当前位置:搜档网 › 2018年最新初中英语教资考试教学设计题模板



Teaching Objectives: ?

(1)Knowledge objectives

①(all)Stude nts master the key words/ phrases: ...

②(all)Stude nts lear n the target Ian guages: ...

③(阅读/听力)Students read/ listen the passage carefully and get specific information.

④(写作)Ss can choose the right structure and right tense to write a compositi on.

(2)Ability objectives

①Through doing tasks, students practice and consolidate 巩固target Ianguages.

②Students improve their listening/speaking/reading/writing abilities and communicative competence.

③(阅读)Stude nts read the passage and know clear about ...

④(阅读)Stude nts discuss in pairs or in groups and do exercises to un dersta nd the text. (3)Emotional objectives

①Stude nts improve liste ning and speak ing skills by joining in the tasks.

②Stude nts can express( what ... are )accurately.

③Stude nts love to share ... with others and build a deeper relati on ship with ...

④Stude nts cultivate the habit of (joining a En glish group ) to improve their Ian guage skills.

Teaching Contents:

(对话)The dialogue talks about ...

(阅读)The class is to read.../ It is a passage about ...

(听说/听力)It is a listening and speaking lesson talking about...

(口语)This is a speaking lesson whose topic is about “how to... ”

(语法)This is a grammar lesson about tag questions.

(读写)This lesson is about reading and writing ...

(写作)It is a guided writing lesson. The topic is ...

Teaching Key points:

(all)Students master the key words and target languages, and can use then correctly.

(阅读)Students read the passage and get specific information from the passage.

(听力)Ss listen to the tape and do exercise 2b and 2c.

(听说)Communicate with others on the topic.

Teaching difficult points:

(all)Students freely talk about ... in real communication. ( logically/ smoothly/ correctly )(读写/写作)Ss master the skills of writing a proper passage about ...in right way. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in ( 5 minutes)

Activity 1: Review

T: What ... do you learn in school? Can you say it in English?

(Justification: Reviewing what ss have learned can help ss get ready for the new lesson. ) Activity 2: Sing a song/ Play a short film

The teacher guides ss to sing a song .../ plays a short film

(Justification: Sing a song/ play a film clip that is closely related to the topic of the lesson can arouse ss'learning interest.)

Activity 3: Free talk

(Justification: Through free talk, ss get prepared to listening tasks. / help ss know what they will learn in class. )


Step 1 Pre-listening ( 5 minutes )

Activity : Free talk

T: Good morning! Look at ... So tell me ...

(Justification: Free talk will attract ss 'interest and teaching content would be naturally led in.) Step 2 While-listening ( 25 minutes)

Activity 1: Listen to the tape and finish exercise 2b./ summarize the main idea of the conversation.

Activity 2:Listen again. Make up a dialogue according the content of tape. ( T: Talk about ... ) (Teacher show the tapescript on the PPT. Ss read the conversation and circle the key words and sentences in the conversation. The teacher write these on the blackboard such as “...”) Activity 3: Give a report. ( T: Several groups come to the front to act out your dialogue, and others give some evaluation. )

(Justification: Through listening and speaking activities, ss master the language knowledge and improve language skills.)

Step 3 Post-listening ( 10 minutes)

Activity 1: Discussion. (T: Talk about ...)

(Justification: Ss use the language knowledge in real communication, which can associate the knowledge with real life. 联系)

Activity 2: Make a dialogue.

Ss work in groups of four to make up a new dialogue by imitating the conversation, especially by using the key words and sentences in the conversation.

Activity 3: Role play.

Ss act out their dialogue group by group. When one group is acting, the teacher and other ss act as judges. After the performance, the teacher corrects the common language mistakes. At the end, the whole class select one group who performs the best.

(Justification: Ss develop their speaking skills and also apply the key knowledge into practice. )


Step 1 Pre-task ( 3 minutes)

Activity 1: Brainstorm

T: Please brainstorm about...(The teacher writes down on the blackboard the key words that ss have mentioned )

(Justification: Talking about the topic in a real situation can arouse ss 'interest to communicate. ) Step 2 Task-cycle ( 15 minutes)

Activity 1: Listening

Ss listen to the tape for three times, take notes and finish exercise in the textbook.

(Justification: The listening task is language input activity, which will help ss output more language information in the next activity. )

Activity 2: Group discussion

Ss discuss in groups of four about ..., the teacher walk around and give guidance. Several minutes later, they share their ideas in the class group by group.

(Justification: Ss improve their listening and speaking abilities and communicative competence.) Step 3 Language focus ( 2 minutes )

The teacher guides ss to notice and conclude the target language they used. Then, the teacher writes them on the blackboard.

Activity 1: Write a short passage

Ss are asked to write a short passage to ...

(Justification: This step draw ss'attention to the language patterns, which is good for their accurate use of language. )

Step 2 Presentation and practice ( 15 minutes)

(Show a picture of ...)

Activity 1: Question and Answer

Activity 2: Pair work

T: Good job. OK, now ask your partner with the sentence “...? ”and answer it by “...”.Then tell your reasons.Begin.

T: Time is up. Do you know ...?


T: Excellent. Who wants to cat out your dialogue?

(Justification: To present the new words with pictures and to practice sentences in pair game are good for students to learn and master the target language.)

Step 3 Consolidation 巩固( 20 minutes)

Activity 1: Listen and Discuss

T: Now, listen to the tape and find out ...(gist).The tape will be played for three times.At the first time you should summarize the main idea. At the second time, you should listen carefully and circle (new words) that you heard on the blackboard.At third time check your answer.OK?

T: Do you understand what the material (材料) is about? Discuss with your partner and find out the right answer.OK?

(Then check the answers with whole class.)

Activity 2: Make a dialogue/ Pair work

T:Make a short conversation by imitating the listening material in pairs.(Five minutes later, the teacher encourages some ss to act out their dialogue.)

(Justification: In this step, the purpose is to train ss 'listening and speaking skills. )

Step 2 Pre-reading ( 5 minutes)

Then ss are encouraged to talk about ... in group of four. Then the teacher asks some volunteers to give a report.

(Justification: Through talking about ... , ss perceive 感知the language used to ... )

Step 3 While-reading ( 15 minutes)

Activity 1: Fast reading

Ss are given one minute to read the short passage quickly, and then conclude the main idea.

Activity 2: Careful reading

Ss are given 5 minutes to read the passage again, then do two exercise:

(1)Answer the following questions in order to grasp the detailed information of the passage.

①② answer: ①②

(2)Read the passage and complete the sentences.

①②an swer:①②

(Justification: The two activities will help ss understand the passage and also train their reading skills.) Step 4 Post-reading ( 15 minutes)

Ss write a short passage about ...by imitating the given passage. Then they peer edit each other 's writing and give reasonable suggestions. Students revise their writing and hand in the final draft. (Justification: Ss apply the knowledge they just learned into practice.)

Step 2 Presentation ( 5 minutes )

The teacher shows the dialogue on the PPT, and asks ss to read the conversation. The teacher instructs them to conclude the usage of ...

(Justification: Learning the grammar in inductive way can arouse ss 'learning interest and deepen their understanding of the grammar.)

Step 3 Practice ( 8 minutes )

Activity 1: Fill in the blanks

The teacher writes down some sentences of ... on the blackboard and asks ss to fill in the blanks with the guidance of the rule they conclude.

①②③Answer: ①②③

After ss finish the exercise, the teacher checks their answer, leads ss to summarize the rule of target language with ss.

Activity 2: True or false

The teacher presents the sentences on the PPT and asks ss to judge which is true and which is false. Such as:

①②③Answer: ①②③

(Justification: The two exercise can check and consolidate ss 'mastery of the grammar. )


Step 2 Pre-writing ( 5 minutes )

The teacher guides ss to read the passage for two times and find out (the key words and target languages).

(Justification: Reading the passage can make ss have a clear understanding of the structure and contents.)

Step 3 While-writing ( 20 minutes )

Firstly, the teacher shows the format 格式and the writing standards 标准of ... And then ss should write a first draft by imitating the passage.

Secondly, the teacher lets ss revise 修改their letter, especially the spelling and grammar mistakes. At the same time, the teacher walks around the classroom to give them guidance. (Justification: Showing the format and writing standards can help ss polish their own passage. The activity of revising can improve their thinking and writing ability.)

Step 4 Post-writing ( 10 minutes )

The teacher corrects some common mistakes and makes a comment on the writing (Justification: This step can help ss master some useful writing skills.)

Step 1 Pre-writing ( 5 minutes )

Activity 1: Brainstorming

The teacher show some photos of ..., and asks ss ... The teacher lists down ss'ideas on the blackboard.

(Justification: Brainstorming can activate ss 'thinking, enlarge ss 'language output, and help ss get prepared to write a composition. )

Step 2 While-writing ( 10 minutes )

Ss are given 5 minutes to write their first draft. When ss are writing, the teacher should walk around the classroom and give them guidance.

Activity 1: pair work

Ss work in pairs to discuss and edit each other 's competition for about 3 minutes. Then ss repolish the second draft.

Step 3 Post-writing ( 5 minutes )

The teacher corrects the common mistakes and leads the whole class to conclude 得出结论the writing essentials 必要因素. Ss are asked to hand in their final draft. After the teacher reads over all the composition, he will choose three best ones to exhibit in the class.

(Justification: In this step, ss get more information about how to write a better competition. )

Step N Summary and homework ( 5 minutes)

Students summarize the important points of the lesson, and the teacher gives a further conclusion with the blackboard design.


①Review the words and sentences learned in this class.

②实践类作业Make a survey:ask your friends: ——...? And the reasons.

(Justification: Extend the classroom knowledge to ss'real life. It is good for ss to apply the knowledge into practice.)

③Write a short passage to record what they have learned in the class.

(Justification: The summary and homework will help ss review what they have learned in this class.)

④Ss rewrite a passage on the topic and hand in the final draft.

Board Plan:

Words Sentence aloud,pronunciation What about...? Have you...?
