars Can$ Eurodollar €New Zealand dollars NZ$ Japanese yen 円 三.时间简写 原词速记符号原词速记符号hour hr minute ’ second ’’morning m afternoon a evening/night/tonight n today d yesterday .d the day before yesterday ”d tomorrow d’ the day after tomorrow d’ ’day by day/everyday dd last night ’n next morning m’ this week w the week before last ”w Monday 1w Tuesday 2w Wednesday 3w Thursday 4w
