当前位置:搜档网 › 科技英语常用动词




1. 表明, 表示, 说明, 证明

表明: show, indicate, denote, signify

Calculations indicate that...

Preliminary results indicate that...

Recent study has indicated that...

The available data indicate that

Experience has shown that...

Present results show that...

Previouse work has shown that...

This investigation shows that...

表示: show, indicate, express, demonstrate, illustrate, represent

Fig. 2 demonstrates/shows/indicates/illustrates that...

In the diagram, plump lines represent the observed results.

说明: show, explain, illustrate, interpret

explain how a machine works

to be illustrated by examples

The result shows clearly that this procedure is correct.

To interpret electrical phenomena we must examine the structure of matter. 证明: show, prove

as analyses show that... 分析证明

as fact showed that...

It goes to prove that...

It has been proved that... 一切证明

There has been evidence that... 已经证明

Countless facts have proved this point 无数事实证明了这一点

证实: confirm, verify, support

remain to be confirmed 有待证实

verify a scientific hypothesis

It supports the fact that

Equation(1-7) can be easily verified by differentiating equation (1-6)

2. 获得, 得到, 得出结论

获得: "获得" 的宾语多是抽象的事物

win liberation

win the first prize

win acclaim/earn favourable comment 获得好评

achieve great success

acquire knowledge

In order to obtain a higher temperature it is necessary to raise the pressure.

得到: "得到" 的宾语多是具体的东西

get, obtain, gain

get timely medical treatment

By studying the sketch, we can get an idea of the operation of a simple laser. 研究一下简图, 我们就能对简单激光器的操作得到一个概念。

得出结论: reach/draw/form/make a conclusion

come to a conclusion

arrive at a conclusion


What conclusion did you draw from the investigation.

They concluded after investigation that this region was not poor in oil.

3. 构成, 组成, 包括

构成: form, constitute, compose, make up

组成: form, make up, compose, constitute

包括: include, comprise, consist of, incorporate


①如果主语是构成的整体compose 要用被动语态, 如果主语是构成整体的部分compose 要用主动语态:

误: The sea mainly composes water and salt.

正:The sea is mainly composed of water and salt.

②Hydrogen and oxygen make water.

③Every five persons constitute a group.

④The presidium consists of 148 delegates. 主席团由148 人组成。

⑤consist of 表示"由......组成", consist 是不及物动词, 虽然在汉语看来像被动语态, 但在英语却是主动语态。由于此词是不及物动词不能用被动语态。

⑥comprise 是一个双面动词, 其主语既可以是构成的整体, 也可以是构成的部分。此词不用被动语态。

Our course of study comprises five subjects.


Five subjects comprise our course of study.

4. 利用, 使用, 应用

利用: use, make use of, employ, exploit, utilize

New technology must be developed to exploit the new resources.

Make full use of the latest achievement in science and technology.

使用: use, make use of, employ

The new machine has come into use. "come into use" 行为的主体是物

The new machine has been put into use/operation. "put into use" 行为的主体是人

应用: apply (+ to)

applied science 应用科学

apply theory to practice

5. 检查, 检验, 试验

检查: examine

check up, look over

Steam lines should be checked for corrosion.

Look over your excercises before handing them in.

检验: test, inspect, judge

Strictly examine the quility of the products.

To interpret electrical phenomena we must examine the structure of matter. 试验:

试: try

验: test

He tried his new method on oxygen 他用氧试验他的新方法。

A pulsed laser system has been tested on a satellite.

6. 查, 查对, 查明, 查阅

查: 查字典: look up, read up, consult, find out

误: look up a dictionary

正: look up a word in a dictionary

正: consult a dictionary

查资料: read up the literature

Find out the cause of the accident!

查对: check, verify

check the data

verified/examined and found correct

查明: prove, find out

find out the truth

It has been established that.../investigation reveals that

find out how something started and developed 查明某事的来龙去脉

查阅: consult technical data/look up technical literature

He looked through a number of journals.

7. 完成, 完结, 完工

完成: complete, be ready, accomplish, fulfil, finish

complete one's mission

accomplish a task

fulfil the state plan

完结: end, be over, finish

This is not the end of the matter.

完工: complete a project, finish doing sth., get through

It took only one month to complete the bridge.

finish a piece of writing/ complete the manuscript

8. 讨论, 商量, 商榷, 探讨

讨论: discuss sth., (talk sth. over with sb.)

Electricity production is discussed later in detail.

商量: consult sb.. talk sth. over with sb.

Consult the masses when matters arise. 有事与群众商量We ought to talk it over with Mr.Smith.

商榷: dicuss, deliberate with sb. over sth.

This point is open to question 这一点值得商榷。

Here are a few points I wish to discuss with you.

探讨: look/enquire/probe/ go into, approach

approach a subject from different angles
