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Unit 1The Tail of Fame

Part One

Ⅱ. Text Learning Guide

1. Questions

(1) Because like a dog chasing its own tail, when the artist captures the fame, he does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.

(2) Their freedom to express themselves with other styles or forms.

(3) It means that while men gradually become old, they never learn how to be good.

Part Two

Ⅰ. Writing

My View on Remedial Examinations

Remedial examinations have been part of university education for many years. After careful observation, we can find that it is more complicated than what we have thought.

On the whole, I should say remedial examinations are necessary for our educational system. On the one hand, if none of them fail the examination, how can we guarantee the quality of education? On the other hand, by preparing for and taking part in remedial examinations, students can make up for the lost time. If they can learn from this lesson, it will certainly do good to their future life. To make remedial examinations do the job, however, we have to make sure of several points below. For one thing, we should make all the examinations as fair as possible. Some students cheat in the examinations to get high scores, and others beg the teacher for a satisfactory grade. All of these people should be severely punished. For another, we should not decide the number of students failing the test before the examination. Teachers should bear a standard in mind, which is comparable across the years.

The remedial examination is an important part of college education. Only by planning it wisely and conducting it reasonably can we make best use of it.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1-7 DADCBDA8. 89 million viewers

9. extrinsic goals10. intrinsic goals

Ⅲ. Banked Cloze

11. C12. J13. G14. M15. O16. F17. I18. D19. B20. L

Ⅳ. Reading in Depth

21-25 CBCAD26-30 ADDAB

Ⅴ. Cloze

31-35 CDABD36-40 ACDBA41-45 DCACA46-50 DBCDA

Ⅵ. Word Building

1. discount

2. pessimistic

3. exploitable

4. unintended

5. contaminants

6. uncompromising

7. desperately

8. sustain

9. obligation10. behavioral11. behavior12. imaginary

13. imaginative14. accuser15. bravery

Ⅶ. Rewrite the Following Sentences

1. good luck to those who have a strong desire for fame and fortune

2. that he found no one was ready to defend him at the risk of damaging his or her own name

3. that those who fail get the greatest reward: freedom

4. artists cannot stop in their career

5. stop doing so even when he succeeds in getting it, a dog tries to get its own tail

Ⅷ. Fill in the Blanks

1. Single minded

2. quest

3. motivated

4. rejected

5. potential

6. failed

7. fundamental

8. thrown

9. dull10. struggle

Ⅸ. Translation

1. shouldn’t have been to the cinema last night

2. but other than that, he’ll eat just about everything

3. no matter what we may have done during the day

4. we exploit our resources as fully as possible

5. must have had too much work to do

6. they decided not to work for the sake of the family

7. We remain true to our commitment

8. is accused of

9. other than to live an independent life

10. don’t let failure harm you, don’t let failure take over

Unit 2Charlie Chaplin

Part One

Ⅱ. Text Learning Guide

1. Questions

(1) In addition to being the first great comedian, Charlie Chaplin was also one of the most gifted directors in the history and a great talent as a writer and composer.

(2) When he was 19 years old.

(3) His transformation of lifeless objects into other kinds of objects, plus the skill with which he executed it again and again.

Part Two

Ⅰ. Writing

How to Eliminate Cheating on Campus

Nowadays, instead of listening attentively in class and working hard after class, a number of students adopt all kinds of dishonest methods to get high scores in examinations. It has become such a serious problem that it has aroused the concern from the whole society.

To put an end to such a serious problem, in my mind, it calls for the efforts from all sides. First of all, the university authority should make it clear that any cheating behavior in the examinations, from whispering and copying, receiving answers via mobile phones to asking ringers for help, will be severely punished with no exception. Moreover, teachers of all subjects should go all the way to restore honesty by setting an example for the youth through speaking sincerely and behaving truthfully. Last but not least, young students, the future of our nation, should view integrity as the prerequisite to an upright and responsible citizen so as to learn to despise and fight against dishonest behaviors throughout the life.

How can anybody expect to lead a meaningful life if he is not far from any kind of cheating

behaviors? Only when all of us join in the efforts of eliminating cheating at all levels can we expect to have a cleaner society and a more beautiful future.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)


8. consumer culture

9. mutually acceptable alternatives

10. wise consumer

Ⅲ. Banked Cloze

11. M12. O13. J14. N15. K16. G17. B18. C19. A20. D

Ⅳ. Reading in Depth

21-25 DCABB26-30 DCAAD

Ⅴ. Cloze

31-35 ADBAA36-40 CCABD41-45 BACAD46-50 DDBCB

Ⅵ. Word Building

1. memorial

2. applause

3. refreshment

4. coarse

5. doubtful

6. incidental

7. coincidence

8. terrorist

9. criticism10. ageism11. electable12. relief

13. revolutionized14. political15. surroundings

Ⅶ. Rewrite the Following Sentences

1. known that you were coming, I would have met you at the airport

2. been in good health, he could have written many books

3. were especially useful in his creations

4. that we have run out of water and food

5. that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stable happiness it had earlier denied him Ⅷ. Fill in the Blanks

1. relief

2. spanned

3. threatening

4. turned

5. cautiously

6. with

7. unfounded

8. calm

9. sparked10. talented

Ⅸ. Translation

1. It’s a comfort to know

2. would have attracted a large number of audience

3. would have been different

4. has never lost faith in her own ability

5. I just learned as I went along

6. execute this skill perfectly

7. it is a waste of time to argue with him

8. find their way into the international market

9. could make up a story

10. on purpose

Unit 3Longing for a New Welfare System

Part One

Ⅱ. Text Learning Guide

1. Questions

(1) Problems of the present welfare system.

(2) He has chosen to live a life of complete honesty by drumming up some business and drawing cartoons for magazines.

(3) The system so easily lends itself to abuse by the welfare givers as well as by the clients.

(4) He dreams of a new system that will encourage the clients and help them develop their talents, rather than seek to convict them of cheating.

Part Two

Ⅰ. Writing

Welfare in Modern Society

Social welfare is an essential element of an advanced society. Good systems are always abused, but that does not mean they are faulty. In my opinion, the two main reasons why welfare payments are necessary are as follows:

First of all, critics forget that there are many forms of welfare besides payments to the unemployed. Their negative opinions harm those who are not capable of earning a wage, such as single parent mothers, the disabled, and the sick.

The second reason is that crime increases when people have no means of support. The desperately poor inevitably turn to crime, which is not only dangerous but also costly.

Certain members of society believe that people should look after themselves. They point out that welfare increases dependency on others and destroys dignity. This may be true, but in the case of the unemployed, the relief payments are usually temporary. It is surely the fault of the government if there are long term unemployed.

Without welfare payments the poor are destined to become poorer. The first duty of a government is to provide a financial safety net for all disadvantaged persons, and that includes those without work.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1-7 ADBCADC8. quite homogeneous

9. relationships with consumers10. media

Ⅳ. Banked Cloze

11.I12. D13. E14. G15. J16. B17. N18. K19. L20. F

Ⅳ. Reading in Depth

21-25 CBDBA26-30 DBBAB

Ⅴ. Cloze

31-35 CBDDD36-40 BABAB41-45 DCCCB46-50 ACDDC

Ⅵ. Word Building

1. longish

2. animal like

3. selfish

4. honey like

5. ball like

6. boyish

7. yellowish8. politicians9. bookish

10. lady like11. foolish12. compensation

13. shell like14. beautician15. physician

Ⅶ. Rewrite the Following Sentences

1. to have been killed in the explosion

2. believed to live in New York

3. are said to be homeless after the floods

4. taking care of our chairs

5. have escaped by climbing over the wall

Ⅷ. Fill in the Blanks

1. tough

2. with

3. live

4. result

5. increase

6. behind

7. for

8. out

9. from10. searching

Ⅸ. Translation

1. the mayor has decided to look into the affairs in person

2. Now they are faced with the threat of losing their jobs again

3. You only need to fill out a form to get your membership

4. As a result, they arrived three hours later than they had planned

5. The official got involved in a scandal

6. The man living on welfare began to build up his own market

7. so we are entitled to have them bow to us as compensation

8. After considering your background and experience

9. who turned out to be our new manager

10. There needs to be someone who can act as a champion for the rights of the poor

Unit 4The Telecommunications Revolution

Part One

Ⅱ. Text Learning Guide

1. Questions

(1) The author refers to those places without telecommunications facilities such as telephones, which hinders exchange of information.

(2) Because they believe Vietnam is desperate for any phones and it lacks experience in weighing costs and choosing between technologies.

(3) Because Latin American customers talk two to four times as long on the phone as people in North America.

Part Two

Ⅰ. Writing

People’s Interpretations of Hi s tech

Hi s tech in its largest sense refers to a set of investment s intensive technologies that lead in the modern science and technology as guides for tapping productivity, promoting social civilization and modernizing national defense.

It features improvement, integration, and creativity in technology and has IT, new materials and new energies as its major pillars. When applied to different walks of life, however, it takes on different shades of meaning. Hi s tech in the world of enterprisers is often interpreted as an ideal way to open up new businesses and bring in huge profits. Hi s tech in the context of IT is a general term for such landmarks as network, fiber optics, digitization and information superhighway. To politicians, hi s tech is symbolic of the winning edge a country needs to compete for its rise in the world. With scientists, hi s tech is the representative of sophistication, infiltration, independence, and diffusion. For the military circles, hi s tech means a key factor separating the winners from the losers in the battlefield.

As far as college students like us are concerned, hi s tech always signifies a summit that challenges

our endurance as well as our knowledge learned in class. Anyone who tries to attain it with one leap or fails to endure the pains during the long course of striving toward it will stand little chance to experience the thrill derived from conquering it. And moreover, hi

s tech is something relative and changeable, because today’s hi tech results from yesterday’s technology and will grow out of date as compared to tomorrow’s.

In this light, the ideal way of keeping pace with hi s tech is to build up a sound foundation in basic knowledge.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1-7 BDCDBAC8. qualified

9. recognizes10. excellence

Ⅲ. Banked Cloze

11. B12.J13.L14.C15.I16.H17.N18. G19. O20.E

Ⅳ. Reading in Depth

21-25 ADBCB25-30 BDADC

Ⅴ. Cloze

31-35 BABCD36-40 CBCAB41-45 DCBCC46-50 ADBCB

Ⅵ. Word Building

1. superpower

2. superabundant

3. superspeed

4. superefficient

5. auto timer

6. infrastructure

7. provincial

8. investor

9. usage10.reliable11. disposal12. persistence

13. librarian14. correspondence15. annually

Ⅶ. Rewrite the Following Sentences

1. Concentrate on indoor delights rather than outdoor fights and you ll be much better appreciated.

2. As a result of the development of the information superhighway many people may eventually be able to work at home rather than go to an office.

3. Some people say that this term pupils achievements will be measured by a formal test rather than by their teachers assessment.

4. They argued that their products should be developed on the basis of need rather than profit.

5. It is reported that the number of wild animals in Africa is decreasing.

Ⅷ. Fill in the Blanks

1. boost

2. in

3. to

4. Meanwhile

5. However

6. between

7. in

8. resist

9. despite10. so that

Ⅸ. Translation

1. Petrol now is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago

2. Theirs is about three times as big as ours

3. Latin American customers talk two to four times as long on phone as people in North America

4. the fee for cell phones is typically twice as much as for calls made over fixed lines

5. can transmit 250,000 times as much data as a standard telephone wire

6. By installing the latest wireless transmission systems

7. Anyone can take good photos

8. a business must keep pace with developments in the marketplace

9. where all the books are at their disposal

10. We should make full use of the platform

Unit 5Choose to Be Alone on Purpose

Part One

Ⅱ. Text Learning Guide

1. Questions

(1) All 22 million people live alone, which suggests that it is an overwhelming phenomenon in the United States.

(2) It depends. If they live with their friends, the friends temporary leaving will be received as

a welcome change. However, if they live alone, the temporary absence of friends may leave them with a feeling emptiness.

(3) To stay rational, settle down in a comfortable way and find pleasure from the current life, wait for anything happy that may happen.

Part Two

Ⅰ. Writing

Credit Cards

Personal credit cards are becoming more common in China. Banks and other financial institutions are encouraging their customers to change the way they buy things. Credit cards, otherwise known as “plastic money”, are being offered on very good terms to encourage the change. Consumers will be able to “buy now, pay later”, and many see this as an advantage.

But people need to be careful. There are dangers associated with credit cards. Some people find it very easy to exceed their budget. They are tempted to purchase goods that they do not really need, and can become quickly overburdened by debt. The credit cards often charge a high rate of interest, which exacerbates the problems for these people.

However, used wisely credit cards can improve the quality of people s lives. They can give people access to money to meet sudden unplanned expenses. Properly handled, they can let people control their expenditure and the monthly statements provide a record of where their money has gone.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1-7 CBADCBA8. perfection(or perfection seeking)

9. a new and entertaining pastime10. almost an end in itself

Ⅲ. Banked Cloze

11. I12. O13. B14. N15. F16. E17. K18. C19. J20. A

Ⅳ. Reading in Depth

21-25 CCDDA26-30 BBDDC

Ⅴ. Cloze

31-35 BDABD36-40 ACBDB41-45 CACDB46-50 DADBC

Ⅵ. Word Building

1. efficiency

2. slippery

3. accuracy

4. inspiration

5. underestimated

6. overcharged

7. electrician

8. overreact

9. inadequate10. intolerable11. disorderly12. reliable

13. organic14. depression15. residence

Ⅶ. Rewrite the Following Sentences

1. I ve heard the terrible noise once or twice before, but never so loud as this one.

2. Men are never so peaceful, so graceful with each other as they are now.

3. Remember that the less processed a food, the higher its mineral and vitamin content.

4. The less exercise you do, the more unfit you will become, and the harder everyday tasks will seem.

5. The more openly you and your doctor can talk together, the better service your doctor will be able to give you.

Ⅷ. Fill in the Blanks

1. widowed

2. committed

3. embarrassing

4. purpose

5. rejected

6. characteristic

7. solitary

8. venture

9. tame10. deliberately

Ⅸ. Translation

1. We might just as well walk

2. the more likely it is that you will end up failing the exam

3. which was why he felt so embarrassed

4. and hope that the cooperation can be furthered

5. The richest people are not necessarily the happiest

6. and she wished that she had stayed at home rather than gone to the supermarket

7. attribute academic success/achievement to hard work

8. two countries reached a compromise on import duty

9. consumption is out of proportion to income

10. should have given priority to quality

Unit 6Bribery and Business Ethics

Part One

Ⅱ. Text Learning Guide

1. Questions

(1) Because they don t know how serious the problem of bribery is.

(2) Because these practices are likely to be morally wrong and may be certain forms of bribery.

(3) They wanted to avoid an unfavorable conclusion drawn from the investigation of their possible violation of the US business laws.

(4) Yes. More than 300 US companies, for example, admitted that they had made questionable payments.

Part Two

Ⅰ. Writing

Food Contamination

While 2008 witnessed the great joy of Olympic Games, for thousands of babies and their parents, their 2008 was a nightmare. Due to the tainted milk, many babies were suffering from kidney stone, and some infants even died. This case, however, is only the latest food safety problem.

As people can not live without food and drink, food contamination will result in not only direct health problems, but also other indirect consequences. Firstly, when a product is discovered to be contaminated, people will have lingering fears in a large scale. Secondly, take Sanlu Scandal for instance, when the scandal was publicized, the company only reaped its bankruptcy. In a sense, food safety problem is harmful to the national economy and can affect social stability.

In order to counter food safety problems, corporate leaders should not be blind in pursuit of short term profit through adulteration and other unlawful means. Meanwhile, the government should also perfect its supervision procedures.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)

1-7 CABACAD8. too much attention

9. puppy kindergarten classes10. their mild form

Ⅲ. Banked Cloze

11. F12. L13. H14. G15. C16. A17. M18. B19. K20. E

Ⅳ. Reading in Depth

21-25 CBDCB26-30 BBCAD

Ⅴ. Cloze

31-35 DACDB36-40 BACAA41-45 BCBDB46-50 CDCAC

Ⅵ. Word Building

1. foresight

2. e journal

3. illiterate

4. legalize

5. competitive

6. observable

7. distinguished

8. appreciative

9. appreciable10. definition11. rising12. assurance

13. concerning14. Substantial15. negotiation

Ⅶ. Rewrite the Following Sentences

1. Suppose you are a very heavy smoker and you are anxious to break the habit, where could you get the help?

2. Suppose you have just got married and you are employed for three years to work abroad, how would you explain it to your newly married wife?

3. It is pointless to go there next Monday—there s a public holiday.

4. It is really astonishing that she refuses to talk to you.

5. The children went there to watch the iron tower being erected.

Ⅷ. Fill in the Blanks

1. standards

2. accused

3. fund

4. questionable

5. exaggerated

6. discounts

7. numbered

8. withdrawn

9. competitive10. abroad

Ⅸ. Translation

1. It is pointless to argue with him

2. which I was not able to do before

3. The ability to visually distinguish between red and green

4. everyone involved in the robbery is under investigation

5. concerning whether to stand by the new unfair regulation

6. There is no point arguing

7. Provided that there is no objections

8. it was for being accused of bribery that the Prime Minister resigned

9. If only we had not made mistakes

10. we should never give up our belief in happiness

Unit 7Research into Population Genetics

Part One

Ⅱ. Text Learning Guide

1. Questions

(1) The book concludes that despite surface features, the races are remarkably alike under the skin.

(2) In human blood, because various proteins serve as markers to reveal a person s genetic map.

(3) The ultimate aim is to weaken conventional notions of race that cause racial prejudice.

Part Two

Ⅰ. Writing

On Marriage of Chinese On Campus Students

There is a new dissension putting forward these days: Should Chinese on campus students be approved to get married before they complete their courses? Some people prefer “yes”while some others prefer “no”. Certainly a large number of people just cannot decide on which side they should stand.

In fact, the government allows on campus students to get married before they complete their education. There isn t a regulation proclaimed in writing to forbid marriage of on campus students. But it must affect those triers.

In my opinion, it is unnecessary to forbid on campus students to get married before they finish their college study, however, it shouldn t be advocated or encouraged, because for on campus students, they play the role as learners. Their main task is to learn. If they married, their school work must be affected and they may not graduate favorably or may not be capable for future works. So, I believe: Almost all on campus students should deal with the question reasonably.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)


8. the “fair use” exception of the US copyright law

9. the courts decisions

10. become obsolete

Ⅲ. Banked Cloze

11. J12. E13. I14. K15. G16. N17. D18. A19. F20. M

Ⅳ. Reading in Depth

21-25 BDCAD26-30 BADBB

Ⅴ. Cloze

31-35 CBADB36-40 DBCAB41-45 CBCAB46-50 CDADC

Ⅵ. Word Building

1. sufficient

2. extensive

3. descended

4. superficial

5. variation

6. potential

7. Confronted

8. migrate

9. discounted10. distinct11. adaptable12. reasonable

13. identity14. intensely15. creation

Ⅶ. Rewrite the Following Sentences

1. Compared our achievements today with what we started out to be, it is more than a miracle brought about by years of exceptionally hard work.

2. Hepworth is more than a film maker; he had learnt to find stories that would have genuine popular appeal.

3. The experience of sightseeing in the wonderful island is nothing less than exciting and I am moved to tears.

4. Their dream was nothing less than a revolutionary project to bring computers and ordinary people together.

5. He was very concerned that she should not be tired or bored; he wanted to make sure that the holiday would be nothing less than perfect for her.

Ⅷ. Fill in the Blanks

1. advanced

2. survive

3. preference

4. dominant

5. commenced

6. evolution

7. attributes

8. phenomena

9. sheds10. controversial

Ⅸ. Translation

1. that cooperation was more than an attractive option; it was a responsibility

2. new light has been shed on the history of human genes

3. only hard work in combination with proper methods

4. would serve as a warning to others

5. is confined to those who have close contact with the patients

6. are in a better position to understand what has happened and what to do

7. she was nothing less than dedicated and never allowed her professional priorities to be distracted

8. only those observations considered relevant to that task should be recorded

9. black people are descended from Africans

10. brings about a change in the nature of society and human relationships within it

Ⅹ. Proof Reading

1. of∧safest→the

2. medicines→medicine/drug

3. suffered→suffering

4. if→though/although

5. between→among

6. is→are

7. number→deal/amount, quantity8. in→to

9. 去掉down10. and→but

Unit 8Slavery Gave Me Nothing to Lose

Part One

Ⅱ. Text Learning Guide

1. Questions

(1) The timid peered cautiously at the Northerners from behind curtains; and the bold would come outside to watch them go past and got just as much pleasure out of them as they got out of the village.

(2) When she was thirteen, she was sent to school in Jacksonville, and then she experienced a huge change. She became aware that she was black.

(3) As is described, the contents revealed are nothing but common objects. It suggests that for ordinary people, no matter what color they are, they share something in common.

Part Two

Ⅰ. Writing

Effects of Beauty Products

With the improvement of the living conditions, many people shift their focus to their appearance. Women are in particular worried about wrinkles on their faces. They turn to beauty products, trying to delay the process of aging and stay young. Thus many kinds of skin creams appear on beauty counters.

But people differ as to the effects of beauty products. Some people believe that they benefit from them. Skin cream can effectively renew the skin, get rid of wrinkles and beat back the destruction coming with age. Take Sue as an example, after trying a famous skin cream for several months, she found her skin softer and smoother. While others claim that beauty products may have harmful effects on people s skin and their health as well if it contains too much mercury.

In my opinion, beauty products on the whole are good. But we should not neglect the bad effects of those misleading products. Customers still control the final buying decision.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)


8. emotional dependence, shame and fear

9. they feel trapped and guilty

10. does not guarantee respect

Ⅲ. Banked Cloze

11. G12. I13. B14. K15. D16. C17. L18. M19. H20. O

Ⅳ. Reading in Depth

21-25 DDACD2630 ACBDA

Ⅴ. Cloze

31-35 CABDC36-40 BBCBA41-45 DCDBA46-50 DBACC

Ⅵ. Word Building

1. investigate

2. paying

3. cautiously

4. guarantee

5. permanent

6. disapprove(d)

7. exclusively

8. fragrance

9. bribing10. depression11. generously12. tendency

13. Responses14. significance15.appreciable

Ⅶ. Rewrite the Following Sentences

1. People don t mind paying a lot more for good software because they can see the benefits of using it.

2. I know she isn t really interested in window shopping, but she doesn t mind waiting while I have a look.

3. If people don t mind my not having a degree, I could give a few music lessons.

4. No friends came to see her; she shut herself off, in the old familiar world of bedroom and drawing room.

5. No cigarette end could give us any clue to or sign of anyone having been there.

Ⅷ. Fill in the Blanks

1. that

2. suffered

3. anymore

4. slaves

5. mirror

6. black

7. register

8. past

9. Civil10. nothing

Ⅸ. Translation

1. is owned exclusively by a few rich farmers

2. in that I think no plan is more practical

3. have friends at your elbow

4. one of the prices we have to pay for

5. in company with many others

6. multiplied the chances of disaster

7. I don t mind his staying out so late at night

8. broke off business relations with that company

9. were more or less depressed

10. invite him to your birthday party in the first place

Ⅹ. Proof Reading

1. on→in

2. report后面加was

3. demand→demanding

4. 去掉to

5. in改为that

6. writing→write

7. desirable→undesirable8. begin→began

9. its→theirs10. nation→national

Unit 9Make Euro Disney More European

Part One

Ⅱ. Text Learning Guide

1. Questions

(1)To show that the company faces some delicate cultural issues while it gets ready to open its theme park near Paris.

(2)It made an extraordinary series of tax and financial concessions in order to attract it.

(3)The Disney management has been criticized as being culturally insensitive.

Part Two

Ⅰ. Writing

My View on Opportunity

Different people have different views on opportunity. Some people think that there are few opportunities in the world,while others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunity along his life route.

As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion. For one thing, I finally believe opportunities are everywhere around us. No one will be unlucky enough to have no opportunities all the time, because “every dog has his day”. For another, since opportunities are transient, we have to make good preparations and improve ourselves. Just think of Newton, who discovered the law of gravity when many people had watched an apple falling ahead of them.

Taking all these factors into consideration, we may safely come to the conclusion that there are quite a few opportunities in our society. Only if we get prepared can we seize the opportunities instead of letting them slip by, just as the saying goes, “Opportunities are only for the prepared

