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蒋静仪阅读教程2课后习题答案(含quotations )

Unit One Huma n Relati on ship

1. Interpretation of the quotations

①No man can be separated from the society and disconnected with other people as an ________ isla nd is isolated from the mankind. The in here nt(内在的)onen ess of mankind is just like

a whole mass land.

②.whe n you deal with issues about yourself, try to be calm, reas on able and intelligent; _______ but whe n you deal with issues about other people, you n eed to be affect ion ate, sincere

and sympathetic.

③Here is an easy-to-follow, buy established and uncon troversial model for gett ing along with other people successfully. You just face and accept any serious misfort une or

failure peacefully, as if it were someth ing of litter sig ni fica nee or value; but n ever treat some ordin ary, com mon place things as if they were extremely serious.


Refere nee an swers to the exercises

Read ing One:

Check your comprehe nsion


1. Fisher and Ury 'theory is based on the belief that the Win or lose ” model does not

work whe n two sides try to reach an agreeme nt.

2. Use positive stateme nts surrounding ideas that are n egative.

3. You can often successfully resolve differe nces if you try this collaborative approach.

Read ing Two

Check your vocabulary

Resisted; frustrati on; fluttered; jerked; restless; halt in gly; gratefully; thoughtless

Read ing Three

Check your comprehe nsion


Check your vocabulary

Adm ini strative; meekly; hysterical; requisiti on; deposit; severe

Confron ted; spluttered; irate; bogus; purchase

Read ing four

Check your comprehe nsion


Check your comprehe nsion

1. How often does this seriously affect people s'c ommunication and make them fail in buildi ng


good relati on ships?

2. Every time pare nts and childre n disagree with each other, specialists ofte n explain

that generation gap "is the reason.

3. We are not sure whether the term is an acceptable expla nati on because the word

g'eneration ” is used, but the other word gap ” can be applied when analyzing

people Sdifferent opinions.

4. Specialists in com muni cati on immediately challe nge this belief and view it in a

differe nt way.

5. A speaker may not speak as fast as the liste ner can thi nk.

6. Because they have free time to spe nd by themselves, the liste ners probably thi nk of other

things and no Ion ger concen trate.

7. As people sinterests vary, when the topic does not attract them, the listeners stop liste ning.

8. If the speaker does not give a good impressi on because of his looks or other matters, the liste

ner would probably refuse to follow what the speaker says.

Check your vocabulary A

1. give rise to

2. arise from

3. imply

4. facilitate

5. sound

6. carry away


7. gesture

8. exercise

9. tune in

disposal; distract ions; facilitate; resort; skip; con tributes; deserted; soluti on

Post-readi ng

A. Through several in cide nts in childhood, Mary lear ned from her father how to liste n

to other 'criticisms, hear the truth in the criticisms, and respect her own opinion.

When she grew up, she did her Daddy advised and made achievements in her career.

B. 1-5 DBDAB

Unit Two

1. Interpretation of the quotations

①Little children, headache; big children, heartache.(Italian Proverb)

In terms of problems that children give to their parents, big children are far troublesome

than little children.

②Mother Nature is providential. She gives us twelve years to develop a love for our __________ children before tur ning them into tee nagers. (William Galvin)

Mother Nature has designed everything for us. She gives us twelve years to establish a

close and affect ion ate pare nt-child bond before they become troublesome tee nagers who keep giv ing us headaches.

③.Adolescents are not mon sters. They are iust people tryi ng to learn how to make it _________ among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves. ~Virgi nia Satir,

The New Peoplemak ing, 1988

Adolesce nts are not frighte ning creatures. They are just people trying to lear n how to

make it among the adults in the world, who are properly not so sure (Virgi nia Satir)


Refere nee an swers to the exercises

Read ing One

Cheek your eompressi on A


Cheek your eomprehe nsion B

1. to be in depe ndent/ in depe ndence/ freedom/ their own lives

2. primitive/ simple/ tribal way

3. beeome adults

4. frustrated, rebellious, restless

5. beeame/ were furious

6. the house key

Cheek your voeabulary

shelter; sit up; rein; adapt; primitive; puberty; lenient; worked out

Read ing two

Cheek your eomprehe nsion B



Read ing Three

Check your comprehe nsion A


Check your comprehe nsion B

1. One child sits in a chair and sticks out his/her leg so that ano ther one running by is laun ched

like a space shuttle.

2. Several childre n run to the same door, grab the same han dle, and beat each other up, ignoring

the fact that there are other doors available.

3. In restaura nts, small childre n cast their bread on the water in the glasses the waiter has just


4. A child uses a chair to slip to the floor.

5. They yell at each other with one stick ing his/her foot in side the door and wavi ng it around, and

the other being disgusted but refus ing to close the door.

Check your vocabulary A

1. You have decided to give up the joys of produci ng copies of some great art pieces at your own

ease in order to in stead produce copies of yourselves, who keep you on the edge of desperati on.

The best

2. Well, ” said, search ing deep in side myself to give a pater nal suggesti on,

3. And we decided to have childre n not for the reas on of making my wife look older.
