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The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management



1. Human Resource Management at Work

What Is Human Resource Management

To understand what human resource management is, we should first review what managers do. Most experts agree that there are five basic functions all managers perform' planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. In total, these functions represent the management process. Some of the specific activities involved in each function include:

Planning: Establishing goals and standards; developing rules and procedures; developing plans and forecasting—predicting or projecting some future occurrence. Organizing: Giving each subordinate a specific task; establishing departments; delegating authority to subordinates; establishing channels of authority and communication; coordinating the work of subordinates.

Staffing: Deciding what type of people should be hired; recruiting prospective employees; selecting employees; setting performance standards; compensating employees; evaluating performance; counseling employees; training and developing employees.

Leading: Getting others to get the job done; maintaining morale; motivating subordinates.

Controlling: Setting standards such as sales quotas, quality standards, or production levels; checking to see how actual performance compares with these standards; taking corrective action as needed.

In this book, we are going to focus on one of these functions: the staffing, personnel management, or (as it's usually called today) human resource (HR) management function. Human resource management refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job. These include: Conducting job analyses (determining the nature of each employee's job)

Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidates

Selecting job candidates

Orienting and training new employees

Managing Wages and Salaries (how to compensate employees )

Providing incentives and benefits

Appraising performance

Why Is HR Management Important to All Managers

Why are these concepts and techniques important to all managers? Perhaps it's easier to answer this by listing some of the personnel mistakes you don't want to make while managing. For example, you don't want:

To hire the wrong person for the job

To experience high turnover

To find your people not doing their best

To waste time with useless interviews

To have your company taken to court because of your discriminatory actions

To have your company cited under federal occupational safety laws for unsafe practices

To have some of your employees think their salaries are unfair and inequitable relative to others in the organization

To allow a lack of training to undermine your department's effectiveness

To commit any unfair labor practices

Carefully studying this book can help you avoid mistakes like these. More important, it can help ensure that you get results —through others. Remember that you could do everything else right as a manager —lay brilliant plans, draw clear organization charts, set up modern assembly lines, and use sophisticated accounting controls — but still fail as a manager by hiring the wrong people or by not motivating subordinates, for instance).On the other hand, many managers-whether presidents, generals, governors, or supervisors-have been successful even with inadequate plans, organization, or controls. They were successful because they had the knack for hiring the right people for the right jobs and motivating, appraising, and developing them. Remember as you read this book that getting results is the bottom line of managing and that, as a manager, you will have to get these results through people As one company president summed up:

"For many years it has been said that capital is the bottleneck for a developing industry. I don't think this any longer holds true. I think it's the work force and the company's inability to recruit and maintain a good work force that does constitute the bottleneck for production. I don't know of any major project backed by good ideas, vigor, and enthusiasm that has been stopped by a shortage of cash. I do know of industries whose growth has been partly stopped or hampered because they can't maintain an efficient and enthusiastic labor force, and I think this will hold true even more in the future---"

At no time in our history has that statement been truer than it is today. As we'll see in a moment, intensified global competition, deregulation, and technical advances have triggered an avalanche of change, one that many firms have not survived. In this environment, the future belongs to those managers who can best manage change; but to manage change they must have committed employees who do their jobs as if they own the company. In this book we'll see that human resource management practices and policies can play a crucial role in fostering such employee commitment and in enabling the firm to better respond to change.

2. Line and Staff Aspects of HRM

All managers are, in a sense, HR managers, since they all get involved in activities like recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and training. Yet most firms also have a human resource department with its own human resource manager. How do the duties of this HR manager and his or her staff relate to "line" managers' human resource duties? Let’s answer this question, starling with a short definition of line versus staff authority.

Line versus Staff Authority

Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders. In management, we usually distinguish between line authority and staff authority.

Line managers are authorized to direct the work of subordinates —they're always someone's boss. In addition, line managers are in charge of accomplishing the organization's basic goals (Hotel managers and the managers for production and sales are generally line managers, for example. They have direct responsibility for accomplishing the organization's basic goals. They also have the authority to direct the work of their subordinates. ) Staff managers, on the other hand, are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic goals. HR managers are generally staff managers. They are responsible for advising line managers (like those for production and sales) in areas like recruiting, hiring, and compensation.

Line Managers' Human Resource Management Responsibilities

According to one expert, 'The direct handling of people is, and always has been, an integral part of every line manager's responsibility, from president down to the lowest-level supervisor.

For example, one major company outlines its line supervisors' responsibilities for effective human resource management under the following general headings: Placing the right person on the right job

Starting new employees in the organization (orientation)

Training employees for jobs that are new to them

Improving the job performance of each person

Gaining creative cooperation and developing smooth working relationships Interpreting the company s policies and procedures

Controlling labor costs

Developing the abilities of each person

Creating and maintaining departmental morale

Protecting employees' health and physical condition

In small organizations, line managers may carry out all these personnel duties unassisted. But as the organization grows, they need the assistance, specialized knowledge, and advice of a separate human resource staff.

Human Resource Department's HR Management Responsibilities

The human resource department provides this specialized assistance. In doing so, the HR manager carries out three distinct functions:

A line function.First, the HR manager performs a line function by directing the activities of the people in his or her own department and in service areas (like the plant cafeteria). In other words, he or she exerts line authority within the personnel department. HR managers are also likely to exert implied authority. This is so because line managers know the HR manager often has access to top management in personnel areas like testing and affirmative action. As a result, HR managers' "suggestions" are often viewed as "orders from topside". This implied authority carries even more weight with supervisors troubled with human resource/personnel problems.

A coordinative function. HR managers also function as coordinators of personnel

activities, a duty often referred to as functional control. Here the HR manager and department act as "the right arm of the top executive to as sure him (or her) that HR objectives, policies, and procedures (concerning, for example, occupational safety and health) which have been approved and adopted are being consistently carried out by line managers.

Staff (service) functions. Serving and assisting line managers is the "bread and butter" of the HR manager's job. For example, HR assists in the hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, promoting, and firing of employees. It also administers the various benefit programs (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on). It assists line managers in their attempts to comply with equal employment and occupational safety laws. And it plays an important role with respect to grievances and labor relations. As part of these service activities, the HR managers land department) also carry out an "innovator" role by providing 'up to date information on current trends and new methods of solving problems. For example, there is much interest today in instituting reengineering programs and in providing career planning for employees. HR managers stay on top of such trends and help their organizations implement the required programs.

Cooperative Line and Staff Human Resource Management:An Example

Exactly which HR management activities are carried out by line managers and staff managers? There's no single division of line and staff responsibilities that could be applied across the board in all organizations. But to show you what such a division might look like. This shows some HR responsibilities of line managers and staff managers in five areas: recruitment and selection; training and development; compensation; labor relations; and employee security and safety.

For example, in the area of recruiting and hiring it's the line manager’s responsibil ity to specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific positions. Then the HR staff takes over. They develop sources of qualified applicants and conduct initial screening interviews. They administer the appropriate tests. Then they refer the best applicants to the supervisor (line manager), who interviews and selects the ones he or she wants.

In summary, HR management is an integral part of every manager's job. Whether you're a first-line supervisor, middle manager, or president, whether you're a production manager, sales manager, office manager, hospital administrator, county manager (or HR manager), getting results through people is the name of the game. And to do this, you'll need a good working knowledge of the human resource/personnel concepts and techniques in this book.

4. Tomorrow's HR

Trends like globalization and technological innovation are changing the way firms are managed. Organizations today must grapple with revolutionary trends, accelerating product and technological change, globalize competition, deregulation, demographic changes, and trends toward a service society and the information age.These trends have changed the playing field on which firms must compete. In particular, they have dramatically increased the degree of competition in virtually all industries, while forcing firms to cope with unprecedented product innovation and technological


In the companies that have successfully responded to these challenges, new modes of organizing and managing have emerged.For example:

The traditional, pyramid-shaped organization is giving way to new organizational forms. At firms like AT&T the new way of organizing stresses cross-functional teams and boosting interdepartmental communications.

There is a corresponding de-emphasis on "sticking to the chain of command" to get decisions made. At General Electric, Chairman Jack Welch talks of the boundary less organization, in which employees do not identify with separate departments but instead interact with whomever they must to get the job done.

Employees are being empowered to make more and more decisions. Experts argue for turning the typical organization upside down. They say today's organization should put the customer on top and emphasize that every move the company makes should be toward satisfying the customer's needs. Management must therefore empower its front-line employees—the front desk clerks at the hotel, the cabin attendants on the Delta plane, and the assemblers at Saturn. In other words, employees need the authority to respond quickly to the customer's needs. The main purpose of managers in this "upside down" organization is to serve the front-line employees, to see that they have what they need to do their jobs — and thus to serve the customers.

Flatter organizations are the norm. Instead of the pyramid-shaped organization with its seven to ten or more layers of management, flat organizations with just three or four levels will prevail. Many companies (including AT&T and General Electric) have already cut the management layers from a dozen to six or fewer. As the remaining managers have more people reporting to them, they will be less able to meddle in the work of their subordinates.

Work itself—on the factory floor, in the office, even in the hotel —is increasingly organized around teams and processes rather than specialized functions. On the plant floor, a worker will not just have the job of installing the same door handle over and over again. He or she will belong to a multifunction team, one that manages its own budget and controls the quality of own work.

The bases of power are changing. "In the new organization, " says management theorist Rosabeth Moss Kanter, "position, title, and authority are no longer adequate tools for managers to rely on to get their jobs done.Instead, success depends increasingly on tapping into sources of good ideas, on figuring out whose collaboration is needed to act on those ideas, and on working with both to produce results. In short, the new managerial work implies very different ways of obtaining and using power."

Managers will not "manage". Yesterday's manager knew that the president and owners of the firm gave him or her authority to command and control subordinates. Today most managers realize that reliance on formal authority is increasingly a thing of the past. Peter Drucker says that managers have to learn to manage ip situations where they do not have command authority, where " you are neither controlled nor controlling".Yesterday's manager thinks of himself or herself as a "manager" or "boss"; the new manager increasingly thinks of himself or herself as a "sponsor", "team

leader", or "internal consultant".

Managers today must build commitment Building adaptive, customer-responsive organizations means that eliciting employee’s commitme nt and self-control is more important than it has ever been. GE's Jack Welch put it this way: The only way I see to get more productivity is by getting people involved and excited about their jobs. You can't afford to have anyone walk through a gate of a factory or into an office who is not giving 120%".



1. 人力资源管理工作






























2. 人力资源管理的项目管理和职员管理方面




项目管理人员有权直接管理下属的工作,他们一直是某些人的老板。此外,项目管理人员负责完成本组织的基本目标(例如,酒店管理人员和生产销售管理人员是一般管理人员。他们为实现该组织的基本目标负有直接责任。他们还有权直接管理其下属的工作。 )另一方面,职员管理人员被授权在实现这些基本目标时给项目管理人员提供协助和意见。人力资源管理人员是一般的职员管理人员。他们负责在招聘、雇用和赔偿领域给项目管理人员提供意见(例如为生产、销售提供的那些)。

























4. 明天的人力资源













标题:从战略性的角度,如何看待人力资源管理 人力资源专业化建设是构建战略性人力资源管理体系的专业保障。战略性人力资源管理有着明显的专业特征,通过专业化建设为有效实施人力资源管理职能奠定专业基础,人力资源的专业化建设内容包括:组织系统的岗位分析以明确每个岗位的工作职责、工作职权、工作条件和任职资格;根据公司业务和职位特征设定相应的定员标准;组织系统的岗位评价,作为制定薪酬序列的重要依据;根据公司战略需要和岗位类别开发出相应的素质和能力模型。 人力资源基础建设是战略性人力资源管理体系正常运行的基本保障。战略性人力资源管理是一个庞大的系统,要保证这个系统能够得到正常运行还需要建立一个与之相适应的基础管理体系,包括通过建立人力资源管理信息系统高效为各项人力资源管理活动提供客观的信息,开展日常的事务性工作保证人力资源管理体系的有效运行。 一、人力资源管理的新地位 面临着科学技术发展速度日益加快、企业经营竞争压力日益增大,任何企业管理者都必须为明天的生存和发展而未雨绸缪。当企业的总体战略明确之后,能否按照拟定的方向运行,最重要的因素莫过于人力资源管理因素。因为人力资源是企业系统中最难协同而又贯穿于经营过程始终并控制每一个环节的系统构成。因此,构建基于战略的企业人力资源管理体系是企业成功发展的关键,也是人力资源管理充分发挥作用的必要条件。 第一,通过人力资源的规划、政策及管理实践达到获得竞争优势的人力资源配置的目的,强调人力资源与组织战略的匹配,强调通过人力资源管理活动实现组织战略的灵活性,强调人力资源管理活动的目的是实现组织目标,战略人力资源管理把人力资源管理提升到战略的地位,就是系统地将人与组织联系起来,建立统一性和适应性相结合的人力资源管理。


企业创新战略外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 翻译之一: Choosing an innovation strategy: theory and practice Author:Joseph T. Gilbert Nationality:America Derivation:Business Horizons, Nov-Dec, 1994 Innovations come as both inventions and adoptions. They come in many types and vary greatly in complexity and scope. Companies attempting to

make a profit cannot continue for long periods without innovating. If they try, their customers will leave them for firms with more up-to-date products or services. It is an observed fact that different companies take different approaches to the use of innovation in attempting to improve their performance. Both academic and practitioner publications in recent years have contained a great deal of writing about innovation, the subjects of which have ranged from comparisons of national patterns of innovation to studies of individual innovations. However, little has been published regarding one issue of both theoretical and practical importance: the innovation policy or strategy of individual firms. Business strategy as a field of study is concerned with how a company competes in its chosen business. It deals with the analysis of a firm's strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats presented by the firm's environment. Strategy looks toward consistent execution of broad plans to achieve certain levels of performance. Innovation strategy determines to what degree and in what way a firm attempts to use innovation to execute its business strategy and improve its performance. To choose an innovation strategy, managers might logically start by thinking about various kinds of innovations and their requirements. We shall discuss three major features of innovation, and analyze each in terms of distinct opposites, even though innovations found in the real world more often appear at various points between these opposites. Innovation is sometimes used in a limited sense to refer only to inventions (products, services, or administrative procedures that no other firm has introduced). More often, however, it applies in a more general sense that includes both invention as described above and imitation (adoption by a firm of a product, service, or administrative procedure that is not an invention but is new to that firm). We use the term in this second sense. Innovations can be characterized in a variety of ways. In the following


文献信息: 文献标题:Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management(影响人力资源管理未来的挑战和机遇) 国外作者:Dianna L. Stone,Diana L. Deadrick 文献出处:《Human Resource Management Review》, 2015, 25(2):139-145 字数统计:英文3725单词,21193字符;中文6933汉字 外文文献: Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management Abstract Today, the field of Human Resource Management (HR) is experiencing numerous pressures for change. Shifts in the economy, globalization, domestic diversity, and technology have created new demands for organizations, and propelled the field in some completely new directions. However, we believe that these challenges also create numerous opportunities for HR and organizations as a whole. Thus, the primary purposes of this article are to examine some of the challenges and opportunities that should influence the future of HR. We also consider implications for future research and practice in the field. Keywords: Future of human resource management, Globalization, Knowledge economy Diversity, Technology 1.Change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledge economy One of the major challenges influencing the future of HR processes is the change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledgebased economy. This new economy is characterized by a decline in manufacturing and a growth in service or knowledge as the core of the economic base. A service economy can be defined as a system based on buying and selling of services or providing something for others (Oxford



X《战略性人力资源管理体系的构建》2013年度课纲 引言 1、课程内容安排 2、课程要求与U标 3、现场分组 4、小组讨论:经营与管理的关系 第一章什么是战略性人力资源管理 第一篇:如何理解企业战略 1.推动企业战略的内、外部因素 2.什么是企业战略 3.战略研究的基本问题 4.企业战略体系的构成 5.企业战略的常见类型 小结 第二篇:如何理解战略性人力资源管理 1、战略成功实施的关键 2、战略实施中遇到的人力资源障碍 3、国际人力资源管理发展的三个阶段 4、中国企业人力资源管理的三种境界 5、什么是战略性人力资源管理 6、战略性人力资源管理的特点 7、战略性人力资源管理系统的核心 小结 第二章战略性人力资源管理核心体系的构建 第一篇,基于战略的人力资源规划体系的构建

BQFT 的人力资源战略规划 小结 第二节:如何制定人力资源规划并有效实施 1、传统补缺型人力资源规划的弊端 小结 第二篇战略性招聘甄选体系构建 第一节:如何理解战略性招聘 1、什么是战略性招聘? 胜任力模型与招聘 案例:北京BQFT 人才招聘规划的实施 华为的人才招聘战略 小结 第二节:如何实施战略性招聘计划 1、确定人才招聘的目标 2、选择内部外部招聘的方式 3、运用甄选的四种方式 小结 第一节:如何理解人力资源战略规划 1、人力资源战略解决的问题 2、 3、 什么战略因素决定人力资源战略 人力资源战略与规划的关系 4、 5、 如何从公司战略中导出人力资源战略 人力资源规划的结构 6、 人力资源规划自诊工具 2、 人力资源规划的制定流程 3、 基于战略的人力资源规划模型 4、 人力资源规划的制定方法 5、 人力资源规划的实施要点 2、 战略性招聘的四大原则 3、 战略性招聘的目标 4、


营销策略外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)

译文: 营销策略 内容提要:为了组织的销售能是成功的,它需要根据一个营销策略计划来帮助保证其努力的目标和宗旨与市场的需要想吻合。营销策略审查市场以确定潜在顾客的需要,竞争者的战略和市场地位,并且尝试制定出一套能使组织在市场上获取或维护竞争优势的相关战略。有一些因素会对营销策略计划的发展造成冲击性的影响,它包括内部因素例如组织的财产、技能和组织文化,外在因素例如各种各样的市场驱动者、市场或产业运作方式、战略窗口和竞争的本质。一个优选的营销策略计划也需具备一套意外情况防备策略以应对市场治理及组织生产能力的不确定性。 关键词:竞争优势竞争策略市场地位市场份额营销销售计划组织文化营销策略 营销策略简述 无论组织的产品或服务多么好,除非它们的价值能被传达给潜在的顾客,否则组织依然无法实现它的使命。这种传达和交流是组织内市场营销功能的职责。根据美国市场协会,营销是“一个组织效能和一套创造过程、交流和传达产品价值给顾客、处理与顾客关系的有益于组织和它的利益共享者的方式”。营销作用包括相辅相成的两方面。营销策略在市场上审查市场来确定潜在顾客和竞争者本质的需要,并且试图开发

出在市场上将使组织获取或维护竞争优势的战略。操作的营销被建立在营销策略作用和贯彻各种各样的计划和策略(包括适当的混合营销的发展)吸引顾客和促进顾客忠实的基础之上的。 产品和服务营销的方法 有很多的方式能用来销售你的产品或服务包括做广告,直接响应、推销活动和宣传。然而,除非你能了解顾客、市场和产业的需要并且竞争的优势和劣势,否则这些方法是不太可能成功的。营销策略帮助一个组织尖化它的焦点和在市场顺利地竞争。营销策略与二个组分有关:目标市场和用最佳的方式传达你的产品价值或服务到那个市场。一个可实行的销售方针的发展取决于几个关键维度。首先,与组织之内的所有全球性战略一样,一个成功的销售方针需要由在组织之内的最高管理层签名。销售方针本质上也具有政治性的色彩:在组织之内的强有力的单位在最佳的销售方针也许不同意,并且协议也许需要谈判达成。销售方针也许受组织文化的也影响,并且那得假定这发生。例如,如果组织总是销售它的装饰物给商业主管,它也许就看不到组织之内的低层人员甚至是成人或少年的个人消费潜力。 实施战略销售计划发展的因素 存在一些能冲击战略销售计划发展的因素,这些因素首先包括组织已经拥有或它可能欣然获取的财产和技能。例如,如果组织拥有一个重大编程的部门,就为它能做和销售应用软件提供了可行性的条件。然而,如果这些人员已经在其他工作介入并且不能自由研究一个新的软件项目,并且组织没能力聘用另外的程序员,起始一条新的软件线是不妥当


2015年人力资源管理论文题目汇总人力资源管理论文:按范围来可以分为:公共人力资源管理、企业人力资源管理;按功能来分有六大模块:1、人力资源规划;2、招聘与配置;3、培训与开发;4、绩效管理;5、薪酬福利管理;6、劳动关系管理。下面供大家选题参考!一、公共人力资源管理论文题目: 1、分析我国农村社会保障 2、我国人才测评工作存在的主要问题 3、浅析我国农村劳动力转移与城市化的问题4、河北省人才中介市场的现状及发展完善研究5、我国劳动力移动与灵活就业研究6、组织结构对服务性行业人力资源管理的影响7、人力资本积累对经济增长贡献率研究8、我国劳动力成本上升的原因分析9、中国农村劳动力转移探析10、我国农村劳动力素质分析 11、农村劳动力就业状况分析 12、某某地区农村人力资源状况调查分析 13、女性劳动力就业状况分析 14、论女性劳动力就业障碍分析 15、浅议女性劳动力就业歧视 16、女大学生就业问题探讨(女大学生就业难问题分析) 17、我国高校毕业生就业难的经济学原因分析 18、农村劳动力(或女性劳动力、大学生)就业问题刍议 19、中国人才流动问题及对策研究20、对城市人才流动现状分析

21、人才培养和流动与区域经济发展的关系研究 22、高技术人才国际流动的研究 23、人才流动中的社会保障因素分析 24、安徽省“江南集中区”××人口政策分析 25、合肥师范学院毕业生入伍状况调查研究 26、合肥师范学院大学生西部支教状况调查研究 27、××(地区)公务员录用制度存在的××问题及对策建议 28、××(地区)民营中小企业社会保障制度构建研究 29、论现代公务人力资源管理发展的新趋势--以××为例 30、电子政务环境下行政沟通中的障碍与对策研究---以××为例31、失地农民社会保障问题研究--基于xx地区的调查分析32、劳动经济学视角下浅析大学生就业问题--以××届毕业生为例33、中国老龄人才资源开发战略 34、中国劳动力流动与户籍问题研究 35、女性职业发展的瓶颈与对策研究 36、人力资本、创新与经济增长 37、人力资本、政府公共教育支出与经济增长 38、人力资本外溢与经济增长39、人力资本不平等与经济增长 40、社会资本与农民工就业问题的研究二、企业人力资源管理论文题目: 1、基于战略的电力企业人力资源管理研究 2、浅谈中美企业人力资源管理的差异 3、论人力资源管理对酒店旅游业的深远意义4、人力资源


《战略人力资源管理》试题 客观题部分: 一、选择题(每题1分,共15题) 1、有效利用组织资源,以实现组织目标的过程是( B )。 A.人力资源 B. 管理 C. 控制 D. 操作协调 2、下列属于管理领域的有( ABCD )。 A. 财务管理 B.人力资源管理 C.物流管理 D. 信息管理 3、人力资源管理的产生和发展的过程划分为(ABCD )阶段。 A. 手工艺制度阶段 B. 科学管理阶段 C. 人际关系运动阶段 D. 组织科学-人力资源方法阶段 4、霍桑实验表明( BC )。 A.企业是一个经济技术系统 B. 在工作中,影响生产效率的关键变量是员工的心理状态 C.企业是一个社会系统 D. 在工作中,影响生产效率的关键变量是外界条件 5、组织中个人的目标越是(AB),组织总体目标越难以实现。 A.多样化 B. 多元化 C. 单一化 D. 一元化

6、组织的一般共性有( ACD )。 A.有构成组织的人 B. 组织有特定名称 C.组织中的人有自己特定的任务 D.人的任务在性质和数量上相互协调 7、( AB )是决定工人行动的两项关键因素。 A. 技术 B. 组织结构 C. 员工心理状态 D.外界环境 8、组织中管理者的主要职能有( ABCD )。 A. 规划 B. 组织 C. 任用 D. 领导 9、人力资源管理的内容有( ABCD )。 A. 吸引 B. 录用 C. 保持 D. 发展和评价 10、跨国公司人力资源管理主要模式有( ABCD )。 A.民族中心主义原则 B.多中心原则 C.地区中心原则 D.全球中心原则 11、激励的满足理论包括( ABC )。 A.需要理论 B.强化理论 C.期望理论 D.X-Y理论 12、( A )提出了X-Y理论。 A.麦格雷戈 B.泰勒 C.利克特 D.梅奥

企业人力资源管理系统分析与设计 外文翻译

Enterprise Human Resources Management System Design And Implementation Abstract: Human resource management system is the core content of modern enterprise management. With the rapid development of the computer information technology and unprecedented prevalence of electronic commerce mode,the competition between enterprises is turning from visible economic markets to the network. Developing the human resource management system supported by computer technology,network technology and information technology can not only improve the skill of human resource management and the efficiency of the enterprises but also make human resource management modern and decision sciencefic,Modern human resource management uses B/S mode to avoid C/S modes short coming of difficult in maintdning and reusing.According to the functional requirements of the actual project,this article specificly state the analysis of system,the general desigin of the system,the detail design of system and the practice of the system. The development of the system is the practice of MVC design ideas, maing using the Jsp+Servlet+JavaBean form of development.Jsp is the practice of MVC design ideas’view,in charge of receiving/responding the request of the customer.Servlet mainly responsible for the core business control of the whole system is the practice of the vontroller of MVC design idea to take charge of the statistics and rules of the whole system. In the practice of the system, somr open-source projrcts,such as the Ajax technique,JfreChart statements,fileupload technology,has been used. Using the modern human resource management theropy and analysising the actual situation, comparing the current situation of human resource management system, a huaman resource contents of management system basied on the Internet/Intranet has been designed. The main management,attendance management training more efficient statistics. Keywords:human resource management; B/S mode; Open-source projects; MVC mode. 摘要 人力资源管理系统是现代企业管理的核心内容。随着计算机信息技术的高速发展,电子商务模式的空前盛行,企业之间的竞争也从有形的经济市场转向了网络。开发以计算机技术、网络技术、信息技术支持的现代人力资源管理系统,既能提高企业人力资源管理的技术含量和企业的办事效率,也能使人力资源管理能够进入现代化、决策科学化的进程。现代人力资源管理系统采用了B/S模式,可以避免C/S模式的重用性差、维护难度高的缺点和


建立战略性人力资源管理 当战略管理概念被引进中国以来,不管企业家或经济、管理学家(学者)均在运用和研究战略管理,为自己未来的发展定下相应的战略目标、战术手段,以期待能够在一定的时间内达成企业战略目标。但他们往往忽略了与之配套战略支撑性的管理,特别是人力资源管理。在现代社会里,人力资源是组织中最有能动性的资源,如何吸引到优秀人才,如何使组织现有人力资源发挥更大的效用,支持组织战略目标的实现,是每一个领导者都必须认真考虑的问题,这也正是为什么企业的最高领导越来越多来源于人力资源领域的一个原因。所以人力资源管理也成为组织战略不可或缺的有机组成部分。 一、人力资源管理在公司发展中地位 面临着科学技术发展速度日益加快、企业经营竞争压力日益增大,任何企业管理者都必须为明天的生存和发展而未雨绸缪。所以现代企业都十分关注战略。因为战略是就是方向,是企业把对未来环境变化的预测与对现在优劣状况的把握结合起来对未来发展方向的规划。当企业的总体战略明确之后,能否按照拟定的方向运行,最重要的因素莫过于人力资源管理因素。因为人力资源是企业系统中最难协同而又贯穿于经营过程始终并控制每一个环节的系统构成。因此,构建基于战略的企业人力资源管理体系是企业成功发展的关键,也是人力资源管理充分发挥作用的必要条件。一方面,企业战略的关键在于确定好自己的客户,经营好自己的客户,实现客户满意和忠诚,从而实现企业的可持续发展。但是如何让客户满意?需要企业有优良的产品与服务给客户创造价值,能够带来利益;而高质量的产品和服务,需要企业员工的努力。所以,人力资源是企业获取竞争优势的首要资源,而竞争优势正是企业战略得以实现的保证。另一方面,企业要获取战略上的成功要素,如研发能力、营销能力、生产能力、财务管理能力等,最终都要落实到人力资源上。因此,在整个战略的实现过程中人力资源的位置是最重要的。 1、通过人力资源的规划、政策及管理实践达到获得竞争优势的人力资源配置的目的,强调人力资源与组织战略的匹配,强调通过人力资源管理活动实现组织战略的灵活性,强调人力资源管理活动的目的是实现组织目标,战略人力资源管理把人力资源管理提升到战略的地


战略管理研究参考文献 (总目录) 项保华2003-5-31 重要说明:本目录经过多届博士生的共同努力,于2003年5月整理完成,主要提供本人指导的战略管理研究方向的博士生学习参考之用。可以认为,只要通读了本目录的大部分文献,必将能够对战略管理领域的当前及经典理论、方法有比较系统的把握。若能在此基础上潜心感悟,加强与同行的交流探索,定可具备解决具体战略理论与实践问题的创新思路与实用技能,从而顺利完成博士学位论文的选题与撰写。作为战略管理研究方向博士生培养的业务目标定位为,通过对战略理论与实践的系统学习,达到胜任国内重点高等院校战略领域的教学、研究、咨询工作之要求。所以,对于硕士生以及非战略管理研究方向的博士生而言,不作全面通读本目录文献之要求,各位可以根据自己的兴趣,从本目录中选取部分文献阅读,以作为参与战略课程学习之补充。 学习建议:以具体老师为师的范围终有限,而以文献为师则可延请古今中外名家赐教,广泛借鉴吸收多方面的见解。多读、多思、多写,书山无路勤为径,以学为乐恒则成!谨以此与各位共勉! 1、中文部分 为人经世 ?孔子, 论语(网上下载) ?老子, 道德经(网上下载) ?孙子, 孙子兵法(网上下载) ?马基雅维里(1469-1527), 君主论, 中国社会出版社, 1999 ?葛拉西安(1601-1658), 智慧书——永恒的处世经典(网上下载) ?何兆武, 西方哲学精神, 清华大学出版社, 2002 ?墨顿·亨特, 心理学的故事, 海南人民出版社, 1999 ?维克托·E.弗兰克尔, 人生的真谛, 中国对外翻译出版公司, 1994

? E. 迈尔, 生物学思想发展的历史, 四川教育人民出版社, 1990(网上下载) ?威尔逊, 新的综合:社会生物学(李昆峰编译), 四川人民出版社, 1985(网上下载) 战略总论 ?项保华, 战略管理——艺术与实务(第3版), 华夏出版社, 2003 ?明茨伯格等, 战略历程:纵览战略管理学派, 机械工业出版社, 2002 ?拜瑞·J·内勒巴夫;亚当·M·布兰登勃格, 合作竞争(Co-Opetition), 安徽人民出版社, 2000 ?迈克尔·波特, 竞争战略(原著1980年出版), 华夏出版社, 2003 ?迈克尔·波特, 竞争优势(原著1985年出版), 华夏出版社, 2003 ?迈克尔·波特, 国家竞争优势(原著1990年出版), 华夏出版社, 2002 ?迈克尔·波特等, 未来的战略, 四川人民出版社, 2000 ?格里·约翰逊;凯万·斯科尔斯, 公司战略教程, 华夏出版社, 1998 ?小乔治·斯托尔克等, 企业成长战略, 中国人民大学出版社、哈佛商学院出版社, 1999 专题探讨 ?保罗·索尔曼、托马斯·弗利德曼, 企业竞争战略, 中国友谊出版公司, 1985 ?罗伯特·艾克斯罗德, 对策中的制胜之道:合作的进化, 上海人民出版社, 1996 ?约瑟夫·巴达拉克, 界定时刻——两难境地的选择, 经济日报出版社、哈佛商学院出版社, 1998 ?芝加哥大学商学院、欧洲管理学院、密歇根大学商学院、牛津大学赛德商学院, 把握战略:MBA战略精要, 北京大学出版社, 2003 ?哈默尔、普拉哈拉德, 竞争大未来, 昆仑出版社, 1998 ?尼尔·瑞克曼, 合作竞争大未来, 经济管理出版社, 1998 ?卡尔·W.斯特恩、小乔治·斯托克, 公司战略透视, 上海远东出版社, 1999 ?乔尔·布利克、戴维·厄恩斯特, 协作型竞争, 中国大百科全书出版社, 1998


企业如何有效进行绩效管理 作者:光信息0702 曾露 07133210 参考文献:《国企绩效管理中常见问题及对策》作者:胡杨杨新荣 《团队绩效影响因素研究述评》作者:蔡翔李翠 《绩效管理与绩效考核的区别》 《绩效管理体系里的几个关系》 从管理学角度看,绩效是组织期望的结果,是组织为实现其目标而展现在不同层面上的有效输出;从经济学角度看,绩效与薪酬是员工和组织之间的对等承诺关系,绩效是员工对组织的承诺;从社会学角度看,绩效意味着每个社会成员按照社会分工所确定的角色承担他的那一份职责。 我认为,绩效管理是指各级管理者和员工为了达到组织目标共同参与的绩效计划制定、绩效辅导沟通、绩效考核评价、绩效结果应用、绩效目标提升的持续循环过程,绩效管理的目的是持续提升个人、部门和组织的绩效。绩效管理系统又包括绩效管理制度和绩效管理程序。 当前社会,市场竞争日益激烈,科学技术日新月异,知识经济的发展以及多元化的人力资源需求使得企业运营环境的稳定性低,难度越来越高。在这样的时代背景下,企业的绩效管理就显得非常重要了。绩效管理的核心是促进企业获利能力的提高及综合实力的增强,由此可见,好的绩效管理可以使一个企业富有生机和活力,同时还能提升市场竞争力。就目前而言,国内外的专家对绩效管理的理解和设计都有自己的看法,国内一般认为绩效是一系列以员工为中心的干预活动,它包括目标设计、过程指导、考核反馈和激励发展。而国外学者(如加拿大学者)则认为绩效管理包括指导、激励、控制、奖励。Campbell等人认为绩效不是活动的结果,而是活动本身,对组织进行绩效管理的目的是为了实现组织目标。事实上不论是国外的定义还是国内的理解都包括了一点:绩效管理是人员任用的依据,是决定人员调配和职务升降的依据,是进行人员培训的依据,是确定劳动报酬的依据,是对员工进行激励的手段,也是平等竞争的前提。只有将绩效考核发挥到最大的功效,人尽其才,事尽其功,经济才能持续发展,企业才能立于不败之地。绩效管理永远是推动企业管理变革的原动力。在市场经济发展的初期,大部分企业的成长,是源自于国内消费市场的快速增长。随着竞争的加剧,企业的成长将主要依靠高效的管理体系和制度所培育的独特竞争力。绩效管理的有效


分层分类的战略性人力资源管理模式(四) 人力资源规划。人力资源规划是进行企业人力资源的供需预测,并使员工供给和需求达到平衡的过程。一项有效的人力资源规划既能为企业发展提供充足的员工,同时又能防止冗员的产生。这是企业经营顺利进行的前提?也是企业获取竞争优势的基本保证。 工作分析。通过搜集工作岗位的相关信息,明确界定每个岗位的责任、任务或活动。一份精确的工作说明书可以规范员工的生产经营活动。有利于最大地发挥每个岗位的功效,提高企业产出,从而增强企业的竞争力。 招聘。人是竞争的源泉,优秀的员工能提高生产效率,提供优质服务,降低生产成本。增加企业价值。因此,挑选和录用合格乃至优秀的员工是企业占据竞争主动地位的重要环节。许多企业都十分注重员工的招聘方式,以求最快最省地找到最合适的员工。比如,有的企业采用本企业员工举荐的方式招聘新员工,既能节省

费用,又能快速地找到企业所需劳动者。 培训。培训分为岗前培训和在岗培训。岗前培训是对新员工进行职业教育,使其具有基本的职业素质;在岗培训是结合员工工作中的表现,进一步开发和提高其工作能力。良好的培训能提高员工生产效率。培养稀缺性人力资源,当企业员工的技巧、知识和技能与竞争对手截然不同时,就是一种有竞争优势的资源。比如美国摩托罗拉公司为了获得高于竞争者的优势。不惜以巨大的投资来培训最优秀的员工,被称为公司培训的“金本位”。 绩效考评。绩效考评能识别员工们由于缺乏能力而导致的任何绩效不足?从而对症下药,制定绩效改进方案?提高员工工作技能。此外,对于在考评中表现优秀的员工,企业给予晋升、加薪等多种方式的奖励,使员工产生满足感和成就感,进而进发出更大的工作热情。这一切都能带来员工工作绩效的增长,提升企业在市场竞争中的实力。 激励。激励的过程,实际上就是人的需要的满足过程,员工的表现受感情、情绪与态度的影响很大,他们在工作中产生的满足感会直接影响工作绩效。由于人的需要是多层次、多类别的,企业中的员工不仅受物质奖励的激励,而且也受各种不同的社会和精神因家的激励。因此?应根据不同员工的不同情况,采取不同的激励方式,使合理的需求都能得到相应的满足,以充分调动员工的积极性,提高企业业绩。 员工的内部管理,员工内部管理过程是一个企业人力资源的精心组织过程?当员工的才能在工作中被恰当地组合和运用?用其所长避其所短时,员工的潜能得到了充分发挥,人力资源也就具有了竞争优势。比如?日本丰田公司采用工作轮换的方式来训练员工?通过让员工轮换担任若干种不同工作的作法,考察员工的适应性,将其安排到最能发挥能力的岗位上。 薪酬和福利。薪酬和福利对竞争优势的影响表现为两方面。一方面?当劳动成本过高时,适当削减薪酬和福利可以降低成本?在竞争中取得成本领先的优势;另一方面,要想在日益激烈的市场竞争中占有一席之地,必须拥有优秀的人力资源?合理的报酬和福利正是吸引和留住员工的重要手段。 人力资源保护。人力资源保护通过各种法律措施、经济措施、行政组织措施以及技术措施等,对人力资源在生产和开发、配置和使用等方面提供保护。人力资源保护能增强员工对预期风险的心理保障意识相安全 感,使员工全身心地投入工作,为企业利益付出额外的努力,促进企业战略目标的实现。 人力资源管理诊断。人力资源管理诊断通过对人力资源战略实践活动及其效果的评估,能及时发现问题,纠正错误,使人力资源战略与企业战略保持一致,为企业获取竞争优势服务。 企业文化 自从威廉?大内1981年出版《Z理论》以来,企业文化的研究掀起高潮。Schein认为企 业文化应是:特定群体所发明、发现和发展的,用于学习和应付外部环境及内部整合问题的基本假设形式,并成为教育员工用以认知、思考和感受组织问题的实际方式。Schein 把 企业文化划分为表面层、应然层和突然层三个水平。他认为企业文化主要有两个功能:外部适应和内部整合、


Human resource management more and more drives value. Under the system that economy development mature, human resource management have to match with fight for the best resources performance, if out of character of the manpower form couples out of character of post, the resources performance be not only whole have no, or may have already exhaust. The modern economy stress balance and match, promote management effect and quality vegetable, will human resource match with make balance, the inside contents establish human resource structure frame, use most in keeping with of the person do most in keeping with of work. Establishment human resource terrace is a communication and collection information way, everyone's opinion comprehensive, give up short take long, with processing salary, welfare etc. affair. Human resource most the importance be a training and development, human resource development have to investment at training aspect, with exertive each stratum of human resource potential. 人力资源管理愈来愈被重视。在经济发展成熟的体系下,人力资源管理必须配合以争取最佳的资源效益,若将不适当的人力配对不适当的职位,资源效益不但全无,或可能有损耗。现代经济讲求平衡及配合,提升管理效能和质素,就要人力资源配合以作平衡,其中的内容是设立人力资源架构框架,用最适合的人做最适合的工作。建立人力资源平台,作为沟通及搜集信息管道,将各方意见综合,舍短取长,以处理薪酬、福利等事宜。人力资源最重要是培训及发展,人力资源发展必须投资在培训方面,以发挥各阶层的人力资源潜能。 发展简史 Generally say, the academic circles development of human resource experience: Personal management, human resource management be recently till now rise of manpower capital management. The main dissimilarity namely lay in the principle that company and business enterprise treat an employee of variety and development. 一般说来,人力资源在学术界的发展经历了:人事管理,人力资源管理,到现在新近兴起的人力资本管理。其主要不同即在于公司和企业对待职员的理念的变化和发展。


战略人力资源管理的3种方法 王濂: 实战派人力资源管理专家! 东北财经大学人力资源管理专业 课程:直线经理的人力资源管理 薪酬管理与薪酬体系设计 在学习中层管理培训课程时了解到,战略人力资源管理是相对与传统事务性人力资源管理而言的一种新的人力资源管理形态,它在保证组织绩效、提升组织竞争力方面的战略性职能,促进对战略人力资源的本质性认识,建立战略人力资源管理的方法。 相对于传统人力资源管理而言,在进行企业管理培训时发现战略人力资源管理的方法涉及到对“什么是战略”和“什么是战略人力资源”的界定。虽然,多数的学者已经认识到现代人力资源管理的重要性,但对于“战略”和“战略人力资源”的解释和界定,仍未能形成一个明确的概念。在许多文献中,“战略”的定义多种多样,一些学者认为战略就是一种关系,即人力资源管理实践与组织绩效之间的关系。另一些学者认为,战略就是适应性,即人力资源管理与组织战略之间的适应性。关于战略的另一个难点是如何衡量战略,大多数学者和他们的文献,都倾向于用波特、迈尔斯的经典理论。但是,他们关于战略的分类,通常是在假定组织已经明确界定战略目标的前提下的一种外部性分类,未能充分考虑到环境变动与战略调整之间的关系。 因为对战略界定的多样性,形成理论研究方法的多样性。所以在学习企业培训课程后,总结发现大致形成三种基本的研究方法体系: (1)关注人力资源管理对组织绩效贡献或企业财务行为的影响。 (2)关注企业或组织在所处竞争性环境中采用的战略选择以及这些战略选择在企业人力资源管理中的运用。 (3)考察企业战略与企业人力资源管理政策和实践之间的匹配程度,该研究方法假定“外部匹配”和“内部匹配”都对企业业绩有着深刻的影响。 在上述三种方法中,第一种方法为多数学者所接受,包括德莱利、莱文、奥斯特曼、伯菲、休斯里德、查德维克和凯培利等人。他们认为,战略人力资源管理能够深度影响组织绩效,因此,组织必须确定人力资源管理的实践范围,并保证能够得以贯彻实施。当组织在人力资源管理的实施过程中,实践活动必须和组织的战略需求紧密相连,同时保证战略导向的一致性。 休斯里德提出了被认为具有某种“通用性”的人力资源管理方法。沿着休斯里德的思路,伯菲提出16项人力资源管理工作。德莱利确定了7项战略性人力资源管理工作:内部职业机会、正规培训系统、评价方法、利益共享、工作安全、投诉机制和工作定义。有些文献采用这七项工作来检验人力资源管理的三个主要理论观点:一般性、权变性和配置观,分析结果对这三个理论都提供某种程度的支持。大多数学者认为权变性的观点更适合于战略人力资源管理,但不应忽视配置。实际上,人力资源管理工作与企业战略匹配与否是直接影响企业
