当前位置:搜档网 › 大工20秋《专业英语(计算机英语)》在线作业3答案



(判断题)1: CD-ROM is an optical technology that is used to make compact disks for CD stereo systems.

A: 对

B: 错

正确答案: T

(判断题)2: CD is designed to read the disks and translate the data into a form it can process.

A: 对

B: 错

正确答案: F

(判断题)3: An audio wave is a two-dimensional acoustic wave.

A: 对

B: 错

正确答案: F

(判断题)4: The Internet is a world wide collection of networks that use the TCP/IP protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange.

A: 对

B: 错

正确答案: T

(判断题)5: The Internet began as the ARPANET.

A: 对

B: 错

正确答案: T

(判断题)6: A web page is written in a computer language called HTML.

A: 对

B: 错

正确答案: T

(判断题)7: Each web page has a unique address, called a URL that identifies its location on the network.

A: 对

B: 错

正确答案: T

(判断题)8: C is an object-oriented programming language.

A: 对

B: 错

正确答案: F
