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LOL 之话术总结

First blood. 第一滴血

You have slain an enemy. 第一次杀敌(或死了重生后第一次杀敌)

An ally has been slain. 己方英雄被杀

An enemy has been slain. 敌方英雄被杀

Executed. 英雄被防御塔等非英雄击杀.


(Enemy)Double kill. / Triple kill. / Quadro kill. / Penta kill. 双杀/三杀/四杀/五杀. (Enemy) Killing Spree. Soda正在大杀特杀 .

(Enemy) Rampage.Soda已经暴走了

(An enemy is) Unstoppable. 人类已经无法阻挡

Soda(An enemy is) Dominating.Soda已经主宰了比赛

(An enemy is) God like.Soda 神一般

(An enemy is) Legendary.Soda 已经超神了!

Shutdown! 连杀被终止

Your team has destroyed an inhibitor.你的队伍摧毁了一个水晶


lol的英文霸气名字大全 Mad Dog I'm fine. You、Andヾme DOVE To the lonel Believe me Cruel heart。 forever love better me @ Memories° Take me away love dearly. Kiss me 偏偏⌒怀念 苏烟Luoい Go↘越室爱 Bertha 。 Thanヾ后知后觉 离沫倾城winter°

Distance▎失落心 _Edmundヾ似懂非懂 ╰Just、等爱つ艾艾。Kiss" Me Just so so. Beat Friends 丶Roll |▍Memor.ヾ浅陌、 °夏日╮ ﹏secret seven° 昔年 || Disheartened trouble give up say goodbye@ summer" Shadowlover End" A monologue. -Agoni jυSTī∏ ьiěЬE leavE'

彼岸花 Triste 。 - bridesmai° Trouble # Onlybeautif泪 goddessベ嗤笑 Legendhas不成爱 HalfgrainⅡ迷迭 - Dream purpose 黑色的雪 Poisoned 恋我吗 frozen 不会枯萎 messy 遗置角落的念 Abandoned 弃我 The rain 别嘲笑Austriend What does the fox say? Edinburgh°南空Goodbey Summer LUHAN,我爱的少年。Andy、伤心 Stranger、陌生人


LOL有含义的英文名字Mad Dog I'm fine. You、Andヾme DOVE To the lonel Believe me Cruel heart。 forever love better me @ Memories° Take me away love dearly. Kiss me 偏偏⌒怀念 苏烟Luoい Go↘越室爱 Bertha 。 Thanヾ后知后觉 离沫倾城winter°

Distance▎失落心 _Edmundヾ似懂非懂 ╰Just、等爱つ艾艾。Kiss" Me Just so so. Beat Friends 丶Roll |▍Memor.ヾ浅陌、 °夏日╮ ﹏secret seven° 昔年 || Disheartened trouble give up say goodbye@ summer" Shadowlover End" A monologue. -Agoni jυSTī∏ ьiěЬE leavE'

彼岸花 Triste 。 - bridesmai° Trouble # Onlybeautif泪goddessベ嗤笑Legendhas不成爱HalfgrainⅡ迷迭 - Dream purpose 黑色的雪Poisoned 恋我吗 frozen 不会枯萎 messy 遗置角落的念Abandoned 弃我 The rain 别嘲笑Austriend What does the fox say? Edinburgh°南空Goodbey Summer LUHAN,我爱的少年。Andy、伤心 Stranger、陌生人


lol网名大全英文开头 lol网名英文开头【热门版】1) overdoes (上瘾) 2) Outsider(外人) 3) Bitter(泪海) 4) Iruri(过客) 5) Taurus(挽歌) 6) rostiute(入戏) 7) Alone°(独自) 8) Treasure (珍重) 9) hurriedly(匆匆) 10) Hickey(吻痕) 11) Trister(旧情人) 12) Archer(久遇) 13) Child heart(虐心) 14) Agoni°(暮念) 15) Appoint(约定) 16) runaway(逃跑) 17) buildings(阡陌) 18) shallow(庸人)

19) Brithday°(失去) 20) Lost heart hurts(失心) lol网名英文开头【精选版】1) Survivor(幸存者) 2) Avril゛[形同陌路] 3) Sing For You (为你而唱) 4) Hickey (吻痕) 5) The dust (尘埃) 6) Melony. (没了你) 7) Edmundヾ似懂非懂 8) Autism (孤独症) 9) Run away. 逃离 10) Healer (治愈者) 11) bubble(泡沫) 12) Lonely patients 孤独患者 13) Amoヽ晴天 14) Unfair(偏心) 15) Liar 说谎家 16) shoulder (依靠) 17) Reset(重来) 18) Excuses. 借口 19) Redundant. 多余 20) Optimus prime 擎天柱


lol的英文情侣名字 Ming-宝|Qing-宝丿Angle丶笑笑|丿Angle丶牛牛 Dance〃星光|Dance〃阳光 Curtain (英文网名注释:落幕) Allure Love (英文网名注释:倾城恋) Mo Maek (英文名翻译成中文:莫陌) Tenderness (网名翻译:温存) Flowers (英文网名注释:繁花) Poison丶biting (非主流英文网名翻译中文:毒丶刺骨 ) Desperate struggle (伤感英文名字:拼命的挣扎) Koreyoshi (意境英文网名:惟美) Adam阿当*Eve夏娃(阿当-夏娃) Adolph阿当夫*Adolpha阿当芙亚(伟大的野狼) Alan阿伦*Alana阿伦娜(快乐的调和者-闪亮的公平者) Alexander阿力山大*Alexandra阿力山娜(同为超人的意思) Ashley阿瑟妮*Ashley阿瑟妮(居住在梣木地人的人爱大自然) Azarias阿沙勒斯*Azaria阿沙妮亚(得到上帝的祝福和协助) B Baslilon巴沙里奥*Basilia马沙妮亚(国皇-皇后) Beverley拜佛力*Beverley拜佛力(海星般矜贵)

Bing兵*Binga冰加(铁壸能成空洞发声音,多嘴的人)Blake碧*Blake碧(有正义气质) Brand宾*Brandy宾妮(上帝的孙儿如酒般清醇) Brian拜仁*Bryna拜女那(品德高尚) C Clare基亚*Clara加拉(有艳光的) Carol嘉卢*Carol嘉露(权力者,永不言败) Castor嘉斯祖*Casta嘉斯泰(勇敢而勤力) Cecil西斯*Cecilla西西莉亚(隐身不见的音乐圣者)Chritian杰逊*Christine基丝艼(信主的) Clive基夫*Cleva基花(悬崖居住者) D Dale德尔*dale黛尔(居住村庄的纯朴者) Daniel丹妮*Danielle丹妮尔(上帝是审裁者) Darcy德斯*Darcie戴斯(由森林而来) Darius戴维斯*Daria戴维亚(有钱人) Donald当奴*Donalda当奴达(世界的统治者)Dominic都文历*Dominica多文历卡(属于主的


霸气有范的lol英文名字大全 【篇一】 Deciduous丶dancing Undead丶God Undead丶Spirit Emmanuel 乀Sadperson彡 CAGINGBIRD 朋友的Poetry’ Mr.sandman partyhard gravity'srainbow Daybreak Eros1on Themass AnnieGalio Fiddlesticks JenniferICE lagendaryICE丶 KIll丶ChOseng

Windly Sunrly Candy Lovely Loly shirly Desert Albert Baron Cornelius Harold Ai丶Tiger o丶Allen FoxWolfworldofmortals Astrangflower" 【篇二】 Allure Mopoisoning Astrangflower" Amaninlovewithaper Fadedflowers

Scenenolongerstill Halfofit Tipofhealthobsession Realisticcamouflage FlowerFestival Allure Mopoisoning Controlofthesoul DustyLillaby Troublemaker "Mynameislove" Triste MARIAGED'AMOUR YouAreMyLife Becauseofyou Asshole、waitandsee BonnenuIt▼ perpetual(天长地久)Deeplove(深爱)Fighting!!! ゜SupremeGirl


欢迎来到召唤师峡谷!Welcome to Summoner's Rift! Summonern. 召唤者 summon ['s?m?n] vt. 1. 召唤;召来(常与 away, to 或 from连用): He summoned his subordinates hastily to his office. 他急忙召唤他的下级去他的办公室商议。 He was summoned to the White House. 他被总统召进了白宫。 2. 【法律】传唤,传讯: Are you willing to be summoned as a witness? 你愿意出庭作证吗? 3. 号召;召集: to summon to hold a meeting 号召召开一次会议 4. 鼓起,激起,使振作(常与 up 连用): to summon up all one's courage 鼓起勇气 I find it hard to summon up thoughts of a famous star at the look of her today. 看到她现在这个模样,很难想象她就是那个著名的影星。 5. 要求,请求;要…投降: I was summoned two drafts for the speech the day before. 他们要求我在演讲的前一天准备好两篇演讲稿。 rift 英 [r?ft] n. 裂缝;不和;[木] 裂口 vt. 使断裂;使分开 vi. 裂开 一血First blood 你击杀一名敌方英雄You have slain an enemy. slain 英 [sle?n] v. 杀死(slay的过去分词) slay 报错 英 [sle?] vt. 杀害,杀死;使禁不住大笑 vi. 杀死,杀害;残杀


好听的英雄联盟英文名三篇 【篇一】 Blackstar丶 Blacklotus Killermachine DuskTaker Silvercrow Cool丶leon Pisover Provence暗眸 Provence雨碎 Colk丶爆米花 Theflower Spore丿蹲街 Hermes丶璀璨 Smart丶子溢 Ever丶沉沦 Violence丶孤傲苍星 Manlykiller EvilMan

StormWyrm Emmanuel JenniferICE KIll丶ChOseng strawberry prologue 妮芙兰丶love Crazy丶Demon Azrael丶purify devil丶逐日 【篇二】 Love相厮Ombreamant。Top丶王者再现kyle天赐Famous︿傲世sumnus薄情。Smonusヽ毒似绚MaggieQ 艹Max丶光速神话Socrates-苏格拉

失忆小姐Seve Bitter、泪海 just筱锋 倾城AllureLove lcbkmm牵扯 温文尔雅、Genuine Edinburgh南空SmoKe丶男人味Vae丶绝恋Memor。ヾ黯然KissMeGirl 冷眸丶Tristeani Another丶帅Autism孤独症Toxic'mm 彡kiss丿夏日【篇三】 Only丶凝宸ゞ 丿sky丶拚风舞丨Muc丶诱惑 名丿BeSt宠丝

Sunshinee阳光promise允诺Beaking V1p恶魇Rescue丨流年Shadow〆扯淡Smile璀璨Seven昔年 倾城Allure Dreamer织梦者Roub不孤单 哥、Alice 离沐倾城winnie 菇凉ˉAmor GoodnIght゛流年雨食Infante Agoni暮念promise允诺nto、夜场TroubleMaker spoil-溺爱


【篇一】高端大气的英雄联盟英文名字Sadorhappy GentleMiss Hypocrites Linger. Yourworld. %Minx HighHigh MONSTER *Moflowers Complacent〃 Disappointed° Jinink Lonely-2c° Dream. Flowerlover Oh,mybus Heartbeat- Shuying° DandingMr.Sen, Waste Nonsense

Luextravagant°Jone"A Arrogance. Waylung°Stillprime TheClassic/* ADream taste happiness capital 'ACityclearsky# Waitfor* 〢ヽdemeanor revive compromise, Donkeybaby* Likemasks Vanity Slovenlyuncle Pitfather Bang- freedom.

Pullsisterer. Partingsong/* Whitegraces Goodbyechome Beingentered°Agoodman ╭childheart Etcperson 心弦perpLexIty 温暖Tenderness、Donotcompromise别妥协Awkward懵懂少女 傀儡Puppet▼ ︶目送(Out)GoodLooking Laity(俗人) Dying[逝去] clown(小丑) 蜜蔻mical Vivid warmasever Lost


酷炫!有含义的英雄联盟英文名字! Liam Resolute protector Irish Lonnie Ready for battle German Slayer ACE丶crazy Initial dream foreverdrem ForeverDream丶 oncemore OnceMore丶 Canoraw Canorae Canorat Canorau Canorac The Classic

WOBUAINI Coldest people Drowned fish Goode cat Ning Glass Love Ambiguous I am my lover Sleep at night Distressed Sad or happy Gentle Miss Hypocrites Linger. Your world. % Minx High High MONSTER * Mo flowers Complacent 〃Disappointed °

Lonely-2c °Dream. Flower lover Oh, my bus Heartbeat -Shuying °Danding Mr. Sen, Waste Nonsense Lu extravagant °Jone "A Arrogance. Waylung ° Still prime The Classic / * A Dream taste happiness capital 'A City

clear sky # Wait for \ * 〢ヽ demeanor revive compromise, Donkey baby * Like masks Vanity Slovenly uncle Pit father Bang- freedom. Pull sister er. Parting song / * White graces Goodbye chome Being entered °A good man ╭ child heart Oudi Sunny Doll Exo、你们是永恒


英雄联盟英语演讲稿 在大学的课余时间里,我们用不同的方式进行放松。一些人喜欢打球、逛街,一些人喜欢上网、看视频,还有一些人喜欢待在宿舍玩游戏。而我属于后者,我是一名游戏爱好者。我玩《英雄联盟》。 In their spare time in college, we use different ways to relax. Some people like to play, go shopping, some people like the Internet, watching video, there are still some people like to stay in the dormitory to play games. And I belong to the latter, I am a fan of the game. I play the game "League of Legends". 《英雄联盟》通常被叫做LOL,它是有Roit Game团队开发的,属于大型角色扮演型游戏。在LOL中有不同类型的总共一百多位英雄人物供大家自己选择。盖伦是其中一位英雄人物,也是我最爱的英雄人物,也是我玩的次数最多的英雄。他来自于德玛西亚,“德玛西亚的荣光永远不会消逝”是盖伦最常说的也是我最喜欢的话。 《League of Legends》usually called LOL, It is developed by Riot Games team ,it belongs to the large role-playing Games. in LOL, there are different types of a total of more than one hundred heroes, players can choose by themselves. Galen is one of the heroes, as well as my favorite hero, also is i play the most times


lol英雄联盟专业术语大全(史上最详细) 现在玩lol的玩家越来越多了,而这款团队配合游戏在合作的时候如果队友的术语你听不懂那就悲催了哦,下面跑跑车就带来英雄联盟专业术语让你好好学习下吧。T:指Tank,肉盾,护甲高,血量多,能够承受大量伤害的英雄。DPS:damage per second,伤害每秒,特指能够对敌人造成大量伤害的英雄。AD:是指以物理伤害为主的一类英雄。ADC:是指以远程物理伤害为主的一类英雄。AP:是指以法系伤害为主的一类英雄。APC:是指以远程法系伤害为主的一类英雄。Carry:后期,核心,需要大量的金钱去堆积装备的英雄,成型后威力很大,起决定性作用。Gank:GangbangKill 的缩写,游戏中的一种常用战术,指两个以上的英雄并肩作战,对敌方英雄进行偷袭、包抄、围杀。通常是以多打少,又称“抓人”。Stun:带有眩晕效果的技能的总称,也指打断对手持续性施法和施法动作的打断技。Solo:一条线路上一个人,指英雄单独处于一路兵线上与敌人对峙,经验高升级速度远超其他两路。两名玩家一对一单独对抗,无其它人干预。Aoe :area of effect,效果范围,引申为有范围效果的技能补刀:指对血量不多的小兵造成最终一击的技术,也就是攻击小兵最后一下获得小兵的金钱,也可指对英雄的最后一击获得金钱。KS:Kill Steal的简称,指专门对敌方英雄造成

最后一下伤害获得金钱和杀人数,而实际上对这个英雄的多数伤害是由队友造成的,又称“抢人头”。兵线:指双方小兵交战的线路位置。对线:指己方英雄和敌方英雄在兵线附近对峙。控线:高手们通过技能和补刀,把兵线停留在自己希望的地方。推线:运用技能或者高攻击,快速消灭敌方小兵,并带领己方小兵威胁或摧毁敌方防御塔。清兵:运用技能或者高攻击,快速消灭敌方小兵,获取金钱。又称刷兵打钱,英文“farm”。沉默:可以移动,能够进行物理攻击,但不可以使用技能。禁锢:不能移动,能够使用技能,但不可以进行物理攻击。眩晕:不能移动,不能攻击,不能使用技能。召唤师技能:英雄控制者(玩家)自己可以选定的技能,和使用的英雄无关。技能:英雄一共拥有5个技能,一个英雄专属的被动技能;4个为英雄普通技能普通技能的4个施放键对应为Q、W、E、R,其中前3个技能最高5级、最后一个R键技能为大招,最高3级。)攻击距离:一个技能的距离就是离目标多远的时候这个技能仍然对目标使用。这个距离通常可以通过将鼠标移至技能图标上查看;当你使用技 能时屏幕上会出现一个施法距离的指示。范围:有些技能可以同时影响多个目标,这有很多种途径可以实现,不过很多技能都有一个范围的效果指示告诉你这个技能会影响的区域。圆圈是范围效果的其中一种,圆形区域的技能通常可以通过一定距离施放。另一种范围效果是锥形范围,通常以英

LOL 英文介绍

Good morning, I’m v ery glad to stand on our lectern and give you my informative speech. As the pictures show,today,I will introduce a very hot computer game to you. Its name is league of legends.We usually call it“LOL”. This is a multiplayer game deve loped by “RIOT GAMES”in America, and TENGXUN company is its Chinese agency. Now,it has been the most popular electronic sports game in china. In the game, a player play a role as summoner to summon a hero to fight for him.The chief reason why this game is so hot owing to its mass styles heroes. So far ,there are 119 heroes. Every week TENGXUN will select 10 heroes for players to play freely. Players will get gold coins after game.They can use these coins to buy permanent heroes. Of course, they also can buy it by QQ Coins. And every hero has several special skins,players only can get them by QQ Coins . This is a team game,10 players enter a game at the same time. 5 players at purple team, the others at blue team. There are three main roads in the game map.Top road,middle road and bottom road.5 players play different roles in the game.The frist type is “top”who defend the top road. This type possesses high Defence capability,we usually call them “tank”.The second position is “AP”,(attack power),they usually stay at Middle road,most of them are wizards.The bottom road need two heroes to defend. “ADC and support”,ADC is weak but they can make enormous damage,most of them are long-range heroes. Supports’ main responsibility is protect ADC, and hold the whole rhythm.The last position is Jungling.They develop in the Field area.They are the most important position in the early stage because they should help companions to establish advantage. The most important session is team fight. But every one must have enough money to buy equipments. The main way to get money is Creeps.That is you give the enemy soldiers the last attack.What more , slain the two bosses in the map also can get lots of money . The team fight usually occurs when one team want to kill the boss.Once the team fight break out,every one is supposed to find the proper position.The top should in front of the team to absorb damage ,the jungle help top absorb damage and to kill the AP or ADC. As supports,they should protect the ADC and create safe environment. AP should slain the most threatening enemy. When one win the team fight ,they should break the enemy defend towers and break their crystal base before the enemy reborn. In the world ,there exist two significant games for LOL, one is all-star game,the other one is the final whole season game and the best team will win the champion. LOL is really a fantastic game, it not only bring us happiness but also train us cooperation and reaction capability. Thank you


《lol好听的英文名字》 Marlboro゜ A man in love with a per Man of Violence Tip of health obsession(尖生执念)余温Ending 炫wen Killer machine little情歌 I surrender 我投降 atthew 马修 Samuel 撒母尔 Roub不孤单 Evil Man Zupper丶Slm Vivian 维维安 No more words MARIAGE D' AMOUR Vivian 维维安 Heart scar Sole Memory 独家 带你逃离uniVer Sky殇 The best time] Cars Violence丶孤傲苍星

巴黎左岸 Jane丶 Realistic camouflage(逼真的伪装)执着 Paranoid Enya 恩雅 丿SuperAngel Ean 伊安 Nice丶枪神 Mary 玛丽 Andy 温迪 Petica 柏迪加 克洛艾Chloe Mrprefect完美先生 CUO觉 Allure Love倾城恋 Aaryn 阿润 蝶祭艹famous you're so Vain 哥Alice Emily 艾米丽 I Just Had Sex Rule 宅男 Allure(倾城) Black Queen Storm Wyrm  ̄You're Dog

Assholewait and see Smart丶子溢 Simon forever 伤 Ed 埃德 A strang flower SeEn丶暖色 Angel半路青春 你不懂的man 抑心crofy 权♀杀手Boy Luce 〃典当半世宿命 Heart tired Emily 艾米丽 Black Rock Shooter Joyce 乔伊丝 Stephanie 史提芬拉 East_Boy Won't You Stand bady i love you so much Affusion Ever丶沉沦 醉生梦死Feast adamancy baby(^^)思华 Scene no longer still(风光不再依旧)


英雄联盟 英文解释:League of Legends 例句: 1. 你为何想加入英雄联盟,约瑞科? Why do you want to join the league, yorick? 2. 我们是绿色的英雄,我们前进在通往甲级联盟的路上! We're the heroes in green and we're on our way to first rate alliance! 3. 他们的反对最终用典型的联合国方式得到了解决:中国和俄罗斯的超级英雄也在正义联 盟中谋得一席之地。 In classic u. n.fashion, their objections to authorizing the force are overcome by securi ng jobs for chinese and russiansuperheroes on the new justice league. 4. 二月腾讯用4亿美元购得位于洛杉矶的游戏工作室riot games的多数股份,为面向中国 市场的在线奇幻游戏英雄联盟做支持。 In february, tencent also paid$ 400 million to acquire a majority share of a los angeles-based gaming studio, riot games,and is adapting its online fantasy game league of leg ends for the chinese market. 5. 毕竟,没几个英雄能闯进战争学院的内部殿堂、叫出强力的召唤师,并直接了当的要求 进入英雄联盟。 After all, few potential champions have ever broken into one of the inner sanctums of t he institute of war, startled powerfulsummoners, and plainly demanded to be allowed i nto the league of legends. 6. 一名孤胆勇士能拯救她并且成为人民的英雄。并且这有可能改变联盟在我的人民心中的 形象。你认为呢? A lone warrior can save her and become a hero of my people. And it may change the way my people feel about thealliance. What do you say? 7. 导演penny marshall将全美女子职业棒球联盟的故事搬上了大荧幕并成功让电影里的球 员成为全民英雄。 Penny marshall brought the story of the all-american girls professional baseball league to mainstream audiences andmade heroes out of the players depicted on the big scre en. 8. 吉列公司保持了较高的美国职棒大联盟和吉列冠军计划,一个强大的宣传倡议团结三大 体育赞助美国英雄姿态。 Gillette has maintained its high-profile with the us sponsorship of major league baseba ll and the gillette championsprogram, a strong promotional initiative uniting three major sporting heroes.


【篇一】 1temp Vicky ★`Ethel╳灬 Betty ﹋Provence Poppy Fate丶 YYL、WAN ▼Somnus°SecretWeapon PapaSmurf Harvey Princess Mag Hedy ツ从love变成hate# onelifeonelove Boom! 遗忘。Forgotten. 繁华、Curtain ゆ碎碎念whisper- 逆光Presumptuous≈Gloaming薄暮城 EXOおPeterpan GluTtoNy沉沦BeakHyun。 `Thouger-若无梦@ ジIDIOTLIVE* Welcometomylife Top丶彪悍丿 范二矢心Hor°A DESIRE°情人 控心丶Crazy°つAutism孤独症゛BLUE°深蓝梦境 EXO十二月的奇迹

outsiders局外人stopdaydreaming Super丿潮流盛典无情者—Desdemo. Airplane℃summer-空心° ﹏souven°文字控@唯爱Cindy ˉRemix° Cool、1nG forceOY_ Setlla、 Irene Cool、nG Gary Batman Carl FristCrush ァKatherine Sheila Baslilon、 mine-不配 ﹏souven°文字控Sandm。旧颜Manjusaka丶凄美Lonely(孤独)Amoヽ柠檬Faraway. Extreme。虐心seven。昔年LoverNote Frown‘皱眉Superme`苏柒夏Space° 血色天堂HeavenH 时光纪Boundっ -Fashionbaby 小情绪Triste*


好听的英语英雄联盟网名带翻译【三篇】【篇一】 孤独患者alone。 supergril Prisoner(囚徒) Morbid(病态) Catsayer(隐痛) I’maloser Smile璀璨 Jaroflove Hearth。心脏 Liar(说谎家) Poison.(毒药) Heartbeats. Morbid(病态) Smile荭尘 丿Poison丶 ╱Romance 离沫倾城winter° heart。梦出发

TheMonster Suniy、伤Dependence。Memory.荒年〆Prisoner(囚徒)Loser(失败者)Maryぃ痴supergril Queen. 孤独患者alone。nightmare梦魇Weirdo(怪人)justdoit のonlyyou` Airport空港Please、远离我ThatYear丶今朝Eternity、小矫情LAYearn(想念)Evildoer、蛊惑人Marryme

Faith(信仰)oldflame旧情人Obstinate.固执Envy(猜忌) Queenie.女帝Jenny; Galaxy. Danica TheMonster Outlier局外人G.dragon° 〆Nancy゛╮゛ぃMissnざ惆悵AllureLove Wakeup. O°MyへLove sinkinto.沉沦释怀°Believe Rose丶Theaddictio Justloveyou

浅笑°Sunshine 夜寐-sink°Ionelyの、殇 凉城〔Tristeani Somnus、缺 肋骨rib ForeverLove Pretend°(假装)Cute·寂寥 ミ﹏Memory __Crazyヽ各自安好Becauseof Goddess°女神Autism(孤独症) jυSTī∏ьiěЬE 温存°d3sTiny-Summer°初夏Over__谎言Adream一场梦Christmas丶幻镜LAYearn(想念)


lol英文名字大全霸气 lol英文名字霸气(精选篇) Chains of love(爱的枷锁) Unfair(偏心) Destiny(宿命) Salvation(拯救) loser(遗失者) Delete(删除) Give up on love(放弃爱) Thorns(荆棘) Nefertari(深渊) Review(旧爱) asshead(傻瓜) Stay(挽留) Acolasia(放纵) Weirdo(怪人) Sting. [刺痛] Stubborn(固执) Erstickt(窒息) Yoke(羁绊)

No one and you (无人及你) Autism (孤独症) Guilty(有罪) amoureux(心上人) Monologue(独角戏) lol英文名字霸气(热门篇) Iraqis(伊人) First sonw(初雪) unravel(放手) Nigori(浊酒) Tattoo(纹身) Shouting°(甜蜜) liar(说谎者) scum(泡沫) Struggle(旧事) deep blue(深海蓝) Lethe(遗忘) Krystal(水晶) Ambition(野心) Meet death (生死劫) overdoes (上瘾) Outsider(外人) Bitter(泪海)

Iruri(过客) Taurus(挽歌) rostiute(入戏) Alone°(独自) lol英文名字霸气(最新篇) Treasure (珍重) hurriedly(匆匆) Hickey(吻痕) Trister(旧情人) Archer(久遇) Child heart(虐心) Agoni°(暮念) Appoint(约定) runaway(逃跑) buildings(阡陌) shallow(庸人) Brithday°(失去) Lost heart hurts(失心) Survivor(幸存者) 猜你感兴趣: 1.英雄联盟名字大全霸气英文 2.lol名字大全霸气英文 3.lol网名大全英文开头


霸气的英雄联盟英文名字大全 【篇一】 Nightmare梦魇 奶茶Monstar 张飞_Harry 猫眼WhiteInterweaves bleach死神 Xu丶低调の Vesta 卍MONK。 善生Sum41 战World Tuscany//没有光 候补情人Alternatel M+K=EXO for诶诶诶诶ver、、 Memor.ヾ黯然 你是硪的のangelwhite _Sehun丶狠狠爱 Aboriginal土著居民

ζ丶MУLove 蒲公半岛Chapter- 死期Datesofdeath 活死人-Reflective ǒ↘卟坏 冰瞳amy2ゆ |`ΡLΑУ. 【篇二】 孽欲sha人夜·Forevildoers 一直都黑暗lepros Nicewatch ton9-楚┆≤≥ Funky. R!ven ゛不语却知心belie 涅盘nirvana Aom、晴天 Hidingwho藏匿了谁 locklly Pass/ mua、承诺

Hobo 爱给了WHO 〃Ace、离殇 Dream゛情ゝ メSuperjuniorメSalvatore Lonelypartn情靡 A-momentary Hunter猎人 Hot-怎么忍耐 瞳孔Manipula Tell的黑色耳钻。 摧毁Easy。 @Loseweight、Chainsoflove丶枷锁 情绪Bombasti 【篇三】 患得患失Enchating ℡逆向感情Lament girl Memoryヾノ颤心、、记忆

★kiyomi Sex蛊惑 噬魂师-▼Mysterio Gentlesmile 恋xīnwuyong Gaмe. Smile、好累Timeslover时间爱人 aa never爱 IamKitty! Thesky天空 失恋的贞子Ghosthatred ━End。玩具 1种sty1e︶ Brent ﹏So丶低调ˉ ◤沉默bu↘语BrokenDreams Beautiful.妄言之半Pseudo-lover伪情人


2020英雄联盟英文名字大全Mad Dog I'm fine. You、Andヾme DOVE To the lonel Believe me Cruel heart。 forever love better me @ Memories° Take me away love dearly. Kiss me 偏偏⌒怀念 苏烟Luoい Go↘越室爱 Bertha 。 Thanヾ后知后觉 离沫倾城winter°

Distance▎失落心 _Edmundヾ似懂非懂 ╰Just、等爱つ艾艾。Kiss" Me Just so so. Beat Friends 丶Roll |▍Memor.ヾ浅陌、 °夏日╮ ﹏secret seven° 昔年 || Disheartened trouble give up say goodbye@ summer" Shadowlover End" A monologue. -Agoni jυSTī∏ ьiěЬE leavE'

彼岸花 Triste 。 - bridesmai° Trouble # Onlybeautif泪goddessベ嗤笑Legendhas不成爱HalfgrainⅡ迷迭 - Dream purpose 黑色的雪Poisoned 恋我吗 frozen 不会枯萎 messy 遗置角落的念Abandoned 弃我 The rain 别嘲笑Austriend What does the fox say? Edinburgh°南空Goodbey Summer LUHAN,我爱的少年。Andy、伤心 Stranger、陌生人
