当前位置:搜档网 › 国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语2》2022期末考试及答案




第一部分交际用增(共计10分,每小81 2分)

[一5匾:伽读下面的小对话.判断答语是否恰当,恰当的选A (Right),不恰当的选B (Wrong),


1. —Can 1 get you something to drink?

—Yes# please. A coca-cola for mc?

A. Right

B. Wrong

2. —Shall we have something to eat before we go?

—Nice to meet you.

A. Right

B. Wrong

3> —Can I help you?

— Nice to meet you.

A. Right

B. Wrong

4. — Has Peter finished his work?

— Yesu He finished a long time ago.

A. Right B Wrong

5. — Do you like coffee?

—No* J prefer to have tea.

A. Right Wrong


6—20 fi:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答


6. She was nATned ______ his grandfather.

A. after & in

C. to

7. It f s _________to learn how to play tennis

A. easily

C. lazy

8. The child _ ______ fluent English.


A. says

G talks

He is really a good man. ___________ ?

A> doesn't he

C won*t he

IO< At ? new? reporter > Jamca _______ many pl.ee. in the world.

A. has been to & hai gone to

G went to

IL The bu?e?t_________ were full of people> couldn't go very(M.

A. that

B. which

C< there

12. Table Tcnnm it ______ ___ popular tpcirt in thi? country.

A. more K the mo?t

the best

13. You'd better have your hair _______ __ Beforir K^ing to your friend's wedding.

A< cutting R< CUt

C? to cut

14. _ IB wrong with the cun It won11

A. Nothing H Something

C. Everything

15. Ti/injin i? a two-haur journey _____ Ikying.

A.xcrass R in

C from

16. _______ the min und the wind, he came on lime*

A. Apart from ti. In npitc of

C> Although

17. Would you like to go to the cinema?

Pel _ to go to the munrum.

A. rather K prefer

C. have

戚Hr's not tflll __________ to play bokctbnll.

A. enough iFk too

C? very

19. This photo ________ be of Beijing. Therethe Great Wall.

A. can't B- could

C must

20. Mary is not interested __________ keeping Accounts-

A. in

B. st

C for


21 — 25:椎据括号里的要求改写句于,井将答案写在答勉纸上.

21. His neighbor heard them. They made a noise.《用动词ing 形式改写或一句话)

22. They smashed the window.(将句子改成被动语态)

23. They are worried about Jinu (用Whom 针对划线部分提问)

24- It was a place. He wanted io go there.(用where 将两句合成一句〉

25. * Have you got my bag?" she asked.(将句亍改成间接引语)



David and Xiaoyan arrived at the airport in good time. After checking in At the BA (British Airways) desk* they had their boarding passes checked? put their bags through the X-ray machine and went through the passport control an their way to the departure luungc?

They didn't have anything to eat because they would CM! on the plane* but they had a coffee and Then they looked round the shopst. Xiaoyan bought something for Mary? but David didnM buy anythin务Then they wmt to the gate They had about 20 minutes to watt before embarking. Suddenly David realised that he hadn e t got his camera with him. They went back And looked everywhere to see where he could have lost it — in the shops< in the cefct at〔he X-ray machine* at the passport control and at the checking-tn but nobody had seen it-

?| must have left it in the cafe." said David9 "I should have put it in my bag. 1 suppose someone munt have wnlked off with h!”

26. When they arrived At the airport ? they h nd _____________.

A. hardly uny lime 11 plenty o( time

C< JUM enough time

27, They first went 一 .

A# to the checking-in dmk through customs

C. through the pASMport control

2ft. Duvid rcnliiicd that hi# carnrrn wan mixninR when he wan ____________ .

A# in fhc cafe H. in the departure lounge

C t at the gate

29. They looked (or the camera everywhere except ____________ .

A. In the shops

B. at the X-ray machine

(\ on the plane

30. David thought hr must have left tt ____________ ?

A. in the cafe

B. in the taxi

C at home

第五册分Bl洋(共计25分,每小■ 5分)

31-35 ?:英嫌汉?将下列英文句于翻厚成中文.并将答案耳在答H堆上.

31. Thr accountMt which orc in a bit of mc? have to be rendy for next month.

32. Sundy in wearing A long black Mik dres

33? 1 had the window* cicunrd y函zrdny.

34? It ukes 45 mmutc!i to Ref to rhe city centre from the hotel

35. We have enough money to improve the web?ite<



】8. A 2L His nciKhbor heard them making n not^c.

22. The window wnn smonhcd (by them).

23. Whom are they worried ubout? 24? It WAR D place whrrc he wonted to HO . 25e She asiked il I had uot her ba* 第四部分阅读理?(共计20分.每小J8 1分)

第五部分IBUH 共计25分.佃小BJ 5分)

格目现在有点乱.必如要在下个月清理好. 昨天我谓人把忻户而擦r.

从真的到市中心需要花45分忡时间. 我们,足依的住改避网站. 第一册分 交际用语(#1+10分,每小U 2分) 5. A 第二册分 可汇与姑构(共计30分.每小■ 2分) 6. A

8. B IL B

19. C

第三部分 句型变换(共计15分,每小JB3分)

26. C 27. A 28. C 29. C
