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Topicl . China ' Developments and Achievements

No one can refuse to admit that there are many achievements of China in rece

nt decades. I know some of them, such as econo mic reform, joining to the WTO,

and successfully bidd ing to host the Olympic Games in 2008 and so on. They are

sig nifica nt and outsta nding achieveme nts.

Chin ese people ben efit a lot from these great achieveme nts. Firstly, people '

s living standards have been improved significantly over the past 10 years. A huge

number of families have a TV, a computer, a refrigerator and so on, and the most

important thing is that most families have a bright and big house. Sec on dly, peop le

' daily life becomes more colorful and meanin gful, recent years bring people a lot

of recreational activities, such as computer video games, movies, and intern et. Con

versely, 10 years ago, we still had not these abundant and colorful campaig ns.

Of course, there are still a lot of things which should be done in the n ext 10

years. We should continue to support our economic development and investment, to

protect the environment, to cut down the greenhouse gas emissi ons and to con

solidate our military and defe nse systems.

Topic2 . An unforgettable graduation ceremony

I ' like to say the graduation ceremony of my senior high school. The only

thing that I don ' forget is the speech of principal in my senior high school hall.

During the ceremony, I clearly listened to his words with great spirits for

all of us. His eyes were filled with hope, which seems like that he told us about how

to overcome so many difficulties in the future. His words really attracted all the stude

t give nts and teachers. He told us that we should n any time, because we must try our

best to do everyth ing we could.

After the graduation ceremony, I promised to myself that I should con ti nue to

study harder in order to have eno ugh experie nee and kno wledge to be a better

person who can make more contributions to the whole society.

Now, I am trying to realize what I said. I have huge con fide nee that I can turn a new leaf in my life.

Topic3. A Great Change That Is Special to You

Some changes, while ordinary or spontaneous, have some special meanings for us. Whe n it comes to me, en teri ng the uni versity whe n I was 19 can be regarded as the most sig nifica nt milest one for now.

Study ing in the uni versity means that I have the cha nee to study more. And it also means that I have more social responsibility. The status of being a college student made me feel different. Furthermore, a sense of great acco un tability seemed to tell me that I should make eno ugh preparatio ns for the competitive society .In depe ndent from pare nts and hometow n, I realized that as a grown adult, I should be responsible for my own behaviors and decisi ons.

Some pote ntial emoti ons like fear, con fide nee were sometimes in evitable

in my mind. So my first milestone appeared, that is I had more responsibilities than even before. Reading China Daily, listening to VOA and

BBC, watching English news and the will of making myself stronger and stronger changed my life. I became a more sensible man and now I still remember what I want to do and continue to make efforts to reach that point.

Topic4 . An ti-smok ing group calls for urge nt tobacco con trols

An an ti-smok ing watchdog has criticized Chin ese authorities for "maki ng little progress" on enforcing tobacco con trols despite mak ing a commitme nt to the World Health Orga ni zati on (WHO) almost a decade ago. And millio ns of lives are in jeopardy if acti on is not take n.

Each year in China, more than 1 million people die of smoking-related diseases and the country now has 350 million smokers, including 180 million teen agers, accord ing to the WHO. Without effective in terve nti on, ano ther 100

million Chinese will die from smoking-related illness by 2050, half of them aged betwee n 30 and 60, experts estimated.

People called for sweeping changes including the formation of a new min isterial-level departme nt commissi oned to lead the n ati onal campaig n for tobacco/smoking control, replacing the current Ministry of Industry and

In formatio n Tech no logy, which also admi nisters Chi na's largest tobacco

producer. Despite a lack of national legislation, by 2010 more than half of China's large- and medium-sized cities had issued regulations to ban smoking in certain public areas, said the report. Beijing's Health Bureau this week

announced it was working on making all public spaces - including work sites and public tran sport areas - tobacco free by the end of 2015.

Topic5. The gap between rich and poor in China

In an unu sually frank assessme nt, a top Chin ese pla nning official warned that the gap betwee n rich and poor in China is rapidly wide ning and could threaten national stability. In just 20 years, China has gone from having virtually no in come gap to hav ing one of the world's biggest 。The problem of in come distributi on has become the most no ticeable issue among curre nt

social problems in China. But now how do we deal with it effectively?

I want to express my ideals. The Chinese government is considering collect ing high-c on sumpti on taxati on and legacy taxati on as ways to reduce the rich-poor gap. First, build and help to run a number of housing facilities for the poorest children. Those poor children can now have a happy childhood, or the man beh ind their happ in ess. Second, the society should provide the aids to the in dustrializati on of the Coun try. This is importa nt and it is a fast way leadi ng to gett ing richer. Other measures in clude build ing a

framework for help ing poor citize ns and measures to help those un employed. China's modernization must give priority to reform of taxation, social security, and more support for rural areas.

Topic6. Educati onal System of Chi na

In the recent years, many people have criticized educational system of China. As we all know, every coin has two sides. So, in my opinion, we should look at it with dialectical eyes.

The recent educational system of China inherits the good traditions of ancient Chinese

educational system. In it, teachers have focused on fun dame ntal kno wledge and skills all the time, and stude nts can establish solid kno wledge foun dati on. Chin ese stude nts ' achieveme nts in their studies

are better than those in many other countries in the world. In the international Olympic subject con tests, stude nts from Chi na ofte n win gold medals. Returned students from China always are the best in the course in their classes. These examples can prove the superiority of educational system of Chi na.

On the other hand, educati onal system of china stresses kno wledge per se unlaterally, so it isn ' gbod for students to develop their creative abilities. That should be changed. Creative ability is very important in the international competiti ons.

In a word, educati onal system of China should be reformed in some ways.

We should take advantage of those scientific educational theories and methods. At the same time, we should absorb the merits of the educational system of foreig n coun tries.

Topic7 . Describe a famous person that you admire

I would like to talk about the late Mr. Qian Xuesen(钱学森).He was honored the father of rockets and missiles in China, coz he had made great contributions to the development of modernization, especially in the field of aerospace and national defense. It was in the history class when I was a pupil that I learned of him. From then on, he became a hero in my heart. Well, you see, when the People ' Republic of China was founded in 1949, our motherland needed plenty of talented people to afford the burden of

con struct ion. Un der this circumsta nee, Qia n Xuese n immediately made up his mind to come back to devote what he had lear nt abroad to the con structi on of new Chi na. But America n made every effort to preve nt him going back, and provide him with a lot of material con diti ons, so as to persuade him to rema in in America. Due to his determ in ati on, he tried his best and fin ally succeeds in coming back, and made much contribution to the research on rockets and missiles.

Topic8. A good form of transportation ---------- bicycle

Along with adva need tech no logy and tran sport vehicle developme nt, the world is more like a big village. People have to adjust their life styles for this changing world, especially the ways of their

transportation to different locati ons. Speed and comfortability are the major concerns; otherwise people would probably miss any precious occasions or take much more time to recover from their long and arduous journ ey.

When I was a child, the bicycle is the main vehicle for normal people in China. By all mean s, it is a very 'huge' in strume nt for a little kid. It took me a long time to practice how to ride it, even suffering from doing so since I felt dow n from it very ofte n in the beg inning. Bruise and scratch left on my body sk in were the very com mon hurt. This form of tran sport acco un ted for the most time before I graduated from university. I seldom use it since then, but I am still a good rider anyhow. On November last year, my friend took me to enjoy a special jour ney on the Xi'a n ancient wall, which should be fini shed by riding a single bicycle or a shared bicycle. It took us a whole hour to finish the long way which is more than 13 kilometers long. It's really an exhilarating experie nee!

Topic9. frie ndship

A friend is the one who follows you when you turn and walk away, who guides you and cheers you on whe n you lose your way, who holds your hand and tells you that everything gonna be okay when you feel frustrated, who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.

A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Although we may take frien dship for gran ted , we ofte n do not clearly know what quality a friend should have to continue a friendship . True friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. And true friendship is based on trust, hon esty and sin cere gen erosity of our hearts.

As students, we could share more time with our friends. The friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good frie nds. Frie ndship is a kind of treasure in our lives. It is like a cup of tea when we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have eno ugh time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragra nt drink.

Topic10. Are mistakes friends or enemies?

Mistakes and errors are the discipline through which we advance in life. Mistakes are great teachers.

Success comes to those who are willing to risk making mistakes in the pursuit of their goals and aspirati ons, and who are able to lear n from those mistakes. And in order to learn from mistakes you

must be willing to pay for them.

Mistakes can be eno rmously valuable but whe n you look to others to pay for your mistakes, the n you deprive yourself of the opport unity to lear n from them. Whe n someth ing goes wrong, it's usually very easy to find some one else to blame. But what does that really accomplish?

When you make a mistake, the last thing you want to do is run from it.

Rather, accept it. There is much value to be had when you claim it. The mistake has bee n made, so make the most of it. Pay the price, lear n the less on, and grow that much stron ger.

When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thi ng in to your mi nd, and the n look forward. Mistakes are less ons of wisdom. The past cannot be cha nged. The prese nt is yet in your power and take full adva ntage of achiev ing your goals and aspirati ons.

Topicll . The advantages and disadvantages of computers

Nowadays, Computer is essential for our daily life. It makes our life much easier and colorful, for example, it greatly promotes our working efficie ncy and makes us com muni cat ing with friends much easier. However, it also has brought to us harmness at the same time.

The first adva ntage of computer is that we could use it com muni cate with people all over the world. E-mail and chatting software is wonderful for com muni cat ing with frie nds and families because of the fast speed and

having no postage. Second, with the internet we could solve many problems on computers. The dictionary and encyclopedia is included which could be used to study and help us solving problems. Third, it greatly promotes the working efficiency in our jobs. The mathematical functions of computer are faster and more accurately tha n people, which sav ing us a lot of men tal work.

Finally, computers are essential to our economic life. E-commerce is based on the computers; no wadays a lot of people are doing bus in ess on the intern et.

Each coin has two sides.

The disadvantages are that computers make people become lazy and un healthy. People are prefer searchi ng in formatio n rather tha n solvi ng

difficulties by themselves, and spe nd too much time on the computers makes them unhealthy. To our concern, many adolescents are addicted to the internet and a game, which makes them abandon studying in school and leads them to many bad habits. Someth ing should be done as soon as

possible to protect people from the n egative effects of computer.

In my opi nion, we should lear n to use computers in our own right ways.

The computers doesn ' t have no responsibility, it depends on the way we use them.

Topic12. The role of money

When you glanee at an elegant T-shirt and intend to get it out of that

shop, what is the necessity? Yes, it ' s money.

As to the money, many people used to exaggerate its function in their life. They have a faith that if you have money, you can make the devil push the millstone for you. And they usually spare no efforts to earn money, regardless of what means that they use. For money, they are willing to betray their friend, teacher, and even their families. Lacking of money only leads them to steal someth ing, or to grab somebody and so on. In their eyes, all is merely the mon ey!

But what I want to tell them is that happ in ess has nothing to do with mon ey. Pers on ally, I believe that anything has two sides, and money is no excepti on. Then, what is really the mon ey, devil or an gel? In fact, it is both an an gel and a devil. For people who preserve their moral in tegrity, money is really a devil. It would wear away somebody ' will and people will be invoIved in it. However, for people who are greedy in treasure, money is really a beautiful an gel. It not only brings the prosperity, but also brings the glory and status. There are the two sorts of people exist ing in our world, so there are two differe nt expla nati on no tes. In deed, possess ing colossal money may fine, and having no money may also not fine. There is an old saying: "money is not everythi ng, but without money you can do nothin g."

Topic13. The role of TV

Television is developing fast in the world today, and watching TV has become part of our daily life. While watch ing TV plays an importa nt part in our life, we should not shut our eyes to its unfav orable effects on people's life.

On the whole, however, the advantages of watching TV outweigh the disadva ntages of watchi ng TV.

The advantages of watching TV are self-evident. In the first place, watch ing TV can sig nifica ntly in crease our kno wledge. Televisi on stati ons offer many knowledge programs on TV. When we watch such programs, we may learn new things about the world. In addition, watching TV keeps us abreast of the latest developments in domestic and world affairs. Second, watching TV is a beneficiary
