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Section ⅠUse of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

All Sumerian cities recognized a number of gods in common, including the sky god, the lord of storms, and the morning and evening star.__1__the Sumerian worshipped the goddess of fertility, love, and war, she was evidently lower__2__status than the male gods, indicating that in a more urbanized society the__3__that the peoples of previous times had paid to the earth mother goddess had__4__. The gods seemed hopelessly violent and __5__, and one’s life a period of slavery at their easy will. The epic poem The Creation emphasizes that__6__were created to enable the gods to__7__ up working. Each city moreover had its own god, who was considered to__8__ the temple literally and who was in theory the owner of all property within the city.__9__the priests who interpreted the will of the god and controlled the__10__ of the economic produce of the city were favored__11__ their supernatural and material functions __12__. When, after 3,000 B. C., growing warfare among the cities made military leadership__13__, the head of the army who became king assumed a(n)__14__position between the god, whose agent he was, and the priestly class, whom he had both to use and to __15__. Thus king and priests represented the upper class in a hierarchical society.__16__them were the scribes, the secular attendants of the temple, who__17__every aspect of the city’s economic life and who developed a rough judicial system.__18__the temple officials, society was divided among an elite or__19__ group of large landowners and military leaders; a mixed group of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen, free peasants who__20__ the majority of the population; and slaves.

1. [A]Unless [B]As [C]Lest [D]Although

2. [A]on [B]in [C]with [D]about

3. [A]worship [B]reverence [C]admiration [D]gratitude

4. [A]vanished [B]recovered [C]declined [D]attained

5. [A]unpredictable[B]unforgivable[C]unlimited [D]unlikely

6. [A]creatures [B]animals [C]men [D]mortals

7. [A]use [B]turn [C]give [D]back

8. [A]inhabit [B]live [C]reside [D]lodge

9. [A]Hence [B]Thereafter [C]Somehow [D]Incidentally

10. [A]introduction[B]transaction [C]distribution[D]provision

11. [A]as [B]for [C]under [D]of

12. [A]along [B]anyway [C]afterwards [D]alike

13. [A]additional [B]vital [C]singular [D]exceptional

14. [A]alternative [B]secondary [C]intermediate[D]fundamental

15. [A]pacify [B]tempt [C]suppress [D]manipulate

16. [A]Beside [B]Beyond [C]Below [D]Before

17. [A]supervised [B]held [C]managed [D]presided

18. [A]Around [B]Under [C]Above [D]Outside

19. [A]leading [B]noble [C]controlling [D]principal

20. [A]consist [B]compose [C]compile [D]consume


1. D

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. D



9. A 10. C

11. B 12. D 13.B 14.C 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B




1.[精解]本题考查逻辑词。空格处填入的连词出现在句首,说明空格所在分句与下文之间的逻辑关系。选项中,unless表条件,意为“除非”;as作连词,表时间或原因,意为“当……时;因为,由于”;lest表目的,意为“惟恐,以免”,如He emphasized it again and again, lest she should forget.(他反复强调这一点,免得她忘了。)although表让步,意为“虽然,尽管”。根据文意,“苏美尔人崇拜代表繁衍、爱和战争的女神”与“她在地位上却明显低于男性的神”之间存在转折关系,因此选[D]。

2.[精解]本题考查介词用法辨析。空格所在部分存在一个形容词的比较级,即,lower than... 。空格处的介词和status搭配,表示“在地位方面”。in常用在形容词后,表示“在……方面”,如She was not lacking in courage.(她并不缺乏勇气。)a country rich in minerals(矿藏丰富的国家)。因此[B]in为正确项。

其它选项都可与形容词连用。on表示“影响到”,如He’s hard on his kids.(他对自己的孩子很严厉。)with表示“关于,对于”,如Be careful with the glasses.(小心这些玻璃杯。)Are you pleased with the result?(你对结果满意吗?)with也可表示“因为,由于”,如His fingers were numb with cold.(他的手指冻僵了。)about表示“关于,对于”,如What’s she so angry about?(她为什么生这么大的气?)

3.[精解]本题考查名词词义辨析。空格所在部分为分词结构,作状语,即,indicating that... 。其中that引导宾语从句,空格处填入的名词为从句的主语。该名词后又跟有that引导的定语从句:that the peoples... goddess。将空格处的名词,即that代替的先行词放回定语从句,其完整结构是:the peoples of previous times had paid3 to the earth mother goddess。选项中四个名词为近义词,worship意为“崇拜,敬仰”;reverence意为“尊敬,崇敬”;admiration 意为“钦佩,赞赏,羡慕”;gratitude“感谢”。从含义上看,人类对神应该是“崇拜”或“崇

敬”,因此[A]和[B]比较恰当。其次,句中的搭配是pay sth. to sb.,表示“付出某事物给某人”。常用于这种搭配的是reverence及其同义词respect,pay reverence/respect to意为“尊敬,向……致敬”。因此本题应选[B]。

4.[精解]本题考查动词词义辨析。由上一题的分析可知,indicating后是that引导的宾语从句,其主语是the reverence,本题空格处填入的动词是其谓语。由于需要的是一个不及物动词,首先排除[D]attain,它只能作及物动词,必须接宾语,意为“达到,获得”,如attain my purpose(达到我的目的)。其它选项:vanish意为“消失”;recover意为“恢复,复原”;decline意为“减少,下降,衰弱”。由上文可知,苏美尔人崇拜女神,但她的地位低于男性的神。可见,这种崇拜已经减少。因此[C]为正确答案。


补充:one是泛指代词,指“任何一个人”。at will“任意,随意”,如They were able to come and go at will.(他们能够来去自由。)

6.[精解]本题考查名词词义辨析。上文提到,神使人的一生成为任他们摆布和奴役的一生。空格所在分句则从《创世记》找到证据支持上文中的观点,因此该句的内容仍然是关于神和人的关系。空格处应填入表示“人类”的名词。creature意为“生物”,指人时多带有感情色彩,指具有某种特征的人,如You pathetic creature!(你这可怜的家伙!)animals 意为“动物”。men是man的复数形式,意为“男人们”,指人类时应用其单数形式man,如the damage caused by man to the environment(人类给环境带来的破坏)。mortal作形容词时,意为“终将死亡的”;作名词时,意为“凡人,普通人”。因此本题应选[D]mortals。

7.[精解]本题考查短语动词辨析。空格处填入的动词与副词up搭配构成短语动词。use up意为“用完,耗尽”,如He used up all the money.(他把所有的钱都花光了。)turn up 意为“开大(音量、热量等);找到,发现”,如The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field.(那个农民犁地时挖出一个人类的头颅骨。)give up意为“放弃”,常接动名词作宾语,如give up smoking(戒烟)。back up意为“支持,援助”,如The rebels backed up their demands with threats.(反叛者以恐吓手段要挟。)根据上下文意,神奴役人类,人被创造出来后神就不用再劳动。因此[C]正确。

8.[精解]本题考查动词词义辨析。空格处填入动词,其宾语是the temple(庙宇),其逻辑主语是who替代的名词god(神)。选项中的四个动词为近义词,都可表示“居住”,但能够作及物动词的只有[A]inhabit,它意为“居住在,栖息于”,如Some of the rare species inhabit the area.(一些罕见物种生活在这个地区。)因此[A]是正确项。

其它项意为“居住”时都只能作不及物动词,如live in a house(住在一所房子里)。This family has resided in this city for 60 years.(这个家族住在本城已有60年了。)I lodged at a friend’s house.(我寄住在一个朋友家里。)live也可作及物动词,但意为“(以某种方式)生活,过日子”,如She lived a peaceful life.(她过着十分宁静的生活。)

9.[精解]本题考查逻辑词辨析。空格处填入的副词出现在句首,表示空格所在分句与上文的逻辑关系。Hence表示因果关系,意为“因此,所以”,如My mother is by herself; hence I must go home now.(我母亲一个人在家待着,所以我现在得回家了。)Thereafter表示时间关系,意为“其后,从那时以后”,如You will be accompanied as far as the border; thereafter you must find your own way.(有人送你到边境, 然后你就得自己走了。)Somehow意为“由于某种未知的原因,不知怎么地”,如She looked different somehow.(不知怎么地,她看上去变了。)incidentally意为“顺便提一句;偶然地,附带地”,如The information was only discovered incidentally.(这个信息只是偶然得到的。)空格上一句提到,神是城市里所有财产的拥有者。空格所在分句的主干结构是the priests were favored,the priests后who引导的一个较长的定语从句指出,僧侣诠释神的意志。因此两个分句之间是因果逻辑关系,即,由于神的权力很大,因此诠释神的意志的人受到青睐。[A]为正确项。

10.[精解]本题考查名词词义辨析。空格处填入名词,和后面的定语of the economic produce of the city一起作controlled的宾语。introduction意为“采用,引进,推行”,如the introduction of new manufacturing methods(新制造方法的采用)。transaction意为“办理,处理”,如the transaction of government business(处理政府事务)。distribution意为“分配,分布;分发,分送”,如the distribution of wealth/food and medicines(财富/食品和药物的分配)。provision意为“提供,供给”,如the provision of health care(提供医疗服务)。由上文可知,神是所有财产的拥有者,而僧侣诠释神的意志,因此僧侣负责产品的“分配”,[C]为正确项。

11.[精解]本题考查介词用法辨析。空格所在句子的主干结构是the priests were favored,后面紧跟着的介词短语“11 their supernatural and material functions”作状语。用在动词后,as意为“作为,当作”,如Treat me as a friend.(把我当朋友看。)for意为“为了;因为”,如soldiers fight for their country(军人为祖国出征),I couldn’t speak for laughing.(我笑得说不出话来。)under意为“在……下面;根据,按照;受……影响”,如The wall collapsed under the strain.(墙壁因承受不了重压而坍塌了。)of用在某些动词后,接动作所涉及的人或事,如Think of a number.(想一个数字。)根据句意,应选表原因的介词,即,[B]for。

12.[精解]本题考查副词用法辨析。空格处填入的词出现在句末,用在两个并列的名词,即,supernatural (functions) and material functions之后。有这种用法的是[D]alike,它作副词时可用在提到的两个人或两种事物之后,意为“两者都,同样地”,如Safety management benefits employers and employees alike.(安全管理对雇主和雇员都同样有利。)其他项都可作副词,但不符合文意。along 意为“向前”,如The policeman told the crowds to move along.(警察叫人群向前走动。)anyway意为“不管怎样”,如The house was locked and I cannot get in anyway.(屋子锁着,我无论如何也进不去。)afterwards意为“以后,后来”,如Let’s go to the theatre first and eat afterwards.(咱们先去看戏,然后再吃吧。)13.[精解]本题考查形容词词义辨析。空格所在部分是when引导的时间状语从句,其主干结构是warfare made military leadership__13__,空格处填入的形容词作宾补。additional 意为“附加的,另外的”,如additional charges(额外的费用)。vital意为“至关重要的”,如The heart is a vital organ.(心脏是十分重要的器官。)singular意为“单数的;非凡的,显

著的”,如landscape of singular beauty(无比优美的风景)。exceptional意为“杰出的,优秀的;异常的,特别的”,如exceptional talent as a musician(非凡的音乐才能),in exceptional circumstances(在特殊情况下)。根据句意,应该是“战争使军事领导才能更显重要”,因此[B]为正确项。

14.[精解]本题考查形容词词义辨析。空格所在句子的主干是:the head of the army assumed a(n)__14__position between the god and the priestly class。alternative意为“可供替换的”,如Have you got an alternative suggestion?(你有没有其他建议?)secondary意为“次要的,从属的”,如Experience is what matters—age is of secondary importance.(重要的是经验——年龄是次要的。)intermediate意为“(两地、两物、两种状态等)之间的,中间的”,如Liquid crystals are considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid.(液晶被认为介于液态和固态之间。)fundamental意为“基本的,根本的”,如a fundamental difference(根本的区别)。由于下文提到,“居于神和僧侣阶层之间的”,因此空格处应填入[C]。

15.[精解]本题考查动词词义辨析。空格所在部分是whom引导的定语从句,修饰先行词the priestly class。将先行词放入从句中,句子的完整形式是:He had the priestly class both to use and to__15__,其中both... and连接两个并列的不定式作后置定语。可见,空格处填入的动词的逻辑宾语是“僧侣阶层”。pacify意为“使……平静,抚慰”,如pacify the angry crowd(安抚愤怒的群众)。tempt意为“诱惑,鼓动”,如The warm weather tempted us into going for a swim.(暖和的天气诱使我们去游泳。)suppress意为“镇压,压制”,如suppress the rebellion (镇压起义)。manipulate意为“操纵,(暗中)控制”,如She uses her charm to manipulate people.(她利用自身的魅力来摆布别人。)从上文可知,国王和僧侣都是神的代言人,但国王居于僧侣之上,因此他们之间的关系不应是“诱惑”或“镇压”。如果选择manipulate,与use 在含义上出现重复,也应排除。[A]pacify为正确项。


17.[精解]本题考查动词词义辨析。空格处填入一动词,其逻辑主语是who替代的先行词the scribes(书吏),逻辑宾语是后面接的名词短语every aspect of the city’s economic life。supervise意为“监督,管理,指导”,如supervise building work(监理建筑工程);hold 意为“拥有,持有;(军事意义上的)控制,守卫”,如The rebels held the radio station.(叛乱者占据了电台。)manage意为“管理,负责(公司、球队、组织等)”,如manage a factory/bank (管理工厂/银行)。preside意为“主持(会议、仪式等)”,如preside at the committee meeting (主持委员会会议)。根据句意,“书吏监督城市经济生活的方方面面”,应选[A]supervised。

18.[精解]本题考查介词用法辨析。Around意为“在……周围”;Under意为“在……之下,少于,低于”;Above意为“在……上面”;Outside意为“在……外面;不在……范围内,不属于”,如You may do as you wish outside working hours.(不在上班时间,你爱干什么就干什么。)空格上文介绍了庙宇的官员,下文则介绍了与宗教无关的其他社会阶层。可


19.[精解]本题考查形容词词义辨析。空格处填入的形容词与elite(上层的,精英的)并列修饰group,指的是下文提到的这样一群人(large landowners and military leaders)的特点。leading意为“最重要的,最成功的”,如the leading role in the TV series(电视连续剧中的主角)。noble意为“品质高尚的;贵族的,高贵的”,如a man of noble birth(出身高贵的人)。controlling一般作动名词,而不作形容词,如The Government is chiefly concerned with controlling inflation.(政府的当务之急是控制通货膨胀。)principal意为“主要的,最重要的”,如the principal reason(主要原因)。由于上下文谈论的是社会阶层,因此应选[B]noble。

20.[精解]本题考查动词词义辨析。空格处填入一动词,其逻辑主语是who代替的先行词free peasants,宾语是the majority of the population。从含义上首先排除[C]和[D]。compile意为“编写(书、列表、报告等)”;consume意为“消耗,消费”。[A]和[B]都有“组成”的含义,但consist是不及物动词,要与介词搭配,consist of意为“由……组成”,如The committee consists of ten members.(委员会由十人组成。)compose是及物动词,意为“组成,构成(一个整体)”,如Ten men compose the committee. 因此本题应选[B]compose。


(1)hopelessly (ad.) 无望地,无可挽救地;极差地,糟糕透顶地


(3)scribe (n.) 书记,抄写员,作者



Section ⅡReading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

It was the biggest scientific grudge match since the space race. The Genome Wars had everything:two groups with appealing leaders ready to fight in a scientific dead heat, pushing the limits of technology and rhetoric as they battled to become the first to read every last one of the 3 billion DNA “letters” in the human body. The scientific importance of the w ork is unquestionable. The completed DNA sequence is expected to give scientists unprecedented insights into the workings of the human body, revolutionizing medicine and biology. But the race itself, between the government’s Human Genome Project and Rockville, Md., biotechnology company Celera Genomics, was at least partly symbolic, the public/private conflict played out in a genetic lab.

Now the race is over. After years of public attacks and several failed attempts at reconciliation, the two sides are taking a step toward a period of calm. HGP head Francis Collins (and Ari Patrinos of the Department of Energy, an important ally on the government side) and Craig Venter, the founder of Celera, agreed to hold a joint press conference in Washington this Monday to declare that the race was over (sort of), that both sides had won (kind of) and that the hostilities were resolved (for the time being).

No one is exactly sure how things will be different now. Neither side will be turning off its sequencing machines any time soon—the “finish lines” each has crossed are largely arbitrary points, “first drafts” rather than the definitive version. And while the joint announcement brings the former Genome Warriors closer together than they’re been in years, insiders say that future agreements are more likely to take the form of coordination, rather than outright collaboration.

The conflict blew up, this February when Britain’s Wellcome Trust, an HGP participant, released a confidential letter to Celera outlining the HGP’s complaints. Venter called the move “a lowlife thing to do.”But by spring, there were the first signs of a thaw. “The attacks and nastiness are bad for science and our investors,”V enter told Newsweek in March, “and fighting back is probably not helpful.”At a cancer meeting earlier this month, Venter and Collins praised each other’s approaches, and expressed hope that all of the scientists involved in sequencing the human genome would be able to share the credit. By late last week, that hope was becoming a reality as details for Monday’s joint announcement were hammered out. Scientists in both camps welcomed a n end to the hostilities. “If this ends the horse race, science wins.” With their difference behind them, or at least set aside, the scientists should now be able to get down to the interesting stuff: figuring how to make use of all that data.

1. The recent Genome Wars were symbolic of _____.

[A]the enthusiasm in scientific research

[B]the significance of the space race
