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信仰古神吧 魔兽世界暗牧神器萨拉塔斯完整语音

信仰古神吧 魔兽世界暗牧神器萨拉塔斯完整语音
信仰古神吧 魔兽世界暗牧神器萨拉塔斯完整语音






A servant of the Old Gods, let us comsume it.


T here! A spy from N’ zoth … we should kill it.


Do you see it? T he poor host cannot be saved, only put down.


A traitor to his world and to his kind. His end was never in question, only who delivered it.


Another nameless brute of Sargeras prentending to aid these eleves. Little do they know there fate.


Disasters abound here. Elf ruin filled with unquite souls. Right for harvest.

(阿苏纳废墟 ) 灾难横行。不能安息的灵魂在精灵废墟间游荡。太适合收割了。

T he dragons are weak here. You will do well to exploit this fact.

(阿苏纳废墟 ) 即使是巨龙在此也孱弱无比。你会亲眼看到的。

T he Legion borrow deep here. If they borrow deeper, the may not like what they find.


So much fury in the soul, it will be a good harvest.

(黑鸦堡:伊利森娜·拉文凯斯 ) 灵魂中蕴含着如此的狂怒……真是丰收。

Another tortured soul long overdue for oblivion.I am more interested in his advisor, though.

(黑鸦堡:库塔洛斯·拉文凯斯 ) 又是一个饱经折磨,早该湮灭的灵魂。不过我对他的顾问倒是更感兴趣…… ( 拉图修斯,是个恐惧魔王 )

T he recruitment of Eredar was quite a win for Sargeras. He deseperately need more

intelligence in his war host.


A corrupted corpse of a dragon? How dangerous could that possibly be?

(翡翠梦魇:尼森德拉 ) 一具被腐化的巨龙尸体?究竟能有多危险呢 ?

Another mind-warped servant of Xavius. A durid should have better control of his own mind. Don’t you think?

(黑心林地:大德鲁伊格兰达里斯 ) 又是一个心智扭曲的哈维斯仆从。我说,德鲁伊真该加强对自己意识的控制力。你觉得呢?

Xavius’s tricks are cunning. Why reveal youself when you can control from afar?


It is possible N’zoth may be responsible for her form, but her arrogance is all her own.

(艾萨拉之眼:积怨夫人 ) 恩佐斯大概应当对她现在的模样负责。但她需要为自己的傲慢负责。

Behold the wasted power of the Titans before you. Donning their name, no less.


Odyn was a great enemy, until his own arrogance proved his undoing.You should ask him if he has considered Loken’s final words to him. Go ahead.

(英灵殿 ) 奥丁曾是一位劲敌,后来他自己的傲慢却让他一事无成。你应该问问他有没有考虑过洛肯对他留下的遗言?快去问吧。

Skovald seeks to join the ranks of the Destroyers, unaware that so many of those who dare are betrayered.

(英灵殿:神王斯科瓦尔德 ) 斯科瓦尔德企图加入毁灭者的行列,完全没想到之前所有这么干的人都众叛亲离了。

T he fallen aspect’s lair is near. He was the strongest of them and yet the easiest one for us to corrupt.

(至高岭 ) 堕落守护巨龙的巢穴就在前面。他曾是他们当中最强大的,然而也是最容易腐化的。

More of the Titan’s failed experiments grow here unchecked. T he Drogbar proved their failure as creators.


T he tauren here are remarkably resilient to corruption, considering their origins.

(至高岭 ) 结合牛头人的起源来看 …… 这里的牛头人对腐化的抗拒力还真不是一般的强。

I long for the day our masters can truly pass into this realm. You have only seen fragments, shadows, the faintest of echoes. Ask the Etherals what one of these manifestiaon is capable of.


T he nearness of the Void here is comforting.


I was used in the sacrifice of many creatures in a place like this. Every death brought us closer to the complete corruption of this world.


I remember the Dark iron fondly. Modgud is so easy to influence. Such was her hate. Imagine her fury when I abondoned her to the Wild Hammer at the worst time … I can be very easy to lose. Remember that.


We may face some of my brethren in this conflict... a prospect that delights me. T heir power will be mine! T hey will pay for what was done to me long ago.


T he god of the deep rise in his prison, breaking free ever so slowly. You should hurry and defeat the Fallen Titan- there are greater battles yet to fight.


It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate victor. CT hun, Yogg-Saron, YShaarj, and... well. Only one would remain to consume the world, that was always meant to be.




Every little death helps.


Enjoy that.




Did you feel it cease to exist? Hahahahah …


It was thought his kind was incorrputible. A lesson from my brothers, I suppose.


Loken did fine work turning her. But in truth, Odyn’s arrogance takes most of the credit.


Ymiron was a fine tool. He did more to spread the blessing of flesh than any other of his kind.

(噬魂之喉:伊米隆国王 ) 伊米隆是个不错的工具。在散播血肉祝福这方面,他比任何一个维库人做得都要出色。

A beast of stone who ignorantly throws around power he barely controls. He should be put down before he ruins our plans.

(耐萨里奥的巢穴:达古尔 ) 自以为是的石头野兽,胡乱使用自己控制不了的力量。还是尽早放倒他,免得他搞砸了我们的计划。

T hough his is not one of our servants, he has heard our whispers. T hey darkened him forever.

(耐萨里奥的巢穴:乌拉罗格 · 塑山 ) 尽管不是我们的仆从,但他也听到了我们的低语。然后他就被永远地改变了。

T he wall between realms are thin here. So easy to tear open. Do you know what would happen if true shadow and light would meet here?

(虚光神庙 ) 位面之间的界限很薄弱,轻易就能撕开。如果真正的光影在此相交……你知道会发生什么么?

T he research into the Void here is commendable but utimately futile. How could you possibly understand what the Titan’s did not?

(虚光神庙 ) 此处针对虚空的研究值得赞赏,但终究徒劳。泰坦都无法理解的东西,你们又怎能理解得了呢?

I know the Naaru consider us horrors to be resisted. We do not share this view. T hey are merely beloved brethen that lost the true path. T hey will return to their masters … in time.

(虚光神庙 ) 我知道纳鲁将我们视作需要尽力抗争的恐惧。对此我们有不同意见。他们只不过是我们走上歧途的兄弟。假以时日,他们必将回归到主人身边。

Oh, you’ve gathered quite a group of followers. It is fortunate that they are focused on this incrusion and not the true war. T he scope of it may destroy your minds.


Do the naaru speak of the eternal confilict? T hat the entire history of your world is but a fraction of the time that has passed? Of those that came before Draenei? No? Ahahaha…


Xavius uses the power of new master wel. Warping the mind of the demigod is no mean feat.

(翡翠梦魇:塞纳留斯 ) 哈维斯熟练地掌握着新主子赐予他的力量。连半神的意志都被腐化了,这可是大功一件。

Corrupting the guardian of the dream is a bold move. But Xavius may be overreaching. He will be better off quitely spread the nightmare’s influences, instead of raising such a alarm.


Another seed of corruption planted in death. An unquiet spirit will wander in anger and grow in pain.

(翡翠梦魇:大德鲁伊雷弗拉尔 ) 死亡种下了孵化的种子。难以安息的灵魂在愤怒中游荡,在痛苦中挣扎。

Easy prey for the god of the deep.

(翡翠梦魇:熊神乌索克 ) 深渊之神的获物。

Almost completely gone, as if it never existed. But the rift is deep and vast. And somewhere down it stirs. Something has changed. T he last prision weakens. We must prepare.

(翡翠梦魇:通关后 )( 噩梦 ) 几乎完全消失了,就如从未存在过一般。但裂隙深不可测、广阔无垠,在不为人所知处翻腾暗涌。变化无时不在。最后的监牢正在崩解。我们必须做好准备。

It appears the prison of N’zoth is not as strong as it once was. What you see is a tiny

growth of the behemoth that may yet consume your world.

(翡翠梦魇:伊格诺斯 · 腐蚀之心 ) 恩佐斯的监牢似乎并不如以前那般牢固。你现在看到的,只不过是那将要吞噬你们世界巨兽的小小增生而已。

Great dragons bend to the will of Xavius, who serves the god of the deep. Instead of breeding life, she consumes all around her.

(翡翠梦魇:梦魇之龙 ) 就连伟大的龙也要俯首于哈维斯的意志,服侍深渊之神。她曾经孕育生命,如今她吞噬周围的一切。

Another defenders of the Titan’s brought low. Every death makes it easier.


Perhaps now his misery will end, though I doubt it.


Xavius, running from one master to the next, scrambling for power, yet defeated again and again. T he god of deep picks a poor chapion? Or is there something else at play?

(翡翠梦魇:哈维斯 ) 哈维斯为了追求力量侍奉了一个又一个 “ 主人 ” ,却又一次又一次地被击败。那么说, “ 深渊之神的勇士 ” 人选是个错误么?还是说,别的什么好戏又要开场了?

A powerful dragon can be a powerful tool. Alas, gone are the days of Galakrond。


T hese three have enjoyed the secret favor of N’zoth for long enough. Sadly, their reaving days are done.


Such arrogance, even for a long-lived elf. T he taste of her life force is exquisite.


She claims to know the future. But those who have lived far longer than her know the turth. Her deperate bid to remain in control dooms her people.

(暗夜要塞:艾利桑德 ) 她自称能够预见未来。然而还有比她年长的人知道真相。她对权利和控制欲的渴望最终给她的人民带来了毁灭。

Here is one who is caught in the merest glimpse of your grim reality. it wraps his mind forever.

(暗夜要塞:占星师埃塔乌斯 ) 这个人只是瞥见了冷酷现实的冰山一角,然而这一瞥却永远改变了他的心智。

Long has this one’s time been coming. A true servant of the Fallen Titan, he seeks the

doom of all things … as if that would really save them from the Void.

(暗夜要塞:提克迪奥斯 ) 堕落泰坦的忠仆 …… 他的生命早就该终结了。他们希望能毁掉

一切 …… 就好像那么做真的就能战胜虚空一样。

An interesting amalgmation of fel species, I wonder are there more of its kind?


An interesting mutation of an ancient species, its jealousy is nearly incredible. NEARLY.



(女王笑 ) 啊哈哈哈哈 ……

T he spots of Titans infested this area, despite our gift of flesh, they still worship those false gods.


Helya and her cult are strong here. So close to the truth, yet so far.


Do not be impressed by tall icons of the Titans which stand here. T he towers of sacrifice in Nyalotha dwarf these pathetic temples.

(斯托海姆 ) 不要让杵在这里的泰坦巨象给你留下什么深刻印象。和奈奥洛萨中的牺牲之塔


T his city of the elves pales in comparison to the sleeping city...

(苏拉玛城 ) 这座小小的精灵城市,在沉睡之城面前不值一提。

Suramar, its "noble" citizens greedily slurping at their worlds very lifeblood.

(苏拉玛城 ) 苏拉玛,它那 “ 高贵 ” 的公民,贪婪的吮吸着这世界的命脉。

T he fallen elves cower behind their wall. T hey know no other way...


To see Yogg-Sarons nightmare in full bloom fills me with jealousy... and some pride.


Here you will see why the Legions invasion is ultimately futile. All can be corrupted, dreams and demons alike.

(瓦尔莎拉 ) 你在此会知道为什么军团的入侵将终归徒劳。万物皆可腐蚀,梦境如是,恶魔亦如是。

T he elves here are desperate to save themselves from the nightmare, while the demons seek to harness its might. Both will fail.


When do you think she turned? Centuries ago? She hunts and hungers for power behind a cloak of suffering and righteousness.


T his one is old. It’s still not the one of the first. T hese creatures are too hungry for magic to obey our masters, though they still prove useful from time to time.


Another fool who believed Illidans lies of sacrifice and righteousness. Tormented, he turns on everyone.

(守望者地窟:提拉森 · 萨瑟利尔 ) 又一个被伊利丹那套 “ 正义 ” 和 “ 牺牲 ” 说辞所蛊惑的傻瓜。他已经被折磨疯到以所有人为敌的程度了。

Her mother was more impressive. T his one’s hunger is uncontrollable and her tactics overused.

(突袭紫罗兰监狱:鲜血公主瑟恩纳 ) 她的母亲实际上更为值得一提。她对鲜血的饥渴已无法控制;此外她的战术也太华而不实了。

An easy target. Really?


T hese thugs of Sargeras are so interchangable. T his one is good with his axe! Oh, how unique.

(突袭紫罗兰监狱:邪能领主贝图格 ) 萨格拉斯的喽啰们怎么都是一个德行?这一个还拿了把特大的斧子。哦 ~ 真有创意。

How far the manastorm has fallen? Relying on crude machines and weak arcane wizardry did them no favors. Still, they had their uses.

(突袭紫罗兰监狱:米莉费森特 · 法力风暴 ) 法力风暴家的人都堕落到这种程度了?粗滥的机器和孱弱的魔法对他们都不会有好处。算了 …… 他们还有他们的用处。

For this idiotic pustule of NZ oth to have lived so long... it does little to refute my opinion of this worlds new owners.

(突袭紫罗兰监狱:夺心魔卡哈奇 ) 恩佐斯手下老不死的烂脸脓包 …… 这种东西才不会动摇我占有世界的野心。
